Rotary | clubs are passing resoluâ€" Jows pus favoring daylight saving. Choi NE OF THE BEsT NEAR PRES > TON. lest ... . Atator Flour arms, Farms, Farms NEW HAMBURG MARKET ‘ REPORTS. New Hamburg, Mar. 26, \_ Watetlog, Mar. 25, 1919. toes, per bag , per ton ... toba flour , per ton ng wheat . wheat .... , specisl ... ... . , Chief ... , per dozen r, per lb. . , per dozen per Ih ... 5 agres with large bank barn, silo, ) hew driving u%ed. piggery, etc., i good Bâ€"roomed house with furnâ€" lgz wood shed, gasoline engine pe water, cuts wood, etc., pracâ€" l‘:ll wire fences, the best of soil, 10 acres of bush, 2 springs for ure, 1 mile from station, close to 6l and churches, an A1 crop farm, gh state of cultivation at only $70 , family, cwt. , bigh grade _ \gs FReogaick« st. â€" â€" _ PhHoNnE s24. bm;. Woegnesday and 8 aturday evenings from 7.30 to 9. _per ton .... Ings ... per cwt. .. per dozen .. STRATFORD MARKETS rolled »p‘o-t doz. WATERLOO MARKETS. Stratford, March 25, 1919. mores, 4 miles from Kitchener, bif not hilly, with large bank and 7 roomed brick house, good w Silo, driving shed, large pigâ€" acres of bush, and good water five minutes walk to school, ;mo per acre. ; per Ib. . per dozen es, per ba mere farm of extra good land, hl'dâ€n.. with good buildings, sllo etc., water in front of ~per ton er 16 .. pér Ib. . s, per bag W. H. Rosenbusch . Would consider house in Kitâ€" for exchange. Investigate. GUELPH MARKETS. Guelph, Mar. 26, 1919. flour ELMIRA MAPKETS Elmira, Mar. 26, 1919 bushel. chopped Cwl PR ornen& . March 26,» 199. ton to toug gor nite s# n en mae ® Where You Get a Square Deal. loan and Conveyancing at lowest rates RKET REPORTS ~| .. .. 47e to 50¢ . 17.15 to 18.00 . 16.00 to 18.06 ... .80 to 1.00 sxure i4a% £.95 ..... .80 to .85 .i s .3 60 to 6 43.00 to 46.00 .. 43.00 to 45.00 . 40.00 to 43.00 ... 5.15 to 6.00 .. 6.00 to 6.50 hes voee 08 cssc OOE swsc Ob ... .88 to .5 +s A0 to AZ arasces 18.0 20.00 to 22.0( 11.00 to 12.9 20.00 to 22.06 2.30 to 2.40 . 38¢ to 40c 230 to 2.40 2.06 * to 2.0; 5 +. $.85 sn B$ 1919. sns 8# ... 19.00 .. 24.00 46 to Ai 36 to .37 o. 185 2. 1.00 x BMBT EO AG °CC d 4 $s8.00° _ Manitoba oatsâ€"iIn store, Port Wiâ€" 10.00 ‘ Mam: No. 2 Canadian western, 73 %¢ * jNo 3 Canadian western, 62%c; No. » 44.00 | teed, 675%%c; No. 2 feed, 64%e. _*w.00| Manitoba barleyâ€"In store, _ Fort 24.50; William: No. 3 Canadian western, 21.00 $1.03%; No. 4 Canadian western, 98¢ .. .48 ) rejected, 94¢; feed, 93¢c. . 214 . §K ‘5 aHd whot DB tOOTE WerQ Were & do: "1'00 lar or more below last wrek‘s prices * l-"5 for the same class of cattle. The deâ€" s‘éo mand for bntcher cattle has also lost '39-00 edge slightly, and bids are 25¢ to 50c 5.60 {;JW;!I', except for choice quality baby T 4 cel. .33.00 Calves were steady at yestorday‘s «> AB decline. «» .361 Sheep and lambs were steady. > +x »39 Hogs were almost at a standstill, 35 Â¥packers standing pat on their bid for 1.50!this week‘s offerings on the basis oi 15.00i$19. fed and watered. There were bou ;few transactions i The latest transactions aer as folâ€" 17.3% 38.00 38.0: 6.45 8.70 2.2 €.55 2.12 21 »13]| 8.10 5.90 2.15 . .65 .38 n 6 Montreal, March 25. â€"Eggs. select ed, 36¢; No. 1 stock, 32c¢. > The mar iet was steady. 5 Toronto. March 25.â€"Fggs, _ new aid, 43¢ @ 46¢. Ecas. Chicago, March 25.