1tft Got. ( ' _ ;'cttgPtattENrs-. Front and Wood - new. Massey Harris . . Inner Hum: disc drlll our I". "on cultlntor. Massey Har. .. like nearly new. Mane-y Han-ls 10 like. Frost & Wood hay load". _ Harris 2 furrow riding plow. , Ilngle plow. 16 n. iron burrow. burrow, land roller. Frost & _ owner. 2 wagons one with ho, llolgha. top buggy, curl-go. If. &tthay rack, wood Holt. 2 of team harness. nlngle harness tingle humus. {Inning mill with ,9 130 lb. up, scale. My fork. .trthe. root pulper, log Ind leading ttis, work bench. crosa~cut 58W. Minter. 5 nets ot doublmrou. itiirtetr, neck yoke. 2 dog. grain ., V‘hom blankets, wheeltmrretw. "stone, ladder. cedar poem. 2 beet _ ' shovels. anodes, 1400 l in. me, , Inch tlie. Ind other "Helps. J-'re.iitor--ca.t,. ' i,) ---_-- 131%.†will be sold by pubm- auction limb tum of the undersigned. 3% F north-r" M 81mm ma % mm Inâ€: _ - F oe .. ba Stock, Implements [1nd Household Effects. it? AND GRAIN- About 5 Ions ot r. " tom of vantage. 200 bushel F IN! Ind one. about 1140 bush. “In!!! tit tor need. no 1imsh. {out 00 bush. mixed nun for '00 Ibo oil aka. about " bushel ' all) Ind when! mixed. I OLD 600m - Mum-y ’cmm aeunmr 500 lb. can. N noâ€. uldebourd. mm. 3 F? chain. sink. bed, bed springs. lard-go. org-an. clock. mirrors. liq“; lder hum]. churn. but!" "o"lll'lili"1rJ, And "an". ptr 9-Way. mm, map, on . I, null. pip, poultry Ind all t $10.00 lid and". cub; ovor t " months cram will be te, med Mat not" or 5 ks a! for out: pun-1mm of ~th old, cult 3 month old. mtlf but. old. all 7 ween old. H“ AND POULTRY-t pttm Bee lith- old; " chickens. pure bred Molten and Black Mlnorcns: crsflllll.lll SALE In mud-m on “H trttNrtAY, MARCH 10, WW “new; It t p. m. warp, the bt" In. 2nd. cow from In Aug. "tt ent" July, cow fresh In Sept. 3 (no mun In Aug., cow from in l Inppbbpd to be In em. Holstein I Inch Jun. 20th summed to be In l C had ot tat cattle. calf mm tttm old, cult 3 month old. mt tet lhl. Raymond new!“ nu- . m whim. coppor hon. . _ bonds. trunk. "use. ' In to»). laurel Ibo! mm. tte M m. high chair. cru- _ lulu. , lounges. note, a i _ I nu bottom churn. an ,m. .0“ robe, ulrn large genuine no to“. ml. no I» can, wheel. ' My or lured ens-pet nu. {an output. mums. carpet, gem... tgttttttqd mm. mm Jan. ppt " chicken. 4 dot. mu: E with] ot short cut wood, nut ' W Ind lot: ot article. too hot to mention. IAL IOTATltwAt the same “me It. at Ind attuned In the village [RIM Mn. behind the more 't" coupled " Mr. Jun. new; that. running from Main “roe! In. Didact- mill. “out qt ot n _ "rSCi--tutetMrn “an no". but no". . “a with ham. bur- . f m cupboard. " tAntrs toms; um, roman; u mun-Ian able. parlor . I w an". t ride boards. trtBarr--t general purpose mam. I seven you: old. good reader. 'aTtay- 5 Shonhom grade cown. gym to can April Mth, cow due ll will be made known on day _ 'ttte milieu-w [ION K. WEBER. Proprletm (h, Ctatta. Auethmrrr. PSOP'VY‘R, Clerk. I. J. 'HANTZ, Auctioneer. o. . KOLI. Clark. _. tantalum. m mun-comm I. IAIN! "Y, "" I u 1 o‘clock pm. lt Slit was» 8-8t, HOUSEHOLD EFFECTS~6 ovum organ. centre table. 