PUBLIG SAE &-fl in Jan.,. Jersey cow New Year; Durham cow June, Dusham cow in r Of milk, 2 Holstein cows due 46 April, Holstein cow due to i June, heifer supposed to be fine red heifer 15 months old, ng cattle, 6 calves. ~3 York brood sows due to pig and June, 15 shoats weighing LCOB M. JUTZI, Proprietor. ?A" SHKANTZ, Auctioncer. / 8. KOLB, Clerk. RAIN AND ROOTSâ€"6 tons f hay, mbu-h. oats, 125 bush. iriey, flity of potatoes and ; 1 biglhel timothy and clover it tree on the _ Colore| Gilbert mear Port Dover, vhtg!‘r measurâ€" mhemn diameter at the base, to yielding two. logs, OR¢ gh feet long and _ the other feet long, some of the limbs Wo féet in dianieter, and will be The stump will siso be dug will command a good price. was planted by Cotonel Gik BAY, APRIL 18TH, 1919 § OF SALEâ€" Hay,~ grain, li:&lpups of $13.00 and yader ger.that amount . 10 montbs ‘approved notes or 6 pérePnt. #i ‘@icount for cash 6h bréedit * Shinats 3 months‘ credit. will be sold by public auction tu of Eugene Lang, 2 miles aterlo0 on years ago. relgned Wilt selt by pubtic the farm ewned by Chris ‘eltuated 1%%, miles east of 11 yédirs old in foal by ,. biy s horse 10 years old und »worker. â€"T g006 Dairy Cowsâ€"Holâ€" ing at 2 o‘clock p.m. CLASS WOODâ€"800 _ cords lass berch and maple wood, and 14 inch lengths. . You rell â€"to attend this sale and â€" No Reseryv». , APRILL 7TH, 1919 ut 1 é‘Clock® p. m. the tage of this opportunity to llt of hard wood at a reaâ€" ce. Bay tohm, mare _ and § yeats, r2are supposed % tqll'-mt of Baden, abght haif way between "Wyandotte . King." have fallen to John 6 Dovéer poultryman, . Apierica as "The WyAf; * ‘having béen elected tee of five to revise m. of the _ Américan Is of First Class h and Maple e is " tlbreined, New . F. W. Délaney, ~York, &;, .. Grant . M., Curtis, M Fall. of Erieau,. fell about h boom of this corl "Foid of a coal oug a tew mnm as t skull â€" !a the boom m‘vfl OoF its Jabors in .1 ay of this weok, c oan M w Perieer\ + «l + s ns on wik SE s of will , Proprietor has eit down a Auctioncer of a coal .ug ,kn‘.ï¬m A8 o skull. â€" boom m‘flf\ es‘ Aké a mohth to Tha 12â€"3t 14â€"3t The undersigned A: has reâ€" ceived instructions to ‘welt g public auction on the farm of Henry Zinmerâ€" wman, sityeted one and oneâ€"halfâ€"miles east of Bamberg, 2% mulles west of Erbsville, ou the Erbsvillie und Bam:â€" commencing at 12.30 o‘glock p.m. sharp, the following valuable properâ€" ty, vis.: . HORSES:â€"Fine bay mareé 8 years old in foal weight 1200 lbs., heavy bu’yJ horse 11 years old, bay horse 8 years old (gaod driver and worker), bay mare 11 years old. CATTLE:â€"3 choice Jersey Cows, l fregh, 1 will be fresh by time of sale and 1 due to calve in July; Durham cow due to calve in July, 3 fine Jersey beifers (2 are fresh and 1 will be fresh by time of sale), 2 yéarling Jerâ€" sey heifers, Jersey bull 9 months old, Durham steer rising 2 years old, 2 Durham yearlings, 3 calves, veal calf. PIGS AND POULTRY:â€"2 good brood sows supposed to be in pig. 14 pigs 2 monthsâ€"old, 50 chickens |Barr;~ ed Rocks and Rhode Island Reds), good Collie dog. GRAIN, POTATORS, ETC.;: â€"About 5 tons hay, 300 bush. oats, 300 bush. mixed grain, 50 bags potatoes good for seed, some turnips. IMPLEMENTS, ETC.: â€" .