h. ffij' le 'Trairaia MARKET ' q) REPORTS. I: GEO. BUCHER & SON , er HARDWARE MERCHANTS. ‘DPPOBI'I'ECITY BALL - r - KITCHENER. '.tprtttti, Farms; Farms 5'" , _., ------.. ttsf THE as“ NEAR PRES- t, pa- cwt. . I per down “on per has at. our lb. .. ' hon . . . . per ton . .. iioU, per has t, pen-ton .. .. ,' ‘nowmmuurg.2e,19w â€when: ...r. ... tF'r .. when. ..... ... P..'.'. . V mu. nu. ... “an: man .... Fume"! Here in an opportunity tp buy rope for summer at moi-I reductions. Vour choice in ya in., 1 in., and 1y. in. rope, at jar lb ... 32: Don" fail to take advantage of it. ,', Inch! ' When You on 1 - Dal. _ ‘10 I.†and Conny. new. n Inâ€! ram :ipral'talt,tt'l, or. no" as. 'iFiil My, Wm, and tummy â€who. "an Mo h I. i'iiu'it- .. "t “and: ' 7' “out! um“! 'AmLoo IAIKITI. I was with large bank barn, ailo. In"! driving chad. piggery. elm. I good O-roomed houu with turn. Ilfjo wood clued. gasoline engine {ya mar, cut. wood. om. prac- , a win “new. the beet of Bolt, "In, " um “bu-h. 2 wring. for mg} 'lt',', from union. clone to it Ind 13 arches. In At crop firm. I’d-(o of cultdgation " only $70 CTRATFORD MARKETS‘ nor: AT A SPEGIAL BAMIW) titrairtGFro. = mo we 'rr its. p6r ton .. , bully. cyt. ... portal F.. norm... â€tamer... parlb..... Chiqt ..... ma "ttdur. on». 4 mil" trom Kiichoner. " not hilly, with largo bani: j , nomad brick house. good a Ilia. driving "ted, largo " tt an. at but!» and good um i. 'te. minute. walk to ochooi. mm per acre. “railed. Feb. 26, 1019 "up“. If; “m ot on". good land. ' rolling. with good building; Ml. cue qte., water in no.“ at Ilium. Feb. 26, 1312 titntr . luau manna. _." WM. 6503;? £5.31; REI- hr oxehnngc. Investigate. -taag"tl'o mum-mm tum m I cut ton .. his; mt. For This Week Only ..e. Aas to .70 . ..' .57 to I†43.00 to 46.00 A3.00 to 45.00 . 40.00 to 43.00 .. 5.75 to 6.00 .. 6.00 to 650 20.00 to 22 16.00 to 18.00 206 to 2.09 ...... 6.85 .........40 ......1T.25 .._... .46 3010115 . Rosenbusch ..._ 42.00 m.... 1.90 45. to A8 err) 1.75 A8 to 450 .....16.60 38.00 $2.12 2 I? .38 15.25 G.60 33.00 18.00 2200 2.10 .55 1.08 21H AS 1.00 5.60 .5,.85 2.iG 60 J5 as 35 .50 AS Manitoba oats In More. For! Wil Hum: No. 2 ('uuudlan western. 721.50; No. 3 t'auadian wentern. 60%e; extra No. l Med, til-Kr; No. 1 teen ti1%c; No, 2 feed, 58%c. American corn-New map. No. 3 .yollow. 31,50, No. 4 yvlluw. tt.47; prompt shipment. track, Toronto. LIVE freon, year. old, curring: Unlon Stockyards, Toronto. Fob. old, broken link I?6-Betore the clock had “ruck " PURE BRED [ to-day nine-tenth» of the unedlqu-ulr 'l ed run at cattle had baon cleaned up co" Irelhened in by the buyers. There were no extra cued In Sept. c cholce Iteerl In the ylrdn Ind Vew Aug., mm" ' you really choice Inlmull. Ott the othrr In: 1 year old t hand very few poor cattle were in the . ' pen and prlces held steady tor III ported hull, 3 3" :rndel. Choice bulls and cow. Ind Imported bull. Il In tact bulls and cow. that were GRAlte CATTI "nearly chalce" brought good prlceI. . " There Is I mull demand tor cannon, January, - PM" ' but the trend was ttrm tor those sold tttul June, two " Choice calves were 50e higher an. thanâ€: one Veitr a trade active, years old, 3 sum tio.. tshortukeepts Stockors . . . . . . . Cutters .. .. . .. (‘nnnrrs .rert. . Swingers. eavh . Milkers, with .. . do.. mm. and Ill Lambs were from the light run being in the morning Latest quotations: Extra choice steers†$15.00 o Cttoieesteerts .. _ _. ULese Butcher steers, choice. _ handy......., .. 