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The Chronicle Telegraph (190101), 3 Apr 1919, p. 10

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and make living worth while. Why carry that careworn Jook which disâ€"ease imprints upon your face when you can have the cause of your trouble corrected by CHIROPRACâ€" TIC SPINAL ADJUSTMENT? z.. . Consult us at our ADJUSTING PARLORS, 107 King fi.. W., over Zinkann‘s ‘Shoe St ore. ; : Is the Chiropractor‘s ol ) Watchword "Bef owt. . WeR + i. Whers You Get a Square Deal. ~Matey to toon and Comveyancing at tewest rates. Frank L. Cole â€" Dr. Jennie M. Cole CHIROPRACTORS. _ B t e B t rms, â€" Farms, Farms ‘B8 FreOgARICK sT. PHONE 324. Wul Monday, Wednesday and 8 aturday evenings from 7.30 to 9. o CHIROPRACTIC ADJUSTMENTS bring the smile, bopprem uts por stt on e e o lt e t t o io stt mt oc a" n"um of extra good land, ‘rolling, with good buiidings, I, alle etc.. water in front of TR MARKETS. ford, f.m 2, 1919. #8, 4 miles from Kitchener, Wet chilly, with large bank T reemed brick house, good nw shed, large pigâ€" y qh.m\.-umm d with hrx bank barn, sild, ‘ driving thed, piugery, etei, 6 fl:‘i houo"wm\ furnâ€" ne engine %' , oute m' atc., prag r tonesé, the best of ozll. 6 asrea of bust, 2 éprings for qulle from station, close tb 4 anhu‘ an A1 crop farm, n ot cultivation st only 0% sensider house in Kitâ€" TRA MARKETE. \__ ‘There was a verty light offering of J emannke sheep and lambs, tth market holding ra, April 2, 1919. steady to firm. T(ya2.. .. 206 to #: Choice veal calves firm. JaÂ¥etrec «is cacs«s . Good market for stockersâ€"and feedâ€" sn ..... :/. v:.~ .~> .30 ore of quality. Dusllle.. ... .... 17.76 _ Hog market steady but firm, but Th: .cs serssacn.: ~ Ab dlaclm to"get absolutely correct and ; bag ... . ... .80 to 1.09 reliable quotations. > ‘ asy r.ll. ..... .... 1.35 _ Latest quotations: UILLLNL! Bo to as Choice heayy steers . .314 Q0@315 zo shes .......CO.. 60 to sg 40. butchers ....... 13 50@ 15 Ob hn ‘‘"‘‘"rb6 i uy oo lmodium ........ 11 0@ 12 00 ThE BEst NEAR PAES @uchange. Investigate. z... ... 20.00 to 22.00 0 maRKkEts. Apritâ€" 2, 1919. +> «++ :08 10. :8 n rrvces P to 4 si.s arviss $14 rsx sirs»s 5.88 ver saze oas 90 .... 230 to 2.40 iis saree. 48.00 ... 230. to 2.40 ..... 38¢ to 40¢ ... 1.%5 to 1.10 x S uc sex 90 .. 11.15 to 18.00 .. 16.00:to 18.00 ie [ Fartt k 22 ) walk to uo e s t e e e t on on n en e e eB 00 oc uen 0 46 to . Rosenbusch 28.00 Loeh eaRETE O n nc sn dbA d $ 1m«- .;W“' 2.1 $0.00 44 00 vd 28 31 Lard per Ib ..... Ham. per To: .. Potatoes, per bag Hay, per toR . ... Toronto, April :.â€"The market was comparatively quiet today, with only a very light run. CGhoité butcher steors and heifers and beary stuff wa« again in fair dsnnld for etport. in dications are for a good Strong mar< ket for the rest of the week. *A Butcher cows, choice do, medium ...... Bulls, choice, heavy bdiidatine. inb m andliiilatith n aiantiins 4B +4 â€" 4 do, â€" common ....... txg Heifers, good to choice 10 Butcher cowns, choice.. 9 00 do, medium ........ 7 00G ©E.1!7e, EVW 4. WHPRL €2.07796¢ ‘Manitoba oatsâ€"tr store, Foft Willâ€" i!:m,: 3N%‘2 Canadian ‘wo-te;?’