" Rest through God‘s wonderyears <"pAt home with the blest. er:uuurul spirit free from all sta ~Ours the heartache, the serrow, B the death of Mrs. Woods New ‘& loses one of its most high citizens. Hers was a "Of active service and her kin: courtesy and hospitality | wou her an unordinarily large circe @rtencs. She found great plex @â€"in sharing others‘ burdens. and afm in life was to do some‘hing someone in need. The tenidrils or affection will hold fas: to 2 large umber with _ whom her life has ‘Bbeen associated. She was always ~ eongidering the woe‘fare of others E? er than her own comfort and . pinces ,g:utlml toiler, thy work all done, Â¥ utiful soul into glory gone, ; Beautitul life, with the crown now $ won, + 5.. God giveth thee rest. * Lance Cpl. Robert Semple and T‘re. $ Bemple arrived at Halifax on the ltic, %d are expected home th:: â€" They are sons of Mrs. Semâ€" : Jacob streot. Mre.. Robert Barbor of Stratfor1 ï¬ Thursday with friends in 4 Flying Cadet A. S. Townshend mnt several days at the home of , aunt, Mrs. Andrew Sararas, on is way home from England. i Mr. J. R. McDonald, manager o‘; tbe Mount Royal Assursncee Co., of I ‘Montreal, and Mr. H. H. York, in ‘.ï¬ctor. called on Mr. Lou:s Prine Unl Thursday. ~‘Among the estimates voted by Porâ€" ~’l'l:°ment are many for public imâ€" ‘provements throughout Western ()n-’ ;zflo. but what we aro most interestâ€" 64 in is what is being done with tho‘ money voted before the war for a PbstoMce at New Hamburg. _ Miss Beatrice Kline visited at the Bome of her uncle, Mr. mndrew Saâ€" Faras, this week. » S ‘Mr. L. G. Pequegnat left this wpok} M acbusiness trip to the Maritime vinces. t SWThe St. Patrick‘s party held in the | mnry hall on Monday evening by Â¥he . ‘Women‘s Patriotic Society was | : successful. There was a large| amttendance and the evening was thor l Mughly enjoyed. Games and other Fhine is the glory and infinite gain. "‘Thy slumber is sweet. We know that he watches the sparâ€" 1 rows that fail, Hears the sad cry of the grieved â€" hearts that call, Â¥riends, husband. children, He lovâ€" eth them all. «tWe trust for the rest. Musements were indulged in. Tuo efety has decided to continue the rod work for another year at ieas id give support to the convaiescent mll and also to contribute to the @al fund for our :town nerovs .h.x failen. j . @Ad Mrs. Levi Hostetter, Mrs. loses | Hostetter and daughter have ken up their residence in town in re . hayse he purchased from Mr. _Chiropractic t Houts 9â€"10 a.m. on Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday. WE INVITE all who are unable to pay for SPINAL ADâ€" JUSTMENTS to take advantage of this CHIROPRACTIC FREE CLINIC. Let it be known that we will conduct a FREE CLINIC on THREE DAYS EACH WEEK. r. Fred Weicker move@ to town Thursday into the residence he hased from Mr. David Schuns. WiÂ¥tm has been taken over by his ‘‘Rau, who bas been il} m%ovember with a severe ac â€"â€"6f â€"influentze and pneumonia, ;out for the first time on Wedâ€" Ay. His many friends wish nim eedy recovery. e W. C. T. U. will hold an "at 6" in Library Hall on Fritay ing;; March 28th. â€" An interesting rmno will be rendered and reâ€" ments, will be served, All bers and friends are invited to r late Robert Jizkling and Casse! on Janusary %, ~vt fal of 1858 she was marâ€" to Mr; Mm. Woods, and lived ou : in East Zorré until of 1894, when she and Mr. ed to New Hamburg. She mourn her loss her ageu and four children, Mrs. Rudy Wavistock, Mrs. Facey of Bianaâ€" bert of Galt, ana John