10506) :10..ng 'PPP.ee . 9.50 tt do., medium ...... 8 00 © Butcher bulls, choice 10.00 at tio.rtrood..,.-... 8.00@ tio., medium . . . . . . 7.00 O Butcher cowu. cholcu 10.00 o do.. modium _..... 8.50 0 do, common ..t... 5.50 6 Poem-rs ..... _ . .. . " on (v tio.. tshortukeepts . . 9.60 " Stockors . . . . . . . . t t . um o Toronto, Feb. 25,- Board of Trade quolatlons closed IE, to11owsc, -.... Palm-s, very ohoiee.. 171m EP do., medium . . . . .. H 50 an do, vummnn to tair li.||ll " do, heavy, fat . . . . _ "" " Lambs, light .. . .. m. 1615 " do.. heavy ... . . . .. 15.0" (9 Butcher sheep. ., . .. 10.00 6) du., tut and medium 1.00 a an. nulls .. . . . , . H 51m av Hogs, ted and watered 1150 do, at! can; ..et... 17fl.r, do. r. n. IL. nominal. . . . . . .. Mnnimlm wheat-In More, Hort wu Iimn: No. n'u-tlwru. 82.24%; No. 2 northern, $2201.53; No, it northern. $2.: li': No. 4 wheat. 32111.9. Hogs were steady watered. cattle in barn, splendid water supply. farm is in high “ate of cultivation. with " acres in fall when and 35 acne In hay, u sea per acre...8lck- nee. ie the only reason ior "tling. Would exchange for Kltchener proper- ty. A good " new farm with good bulld- lnge and A1 .0". Owner want. to all badly and will take tow price of “7M. You cannoc beet the price nor the farm either. Let me prov. It to you. NEAR IREOLAU. On mam road to Preston, it - " A1 ovon toll. " nor-u working load, 21 more. In bulb. good I roomod brick home men Mn esttart, cool Silvia. was. "mented lilo ‘01:“. on our: oood bunk born all cemented, plum-y all “mound, good water supply, “Ir orchard. Own" must no" and wlu con-lau- 37,000. $2.500 club and "I. bolaneo at the nu of 59’, per cont. A form good “ouch for anybody. In- "V on do mn hook-to. NEAR NEW DUNDEE. 'ti-ttri-ire"'""""' I I. II IVIIIII .treqh, Fab " I." In! .. I In ‘IHI‘JIHIHI I m II†1mm ILIHII' and med GRAIN 25c to 5ttc t1rnter, disposed ot curly at $17 GO, ted and 5,00 0 90.00 " 90.00 in: 6500 17.00 (p H 50 or Ii.IIU 6p 5.50 $16.00 "irtt 5‘50 HILIIU 1115,00 1675 lo on ll rm 9.5†17.50 16,00 10.75 10.50 9.00 11.00 9.50 7.50 11.25 9.50 18.50 15.50 11 on 9_00 10,00 , 00 ti all hoenaandthad"attie. Thou. M. IF“; “about. in been (“cud with mama-'6- in. un under-Inna -eleute go all by public “an on 1art as, m , " of south Eumope. I an. out ot Slnlfurd, at “Little 1am." on A1 1 o‘clock p. m. the [alluring uln- Ible property: HoMEltr- Axricullunl Inn-u- 8 year. old, carriage nun ruln'o )earl PURE BRED SHOWN-[OMS -' " covu treshened In January. cow {re-L- ened In Sept. cow will freshen int Aug., holler 2 you" old, 3 better. rin- inx 1 you old, two of those ot im- ported hull, 3 young when, two ot imported bull. 1 bull 2 "Bro old. . GRADE CATTLE-- 2 fresh cows in January, 2 we" will tretthett In March and June, two year old heifer. halter rising one war old, 4 use" rising 2 you†old, 2 smut; rising 1 year old, 6 young calves. 