\lnssey-i Harris binder, Masseyâ€"Harris mower, , ¢ultivator, _ combination â€" seed drm.' steel hay rake nearly new, 2 fron hsr-! rows (1 nearly new), wooden hnrrow.' 2 gang plows, 2 walking plows, landi roller, turnip seeder nearly new, fanâ€" ning mill with bagger nearly new, 2' scufflers, cutting box, root pulper, stone boat, 2 wagons, wagon box, 2 meated carriage, bob sleigh, light marâ€" ket sleigh, open buggy. top buggy, rubber tired wire wheel top buggy nearly new, 2 cutters, 2 hay racks, 2 sets gravel planks, combination stock: and‘hay rack, 400 bricks, a quantity of lumber, 2 sets team harness, 3 sets single harness (1 nearly new), hay fork,. rope and pulleys, grindstone, iditching tools, 50 cedar posts, logging {chgins, stone hammer, dowbletrees, forks, shovels, grain bags, crowbors and other artigles <too mumerous. to mention. â€" HOUSEHOLD GOODS:â€"â€" Cook stove, 3 bedstéads, some hbed clothes. tables, corner cuphoard, 2 iron ket: tles, kitchen chairs, 30 gal. milk cans, milk can, milk coolers, lounge ond many other articles too numerous to mention. TEARMS OF SALE:â€"Hay, grain, roots, potatoes, veal calfs, small pigs, and all sums of $15.00 .and under, cash; over that amount 12 months‘ credit on approved security or 5 per cent. off for eash payments of credit amounts. Positively no reserve as the farm is sold. . WEDNESDAY, APRIL 16, 1918, There will be sold by public auction on the premises, situated at Pine Hill, on the Huron Road, 2 miles east of Haysville, 4 mileg south of Baden, 4 miles west of New Dundee, on THURSDAY, APRHL 10, 1919 At 2 o‘clock p. m., the valuable farm, consisting of 113 acres, more or less. On the farm is situated a good stone house, 8 rooms with kitchen and wood shed attached, good bank barn, cem: ented stables, silo, driving house, and other out buildings, nice orchard of 8 &cres with dilferent kinds of fruit, 2 wells with abundance of good water, 12 keres good hardwood bush, 8 acros! awathp and pasture; balance of farni 'u; high state of cultivation. . Fall plowing done. The farm is in good shaps and a good rOne To be sold without resotve. Termsâ€" 10 per cent, of purchage price on,day of sale, balance inâ€" 30 days, _ For further particulars apply to ‘undersigned. Household Bffecsts PUBLIG SAE bANIEL SHANTZ, Proprietor, E.‘ J. SHANTZ, Auctioneer, ¢ j Kitthener HENRY ZIMMERMAN, Prop. E. J. SHANTZ, Auctioneer. ED. KAUFMAN, Clerk. or OF A VALUABLEâ€"FARM PUBLIG SALE 14â€"2t 12.3t The undersigned will sell by auctionâ€" on the premises, situated about 1 mile east of Wilmot Centre, 4 miles west of Manubeim, on TUESODAY, APRIL 8, 1919 C€ommencing at 1 o‘clock p. m., ‘the follow ing :â€" CATTLEâ€" 8 choice dairy Cowsâ€" Ayrshire cow due to caive March 16, Holstein cow fresh 3 months, 2 good follow ing :â€" l QGascho farm: _ _ â€" i CATTLEâ€" 8 choice dairy Cowsâ€" r Oth,â€"â€"Stock : Sale â€"consisting Ayrshire cow due to caive March 15, | choic:s ariry cows, yourg cat‘le Holstein cow fresh 3 months, 2 good '.':’"" ‘:‘l""“" wc':‘.:".