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The Chronicle Telegraph (190101), 27 Mar 1919, p. 1

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‘ou k@ven‘t seen the most wonderâ€" ful value in suits and overcoats, until you‘ve seen these.. . Can‘t possibly duâ€" plicate the style, quality of material and tailoring anywhere in the city unâ€" ger $24.00 ..... ...2. .222. .. $18.00 SRPRING SUITS AND OVERCOATsS. All the new styles with choice of hundreds of patterns and colors, garâ€" ments that are selling in most stores at $32.00. Best all woo!l matcrials and hand tailoring we‘vs ever seen at this l6w price ..... ..... ..0.. .. $25.00 SPRING SUITS AND OVERCOATs Have now the big best assortment at tiis orice we have ever shown. Much the largest in Kitchener, equal to the $35.00 and $4000 kind in other gtores, strictly high class woo! fabrics and hand tailoring, equal to custom made ...:.. colss 12c se <an. $30.00 TX .: WMHEN MAKING A PURCTHASE AT THIS sTORE. C:.“;T "The smartest and best fitting Suits we‘ve seen anywhere." "You‘ve got ‘®M all beat for good fitting Suits and Overcoats." "These prices don‘t look #s if clothing was up." These are the kindly comments we‘re getting every Wry in the wesk from critical buyers who have made the rounds. Clever salesâ€" monship docen‘t induce compliments like these; it‘s just the downright emartness of th: garments, the wonderful fitting qualities and the unusualâ€" mss of moderateness of the prices. We invite you to see this splendid array Â¥@u can look them over and welcome without buying if you so decide, but We do seriously advise your early choice, for there will be no duplicates of these values. SPRING SUITS AND OVERCOATS Limitcd space doesn‘t permit our telling why we sell highâ€"grade clothing at a lower price than other stores. But we do. Bring the boys Saturday | and see suits ..... .. $5.95 to 3\'&.50; BOYS‘ SPRING SUITS MEN‘S RUBBERIZED RAINCOATS Ladies‘ fime Kid, hi cut lace boots, | mahogany or black. pointed toes, semi | L.ouis hcel, a swell dress boot, reguiar | $7.00. for 22222 22222 222 222222 $4.95 1 Women‘s Boots, popular style, gunâ€"{ metal, vici kid and patent Isather butâ€"| ton and Blucher cut, medium and high | heels. regular $4.00 and $4.50, for $2.98 / At Less than Usual Prices: §$7.50 for usual $10.00 Raincoacs. ©3.00 for usual $12.50 Raincoats. 212,00 for usual $16.00 Raincosts 1<.00 for usual $20.00 Raincoats M‘sses‘ Gunmetal, calf, Biucher cut | Boots, McKay sewn soles, low hee!,‘ giz:s 11 to 2, regular price $2.50 and) HETPE‘S A SNAP FOR LADiES Here are just a few of the many specials in our Shos Department. CAN YOU AFFORD To Miss iT? ESE enE m eeeeemner smm n en eCB NNN N 0 00 EN 00 0 NNN NNN SUITE 3 MERCHANTS, BANK B‘LDG., KITCHENER, ONT. .. Open Evenings. Phones 8 to 9. Mon., Wed., Fri., Office 949. .By Appointment. Res. Wateroo, 314W. Take a Western !4 section valued by responsible valuators at $20 an acre, say a total of $3200. 1 am in a position to accept 40 per cent. of the purchase price in Western lots, balance can be arranged. This V4 section can be rented, sold in crop payments or worked. The same thing would apply to revenueâ€"bearing house property. CLAYTON B. EBY Western Town Lots Can be Sold For Cash * Call in and set me, or make an appointment by phone or letter. Give me an idea what you prefer, and 1 will guarantee results. t do not propose selling your Western town lots and handing you your cheque. but 1 do propese making you an exchange, whereby you ¢r ~ turn the lots in, as each is a proposition that can be readily turnac into cash or good securities. For example: . + PYLE, 3UALITY AND ECONâ€" OMY CO HAND IN HAND ranst‘s CANADIAN FOOD BOARD, LICENSE NO. 104. Jirk A splendid fine of men‘s gunmetai and box kip lace boots, good comfort bic. last, regular $4.00 for ... .. $2.98 $3.00, for ..... 