2 fat near: rising 3 yearn old, This sale will sun sharp on limo Come early. TERMS PM rattle and [was to â€P rush 9 munlhs' prvdit will Its. gin-I My giving appruvrd point 1mm will lsona-tide property owm-m as 500“] My. Buyers from a (“guinea will " oblluell to furnish letter'.: of rn-dil. l pet' rent. prr unnum on for MIMI. Every animal put in the ring will be sold without reserve. Manitoba barley-ttt More. F"ort Wil Mam; No. 3 Canadian woutorn. fl2ur' No. , (‘annMan wc-ulern, 81e; rajertw 74%": feed T3%e. Ontario wheat -No. l winter. $21 a $2.23; No. 2 winter, $2.11 0 $2.15! No. 3 winter, $2.07 W 32.15; No spring. $2.09 fit 8:517; No. 2 spring $2.06 Cti $2.14: No. p, spring. $2.02 in "lo. r. n. h. shipping palms. accord- ing in freight. . The mills in this .mle are all good 'uiividaau, mud colon and a nu!- alnu milking strain and good Illa, all are young. Anyone Muss to pro "ure some goo" P'wdnt‘m "at" mould attend this we. Pmis--No. 2. $1.75 " Inn: to rrttttthtt. _outritlt About Inn bushels ot Canadian Beauty seed new» â€maria oats-NO. e white, 5812 a til": No. 3 white, 571' e In)". accord in): to freight, outside. Barley -Maltintr, 78c 0 Me. YjuvkwhrGt INo. 2, Mk 6f Mt', nom lnnl. Ryo--No. s, $113 6? $1.20. nominal Milfrml __-- In rarlnm, rlvlh'rrml Montreal: Slum-In, $42.26; bran. $40.2! Per ton; fwd fl ur and mlddilnra ttO' quoted. good teed “our $3.25 " $2.51 pvt bug. Toronto. F'eb, 25.--Butter, cream Pry, solids, 500 @ 53c; Creamery prints. fresh made, 52c IP Me; choice- dniry prints, 45e o 47¢; ordinary dairy prints, 39c o 400; bakers. 30p 0 Me. Chicago, Feb. 25.--Butter firmer creamery, higher than extras. lilHir As 56c; creamery. extras, 92 more 54%e @ 55c; creamery, tirgts. 48%e qt 54c; packing stock, current make No. 2, Mo. Montreal, Feb. 25.-Butter, choice t creamery. 51%e © 53c. There was steady demand tor ttnest grades oi creamery butter. New York, Feb. b5.--Cheese ttrm er; state, whole milk. flaw. cur-rem make. specials. not,“ 0 Mike. Montreal. F'eh. 25.-Cheese, finest eaMet'ttN, 24c " 250. . EGGS. CHEESE. _ Toronto. Feb. 25.--Cheae, new, large. 28e 0 28%e; spring made 28%e et 290; twins, 290 a 29160. New York, Heh. 25.-Rggs ttrmer; lresh gathered. extras. 40tr, a 43%r; fresh gathered, regular packed, extra tirtrtrt, 42c q 42550: do, tirirtrr, 40%c q? "we. VIOLATOR or M. S. A, FINED $200; TORE UP NOTICE Toronto. Pub. 25.»Eggs. new laid Mic @ 50c: Montreal, Feb M.--Etrttrs, selected 43c; No. 1 stock. 400. The mnrket was weaker. with priceu Peelutimr further 3c per down. W 7 7 - Chfcago. Feb. 25.