2 parlor tab)â€. Stlndlrd cream separator, coal stove. kitchen cupboard. kettle nova. In)» in; machine. wring". chairs and many other articles too puma-out to mention. I TERMS OP BALW--Graht. and nil ‘numa of $10.00 and under. cub; over that amount " ttttttttttg' credit on up l proved security. or I per cent. oil for can: payment. ot credit amount; H. B. DUERING. Auctioneer. JOHN H. WAGNER. Proprietor. In). KAUFMAN. cm}. i 8-3! IMPLEMENTS 'Wrk---MNer risk itttt plow. '.rntrrow Kungamo plow, open busy. 2 top bugglen, {Heated carriage. pleasure sleigh, scales cup. 1800 m... stock rack, truck wagon Also 2 sets single harness - new. PICS AND POULTRY-yorkshire boar rising 2 yen- old. 2 good brood sown with Intern at side. 10 about: 6 months old. I GRAIN AND HAY--4"ton. hay, " lbusb. barley, 200 bush. oats. 250 bush, imired grain. CATTLe--3 Good Dairy Come.---, cows fresh by time ot "In. cow due to calve April 8th, Heifer due to calm In Mar, Heifer due to calve In Aprll. 2 Heifers due to salve tn July. g Heir. or: rlsing 2 your: old. a Spring calves, pula bred Shorthorn hull with pedi- grm rising 2 years old. GRAIN, ETC-too bushels Banner seed oats. m HOUSEHOLD GOODS-cook Move, ‘No. " De Laval cram separator. wood box. 2 tables, desk. hllchon cup- lboard. kitchen ehttlrtr, mllk cam. and "tttMW other "News. ,, TERMS OF' SALD-- Hny. gram. 'poultry, young pin Ind all sums of 810.00 and under, cash; over that Jamount 12 months credit on wormed Iecurity or s per cent. “mount for out: on credit amounts. [ No Rent-no. , MRS. CATHARINE STEINIIAN. I CHRISTIAN STEINMAN. _ HORSE$~Team gelding ' mare rising 5 and a yum old, Pen-baron horse rising 9 your. old, good driving horse rising 10 years old, Percheron suckling colt. OF' Farm Stock, Implements and Household Effects. There will be sold by Public Auc- tion on tha premises of the under- nlned. gnu-ted two and one-hut mit. as out of Wellesle village. 1 mile north of Bel-let‘s Corner. Concession I. Lot-Na 9, Townuhlp " Wallaby, on _ . commencing " one o'eloeh, pm, slurp. the following unable propor- tr, vie: no" will b coll an m -. at my“ M‘m I Iâ€. out of)!" Hamburg, 1 an. In: " Wilmol “I". on - vacuum“, nun A Mb CAI-mum " I o'clock . am. the lolly-kc nimble 'e'e"re: 3000 lbs. and up. tt yuan on. good drivor‘ " your: old. buck Perch. emu colt ruins t you: old. black Percheron colt “Mu I year old, heavy born " not: old. good rerun CATTLW-..6 good (wry, cow.-- Shorthon and. cow due to eatee in May, ' ml {rah In December. cow treah In November. cow fresh In JAIL, cow in to eaNe In June, 4 head Put- char club. 4 yuan; animal“ 1 you old. 4 alum. 'Mut.M.- m min ' Per-tom an mm 5 no ' "an old, Joust iMPLMMENTtt,--F'ro" & Wood bin der 6 It. cut, new: good mover. my run. hay loader, 2 wagons with boxes. bob sleigh with box, three muted cu. rune. top buggy, Open buggy, hoe drill, culllvntor. no hay rich. Bis-9| dine. 3 {urrow gang plow, ' ulngie plows. tttfuther, 4 bone power I. It C, nu angina. 8 inch Nate grain chop- per. culling box, root wiper. London fence machine complete. Iclie 2,000 can. two " an]. planned Innis. 2 net: (cum lumen. let mingle harness cross-cut “w. running mill. power "nay, grinder, Oliver corn cullin- tor. logging cit-ins, forâ€. shovels. hoes, doubletrm. and 1mm! amides too numerous to mention. PIGS, ETC--2 good low: :upposed to be in pig. " young pigs 10 weeks old; " chicken. News“! Alanine". I Mb, 'tttey the - that I an a “can“ Ammo» tor the Candy .1 Wan-400...“ nu In!