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The Chronicle Telegraph (190101), 27 Mar 1919, p. 4

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swen P g _ a d . _ Counc . , Reeve I f apd To ' ‘wpon . this purpose 1 should 'ccm. f of the ul increase: _ 000, of whic! 1: bear $§69,000 & _ .Pounty C ‘4 rmed the "~ ag informatio _ tien with the k P SEsISIC §gr. ‘ibnmy Clerk â€" Cassel on Tuesday i tmed the delegation that he has * aq Information to give out in connee .. tionu with the assessment. . He | deâ€" "i‘ cliéred that the Agures are in black ® anpd white and have been prepareu «. by the Equalization Committee, comâ€" j ud it ofi ts ictabtranidepeiir on e Som .fi\‘ of members â€" of the Count» “g gil. In other words, after car 2W uitA on o m ant e ied W tamt incre w er}oo, Ts tfl! n ger ve an mg thel n‘:ate gll m ¢_! att" w o epa ‘t‘n,l“xu _ tha other tafige wit _\ @nerâ€" w# 44%'. lolad | * Allbbe.A. h anai i td abane P Dbedac un hat mt d want 7’6 "“: their troubles to the County ~~ Cl@rk in comnection with the exorbiâ€" _ If You Want to Gain in Weicht and Recover Your Apâ€" "~~‘~ petite, Energy and Ambition, Try This Well Known . _+. Remedy. hEP> .0 4 t . it s â€"i.. gan ‘irn te ns The town of Warerloo will either ~tx'H.NI from the county or take & â€" to amalgamate with Kitchener #e m regulit of the increased . assess went which the coumy is asking V aâ€", l’l:‘e to bear and against which the ie Counell is registering a ms, h nfueatnacc ® m. town of Waterloo will either $2°)=0 for Proston Preston‘s tax withdraw from the county or take able income is $52,000 as compared s to amaigamate with Kitchener wits $235,000 for Waterloo If â€" the #e m regulit of the increased . assess increased assessment against Water mwent which the coumy is asking V.aâ€",loo is based on the difference in inâ€" terloo to bear and against which tie come and business tax it is pointed 1’,.. Counell is registering a s« out by members of the Council tha\ sor protest. On Tuesday|such a basis is ilNegal. It is _ con a deputation from the Waâ€"‘tended that Waterloo has been unfair ; _Couneil, consisting of MaÂ¥or ly used and that as a rerult of to , Reeve Boblender. Deputy Reeve night‘s meeting an ultimatum will be aAd Town Clerk J. C. Haight lpun-d before _ the â€" County _ Council "upon County Clerk Cassel f:"‘ which will demand | a re adjustment this purpose of uscertaining why Wa@â€"| with the threat that if 1t is not forth should be asked to besr 0°"r/coming Waterloo will withdraw I'por gent. of the Increased =sse®«â€". . _ 20z f the entire counry. . The to Eml:cnuef' napsusment i« 11000 SOLDIER AND BRIDE , of which Waterloo is a«ked |-| WERE ENTERTAINED t"- Increased assessment levied on er}oo, the delegation received an t‘ly mo satisfaction. Failure . to Â¥e any satisfaction in connection Wib their grievance, the delega:»> ediately decided upon a specia! u’ull meeling tonight when . the #Hatt@r will be gone into thoroughiv C 'tor taken to force the County readjust the assessment or acceps t pther alternative of having Waâ€" téflge withdraw or merge with Kitchâ€" k ,nf arvx of the question is that| Wafer‘oo ratepayers are indignant ovâ€" krthe fret that Waterloo will have 10 t over half of the entire increased R ent of the County. _ It Is conâ€" @gH thot in ponniation Waterioo is ‘game size as Dvston, the only dif ce being in i~rrison of their pss assessmen: Preston‘s â€" asâ€" mt from the Conts is $2.940 Ne Waterloo‘s {~ ¢t798,135, or yence of $753.150 (u favor of #. _ Waterloo‘s business assess $ 3 §610 000 es compared â€" with If Ygou Want to Gain in Weight and Recover Your Appetite, Energy e and Ambition, Try This Well Known Remedy. . _ With the passing of winter many people feel weak, depressed ‘and easily tired. The hedy lacks that vital force and energy which e blood alone can give. In a word, while not exactly sick, the inâ€" Iiffe of winter has left its mark upon them, and a bloodâ€"buildâ€" Jug, nerveâ€"restoring tonic is needed to give renewed health and . . Dr. Williams‘ Pink Pills are an allâ€"yearâ€"round blood bmilder and nerve tonic, but they are especially useful in the spring. â€" Every dose helps to make new, rich, red blood, and with his new blood returning strength, cheerfulness and good health quickly follows. 