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The Chronicle Telegraph (190101), 3 Apr 1919, p. 6

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*‘ Rimira, March 27.â€"The funeral of ‘tle late Michael Z. Oswald, of Wool: Wfich took place this afternoom at the ‘James‘ Lutheran Church. _ Rev. wBtretmfer. officiated, Many . friends, b4 s and neighbors were in atâ€" Bdance. . Rev. PI.â€"wob-tu.x,gll give his lecâ€" Aur , How to get rid of the thing Wfen fé@rimost" in the Theatorium, E1â€" amilfa, ow\Tuesday, April 5th, admisâ€" [ibpn 25 cents. The Kitchener . Tele: igraph said:â€"Rev. Webster‘s decture ‘Oh "Fear," was vigorous, spicey, inâ€" ptive and eloquent! F9 . H. Kennedy of Kitchener .was #‘business visitor in town. ° : Mr. Henry. Mans of Kitchener has mnd the Hedrich City Meat a t. *.Mr and Mrs. Heary â€" Schaefer of Dortking have attended the funeral of $Â¥e late Michael Z. Oswald. â€" €. 0TA ond Mrs. Mustard of To: to arc apenaing a few days with yand Mrs. G. H. Meyers. ' ? . and Mrs George Morley attendâ€" @d the funeral of the late Mrs. Cuus. ; in Kitchener, on Tuesday. ‘ «> /Mr. and Mrs. Harry Bruder attendâ€" €@&!.the funsral of thoir brotherâ€"inâ€" ‘the late Mr. I. Wey, in Kitchener : Thursday. fCMF. and Mrs. Jos. Heiman of Kitchâ€" ~sud Mrs. D. I. Hamilton of Galt & day this week at the home u. . D. Rits. XMr. Harold Pfaff of Toronto visited it the home of his mother, Mrs. Em:â€" Yon â€"Pfaff, this week. ~Mrs. Rudoiph Reick of Waterloo :c:& a day here this week with her f r, Mts. Henry Heinbecker. .~Mr. Samtel H. Zurbrigg bought one .Mr. Ed. Merner‘s houses on Astnus @ t snd will shortly become a citiâ€" #ih of our town. F. .~Apd Mrs. Amos Bueschlen left 0B . ay for their home at Sterlingâ€" .. Alberta, after a two months‘ Wisit with their relatives here. > . _ Joseph Rogers of Rochestar, August Hischell of Toronto and MÂ¥s. Emil Hildebrand of Strattora wmany <horsomen bave signiSed iinteftion of showing here. The tLa bas beenr revised, and in **ustancos prizes increased. Mr. Sevier of Wellestley is giving _prizes of $5, $4 and $3 for g‘- ) :geldings, any age, sired by +. iqn â€" Scottish Baron. If faâ€" b‘ weather prevails, the show . l‘.hwm be the best in . AA big crowd is expected. L. monster delegation waited on mier Hearst and the Minister of MMé Works in Toronto on . Thurs r.:fiomoon to lay their clatms for Â¥incia) highway from Torong to Ms,~ vis CGuelph, Kitchener, New mburg and Stratford. New Hamâ€" & waa represen:ad on the delegaâ€" the Town Councll and about t mewbers of the Boarnd of Trade. John N "i;o«= of Blair visited Goufkitter, XM . Kreb, over the ; the date. {ew Hamburg Market Reports: ing . Wheat, $2.12; fall wheat, 7: ‘oats, 75¢; barley, $1; corn, 5; family flour, $5.60; middlings, ~tom,, $39; Manitoba flour, $5.70; m, : per ton, $33; butter, per rw., ; ©Egs, per doz., 37c¢; lard, per rw., ; ham, per lb., 35c; potatoes, per . $1.25; hay, per ton, $15. visiting at the home of Mrs. Chas bv. Wobx.er‘n subjects next @unâ€" at the Methodist Church 11 a.m. hging spiritual honour out of dit ty," 7 pm. When will the judeâ€" t take place*" i O. G. Smith of Kitchener was in town. rs. Wim. Burgman of Macen City, ®, â€" spent a fow