†News“! to no will re. ttoN. tarqrut â€button. Ant, " "a, In mm... or no». noâ€. at!» an. THURODAY, MARCH 13. 1919 and Wit“ MMI SALE MMI SllE Ex'yeuterts. ' SHANTZ. Auctioneer. T-nl 'At TER.Ns---Htsy, an"). poultry. but- cher came and all mum of 810.00 and under. cum. over tut amount " months“ credit will be given on ap- proved joint not†or 5 per cent. ott tor cash payment: at credit ttttttttttttg. HOUSEHOLD EFFECTS - Sund- ttrd cream separator. 500 lbs capacity. extra good Paulo“ Peninsula range cooking Move. extension table. half dozen kitchen chairs. sink. Kill! cup. board. wood cheat. Muse-y Harris crptun Repeater. 460 ibe andâ€: sausage grind" Ind stun", one heneh, Mo lh scale. Queen stove heat. Pr, Wisconsin incubator, up. 120. 18t horsepower Gilaon gas engine. {Manon kettle stove. new wanking machine. iron kettle, butter worker. butter box. and man; other article: too numerous to mention. HAY AND GRAIN- About " tons of mlxed buy. Mo bushels of oats. 250 bushels of mixed grain. "ARNEEM---2 5mm of brass mount- ed team harm-MI, so: at plow human, ttet or can-Iago harness good as new. 2 sets of hungry humus. one nearly new, "I of collurs, string of bells. set on chimes. robe and some him. Rom IMPLEMENTS-- New Money Har- rim binder 7 tt. cut wllh tore curl-go. Massey Horns mower 5 ll. cut nearly new. Massey Harrln tray louder and nide delivery rake Ind trader com- bined nearly new. Blue! disk 14 plat- PR, Peter Hamilton spring tooth cum- voter, Manley Harris " hoe and drill [nearly new, steel land roller. Money. Han-ls manure ,aprnnder in good run- ,nlnx order. “locum iron harrovu, 2, Murrow Oxford walking plow. “to islnglo plows, potato Now, thin-ow â€an: plow, 34an gum: plow} two Istirrtrre Donna's, atone boat/ fanning pill, cumng box, stock rack, two buy ‘10“. two new of gravel planks. wood rack. one bob sleigh. two wagons one lwith borcamptete. threescnmd unr- riage. 2 top bugglos. one nearly now; cutter, doublnlren. neckyokn. crow- tmr, F 10"an chains. wheel borrow. mot vulgar. grindslone. "ton-loll lad. der, tons. lion. shovels. and may other nnlclen too numerous to men-l tton. C _ MIME-ultyuhlum 'mtt.tsrmeth.t-st-aottts no: two-“mum -dtAroerntu.-tAetettr_ors TNUIODAV, MARC" 'TH, "" MORb'Etb--Pair of My mm mm ' and I you: old, wing 3000 IN. (roll matched). Nut nun] pur- pose bone mm " "on old. and metal purpose hello “In; 5 you. old. dark boy catch mom rum; " you: old to good family other), by driver rising ' years old (if not prev Sou-1y sold), the Pritxee of Avon eott rising 3 you. old (well broken). Commencing at WM) o'clock p. " than): CAT'TL6-14 good -dnsry rows mt- " Durham grade: Ind (or Holstein; row duo to am in Mar, co. due to ' June 'th. cow an; to "In tn July. cow [In]: by tuna of sale, co. trad: 3 months, cow due to “he in July. cow {nah by time of uh, row fresh 4 months, my {run ' months, row huh by “we ot male, cow In good new of milk, holler fresh 2 month; Jersey grads cow fresh 3 months, cow fresh by time or me. a trelt bred Shonhom bull 2 you. old. Shorlhum bun rising 1 year old, 9 bond ot but. cher came. 4 “his: 6 month. old. 2 calvel 2 month: old. PIGS AND CHtCKrrNB- Yorkshire now with litter " side. 50 chicken. 1 Plymouth Rock cockerel. 