4. If you are pale and sallow, easily tired, or breathless at the Ju'st exertion ; if your complexion is poor, or if you are troubled wwith pimples or eruptions, Dr. Williams‘ Pink Pills are just what ‘You need to put you right. If you have twinges of rheumatism, subject to headaches or backaches, if you are irritable or nerâ€" yous, if your sleep does not refresh you, or your appetite is poor, need the treatment which Dr. Williams‘ Pink Pills alone can iveâ€"you need the new blood, new health and new energy this medicine always brings. . fintlly. : e Igast b :“qry!':nxlc :ggested Â¥ nX Pills, n usi "!’ 87 po gone 1 . under w strot z,.flla col he could leboks like this wh 20 pour i _ A SA faties C Ght.. says M‘Objocfion is Taken to Having to Pay Over Fifty â€" Per Cent. of the Increase of County Taxesâ€" Amalâ€" . gamation With Kitchener Favored by Some Citizens. ELEGATFION CONFERS WITH CcoUNTY CLERK ?:uclly. but not apparently getting be Igast benefit, and I| naturally grew Â¥ery/anxious. One of my neighbors #;smted giving ‘her Dr. Williams‘ ¥¥nk Pills, and I got a box. When she f*Miss Gladys Marshall, Chatham, Oit.. says:‘ "I suffered from nervousâ€" W#ss and my blood was in a very poor @aidition. My face broke out in pimâ€" and my complexion was very salâ€" .‘ 1 took doctora‘ medicine but hout beneficial results. 1 was feelâ€" much discouraged when a friend j mended Dr. Williama® Pink Pills i( under their use she constantly ew stronger. Her appetite improvâ€" , the color came back to her cheeks, gan using the pills she weighed 1y 87 pounds. Before the box was | gone 1 sent and got six more boxes, TEALO COUiCIL MAY SEEX ~< sCPARATION FROM THE COUNTY » could sleep wel!l, and feels and ke like a different person, and with this while using the pilis she gainâ€" 20 pounds in weight." ged in al} aix boxes, and was over _ _ _( [ 0. . .00 L0 L lC . ed to find that my complexion had ©°U&h had left her, she had a good :n quire clear, pimples had dis appetite, the pain in her side disapâ€" red. my nerves were strengthenâ€" peared, and a nice rosy color had reâ€" "',:":!:’“:?""I"':;."‘I"."':‘;:'dh:":b: turned to her cheeks. 1 have thereâ€" MX word to say for Dr. Williama® fore much reason to speak warmly in PNM." praise of Dr. Williams‘ Pink Pilis." @ixotwit}.standing the increased cost of all drugs, there has change in the price of our Dr. Williams‘ Pink Pills. They nA through any medicine dealer at 50 cents a box, or six Bs for $2.50, or will be sent on receipt of price by The Dr. Wil A SALLOW COMPLEXION A COMPLETE WRECK SPRING TONIC FOR Co., Brockville, Out. PALE, THIN PEOPLE The â€" Returned â€" Soldlers Reception ‘emmittee entertained Pte. and Mra Oliver Cromwe.l Friday afternoon pre vious to the departure of the â€" couph or valt where they intend | to nak« beir home "te Cromwell enlistes vith the 718t Regiment and sal i three years in the ‘renches. He com s from the vicinity of Embro. Afte» he armistice had been â€" signed Pte romwell met his present wite 4 ngland. Mrs. Cromwell was former y a mumition _ worker. She | was wice injured in Zeppelin raids and eceived serious injuries â€" once when he inunition factory _ in which she vas eagaged on war work was . dam ‘ iged by an