#,8; ~â€"£ Farms for Sale ’ ar only‘,.... ..... csosc. Th ‘Bov# suiTS8"anp qvencoalds; ~Rency â€" Tweeds anfd ‘Worsteds, € in Norfolk and Beiters. Suit or Overcoat only $6.98 loys* $10 Suit or Overcoat only $7.98 Boys#‘â€"$12. Suit or Overcoat only $8.98 & ~ can as usual look to Ernat‘s store for everything right up t0 | .Rimir©, Fob. 19.~â€"O0 Mondsy exen~ & last tick of style.. Aiready in stock are some of our new lpm:’" 20th |ing, the members of the Gale Preabyâ€" f. ry 5'..- Suits, new Hate, Shirts, Neckwear, Spring Cape, Raincoats, | rerian m’ï¬: Myely debate, in 4 and Shoes. the Guild 5 & subject of the o big Suit and Overceat Saie of last Saturday was such a great sucâ€" | debate was Resolved that the clty‘s f 16 we will repeat it for toâ€"morrow w ith many other special lines. debt to the country ‘Ts mm ‘th':- P s 2ire. L. Ni C cuP 4s Ae m & * .A num § g-'m ey . I k last f hot _ | MB a *MEN‘S OVERCOATS. :Â¥10.00 Overcoats, Saturday $20.00 Overcoats Saturday Overcoats, Saturday a Overcoats, Saturday Overcoats, Saturday $32.00 Overcoats, Saturday $40.00 Overcoats, Saturday "‘z. WEAR. Men‘s Union Combination Unâ€" aaly 4 :2:s is ios css $100 e Men‘s Union Combination Unâ€" ) ©Bly ..:cc verss casce $2B0 â€"($6,00 Men‘s Union Combination Unâ€" € . only ..:.. .s... .... $2.89 ~88400 Men‘s Union Combination Unâ€" WONDERFUL SAVINGS IN MEN‘S TWOPIECE UNDERWEAR. _ Flesceâ€"Lined Shirts and Drawers, reâ€" gutar:$1.00, tor * Elaptic knit Shirts and Drawers, reâ€" plur:fl.fl.fw pyram meuce: ca5 orm BBG :Elastic knit Shirts and Drawers, reâ€" gular.$2:00 for ..... ..... .... $1.49 *, knjt Shirts and Drawers, reâ€" @ular.$1.25 .,.... l.... l..l. l... 88c WE @EST MADE, BEST FiTTING . TROUSERS. ‘ *buud in Canada. Wrousers, Saturday only $1.98 $4,00 Trousers, Saturday only $2.98 Trousers, Saturday only $3.98 ; Trousers, Saturday only r.u ‘&Tnupcu. Saturday only $5.98 $10;00 Trousers, Saturday only $6.98 ~‘. â€"~â€"One hundred acre farm, about 6 miles from Kitchener, ‘h-lne farming district, slightly rolling land, soil of the best rclay Joam, good stone house and fine lapge bank barn, good ~archard of mixed fruit, %, mile from school, 1 mile from Shurch, good water. Owner has too much land "gnd you may have this at per acre ..... ...... $100'm _ ~ Fine farm of 180 acres, in the Township of Woolwich, 44 mile from school and church, good producing soil and in a high state of cultivation. Good water, fine large upâ€"toâ€" date bank barn, good house, orchard, 20 aeres good bush, Ahortage of help and owner has decided to sacrifice. _ Will ,"mt town home in part payment. Price per $70'00 WILSON B. BECHTIEL \ ‘ : Addison Baird and children 4t with influensa j i mumiber from this vicinity took in i\ "Beaforth |vs. Now â€" Ham‘vry" ékey match at the New Han . rg Â¥k last Friday evening. _ PhHoNE 925 fa iniproving. #, A. E. Bean spent Tuesday at P. Fred Weicker will dispoes of farm stock and implements hy in the near future. wnlorkm County Board of Ag: will hold a meeting in the aville Hall on ;‘rï¬dly evening. .< #ist, Several Yilms of moving wrés (will be shown â€" illustrating fects 6f interest to this particular Suits, Saturday only S@uits, Gaturday only Suits, Saturday only Buite, Baturday only funity . ,, : Gavin i Business Notes uite, Saturday only M s 7 | **+ uen all; n 2 0999 T e |.C ‘é rounging up the straoglore 9 i%. add (AWinter â€"moreflandite: . | + m.::w Vrolln. b:'_n ul.‘?:'.::“y..ul&‘ m.o':.qlmmho::‘r‘ 1 Many others to choose from. â€" Come in and talk it over. inst‘s its, Saturday only C@MBINATION UNDERâ€" vin of Crosshill an #Gdress a music will by local taight. A corâ€" r«m is extepéffed to all. . Mre. Merfin Facey and kpent Monday at the home i@sier, who is on the sick HAYSVILLE Real Estate and Insurance MONEY TO LOAN AT LOWEST RATEsS. SITUATED ON MAIN ROAD, max: Saturday|~ only $12.08 only $14.08 only $16 only ‘1.::1 only only :gz? only $29.98 only $1.98 only $2.98 only $3.98 only $4.98 only n.fll only $6.98 $12.20 3$15.80 $17.90 $19.98 $3.75 The. kind that cold can‘t penetrate the close but pliable knit of Ernst‘s Sweater Coats. Talk about warm. Why they just hug you in a frost deâ€" fying embrace. §$2.50 Coat Sweaters only ...... $1.69 ©3.00 Coat Sweaters only ...... $1.98 Coat Sweaters only ...... $2.98 ' Coat Sweaters only ..... $3.98 s‘ t:.w Sweater Coats, only $2.98 ys‘ $2.75 Sweater Coats, only $1.98 Boys‘ $1.75 Sweater Coats, only .. 