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The Chronicle Telegraph (190101), 3 Apr 1919, p. 9

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â€"_ When Energy and Vitality are £ : Lowest, thenâ€"Influenza! BrRATrORD, OTâ€""For many years 1 suffered With nuraigie. 1t would affect my head, extendâ€" :Munm-um 1 wok Plerce‘s Golden Madical Discovery and was @ompletely cured. 1 bave also taken ‘Pleasant Pelists® and found wn excellent remedy for Mu\-:\:-nmmu Hvet troubles. They seam to regulate cne‘s Ts inss Ince ho ho i in on heve been ased in my fatwily. “M'flrbm them."â€"W, J, Harth Y Relwar Avernse. HOod e P GIITED ISSi o id id T PRC TT TeVHeThce dven into my navk and shoulders. 1 tok | Mn id n the anr‘won in Beeth SbA : Pterce‘s Golden Madical Discovery and wme | tnf jim wuinr woo +». cold _ Sean eompletely cured. 1 bave alzo taken ‘Pleasant Aemommmmemmenene in e i3 oo mm agen w '*fi'll‘fflmdl?-u«llutv-um ewitiiipation, bilout ‘uttack», also stomach and Rvet troubles. They seam to regulate cne‘s m‘w since I can remember Dt \ 4 heve been ased in my fatwily. r‘fl-- rindy to recommend them."â€"W. J, IA YR Relwar Avenue. & ul TE 4 rvalinamat j (By 4‘& 8. C. ti . BG mw“ mthuor,m‘u yea M. D) '.!v"::“m Mw;f“?"r.,; kicked and & ..,,.,.‘-“d.,ov-h-p-, on toay bise landaeape 1 stamina, how f "6 ca son badkaches, to om:y"mh" t Fre Te . "flm m&n "‘ovatcu:w and all (8 Feet ty 6 TRT c have their Mh 490 last the 'o‘o'd P mm clear W im of nt m-w"'nu uver the feet : noofl"" ght *Â¥ th ‘;l»-rivu Auslaad yes <inri i7 m foei A,."'.,.."e. e re, m gling !!hfl.' & -mm‘;d vou‘ the Com"l w wh q‘.d.’d‘ are nce , rich th tiot i i‘re j Nifk e ns nt a apt agai , red flluond ; ift n man t on '°tn"tl' p )t to a nst i blog r reai ting kerd t dn . Sm e me Puo it yo affer { Ns of in bodies r to n _to ns oke â€"» lsnt "'b.n'&"-n‘" | in the beat w te x n tag s ‘bou n'a‘h' blood "nm°koi Yoa Th cn ““_:_.f_" the l“:" it se â€" Th m e A on‘ n $2 is and do In: M Pr * Tink d fresh is the yw'm Baâ€" \,n”ln on ER v hoi en t can CE the 1. and ;' “‘R‘?p a N:. to dety :f,”fl.:d BELT no'h.' o bet or a‘ a half clean |[‘ plipines. â€"Rw imk. ter ‘veget Dn fo or ke prny «nd Di‘mthln able hour na 4 waon etur h« un t sho remed w Dr tom! betore & «trk Tale? do tX ho rty tron y, ery, . Pier 1o thore x mok ed Neond n © Hrs YPDSF for"h‘ch (he ree‘s C ‘s mtb ] wir "'u,'h' 0\. wa léts or fift has oldâ€"f1 piden ind Tx § % re cln loud e and narco y y had ashi t the he Im: tk Plerce Wfimh‘fl, mcb“‘)n ‘(r"r,_“' .,“"fn,.,,' dog # th e k'-flll" Invalids Sen‘ndd" s “flu‘rm old 'v.,.,:";- '.'"'"‘ 4 wo i enctal * 1 ide‘ made ing e S gdi n P we "lm’ wri package },Mlo muh“’ t.no ""‘"r""’flr.“" o“,:'_" .':1 ""m;"‘ '::‘, 4 Bufl. to p. *n pe rire T th iTe a e Y alo Dr + w Tels er e »ma Hd , N inlarme. o ted. Tierh ow De o. i Â¥, td m d broj ,“'n. Pn se tatha uâ€" a n ts Ius miger uP omew to Th d it HHam A. us prize here, e# c:“”h‘ It “’"";"""'flu'.’- nro r.'rl_:’n. «h wich :n‘ 6f 6 16 w n w iofr who c The e t SePK k 4 F?