_gorn cyltivator nearly new, d roller good as new, Variety »plow, single plow, democrat, y, top bugey nearly new, cutâ€" Wagon with box. hay rack . with Eo rack, 1. H~C. gasoline 6 borse Â¥r. engine in first class running F, Joilett 9 inch plateâ€" grain chopâ€" rloto way speed jack, scale 2,00~ city, bqlper. set iron harrows, _ extension _ ladder, _ gravel ng fulll, bob sleigh, 2 set Imqa. gingle harness, some , 80 feet one inch rope, 3 milk eream can, barrels, meat tubs, â€"PUBLIG SME Prl busiheltimothy and clover mixed. ww mentign, 'xraw;‘ IN.AND ROOTSâ€"6 tora hy hay, 300 push. cats. 125 buslxi barley, quantity of potatoes and: Bre will be sold by public auction e premises, situated at Pine Hill, e :Huron Road, 2 miles east of fe, .4 mileg south of Baden, Eic‘at of New Dundee, on hurspay, APRIL 10, 1919 @clock p. m., the valuable farm, sting of 113 acres, more or less. he:farmm is situated a good stone & 8 rooms with kitchen and wood rattstched, guod bank barn, cemâ€" â€"stabtes, sifo, driving house, and .out buildings, nice erchard of 3 E}flh different kinds of fruit, 2 Wwith abundance of good water, res good hardwood bush, 8 acres p and pasture; balance of farm state of cultivation. Fall done. The farm is in good \ faind a good money mmaket. sald without reserve. j h 10 per cent. of purchase 91! day of saie, baiance in 30 .For further particulars apply SOF A VALUABLE FARM Ajpd all sums of $15.00 and under ,ggï¬rfflmt amount 10 months @a.approvid notes or 6 per ceni. iscount for cash on credit t#. ©Bhoats 3 months‘ credit. % Bay teamu, mare _ and Ing 5) years, mare supposed by Peace Muker; bay 11 years old in foal by er, blz horse 10 years old @r and worker. â€"T good Dairy Cowsâ€"Holâ€" m in Jan., Jersey cow e New Year; Durhan: cow ealve in June, Durham cow in bf milk, 2 Holstein cows due E’i;lpm, Holstein cow due to June, beifer supposed to be , fimne red hejfer 16 months old, ling cattle, 6 calves. ~3York brood sows due to pig Em! June, 15 shoats weighing lbs. each. prehains, â€" table, churn, . wood washing ‘machine, forks, shovâ€" BA@!grain bags,; and marny artiâ€" ©OB M. JUTZI, Proprietor. J. SHANTZ, Auctioneer. °8. KOLB, Clerk. hereby notify the residents sstate,â€"farm stock and imâ€" NIEL SHANTZ, Proprietor, â€"~â€"New Hamburg, R. R. 2 : ARANTZ, Auctioneer, Kitchener. IMENTS â€" McCormick binâ€" t â€"& Wood mower, hay rake, â€"Gi8c drill nearly new, Frosi * cultivator with seed box, terW. Frickey | OP _ OP SALEâ€" Hay, grain, No Reserv». QA'RIL TTH, 1919 at 1 e‘clock p. m. the "106 1% miles east of , 2 miles east of Baden, *ut half way between IG SAE ooo i wilt sell by public rm Owied by Chrisâ€" 123t 12â€"3t or‘ There will be sold by public auction u, on the farm of the undersigned, situ ep ated one mile porth of Kossuth, four miles east of Bresigu, on Commencing at 1 o‘clock p. m. the fol lowing: HORSESâ€"Bay mare rising 13 years old, bay mare rising 7 years old sired by Lord Charming, bay mare rising 5 years old, bay gelding rising 3 years old broken, bay gelding rising 2 years old. & CATTLEâ€" 10 good Dairy Cows, !:‘ Holstein Gradesâ€"2 cows fresh since‘s‘ November, cow due to calve in May,, h 2 heifers fresh in December, cow not ' g bred, cow fresh 2 months, helteri fresh in Nov., heifer fresh in Dec., & heifer fresh in Feb., cow fresh March I 1st; pure bred Holstein bull 2 years old, registered, sire Griselda Boon No.!fr 31147, sired by Sir Korndyke Boon:; :" 2 butchers cattle, 3 heiférs rising ::lo years old, 3 yearling heifers, 3 h“"“}'ih calves from 3 to 4 months old, 3 veal n calves. 