22222 222220222 $1.95 Girl‘s vici kid Blucher cut or button, patent toe cap, low heels, McKay sewn soles, sizes 8 to 10%, regular $2.25, for P kmas «044 selne Lecuaree BNBG Men‘s fine Print, Chambray, and Ma dras Shirts, with Jaundered cuffs, ali sizes, regular value $1.25 to $1.50, speâ€" &T :00 us n ons s s uols uw "$9¢ MEN LOOK AT THIS MEN‘S $7.00 BOOTS The season‘s latest, all sizes. The new Havana brown boots recede toe. Neolin and Acme soles, come early st © meu miness en ce ©5.06 Boys‘ box caif and gun metal Boots. Blucher cut, good styles, sizes 1 to 5 regular $3.50 for ..... ..... .. $2.95 clzared. In weol fancy knit, grey mar con. all sizes, regular $6.00, for . $3.95 Youth kin and solid calf Boots, stan dard screw and McKay sewn soles sizes 11, 12 and 13. regular $2.75 for â€" rumes ntaume ochives ©9.99 SATURDAY AND MONDAY SPEC IALS IN OUR FURNISHING DE PARTMENT. MEN‘S SWEATER COATS $3.95. A fiw dozen left which have to be NMon‘s Sweater Coats, assorted col ors, regular $3.00, for ..... .... $1.88 MEN‘S COMBINATION UNDERâ€" WEAR CLEARING LINES. . Men‘s $300 natural shade Combina tigns, for . vzos suulne 2o2 usls . $1.BG Men‘s $4.00 and $4.50 natural shade Combination, several lines to clear, P@P BWit .2.... l.lll llll. l..... $2.89 GREAT SNAPS HERE Men‘s heavyâ€"rib fleece Tru Knit and Tiger heavy rib Shirts and Drawers regular $1.25 to $1.50, not all sizes in any one range, but all sizes in the jat Extra special, per garment ..}... 98c FINE SHIRT3 8%. "Where the Good Clothes Come from t[1 Mrs. James Kerr of Kitchener v» ited her mother, Mrs. Thomar Miten ell, this waeek. Mr. John Rintoul bought a farm near Brussels and .moved there on Thursday. Mrs. Duncan of Atweod sb;fitâ€";(_!'v; eral days this week at the home of her uncle, Mr. Wm. Woods. Mrs. John McMaster is upeml\nu a couple of weeks with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. John F. Smith. Mr. and . Mrs. George Bean are spending several days with relatives in Ayr and Brantford. Mrs. Cowan of Listowel is spendinx several days at the kome of Mrs. T. Smith. Mrs. Lewis Nicbel of Galt and Mtrs. Robert Moot* cf Fonwick attendea the funeral of the late Mrs. Wm. Woods â€" bere on Wednesday cfterâ€" noon. â€" The marriage of Miss Ellen Miller, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. George Milâ€" ler. Haysvllle, to Mr. Georgke Fette:. brother _ of _ Mrs.. John Moenieh in town, was qu‘etly solemnized in Trinity Lutheren Chrreh on Wednesâ€" day. Rev. Mr. Mosig officiated. Miss Iva Miller, sister of the bride, was bridosmâ€"id, and Mr. W. Fotter of Poole suported the groom. The young couple will reside on Mr. Tyea farm _ at â€" Haysville. Their many friends wish them a happy wedded life. Mr. Ernest Franke was a business visitor to Kltc.xe_ne‘rr on Wednesday. Mr. Harley Bowman left for: belroit toâ€"lay. Mr. B. Ruland and daughter, Deem erton vigited at the home of Mr Fred Burchattki this woek. (eyalit i ue mt i 00 hss c t 10e agig Miss Mabel Bellstein of Kitchener spent the weekâ€"end with her mother nere. Miss Myrtle Lindenschmidt â€" spent the weekâ€"end with friends here. | Pn Brlid NMatol 6 malths | Our Busy Neighbors Miss â€" Eva â€" Williams of Kitchener spent the weekâ€"end at her home here. Miss Goforth spent the weekâ€"end with friends in Stratford. Messrs. Thomas and James Semple spent Sunday in Toronto. Mr. Jeremiah Miller and Mr. Syrius Gingrich shipped a carload of houseâ€" hold effects and six horses via C.P.R. to Guernsey, Sask. Mr. Gingrich left with the car. 0 Messrs. Abs. Martin, _ Addison, Gingrich and Orlanda Bowman bave left via C.P.R. on Wednesday for Guernsey, Sask. Mr. John Rudy also left for Parstias, Aita. Mrs. (Rev.) 