*# To 1. w ~ 44’) ) 4 ‘f\ w ’i i/ C "v\\“‘\ ‘ '_ ,‘1“/ /“«‘//\‘*é\«‘\vfl __I Â¥y 2 5m \ l &."M} i\ i NJ +. < »“\\rg 2 sHHLYS nou, EN _ n ninvinnn"" Aaeyiy ©° /77 :v x‘ â€"f‘ | ï¬â€˜w@% ::"Y f ("é//'/\\;i (tu M d? ‘Zm/y..ï¬@ $ Adil \A ‘,.", “““" p \‘ T""“ ; L4 ‘ g 0/1'.5 \ a -‘ i‘,“\u _. L |B.€;{'a§ï¬f /%‘ & (@hy @ 4F »’l(;// t / dE Afa 5 . APRIL 17TH, 1919 ‘* sn hi C on n 7 eatinis _ | ; \X c\ s § ,9"::;‘;‘ " ‘[““//j â€" ‘7%7 hP : {]| oo o. * g(‘)"/;// m‘\ ‘.‘[ i ,,:’/l,@fl 3A# â€"] ;F‘I Â¥ '1‘//\& t $ Â¥y [ SA %‘f".’f/:’?f// L@‘ oo Aortk tyA op ooo 4i‘ tiabe id *‘ Â¥a. Peter Gettas Our Mr. Gus Gettas visited leading Amerâ€" ican cities in search of ideas, with the result that it was decided to install the finest interior store fixtures obtainable. _ Masons, carpenters, paintâ€" ers and decorators have been busy for weeks reâ€" modelling the premises and when you visit them we believe you will share our pride in the fact The new department metvwith immediate success, and during the past three years has grown so rapidly that a:large addition at the rear of our present premisé.s was found necessary. At the same time it was decided to completely reâ€" model the whole premiges. _ _ It is Justa little over six years since we openâ€" ed a restaurant business= in Kitchener, .and thanks to the splendid â€"appreciation shown by the public ‘of our service, the busittess has rapidly exâ€" panded. In the second year of i)usiness we were forced to provide more dining room space in our restaurant, and a year later we more than foubled up our floor space by the additign of our Candy Department. . p e O m 0 PC ols ing d POf re mo 18 /C ce q _ ;. o nilloeoraiyniy o m 5# 2 o 6 O Nn ntir t Papp Ees Altrar t PA ANZ o tan in uon 2o Eanere e hy uo opt iW > V ~‘!#~2&f§.ï¬}l‘sf~’â€â€™:’£fl"’"’.‘fl"f i maikal! o AZpne 1 2. P mm es i o ie o ie s rag? QMSORARLULE / IT ETA ï¬â€˜q-‘%“»""r“i"; strar t us $ o5 o MA PA NNi . * :+ y Seesl O s his y ol Aoae 5 t THIS ORILGINAI We cordially invite the public to attend â€"__ .the opening of our remodelled premises on .jt‘&x,;;,_%,;‘é%f#rday, April 26th, and following days : id Justa little over six years since we openâ€" _ tï¬i they are as fine as anythilig Gettas & Gettas )0 CU ME NT Chronicleâ€"Telegraph, W aterloo, Ontario._ ~~‘~ LN VERY Gus Gettas, Mgr. Aho ht )N D 1 ‘I vaerl / 94 WPIE K. oo Aacte â€"~ 0) C > lll(t (J We take this opportunity oï¬ thanking our'fi patrons for their patrenage, and also for their kindly consideration during the last few weeks" when alterations were being made. > â€" ' > The ladies of Kitchener and Waterloo are . . especially invited to our Afternoon Tea, served from 2.30 to 5.20 o‘clock. +. whoâ€" has had twenty years‘ experience in England . and Canada, will be in charge of the manufactun4 1‘{ { ing end of the new department.â€". . â€" +. | that they are as fine as anythi#i@ to be found in Canada in this line. â€" * i e ramag en m es 6 .. i5 4. , C fnboame®@h ce o T n o 0) n t mz t â€"/yC or] k We am’adds&m'ant%‘ugaggyangl; ce 4 Ice Cream btisingss 4) Home Made..Bakew, They . _ â€"â€" ce Cream busingss 4\ Home Made..Bak .,-_’;rQ}»e’?é;x x products of whichâ€"will gonsist of plain &n ï¬ï¬f‘ j f home made bread and ‘cakes.. .Mnflewéw‘ o L | i; fHfome Made..bakaw, (he 5 , _ l‘ gonsist of plain ?\{ï¬!ï¬"ï¬ .ï¬ L‘cakes. . . Mr.Geoy Clarkson,» James Gettas To Nt h se snn aneieeen se mamiew s # 25 ; 3 ol ‘-‘?’M'?_q:flflw? ;A NY nidicadinii ols ommmnd omaneeneceeet z> ~220 *4 {+"% a & if 14 O 1y i4 4# in l:wmlm mhte hx hift® 5 i4 © KWR 204