â€"Eggs higher firsts, 39¢ @ 39%%c;ordinary © frste 8c @ 38%; at mark, cases dncluded 18c @ 39c. * Montreal, March 25 â€"Cheese, fin ‘st easterns, 24c @ 25¢c. The marke! oâ€"day was featured by increased de nand, a carload being sold for ship ment to New York at 27%%c per pound Toronto, March 25.â€"Cheese, new ‘arge. 286 @ 28%c: apring made 28l%4c @ 29¢; twins, 29¢ @ 29%c. LIVESTOCK. Torento, â€" March 25.â€"Trade was slow toâ€"day, there being practically no demand for heavy export steers and what bids there were were & do: lar or more below last wrek‘s prices for the same class of cattle. The deâ€" mand for bntcher cattle has also lost edge slightly, and bids are 25¢ to 50c low;;r. except for choice quality baby beet. cattle in barn, splendid water supply, farm is in high state of cultivation, with 10 acres in fall wheat and 35 acres in hay, at $80 per acre...Sickâ€" ness is the only reason for seiling. Would exchange for Kitchener properâ€" ty. GRAIN. ‘Toronto, â€" March _ 25.â€"Board _ of [rade quotationg; Manitoba‘ .sseatâ€"In store. Port Wiiâ€" Mu:m; No. 1 northeru, $§¢.24%4%;, No. # norchern, {2.21%; No. 3 northern $2.17%; No. 4 wheat, $2.11%. 8 American cornâ€"On track, Toronto prompt shipment: No. 3 yellow, $1. 73, nominal; No. 4 yellow, $1.70, nom inal. outside: No. 2 white, 68¢ @ 70¢c; No 3 white. 66c @ 68c. Milifeedâ€"Carlots, delivered ireal freights. bags included: $40.25 per ton; shorts, $42.25 eed flour, per bag, $3.2%5 @ niddlings not quoted. HAY AND STRAW. Toronto, March, 25.â€"â€"Hayâ€" Baled m track, Toronto. No. 1, $20 @ $2) wer ton; mixed, $18 @ $19. Straw *arlots. track, Toronto, $10 per ton. Montreal, March 25.â€"Hayâ€"No. 2 ner ton, carlots, $25. Ontario wheat â€"According t« freights. outside: No. 1 winter, $2.15 & $2.22, in carlots, 1. o. b., shipping points; No. 2 winter, $2.11 @ $219:; No 3 winter, $2.07 @ $2.15; No. i spring. $2.09 @ $2.17; No. 2 spring $2.06 @ $214; No. 3 sprinpg, $2.02 @ $2.10. Peasâ€"According to freights, out aide; No. 2 $1.80, nominal. Barleyâ€"According to freights, out side: Maiting, 98¢ @ $1.03, nominal Buckwheatâ€"According to freights outside: No. 2, 90c, nominal. Ryeâ€"According to _ freights, out side; No. 2, $1.59 @ $1.62, nominal. Montreal, March 25.â€"Butter, choic ast creamery, 58¢ @ 59c. Choice heavy steers ..$14 00@$15 00 A good 75 acre farm with good build ings and A1 soil. Owner wants to sell badly and will take low price of $8700. You cannot beat the price nor the farm either. Let me prove it to you. On main road to Preston, 84 acres of A1 even soil, 63 acres working iand, 21 acres in bush, good 8 roomed brick house with fine cellars, good driving shed, cemented silo 10x35, an extra good bank barn all cemented, piggery all cemented, good water supply, fair orchard. Owner must sell and will consider $7,000. $2,800 cash and the balance at the rate of 5%, per cent. A farm good enough for anybody. in vestigate but do not hesitate. Toronto, March 25.â€"Butter, cream »ry, solids, 53¢ @ 55¢; _ creamery srints, fresh made, 55¢ @ 56c; choice lairy prints, 45¢ @ 47¢; _ ordinary lairy prints, 39c @ 40¢c; bakers, 30c @ 33e. Montreal, March 25.â€"Flour un thanged. NEAR NEW DUNDEE. NEAR BRESLAU. BUTTER. Chicago, March 25.â€"Butter lower ‘reamery, 55¢ @ 62c. FLOUR. Coronto, March 25.