1. H. MacDonald and little son are visiting at the home ot her. parents. Senator and Mrs. Ratz. Mr. and Miss Bingaman of Washâ€" ington spent Monday at the home of \r. John Bingaman. Mr. _ Maurice Daniels of . Dorkin pent Sunday with his parents. Mr. Mervise Fasey of Blandfora spent Sunday at the home of his ;randfather, Mr. Woogs. Miss Clara Buckel spent the weekâ€" ond with friends in Toronto. Mr. F. W. Sheppard of Kitchener, school inspector for the district is Mr. and Mrs. John Small were visâ€" iting friends in Gait for a few days. Mr. Chris. Dreisinger packed the household effects of Mr. and Mrs. jeorge Dreisinger, and shipped it via P.R. to Hanover. Mr. Ab. Lewis who has been laid up ‘or the past five weeks, is able to be ibout again. Elmira, March 19.â€"â€"At the home of Jr. and Mrs. A. E. Herman on King treet, an enjoyable card party was ‘mjoyed by about twenty five people. ‘hey _ were | playing "500." _ Mrs. ieorge Cobean and Mr. Wm. Auman sere the winners and Mrs. Harvey laack won the consolation _ prize Ars. Herman prepared a dainty lunch The guests left well _ satisfied with he good time they had. Mr. Samuel Stuart spent Sunday*at iis home in Mitchell. Local and Personal Mr. _ Maurice | Di ipent Sunday with Mr. Andrew J. McClintock of Newâ€" irk, N.Y., inspector for the Metropol . tan Life Insurance Company | was a} isitor in town. He called on a num: »er of policy holders and _ expressed imself well pleased with the wark he local agent has been doing for the: ast eight months, that he has been ith them ‘ Miss Laura Eiler of Kitchener is a usiness visitor in town. ‘ Elmira, _ March 22. â€"Mr. B.F tump{ of 'fui'onm. was a business isitor in town. Mr. Michael Roos of Kitchener, u-ns‘ business visitor in town. My. Wm. Struck of Kitchener, was i town this week. Mr. Wes. Bulmer of Wallenstein, cas a business visitor in Kitchener. ‘ â€" Mr. Harry McKellar of Kitchener. ‘as a business visftor in towu. ; Mr. E. R. Good of Kitchener, was a usiness visitor in E}mira. ‘ Mr. Jack Nichol of Waterloo, wns‘ businees visitor in town. f Mr. Christ Dreisinger wa‘s a busiâ€" wess visitor in Kitchener. â€" Ar. A. W. Devitt of near W : tein, had a misfortune to _ cut two ‘nggrs off his left band on Thursday, 'thleg wood in the bush. j Elmira Surprised. The fill]lra people recelved a small urprise"today, when one of the El iira boys returned to town _ without NEWS NOTES GATHERED BY INDUSTRIOUs | _ CORRESPONDENTS IN COUNTY AND pistkrers (Continued on Page Bix.) tContinuea on Page Six.) NEW HAMBURG. ELMIRA. | The United Farmers‘ Club loaded a ; car of hogs and cattle for Toronto on | Wednesday of last week, and _ on Thursday, Mr. ... Barber loaded a car { of hogs also for Toronto. : Mr. A. Habermahl took charge of the service held at the church on Sunâ€" day afternoon last. _ Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Kramp â€" and son Edward of Shantz Station spent Sunday with Mr. and Mra. Alf Kramp. Mrs. J. Gleghorn is spending a Tew days in Guelph. _ _ _ e Mrs. O. Brown left on Saturday for Windsor. Mr. and Mrs. J. Brubart are on the sick list. Local News Notes. Wedding belle are ringing. Mr. Geo. Shoemwaker spent Saturday in Guelph. The U. F. Club beld their meeting i1 the ball last Friday afternoon. The r ceting was well attended and an inâ€" terestinz addre=s was given by _ Mr. Spiese of Floredale on the U.F.O. shipping their own atock. . A pleasant gathering took place at the home of Mr. J. Bosomworth lasi Friday evening when the _ many friends of Miss Ada Winfield presentâ€" ed ber with a kitchen shower. Mr. Wilfred Warner 6f Kitchener apent Sunday at Mr. Henry Melitzer‘s. M+. Ilfllr’r: Bowman ypent Saturâ€" day in Guelph. Mr. J. Hooker returned home from Galt. * Mr. W. Vance of Toronto spent the week end here. Rev. H. N. Ronkle of Guelph will preach next Sunday afternoon. Miss M. Gilchrist went to Galt this mornin=. Pte. Clarence Marriott is spending a few days in Toronto. The P.W.M.S. held their March meeting at the home of Mr. J. Hookâ€" er on Wednesday < afternoon of last week â€" Rev. H. A. Ronkle of Gueiph, addressed the meeting.. Mrs. Ronkle sang Lwice during the afternoon. 