“.“â€â€œ 1 Durham cows due to calve TTar. 20, ‘ weat ?w Durham cow fresh Mar. 1, 2 Jefsey Aprit 9.â€"Stock sale consisting ef the and Hoistein cross cows due Mar. 7, _ fine herd of Jersey cows ‘Und young Holstel neow due to calve April 1. cattle belonging to John Giidner, 3 Holstein cow due to calve April 1_.' wmilea west of Kitcbener. 3 Durham heifers fresh by time 0"° ap};; 18.â€"900 cords of wood belang sale. Pure bred Durham bull 7 mos. â€" ing to J. H. Hall, on the farm of old, grade Durham bull 8 months old.| Eugene Lang, 2 miles west of Watâ€" 6 young cattle 6 months old, SBort|a5oC%;_purm stock and implements horns; 6 young caftle 7 months Old,| â€"of the tate Christian L JantzL 2‘ Shorthorns; 9 calves. l miles southeast of Wellesley, 2 mil \ PIGS AND SHEEPâ€" 3 York brood| «s rorthwest of Beriets Corners, 3 ‘sows due to pig May 25, 1 pure bred j ::::; :f..flt “l Bamberg, 8 mtles Improved ZChester ‘White, . boar 7'Aw“ 12.â€" Houu‘old effects of Mrs; months old, 6 fine ewes supposed to be| Guggisbes, 60. Walter 8t, Kitch in lamb. ener near iligh School, at 1.30 p.m. HORSESâ€"Bay coach mare 9 ye-ul*l::'",r'lm"fl;" ns uow tan. of it old, 1450 lbs. weight; bay driver rbl chener, on thq' Breélau road. ing 6 years old, heavy bay herse rising ; April ï¬__m stock, implements [* varre nid. i and bousehold effects of Hy. ?lln.- PIGS AND SHEEPâ€" 3 York brood sows due to pig May 25, 1 pure bred Improved ZChester ‘White, . boar 7 months old, 6 fine ewes supposed to be in lamb. HORSESâ€"Bay coach mare 9 years old, 1450 lbs. weight; bay driver ris ing 6 years old, heavy bay herse rising 3 years old. IMPLEMENTSâ€"Frost & Waod cory binder new, beet lifter, beet sculfier, open buggy, 1 oneâ€"horse power, 8 inch plate grain chopper, single heavy brass mounted barne««. on» horse milk wagon, one horse sieigh neu:ly new. Quantity of Rural New York pot toes for seed. TERMS OF SALEâ€"â€" Potatoes and sums of $15 and under cash; over that amount 6 monihs‘ credit on approv8u security, or 6 per cent. per annum discount for cash on credit amounts. No Reserve. EXECUTORS‘ NOTICE ‘TO CREDITORS _â€"~â€"~â€" ~AND OTHERS IN THE MATTER OF THE Estarte OF WILLIAM McKAY, READE, late of the Town of Waterloo, in . the County of Waterloo}," County NOTICE JS HEREBY GIVEN. paer: susnt. to the Trustees Act R. S. O.| 1914, Chapter 121 that all persons| having any clatins or demands agnaifist ~ the late William MecKay Reade, who died on or about the Twentyâ€"sixth day . of January, AD. 1919, at the said ‘Town of Waterloo, are reqiired to send by post prepald, or to deliver, to the Toronto Geheral Trusts Cnrpor:t-' tion, Toronto, Ontario, Executors of the said Estate, or to their Solicitors undersigned, their names and address-' es with full particulars in writing ot; their claims, and statement of their accounts and the nature of the securâ€" ities (if any) held by them. AND NOTICE I8 FURTHER GIVâ€" EN that