“allluloa is worth every cent ofits cost, the i,-'-hmhmmwmm 22 TTR °D IMS moed that he discow eted something that made him forget h’(wr,\' over the white feet of wornan Af the valley rim no binzed no corner «tike _ Lle did net reach the vralley AAm. bnt Instead ho fowng himactt con of o 1100000 C mIm CP RENSCen AU J ‘teld him"â€" | "Yoa, yes." Joy eried. "What did you itet! him ?" i ~"Well, 1 told bim atraight that if be ‘dtdn‘t biick np niniut 500 feet 1‘d sure {punch bis frm7o uose tnto ice @ream an‘ iehu€ulate eciairs. fle backed up, an‘ iI‘ve got in the center stakes of two tull an‘ bonest 500 foot creek claima He staked next, an‘ I guess by now Jbe bunch has Squaw creek iocated to headwaters an‘ down the other sida When~ they awoke they found change had taken pluce Anrine « S on (ame en enc te on Bhorty bulit the fire and quartied loe from the creek while Smoke cooked Orenkfnxt Daylight qame on As they Uhithed the meal.‘ j "You go an‘ 6x them corner mk-.' lm‘ou.' Shorty aaid. "There‘s gravel E s e m esc enain Ourn ts snfe. It‘s too dark to see now, but we can put; out the corner atakes in the mornin‘." "Goud _ morping. How â€" are gour of coffe feet?" was Smoke‘s greeting acrose the Shorty aubes of the fire to where Joy Gastell ner‘s la« was sitting up in her siceping furs. _ery. IN THE. SPRING eSange had taken pluce during the pight So warm was it that Shorty and Smoke estimated the temperature at po more than 20 below. Op top of their blunkets lay siz Incher of frost erystais iwben I met the Orst geezer of the ‘bench bebind. He just atraight deciar a 1 wasn‘t goin‘ to stake 28. an‘ 1 hen w B Aoctis e i lt 0 B k a uc uce 4 ds 14 20 N000E l uht Eborty returned along the creek hed and climbed the bank to them. ~] aure Emm a fuHl thousan‘ feet," be pro elaimed, "XNo. 27 an‘ No. 28, though ,L{ Op}y got the upper stake of 27 SMOKE BELLEW e 0n l o B ut c op 10e ut 14 Tea Obtainable Anywhere. The Most Economical By Jack London parted enmpany on the »ppef D Klondike _ Shortcs tamk wat to return down the Wlondike to Dnweron to record some claims they nad strked CHAPTER viI. The Man on the Other Bank. MOKE BRLLEW and Shorty \ parted eompmny on the uppof ‘ Wlondike _ Shorty s taskt waus "It ain‘t hysterics," he expiained. "I aure get powerful amused ft times, ag‘ this is one of them." } aummm»mnwtum pag. He waiked orer and gravely kicked it, senttoring the gold over the landscape. "It nin‘t ourn." e sald. "It belongs to the geezer I packed ap kan acollee ce is VIC R "I am sorry, Sinoke," Joy said. "It‘s all my fanlt Dad‘s staked for nme down near Discorery, 1 know. 1‘ give you my cluim." © He shook his hend. "Shorty!" she plended, Shorty shook his bend and hegan to Iaugh. it was a colossal lang ty ChuckJes and muffled esplostons rield» ed to hearty rours. urt "We raight as well brenk camp and start back for Dawson." Smoke saig, beginning to fold the blankets. nodded. _ "Why don‘t you kick in an‘ get er. cited?" be demanded. "iWe got onr plle right bere.". . Smoke took a swallow of coffee be fore repiying. "Shorty. why are our two claims bere like the Panama coâ€" nal?"* | "What‘s the answer?" " "Well, the enstern entrance of the Panama cans! is west or the western entrance. that‘s all." â€"__"Go on,." Shorty said. "t ain‘t seen the joke yet." "In short, Bhorty, you staked our two claims on a big horseshoe bend. The upper stike of 28 is ten feet l»‘ low the lower stake of 27." ‘"You mean we ain‘t got nothin‘, Smoke?" > "Worse than that; we‘ve got ten feet tess than notbing." Shorty departed down the bank on the run. Five minutes later be returaâ€" ed. In response to Joy‘s look he Snorty was disgruntled by ts pare mer‘s lack of Gdeligbt in the discoyâ€" Bmoke cast an incurlous glance at the coarse gold, poured bimself a cup of coffee at the Ore and a1t down S 222 0 Ee N l Sm "We got it!