G., ou ‘bomestead. Also fifteen grandâ€" drem and filteen great grandchil No matter what your ailments may be, your case will given special attention at our ADJUSTING PARLORS, . Frank L. Cole â€" Dr. Jennis M. GCole from all sorrow and suffering and fears, from all possible sighing and 107 King St. West (over) Zinkann‘s Shoe Store. NEW HAMBURG. lt ut 00 e t t n t t t t t t dï¬ it INTERESTING NEWS NOTES n 4 un 0 t t cce t tridna trom page 1,) Busy Neighbors from all stain, the serrow, the ew Hamourg on ‘m. Woods in ber FREE CLINIC. A progressive euchte party â€" was held on St. Patrick‘s eve, at the Rome of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Foerster. Four tables were in use and about thirty were present. Music was rendered while the games were in _ progress. Mr. Clazence Strohm won the first New Plumbing System. ‘The contract has been let by th Eimira Rubber Factory. whose mott always is "Health and Safety First. for a complete new sanitary plumbin system. The installation inclndes a‘ the most modern fixtures for ‘nflet ind rest rooms. These are heing in italled in the new addition which wa built with the sole idea of comfor and permanence. With treazza floor and good ventilation this is the mos efficient installation in this distric: Besides the above. the factory will h equipped with 14 closets. 6 lavatorie and 32 fountaing. (Creat credit is du to our local plumhinz firm for thi job s Mr. Joe. Kracmer of near _ Dorkin and his son EA., were in town Satu day. have left for (nernsey, Sask _ Mr Miller bas a Half section of land out there which he will work. Mr. William Stuernagel has gone to Hamilton. his nmiothker who is living there with her daughter, has taken a turn for the worse. Mr. J B. Weaver received his ne "Grev Dort" fofrr passenger car. 1 has 38 horse power and Jack believe: it beats them all. Of _ course _ Mr Wober has received the agency _ fo: this car in this d‘strict. Mro Jeremiah MiMer _ and _ famil: Master Clayton Miller of Wellesley has returned home after spending . f few days at the home of his sister Mrs. Win. Stuernagel. Mr. George Schierholtz of Kenora was visiting at the home of Mr. and MrB. A. H. Steen. A birthday party was held at the home of My. and Mrs. Nortpan Hollin ger on Park Ave., in bonof _ of Mr George Auman. A dainty dinner wa: served, and thosé present had an en joyable time.â€" Those present were:â€" Mr. and Mrs. George Auman, Mr. an Mrs. Win. Auman and children, Mr: R. Johnston, and Mr. and Mrs. Nor man Hollinger. Mr. Marland Gooding.left via C.P.P for Geul Lake, Sp«h. where he wil be employed in farming. Mr. Ed. D. Campbell and Mr. Oscar Tobertson of the Dominion Rubber System Service Department. Kitchen er, were in Elmira toâ€"day. Dr. Cormack has returned _ to E:‘ mira last Wednesday, _ Mrs. Dr. Cor mack and son Harold returned wit him. Mrs. C. Peppler, is Vvï¬'sliiï¬ghhe}- sis ter, Mrs. P. J. Barber, in Toronto for i few weeks. After service on Sunday evening a‘ he Presbyterian Church, a‘meeting vas held by the congregation to get in opinion of the people to let _ the New Mennonites have use of the Pres "yterian Church for their services vhich are to be held _ every _ otber Junday. A vote of _ the _ members ind adherents was taken and the re sult was unanimous in their favor. any nolice of his home coming. 