after the Twentyâ€"first day of April, 1919, the said ‘The Torontb General Trusts Corporation will proâ€" ceed to distribute the assets of the said deceased, amongst the persons ‘entitled thereto having regard only to the claims of which they shall then have notice, and the said Executors will not be liable for the said assots or any part thereof to any person of whose claim they shall not then have recelved notice. _ DATED at Kitchener, this Eighâ€" teenth day of March, A.D,, 1919. MILLAR, SIM8 & BRAY, Solicitors for the Toronto General Trusts Corporation. SEALED TENDERS, addressed to the Postmaster @eneral, will be reâ€"‘ ceived at Ottawa until noon, on sias t FRIDAY, THE 2Np dAY OF May, 19| for the conveyance of His Majesty‘s : Mails, on a proposed Contract tor four ‘ years, six timés pér week, ' OvER KITCHENER NO. 3 RURAL * *‘ RoUTE, & from the Postmaster General‘s Pléas Printed noti¢es containing further information as to conditions of propesâ€" ed Contract may be seen and blank feorms of Tender may be obtained at the Post Offices of Kitchener, Watér too, Preston, Petersburg and 8t. Jaâ€" sobs, and at the office of the Post Ofâ€" fiee inspecter, Landon. ‘ CHA8. &. 4. Figwen, ppst . DPAN. M. ROTH, Proprietor E. J. SHANTZ, Auctioncer, PUBLIG SAE Judge, Malil Contract oP 12â€"3t 124t. yolh Slacs :o N u. # 6+ nA nA ineattfone m= " _ Fred Winters, 6 Saturday, Aprit & â€"Housshoid goous of the late Wim. Schafer, Queen _ street, Kitchener, near Masters‘ Flour Mitl. April 7.â€"Farm stock and implements _ of Jacob Jutzi, 14 miles east of _ Wilmot Center, on the Christian IAprll 10.â€"Farm stock, implements | and houseboid effects of Herman ' Wolie, 2 miles east of Bamberg and two miles west of Erbsyilfe. April 26â€"Valuable property of the late Michae! Wagner, comprising} the skating rink, chattels, dressing ; i room and chattels, situated on ; ! .south side of Cedar street, in the | clty of Kitchener. | May 3.â€"Household efects of the late 1 Jacob Treusch, in the village of and bousehold effects of Hy. Zimâ€"{rom gALEâ€"Two registered Short merman, 1% miles east of Bamber#|" horn bulls. Apply G. E. Schmitt, R. and 2% miles west of Erbsvil‘e, 0; r No 2, Petersburg. 2t. the Bamberg Erbsville Road. .. e e enc e . 1 rnnrnteanane Aprit 19.â€"Household goods of Mr. J., yorKksHIRE SHOATS for saie. Apâ€" B. Oberboltrer, 19 Courtiand .‘.‘!':I biv H. H. Klein. Bridgeport. 741r24, Aptiflâ€"2.â€"Oro Main.‘no> Dâ€"fichton, Aprit 5.â€"Edward Martiv: 113 PoKHock avemue. Gal ¢% in‘ tHE MatTsA or the esâ€"~Are . OF MENNO M. SHANTZ, fate ot the City of Kitchener, in ths County cf Waterloo, Retired Farmer, deâ€" , ceased. ; NOTICE is hereby given pursuani , to "The Revised Statutes of Ontario," i1914, chapter 121, that all creditors amd ethers having claims against the |estate of the said Menno M. Shantz, who died on or about the eleventh day of December, 1917, are required, on or before the thirtyâ€"first day of March, 1919, to send by post prepaid e Jy_ellesley EXECUTC&RSs® wdurlCE â€"_ _ TO CREDITORS _ | _ 5 .