1 PIGSâ€"Sowsâ€"1 Yorkshire sow with litter at side, 1 Yorkshire sow due at time of sale, 2 Berkshire sows due to pig latter part of May. IMPLEMENTS ~â€" Massey _ Marris binder 7 ft. cut nearly new with fore carrlage, Massey Harris mower, Mas sey Harris 10 ft hay rake, Deering bay loader, 1. H. C. side rake, Massey Harris 2 row corn, cultivator neaily new, Climax cultivator, sprinx tooth cultivator, 12 tube hgy drill, land rol ler, 2 furrow | Verity riding plow, walking plow No. 7, Cockshutt walking plow, potato plow, disc, Nisco marure spreader nearly new, 4 section iron harrow,>3, section iron hurrow new, 2 scuffiers; 2 gopd wagons one with hos and shelving, Spring seat, pailt bob Slcighs, ‘bussgyâ€"â€"Bole.. road‘ cart,> 1? seated democraf" with pole md‘{bfl . market sleigh with pole and shafts., 12 horse power I. . C. #asoline eny some belts steel frame circular saw, truck ac::ulés 2000 ibs capacity, spray pump with barrel, power horse clipâ€" per, Chatham fanning mill, cutting box. (hand or power), emery grinder for power, corn sheller, corn planter. TERXMS OF SALNâ€" Veal calves, butcher cattle and all sums of $14.00 and under, cash; over that amount 12 months‘ credit on approved security or 5 per cent. discount for cash on credit amounts. °_A quartity of Marquisâ€"spring wheht for seed. . j CA A few bush. Green Mountain seed potatoes. cream separator No. 15 nearly new, number of pails, solid oak extension! table good as rew, and many other articles too numerous to mention. t 39 acre farm and 4 city lots. Would consider me%g’m priced property in town with stable im part payment. Farm is one mile from Post Office school and church. Good land and buildings. Apply Box 30, Chronicle Telegraph. _ 3â€"3â€"f WEDNESDAY, APRIL 2ND, 1919 HOUSEHOLD EFFECTSâ€"Dc Laval It enters thousands of homes every week and covers the field thoroughly. . Advertisc Auction Sales and I Farms for Sale | Printed here on short notice. Give us your next geder. For Sale or Exchange. CHRONICLEâ€"TELECRAPR | JOHN M. BECHTEL, Proprietor. E. J. SHANTZ, Auctioneer, O. S. KOLB, Clerk. 11â€" H. B. DUERING Exparienced Auctioneer and Valuator Number of ‘years experience as Auctioneerâ€"Practical knowâ€" ledge of values of real estate, live stock, implements, etc. Phons 136, Waterioo, Auction Sa le Bills > [ TRE cnuadmicueâ€"rercaonrarn 1â€"3t | _ CATTLEâ€" 8 choice dai‘ry Cowsâ€" ; Ayrshire cow due to caive March 13, |Holsteth cow fresh 3 months, 2 good "Durhqr‘cows due to calve Mar. 10, iDurham cow fresh Mur. 1, 2 Jersey ‘and Holstein cross cows due Mar. T, ‘Holstei meow due to calve April 1, ‘Holstein cow due to calve April !. ‘s Durhan heifers fresh by time o {sale. Pure‘ bred Durham bull 7 mos. ‘old, grade Durham bull 8 months eld. udA . itc ies Albiaictasichsein Allds t Bd ril _ 8th,â€"§ Sate k !homs; 6 young cattle 7 months old.!:(' choics @airy cows, young cat‘le Shorthorns; 9 calves. !;ml ‘#s belonging to D. M. Roth, 1 PIGS AND SHEEPâ€" 3 York broed Wile eist OLWflnot Centre, 4 miles ï¬npmpflglay%lmbwd'."o‘““m' sows 009 + {April 9.