.:ossc: o.. nux'ln_ western, ci, er tra â€" No. °1 Teed, GfH:c: No. 1 feed cattie in bern, Splendid water supply, farm is in Righ state of gultivation with 10 acres in fail wheat and 38 acres in hiy, at $80 per acre.. . Bick nass is the only regson for seiling Would exchange for Kitchener proper A good 78 scre farm with good build ings and A1 soil. Owner wants to seli badly and will take low price of $5700 You cannot beat the price rior th¢ farm either. Let me prove it to you NEAR NEW OUNORE. NEAR BRAESLAU. On main road to Preston, 84 acres of A1 even soil, 63 acree working land, 21 acres in bush, good 8 roomed brick house with fine cellars, good driving shed, cemented silo 10x38, an extra good‘ bank barn all cemented, piggery all comented, good water supply, fair orchard. Owner must sell and will consider $7,000. $2,800 cash and the balance at the rate of 8}4 per cent. A farm good enough for anybody. inâ€" vestigate but do not hesitate. Toronto Markets LIVESTOCK. 10 60@ 11 50 9 50@ 710 00 9 00@ 9.50 5 50@ _6 50 13 00@ 13 50 12008 12 5y 11 25@ 11 75 75 00@100 00 16 00@ 19 00 13 00@ 114 00 8 00@ 10 00 14 00@ 16 00 19 50@ 19 90 193 ’ug' 20 00 18 15@ 19 oo 109 io it 15.0 10 50 12 50 36 35 o a“:E 1‘%:8':&&. . to dreights, own,".;:“l";,"i ‘fw".l"“‘_'!r“.;;;,,;. ‘f,_,,;;,‘,.,l.,i" haled ' ind gthers, was the scene of another Ms. & t’-mfl‘h‘ 'l° “""‘MI ?oul nurder at a late hour last nigh«. outside: No. 2. 05¢, nominal. _ | ne ‘secont one to oceur within a _ MUlifeedtâ€"In _ cariots, _ delivered Montréal freights. bags included: Bran, per ton, $42@46; sborts. pe! ton. $44@146:. good feed flour, $2.10G 290 per bag: # New York, Aprilâ€" 1.1â€"Butter neady,| receipts, 1,064 tubs; creamery, higher ‘han éxtras, fl?‘i‘!l*‘n: creamery, erâ€" tras, 92 scorexn64@66%c; firsts, 65% 08{?0; king stock, current make. No %, Mz f â€" Toronto,° .April 1.â€"Butter, cream ery, solide, 57@59c; creamery prints. treah tmade, §1@63c; choice dairy prh':o.cisdflc; oralnoz dairy prints; 39@140¢c; bakers,. 30@33%c. BUTTER. Montreal. Avrit 1.â€"Butter, choices: ‘reameryv, 69@61c. . Chicago,.. April <1â€" Butter lower creamery, 52@62c. _ New York, April 1.â€"Eggs steady; recelpts, 35,000; fresh gathered, exâ€" tras;, 45¢; fresh gathered, firsts. northern section,. 41@43c; do, south ern section, 40%@42c; state, Penn sylvafia and nearby western hannery )whltu, Ane to fancy, 50@b1c; state Pénnsyivania and western neatly hennery, wiites, ordinary to prime. 46@49c; : state, Penusylvaitia. and meatby â€" Hennery, browns,, 46c;. do. ‘sathered; browns and | pixed, colors, y ChHEESE, Montreal, April 1.â€"Cheese, finest casterns, 24@25c. New York, sApril 1.â€"Cheere easy receipts, 1,721 boxes; â€"state, wnole milk. . fiats, current make, spécials 32%@33%c; do, average run, 32%@ Montregl, A(rfl‘"l.â€"'-r.m toâ€"Gay ae veloped a sfronger â€"feeling. Frest sold at 470. â€" ”Tomgi April _ 1.â€"Cheese, new, large, 28@28%c; spring made, 28% @29c; twins, 29@29%c. €hi , April 1.