\ __~â€"~ .. ~AND OPHERS,â€" E: ;. ynantz. ‘apertioncth i We pay highest . prices for aswe + and sour . cream all the l,.;r , wnd. We furnish cans and pay shipping charges to out« | side ,.m&" ASK _ OTHER . FARMERS ABOUT US. C S mm mt Eomm Eomm en Een nee March, 1919, to send by post prepaid ‘PO"l'l t“:.A'LIlr--M:“’xwou t:u;lne.d c:'r Loig + , in good running o % or deliver to Mesars. Clement & Cle | |a s 0d tireg." Will pacrifice to carly ment of the City of Kitchener, Sollciâ€"; \puoyer, Apply 45 Brubacher St., or tork for Moses B. Shants and mnn! at Daily Telegraph Office. Shantz, the ekécutors ‘of the last will and testament of the sald deceased their Christian and surnames, adâ€" dresses and descriptions, the full parâ€" ticulars of their claims, the statement of their accounts and the natura of the securities, if any, held by them. near the old Shirt Factory, at 1.30 And furthers take notice that after such last mentfoned date the sald exâ€" ecutors will proceed to distribute the assets of the deceased among the parties entitled thereto, having re gard only to the claims of which they shall then have notice, and that the said executors will not: be liable for the said assets or any part thereof to any porson or persons of whose claims notice shall not have been received by them at the time of such distribution. Dated the 13th day of March, 1919. cLemEeNt & cLEemEeyt, Solicitors for Moses B. Shantz and Elven Shantr, executors of Menno M. Shantz, deceased. RESVMEO HI8 puTit®. Mr. B. O. Kabel. Superintendent of the Dominion Tire factory, who was .givoi 0m- leave of absofice at the the year to recayâ€" ‘er his health. résumed hifs dutics this RICKERT DAIRY, 25 Cedar St. 3., Kitchener, m ® DUERING. AUCTi~n~EF® , ALEX. AMES, Auctione*r Cream Wanted i At 4t Mr SATURDAY, APRIL S5TH. 1919 Commencing at 12.30 p. m., the follow» Bedroom suite, banging lamp, hal} lamp, 3 lighted chandelier, . 6 dining cane seated chairs, good ° cooking stove, kitchen chairs, rocker, upholstâ€" ered armchair, mats, carpets, flower stand, tables, linoloum, some pictures, ‘bookcase and desk combined, corner eupboard, cellar cupboard, lounge, lawn :oower, hand cultivator, S@Ws, hoes, rakes, hedge clippers, scythe, clder barrels, wheelbarrow, carpen .ï¬;'t.oob. ladders. 2 sprayers, about 1 tom of hay, bone grinder and numerâ€" ous other articles. YORKSHIRE SHOATS for sale. Apâ€"| yEHICLES:â€" , m ply H. H. Klein, Bridgeport. 141'13‘3 ber '[:‘o:l:eflombl::::;fl!‘zl;hl:;dtfl;‘ e 222 _ |rack, set of grave} planks, set of bob co _ cm @YF FCP s*ikâ€" 0. A C | veighs. light democrat, root pulper, :\?éb:}- .ltl 3%35Nl:’°"2’)‘;-(‘azkenl:‘?hy ‘:: cutter, bagholder, brass hand pump, nicipal phone, 24ring21 1. 4 3, |lowa 60 egg round incubator, plat ies tmnats ___| form seales, cap. 1000 lbs. new grindâ€" WANTEDâ€"A ‘girl or women to help|stone, new crosscut saw, 2 manure with housework on farm adjoining rorks, pitch forks, doubletrees, neekâ€" g;'_';‘";;mm: J. R. Wood, Rl'-».