1 & P Wointiots is nA o t in ic c :A A c 1218 publication have been convicted _ of people. The evening was spent in ‘raud and sentenced to six months at Tnme, and other amusements. â€" Durâ€" Burwash. ‘ ng the course of the evening sho A motorist and his family.from Torâ€"‘ was presented with a purse‘ of cash. onto had a narrow escape from a serâ€" }i Miss Clara (Cressman kpéeit Sunday ious accldent last week when their in Kitchener,,. i § car skidded down asteep embankment}; ‘Mr. and Mrs. J.‘Bergey of German at the outskirts of .this viilage and|Mills â€"spent Sunday at the home of turned on ita side. F‘orwnnLtely none lthe latter‘s pdrents. Rev. Backus and »r. &mos Hilbory attended the funeral of ter â€" Morâ€" tey Daniels, a nephew to Backus, in Paris on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Fred. Mifier and Mr Herb. Bergey were the guests of Mr and Mrs. Ivan Hilboru on Sunday. oi the party suffered more than slight »rruises and were able to _ continue their journey on the following day. Home Garden Competition. Mr. Norman Weber has â€" had the imisfortune to lose a _ very valuable cow last week. Mr. Angus Krampean has disposed | af his house and cider mill and will j } shortly move with his family . to{ & rown City, Mich. | ; rown Uity, Mich. { ; Bolling maple syrup is the order Pto. F. Toman has returned home | of the day. + safe and sound after "doing his bit"} ; Mr. ffarry Snyder spent â€" Sunday n France and his many < frie®rds Are evening in Doon. glad to welcome him bagk. ' ! Miss Susie Wanner from Rosebank The two young men were _ in spent Sunday under the parental roof. hi# village a few._weekdf#i@go | solicit |‘ Onâ€" Friday evening â€" Mrs. Allan mg subscriptions :9 a GOF‘M“: Wwatâ€"Btoch entertained a number of youngk Wnn l nssy n se Cvamala a i : Mig 1 Mr. A. C. Hallman _ agd â€" Mr. E. B Hallman took a businessitrip to Tor anto on Monday. â€" Tre Womens‘ Instituté held their March meeting at the home of Mrs. Irvin Lautenschlager last week. _ Service in the U.B. church on Sunâ€" lay will be in the evening and will be conducted by the pastor. â€"_ Pte. F. Toman has returned home | of saufe and sound after "doing his bit"| ; n France and his many < friends are , ey glad to welcome him bagk. 11 Born t ltev. and Mrs. Geo. A. Shepâ€" herdson on March 19, a s@n, Albert Wayne. Mirs Estells Sherk a trained wurse of Ti~grre is in attemdance. Mra. (Dr.) L. L. Stauffer and _ son Ward of Toronto. are at present visâ€" iing with Dr. and Mrs. A. R. Bock. Miss Edith Weber and Miss Marâ€" :aret Beith of Kitchener spent the ceek end with ‘he former‘s parents, \lr. and Mrs. Norman Webér. > wEST MONTROSE New Dundee. MOSBORO. Master Mor MRiey. Backus \ Mr. E. B jtrip to Tor er and â€" Mr | / Mr. C. & Brooks and Mr. Mcintyre f‘lq:l-‘n,m-m days ~last rah th friends here. A Mr, B. Letson sold two of his valâ€" ‘wmbm. Meintyre, Brant ; for the sum of $230. The West Montrose Mission Band i:x’h'omnhmoml next evening, March 3ist, a good wrn-obm. \ Mr. C. R. Brooks and Mr. H. Macâ€" _\ Mr. C. R. Brooks and Mr. H. Macâ€" Intyre made a business trip to . our willage and purchased a few head of fine pure bred Shorthorn _ Durham cattle from Mesars. Byron Letson and Irvin Kefer. Miss A.