1 was Sgt. C. H. Gooding who â€" arrive on Carmania last Sunday, he came t« Toronto Wednesday evening with thr ith C.M.R. _ "Chuc" sure does loot ;ood, and but for the fin. he puller through without a scratch. Miss Myrtle Coon. of the teaching staff at the Elmira Public _ School is visiting her parents at Gueiph. C l‘flu wheat, $2.12; full whear, §$2.17; oath, 75¢c; barley, $1; peas, 31; corn, $1.15; ts fiour, $5.60; Manâ€" ::n Sour, ; fl;a‘:ut per }b., i per doz., > s, per bak, #126: hay. per ton, $15.50. ‘The Y.P,. Ailiance of the Evangeliâ€" cal Church Nm elgction of offiâ€" cers for. the is year on Tuesâ€" day after &" very inferesting | and helpful meeting led by the pastor, Rev, W: O. Hehn. The officers were elected as follows: President, Mrs A. 1. Dorsch; viceâ€"president, Mss Hilda Williams; recording secretary. Miss Pearl Wing; corresponding ser retary, Miss Violet Otto; treasurer, Miss â€" Clara Schula{; organist, Miss Sheelah Homes; assistant organist,. Miss Alberta Hebn: librarien, Mr Austin Williams; chorister, Mr. 3 H. Umbach; Bible reader‘s League secretary, Miss Sarah Merner. Both the pastor and officers look forward to a year of greal service and u:ess Ings. Miss Clara Buckel is spending the weekâ€"end with friends in Toronto. New Hamburg Market Reports, (Continued from page one) (hot on t e t e o ts t BB EL MIRA. lave ‘~ Titehoner with ner: relative ar‘ ‘rient«., hi from A nnmber of nenbie in this district have orgen‘sed far ‘be puprnaca nf Corner Mr. Peter «Dietrich prid a trip to Guelph today to visit his wife, whâ€" in undérgoing treatme:=: under ine care of Dr. Luey. Among the beantiful floral offer ‘ngs â€" recoived â€" wore the following: Pillow from family; wreath from the Ichreiter Furniture Co.; wreath from he Uneeda Club; basket of roses and vlolets from the girl friends, Misses Pauline _ Harper. â€" Laurena â€" Conran Rose â€" Lockie, Alma Smith, Florence thirk, Isabel Feik, Wilhelmine Sterâ€" ‘ing, Ruth Clemens, Gertrude Conrar, Dorothy Deviit. Fanline Roos; spray f troses from Mr. and Mrs. P. Dresch f Windsor; spray carnations, «swew neas and carnations from the school mates: spray of carnations from the "itcle of Service: spray of carnations rom Mr. J. Snvder and fam=y; ipray of carnations form Mr. and Vrs. George Zimmerman; spray of carnations from Mr.â€"and Mrs.â€"H.A. Hind; spray of carnafions, roses and lilies from Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Perz ipray of pink carnations and violets ‘rom Sunday School of the Methodist Church: anray of aweet peas and Yilies from Miss Olive and Mr. Fred Roos: spray of pink carnations from Wis« Beatrice Engel: spray of carnaâ€" tions from Mr. Walter Dudiey; spray f pink and. white carnations from Mr. Albert Engel and family;> spray of carnations from Mr. and Mrs. Wm Vaughan of Brantford; spray of pink and â€" white carnations from Ladies‘ Aid _ Evangelic@l Church; spray of white carnations and lilies from Mr. and Mrs. Martin Hous and famity; spray of white carnations from Mr and _ Mrs. David Campbell of Galt; basket of roses and white carnations from classmates of First Division of Waterloo Central School; spray o sweet peas from teag‘him staff of Waterloo Central School. News Notes. Thera was a large attendance of sorrowing friends and relatives m the funeral of the late Marguer:e Engeél, which was held from the resi fence on David street at 2 o‘clock his afternoon. Impressive services were conducted by Rev. Mr. Hau f . the â€" Zion â€" Evangelical â€" Churcs vitchener, asslsted by Rev. 8. W. L ‘larton, pastor of the Methodist Church, ~Waterloo. Interment â€" was made in Mount Hope Cemetery~ f The bearers were Fred Roos, John Dahmer, _ Walter _ Shelter, | Havold ‘Teer, Walter Schaefer and Peter