1 Rhode Island Red cockerel. mm loaf. Pork, Lamb W Homo-made “not†no You mm First Why aot in nu: nub I." an I" m be†EDGAR rlscmcn “was! I. J. B, M. M Iâ€. can“; JACOB CRESSMAN. Proprietor. E, J. SHANTZ. Auettheer, o. 8. ROLE. Clerk. tt no In. you "In 09 'e you. We II'I†have. "ttat-tsoo-It-, Class Meats "tttttttttmtl 'lot FOR "LE-.-Mt.oerq" farm, in 4, Port. l Waltonâ€. near Linwood. on the farm no good building. camera nun, drilled welt, wnnr In hon-0 Ind burn. wall and" dnlnul. Would all In 100 - m, term. guy. Apply a. J. Miltrr, No, l, Mum-94, ~POR BALe--.Fortt Marin. our. "" In good mama: order. now Hm on back whack. shock timer-born. who ml. speedometer. Barony horn. â€50,00. Henry Waterman. New thutdee, ont 8-21 ran an; 1 Homiork lumber. good tor Moring DAG. No. ' on. at $1.00 not bush. and siding for barn. Apply 0,111.] O.A.c. No. " On}. It 9tte per huh. Schoch. Strasburg. on the old Noah', my Palm. 9-41] PY'. 93.5295 FOR SALE-d good m». cm. 1 Janey And I Holstein. Apply M. .Schondelmoyot. Bro-Inn Road. Kit. chener. Tat. HOUSEHOLD EPPECTtr:-morms. Mont! cram senator nearly new. Dolly churn. butter worker, milk cans. 2 Iron kettlel. , emphatic. bun“. "when chain. ables. benches, Itep ladder, lawn swing. lawn mower. my~ w tattle. Parlor cook coat stove 'tMr. ly new and numeroul other articles. Lunch " noon. Positively no reserve ." the farm In sold. FOR BAL.:--' [harmony bull. from 6 to 12 month. old, lilo the herd sire Waterioo Quorum. villus 3 ya. 8m and Du: Imp. Por farmer pct- tlculun npply to D. H. Snyder. New Dnndoe. R. A, I. Ht. TEt'tV.--Har. gruln. poultry. roots Ind all sums of 810.00 and under. can; over that amount " months credit on approved security. or ' per cent. oft for cub paymenll o! credit amounts, VORKSHIRE BHOATS tor "Io. AF ply H,H. Klein. Bridgeport. "tr24. t-tt ton BALE-.About 200 Cedar posh. Apply 131 Mun-Ion Bt. It. l GRAIN. rirrc.:--g toul at good hay.) boo bulh: of am. ttt am. mixed; main. 160 bush. barley, 300 bush. room» 300 bush. mnngeln. I 1M PLRMENTS, ETC.:-DF bits. der 7 ft. cut with shell atria. Mar soy-Harrie mower 5 ll. cut, Deer-ins to ft. eteel lily nke. Dela My louder. intemzloml ride delivery rate. land roller, u sed drill. Darla; 14 plate dink. cultivetor. Murrow lmperiel Now, 2 two-(arrow gen; plan, a Welling plows. 2 three-aeolian iron hen-owe. t acumen li new), turnip leader. 8 tanning mills (t new). Front & Wood Shores corn cultivator nearly new. unease grinder and "ttthr, , lumber wagons nearly new, 2 wagon boxel twill: shelving. 2 let: bob elelgln. 2 {My reeks. gravel planke. tented oer- rttiqs, nearly new. top may. open bug- try, road cert. Portland cutter, 40 pl. ‘coal on end Leak. platform melee any eclty 1100 "It, IHtiorrV a " [no- llne engine in good. running order. Gill Bou'tt Mt Iso. moline engine. stein ‘ohopper. halting. quantity ot new grain} but, grind-tone. wheelbarrow. double-) trees. neclyoken. scoop unwell. sugar} beet (or): logging ell-Inn. nowhere! forks. 3 sets teen-memeâ€. set m1 lumen, 3 pets single lumen. not. single carriage lumen. Scotch oolhreJ set heavy single lumenâ€: 'dr"") 3 when and many other articles. common“; at an o'clock. on. than». tho bun-In van-Mo my. '13.: MoRte:---Tt- at by CW pal-n won much“. Hun l â€in old. weight to» a... I.“ - "- at Clydudnb new In! Inn). "In; ' year- old. was): no. lbs. ugh: My horn (good driver). thing " you! old. CATTLE:--' Good Dairy Co-.