‘f.t. Boal of ‘Toronto url! Saturday with her sistor, Mrs. J. P. Mrs. W. J. Letson returned _ home last Wednesday evening after spendâ€" img three weeks with _ relatives _ in Hamilton. Mrs. T. Morrell of Br‘puord and Mr. John Letson, spent Bunday with relatives here. There was no -ervu‘mheld in the Lutheran Church last nday afterâ€" uoon owing to Student Kohis having suddenly been taken ill in St. Jacobs in the forencon. The sale of Mr. George Adamsor last Tuesday was largely attendeo, and good prices were secured by Mr. Class, the auctioneer. Our rivers, which have been rathâ€" @r wild during the past week, have eased down some and are again withâ€" in their banks. Complaints are being registered in town every day about the condition of the road between Preston and Hespelâ€" er. Old Resident Dead. WIO NEWCENT VEAU, ‘Clark in her 92nd year, _ Deceased The death took place Sunday night | had been a resident of the town for about midnight of one of the Iown’u»mnny years and witnessed the growth oidest citizens in the person of Grace ‘of Hespeler from a village to the prosâ€" Mrs. Storm of Toronto was the guest of Mrs. F. S. Challoner over Bunday. \ Mr. Oliver Scheifll is busy these days loading his willows for the West. He is also supplying the Govâ€" ernment with some from which it f& sald they make artificial limbs for soldiers. . Quite a few of our farmers have tapped and report a good run of sap. Mrs. Challoner has returned from a visit in Toronto. From letters to their parents by our boys overseas, they report . it probably will be some time before they return home. ) Young I’éople'simveling was held Bunday evening in Strassburg NMenâ€" nonite Church and was well attendec. ‘ Mrs. Mitchell and â€" daughter or Hamilton are the guests of Miss Net te Wright. * M. WEICHEL & SON Limited Waterloo and Elmira Phone 215 THE BIG HARDWARE STORE Field Fence Lawn Fence Picket Poultry @fiev-"“u,, i tVln{a‘ & fl Frost Fence First N ‘@CEW; it rears no searcHuicnt +@$# FROST TIgGH EVEm STRASSBURG. Fence conEsTtoao. Fence HESPELER. 1 e o the Posts as it Does in the Picture § Frost Fence and Frost Gates FROST FENCE Galvanized Frames and Electric Welded.These two big improveâ€" ments in Gate Construction add to the life of the Gate and have put Frost Gates "First" with the careful buyer. FROST GATES Our Spring Shipment will be in shortly Canadian Made. Aill No. 9. ‘I Weseloh‘s CLEVER s â€" NEW King Street East Whatever type of Suit a Woman prefers whether it be extremely fi vative, plain tailored model cut on severety simple lines, the NM" tume Suit" or the "betwixt and between‘" Suit for general wear, she Wi sure to find a desirable, wholly satisfactory model at Goudies. Range of rics, Coloring and Price ieaves nothing to be desired. s To serve you from our Big Stock of New Spring Suits and Furnishings for Men and Boys and all kinds of Shoes for Men, Women and Children. You will find that our prices are very low because they are marked according . to our Policy of "Small Profits and Quick Returns." * Goudies Limited WE ARE NOW READY 9@ S hoe and Clothing Bse'Oh S Merchants > 2 BIG STORES __ 41 and 44 King St.., KITCHENER ‘ 1 v TAILORED S The decided Reserve Spring Frost Fance _ Stretches up straight and neat, and stays that wayâ€"Year after Year. â€" THE TIGHT LOCK Sce our line of other Froste Products. perous town of today. Deceased sided on Silver Heights and made | home with her stepâ€"daughter, Miss abella Clark. â€" wili be found equal to the most : perfectly matched team in i,lp,‘j metry and beauty. it sets .w,4 fully on the horses, and while 1 fitting _ perfectly _ allows ~the J greatest freedom of action. I#f~ you have a high ‘class team _ come here for harness lp‘fl(o’-,i priate for their class. , OuURr DoUBLE HARNESS KiNG §T., WATERLOO. Wilheim‘s {4 Kitchener, FENCING, We have it. If it‘s

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