Merklinger. \ FUNERAL OF â€" MARGUERITE ENGEL A warm reception was tendered to ‘te. Albert Brubacher, son of Mr. an: \frs. I. Brubacher, on his return from »verseas. Albert was met at the sta fon by his parenuts, brothers and sis ers, friends, acquaintances and the Welcome Home Committee. He ar ived via C.P.R. T38 p.m. from Toronâ€" o. He is looking good. ‘That > al‘ cere glad to see himreturn was evi lent by the cheers he reteived. inow that "Mike" always gives them ;ood satisfaction. n honor of Mr. and Mrs. Jeremiat liller and family who are going tc iuernsey. Sask., on Saturday. Abou! wentyâ€"five people were present ani u11 wished Mr. Miller and family safc ourney to their new home. houbaffat 290 0000 B dnb bal c l 2: ClA in Mr. ‘Walter Quicktall has engaged Terb. Algeier, a returned soldier, ai iis garage. The Eimira car ownere Mre. Meno ‘Wilfengof Toromto, ts i‘!:.mu‘:'z the homg of ‘Mr: and ‘Mra. k $ Mr. James Glennie had a very sucâ€" cessfu} sale of househoidâ€" effects last Saturday afterzoon. Mr. and Mre. James Gleanieâ€"mean to move to Gait a the near future. Miss Hilds Fischer is spending the weekend with friends at Hanover. nd Mrs. Ed. Seagram, Waterloo. Mr. Ed. Oswald of Waterloo, receiv d an urgent call from home, that his ather Mr. Michael Oswald, Jr., wa: ritically ill. Mr. Oswald | sufferec rom cancer and not very long ag« iad his left arm amputated. +as werved by Mrs, Linder, everyone oing full justice. â€" Everybody . was lelighted with the evening and excite nent reigned supreme. After lunch . short address was read by Mrs. J «lderfieid, and a useful as well ae retty gift was presented. Mr. F. W. Sheppard, public schoo! ispector, reports being well satisfiec ith the good work performed by the eachers in Emira. Miss Victoria Cleghorn, graduate urse, is on duty at the home of Mr Surprise Party. Friends and neighbors of Mr. and Irs. George Linder and family, gave . sufprise party Saturday evening »efore their removal to â€" Kitchener Che evening was spent in games> and ind songs. Mrs. J. Elderfield caused nuch amusement for the young and ‘ven older people, _ with . conjuring ricks and bumorous songs, the most »wominent ‘"That Suit of Corduroy, vhich was accompaniet by a â€"step ‘ance. ‘That‘all enjoyed ber was evi lent from the continual laughter oi 1er audience. A most splendid fanch the consolation prize. Mrs. Foor har yerves‘s sniety" Igren en ol oted a large time.. ~Of sourse we aunot forget to mention ‘that: Mr. Zeopie with fun ~and u-:-:a westy of it. < Norman is â€" & A farewell party was_held at the ome of Mr. and Mrs. Peter Miller M‘sa #a In mm h tsb P i m e Â¥~r ~a er «ne n ® few Mr. Lancomw Linder returned from joronto where he wes spending a cw days. Mr. Addison Scherer of Kitchener, pent the weekend with friends in Amira. ~" a chesse factory at Berletr JOSEPHSBURG. THLIS ORIGINAL DOCUMENT _ _AND NOTICE ISs FURTHER GIVâ€" f 2N that after the Twentyâ€"first day of April, 1919, the said The Torontn General Trusts Corporation will proâ€" *eed to distribute the assets of the said deceased, amongst the persons ‘entitled thereto having regard only to che claims of which they shall then have notice, and the said Executors will not be liable for the said assets r any part thereof to any person of whose c‘aim they shall not then have received notice, s DATED at Kitchener. this Eighâ€" teenth day of March. A.D.. 1919, MILLAR, SIMS & BRAY, Solicitors for the Toronto General Trusts Corporation. NOTICE ISs HEREBY GIVEN purâ€" wmant to the‘ Trustees Act R. 8. 0. 