days with <his in town and vicinity. While 4 was the guest of his fatherâ€" w, Mr. John W. Peifer. ehoir of the Evangelical churcn er an Easter cantata, entitled fon‘s Song," on the evening Monday, April 21st. Grib P orchestra will accompany the F. ‘The programme throughout bises to be of high order. Rememâ€" ®. Harvey Haack and infant son &. Hill left with _ Miss . Elsie for Hanover, the _ latter‘s . _ Mrs. Haack will stop _ there f week. . Haack who has _ returned » to. told us of his brother‘h ‘ une. Clifton received a few + the appointment of private : to Wm. Davies Co., in Tor ; :nunl man began at the tlBe lagder, and graduaily 32 I<-rl‘l New Hamburg Spring a‘Bhow wil!l ho held on Tussiny, _Â¥st, and all indications.poin! to (Continued from page one) of the Women‘s Missionary ‘ The I.?n will . be delivâ€" â€"Mre. G. R. Hampter, ‘who hn Brox was a business visi aterloo. inpon of Guelph, was a vis} ta a typical ptoduct of| Sir Charles Fitzpatrick has sent monntaina) came to a|the Finance Minister a cheque for town to live. One of| $5,000, payment for two years‘ expenâ€" Aiverstons she found ‘ ses given m-&:mmu costs to e whow. Recently sha Great Dritain w he fid not attend ovin,". and .during â€" the l"'" l‘rivy Counéll sittings. shibttion. It is axpeet; rses will o well Abed rsomen _ have signifed of showilng here. The ELMIRA. from page:one,) nie and family, have will be given The Missea Hilds and Noraine Fisâ€" cher were visitors in GUM‘II. I Miss K. Amy anod Mis Inobella Tyack, were visitors in Kitcherer. Lieut. George Glennie has gone to Hamilton to take charge of teaching & commercial course to disabled reâ€" . turned soldiers. Mr. Clayton Schmidt of Kitchener, spent a day with his _ parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Schmidt. Eisenback beye miready taken charge of the business. Mr. Elmer Reuter of _ Kitchener spent the weekâ€"end with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. George Reuter, _ Mr. Gabe! has purchased the house. ‘The ElsenBach brothers purchased the carting business in _ Brantford some time ago. Coon and William Mr. George Linder has removed his household effects to Kitchener, Mr. I.irder purchased a hoyse on DeKay ‘rdet. Pto. E. C. Miller from the â€"thilitary camp London spent the weekâ€"end at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Adam Hoelâ€" acher. Pte. Miller is a sonâ€"inâ€"law, and came to visit Mré. Miller, . who has been spending a few weeks with "er parents. _ L h ad 2 Mr. Alex Gabe! has moved Into the house vacated by Mr. George Linder. Driver M. W. R. Bristow arriyed in Halilfar Sunday on the: Reging, h e should be home W ednesday or Thursâ€" day Mrs. Geofge Reuter . spent a few days with ber daughter, Mrs. Ed. Milâ€" let, Watérlod. f Spr. A. L. Rats, one of our old reâ€" liables arrived Monday . morning on the G.T.R., he was met by friends and old chumas, with loud _ cheers. Linc was taken to his old camping ground and will make his headquarâ€" ters there. Old Wahâ€"Wah; sure is looking good after a spell of pneuâ€" monia, and by the time his friends get through with him he will be his oldâ€"self again. Mr. Wm. Brox is a business visitor in Toronto. by pouring it out on the n%d: near