‘ Shorty cried, bolding out the pan. "Look at Jt! aA nasty mess of gold. ‘Iwo bundred right there if ft‘s a cont She runs riek from the top of the wash gravrel." Smoke plodded back to the little camp. Shorty, at the end of washing a pan of gravel, esploded at sight of £4 _ ’ of the former. ln-thofi;rrlvvat'wm and hbalf darkness Shorty bad loeat ed their two claims on the borgeâ€" shoe. througb the spow from valley rim to valley rim, ruoniug the first line frow the lower stake of No. 27, the second from the apper stake of No. 28. ava be found that the upper stake of the latter was lower than the lower stake we shegrc _2 ROnS 1 K fronted by another stream. He lined up with his eye a blasted willow tree and a big and recognizable spruce. He returned to the strenm where were the center stakes. He followed the ped of the creek around a wide bomeâ€" shoe bend through the Set And found that the two creeks were the same creek. _ Next bhe foundered twice e stere forratten fn Tthe frieth of * comre bond ftrit Info the ley is oof Subprtes lake nud fetche@ hofi one Oe on fiee uy Peth oA« Hie â€" Warher We tov celd Nme * (6o0 us o o c m pueg 9004 igrptcipt 0 61 | fmte) do me any . A “ ESA friend ad me | Ks WOE TK®! to take Lydia E. mt Mn Pinkbam‘s v.‘.i oul ipsmtan) did so :3 got reâ€" ESS hef right away. I y m» , N able. médicine to | N ,,‘3 women who ] h»#a’.u‘ s s or, fot it bas | ~CMWene e d?- such f”‘ 1 work for me and I know l} wil help | others if they will give it a fair trial, â€"Mts. Listi® CourTHaY, 108 8th Ave., j West, Oskaloosa, Towa. : Why will women drag along from day | to day, year in and year out, ‘suffering | #uch misery as did Mrs. Courtney, when | #uch letters as this memlthW M Every women who suffers dispiacements, irregularftied, inâ€" in the motning. the storm spent, he crawled out to investignte. A quarter of a mile benentb Him, beyond all mis take, Iny a frozen, snow covered lake. About it, on every side, rose jagged penks. It answered the description. Blindly be had found Surprise lake, Oskaloosa, Iowa.â€"* For yanl was simply in misery from a weakness and ibe buse of the wall, nor dured he atâ€" impt the descent He rolled hiroseit in his robes and haddled the dogs about him in the deptha of m anowdrift, but did uot permit himself to sleep. ] For Gays he wandered through a chang of ernyons and dividea which did not yield themseives to any ra tlonal topograghical plan. Then came a monntain storm that blew un bllzzurd across the riffraff of tigh and «hnllow divides. _ Above tiinâ€" ber line, Areless, for two days be strugâ€" wled biindly to find lower levels. Op the second dny be came out upon the rim of an enurmous palisade. So thick. Iy drove the snow that be c0uld Dnot see tbe buse of the wall. nor dnred ha at. Mrs. C Wuwcm Pinkham‘s IN MISER A week later Swoke,found bimweis among the juimbled ranges south of Indian rivet. On the divide from the Kloodike he hrd abandoned the ales and packed bis wolf dogs. The atz bly