1914, Chapter 121 that all persons ‘aving any claims or demands against he late Wiltiam McKay Reade, who Hed on or nl!qm the Twentyâ€"sixth day f January, A.D., 1919, at the said Town of Waterloo, are required to tend by post prepaid, or to deliver to ‘he ‘Toronto ‘General Trusts Corporaâ€" ton, Toronto, Ontario, Executors of the said Estate, or to their Solicitors indersigned, their names and addressâ€" °s with full particulars in writing of heir claims. and statement of their ~ecounts and.the nature of the securâ€" ties (if any) held by them. . j °_A Court of Revision for the hearing f compiaints against the proposed ipecial assessments for the cost of Street Extension and Sewers underâ€" taken as Local Improvements in the Town of Waterloo in the year 1918 will be held in the COUNCIL CHAMâ€" BER at the TOWN HALL® WATERâ€" 00. on WEDNESDAY _ evening 2ND APRIL, 1919, at EIGHT o‘clock Mr. and Mrs. Seraphim Kieswoetter Dietrich Bt. Agatha and ° Masters Joseph and Edward Dietrich of St. Agutha spent Sunday at the home of l(l:,‘ enno Steffier. TOWN OF WATERLOD it which time and piace compiaints gainst proposed assessments or the iccuracy of frontage measurements r any other complaint which persons ‘nterested may desire to make and vhich i# by law cognizable by the ‘ourt, will be heard. iel Schmidt of W bidding was done Quite a pumber of people from this vicinity attended the sale of Mr. Danâ€" and family and Mr. and ‘Mrs. John 1. Dietrich of St. Agaths spent umza“‘;mu:“u’ Miss Agnes Gatschene of 8t. Clemâ€" cnts is spending & few days with her iXECUTORS‘ NOTICE TO CREDITORS AND OTHERS N THE MATTER OF THE ESTATE OF WILLIAM McKAY g@EADE, late of the Town of Waterloo, in the County of Waterloo, County Judge, deceased. * Boys and Girls Must Have Pets Vaterloo, 17th March, 1919 LOCAL IMPROVEMENT AssEssâ€" MENTS. Ehe VKowbon Schmidt of Wellesley, where high WEsTIAN OntTamtos rQracmost ntWSsPAPERA Among 250,000 boys and girls in Western Onâ€" tario are thousands of prospective purchasers at good prices, of dogs, birds, fine cats, pigeons, fish, ferrets, guinea pigs, white mice, Belgian hares, canaries, rabbits. Most of these boys and girls, their parents, big brothers or friends, read the For Sale Classified Ads. in The Free Press. Most rugâ€" ged, redâ€"blooded boys have some pets and a lot of trading, buying and selling takes place early in the spring. Why don‘t you let others know what pets you want to sell or buy. Thousands of eager eyes are scanning the classified ads. in The Free Pross For Sale and Wanted to Purchase columns every day. Just write down a carefu} description of the pet you want to buy or sell, figure the cost of ad. at two cents a word each insertion. Groups of figures of four or less count as one word. Send ad., together with payment, and say how many times you want your ad. to appear. Better run it three days. DOGS, PIGEONS, RABBITS, CATS ' CANARIES. JAMES C. HAIGHT, Clork. 12â€"2t. 12â€"4t SscwWers, aâ€"sec. tron harrow. beet liftâ€" er, potato plow. 3 wagans. wagon box, heavy carriage, democrat, steel tire top buggy, rubber tire top buggy. <2 bob sleighs, cutter, 3 hay racks. fanâ€" ning mill, scale 1000 Ibs. cap.. 2000 3 in. tiles, cireiflar saw, 12 ft. steel hay IMPLENENTS:â€"Corn binder. â€" Meâ€" CZormick binder T ft. cut. McCormick mower, side de‘ivery rake, hay loader, 16 disk seed drill, cultivator with seed hox. 2 gang plows. 