explosion. Mrs. Crom vell had also the honor _ of _ weeing Lord Kitchener embark on the trip which pypoved his last inission for the Allied cause. She nursed one of th« rescued sailors of the illâ€"fated Hamp shire at her home. ‘The couple wer net yesterd@y at the train and enter tained while waiting for the Galt car Police Magistrate Graydon of Lon don may resign owing to dissatisfac tion over his salary. Robbers made a haul from an ex press car at Niagara Falls, but over looked a $40,000 package of furs. Viceâ€"Admiral Sims, commander of the American naval forces in Euts pean waters, lunched yesterday with King George. 1 GAINED IN WEIGHT. ' Mrs. M. B. Rickert. Kitchener, Ont.. !smysr "I was weak, run down, and losâ€" iing weight when I began using Dr. Williams‘ Pink Pills. I| took the pills steadily for:a month, and the differâ€" len(-e they made in my condition was lm(:osl gratifying. 1 gained both in |sflrenmh and weight. and feel since I :usc-d the pills like a new person. I , also recommended the use of the pills !to my daughterâ€"inâ€"law, who was pale, ithin and weak. When she began usâ€" {ing the pills she weighed only 103 ‘Ilpounds and â€" when she discontinued |their use she weighed 137 pounds. For all weak people 1 think there is no '!uu-rlit‘ine can equal Dr. Williamas‘ Pink â€" Pills." A SPRING COLD. Mrs. Chas, Winegarden. Delhi, Ont., saysa: "Last spring my daughter Ruby was taken with a bad cold. She seemâ€" ed weak had a constant pain in her side, grew pale, and us the remedies usually used in cases of this kind did not help her we feared she was going into a decline. I decided to give her Dr. Williama‘ Pink Pills and got six boxea _ Refore she had used them all, she was again well and strong. . The cough had left her. she had a good appetite, the pain in her side disapâ€" peared, and a nice rosy color had reâ€" turned to her cheeks. 1 have thereâ€" fore much reason to speak warmly in praise of Dr. Williams‘ Pink Pilis." HIS ORICINAL DOCUMENT MANUFACTURE RS ARE UNITED Kitchener and Waterloo Asâ€" sociation Has Been Sucâ€" cessfully Launched. TO BE INCORPORATED The Kitchener & Waterloo Manu wcturers Association, comprising the Employers‘ Association. the Kitchen «r Manufacturers‘ _ Association and the manufacturers of Waterloo, was successfully organized on _ Thursday evening in the Masonic Hall. _ The meeting of manufacturers of the two ‘owns was one of the _ largest _ and nost enthusiastic ever beld in the (winâ€"City, and if the | interest _ and soodâ€"will manifested at the inaugural meeting can be taken as a criterion ihe success of the combined organizaâ€" lon is assured. The chair was occupied by \.r Her bert M. Snyder. of Waterloo, who re ferred to the desire on the part of wanufacturers in both towns to "get together" and form one organization. This desire resulted in he eleetion of three representatives from the two orâ€" sunizations in Kitchener and from Waterloo. and a satisfactory arrangeâ€" ment bad been arrived at. He _ was ‘onfident that with united action betâ€" ‘er work could be performed in the interests _f their _ respective indus ‘ries, than by having three separate organizations. He was pleased with the large and representative attendâ€" ince. Poev‘aus to the adoption of the re ort iddresses were delivered by Mex ‘re. (i. C. H. Lang. E. C. Kabel, Jae Valentine, A. R. Kaufman, Mayor D Gross, Jr., W. G. Cleghorn, S. J. Wil iams, Henry Nyberg, C. K. Hagedorn 00 €upwell, N. M. Davidson, Ald. /. T. Sasa. E. O. Weber, and others 1 af «ham exnressed their pleasure & the union of the various organiza: ons inro one association, During the discussion matters . or inportance were _ introduced which ill be under.sken by che new Assoc! ‘ion. such as the providing of addiâ€" onal houres