-. Cow ("In with can " foot. cow duo to on“ Felt Mth, co! due to of." 351nm tod. cow duo to can Hunt Mth, cow due to at!“ Jun. min, on: fresh 3 month. In lull no: at mllk. not!" due to “In April Mth, hem: due to calm April "Us, holler duo to ttnl" Sept. um. “my honor rising ' yen. old, ' cums rum; 2 your. old. 7 good "ring can“. cut , months old. . P108 AND POULTRY:--' about. , months old, M) chicken I put ot 'tta-c-kr-tat- qipg-nmmut- uno- Danni-i ot It“... was "e""t"t"NtrtaedNetsqrtrm, GENERAL WANTS. wuuumv. mun» h "" JOSEPH MILLER. Proprietor. H. B. DUERING. Ammo-veer. o. s. KOLB, Clerk. 7-3t. TAt, To rent a farm between " and 100 acres, with the Intention of buylng it later. Apply For 50, ChrtmietrrTetes mph. Ttt 800d Out: for 8an I Cttrtritruttg of 100 acres. more or Jean. Inn-ted 155 miles out. ot Wit. mot centre. but No. 10. north slat? of Bitum- Mad. About Mt um under good state ot cultlvatlon. the mt food lard wood busnh. about 8 acres in but wheat. 20 acres in gnu, the rec: randy for spring seeding. A good " x 32 awn-lung house, large summer â€when and wood shed. bank barn 60! To. lute driving shed. straw shed 301 do. good well, wind mm, water mn- neclion In house and barn. 1 acre or. chard. cistern. For further particulars apply on farm or lo the undersitpted. CHR. GASCHO. 7-1 mo. Baden. Ont. FOUNth-- Small amount at monoy at the City Hotel shed. Plrty can have same by giving evidence to Hewett K. Schnarr. No. 3, Waterloo. Phone " r 23 Waterloo. 9-21 '. anertimmtterotmrta. HOUSEHOLD GOODS: - Manet mun BODII’IIOI', nanny new: comer cupboard. kltchen 11359. cook nova. "Ros-or, gala. aunts. ohlck- “I and " sums of $10 Ind under. cub; over that "noun, to mouthn' credit on â€proved security or ' per cent. per "tttttttt discount for cash paymanu on credit amounts. HINRV ROEDIB. Pup. E. J. GRANT; Auctioneer. ED. KAUFMAN, Clerk. "éPLEMSNYtV.-Nercorarttce S tt. Made: In good maul-g onion Nazca mower. 6 tt. cut wuh poo horn-tor antenna“; I.H.C. My law. - new; Sylvester "tot need drill cont- blned; hay rake, Pour Bouillon cul~ mm: with seed box; Noun seed drill, land roller. tron borrow, gamer. Arr tingle Now, Cock-hon Mun-tow plow. 2 wuom ond boxes, Muted con-late. 2 top button. bob mm. cutter. novel ohm. " tack. hr my rock. combined stock and hay rock. root wiper. " hone power I. H.C. guano. engine; plot. chopper. tonnlng mm, loader, wheel burrow. 2 not; tum lumen. carriage Inn-nan. buggy pole, single human. torhs, show olo. doubletreea. chums. and mnny oth. er nuclei too numerous to mention. HAY AND GRAIN:-6 ton: ot good hay. 600 bush. oats, 100 bush. need barley. 50 hush. need peas. " bush. Machine-t, 100 bush. mixed mm. W " 1 o'clock on. "oMMtV.---mtsr, in! m " ymoudulhumll 1mm. no. Mun - at. l “I 1 ".rstrH,idbteueqottdr.treNr,tt not â€my cold. CATTLW,-5 good Dun- and. wry can. , can an no a!" In J-tWd-toc-are-r cow mill tn um. I'm. coqr, We in to a!" In April. 4 ham and. Nth-mold: lapel-guru. PIGS AND CHN3KMi--Yortsttiro bextetdaoqrdrtetooutrrtirnooe.i, I - About to Its. at. 00 may sttmtaA8%aMgn.-tt-atqettm.b, mu. 5 mutate-t at “in. W.'G. Brueckner - not an n can and can our "no amt urg- clock M WOOL NONI! ILANKITI. BUFFALO RODEO. LEA. TNII MIT?! AND COAY% ETC. Which In Mar“ " "lunatic Input-1n. and oiling Mmm nutty Ind .rompety do“. Momma-unmad- Farmers JOHN OTECKLE. R. a. a, Knchoncr. Munchpll Phone um. MMI SM Farm For Sale. NAHNIOO .NOP. IADIN. WANTED! 