98¢ _ Children‘s and Misses‘ Felt Slippers a big assortment. ~Maiwes up to $1.25 sale price ..... ..... ..... ..... 69c 200 pairs Women‘s fine kid and gunâ€" metal shoes, regular $3.50, $4.00 and §4.50, sile price ..... ..... ... §$1.9€ _ Women‘s and growing girls‘ Kid and Patent Lace and Button Shoes, high and low heels, regular $5.00, $5.50 $6.00, sale price ..... ... .... §3.9t BOOTS, SHOES AND RUBBERS, Women‘s red, brown, grey and black Cosy Slippers, reguilar $1.35, sale prige siziz ciass sorss seees o6 Ohe FOR THE MEN. Dark Tan English Bals., with Neolin soles, regular §$7.50 now ..... $5.9f Gunmetal Calf, English Bails., wit Neolin soles, regular $6.50, now $4.9f FOR THE MAN wWHO LABORS. And no house values his patrona'e1 ‘more highly than Ernst‘s. Black stripe Smocky and Overalils, War'z.zs'or sorkrors raasy cs ©YB0 lackâ€"Oméckaâ€"and O@veratis, regular §2.75, for ..... .220 200.. .w . $1.9¢ Extra special Stifel‘s blue stripe Overalis and Smocks, regular $3.00,‘ for MEN‘S SWEATER CoATs. Heavy Work Shoes, with vical soles regular $4.00, now ..... ..... $2.98 FOR THE BOYS. Boys‘ Heavy School Shoes, sizes 1 to 5, regular $4.00, now ..... .. $2.95 Boys‘ fine Calif Shoes, sizes 1 to 5 wery specimh ..... ..... gese>> $3.50 Youths‘ fine Caif Shoes, sizes 11 to 13, sale price ... ....... ..... §2.05 IMMENSE CROWD i * ATTENDED SALE One of the most successful sales of the season ‘was held on Thursday, |‘ebruary 20th, when the farm stook and {mplements of Mr. Fred Haage, three miles west of Kitchener, was sold by public auction. There was an exceptionally large crowd present and splendid prices were realized, the sale amounting to $6840. A team of horses was sold for $325, and other horses from $150 to $200. Cows sold from $100 to $165 each and good pricâ€" es were secured for implements. The sate was conducted by H. B Duerinw in his usual fine stvle Norman Williams, _ ef_ Kitchotier, and WiHiam Kneschewsky,< of _ 8t. Jacobs. were arrested by the Dominâ€" fon police and taken to Gueliph Sagurâ€" umm ‘.*. s ARRESTED UNDER M.S.A. "{\Comeyfrom|\ 255 KING, WEST. Last evening a large number of ladies of St. Thereea _ Church, and »thers, gave Mrs. Albert Schedewitz i pleasant surprise at her home. Mr. and Mrs. Schedewitz will be leaving soon for their new farm home near. Glenallan, and the ladies wished to zive Mrs. Schedewitz a pleasant send f. The evening was spent in a rood old fashioned way, everyone mjoying themselves as they always lo at the home _ of their _ hostess. During the evening they _ presented her with a beautiful hanging | lamp ind a milk pail, with the following .etter : â€" & i debate 'tg Resolved that the clly‘s debt to country ‘Is greater ‘than the country‘s debt to the ¢ity. For the affirmative Mesers. J. Mahood and E. G. Winn had strong opponents before them in Messrs. A. Morris and A. Werner. â€" _ ‘The affirmative side won point. Alf. Miehm, Waterlog, ‘They _ also made a call at‘the home â€" of Mr. and Mrs. Louis Houber. Ritterâ€"Geise! Wedding. A quiet but pretty wedding took place at 3.80 o‘clock this afternoon at the home of Mr. and _ Mrs. Herman Geisel near Elmira, _ when their daughter Edith wns mn;x::d to Al bert P. Ritter, son of r. and Mrs. Wm. Ritter, near Floradale. Rev. A. Galmeler officlated. _ Miss Malinda Ritter aitended the bride, and Mr. Theo. Geisel was best _ man. The young couple on their return from a short trip, will live on the Crauston K. Weber farm near Floradale. We extend our best wishes for sucâ€" cess to the young couple. _ _ p _’f'h;. Eii“m a difficult task beâ€" tore them as both sides had worked hard to