â€"Eggs lower; re edpumm tases; firsts, 39%¢; or dinary firsts, 38%@39c; at mark cases included, 38%@39%c; storage packed, firsts, 41%c. _ 12 . Tprohto,> April 1â€" Eggs, new lata , io im Ar‘ Sorses oot S A touching ‘story ofa ‘horfe‘sdevo ion to Ré4"masterâ€"comes from.a Bedâ€" ordshire ‘corresponderit. nH!. Soon ° sbter‘the war broke out: & orse@, of Which the owner (X farmeér) as veryâ€" fond,‘was requisitfoned by he miilitary authorities, and was ship vedtomg:e. 48 Pi4D 4 ow For‘tw6‘Fears it played its pait â€"in: c great war, but upparently it never‘ orgot Th® tmia#ibr: at hortre. Bventually * wag.sent back to England, where it‘ ~as reâ€"offered for civiliap purposes, ; Curiously enough, was ~ ano(her‘ ‘edtordshire farmer who bought it! "hore somé chord in the ; animal‘s :nmory. seems. to. have been touched. n« Its thoughts turned toward its old iaster. Anthow, the original owne‘rJ n1 diaturbed one fhight by a noise t"the garden gate, mccompanied by "e stnmping of Hoofs. * Going out, be saw a horse poking ‘« head over the gate. Hae tried to yighten it away, but the animal would 0t budge, and on going up to it he ~as amazed to find it was his old ‘0r8e. * s All th‘o horrors of war, coupled with ‘wo years‘ separation, had not killed he animal‘s love for its old master, ind at the first opportunity it had nade its way home. The foreign Ministers of the four treat powers will meet toâ€"day to dis ues the procedure at Versailies wher ‘ho“Germnn Commissioners | arrive here. _Pte. Arthur Bentley, son of _ Mrs TCmily Bentley, 1,076 Mabel street London, Ont., has diéd in _ England Alexander Dutki, about _ fortyâ€"five rears of ago, an Austrianâ€"Ukrainian vas shot dead in the foreign quarter { Guelph Sunday night. _ ; A â€"HORSE‘3: DEVOTION. 2 * tn 1 Aboing P t > * + * rÂ¥iv nb tss ®" &W&fimw ‘ INYOLVED Accenting. fo more* ®u+l complon went ~aflirome> foreign More than any other mah requires to keep well posted on the markets. It is dollars in his pocket book to know what price he can get for his froâ€" duce whether that proâ€" duce be hogs, °£&8, turkeys, butter or fall wheat. The Chronicle Telegraph‘s The Farmer Market fi:e thoroughly reliaâ€" always up to Wemny of the week of issue. THE CHRONICLE. TELEGRAPH Waterloo P:a be Anam T n en is | Reports ) . MUAESMM| _ aprrrearre aan nrge m x lamtr a.â€"My * ~ *‘ The Solé Object of this Salt is to induce those who ; NC 5 Austrinl.UWkrainian is Shot [ and see the extraordinary values we Oféer.° * uhau distance inside of three inonths. The wictim last night was Ales Dutâ€" Ki, w #mrm-l)knllhn.n 45 years fo age. He was shot three times and age. fi; was shot three times and Med a few hon*t: later st the Cenâ€" erul _ Hospltclo while (the vhystciuns were endeavoring w prubse for the hallets.. An??hor mgn. also an Austrianâ€" Tkrainias. fs stil} agt tho hospita!l suf veriur from a blow on the head with m wa‘lg‘ «; bottie, but i Js said be, wil! securer. . Hijsâ€" nems is Mike Hindyâ€" Seriur from a blow on the head with n wa‘lg‘ e; bottie, but i Js said be, wil! recurer. | Hjs.