'at. " Number unlimited. Ida! wotttht I†to no lbs. We buy tor a Mun» elu- tndo. You [In In the goods Md we will my the price. Shipping pom! Baden. "or! ullprnuo Wednev any. Nut shipment Mill-NI nth. _ (The Old Pirmt HOUSEHOLD ti-tv.---; stove. wood. or coat, cupboards, link. corner cupboard. bum“. Favorite churn No. 4, butter worker. refriger- ator. g hurrah cider tor vinegar. Iron kettle, " benches. , bedstead; aun- uo grinder. " “L crock, cream cans. Snider mile. owttttr to I In†amount of sundries sale will commence slurp on time. LUNCH AT NOON. TERI! OR CALI: - "my. gum. val out. pout"! and III sums of 810.00 tad under. cash: out that "noun. " month-’ credit on tummy- lng Approved â€clarity or 6 per cunt my “mum " (or cash on credit "touttte, GRAIN AND HAY:-t00 bush. o. A. C. 72 need oats, 400 Improved banner oats, thou! " (can timothy hay about 5 tuna clover, mixed but HARNESB:--mst brass mounted team harnes- nearly new. t set team harness, let carriage harness. , not single harness. robes. blankets. bells. I IMPLEMENTtr.-Mccorm4 bind- ir 6 tc, nearly new. shunt: mower 5 it. McCormick hay rune, 9 (L, McCor. mick seed drill It hoe, with termit- er attachment, nearly new; Climax cunmmor, m: a Wood disc/14 :pletee. lit-H. tailor-e corn cultinwr. , 'eoun'lerl, roller, a lumber vegans new, Fin, steel tire truck. 2 wagon bone. hey ruck. 2 let gravel pleats. Bell No. 00 eneilaga cutting box, all com plete. set distributor pipe; pair bob :uleiglu, 3 top buggies. 3-seeted cer- ringe. trinket rig. road can. , cutters. z-uued manure sleigh. wood rack. stock ruck. double box. Iwnebout. 2. turrow variety Mow, brurrttw an; plot. Btttrraw an: plan. No. .21. Fleury plow nearly new. 2 Pro-toe plowl No. 21, 2 sets iron Intro“: 1411.0. 3-h. p. motive engine. nearly new: Deuvall cram "rmrtttor No. " with - can; boning. mung! pullm. â€and lick, grind stone, pow-i er emery. eireht new. platform scales. 2000 lbs. can. tannin; mill, Tolion m harvester with bucket. 2 wheel. barrows. toeing Nippon. buggy pole. cutter pole. 2gatv. " trough. cement pic trough. alien cert. turnip pulper. a hunt beet forks. t be; trucks. lad. pr, " crate. Keystone dehorner. block and tackle, urge block and iteckle tor thrmrher or other heavy work. cron cut new. Ice new. tee longs. crowbern. shovels. tortm. post-hole eug- er. 100 cedar we". wire fence. weer his machine. several cune Dr. Wil. llame' Insect destroyer. Bet etone drills. some wpenieru' tools. - seeder. 140 it. buy rope and numerous other articles. _ (tut-tFree-teel"- tron â€at man “all. and I - _ Hmi.---rttr a! min. In" All sum-a all»; ' yn. won and. weight um mo. My hon. Ll m old. About 1400 lb... not! In". good worker, no, inâ€: this: I ya. " but, and by Bonni- an. Ut who InchuoCTulm.old. 6ATTCet--Ptrro Ind cow No. t, {not tn boa. but! In. It. cow an» Atrq.keowdtrom.t.tt.eowdurt. April. cow duo Bert. u. cow due Son. " mw due And] 29. cow duo Oct. Mr. hello! an. m " lunar an. Sept. " halter due In lurch. holler an: Aug. 6. halt-t. " was old. halter C month- old. heifer 5 month: old. hall a in. old. bill " mm old. bull all 5 month. old. , bull ulna. 8 month. old, emu: Cow due any l, cm due Aug. 19. cow due Oct. " Arr-shin Bhorthom ("do cow. holler due 30m. M, hello: duo Oct? 19, halter} 9 months old. veal cull. 1 PtGW.