-Etttrs hither tirrsts, Me 6’ 39%e; ordlnnry ftrrrts 380 0 38%c; at mark, cues Included Mc 63 39c. Guelph. Feb. M,--'rtte ttetwioet fine ever imponed in tho local police court for the violation ot tho millilry nér vice Bet. was land"! out this morning by Musinintn Watt, when he fined Loui- Knanchowsky of St. Jacobs 8200 and omits or three months in jail The ttr-set was found guilty of having destroyed] registered let tor trom the Government notifying his broihor to Roman tor media! on tttttttttttfort. L, W. (loan. tor the de (can. nah-d for leniency. lining that the letters were delimyod by mloinke than the aeettBed wu bum- ing other mun, it Vin pointed out however. that ind the defendant boon um - the criniul can. he would have been liable to I in in "in: to: sum mu. THI'RHDAY. MAR. I'EZL "I, THUS. H. SMITH, Aunllumwr. w-ll d-rr.? DONALD ANDERSON, Prop BUTTER. SHE 83c. $1.80. arr-0rd if? a ,, QM It - an»; '9 " the W m I gnu oil! a! Wk. 8t_rretaeHerrtumttnr,8ttrites â€about or Whmhoune. In mo n. at Imam. but u. no â€and". um um. "" Comm-um. u l p. In. thumb" loll lovln‘ nigh“ my. via: '.r'y.qptrcita, "All! well numbed. no. worn“, " you. old. tom! In". {and 6river t rum old. 'ight In; Clyde gelding ruin. ' in" old. CArrLW--5 Good my Con: C'tts (resin, 2 cowl Ire-h by time ot Isle. cow due to cum: In June, cow to uln- in Ott., hatter due to Clive In Au.. 8 fat mule mm; 3 year: old. one [It steer ruingwo yen: old. 6 mull: mm: 2 )Qlfl old, 4 "my calves can 2 month. old. IMPLEMEN'I‘S -_ In tins binder with truck Ind Rhea! wrrler I; n. cu nearly new, Frost & Wood mover 5 ft. mt ncu-ly new, Ind fatter. Doerinr use, Musey Hun-l5 ho. drill. 2 ho. 3 walkln‘ plows. let of 3 Johann Iron “arrows, 3 Inc-clan wooden hvrrown tseutrler, mans 'o.. “A: It». mnnin will. [train t:hopprr, 250 Kev! ot on nch for“, VEMuJt.tPA--aauntrer wagon. wagon host. ttet of bob sleight, , touted chr- cluxe. top buggy. cutter, hay rack wood rack, gravel olunhl. stock ruck, sold. PIGS Ar." POULTRY ~19 In! pun-a wean-l 250) . each, brood sow my pond to be t. 't pig, 9 .ttoat. 4 mon tha old, " thickens. 4 new GRAIN. HAY, ROOTS AND MAN', IEiS- 10 tons of good timothy my :00 hum. or mixed main, 6.") bush ot .1115; If.“ Imam“! of barley, If.“ hmhel -f hm-kwlu-ul. a quantity or Mummy "ml " ummlhy ot tunnels and Jun nlps. _ l ' _ TERMSI or SALW-- Hay, "gun. imothy seed. roots. (at cums. than". oouitry, cord wood, lumber, and All uums of $10.00 and under. cash: over that amount 12 months' credit will be ttivett on approved joint notes or 5 per cent. on for cash payments ot credit amounts. F wheel barrows, one new, Nod box a, bag truck. grain heâ€, Iggy kture run vive, rmory su'sne, "rpm? ools, ltrddcrs, mind stone. cross u. aw. mm [mun-r. wedges, Iogutm hams, row chains. beet fork. scoop howls. In h, p. horse power, Mythâ€, oulde Hun“, ncckyolo :1. torktr, Ihov- 'ls, eip. I.I'MHER. ('lilult POSTS Aty'1 JortD WOO!) r.†good cedar 1mm. cords of " Hum null mayle ' , (and:| t IN int-h tc,rt “mph, u quantity o lt. Incl: run "r.ntssts. n quanuly u l.I'MnER. I'lilmlt POSTS Aty'1 JortD WOO!) r.†guod cedar 1mm. cords or " mm; sun mayle ' , untdr t In int-h h;.n| “mph. u quantity o tr Inch run "r.ntssr. " quantity " hit" nah and oar. manning, HARNESS, lijl‘l’, 2 ml» uf [emu ,nurm-sn, 2,tsety irt Hugh barn wt. horse Ildu. horse blankets. etc. _ maximum) EFFECTS - Mums! roam str-purnlnr, Huron kitchen range, neat barrel and other amm- too numerous to mention. GRiFWI.N--in Stanford. Feb. 12th, to Mr. and Mn. Phllo Grmln. a daughter. STEistr--At Heidelbeg. Petr. 7th tc Mr. and Mrs. Chas. talus. a {bush- ter. '3CuALI,HoRN---At Mlcton. Feb. "ttt, to Mr, and Mrs. Joslnh Schullhorn 3 daughter. WEBER-Near (Zone-tom. Feb. 10th to Mr. and Mrs. Elam Weber. a son MARTIN-HOFFMAN-- At Hawken ville. Keir. nth. Mr. Levi Martin to Miss Susannah Homnm. MILLER-- HEHN.