huskies each carried Nftt pounds, nnd on bis own back was an eqiial burden Through the soft snow be ied the wny, packing it down under bis spowshoes, I m io Pilihiat Bvdanlt Anii hi ic and behiud. ju single fle, tolled the "I wish you was goin‘ with we," Bborty said wistfully ut partiog. "Jua because you ‘gor the !gltg;qn bug alp‘s reason for?:; zo pokin‘ into trauble aq‘l_ no gettin‘ away from it, that‘a luce country you‘re bound for. '12» boodoo‘s sure on it. from the first Jys to the Inst cull," * "It‘s all right, Shorty." repited Bmoke. "Tll make the round trip and be back to Dawson in sit weeks." cabins in the old days, but to have sought vainly for the mine which those early adventurers must have worked. Dasin. Wandering moose bunters, whom even Smoke had met and talked [:Ioni.‘m‘hfiwmâ€"nâ€";‘;: was and ':-‘mnvdhmuu Ewo Cabins, ub less mythical, was wore definitely located. "Five sieeps" up the McQuestion rivrer from the Satient were they that teay anieg bare were ve Mmmflurfiukun gold bunter bad eptered the Yukon with, claimed to bave found the two He Stumbled Upon Three ér;vn. & it \. | ER F0lÂ¥ YEARS Tells She y ooE awiul paiisâ€"an d 'mmlfll seemed to do me any rood. A MINARD‘S LINIMENT â€"RELIEVES NEURALGIA. > The effuect on ®tiole. was one af shock, for it was the Oi=t Iurean be ho seen stnce he parted (rown Shorts three weeks before _ M next thottht was of the poteytia) urardvrer concun} ol on (he apnstte Lost 1M 2o Anod then it came. the unet leaping out upon him cnP.n m’::'t river. 1t seemed to him that be teard and felt mttaultaneousty. â€" The erack of the rific came frow the right, and the bullet, tearing through and :fi. the <hoatders of his drill parka wobiâ€" nâ€"ont.â€"pivoted hinm_half arovund m tbe shotk ofâ€"its impact. He P on ble twisted esnowshoes to recoÂ¥er finlance ang heird a second crack of RHeâ€"rmwled hnok. a fow yapda, pack rg down the anow. danced ® jig that ®ent the bioo} beck tnto his feet And Aiuaged to endnre »hother half Nonr. Then from down the riser he benrd the nnmistakmhble Jingle of dog bells Peerting out, he »ow a alei round the hend â€" OQulg one man was in it, strate ing at the gee pole and «anging the dog« along i "If something doe=n‘t bappen prétty soon," be muttered at the end of haif An hont, "I‘ll have to «nenk away spd build a fire or freeze wy feet" the rife. : This time 1t‘ was a clean wilsa. He 414 not walt for more, but piunged acrors this snow for the shelâ€" teripg trees of the hank. a bundred feet a way .. * $ It was 40 below sero when be eampâ€" ed that night, and be fell asieep wos dering who were the men who had re discorered the Two Cabine and if He wonld fetch.it next day. At the Orst biut of dawn he was under way, easily following the haif obliterated trail. ‘The storm bad pusséu, and it had rurned clear uyd cold,â€" The. creck he was on was n4iurgh u:bcppegrunce and trended. us it shonld.