--7 that“ 5 months old. I POULTRY-About 40 pure bred] White Leghorn heâ€. 2 pure bred White Leghorn cockeroln. I mun-Mama“ "Alt-tsri-ave-ross-iF'-' ‘mmmmmcm with in“, I slin- m at WANTED Bacon Hogs DtttmDere,sttb.btmroetoi.r.., Master & Hunsbcrger admit-u [and “one". IAMH tt, "te, tittir'iilit "ft? OIMION GINOIRICN. Prop, E. J, .HANTl. Auctioneer. D. s. KOLI, Curt. 8at TERM! OF 'Ai-rar, will. pigs. poultry. Ind ntl “an M11030 and under, cash: our that Imam. " months' credit on good knights - or 5 per cent discount for on]: pay- ment ot credit amounts: Butcher camp 3 months' cred". CHRIITIAN CIBCIRAN. Prop. E. o. CHANTl. Lumen-Ir. n. R. aTAUFFER, cum. M"tARtt" LINIMENT CURES OARGET IN COW‘ l P108 AND cwcusa:- , you! .brood so“ both with mar " - " LuuootuKT slut-,Ommmt â€In no 1b.. "ctr. Ygthlh hour. .24 mm walnut. Mn. 3 each-cola. abottt Ito M W m Inns ' (enchant; V . [ on.“ m ’ 14' “its: ,'hl/"lff'ifh'a'dlt)'3le Me “nun-JR.“ m"' CATrtatt-t all “an... mum-taunts.- duh.lconhoh¢lnhm "emr.it.aote.ttsr&rtr.- 'thhobAc..mbul '.thrrttambtrtlnrttttredt--rH. 'ammum.1onupu {wuwwm l HAY AND GRAIN:--" quantity ot ‘hly. " tom 500 bush. out. 500 hush. mixed “in. zoo m. bum. f HOUSEHOLD 1WrBCYtV.--De La. val cream nonunion No. " lawn mow- er. iron kettle. Bell Oak hector. parlor heater. coal beater, than cupboard. 8 kitchen chairs, rocking chair, couch. cupboard. 2 bedstuda, l with beddinc. wash stand. chum. butter worker. wood has. benches, milk pails. croch. fruit Jars, clock 70 up. will and spouts. up pan. 2 milk out. 6 milk coolers. 2 tubs. meat at. nah boilcr. Ind pro-s. mm grinder. 3 Italian. time. 3 Interns. lump. gasoline but " tram., home mule carpet. â€union table, on onto. set an iron, and tron pots 1nd puns. utter bench. In“ strainers tor milk can. large milk cool. or. some dishes. . . No reserve " vpunn'htoi' in retiring. All household goods tad small It“! will be sold More dither. Lunch u noon. . , hay racks," [oi-(W. lots him. Stlnthope buggy. "all «in. wheel- barrow, Cock-hm twill) when wu- on springs, wood ruck. Gill-n â€tonne engine. 1% bone pannjnln lull. doublou-ooa â€chokes, logging claim, not tackling. forks. stoop shovel. lulu.- Iron vise. corn shallot. grand-tone. Eaton emery stone grinder, lurid obrlyer, , tsgttr.txsarisaarrmrir.iatrmrtr new. 3 sets plow bane... let carriage lumen, bum human, horn bunk- eta.. buck-mun (one 1nd bellow, frame for up pun Ind unmet-mu other. nuclei). _ _ ntPtatmttrtkdu-rimt & Wood Moder. , n. out. - now; My Bum mow. ' n. out. Inna-Bar- ri. My - with crack. lune!- Harrie "" nu. I'm†and! My udder. Haney 1mm Innate, lu- m-Hnrrh " dbl (rm “H’JIC'. From. & Wood dice W. M e Wood steel land roller. Martian-II nprlni tooth cultivator m loud not. t Climax cumulon. Coekihntt mn- nre spreader nearly new. , walking plown No. tl, 1 Perrin riding plow. 2 Kunglnoo on; plown, 8 lab min hit. rowo. 4 ttetttnettt, 1 - In. turn!» newer V. “are. Without cum“ bot, Chatham tanning mm. m lulu 2,000 Rm. up. 2 «and m. ' wagon box‘ey. pig mkip-uvcl Digit), ,,1tltil'lll'? gait-“'4‘“ gnaw: From o.. TM but gummy oi - wed attd-.- runn- Abk. , Butter Wrappers TH! CNRQMCLITELIGRAPH . wnanoo. om. ORDER YOUR 8-3L