â€"Manitoba flou: Covernment | atandard, Toronto i0.75 @ $11.. Ontario flourâ€"Govern ‘<ot standard. $9.:55 @ $9.75, Mon oa‘ freights. in jute bags, prompi hinment ‘Torontb, $9.556 @ $9.75. Minneapolis, March 25.â€"Flour un Ontario oatsâ€"According to freights Toronto Markets. CHEESE. $3.50; Mon Bran Christman â€"Near Elmira, March 18, to Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Chiratman, a son. Playfordâ€"In Elmira, March 15th, to Mr. and Mrs. Clayton Rlayford, > Zickâ€"At _ Waterloo, March 23rd, to Mr. and Mqs:â€"Norman A. Zick, a Sandrinâ€"Klugman â€" At _ Kitchen> Koebe!â€"At Clements, March 15th, to Mr. and Mrs. Robert Koebel, a son. March 22nd, Mr.,Angelo Sandrin o:> Waterloo to Miss Margaret R. Klugman of Kitchener, Croninâ€"Vanceâ€"At Galt, March 22nd, Mr. Roy Cronin, son of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Cronin of Sheffield, 1w Miss _ Vera _ Marjory, _ youngest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. D. w. Vance of Galt._ Roseâ€"Angellisâ€"At Galt, March 22ne Mr. Charlie Ross of Galt, to Miss Nollie Angells, of Bay City, U. S. a Hogs, fed and watered. %o, off cere .....;.. dto, L. p. b..s...... Niagara Falls Ont., March 24.â€"C. L. Laing, manager for the Woolworth Company here, has been sorely afflictâ€" ed in the death of his young wie which took place last week under th« saddest circumstances. _ Ten days igo Mrs, Laing went to her home own, Woodstock, to attend the double uneral of her brother and her aunt ‘he young woman had taker | ill o afluenza, and her aunt, Mrs. . McArâ€" hur of Woodstock, went to her home o nurse her, and herself caught th« lisease. While at WZodntock Mrs Laing ailso caught influenra and died ast Wednesday. She was formerly Miss Bessie Cullen _ of Woodstock laughter of Mr. and Mrs. James Cul en. She was married to _ Mr. Lain hree years ago. Galt manufacturers are making .# itrong bid for export trade and Ald 3. L. Clark, manager of the Perfec! Machinery Company, has received a: »rder from one of the largest machin ‘ry houses in London, England fo iix machines, which is a trial orde: nquiries bave also been received b. bhe same firm from Australia and Jap 3idding for Export Trade. Woodsâ€"In New Hamburg, March 17, Mrs, Wm. Woods, aged 82 years. Hahnâ€"In Elmira, March 12th, Florâ€" ence Hahn, infant daughter of Mi. and Mrs. Leo Hahn, aged abom three months. Engelâ€"Iit Waterioo, â€" March â€" 22nd. Marguerite Daisy, only daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Herman A. Enge‘, aged 13 years 8 months and 22 daya. Miehmâ€"At â€" Kitchener, March 23rd, Mrs. Charles Miehm, aged 58 yeare and 6 months. Morleyâ€"At _ Kitchener, March 2tw. Mrs. Elizabeth Morley, aged 63 years. " Schneiderâ€"At Kitchener, March 23. Magdalen Haller, beloved wife o Anthony Schneider, aged 58 years 4 months and 21 days Clarkâ€"At Hespeler, March 2%rd, Mry Grace Clark, in her 92n4 year. McQueenâ€"At Kirkwall, March 22nd. Mr. Jolhn McQueen, in his 75th year. "orged Brother‘s Name. Pleading guilty to having . forge( he name of his brother to a check fo: i121, drawn on the Ford branch o# he Dominion Bank, W. H. Schroll who says he is a private detective ind learned the sleuthing busines: hrough a correspondence school, wa: *emanded for sentence _ at Windsor ichroll‘s brother had $123 in the bank ind the detective drew it all but twc lollars. He said he "needed the mon YOUNG NIAGARA FALLS WOMAN‘8 SUDDEN DEATH More than any other man requires to keep well posted on the markets. â€" It is dollars in his pocket book to know what price he can get for his proâ€" duce whether that proâ€" duce be hogs, eggs, turkeys, butter or fall wheat. The Chronicle Telegraph‘s ways up Wedne:’ny of the Market week of issue. THE CHRONICLEâ€" TELEGRAPH The Farmer MARRIAGES. Waterioo BIRTHS. DEATHS. Reports i 8 uo it w 12 14 14 0# Lonion, 21st March, 1919. * "2A.