‘townrd the south welt\ $[XIf a day‘®.journey down the vreek brought bim to theâ€"ralley ofâ€"® arger strenm, which he decided was the McQuestion _ Here he shot a aoose, and once agnin enct woifdog carried a ful} Afty pound pack of ment. As be tnrned down the McQuestion be came apon a «led trail ‘The late anowa bad drifted over, but under ‘ueath it wus well packed by travrel HGia conclusion was that two camps titd been established on the McQuosâ€" tlon apd that this was the connecting trail. Evidently Two Cabins had been found. and it was the lower camp, so he headed down the stream. struggle through | biinding, drtving smow hag copcesled bis course fron: bftp. anod be kngw nof in whaut direc thon lar"behifl;“ nog in se In a jittle ralley beaide a frosen stream and nnder beneficent spruce trees be buflt a fire four Gay« tnter Romewbere in that white anarchy he bad â€"Jeft brhind him waw @Sneprice ‘nkeâ€"aomewhere, be tnew not wharé Bu true had the rale rumt thet Rmoke uccepted wihhout questiog ‘that the source of (the peff) wns the lake‘s bot tom. Under muny feet uf lce and in nccessible, there Was potbing to be done. and at middag. from the rim of the pdlisade. be took s furewell iook vack id down at his find. _ "Ite all right, Mr. Lake," he said ‘You Jnst keep right on staytug there I‘m coming buck to drato youâ€"if that 00000 doesn‘t catch muw J don‘s know bow I gor here, but I‘ll know by the way i go out" later as be cusbe out upen its wargin & clumwp of, aged spruce was the only wouds. . in his way tv it be stumbled upon three xtaver. show burled, but marked by hind i»w» bhesdposts ang andecipheratie writing. A On the edxe of the woods was a swall, remshuckie cabin. Be polled the I8fChb und entered _ in & corber, ou what bad ince i~»n a bed of apruce bough, still wrupped in mabgy fure ‘that had rowed to (fragments. iny a skeleton ‘I‘he in=t risftor to Rnnzm lake, wur Suwke‘s couctsion as ‘be picked up a jump of gold ha inrge an ats donbled fist. Reside the Iomp wus a pepper cun Milegd with nuggeta vf the vae of wainuts, rough surfaced, show fog no sign« of wax, â€" f At all Genlers or séhat mh PFruitâ€"a Nivey Limited, Ottawa. "Well named." be uuttered ap plaints for fire years, and my sbout 5 £124 00 7 270 Sm Pioniht Indigestion as I was a sauf PMALISES }w M ® si. wa losth o¢ ~ the * [ ) M . Tutm© mee (sttemres JW e 0 | 500 Casona 'hl*n "In !Id;qflfim (To be continued.) a sufferer from thesée comâ€" 1g store '"u’xth will g:‘fi;l"u:;nam orchasd ‘:.3‘{‘ patrons of the fin‘% vg \&. Reroon by the teader of the ues dits into the lavatory and held ther». ho g e s e ui n t eece dits into the lavatory and held there.!ment, whic Two men stood guard inside the door the furnitu of the hask and customers were taken Ilflnl towns in c as they entered. > ‘" lin twa aof Make a beauty Iotlom for a few centato ‘or & few cents. Sqinest thejuice @f we fresh lemons into ..w m the orchard white and ‘his makes a quarter pint of the vat _ Detroit, Mich., Mareh $ LSit un m ob.a.um mw“mm from the Co‘:molpq %wtmhfi{ brauch at Military, ivm'ha a stroot, at 1;30/o‘clock afte uy Feoll ant 199. ierplarys of the veu a1 N j while they e-;mly lu'q’c the countérs of‘ all curreney in sight. | A <severith :lclxidn waited : outsie â€" i6 ‘an outothu @.. > * s % _ Women patrons of the bank, with slRLS! WHITEN YOUR SKin â€" WITH LEMON JUICE A charge was laid against a local motorist for speeding and _ anothér agrinst a Jew for leaving> his horse and rig étand on the corter of King " €2 uual;v ROC MCY 31'1;( CI AZO EOU tyusen a., occupied: ~foreignâ€" ore was raided by Chief 5 Police iflynn on Sunday ‘sffarnpon. He ound a quantity of Uquor on theé preâ€" mises and the _ octupants, »of the pleceo engaged in gambilng... A cherge @s lald against them by Chief Fiynn and they paid their fine out of . court baing assessed the sum of $80.00 aud costs. s 'hlnm-knoqmrw,l.dhfi «rs)rnoh-k:nnu-crdgrfi antifier known. -“-cb = ~~t, creamy lotion daily the arma and hands and jubt see haw FOREIGNERS | _ | ARE FINED FOR . _ _ \~_~_ GAMBLING Spirit ‘of co«;nmm. : B.E:t :&:’ih g" eompromise wx; shpwn t one tween the Bnnctord,.m.