for the workingmen nd securing fuel by securing eaity hipping facilities from the mines vi; ‘ort Dover. These matters will _ be aken up immediately after the Asso iation has been incorporated. The report of the special committee vas read by Mr. J. P. Scully, acting ecretary. and provided for the organâ€" sation of the _ three manufacturing issociations into one, to be known as he Kitchener & Wa‘erloo Manufac urers‘ Association, to be incorporatâ€" xi with a capital stock of $4.000 to be lHoired in 400 shares at $10 _ each. leven directors are to be elected, vho will elect the officers. ‘The asso armon will have power to â€" purchase ‘ock in common use by the manufae imers The following provistonal directors vere unanimously appointed: Messrs. t, M. Snyder, Jas, Valentine, A. Bauâ€" r, Geo. C. H. Lang, Fred Ahrens, J oR efz. A. R. Koufman. E. C. Kabel V. E. Woelfie, Henry Nyberg, anc ‘rank Hodgings. After the Associa lon is incorporated a general meet ng will be called and permanent di wetors appointed. DEBOLTâ€"EVANS. A quiet wedding took place at the iome of the bride‘s parents. Mr. ana Irs. Thomas Evans, 77 Park street ‘hen their daughter, Miss . Florence Orillia, was happily married to Mr imil J. Debolt. of this city. The nup tal knot was tied by Rev. J. P ‘fauch. of _ the _ Zion â€" Evangalica‘ ‘hurch, in the pregence of the inmed ate relatives of the contracting par ‘les. » Mr. Angelo Sandrin of Waterioo ind Miss Margaret R. Klugman of this city were united in the holy bonds of matrimony on Saturday, March 22nd They were attended _ by _ Mr. Chas Cusin and Miss Elva Shinn of Waterâ€" loo. The ceremony was performed by the Rev. John Schmieder at the parsonage of St. Matthews Lutheran Church, 43 Alma St. The young couâ€" ple will reside in Kitchener. Judgment was reserved in a suit against the Township of Biduiph brought by Messrs, Hudson and Har vey to recover $2,805 60. the loss _ of 98 rams alleged to have been killed by dogs. Evidence, which _ took more than two sessions of the Spring As sizes to hear, was concluded in Lon don Saturday morning. The _ case hinges on the question of _ whethe» some of the sheep did not die from a disease instead of from worrying . b1 dogs. MINARD‘S _ LINIMENT _ CURES BURNS, ETC. Exâ€"Emperor Charles of Austriaâ€"Hun gary will likely reside in Switzerland The Federal Council has . favorabls considered his request recently made "Pape‘s Diapepsin" neutralizes exces aive aclid in stomach, relieving dyspepsia, heartburn and dintress at once. SOUR, ACID STOMACHS, GASES OR INDIGESTION SANDRINâ€"KLUGMAN HYMENEAL Waterlon, Thursday, â€" March 27, 1919 <_ The lul&wot place on Saturday |svening of Mr. Meruo Good, a wellâ€" inown retired farmer, who resides ‘bout 2 miles north of Waterloo, at he age of 80 years . The _ funeral :ook place on Tuesday afternoon it 1.30 a‘cock; from the late rest } ence thence to Martin‘s cemetery for cterment. Caroline Rotharmel, beloved . wife f Mr. Albert Doering, passed away Chursday at ber home, R. R. 3 Waterâ€" :00, in her 58th year. _ The funeral was held on Sunday at 230 p. m. to Mount Hope cemetery for burial {ollowing services at Mount Carmel cburch. Mrs. Charles Morley died suddeniy at midnight Saturday at the home of her daughter, Mrs. A. G. Frans, 40 Courtland avenue. ‘The deceaseu is survived by one son and four daughters, â€" Fred, Rochester, N. Y.; Mrs. Gus â€" Pruss, Rochester, N. Y.: Mrs. Arthur Scafe, London; . Mrs Harry Johnson, Chicago, and Mrs. A A. G. Frank of Kitchener. The fu neral wok place _ on _ Tuesday The funerel of the late Mrs. Charle: Morley _ took _ place on _ Tuesday afternoon at 2 o‘clock from the house 40 Courtland avenue, to St. Peter‘s Lauthecan church, and from thence t Mount Hope â€" cemetery. The de ceased