â€"2,000.27â€"4â€"18. _ © Printed notices containing further nformation as to conditions of proposâ€" *d Contract may be seen and blank ‘orms of Tender may be obtained at the Post Offices of Kitchener, Waterâ€" ‘oo, Preston, Petersburg and St. Jaâ€" jobs, and at the office of the Post Ofâ€" ‘ge Inspector, London. CHAS. E. H. FISHER, 14 4 @ .i Post Office, iskectas. ~ost Office IGspector‘s Office,"*> â€" wre. ~RIDAY, THE 2ND DAY OF MAY, ‘19 ‘or the conveyance of His Majesty‘s Mails, on a proposed Contract for four sears, six times per week, JVER KITCHENER NO. 3 RURAL ROUTE, Choice Property rom the Postmaster Generai‘s Pleasâ€" SEALED TENDERS, adgressed to he Postmaster General, will be reâ€" gived at Ottawa until noon, on ... . Mc e o ts t 00 c 0 From us. The best quality of paper used and prices reasonâ€" able. Butter Wrappers Handsome property of Mrs. David Hagey, on the Presâ€" tonâ€"Kitchener road, right outside Preston corporation limits, solid White Brick House, 9 rooms, bath with soft water, summer kitchen, furnace. The rules and ethics of the exchange do not permit of sending out alluring priceâ€"lists, yet we give you an exact and expert grading and pay you at a rate of five to twentyâ€"five cents more on the dollar than the average advertising fur company as we cut out all middleâ€"man‘s profit in dealing direct with you. Also a good ten acre farm with house and barn, everyâ€" thing in good condition. We are registered with and recognized by the United States War Trade Board and all of the Collectors of Customs under License P.B.F. 30, and you can send your furs to us direcz by our tag or any tag, changed to suit, if marked ‘"Furs o{ Canadian Origin", and your furs will come right th ough, . ~ Furs â€" Furs Furs Mail Contract THE TOP MARKET PRICE PAID AND EQUITABLE GRADING MADE. THE CHRONICLEâ€"TELEGRAPH Waterioo, Ont. A good Barn and one acre of choice garden land. Come and look this over. * 8t. Louis Fur Exchange 7th and Chestnut, St, Louis, Mo., U.S.A. SHIP TO US DIRECT W. J. SCHLUETER No Delays at Any Point FAIR GRADING FOR SALUE Real Estate & Business Broker, Cbal Every pair ‘of Skides‘you buy will be a Bargain. arwad t J arc e * BOHLENDERS *‘Waterloo â€" BOHLENDER: [ Mr. and Me® Suin ONive Ttors in Listowel on guests of Mr. Wes. Kibler d it ts % 11 so bave yout wants supâ€" § ohed here | We alwars keev on i haud chous ; Beef, Pork, Lamb < a"«Homeâ€"made § Saucage Preston, Ont. You will find our harness equal to the best on the market. If you want a single or double harness, we have it. Quality and style the best, and prices reasonable. # 0 why not muy youl | cewhs sere and yel cbe ne@t > W. C. Brueckner ne0 E0 CGOAOONORE Ne un Y Coun 0000004 (§4,.20049 + Bo You Appresiate First â€" Successor to J. B Phone 243 o n t o e o t t mt B i tdb 9 HARNESS SHQP, BADEN. EDGAR FIS\ YES Class Meats s n were. visâ€" day, the pént the