â€" netms is Mike Hindyâ€" m+ral and he is over 62 years of age Two arresis lhiave been mude in c !octlon with the case, of John Nasaâ€" dick, 56 Sackvil‘e street, ani Jimmie Giovanzzo, 152 Ontario street. _ _ _ Inspector Miller of the Provincial Detective Buresa arrived in the city this afternoon, and it is expected tnat not much difficulty will be expertâ€" nced fuâ€"rounding up the gullty parâ€" tes. ‘The motive for the crime was robbery, as $175 is missing from the serson of Hindybura. It is said that he latter displayed a roll of bilts luring the afternoon while watching a gime of poker at the home of Tom Malott, â€" on Alice streot, and that shortly affer be went out he was xmocked.down and robbed. ‘Dutki was shot when he attempted to inter‘ ‘ere on behalf of his friend. ABwsla_At, Presign , Mareh 245| ""rhe vijai atatistics for the month of * .Ewaldâ€"At m arc 3 1 statistics for the mon ‘Mertin Bm’ld.‘!;r?}f‘z;d 356 _Lurs. Am:fifffl"r&om at the > City ~Hail > ;â€"Hebelâ€"Inâ€"Northâ€"Easthope, â€" March â€"are 11 marFiages, 20 deaths ~and 46 + M:rfinâ€"-lurny ~â€"â€" At GaJt. March ?6th, Miss Anna Murray to Mr. Alexâ€" indra Martin. s Fergusonâ€"Roszell â€"â€" At . Hamilton, March 26th, Mabe!l G., only daughtor f Mr. Isaac Rosulh&?filt. to Johp \. Ferguson, also of GBtt: Townsendâ€"Swayzeâ€"At Guelph on March 19th, Miss Olive Alice, second laughter of Mr. and Mrs. B. W. Swayâ€" te, to Mr. Douglas G. Townsend. DEATHS. Levanâ€"At Rxeter, March 27th, Mrs "harles Levan, formerly of Preston.. _ Winterâ€"At Galt. March 26th, Mrs. Rlizabéth Eddy‘ Winter, in her 77th m on PeC mmmy Dt MJ DeRcan Wit merâ€"At Tor')nto': March 26th, \Urs. Sarah Witmer, wife of the late Jamuel Witmer, in her 69th year.. 14th, Mary Koch, beloved wite of Wim ‘Takat" § .\ . Handsomg property of Mrs. David Hagey, on theâ€"Pres« ~ tonâ€"Kitchener road, right outside Preston.corporation limits, solid White Brick "House, 9 rooms, bath with soft water, Chbice Property w o m io sn m e s mt t n oi e fupe o ut t ie e t t dn t rt 0 A070 Three Times While cummer kitehen, furnace. Also a good ten acre farm with house and barn, everyâ€" thing in good condition. The rules and ethics of the exchange do not permit of sending out alluring priceâ€"lists, yet we give you an exact and expert grading and pay you at a rate of five to twentyâ€"five cents more on the dollar than the average advertising fur company as we cyt out all middleâ€"man‘s profit in dealing direct with you. . Furs â€" Furs Furs THE TOP MARKET PRICE PAID AND EQUITABLE GRADING MADE. _ ; A good Barn and one a&g of choice garden land. Come and look this over. MARRIAGES. #Q waare. aw4 T8 8t. Louis Fur Exchange SHIP TO US DMRECT ‘;::;:::;-";;};, 3| *th and Chestnut, St. Louis, Mo., U.S.A. W. IJ. SCHLUETER â€" No Delays at Any Po FAIR GRADING Real Estate & Business Broker, Preston, Ont. 1 ;5 1,/+ ; VMITAL, STATISTICS, is 'lfi%_v;pl_’u_thuu for the month of i StakeH"as recorded at the > City Hall copitnnmiprormeniinmniiz ninciny i Bo You Appreciate First _ Phoae 243 W ate: .00 nevsorpeeia on eeeepravpenngane »csnna0) 394 ).. e0ee Beet, Pork, £ ant {lomeâ€"ma Sauca=~s Every pair of Shoes you buy will bea Bargain. â€" , s 17 " ¢. ulc a BOHLENDER‘S â€"â€" Waterloo. â€" BOHLENDE Practical Harness | and Collar Maker W.C. Brueckner All Collars guaranteâ€" d to fit and eure sore ‘houlders, first class corkmanship. _ Prices ight. W. C. Brucckr or HARNESS SHOP, BADEN. Class &4 i06 Meats «0p Jack Canuck To Retract. The action _ for _ criminal _ Hbel Brought by W. C: McMullen and P. M omcy Oon L der ue sone J. Jones, Hamilton sporting . editors, rigainst the editor _ of Jack Canuck, was