-- At Wlndnom Ont.. Feb. 5th. Mr. Lincoln Miller to Mitut Myrtle Hahn. both of Rt. min HEN0ERs0N-RYAN,-- At Guelph Feb. lath, Miss Marlon Joy Ryan to Llettt, Lrman A. Henderson of Tor onto, tltLL--RAKE_---6str, mu. ll Kltch enm- wan-m Robert Gill to “or trude Cecelia Rake. wANTMN-oTT0--At New Hot. tture, Pen. 10th Malay Wnnuln to Minn LlIlInn Otto, daughter of Mr. t, In. John Otto. N . oN--BcHFlPmOG -- N11. 12tlt at "under. Mr:- Francis Schop- will. daughter of Mr, Robert Joti. to Punch Nahum“! Woolm-r. Ont, MANN _PELT'Z---At Waterloo Luth- enn PIPIODIKF. mm NUmitr,dmttrhr lor of Mr. and Mrs. Wlllllm Pelt: . to Mr. Ezra MID". Kitchener. FliTircrtiir Lupin: m but} not. um of John It, Cook, and minwly no ram-I‘ve as ttte [Inn ha MICHAEL BENINGER. JOSEPH DENINGER, Proprietors. II. B. lmERlNG. Mctiorteer. o. S. KOLB, Clerk. " nuances DIATH. BIRTHS. (illtf "um-u- EXEOU‘I‘ORS’ NOTICE TO OBEDITOBS AND OTHERS tet? t"'tr'et'ttrN I if"? 'PST", IN THE ESTATE OF' ABRAM C HALLMAN. deceased. Notice in hereby given. purluant to chapter 121 of the Revised Statutes of Ontarln. 1914. that all creditors and others having chime against. or on titled to imam in the estate ot Aim-Ir C. Hallman, lane at the Township at Winterloo. in tin County of Waterism Farmer. (lace-Mm. who dird on n: than: the uncouth day of oetolr, DIR. an! required -0 deliver. by Mr. prepaid or c.thorwltitt. on or below: the fifteenth day of March, 1919, to Irvin C. Hallman. R. lb No. 3. Water- loo, Ontario. one of the Executor: of the Will of the said deceased, their' nannies in (nil. with their addreues‘ 1nd descriptions, full particulars oi their claims or interests. and ‘atatc- merits ot the security. " any. hold by them: and that. after the said " teenth day of March. title, the Rxtaett. ton: of the said Estate will proceed to distribute the assets of the Mid do waned among the parties entitled thereto. having regard only to claims " internals of which they shall then lave received notice. and will nnt be liable for the said assets to any nor- wn of whose claim or interest they mall not then have received notice. Dated 10th February. 1919. M your: and ll months. CUTLER-At Stratford, Fob. 11th Mrs. E. M. Cutler. trRNtyr---At K..W, Hospital Feb. Ith. Mrs. Jacob Ernst of New Hamburg. it her 04th year, PoRLER---At Welluley. Feb 14th. 14an w-at, wits ot Henry R. Fol-lot. ’ 1aPtr--Ntt" Bunborx. Feb. ttth, Mrs. John Lips. WILTON --At Slrmford. PM). 6th Jami-n Witton, and " yearn. hude.-At Sanford. Feb, m. Mn. Hurry tyet and " ym-m. (‘ARROL At Gin-Inn ','utt. mu. Mr, Eat-rd Cum“ and " years. KERR-At Bright. Jab. mu. Mr. W. A. Kan. um u you". 9WrTSWt-ht mun-non. rob. mu. Han-sh Vanni-nun. mm of the In. Tobin lunar. And " "IN, I month and " doâ€. . LACRtmR.