â€"Stock sale consisting of the Improved /Ahester White, boar 'l“ fine herd Of Jersey caws and young !fnomhs old, 6 fine @#es supposed to be cattle belonging to John Gildner, 3 jin Nateb__ miles wesr of Kitebener. t NHORSERâ€"Bay ceoach mare 9 Y89"5i apeq; 19â€"â€"Re : cstate consisting of n lold, 11450 ths. weight; bay driver N®â€"| ‘yatuabte farin of 113 acres belongin= ;’ing 6 years old, heavy bay herse risingl to Daniel Shantz near Pine Hil 12 years old. | _ school house, on th Huron road, 7 , Quantity of Rural New York pota {taes for seed. | TERMS OF SALEâ€" Potatoes and .sums of $15 and unrder cash; over that amount 6 months/ credit on approves security, or 6 per céent. per annum [discount for cash on credif amounts. i No Reserve. IMPLEMENTSâ€"Frost & Wood binâ€" . der nearly new, Frost & Wood mower new, Frost & Wood horse rake new. ’,.\!r('ormick dise drill, Massey Harris ;ha_\ loader fearly new, dise harrow, {steel rolter nearly new, Climax cu}â€" tivator nearly new; 4â€"seetion harrows, 2â€"furrow riding plow, walking plow, 2 scufflers, 2 sets heary sleighs, set‘ light sleighs, cutter, light democrat, ;light apring weagon, heavy‘ Jacksonl . wagon, epen buggy; top buggy," hay rack, flat rack, wood rack, Interna: |tiona} 8 horse power gasoline engine, ; mounted on truck, with saw combinâ€" ‘ed; Wilkinson blower cutting box, ‘Toronto grakimr chopper, 1080 ft. belting, !* fannming mills, turnip pulper, stone ‘boat, hog crate, set scales cap. 2,000 lbs. R l TUVESDAY, APRIL 8, 1919 Commeneing at 1 o‘clock p. m., . the follow ing : â€" 6 young cattle 6 months old, Shortâ€" horns; 6 young cattle 7 months old, Shorthorns; 9 calves. IMPLEMENTSâ€"â€" Frost & Wood corn binder new, beet lifter, beet scuffler, open buggy, J oneâ€"horse power, 8 inch plate grain â€" chopper, . single heavy brass mounted harne«s, on« horse milk wason, one borse sleigh neu.ly new. HORSFESâ€"Light driving | mare 10 Fearsa old, hackney colt. MISCELLANEOUS â€" fron kettie, feed boiler, Magnet cream separaor, Melotte cream separator, Daisy churn, butter worker, incubator, . of} . tank cap. 40 gals., barrel orchard sprayer, table, coolé stove, washing machine and wringer, sofa, churn, quantity of seed potatoes, qnantity barrels, shot gun, etc. TERMS OF SALEâ€"Hogs, poultry, Commencing at 12.30 o‘clock p. m sharp, the following: TERMS OF SALEâ€"Hogs, poultry, and all sums of $10.00 and under, eash; over that amount months‘ credit will be given on approved se curity. A discount of 5 perf cent. afâ€" lowed off for cash on sums entitled to credit. _ Salé at 12.30 p.m. Lease expired. 28 HEAD CATTLEâ€" Durham cow, fresh; Durham cow due time of sale, grade cow dne in September, grade cow due.in December, 5 heifers due in Oct., 2 heifers due in Dec., 3 steers rising 2 years, heifer rising 2 years, 4 stcers rising 1 year, 9 calves. ‘ HARNESSâ€"Heavy set harness, set light backâ€"band harness, set buggy harness, 2 sets plow harness, 7 collars, pair leatber fly nets. 65 PIGSâ€"S5 sows with pigs at foot, 11 fat bogs, 11 shoats weighing from 100 to 150 lbs. POULTRYâ€" 3 geese, 1 gander; a quantity of eggs; 40 Plymouth Rock and White Leghorn bens; Rock cockâ€" erel. 9 SHEEPâ€"6 ewes with lamb, 3 ewe lambs. â€" ‘:{o’ at 12.30 pm. Lease expired. | JOHN GILDNER, Prop. ALBERT WILLIAMSON® Proprietor| â€"g" 3. gHWAWTZ, Anction THURSDAY, APRIL 3RD, 1919 and Household Effects. | PAN. M. ROTH, Proprietor E. J. SHANTZ, Abctionecr PUBLIG SAE UNRESERVED 6 o k% 4 SHORTHORN BULLS | FOR SALE. Aprit "Tetâ€"Purat " stotk, b?p&llenu and household goods, longing to Stanley â€" Schweitzer, the Louis Schweitzer Tarm at Brnanpor'.‘ April 2.