was a faithful member of St Peter‘s church for many years. _ Sh« was in her 63rd year, and was highly esteemed by a wide circle of friends She is survived by her son, Nir. Fre» Morley, of Rochester, N. Y., and fow dnughters, Clara (Mrs. Gus Preuss) Rochester, N. Y.; Matilda (Mrs. Harry Johnston), Chicago, HL; Annie (Mrs Arthur Skafe), London, Ont; . Effie (Mrs. Alfred Frank), Kitchener; also two sisters, Mrs. David Gross, jr., and \rs. Beck, Rochester, N. Y., and a bro ther, Charles Rummal, Rochester, N The death took place on Friday of Mrs. Albert Doering at her home, a tew miles west of â€" Waterloo. The deceased, who was in her 58th year, had been jll for the past several years. m sn en e miig‘s 2Edo®s The late Mrs. Doering, whose maid m nawe was _ Caroline Rotharmel laughter of the late Mr. Henry Roth arme} of Kitchener, was married to vir. Aibert Doering in the year 1886 it Kitchener. They later moved . to ‘rosshill, where they resided for 2: rear« when they moved to their pres ent farm, one mile west of Waterloo where they have since resid¢ed. / worrowJng husband, one son and | five laughters , survive, namely: _ Hubert Jardal lona, Anetta, Laurena, ~+ home a1d OUvia, Benn Marr, Pa. The funeral took place on Sunday afternoon of the late Mrs. â€" Albert Joering from the residence, one miil owest of Waterloo, and was larsgely ‘a lerded by sorrowing friends and rel. tives. After a brief service at ih iouse interment was made in Moun ‘Iope cemetery, after wrich a memor [ Among those present from | a di | tance were Mr. Theo. Rotharmel To !rmm; Mr. and Mrs. Gilson, Guelph ! Miss Caroline Doering of Philadelphi l and numerous friends from _ Milver | ton, Wellealey, Crosshill, Philipsbure i and other places. « LN VERKY POORK CONDILTION The following beautiful foral offer ngs were | received: Wrelth, . Ai AMerin= sod family: sprav of yos from the Ladies _ of _ the Carm church, . spray of _ roses; fro a and Sivs. Rudoiph Rose man; spray of roses. Mr. and . Mi George Schnarr; spray of daffodil: atr. aud Nirs. Theo. Kubl; cpray dalf: dils, Mr. and Mrs. Edward Hill; spra of dAaffodils. Miss C. Waelchli and M: Okdner; spray snop drazons. Mr. an Mrs. Isaic Steen; spray of carnation M. 8. A. EVADERS WERE FINED ~ o# rvice was conducte® _ at â€" the "arme! Chureh. Kiternerer > (6te a mpressive sermon was preached. au Aster litkes trom Hailman brot ers: 1 Ottawa, March 25.â€"Despite . proâ€" teata from cities it is understood that the Government is determined to acâ€" cede to the demands ofâ€"the farmers and discoptinue daylight saving this , summer. it !s expected that the â€" an ‘aq-l along these lings: will be 30 S ° oo a London, March 24. â€"Hubert Stefâ€" fler of St. Agatha and Conny Weg ner of St. Josephsburg, near Kitchen er, charged with evasion of the M. S A.. were each fined $260 and costs on Saturday â€" by _ Magistrate Graydon This is the first case to come under the new > orderâ€"inâ€"council passed on February 28. which provides for fim us well as imprisonment. â€" Steffier â€" and Wegner, who were vepresented by Mr. Gordon H. Ten nent, had been exempted for farm work in 1918. Last June, when at mtemptions were _ cancelled, . they falled to report, both remaining in ag vicultural work. . Several weeks ago they gave themselves up voluntarily. The fact that both were bona Me "armers or were working on their fathers‘ farms. and alao the fact that ‘hev had given themselves up, pronâ€" ~bly got them off with the minimum "Ame. The fine, which goes to the reâ€" ceiverâ€"general . at Oftawa, will be naid. six montha‘ time having bees «ranted. GOVEANMENT TO DISGONTINUE DAYLIGHT SAVING MRS. CHARLES MORLEY CAROLINE ROTHARMEL MARS, ALBERT DOERING. MRS. CHAS. MORLEY MENNO GOOD. CANNOT ERECT | A GRAND STAND As a result