win. â€" Mr. David Smail of _ Wallenstein, rad a very successful sale on his arm, on _ Tuesday afternoon. The ‘rowd was unusually large and the »sidding exceptionally brisk, as few )f the items will show. A span of matched mares, rising 4 and 5 years of age, brought $530.00, the grade :ows at $180.00 each; a Massey Harâ€" ‘is Binder, $200.00 and a Bain wagon, $112.00. The other articles brought lifferent prices accordingly. Pte. W. J. Glennie, 72nd Seaforth Highlanders, calted on his uncle, Mr. James Glennie, on his way home to @Edmonton, Alta., Pte. Glennie arrivâ€" sd on the S. 8. Baltic, after having served in France since the 4th Diviâ€" sion was formed, seeing service on the Somme, Vimy, Paschendaele and »ther fronts. _ Mr. and Mrs. John Ertel, and Mr. and Mrs. Edward Miehm were visitâ€" ing at the home ‘of Mr. George and. D. H. Kress, M.B., of Washington, p.C., is visiting at the home of Nir. and Mrs. J. H. Ruppol. Dr. Kress is a brother of Mrs. J. H. Ruppel. Mr, Herb. Mewhiney sold his house on King street, to Mr. C. L. Klinck, tor the sum of $1175.00. Taking posâ€" seasion lst of March. _ Mr.; and Mrs. A. Bruder and family of Floradale, have removed their furâ€" miture to German MiHs. s Mr. Louis Wagner, employed by the Elmira Mach. & Trans. Co., took suddenly il} while at work this afterâ€" noon. After receiving first aid he was removed to his home on Factory street. i Mr. Wm. Bulgin of Guelph, _ is spending a few days with his brother Mr. George Bulgin . Mr. Bulgin bas his children staying with his brothâ€" er. ‘The Elmira factories have formed a Hockey League duflg the past week, including . the mira . High "chool. The teams are:â€" ‘ Mr. and Mra. Fred. Shurly _ of St. Catherines were visiting at the home of Mr. and Mrs. M. L. Weber.. Mr. Bhurly attended the anuual meeting of the Great West Felt Co. ~ Mr. and Mrs. John D. Miller are spending a few days with their old friends Mr. and Mrs. Crooks, Linâ€" Seaman Ei Brubacher of 8t. Jacâ€" obs, who has just returned from ovâ€" erseas after two years service with the RN.C.VR., in England, is stayâ€" ing the home of his uncle Mr. I. Bruâ€" bacher. _ _ Mr. Walter Koser of _ Winnipeg. Man., was visiting at the ; home of Mr. and Mrs» David Zia.l‘r. for a few days. Mr. Anthony Ruggle of Floradale, was in town to wiget Ns son Edward, who is twkimg a romrse at the Busiâ€" ness Collema, Kitohener. Mr. Oliver Hahb;i‘nud Miss Mary Hahn attended the 35th wedding anniâ€" versary of Mr., and Mrs. D. F. Hamâ€" bly, Drayton, the former‘s parents. r. Charles Wilken sold his farm comprising 50 acres, north _ of _ the C.P.R. statiom, including several chatâ€" tels, to Mr. Noak L. Bauman, _ for $10.250.00 * Mr. ira Fowler, of _ nears Wallenâ€" stein had a very sugcessful sale on Thoreday: A pair of pmn; 8 and 7 years old sold for $480. r. Fowl er is undecided sa to bls future. Mr. Simon Bchedewitz, of Yatton. has been an unfortunate sufferer of Sciatica for the past fAve weeks. We hope Mr. Schedewits will soon reâ€" cover. â€" â€" Mr. Thos. H. Hall, sold His â€" house (Continue ®. ou" Page Four) A Qurprice Party. I+ 40 ELMIRA by one The _ Miss Bale Bchweitzer aud Miss Ina the Miller are attending the millinery opâ€" few enings in Toronto this week. of Miss Rabb left on Fridgy for Toronâ€" ars | to, where she will spend the coming ade, week at the spring imillinery opening 'rlnr~' in the city. o â€" A very delightful afternoon tea was spent at the home of Mrs. George Merner, on Wednesday of this week when the W.C.T.U. held a inother‘s pooting. ?