the U.PR. staiion, and the "Gay was uygid. very infld in fact, so it sogn da appeared of course it would. bave been diferent ii it was cold, the red oye wonld bave frozen, afd p fellow vuld Iraav ent & * hookep with «t liclknifo, and Perbaps soma of our readers would take more intesest in raisiag cbick ens, if they would glauca over the re port giveil us hy Mr \Win. Moser, ‘one of onur amarear peuliry raigebs Mr. Moser has 2J Hamburg beus. From Poeb. 27, 1918 to Feb, £7, 1919 the heus laid 3634 ogge. und for 76 days uever laid an egg. ‘The feed cost $46.65, the egge were sold at the market prices, amounting to $119.97, leaving him a profit of $74.32. And who said chickâ€" ens don‘t pay their keep? ‘ Mr. and Mrs. Trapp, Mr. and Mre. Armhurst of Kitchener, were visitors at the bome of Mr. asd _ Mrs. Chris. Mr, George Eisenbach is a businoss visitor in Hagersville and Hamilton for a few days. _ # .. The ladies of Floradale and vicinâ€" ity gave Mrs. Ezra Lasch a surprise party. last Friday. evening, before leaving for Elmira where she has purchased a house. The friends pre sented Mrs. Lasch with a purse. Afâ€" ter enjoying a lovely lunch, the ladiea left well pleased with the evening. : Mrs. Joseph Schaefter © returned from Kitchener, where she . was spending a week with her daughter Gennie, (Mrg. Wm. Schaack.) _ _ e s en s e o to have & heart at all. zunm wasting &4 rallons of gopd old red eye, vuld Ns v ut a ~, hookep with « liclknifo, and enjoyed the (roscsuâ€"spirits, _ but _ no such luck.{or any of us. You see, the 14 gallon tame in : camouflaged and somebody put the inspector wise. Miss Margaret Abel and Miss Mae Bwmith, were visitors in Toronto. . _ Mr. Ben. Ballard ot _ Hawkesville the exâ€"balliff, died Saturday morning. The late Mr. Ballard will be buried Mongay afternoon. _ _ 8 . Mrs. Frost, the distinguished viol inist, who is visiting at _ bher home here( Dr. Watson‘s,) will plg two of herbest selections at Rev. Wabster‘s lecture in the Theatorium . on. Afrfl 8th. Several other good â€" musi¢al items will be given. Thos who want to know how to get fid of every form of fear, would hear this. decture &: "How to get rid of the thing you f Mr,, George Forwell of Hawkesville was & business visitor in town. Bgt. A. Ainsworth arrived in Kitchâ€" ener, Bunday, and was met there by Elmira friends with motor cars. §gt. Ainsworth received a big â€" surprise when hbe landed home. They had preâ€" pared a lovely dinner for him, _ and he enjoyed all things, Albert | said "It‘s the best he had for a year. Miss Myrtle Coon was visiting in Kitchener. â€" onday‘s Budget, Elmira, ztrch 31.â€"Three Elmira boys arrived in town. art.,A. Ludwig arrived in town on _ Saturday, and came unexpected. Ha sure does look good and many hardly knew â€" him. "Cotton Top," left Elmira about ten years ago. 5 â€" Mr. lsaac Hilborn went to Néew Dun: dee this rorning in response to a message that his mother Mrs. Jacob Hilborn, ‘wab weflously {11." Mrs. Hiâ€" born is in her $3rd year. â€". prmav 4 (dex make viee iss e« | 1| Boys Twood Suite det of St. A Good Record. ur in‘ ‘the" latéat" styles, alseo with copen and favy trimmings, prices, ... .. ... $1,00, :1‘30 $£.00.to $8.00 LADIE®® ‘siLK ‘@uov. ‘ES, tolor® black an‘d.wfiu regulit 81,00 for ... Ooffc In*a lot of grey tweeds, good "Attractive phitiras, ringle breastad, $ buttern .rnu.au. sizes 36 .to 44, reguiar $20.00 t> 12 50, on ages 6 to 10 yoars, made of Aige tweeds, in browns, groys, tis.. Morteik and gingh: back ctyle, requiar $10.50 to $16.00, on saile tor 6 days .:. ... ... >â€" 8005 echoot C 644. Dlagk ‘oniy) ages 5 is 0 f 'mn,n..!fi'n”o t Serviceable dark shades, weil tailored, finished with five pockets and beit 8 a‘zee 32 to 44, reg. $3.60, 5 day spectal u YOoUNG MEN‘$ SUIT§ P ; e In a iot of nWe patterns 2:;« quality percules, light ang dark, sizés 14. to 17, worth $2.00 ahd up for ..... ..... .. $169 Jam Cookies, 25¢ kind Ib . ... ... 19¢ Boys‘ Confirmation Suites °> in dark grey migture of twasd, ategt. nunu"yqnn.nnwm:‘fl”:. n dberomg! vaivee $1500 With a tlose fitting military gollar, fyll back, double breasted, shades browns and greys, sizee 36 to 44, regular®16.00 to $18.50, In dark grey tweed, good serviceable: wearing suwite and up to tate |n style, with beit: s.zes 33. toâ€"38, reqular $4: 50, on sate NECKWEAR in a large assortment, nige lot to choose from, prices 80¢, 75¢c, G5c, $1.00 Ladieo‘ Bilk Walets, jin fancy striped and Georgette Wilke, aizbe 36 to 44, reguiar/§4.50 to $4,00, for‘, .. ;‘: . . ;. «8g60 LADJES‘ House ortess LaADEY Rign‘r‘ adwws;" 1. | BPEGIAL $198 1 . ; wflh"-% zrm In a‘ chacked _ percale, .. / with ombrofWéry And laé6, goou :uln(,;, vizie to tgng and t, all 44, reg. $2.50 tor “98 . ol2t# ... .. $1 to” WANTED mEen‘s TWEED RAIN COATS , on sale . MEN‘S WORKING TROUSERS $298 Mon‘s Shirt Spec. $1:69 Wettlaufer‘s 5 Day Grocery Specials Men‘s Suits ©28% Canada Food Board Lisenes No. 8£3008.. _ PHONR 2. S rolie ... ... ... .. 25e Brownle 4 rolle .. .. ; 25c Canada § rolls .. .... 28¢ 2 in 1 shoe polish 2 for 2§5¢ Liquid shoe polish 2 for 26 Chioride Lime 100 and 20c Meinz temato soup tin 23¢ Campbeli‘s soups 2 Qllll"° Pot barley for Bcotch _ Soup beans 3 ibs .... 26 Canned pumpkin tin . 10 Canned peas 2 tine â€". .. 24. Canned peas, Early June, Granulated Sugar, 100 Ibs, cash $10.50 Lake Herring, pickled, doz. . . . . 40¢ 25 Ib pail . ..... ...... .. ... $2.50 MtODIE® in white: in dian head and pigye, made} Sn es seslers +ss 5 The Canned corn tin ... .. 20¢ Canned tomatoes tin 17o Pork and beans, large tin Factory cheese ib ... 3%c Brick cheese tb .. .. 38e Tollet soape bar .. ... 8e Sardines 2 tine ... ... Canned beans 2 tins.. Canned beets per tin Succotash corn per tin Libby‘s peaches, tin.. Peck ... ... ....., 256 Apples, Spysa peck 50d, 60c Sweet, peck ... ... 50c Oranges, nice an& eweet, dozen ... ..... ... 60¢ Dates, Excelsior, pack 226 Dromedary pack ... 25¢ McLaren‘s jolily powders, 3 packs ... ... .... 250 Jello Jelly Powders pk 10c Dried Applee 3 Ibe ... R§5c Dried pesiches lb ... . 23(‘ Prunes 2 IB@ ... .... 220 Prunee Ik ....... 256, 27¢ Ingerso!! cream cheooss, ‘mall heal »40 Toee aa Smail tin ... .. ... Heinz Pork and Beans, Inrge ... ... ... «. ie Belmont pork and beans, Potatoes per bag ... $125 Black Cat toilet paper JUST RECEIVED A Shipment of Silk Blouses broth 4 lbe ... .... 28¢ N#ckwoear 22. ... 