settled on Monday.when the pubâ€" lication agreqd to retract the _ state ments coxsplalned of and ~ pay â€" al: :Eli. G‘q_en Post in .:&malqa. . "The post of Wardexw®‘and lecturer MINARD‘S _ LINIMENT. . CURES aarGET In cows. E' Fine farm of 180 acres, in the Township aw.m ‘; mile from school and church, good producing soil ku high state of cultivation. Good water, fine large upâ€"toâ€" ;zuummmm.mum.gm ‘ Shortage of help and owner has decided to si wilt ‘. accept town home in part payment. Price per 370.«’ Lodis Sattier is , <~ Ca1t23" Farms for Sale® LUHE NA We 2 g e K1 in o h Cike® 2 NOTHING LIKE LEATHER IF WELL PUT TocEtHER One hundred acre farm, about 6 r:iles from Kitchenér,; B â€" _ in fine farming district, slightly rolling land, soil of the begt M .__ clay loam, good stone house and fine large bank barn, 'J _ € orchard of mixéd fruit, , mile from school, 1 mile hfl‘ & : chufch, good water. Owner has too much‘land SIM. : and you may have this at per acre ..... WILSON B. BECHTEL: Satisfaction guaranteed. Calls from all parts of the county promptly attended to. PHONE 925 . THE WAR Is OVER.â€"PRICES ARE DOWN,â€"â€"+> «â€" 4 ‘PRICES GOOD FOR 30 DAYS. z_ le" "‘feam lines, inch wide with snaps selling from $3.00 up. Unbreakable Hame Straps selling at each 96c and 30¢ ‘ Inch Tie Straps At ..... ... ...}s > > ++ y se 696 ++ 36c Unbreakable Halters at ..... ... .cs <<> > > > } > > 7be We admire oppositionâ€"We defy competition, examiné and be convinced. Compare our prices with the prices you paid last time, or with those of the Catalogue Houses. a HIGH GRADE BICYCLES, old and new on easy terms, Come in and be Convinced. UNDERTAKERS AND FUNERAL DIRECTORS Waterloo. With dwelling house in Waterloo, near car line. Phone 80. . Night Phone 207W Extra r:o&l gardening land, a splendid propâ€" erty for chicken busiâ€" ness. _ For quick sale. Easy terms arranged. A. K. Cressman Real Estate â€" Waterioo Phone 185. LETTER & DREISINCER Undertakers 2 Acres Many others to choose from. . Come im and talk it over, * ‘Real Estate anu Insurance . mMoNnEy To LOAN aAT LowEst rATss. SITUATED ON MAIN ROAD. and made by In theology at St. . Peter‘s Cog Jama{ica, has been given by the op of Jamaica to Rev. C. M. Turt rector of the parish church, Kings Jamaica, and until July last rectb hnis Majesty‘s. Chapel Royal . m, ‘Yohawks in dpr-nttqrd,-ng C of Mohawk Indian Institute. / THe lege prepares Anglican students t the British Westâ€"Indies and Ml1 9 America ** is ovER $800,000 ot:con and Directerst«= . eorge Dictet, President, Allan Bowman, Wo.%l Dr. J. H.â€"Webb, $« J. Mowsrd SimpSén + 3. L. Wideman, * | ‘ James Livingsten, * P. E. Shants, +. * 8. B. Bricker, + & Waterloo Mutual. _ Fire Insurance ; . ompany | ronl.";'\"gl:%”:t:‘:';rzl&. '”?‘ f "o 2PÂ¥ . se reuteree uies #4" s ied PV d mt sc repl i Beet Equipment, h. + Reasonable Pricé& Office Phone, Watericoe §% W Shinn residence, Waterioo, €4. Lippert, residence phone $ Store phone, Kitcnener, 878,.; GENERAL INSURANOR :. AGENT ® N King Street OMce, Wateries Mutual .u“’ Ing. Established 1964. / No extra charge for W Undertaking ; SHINN & LIPPERT ARNESS MARK®! «3 bey 255 KING, WEST. ain ~o

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