- Merry of Straiford, gave an addfess on "Mother‘s of the Bible." A large audience attended theâ€"meeting â€" andâ€" enjoyed the â€"proâ€" gramme which was well rendered. A dainty â€"lunch was served. . Ice harvesting has commenced here this week, Mr. R. Eichler has bis men at work filling the several . iceâ€" houses in town for next _ summer‘s supply. The ice this winter is about ten inches thick. Mr. and Mrs. Werner Brodrecht, Mrs. Fred and son Jack, expect to leave here next month for Bpokane, Wash., where they will reside in fuâ€" ture, Mr. Brodrecht will have a sale of household effects on March 8th. The New Hamburg Spring Show dute has been set for Tuesglay, April 1st. A megiing of the directors was held on Tugsday evening to make the preliminary arrangements for holding the show. Another record for cutting logs and cordwood in Henry Deichert‘s bush was made this week when Chr. Leobold and Sam. Wagler, of _ the Gravel Road cut up two elm trees making 3163 feet log measure and 3 cords of wood pHed up in seven hours. This is the best récord made in the bush this season. The gang of men have cut about 400,000 feet and 500 cords of good wood. A change in the managership of the local branch of the Standard Bank was made this week, Mr. W. H. Girâ€" vin, who had ‘been the manager here for the past four years has _ been transferred to the city branch of the bank in Toronto, and _ is succeeded here by Mr. J. 8. Doyw, sor a number of years manager of the Wellesley branch. . Mr. Wilin of Penetang, for merly on the staff here, is the new manager at Wellesley. The removal of Mr. Girvin and ‘his family from town is regretted by _ their lnln{o‘ friends ant as a ay in of the esteem in which they are held a presentation of a handsome armchair was made to Mr. Girvin at _ q farewell reception held in the Litbrary Wall on Tuesday evening. Mr. Girvin left on Thurs: ‘day for Toronto, Mr. Doyle the new managor, took over his duties this week and intends to move to town shortly. Miss Lucy Powell of Gait, spent the weekâ€"end‘with Miss Eva Erb. Senator V. Ratz, left on Wednesâ€" day for Ottawa to attend the opening of the Dominion Parlianment. Mr. and‘ Mrs. John Rintoul and family spent several days in Hamilton this week. Mrs. Anderson, who spent a couple of weeks with relatives and friends in ‘Toronto returned home on Wednesâ€" Mre. P..Sehl~is epending â€"a couple of weeks with her _ daughter, . Mrs, days with rélatives and friends in ‘Toeronto. miss Lou Boettger is spending a month with friends in Toronto. ‘ Regains Voice.â€"Pte. Walter Danb, son of Mr. Theo Daub, of this town, has recovered his voice as a result of &n operation performed at the Lonâ€" don Military Hospital by Major W. J. Brownm, an army surgeon of noteworâ€" thy reputation. Pte. Daub was badly gassed at St. Pierre, in September, 1917, which impaired his speech |so that he could not speak above a whisâ€" per. After a year‘s treatment in some of the foremost institutions of Great Britain without success he was returned home as inciviable. On Tuesday he went to London and @nâ€" derwent the operation. He returned on Wodnesday afternoon and _ his A special meeting of the Town Council was held at the Council Chamber last week. The object of the meeting was to deal with the reâ€" quest of the fuel dealers to help them dispose of fuel substitutes which they had purchased as a result of advice received from the Fuel Controfier of Canada. C Mrs. Rdith Sheyppard this week reâ€" ceived a German Iron Cross from her won Bugler George Sheppard. who /is un his way home from Germany h the Oanadian Army of Occupatioy. _ Dangerous Walking > Many citisens received falls dute to the alippery stdewalk on Guelph th s‘::d ha th '|"¢:h “1' That f the w and the t rain that during the éariv hours of the norl% made the walk almost tmpassablo. Acquires Business: a â€" â€" _ A very sociable evening was spent nt â€"the ~ hoite of Il'-l:n"m A buainges transaction of general intereat took place Febh. 20th when Mr. Philip Young sold his boot and whoe business‘te Mr. Lew Foster. it shoe businesa‘te Mr. Lew Foster. it io aixtebn years> since Mr. Young started in the sho@ busfness in Hesâ€" Continued on Page NEW HAMBURG. HESPELER Four x2 several A very pretty wedding took place at the R. C. Church Tuesday mornâ€" ing when Miss May Caskinette ‘beâ€" came the wife of Mr. Emil Eicheldâ€" inger. They are two of Preston‘s most popular young people. Rev. Father Geh] performed the ceremony and the church was