15e at 10e 106 18¢ 100 Selid Meads Cabbage 200 jba tound targe Onions Gresnihg and $py Appi¢e®. ‘M11.956 uy wkiis . .. f in white oréam antd gréen," fongth‘0 Tt., wigth $7:inch, LADIE®‘ ' [ es , ivig P chitbdiy \it_ 0 Y P in ,‘.t.: m,:","‘;: ; these!are ectofids, ml,!r §1,00, onâ€"bife . . .i>.< ... @@@ embroldéred! tronte, dong | . ~BRASS . EXTRNBION ° ruook oil grorh: \lm nleoves, neat collar;. sizrs | RODB «with sllp on . dndi, tour or five pattorne, bliok 36 to . 44, reguiar~§1.98 ts | dorew brackets; bxtond 30 > and florat design,, whith4 sa0o ... ... ... . g1.309 | to 50. Inches, apécial 4ge .. and 2 yikde 24. y6). : 7Q¢ Onwl“«l:wrr 9 ibe 81 Brown Sugar 9 tby .... §1 lcing sugar 2 Ibe .. .. 28e Loaf sugar 2 Ibs .. ... 25¢ §even Lillies flour, 24 Ib bag ... :.; +i ;. §1:40 Ocead bread flour 24 !b DA# i. is +s +«s .1.!0 Agate flour, all Manitoba, 24 jb bag ... ..... §1.55 Five‘ Roses Flour, 24 Ib bey .. <â€" .: > §1.69 Potato flour, pack .... 206 Buckwheat flour, pock 15¢ Blacuit flour, 2 packs . 28¢ Cornmeal 4 lbs ... ... 25¢ Rolled catmeal 4% lbes 25¢ Stand. catmeal ib ... 10¢ Top Notch hand cleanen‘ tIM :â€"> i. 16. s1+z The Challenge soap, 1% Ib bars 2 fer ... ..... 35¢ Comfort, Surprise, Goid, .unllgm, P .& G, QGlycerine scap.. 2 for 28e Tar .o... 100.& Infants‘ ight .. ... ?almnv‘o"iup 2 for 28¢ Scap oMru +as cr+« We GId Dutch Cleanser tin 10¢ Bon Am! 2 for ... ... 28¢ Ammania nowder 2 for 14c Babbite Cleanser tin .5¢ Cauatic soda 5 Ib tin.. 85c * t tn ... .... ..; 0e 36 to . 44, reguiar~§1.?0 16 | se.00 ... "' â€" $1:39 ‘ LADIE® .LE duov. EB, cclore bliek and white ! pflcq ,....,_;..'.,'.... wi :’_.‘uufnv.o“r“‘: Libby pears tin .. ... Lima beams lb .. .... Graham flour 3 Ibs ... Farina $ es .... ... Rert rice 1b :.. .::..: Good rice 2!4 lbe .. .. Taploca 2 lbs .. .... Guste pack ... ..... Shredded Wheat pack Macaron! 2 packs ... Corn starth 2 packe .. Laundry étarch per !b Egg noodiss 2°"Kacke Oatmen) in prcke. .. Corn Flakes pack ... urday 5th, Tuesday 8th, ending . Wed. ‘April #tly.‘=|â€" I® #® 22c# 2 Llcnw l ® ooll s m 5Day Bargains â€" 6 2Ya30PY All shades, a etylish fabric in a nice med« m ‘weight," strictly up to the ininute in etylishness and will givp excellent eatiofac tionin wear, 36 inch wide, colors.sand, groy, green, havy, sapphife, brown, prume, copen, old rese,. reseda, and burgundy, reg. $1.78, por yard, OM male .... u... .222l!. ‘189 TUSSAH PLAID SILKs g1.49 * en e C y WcP M e t eW $O000 4 TW T9 tw + ~, ExotHent quality Gilk Crepe:de Chine, 45 inches wide, solore tng:tm *apphire, bréwn, green, sand, olid:rose, reseda greoen, darkâ€" brown, groy, ‘ white L. a » «%2.80 ”""fl" 2Ar; K1{v. M P0 ...-.;.....‘%....‘..‘".".'.f‘.':.... f.'if'Z-‘.. ‘..f..t". .'gfi ¢1.75 sILK PoPLiNS q130 ~| â€" > â€" ENGLISH SERGE YARD #he» (..= <!>=c< .. In four different colors, ""”"""'3 greon and copen, . makes un ‘n‘cs for dreases, walsts, shirts, eto., full 28 inch width, reg. §2 23 per yard ....., e ....‘149 BLACK TAFFETTA YD} s2.25 wOMEN‘s DABK . RROWN VIGi . Kib *# WINLWIW i i# medil® .20 U U W BOOT8, .