â€"Farm stock and impiements of Johm M., Bechie}, one north 4 :kqouth.dmnuem t Brea April‘3â€" Complete â€" livery outfit of Fred Winters, Kitchener. Saturday, April 5.â€"Houseiioid goous of the late<Wni Sobafer, Queen street, Kitchener, near Masters‘ Flour Mill. Aprit 7.â€"Faruh stock and implements of Jacob Jutzi, 1%% miles east of «Wilmot Center, on the Christian "asoho farm. . , Bayâ€"earriage horse 9 yenrs old. TERMS OF SALEâ€" Time up to ten menths will be given on approved joint motes bearing interest at 5 per cent. per annum.. or 5 per cent. fer amnum discount wi#ll be given tor cash on time paper. March 28.â€"Househoid goods of Mrs s~hool house, on, th Huron road, 7 mules east of Maysviite, 4 milos wesl] of New Dundee, 4 miles sou h ol" Baden. < j Aprii 12.â€"Household effects of M~s. Guggisberg, 60. Walter St., Kitch: ener near High School, at 1.30 p.m. | April 16.â€"Farm stock, imp‘ ments and ho isend s rLools ac" (2..Zim merman, 1% miles east of 3 .ubers and 2%, miles west of Erbsville, ua the 1)~inbérgâ€"Erbsville Road. April 19. Household goods of Mr. &A B. Oberholtzer, 19 Courtland Ave., nesr the old Shirt Factory, at 1.30 _ The undersignred will sell by public auction bis choice herd of pure bred Joersey cattle on _8 COWS from 3 to 6 years oldâ€" 2 cows fresh in Jan., 3 cows fresh in Feb., 3 cows will be fresh by time of sale. 5 Heifers rising 2 years old all being bred â€"since New Years; â€" six Calves dropped in 1918, * young calves, pure bred Jersey bull, if not vréviqusly sold; fine roan pure bred Shorthorn bull ane year old. z The undersigned. has for sale 4 Shorthornm bulls from 5 to 12 months otd, also the herd sire Waterloo Chiefâ€" tain, rising 3 years, Sire and Dam Imp. For further parâ€" ticulars apply to Ampril 10.â€" Farm siwck. implement« and _ householith eMfecis of Hermans Woife, 2 miles gast of Bamberg and two miles woeas of Erbsville, § May 3.â€"Howseholl effécts of the late Jacab . Trecgch, ‘jn the villag» of WeBestevy. > ©*0" Commencing at 1 o‘clock p. m March 28.â€"Farin stock tincluded regâ€" â€" istered horses), and implements of obert Stewagt, Cof. 5. Pecl .3% _mflés wes* of Floradale. , March 29.â€"Realâ€"estate and hoas*hold effects, étc., ‘of the late Georgs Schneider in Elmira. March 31.â€"Implements and household effects of Leander Tyler in Floraâ€" dale. oF : Choice Pure Bred Jersey Cattle. ALEX. AMES, Auctioneer. March 28.â€"E‘mer Deans, Con. 7, on West River road. March 27.â€"L. W. Kitchen, South Dumâ€" pri PUBLIG AUSTION WEDNESDAY, APRIL 9, 1919 Noew Dundee, R. R. 1. GEO.â€"G. CLASS, Auctioneer D. H. SNYDER, 17â€"4t '.;:; ‘1x13 ft.. 3 dressors. wash stand enainâ€" od »Med iron bed with springs and matâ€" ‘ ress, 2 sotid ozk bedâ€" room chairs, 1{9 arge mirror. good chamber set, Bisâ€" pf 3€‘ carpet sweeper, 9 yds. of straw matting. kitchen cabinet, 6 kitchen jchairs, child‘s chair, leaf table, wickâ€" *~ jer baby carriage and .one other baby __ carriage. washing machine, wringer, Bedroom suite, hanging lamp, hall lamp, 3: lighted chandelier, @ dining cane seated chairs, good cooking ‘stove. kitchen chairs, rocker, uphoistâ€" ered armchair, mats, carpets, flowor ]lt.ld. tables, linoleum, some picturcs, *bookease and desk combined, corner }cupboud. cellar cupboard,; lounge lP'†mower, hand cultivator, _ saws ‘commncing at one . o‘clock, p.m., sharp, the following property, viz.; ! _ HOUSRHOLD _ EFFECTS:â€"Solld ! valnut