M# and «Dttawa, . March 211â€"One of the moqst‘ fmportant measyres.of the ses sion, the highway bill, was introduced by Hon. J. D. Réid late toâ€"night. The billâ€" provides for an MINARD‘S _ LINIMENT _ CURES GARGET IN CoWs. $20,000,000 ON CANADIANK ROADS * with new modern red brick dwelling and good barn, situated about one mile from King Street, Waterloo, â€" for quick Real Estate â€" Waterioo Phone 185. Calls from ail parts of the county promptly attended to. UNDERTAKERS AND FUNERAL DIRECTORS Phone 80. Night Phone 207W Team lines, inch wide with snaps selling from $3.00 up. Unbreakable Hame Straps selling at each 25¢ and 30c Inch Tie Straps at ..... ... ..... ..... ...... .. Gi§e Unbreakable Halters at ..... ... ... .......... The â€" We admire oppositionâ€"We defy competition, examine and be convinced. Compare our prices with the prices you paid last time, or with those of the Catalogue Houses. _ ©. HIGH GRADE BICYCLES, old and new on easy terms, Come in and be Convinced. & NOTHING LIKE LEATHER IF WELL PUT TOGETHER â€" and made by Louis Sattleér A. K. Cressman WILSON B. BECHTEL a high state of cultivation. Good water, fine large upâ€"toâ€"" date bank barn, good house, orchard, 20 acres good bush,: Shortage of help and owner has decided to sacrifice. Wq accept town home in part payment. Price ms70.m One hundred acre farm, about 6 miles from Kitchener, in fine farming district, slightly rolling land, soil of the best clay loam, good stone house and fine large bank barn, good orchard of mixed fruit, ; mile from school, 1 mile from church, good water. Owner has too much land 3100.‘» and you may have this at per acre;..... ...... _ LETTER & DREISINCER PHONE 925 Fine farm of 180 acres, in the Township of Woolwick, :’ , mile from school and church, good producing soil and in [ _ Satisfaction guaranteed 12 Acres Undertakess Farms for Sale Many others to choose from. Come in and talk it over, THE WAR IS OVERâ€"PRICES ARE DOWN, PRICES GOOD FOR 30 DAYS. Waterloo. MONEY TO LOAN AT LOWEST RATEs. SITUATED ON MAIN ROAD. expenditure Real Estate and Insurance dclt;gatéé,to the Hungarian National Ass@mbly has been fixed for April 13 Incoworated in 1883. TOTAL ASSET% 818T DEC., 1914, . OVER $880,000 Officers and Directore:== *~ George Diebe!, President, wateriee Allan Bowman, Viceâ€"Pres., Presten Dr. J. H. Webb, + W J. Howard Simpsen & m J. L. Wideman, â€" 6t Jm James Livingaton, & j P. E. Shantz, . â€" % Pregter 8. B. Bricker, > * Waterlse Richard Roechman, Wateriee L. W. SHUH, 8. E. BECHTEL, _ Manager. Inspoctor. C. A. BOEHM. District Agent. RITC NWEND WV MVR APUTMIITUTL ."' Dr. Reid pointed out that a similag bill was twice indorsed by the Bor den Government, only to be killed & the Senate. The .main objects of t bill were to improve rural trans tation &ystems amd fo ‘provid@(wo for the unemployed $20,000,000, spread over five years, on the roads of the Dominion. & Waterloo Mutual Fire Insurance Company The THE HARNESS MAKER, 31 Queen St., Kitchener. Office Phone, Waterice §8 W. Shinn residence, Waterioo, 333K Ed. Lippert, residence phone 281 Store phone, Kitchener, 670. Best Equipment, GENERAL INSURANCE AGENT King Street OMce, Waterion Mutual Bulld Ing. Established 1084.., . No extra charge for moter hearse. date set for the Undertaking SHINN & LIPPERT Reasonable Prices. 255 KING, WEST. Au0* i xk