--N- â€In. Feb. 15th. Weurbo. Imel- Oth end Tth, "" to be held on Law-1h“. "Te.',",'?, mtmitiir'e e, 1.30 pan. mm» a, (a) General Principles of Gasoline Engine. (b) Battery with†8.00 p.13. eve , I y. (a) 1'llu1'atBlt,f, Q Cttrburetitiai. _ 10.0 an. foreman ad dun Demonqtrathnq -. w I} ft .rttqrrit thou-ands cl homo. ovary wank any ‘cpvoru tho tUtd thoroutthly. an ' "animations a! Gasoline Engine. Carburetor, Mag- netos. etc., and Study of Engines in actual opera- tion. 2.00 Pum. antwttoqtAt.td an): Advertise. Auction Sales and Farms for Sale (a) Operation and Care of Gas Engine. (b) Engine Troubles. Everybody welcome. For M" mrtirulrwq. W'n'v M . J. A. (NAPP, Department of Utrieulture, Gait, Ont. . Printed hue on that! notice. lec us your next order, Waterloo, JoynApg'knor. not fi in", 4 no. tt,4tttttti01A-Ts.uMA" "oivirur,iiattui-t.ec. - than!“ - -v.""V _' luau-53h "db4r"4tltie't9tii V F *L "r" iisoHtssitiDt'srt's' - imam . . Gonna Auction 8a Ie Bills , THE ttrm0NtCLE.TELEGnAPH "Farm. tiii'iii' JAMES CI “Aim. Solicltor top the Bxcculors? Waterloo, mttdrlo, . TMt AMI-hug...“ m (he Ontario. 1rumtttttttmtttttutmnnttl MINARD'S LINIMENT GUESS GARGET IN COWS. 'tNtmnnttttnttttNtttt$ttMtutMttittmt8tttttttttttttttt. Western Town Lot! Can he Sold For Cash awn ' MCRCHANTB, BANK "r"r./r""r"ttrry 6m. , .. Open Dunlap. "1050p I to 0. Mom. Watt. Frl. _ , omega...†.By AppoIntmant. I... Wu"... 319w. brick dwelling and good barn, situated about one mile from King Street. Waterloo, for quick I do no! pron“ â€Mn. your “turn but†and Mad!†- your cheque. but I do prop“. making you In Man... when†you or can the In. In. no ugh In I repetition that an In "any toriiee Into ouh or good “cumin. For human: . , _ Tak- I Woman y. auction valued Dy Tttth “luau "*1 -,sarat4ttatof688Btt. I‘m yLettyytry.eeyreft .1 the purchlu pm. In Won-m Inâ€. palqmq'up‘p may. Pt, ' y. action can In rented, told In crab â€IN†or your“. The itiie /. thin. woulluply to menu-hurling hm m. . . C,. Call In and no. mo. or make on yppgintimnf try PM". tt tak. Olvo m an Idea what you prover. uni I Oil gun-Mu - CLAYTON B: ttttht "t"htetPn guaranteed, Cal's from nil parts of the couMy promptly “landed to. Pinon. '0. Night Phono 207w UNDERTAKERB AND FUNERAL DIRECTOR! I. K. crusman Real Estate - Waterloo . ocean Flow cant-Ind 4" "I. to“ anorlm d “I†iii on. In In! In the proud of mung.» " "you. '%.ikt' 'rirr ttrd trow “may and balmy, .1669â€. plenty J‘MW mu- made from ma quimy ttoyr. ."-' _ _ . mm & "RISING!!! with new modern red 12 Mreii Undertaken . til/A CANADIAN FOOD who, cteGditu'iti, rsh, ‘9 Wltorloo m1 "tttsmog-ttttttttttttm Will}. m""†6131 â€new i'S',dit'i'i4 ttth wry and M. I u I h'ttr " " “I.†d Waterloo' Mhitttitt Fire Insurance? s'.: Comm? _ lam TOTAL Rum iai, Tia; q ‘W'IN you hon-Oi attit. l - be†h “no. q win. In our at... lost Iqulpmqn. oil" PMâ€. Wanna u w. sum manna. Winnâ€. l Ed. Ll-et. 'ree ti.hiiy 'rv) _ More phone. Klan-w. T No yarn" - th Ar "DIM. _ IINIRAL iovitatiiit AdtItt' ( In». m ' onâ€. mum. I“! In. mm at! DUI Kt$ttt 07. wtYIttctta, Buddha!“ mm" t uni]? Winonaâ€! ' " “until? moi; "tti'