“ru!wly-; men and the _ Munléipgl : Rajlways ComméIssion in connection with the Appeal of the man fbr iffcreaded wagâ€" os, wha itated by a â€"menmiber "of thq on Friday. The men aaked for an . crease following the Action . of t?c City Council in ‘Plclns ‘the ctyle minâ€" tmum wage at €5 cents ‘an Bhour, > with an ‘eightâ€"bour day. A . proposs! . has been piaced before the union and acâ€" ceptance is looked for. Your grocer has the Galt The death occurred in Stratford on Thursday of Andrew Watson, in his ninetyâ€"third year, at his residence . 53 Britannia streot. He has no survirâ€" ing relatives, his wife having .pasded away some twenty years ago. He Wll'.hjn in Scotland | moved 46. this dountr? â€" RDesth of Andrew Watson.. â€" Overdose of Bromide. wa s «on inmansttion on 0n Hfaik of cer in t Col e on ; the.case of sleeping sicknem» was found tobocmatmdt'w ide. The patient bad been suffteriug from nervons trouble, aud after parâ€" taking of the bromide fell hy,ondup!‘ slgep, which lasted two days. The patient is reported to have regained tion lfilfiii _George 'i‘“é-f;; '&“ tal ty eigh townéhfp, Ko‘nt county, for 2;‘ .. The Injustics of ‘ain shortages in two cars of in | _ "What has become of that dog you shipped by defendant. R N. lclf“.p "1‘1"2*"' do so many tricks?" _ perred for the plaintif, and . Alex.| . ive him away," replied the Clark for defendant. Hent man.. "I dign‘t. mind seeing z omm , dog get al the applause LCut 1 On lnn::lnuol‘l.; the u_’:m 'o( e i way .ml .'.m'. A ficer in Port Colhorna an nu‘g-‘ 2fl he bad. than bis } ear m-'x::.;: ho;’n. th was st rantford 0 Thursday that because Of the‘ trounl: andâ€"time involved on séveral bits o the new Provincial highway., construc tion work “l'.b‘ will be held up m!:: sothe time. It hopsed locally such work wilâ€"de much to absorb th: useduployed of this district. â€" / > Shortage in Grain. | At a special session of Count: Court in Woodstock on‘ over which Judge Wallscé presided, Juda P. E. s:.?hr & €o., ot that city were awarded $192.50 gnd costs in their a¢ A house on the corner of Erb ‘and Miss Barbar Glichrist. . a grsduate of; Victoria H%n‘ "t Arat '!\-n'uy aa= preumonis ?“l‘;'m“ , to n Infuenza. ‘The remsin® were sent tf Baprie, Her parents ~> resige _ nea there. Misa Qilchriet Sloa, Wce the" barbors â€" damana ing mgfiu whick they ba granted, bues barbers of Ca\ + :::Mazluonudnmr Apr . price of hait cuiting would be rice of hait cuiting w be © " mmw’fl.mht e had lived for twenty oi autenet R N. Ball ap ned to and _ Alex. u!