sigeboard, extension table, 5 cather bottom dining room chairs ub 1 arm chair, centre table, 2 small ncy tables, another small table, new vook case and writing desk combined, l muslc cabinet, hall stand, 4 large leathâ€" |er upholstered rockers, new rug 7x9 ft., qnew rug Sxll ft, rug Tx9 ft. large quantity of sta‘v carpet, new linocleam _ There will be sold by public auctiof at 230 Queen St. South, Kitchenér, the ‘household goods of the late Wiliam Schafer, on « Commencing at 12.30 p. m., the follow hoes, rakes, hedge clippers, scythe, vider barrels, wheelbarrow, carpen ter tools, ladders. 2 sprayers, about 1 ton of hay, bone grinder and numer ous other articles. ‘ acle will be so d by pub ie auction on the premiges, of the undersigned situated at the Cor. of Elgin and Queen Sts., Waterloo, on mb tub, jawn mower, 80 ft. 12 in. chiclen neiting, number of pictures, 100 fruit jars, .statute, electric irou, electric toaster, alarm clock, Special kitchen range good as new, all stove utensi‘s. large quantity‘of dishes, glass vware. forks, shovels, rakes, tools and 2 ‘of of other articles too numerous to mention. No reserve. IN THE MATTER OF THE ESTATE CF MENNO M. SHANTZ, late of the City of Kitchener, in the County cf Waterloo, Retired Farmer, deâ€" ceased. _ NOTICE is hereoy given pursuant to "The Revised Statutes of Ontario," 1914, chapter 121, that all creditors and ethers having claims against the estate of the said Menno M. Shantz, who died on or about the eleventh day of December, 1817, are required. on ‘or before the thirtyâ€"first day of March, 1919, to serd by post prepaid or deliver to Messrs. Clement & Cle ment ot,fl{é\(‘,ity’ol Kitchener, Solici tors for Moses B. Shantz and Elven Shantz, the executors of the last will and testament of the said decersed their â€" Chriétian and â€" surnames, | adâ€" dressea and descriptions, the full parâ€" ticulars of their claims, the statement of their accounts and the nature of the securities, if any, Reld by them. And further take notice that atior such last mentioned date the said exâ€" ecutors will proceed to distribute the assets of the deceased among the partiea entitled thereto, having reâ€" gard only to the claims of which they shcll thent have notice, and that the said executors will not be liable for the 1 assets or any part thereof to &4y pe..â€"n or persons of whose claims notice shall not have been received by them at the time of such distribetion. Dated the 13th day of March, 1919. . . CLEMENT & CLEMENT, Solicitors for Moses MR Shantz and Elven Shantrz, executors of Menno M. Shantz, deceased. ‘The nndersitned offers for sale his valua‘ie 100 scre farm. lot 7, west ha)? 10 cont*<sipn Wellesley, convenâ€" jent to m»arket, school and â€" cBurch, TERMS CASH. SATURDAY, APRIL 5TH. 1919 Hoasehold Effects, etc. Hovsehold Pffects,. etec JOHN SCHAFER, Executors SATURDAY, MARCH 29, 1919, ALEX. SCHAFER E. J. SHANTZ, Auctioncer PUBLIG SALE GEORGE LACK, Proprietor. JOHN LACK, Clerk. H. 8. DUERING, Auctioneer. FARM FOR SALE. Termsâ€"Cash 122 12 2t commencing at one o‘clock p.m., sharp. HORSES:â€"Bay horse rising 9 years oid, bay mare rising 8 years oid, good road team, mare and gelding, 3 years ofd, grey Percheron suckling colt. IMPLEMENTS: â€"Deering 6 ft. bindâ€" er with sheaf carrier nearly new, Deering 5 ft. mower nearly new, Deerâ€" ing disc drill nearly new, new Frost and Wood 3â€"section land roller, 2 furrow | gang