2 horse corn cu‘lti yator, steel land roller, manure spread er, sulky plow, 2 watking plows, 2 scufflers, 5â€"sec. iron harrow. beet liftâ€" CATTLE:â€"23 good dairy cows, Holâ€" steins, Jerseys and Ayrshires, 7 cows were fresh in Feb. and March, 5 cows due to calve:in April, cow..was fresh in Dec., cow was fresh in November; 2 cows fresh in Jan., 3 cows supposed to calve in May, 3 Farrow .cows, â€" pure bred Ayrshire cow and heifer, 4 helfâ€" ars ipposed 10 be in calve, Holstein meifer, 4 veal calves, Hoistein bull, 18 months old. .PICS AND CHICKENSâ€"20 chick °ms. 7 pigs weighing about 160 lbs. each. ‘ commencing at 10 o‘clock a.m, HORSES:â€"Heavy bay:team 4 and 8 years old, well matched, bay horse 1 years old. bay Clyde mare rising 4 years old, heavy colt rising 3, bay mare rising 3, sorrel driver 8 years old. The undersigned auctioneer has re ceived instructions to sell by public iuction on the farm owned by Louis Jchweitzer, situated at Bridgeport, on Additional Public Sales Farm Stock, Implements and Household Effetcs etc. TUESDAY, APRIL 18T, 1919, )N I PUBLIG SALE ATLANTIC SUGAR REFINERIES LIMITED f MONTREAL , *4 Old Faykioned Brown Sugar | | J OF #} _ _2 bay mares rising 5 years . old 00w3 a,nd Y'ot welÂ¥ matched. about 2800 lbs, be; avemthee general purpose mare rixing 10 years| At the Bowman H« old, sorfel horse 7 years old. couch | henâ€"r. on * horse 8 years old good driver and SATURDAY, MA Sworker, good heavy brood mare 1" Commencing at 9.3 years old%in foal by McQueen, coac* 10 good (‘0"‘.“’ ar haree 13 years old, bay Percheo: | baiance yearlines‘ am colt rishig 4 years old, bay Clyde sor CHRIST. LEUSL rel colt risthg 2 years old, bay Perch E. J. SHANTE . eon fAlly., ko e » 47 Mead of Cattie, pure bred and on ow grade Holéteins. t%a Arthur Beatlé: COW8Bâ€" 11 good Holstein dai *mily Nentiey | 1 9i. cowaâ€"3 pure, bred cows fresh s1 po ';‘;:f «n Feb., puré bred Holstein cow due t« | ./ °_ m; 1: ~uk ealve in April, 3 grade cows. fresh | lother . He .,,& ' 4 grade Holstein cows due t6.calye in the 18th Battalipgy« The undetrsigned auctioncer has re ceived instructions from the under signed, to sell by public aurtion on the premises, 2 miles southcast of Wel lealey, 2 miles weat of Berlets Corners 3 miles west oi Bamberg, on Commencing at 9.30 o. m. the follow ing:â€" Belonging to the Estate of the late Christ L. Jantzi 4 Farm ~Stock, Implements and Household Effects. HOUSEHOLD GOODS§:â€"2 heaters furnace kettle, good cream separator copper kettle, bedroom suite, parlor suite, fron beds, wooden beds, spring: and mattresses, 2 extension tables Aining chairs, kitchen chairs, parlo: able, 4 rockers, cane seated chairs writing desk, lounge, 2 chests, wash ‘ng machine. 2 sinks, 4 burner electric cook stove, churn, Brussels and tapes try carpets, stair carpet, 3 eight gal. \ nilk cans, fruit jars, 10 crocks apple butter. a lot of dishes, kitchen uten alls, and pictures, croquet set, lawn fennis set, and other articles. _ No reserve as farm is sold. Ail househo!d goods and small stuf vill be sold before dinner. Lunch a‘ noon. TERMS OF SALE:â€"Hay, grain pou‘try, apple butter. roots, and a! sums of $10 and under, cash, over tha mount, 12 months‘ credit on approy d security, or 5 per cent. discount fo» eash on time amounts. pigs, 3 months ~redit. 5 Passenger Overland touring car nearly new, if not previously sold. HAY, GRAIN AND ROOTS.