or the conference with| ‘ a delegation from the Kitchener WA&S ABOUSED Baseball Club and the Kitchener Musical Society the Park Board deâ€" Considerable indignation was arousâ€" dded to undertake this year the imâ€"/ed on Friday over the â€" treatment nrovement _ of the present nlhll‘li0| handed out to a returned sofdier who grounds for baseball and other gamâ€",lost his leg while Arrying despatches es, by levelling the ground, moving ! in connection with the air force near it was exnected by the A@elegation hat the Park Board would undertake the erection of a new grandstand and ‘xtending the present athletic rouna, but before the _ extension :ould be made application to the Onâ€" wrio Railway Joard must be made. It was considered | Hrst This . would lake some time, and no steps â€" could he taken in the _ ineantime _ toward planning for the erection of a â€" grandâ€" stand. Members of the .Board also winted .out that the revenne of the joard at present is not.suilicient to weet the interest and principal on he debentures to be issued _ for _ a sew grandstand. and it would depend argely upon the success ol the new League in this city whether the erâ€" BrickerGermannCo. Ltd | CURTAIN MUSLINS Are shown in Scrims, Madras and Fancy Spot Muslins, sultable for every room, at 29¢, 39¢ and 59¢ a yard. baal x ‘ s 4 f % 4 _ 7M The fine idea} 3Spring weather gives the busy housew f€ an op» portunity to start house cleaning. . During this per.od the arlor, Dining Room and Bedroom Curtains are naturaily talien down and cleaned. Many of course are in such,bad shane that your thoughts are turned towards buying new ones. This same tiing also applies to Floor Coverings. $ Don‘t Be Foolish and Pay the Highest Price, Come Here FLOOR COVERINGS s > wX We show in Oil Cloths at 60¢ a sq. yd. Linoleums at $1.20 a sq. yd And good range of Bedroom Rugs, also Congoleum Rugs, in var Wall Papers i0us s1zes. House Cleaning PHON AL Atmced i; a * # 1 Specials for One ‘Veek We are constantly in touch with first class Paperhangers. Come your papers and we will help you do the rest. Phone 687w. wouen n# THIS WEEK 1/ RTS _ _ Waterloo‘s Great Corner Store WINDOW SHADES |MUCH INDIGNATION } WAS AROUSED ection of a grandstand should be un dertaken. Those who saw . the . pitiful spw--lt-hane of‘ any proper!? Dronf NOC tacle of the unfortunate ‘soldier hopâ€"| Bank in‘ Kiterener. The Bank holt;L ping along the street on one leg were, othér options in the ciry, which exâ€" aroused to Indignation. _ The attea j pire at the same time. 5 tion of the Telegraph was. drawn to| The Ban Of Nova‘ Scotia‘‘does nat the incldent by several people _ whof mfend" to tdA Wrea now bon‘t saw it. At one place â€" on Frederic |hyilding in Kitchener. , The .present street the procession to _ the <pohc | building . will be remodeled and; exâ€" court had to be stopped uatil the wi | ended in the near future., The Wipâ€" veteran who bas unfortunately g0 | oor Block was not, so‘d as renorted. info the toils of the law, wak> #given a‘ An offer to prrchose the hblqack at a chance to recover fromhiw exhaus price of $43,000 was turned down by tion. the owner. 5 Paper Hanging Real Estate § Rumors Unfounded $ The Royal Bank bave an option on the Brunsick: Hotel ‘buflding; whicn does not expire‘until Friday, ard in the meantime nothing deffhite can be jearged in connection wHir tae purâ€" chase of any proporty by the Rovi Bank in Kiterener. The Bank hol other options in the ciry, which exâ€" pire at the same time. £ The Bank Of Nova‘ Scotia‘‘does not mhend" to tdA MreA now bon‘t hnilding in Kitchener. , The .present ‘building â€" will be remodeled and, exâ€" ‘ enided in the near future., The Wipâ€" and choose ITED C | â€"

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