plow, hill side plow, Caockshutt 24furrow riling plow, sceufâ€" fer, hay fork with 100 ft. of ropeâ€"and nulleys. VEHIJCLES:â€"Ford automobile, lumâ€" ~ar wagon. combination stock and hay ack, set of gravel plunks, set of bob «leighs, light democrat, root pulper, cutter, bagholder, brass hand pump. lowa 60 egg round incubator, platâ€" torm scales, cap. 1000 Ths. new grindâ€" stone, new erosscut saw, 2. manure forks. piteh forks, doubletrees, neckâ€" yoke. °_ There will} be sold by public auction on the prémises of the undersigned sitmated 2 miles west of Erbsville, on CATTLE:â€"3 good dairy cows: Pure bred Jersey cow due to calve April 20th, grade Durham cow due to ‘alve May 20th, Holstein cow due to calve May 25th, heifer due to calve April 25th, heifer due to calve June 20th, 5 yearling calves. PIGS AND POULTRY:â€"Sow with litter of 5 at side, sow due to farrow May 10th, 2 sows due to farrow June I5th, one sow due to farrow June 22nd, 4 shoats 3 months old. 20 chickâ€" ens HOUSEHOLD EFFECTS:~Cooking stove, box stove, stove pipes, Standâ€" ard cream separator nearly new kitâ€" chen chairs, etc. yA\'. ROOTS AND POTATOES:â€" 10 tons of hay, 30 bags of imported Green . Mountain seed potatoes, 20 bags of mixed potatoes, 100 bush, turâ€" nips, 100 ‘bush. mangels, one bag of white Wonder seed beans. TERMS OF SALE:â€"Hay. rgots poultry. potatoes, beans and all sums of $10.00 and under. cash; over that amount. 10 months‘ credit on approvyâ€" ed joint notes. or 5 per cent. off for cash payments of credit amounts. InERrman woOLurE, Prop. H. B. DUERING, Auctioneer. ED. KAUFMAN, Clerk. RICKERT DAIRY, 25 Cedar St, A, , Kitehener, Ont. There will tbo soid by public auction on the ‘premises, the houschold goods belonging to the estate of the late Mrs. Charlotte Schrader, 44 Weber street east, Kitchener, commencing at 1 o‘clock, tne foliow ing: Cooking stove, heater. gas plate, parlor suite, rockers, cha:rs, curtains, sideboard, hall stand. couch, tabies, beds, bureau ‘dressers, washstan>s, carpets, rug, linoleum, oilcloth, carâ€" pet sweeper, motor washer, some wood and coal, lawn mower, lot of dishes and numerous other articles. Terms cash. Number unlimited. Ideal . weight 180 to 220 Ths. We buy for a high class trade. You give us the goods and we will pay the price. Shipping point Baden, every alternate Wednes day. Next shipment, April 9th. (The Old Firm) E. J. SHAXNTz, WM. KEMP, Auctioneer. Executor. wky 1 diy Thursâ€"Fn WANTED Bacon Hogs Positively no reserve as farm is RAILROAD RAILSâ€"for reinâ€" fercing Concrete Barm Fleors, over Root Cellare, or Bridging Culverts, etc., anv length. _ Apâ€" -;‘Iy 90 King St. ‘%., or telephone o. 92 or 635. THURSDAY, APRIL 10TH, 1919, We‘ pay highest pfle‘ for reet ° and gour créam all the Master & HuAsberger Cream Wanted AUGTION SAE SATURDAY, MARCH 23, !Hv FARMEAS! NOTE!! Baden. 13â€"2t Tlnnnhm.mntz t P _ _ €eived‘ instructions to. sell . †' auction the entire stock of the *Â¥ Livery, belonging to Fred ‘Winter, *3 uated off Queen Street, Kitchener, on HARNESS~â€"10 sets good single b&râ€" ness, 3 sets good heavy single har ness, set double carriage harness, Oak tanned with solid nicke! trimmings, light carriage harness, Brass mounted, set heavy team harness, 4 sets hames and traces, roll top desk, robes, rugs, blankets, bellg, and numerous other articles that go to make up a '.