‘ with sport and high:apéo! .hee!, . WOMEN‘ PATENT BOOTB, ‘with spoo! plain tos and toe cap, high top, reguiar $6.50, hes!, high top, plain toé, _ alzes :2%, to <T, sizes %)4 to. 7, on sals .... ... .... $§4§ reguiat $5.50; 5 Day Special ... ... $%.05 menecing, Thurpday, April 3, Friday 4th, Sat»: : Regular $148 per yatd 00, Bil 1 snpmmaitbititiacdince j '555&“3 mg t _ in white, 6r6 Bargains in~Silke and Dress Fabrics 11¢ P2e | } l ugw- erhanams . [ . .. . .In ‘light eglore ‘only,". in M ped ... andâ€"shocoked | :.â€"â€".apot . or atriged ~design, dee! b"qrrm â€" . abeut~.dight pittarhs . to od. ato.; wordh Adc to..45¢,. > sâ€"uhooes from, _ reg. 28c to **s¢ Flannalattes "5}s?3" 250 Extra heavy quality in.plain white and striped, full $3 to 36 â€"in, mill ende 1 to 10 yarde, on satle yard .... ...... Offe quedattse and Scrimg in n 1 per. yitd ). o. .:ao.ituids . t b ‘â€"or black, in an English style, ypâ€" | In "tap‘ cor ith : Neetin ‘acie, yood streng esP 114 is 4. vup C naidinieg, on wiee m WHITEWARE CGupe and saucers doz $2.50 Cupe only ... ..... §2.00 § in. Plates doz. ... :1.& 6 In. Plates, toz. ... $1.70 7 in. Plates, dor. ... $2.25 8 in. Plates, doz. ... $2.50 Soup Plates, doz. ... $2.00 Vanilia and lemon extracts large bottle ... ..... Be Raspberry jam, bottle Strawberry jam, bottle Kiim, targe tin ... ... 40¢ Monarch coffee 1 ib tin 80c K is tin ... ... ... the Victor coffee ib .. ... 45¢ Jowe! coffes ib ...... 40c Choice Coffee,‘ 35¢ ib 306 Finest Creamery Butter lb ... .. $ ting .. s1 «.w .. t List"r‘s pudding, 2 packs Carnation milk, large size MHorne‘s Custard Powder, pasnpeattnenataigectneemetuimaioenaqieadnns esnt t inag s pientcegtizantiegeaen :\ ©. * PE * MA #o 4+ . ' Mon‘s Sark â€" Mon‘s HeaÂ¥y â€" idns wat pagore t Brown Shoes â€" Farm Bootsâ€"| g.%"*.!"m/*s* m D0 ROLtLER qLIND® SDMDCIAL ©Oes::)s .o | .cs l; 0 o5 :oâ€" 19 white sreiin and greant Tagty t / width 67 td NEW ,;Eunmnfiifl'ii!(k;if eddttse and Scrima, in a lat of We have another crate of Crockery dué here in a day or y To S m c i t e o d m ips t h n n w w d w cn We Give 5 Per Ceont. Discount Mondays for Cash. ooR es n en t e it e O en old n ts If you want a delicious Roast Beef Dinâ€" ner, don‘t miss this sale, Thursday and Saturday. S Note the prices on all other kinds df Meai and Groceries, and you will see that this store does save you money. Pot. Roasts > Shoutder ‘Roacsta Beet, per lb. .. 200 BHeof, per Ib: .. 22¢ Boiling Plat Roll Roasts Beef I'r’.n:cr l...._ 20c bonelete, per !b. 28c Bria‘.ot Beot, Pork, any out b:r r:. 186 psf . 5 . .. 350 Eoas. strlotly _ @@Q, _ Edoitient Shortehing. 8 $2:50 Silw Crepe: de C hive $1.175 At Low Prices Thursday and Saturday § A iarge supply of extra choice Beef just ; Quality Meats ‘Dinner Ware Items 1 §0. ue lohy1 uibiaslch eÂ¥Hesiavdne .... $2.00 ...:1.” _ ... $1fd . ... $2.00 aÂ¥yal ~â€" Women‘s Patent Boots i PPR 406. :. e Th .‘.‘:\ "'w!‘ nsfi tany. uk ty me »o m‘:-m&mmx,»mr wfl" Extolilent siik for . dresses, waists, , ob will stand washing, width 36 inch, Feg@i bonelete, per !b. Pork, any out mef Io 5:) «s B 126. per 1b sity Ht ’T:. your enntainer, lr} n sodae th .. .. 18e &a¢s hiewults th . 