filled with friends of the contracting parties. » Storing Up Ice ‘The ice dealers, butchers and hotelâ€" men are busy gathering in their ice supplies for next summer‘s use. Auto trucks and teams are busy hauling the ice to town. The best jce obtainâ€" able is off the Blair dam. 4 Play Next Week . Manager Theil of the Merchants‘ hockey team says that his team ‘will meet the Galt merchants in a series of games next week, ard the winner of the home and home games will in all probability have to be taken on the Kitchener merchants, who &ra anxious for a game. An event of unusuat interest took place at the Hotel Kress last Friday : night, when Missâ€" Mabel and Mr. wn-‘ bur Kress gave a dance to their many friends. The invited guests numberâ€" ed sbout one hundred, who were from Kitchener, Galt, Hespeler and Pres: ton. Pte. Squire Robertshaw _ has roâ€" turned from overseas. He is another of the town‘s brave men who have brought credit to themselves as well as to the town from which they came. The market SaturGay morning was exceptionally well attended. Butter sold for 50c and eggs for 40¢ a dozen. Eicheldingerâ€"Caskinette _ Dr. Hilborn is spending a few days in Detroit attending the Michigan conventfon of Osteopathy Physicians and Surgeons. Mr. Percy Smail, who has been a resident of Preston for the past three months, left for his home in Hamilton Thursday. He will enter the confecâ€" tlonery business in that city. Mr. and Mrs. George Quaill of Bufâ€" falo, N.Y. arrived in town Thursday morning and will spend the next three weeks visiting friends in town. Mr. William Sutton is the daddy of bouncing twins a boy and a girl. â€"Em t 659 of a well known Prosâ€" & & ton in the person of Anna Maric Guggestberg, beloved | wife of J. D. Webster, in her 75th year. Deceased had been‘i}} for some time, but her death came as a grest shock to her many friends. She was a daughter of the late John Guggestberg and was born in Preston and ‘had lived bere practically all her life except .gr about five years that she and her â€" band spent in the United States. Decessea was married some 54 years. This property was sold to the for many years was Police Magistrate They lived on the corner of King and Wellington streets for a number of years. This property was said to the Bank of Toronto a few months ago and the deceased and her husband then built a beautifu}l residence on the Bresiau road, just outside the corâ€" poration limits, where they had been living since her husband resigned as Police Magistrate. â€" The funeral took place from her late residence on the Breslau road on Tuesday afternoon at 3 o‘clock. At The Market from Merrickville, was turned on at Perth. Away. Hydroâ€"electric _ power, > / _ M. WEICHEL & SONâ€"Limited Waterloo and Rimirner â€"â€" TKE BIG HARDWARE STORE Phone PRESTON HERE IS YOUR PARDON FROM Washâ€"Day Slavery supplied Wonderful Dollar Values equalled anywhere â€" _ THE MOTOR HIGHSPEED WASHER. The King of all Hand Machines, any child can operate ; it, a wonderful machine, Price ..... ... ... ... $13 w ‘ A great line at special prices for this week only ¢ 16x26 Splint Clothes Baskets, Reg. $1.75 at ..... .. 18x30 Splint Clothes Baskets, Reg. $2.00 at .. ... .. 20x33 SJII-t Clothes Baskets, Reg. $2.25 at ..... .. 21x27 Willow Clothes Baskets, Reg. $225 at ..... .. 24x30 Willow Clothes Baskets, Reg. $2.65 at ... ... at Rolls made of best Rubber, well mounted and guaranâ€"« ttod, plain and ball bearings, 55.00’ $6.00 and ss.w} CLOTHES BASKETS. HIGH GRADE WRINGERS. The > Imperial Weseloh‘s 2 Big Sto Rotary Washer er, Dollar Pa _ Saturday _ Runs like a Sewing Maâ€" chine, high speed, easy to turn, has all the good points Give the Imperial a trial. Guaranteed a perfect washâ€" PUT YOUR FINGE ON THE FACTS that if you want to get the best valuies Men‘s and Boys‘ Clothing and Furnishin and all kinds of Shoes and Rubbers go t The next time you are in Kitchener co in and have a look around. GOUDIES: 41 AND 44 KING ST. E.. KITCHENER LIMITED $12.00 m . Mbd 4 x8 s