‘!.:u Hent man. » yet o ualnre â€"4 and say h on owner, sicknea» was} . * . mtoma af. * % week. On Monday the Globe Furni , _ |ture Company started theirf employres 6 &tmkud&hm_c employecs the ‘Snyder Bros. {m.co.mmmm “ also conmnenced ‘work on the nimne hour day. _ ‘The employse® will reâ€" t |@eive the samte pay for the shorter in two of Waterloo‘s factories this week.: On Monday the Globe Furni |ture Company started theif employres & a nipehour :7 th.:‘ this morning | Upholetering Co. And Snpder pesk 0o. Period us they did for ten bours. Dorteg/the sammer morths the . es ploywes will not work Saturday afterâ€" fous towns and cities went into effect in two of Waterloo‘s factories ~this ‘l‘hc.?ofl movement â€" toward a shorteni L“ the hours of etmployâ€" moent, which bas been recognized by the furniture rmianufacturers in var NINE HOUR DAY FOR FPURNIPURE MEN % All for the Best. His Wifeâ€"And your boss woulda‘t give you a raise? ‘The mear old tight wed. * Lur. Un_:_Jenmd-,â€"pq theans | well, Nee on Et e cce se P t es enate though. He probabty thought iz e gave me the raise l dle Gf the ahock _ "Algy makes very sure of himselt before he does any boasting." "A safe blower, ch?" fi»‘ ®0 euae n an -,-v---"- bntnten rtitediiinathasaase... 24 !. wou &ve ‘endigh to ‘keep out omm ies o eoteed trouble it the first piace."" DbaA. s. tun..a-l;,; n in + "nhochanties Graduate Chicaro Colé, P â€" The Reagson. ‘_ Â¥iddâ€"Why is it that people who are sick a great deal oftentinies live to be #e old? s Kidderâ€"Must be because they get lots of practice wreatiitg agilast the grim reaper as they. go along.. .. .. "I want to ask your advice about competitive gquantity." 1. "Bome of your speechas ware clas ; ~Don‘t say that," protested Senatar Sorgham. . "A classic is ustally ré garded as sometimg produced *y an wuthor too ancient to be rega.deo »s a wus. 1 thought they must be ons of the kind pa found io: big aguy the diy we wus downtewn and.et in a tee ic frabomePanyastth cta esmmc 4 wraies t hninee retee?" aaiee 8t | 290s rus, Howâ€"â€"About 1§? Ne told a lie to shicld a friend, And shield he did, in sooth, He led, but Tâ€"think mote of him Than if he‘d told the truth. ‘"Gee, that gin‘t what 1 thought they Pa Musta Said Something. _ | ing," said the confiding person. "Anybodg â€" with ° Intell{gence "to hs6 advice to advantage wi__ POT OW OP PE VCE t 2 wase‘t exuctly satisfed, how» BRIGHT, 1 S&AYL Classios. . Rockfes, Fraser‘s trait: byxg:‘ando and lo% & section gung to makd (Canadish â€"Prgap, y Edmopnton, ‘ApH| 1.â€" ‘ or, 45, ehief engineer of n C ns 7 ®, ) no son, in Yellow Head P#es,‘th C. K. R. ENGLN Civil Enginéer and Ofts Surveyor, 130 Lancasterâ€" St. chener. Telepnone &41.W > We have vacancties for mt "““h allnunn o: '0!&3 out of employment commun as st oncu. No charge tor tion or services rendered Dentist, Loi?.. Royt tal Surgeons, D.D.#., / !Str‘_u;‘}l‘bmchu of Graduate | Chicago dp;;" t dn o m OMlce in new Moizons Mas Wataer) 0, I its branctes. Ueutal Surgeons of Torosta, THE EMPLOYER‘$ â€" OF WaATERLOOG FREE LABOR 1 _ 50 King St. West [ King Bt. Rest, THE Head Office, Wate FIRE | eotc. Money to 103.‘ i Salet, pigettat $ St. Bast, Kitchaher, igy toprindinaiipme uuyâ€"yancer eté) . Office, Molson‘s Â¥an Blugk _ %. Oddfellows Block,* CHIROPRACTI A. HOLM, Dâ€" 104 Webser Champart, 0) Allen. Theatre, hen Phone 344w. . WAS KILLED MERBERT JOHNSTON: INCORPORA CLENMENRT DA. F. a. J. A. HILUY vig ie Aose and brotedtceid 6tX re? PA Th i.

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