‘3 coniphbed livery. ‘The equipment this livery is in ;:od shape. . TERMS OF S$ALEâ€"All sums of ©15.00 and under, cash; over â€" thi@t amount 6 months‘ credit on approyed security or 6 per cent. per annum off for cash payments of credit anrounts. THURSDAY, APRIL 3, 1919 . _‘ > Q Commencing at 1 o‘clock p.-;, fl@ *’é' the following valuable property, v! + & HORSESâ€"T7 good horses tromk & Fy The undersifned offers for swte his farm consisting of 7 atres situated % of a mile north of Waterioo postoifige, On the property is a good bank bark, cément stables, goodâ€"house, lots of young | frull. . including strawBarries, and raspberries. _ For quick saie at a reasonable :Hu\ Apply to M. Duâ€" brick, phone 471, Waterloo. t‘ 122041 d & w \ vears old, weighing from 900. to 1250 .. Ibs. each. F _ +s % "'ï¬? ¢ VEHICLESâ€"4 rubber tire top . vise, anvil, 3vv feet % inch wire cable, 4 gies, rubber tire open buggy, steel A tire top buggy, stee} tire open buggy, steel tire top surrey, English trap 2 4 scated, rubber .tire S seated. top carâ€" i riage, good dray suitable for one or t two horses, good rubber tire hack, 2 ?, democrats, 7 good cutters, 2 sleighs, f for one or two horses, oneâ€"horse sleigh 8 twoâ€"seated sleigh. * 4 MAID WANTEDâ€"Apply to Mrs. R. §. Bean, Albert St.. Waterioo. _ 3â€"5â€"6t YORKSHIRE SHOATS for sale. Apâ€" ply H. H. Klein, Bridgeport. 741r2%4. {+f SPRING RYE FOR SALEâ€" 0. A.~C. No. 61 at $2.25 per bushel. Eph: H: Weber, 1. R. No. 2, Kitchener, Miir nicipal phone 24 r 24. _. 3 MeBt FOR SALEâ€"Maxwel!l touring car, 1917 model, in good rumning order, with 6 good tires. Will sacrifice to early buyer. Apply 45 Brubacher St., or at Daily Telegraph Office. / WANTEDâ€"A girl or women to. help with housework on farm adjoining Preston. Mrs. J. R. Wood, R. K. No. 2. Preston. 8t. WANTEDâ€" Hired . man, single, to work on Louis Schweitzer Farm, Bridgeport. 14â€"1t FOR SALEâ€"Hard coal, size ming.run, at $9.00 a ton. Apply P. K. Weber, 326 Victoria St. 14â€"1t FOR SALEâ€"A few good Shorthorn bulls from eight to seventeen months old. Fiveâ€"mintutes‘â€"walk from eleq@« tric road. _ J. R. Wood, Preston. 3, HARD COAL FOR SALE, buckwheat aize. al $7.75 a ton. _ Apply <P. °K. Weber, 326 Victoria St. 14â€"6t WANTEDâ€"A copy of ‘the Chronittéâ€" Telegraph of Oct. 24. 1918, to_comâ€" plete fvic for 1318. Any person havin= a copy of this fll‘c"\g please forward same to the Chroftk ceâ€"Tolegraph office and recéive 16. muneration. 124. MANGEL SEED FOR SALEâ€" Home FOR SALEâ€"Quantity of Admiral seoil sweet peas. Apply Josiah N. Shaniz, No. 2, Petersburg. 18â€"31. wiFE Of BARKEAWAS F KILLED IN HER GAAd&N. Oakland, California, . March > Mrs. George Greenwood, wife 6t e vigeâ€"president of the lnvi.r Un Bank and Trust Co., of San Frankieée, was killed by a bomkbk leglon isnt night in the . garden E e: family home. According to t a latâ€" ter demandirig O:M and threstening to destroy hit home with . dynamite unless the above amount be paid wihs sent to Mr. Gregnwood .in danuary REWARD 18 OFFERED: Governor Stephens Amnm would ofter a reward of §1 rrown Girnt Yellow Intermediate At 41 ~ontsâ€"ner J Fph. _ _H. Weber. Kitchener, R. R. No. 2. Muntcipal phone 24 r 21. © 3.22â€"46t MANGEL SEED FOR SALE, homé Frown giant yellow intermediate at 60 cents per Ib. Eph. H. Weber, R. R. No. 2. Kitchener Municigal phone 24R21 ic W GENERAL WANTS. FARM FOR QUICK SALE. O. $. KOLB, Clerk. E. J. SHANTZ, Auctioneer. FRED WINTER, Proprietor. dy. e.0.4.