-_qy:'i""“’" 1 iron cow balter, 1 single M on 10 _ ~~‘*| buggy harness, 1 canvas collar, wagâ€" "OR SALEâ€"A few good ghonmmjon jack, 600 feet lâ€"inch rope with "u‘ls from eight to seventeen month# | pulleys, potato and orchard sprayer, "(_ rz:;° ';““}‘:“:"VO:E“P?;:':’:“C \ wire stretcher, 2 milk cans, new set I +. mt oek * Pn muat ‘of dnuble harness. _ _ _0 _ _ There will be sold by public auction 250 Queen Bt. South. Kitchener, the BRICK HQUSE and 4 acres of land for sale. The property of. lza late prnsi_ Albert, of Baden. .Call at FOR SALEâ€"â€"Q\MMKI of _ Admiral reed sweet pers. pply Josiah N. Shantz, No. 2, Petersburg. 13 3t. FOR SALEâ€"Two new 663 McLaugh lin cars,. one just from factory, OR SALEâ€"A few good Shorthorn ; ‘w‘ls from eight to seventeen months | ~.l. Five minutes‘ walk from elec | ‘rle road. J. R. Wood, Preston. S FOR SALEâ€"Seed peas, price $1.75 WANTEDâ€"A copy of the Chronicleâ€" Telegraph of Oct. 24, 1918, to comâ€" plete fyle for 1918. Any person bavinc a copy # this date wiH please forward same to the Chront cleâ€"Telegraph office and receiva Te muneration. 121. Hosbihold Efeots, ete. No. 61 at $2.25 per bushel. Eph. H. Woeber, J. R. No. 2 Kitchener, Â¥uâ€" nicipal phone, 24ring21 13 2t. MANGEL §EED FOR SALE, home grown giant yvellow intermediate at 680 cents per Ib. Epb. H. Weber, R. R. No. 2. Kitchener Munfcipal phore, 24r.21 134t. premis(s. XRMN CNAL FOR SALE, buckwheat slze. at $7.175 a ton. Apply P. K. Weber, 326 Victoria St. 13â€"6t. JOHN SCHAFER, Executore. E. J. SHANTZ, Auctioneer. 13 2t GENERAL WANTS. ‘‘M 00 aff. Other ran 1400 miles, A1 condition, $200.00 off. Snap for qaick maig. Moses Bock, New Dunâ€" (oe. 3t. per bushel. Apply E. J. Bock, No. 1 Petersbu: g. 14â€"3t PUBLIG SAE RAILROAD RAILSâ€"for reinâ€" forcing Concrete Barn Figors, over Root Cellars, or Bridging Culverts, etc., any length. &pâ€" ply 90 King St.. W., or telephone No. 92 or 636. 13 Waliter W. Frickey LICENBED AUCTIONEER AND VALUATOR, * Waterlso, Ont. 1 hereby notify the réaldents of the surrounding country that 1 am a Ficensed auctionser for the Céunty of Waterloo. , All agles intruated to me will reâ€" seive prompt and careful sttanâ€" tion. Practical knawledge of veal cetate, farm etock ahd im FARMERS! NOTE!! Termsâ€"Cash. of the late Williain on n e n m snn t 0 iper 14:3t. 134t "A. 5 Shus + a5 su 3+ . . )w en Farm | Btotk, Implementé Farm w% and Household Effects. : : and Household E1 on of “WA c ‘.' ‘_'\‘ i":gt R -uuuing._-'flpmn_wnu.. dersiznéd auctioncet e THURSDAY, APRIL 10TH, 1918, mwm from â€" the amiler _ _ coinmencing at one o‘clock p.m., sharp. to sell by public auctiqn on the, | _ HORSES:â€"Bay horse rising 9 years premises; 2 milles sputheast of,; “;,! old, bay mare rising 8 years old, good lesley. 2 miles weat of, , § i4 mu-mmmnnm’-“'“'“"a"b:h-p'.§_‘: old, grey Percheron suckling. coit. . F1 Â¥, heRit 11, 19 * ++ _ CATPLE:â€"3 good> datry cews:, _ . i 3 ,!’ï¬'%‘.‘g.ï¬ 3 Pure bred Jersey cow due to calve Commencing at $.30 o. m. the follow» / April 20th, grade Durham cow due to inE:â€" iz .