â€"8 tous hay, 300 bush. barley, 700 bush. oats 20 bush. seed peas, 20 bush. Fall rye 50 bush. O.A.C. seed oats, 2 bush. heans, some mangels and turnips, 20 bags potatoes. HARNESS:â€"2 sets team barness, ? set plow harness, 2 carriage harness 2 set single harness, saddle, collars blankets, robes, water proof horse covâ€" ers, surrey harness. rake, Jolliet grain chopper, 9% inch. plate, root pulpers, roller chopper gasoline tank, 5 cords short wood power horse clippers, hay carriage. emery stone, extension laddep, grave‘ planks, tumbling rods, window frames about 70 rods wire fencing, smoke stack 14 inch by 40 ft. long, crossâ€"cut saws, logging chains, â€" doubletrees crowbars, forks, grain baga, shovels hoes, jce saw and many articles toc numerous to mention, 2 iron force pumps. [ 38 ba Brown Suga STANLEY SFHWEITZER. Prop E.â€"J.â€"SHANTZ, Auotionser. â€" O. $. KOLB, Clerk. FRIDAY, APRIL 11, 1919, PUBLIG SAE e (ioraet 3 A o -Ka:d a alwa tï¬ sugar supply 0Â¥ eep on oFr 26 He~\ Arade Durham Cows and Young Cattle. SATURDAY, MARGHR 28, 1919 Commencing at 9.30 a. m. 10 good rovl.“’ 1w0 year alds, the balance yearliner‘ and ca‘~ag. linelhatrow, root pulpet, 3â€"sets team harness, 2 sets single harness, set iames and traces new, horse. blankâ€" ta, collars, extension ladder, grainâ€" Sags, doubletrces, chains, neckyokes, orks, shovols, and many otherâ€"articles 10 humeraus to ~ention, ‘ GRAIN AND POTATOESâ€"Quantity ? potatoes, «bout 50) bush. oats, 100 wush. barley, 75 bush. mixed grain, 7 2ils International stock tonic. HOUSEHOLD â€" GOODS â€" Parior ook, coal heater, cook: stove, Peerâ€" ss Peninsular kitchen range, coruer ipboard. sink, kitchen table, parior hair, rocker, lounge, "meat tub, washâ€" 1g machine and wringer, 2 30â€"gal ‘ilk cans, 2 8â€"gal. milk cans, DeLavel ream separator No. 15 nearly new, 1wn mower, jarge cabbage slicer, and ther articles. _ se No Reserve. _ Household goods and mplements will be soid before dinner. Lunch at noom. j + TERMS OF SALEâ€" Grain, poultry, hoats, stock food and all spas of $10 ind under, casb; over that ggmount 12 months‘ credit or § per cent, disgount for cash on credit amountag; fat hogs and fat cattle 3 montha credit + MRS. CHRIST. 1. JANTZL & * Administratrix. *4 At the Dowman House stables, Kitâ€" henâ€"r. on Â¥h TMPLEMTNTS â€" McCormick® binâ€" ler 6 ft. cut in good running order, Timira hry Inador, side delivery rake, Frost & V‘cod stecl rake nearly new, icCormiek mawor 5 ft cut, McCor mick disk drill nearly new, Pirnet Tunior corn culiivator, spFing tooth sultivator, â€" Massoy Harrisheultivator with seed box, Frost & Waoqi .di«‘: :‘ section steel land rol?er.‘,gi_us«ï¬nn tom harrow,, pea harvester, 2 twoâ€" "rrow plows. 4 walking nliews,, one ow, 4 wagons, 2 wagon.,hoxes, met v~agon springs, two seated catriage, en buggy, 2 bob sleighs , one with ‘x, power horse clipper, 2 fiat hay acks, pig rack, wood rack, stone oat, cutting box, 2 scufflers, fanning will, bag truck, platform geales, 2000 bs capacity, 2 set gravel planks, stein heifers fresh by time of saie $ rade Holstein heifers dite to calve in lay, pure bred Hilstein heifer rising 2 years old, 2 pure bred heifers rising 1 year old, 8 grade Holstein holfon ising 1 year old, 5 steers rising. one vear old, 6 Holstein calves, pure bred welfer and one pure bred bull; 10 fat attle rising 2 years old, 4 rising one rear/old, fat bull rising 2 years old. PIGS AND POULTRYâ€"â€" Good brood ‘ow to farrow by time of sale, 2 brood jows due to farrow in July, 22 shoats wo months old, sow about 5 months »1d, 16 fat hogs weighing about 160 lbs each; 30 chickens, 3 geese, 4 beeâ€" bives. . . April, 2 grade com"‘liï¬ W.,'flcl- CHRIST. LEUSLER, Proprietor, €. J. SHANTZ, AuouuQ@. E. J. SIIANTZ, Auctionéeér. O. S. KOLB, Clerk. *< % PUBLIG §ME g13â€"2t 1841t to