20e Grasainde, a grane !am. ervall 2%e. 1]"'- 4§> & s"lese ralelse 2 Ihg Y Gâ€"a*sr oll, i b""z Â¥nâ€" Ludelia mln' tea ib 60e Cups and Saucers ‘doz $2.78 Cups only ... ... .. $2%25 § in. Plates ... ... $1.75 6 in. Plates .. ... .. $2.10 7 in. Plates ... ... $2.50 §oup Plates ... . CSema ner 4 lb ti~ Pint . Jar ... .. Quatt Jer ... ..... In butl, pure ... ... Molasses for bak‘~a * Madium malagsâ€"e ++ Fineat table syru~ ~* Baâ€"~inatam Wall nrck CLOVER LEAF WARE white and Tt aa s E2 NVs t rre y ow â€"Nots, Mar d black, ar C fourâ€"and sight plece.tap shapes,‘rey. $*.00 M natk PMmer B ty it | to $1.00, on rate at ~~ > 00â€" s ... @@ + CR g C Te‘ | VER SWEATE 9 ropuime aogeral e .. | 129 mairh ruscoven ewaavine ouns Pith eve Whiving Feekertet; | it stten 'f: wals e â€". :‘ .. ‘$hal _ P Y8PA :...s 5... evlcyligets ve‘so To MEN‘S KNITTED coartg~â€"> 94c PB Chowder lb .;... 0... 410 oo ce BAE 5.5 ts 5 in &ifl onl 81e g hn t h aryor h JnA D1 'unmgmtfln winle . aoee welent io mm hh ighde, 050 vilue Tor 9e $1996 cga::v. $1.80 °. ‘; ~AfA mike, d couti, â€"whiteâ€" »r;'.mm;’u whd low bubt, * dtl ‘»itee, EoBP Ti Chusk 2 9 0o P) cals,‘ all ditba,. reg,. 9 doed $s t i3 â€" Chaast C «04 Clap : ; a ) Home Clanning‘ _ Gavdenâ€"Secds [ en +) N:‘_"':es.szlflf%; " Haotart faks""" ue * CXRED * oViraci. 100 the . ... ... ... 604 Grit 10 Ibec... .. 0 ... 25¢ Boef scrap (dried) 3‘ int Baby Chigk Feed 2 Jba 186 lt{tt POrple poultry foad; a eAÂ¥ a4x.+%: + !m'a.}.l KÂ¥ 45x‘ senss :l’: $4.00 Corset Special‘ MoPE ... ..s oo s« 94: Brooms 50c, 89e ®nd °81 Whitewash Drushes, Potato Mashere .. . .. 15¢ ‘Tea pot stands ...... 10¢ Soap Dishes 10c and 16¢ Towe! Rollers .... ... 1§¢ Toilet paper holder.. 15¢ Clothes drying racks. 250 N6. 1 ecratch teed ib si2¢ 100 lbs ... ... ... $4.00 OQyster shell 10 tbe .. 25« OCedar Mope $1:00, $1.80 O‘CGedar Polish, large: 48¢ 8mall ie 215 i. Bdb S‘nve @rushes .. 25¢. 35e 8: rub Brushes, 10¢, 166. m’x-mnnrfipf-nwa’_ ng* ;Artateot cold warer paite now; pat Sack‘ss, . oo Wettlaufer‘s Poultry Food The Drpartmant Store : , KING STREKT ~â€" PHONE # W ATERLON®, OYTS . _ tapphire, |~â€" Ycl..cop“ and Pedota #/tsk, * t * | cim and allghtly CBP hy o:) ~PDr w uy # us ( . 4 rl”...ny.hufi. na vyy. * brown (d&nd * °* *) mequiar 40 5D on aÂ¥lé Phe €divatcâ€" +. ,?ubr'q . on adlé For §â€"days* . :: .‘ m’& a# 1.'00Aud£1.acun AT #8%¢ 0 ~> 08 "ygo% Piain es and‘ fancy pattorns, > i «+ tourâ€"and plote.tap shapes,‘reg. $1.00 to $1.25, on sale &t ..... 5.202 ...... 6gs * u: MEN‘B :u.kn.dvu SWEATERNS 41.99 . <slt navy e ra ~â€"< allâ€"sitee, firflfi,"“w § : Â¥eiso To MENS KNITTED CoaT$~ > Bargains In Man‘s MEN‘8 SQFT $2.50 FELT HATS $18§ Kitthen Utensile: â€" §95."~*A 1be 1b¢ UV T0T . wÂ¥ .0. PMR $ Calfmeal 23 Ibe .... $180 & Royal ourple Rotes@ . ,%.wdfir Mn ill. _ f _ _ Sweat Ha}ment bat. C Ohien Sate y ... is.,) 15 Muitipiar énions "N§ "~ . Tée On!tne *hat will grow fer gr«~n sating 4b #. . /); %%e Vag:*able seode in ‘bu! meod," ciach 30 49 44 . hoi. . eBe toâ€"75¢, fut ;. .. SQe > ""consets, in 0 LA . 10e vep table and Wire coat nm\&tn Se,‘ 10¢ Egg Boaters 8e, 16c, 20¢ Clothes hco\vkdbi kn 4 Kitchen knivab) : 18e,° 284 Btove 10M (.., 1 i.23 Meat forks, lorfg ... . . Graters . Srin rraee! B wy;. m-grmn 108, Stock Supplies Sulpt Ep Ro#‘n o Vep t rBts er gaite 4 the ..{i2te ts ak‘i 8 lfi g 6: sn at J :s ‘::T.-zgté o o e i 5) 5 Figwer :\=© b ig and Prow t {‘“fl.m.ho?c..mz lbs t*

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