‘ %4 calve May 20th, Holstein cow due to| 2 bay mares rising § years old," / calve May 2%5th, helfer due to ealve| WelÂ¥ nmaed.sbut M lbs, bay ° April 2%5th, heifer due to calve June 20th, 5 yearling calves. PIGS AND POULTRY:â€"Sow with litter of 5 at side, sow due to farrow May 10th, 2 sows due to farrow June i&th ana sow due to farrow June 22ud, 4 shoats 3 months old, 20 chick IMPLEMENTS:â€"Deering 6 ft. bhbl‘ er with sheat carrier nearly new,: Deeripg 5 ft. mower nearly new, Deerâ€" ing dise drill nearly new, new Frost and Wood 3â€"section land roller, 2 furrow gang plow, hill side plow, Cockshatt 2furrow riding plow, scufâ€" fier, hay fork with 100 ft. of rope and pulleys. HOUSEHOLi) RFFRCTS:â€"Cooking stove. box ‘stove, stove pipes, Standâ€" ard cream separator nearly new k& chen chairs, etc. HAY. ROOTS AND POTATOES3:â€" 18 tons of hay, 30 bags of imported Grean â€" Mountain seed . potatoes, 20 bugs of mixed potatoes, 100 bush. turâ€" ntps, 100 bush. mangels, one bag of white Wonder seed beans. j TERMS OF SALE:â€"Hay. roots poultrv. potstoes. heans and all sums of $10.00 end under, cash; ever that amount, 10 months‘ credit on approvâ€" ed joint notes. or 5 per cent. of for cash payments of credit amounts. > The undersigned will sell by public auction his choice herd of pure bred Jessey cattle on Choice <Pure Bred Jersey Cattle. Commencing at 1 o‘ciock p. m 8 COWS from 3 to 6 years oldâ€" 2 cows fresh in Jan., 3 cows fresh in Feb., 3 cows will be fresh by time of sale. 5 Heifers rising 2 years old all being bred sihce New Years: . six galves, pure bred Jersey bull, if not previously sold; fine romn pure bred Shorthorn bull one year old. â€" Bay carriage horse 9 years old.° _ TERNMS OF SALEâ€" Time up to ten months will be given on approved jJoint notes bearing interest at 5 per cent. per annum., or 5 pérâ€"cent. per annum discount will be given for carh on time paper. JOHN GILDNER, Prop. E. J. SHANTZ, Auctioneer, Kitchener. ‘The undersigned offers for sale his farm consisting of 7 rcres situated % of a mile north of Watérioo postoffice On the property is a good bank bern. ‘pement stables, good house, lo:= of young fruit, . including strawhorrles. and raspberries. . For quick saie at a reasonable price. Apply to M. Do Brick, phone 471, Waterloo. _ WANTED Bacon Hogs Positively no reserve as farm is Number unlimited. Ideal welï¬t 180 to 320 The. Wozq for & highâ€" glass tradé. You give ns the goods and we will pay the price. stu.?lu :bt Baden, every alternate Wednes y. Next shipment, April 9th. PUBLIG AUGTION WEDNESDAY, APRIL 9, 1919 Master & Hunsberger GEO. GLENNIBE, Clork FARM FOR QUICK SALE HERMAN WOLFE, Prop. H, B. DUERING, Auctioneer. ED. KAUFMAN, Clerk. 14m4t d & w 134. 12â€"3t | 2 bay mares rising $ years old, | wely matched, about 2800 lbs, bay gl-nel'll purpose mare rising 10 years iold. sorre! horse 7 years old, couch | horse 8 years old good driver and | worker, good heavy brood mare 15 'mnoutnh‘lbylaui-. soach . horse 13 years old, bay Percheon colt rising 2 years old, bay Clyde sorâ€" *nlcou rising 2 years old, bay Perchâ€" eon filly. 55. | 47 Head of Cattle, pure bred ‘and ° | grade Holsteins, | .. .. .;, | COWSâ€" 11 good Holstein dalty ‘}eonâ€"â€"z _pure bred cows fresh sinee [Â¥ch.. pure bred Holstein cow due 10 jcalve in April, 3 grade cows treeh, |2 grade Holstein cows due to. calve in April, 2 grade cows due in May, Holâ€" !ndn heifers fresh by time of sale,.3 / grade Holstein heifers due to ealv@,in ! May, pure bred Hilstein heifer m ; 2 years old, 2 pure bred heifers |1 year old, 8 grade Holstein helfers |rising 1 year old, 5 steers rising : ope j year old, 6 Holstein calves, pure bred 'Ihc\m-r and one pure bred bull; 10 fat ‘\cattle rising 2 years old, 4 rising one â€"! year old, fat buil rising 2 years oid. IMPLEMENTS â€" MecCormick â€" binâ€" der 6 ft. cut in good runntng erder, Elmira hay loader, side délivery rake, Frost & Wood steel rake ngarly Ae#, McCormick mower 5 ft cut, , MeCorâ€" eE qA CIC NSR EC Oor SCn ks . mickâ€"disk drily. nearly, uwrm Junior corn cultivator,. spMing .10 cultivator, â€" Massey Harris cpltivator with seeq boz. Frost & Wood~‘disk, 3. section steel . land roller; 4 sectéon iron harrow, pes haryester, 2 two turrow plows, 4 walking plows, "bye new, 4 wagons, 2 wagon â€"boxes,> set wagon ‘springs, two seated‘ carrikge, opén, buggy, 2 bob> sleighs vhe with box, power horse cflpper,*zum"w ratks, ‘pHg rack, wood rack, [ stopeâ€" beat, cutting box, 2 seutfters, fanniig mill, bag truck, platform: soeles, 2000 lbsâ€" capacity, â€"2 set gravel ~plaik» ‘whoe‘lbnrroi'.‘ root puiper, 3 sets tehm harness,. 2 sets single harmess, . set hames and traces new, horse blankâ€" ota, collars, extension ladder, â€" ‘grain Uags, doubletrees, chain®, neckyokes, iks, shovels, and ‘many other articles too numeroua to mentiomâ€" ©_ _ , GRAIN AND POTATOESâ€"Guantity of potatoes, about 500 bush. oats, 160 bush. barley, 75 bush. mixed grain, 7 pails Internationa} stock tontc. a HOUSEHOLD â€" GOODS â€"â€" Parlor cook, coal heater, cook stove, Peer less Peninsular kitchen range, corner cupboard, sink, kitchen table, parlor chair, rocker, lounge, meat tub, washâ€" ing machine and wringer," 2 30â€"gal. milk cans, 2 &gal. mflkâ€"cans, DeLavel cream separator No.. 15 nearly wew, lawn mower, large cabbage sliter, and other ariicles. n cpet ie * No Reserve.â€"â€" Houschold â€"g600dsâ€"agd implementa will be sold before dinngr. Lunch at noon. TERMS OF SALEâ€" Graif, pou% shoats, stock food and all gums of and under, cash; over‘that amount 12 montha‘ credit or 5 per cent. discqou§t for cash on credit amounts; fat nogs and fat cattlé 3 months credit. * } MRS. CHRIST. 1. JANTZL, $ ; Ad@ministratrix; â€" The undersigned has "fér sale 4 Shorthoru bulls froth 5 to 12 months old, also l herd sire Waterloo Chi tain, rising 3 years, Size g‘l\’s Dam Imp. For furthet pa ticulars apply to o mgy y t ___ D. H. SNYDER, | . | _ New Dundée, R.R: 4.; ‘ â€"For Sale or RExchange. 4 SHORTHORN BULL& â€" @ Srctectectints s % comiter® medtem priced. *@ town withâ€"stable <in. part. Farm is one mile trom, P maniose 2290 ‘is In Cht E. J. SHANTZ, Anctioneer. 0. 8. KOLB, Clerk. .‘£~§: F1 > tollow» :. aa 9 cultivator odâ€"‘ digk, 4 section 132z