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The Chronicle Telegraph (190101), 27 Feb 1919, p. 10

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., - P.-., a ill ' - EWOLD 'MbopW-cotu but Mr.rPPsltr't that. Baur about. bur, _ I“. Inn Minna. dresser. some ap- ,,,L A!” 4tF9ALEt--Mag. grain. po- _ tan-Inn. t View» 1 “win", " , 'r,. F u 1 T . I m ' "turl Quinn ru' £31m " 3W: ' you no ',"IttPtarHmett:rr-e McCormick -mu "1. out. IlcCormlck. mower, M on nu. ma. banner. M.-H. ll tt till. " a. noel In! mks new, blunt! but boy lander. new; M,. tr-tther and udder combined, 1‘” mum-o apt-sad". 2 cum- _ ' “gov. iron barrows. , plows, 1tttLte, wiper new. shone; .. in”, pig rack, gavel atttres ”my ot cedm' pom, 30 ft, F on rt.dq.r new. 2 logging " . ' - power hone clipper, _ F Jomcnt. bob “an. a wagon‘ #i AtoZ, hm box, a buy racks. fanning it t not in": hm: mounted team ~hi'llOII, , W urn-[e harness one but, In, ' two-um: top surreys. “It Dub ”00 m.. out, (orb. Ibov- "aB" m. and numerous other 3Htrsa, veal calm. and all sums of m and under. .cuh; over that amount " “mi credit on approved securi- itlttr, 2 mattress, mirror. bureau, D, - or mount- stove. l Imrner coal- d jute, 2 eiocxric stoves. 2 aleclrlc ' . " lb. electric pressing Iron. 4 . linoleum. lurn mower. 50 ft. . "ttttt machine. ringer. rush tub. in: double boiler. aluminum '_' . _ tte, seniors. cracks. iron pottr, T “We. Balers. mac-k. Iron pots. In“; and numerous other articles. "r. , Tum- each. l BRUCE RIMINGTON. Prrtpriptor, ,hrttrr suit. 2 parlor tables, rug, ',itrutortt ttMet-rd, dining tam. Mansion), In! table, 6 dining “in, 6 Htetms chnlra. rocker. Hootr ie. kitchen cabinet. rungs cook stow. Wk no". coal heater. cot and mat. ' , Iron batten“. bedroom suit, , or 5 W cant. "count tor oul PMmett" of credit amounts. I, GOTTLIEI non-m. Prop. . E. J. GHANTZ, Auctioneer. o. & KOLO. Clerk. The “detained will sell by public mason. 01f ma premises, 183 Joseph M. Kitchener. near gas plant, on P' MTURDAV, MAR. a, 1m, mum; u 1.30 p. m. the follow. “Y m qRAIN:--6 tom, hay, 20 M - what for need. 16 huh. Rt. a. too bun. mixed nun, 200 “you. quantity of Imp. carmen a . if. M66000". l. I. by UL Kim-m Phone m9 troqthold Insets, etc. tr J. sum”. Auctioneer. 94'.t PUBLIE SALE “panacea Midtown" and VIN-tor "unborn! you. -htttre I Atreltrtt_iqr-Fteipt We» ' {any ham rum. w both rising t Jun t yam old. ' new con. bar In I” ' um 7 you: I " paid tor "an. an? "in no maul. K". VI)..- and burlap. Din» 'Ud, Wind”. M, I. QUINN Mittee.., Mr Sh. Kitchener. It" as. tem 1 o'clock. "3.. no OF BUYS 5-PA_SSENGER CAR WITH SELF- I may“. NEW TIRES. PAINTED LAST L a to Tat, “on ma In and on tho prom-u “I I line- "0 cl Prawn. " nit-mot EMAILOIUIOIIIIH Commencing " 12.30 o'cbck NIL. the bum "mm. property. '11.: Hotti.--Ptgse Bay Porchoron‘ bone ' you old. heavy dull buy born I years old; grey we colt rig. intr ' yarn old. by Lord Charming. grey colt ruin; 2 yam old, grey luck- ing colt. CATTLE.--? Good Dulry Cows, Hoi, swim tutd Jerseys. Holgteln cow. froth 10 wells. Jersey cow due to calvo in May. Durham cow trash by tune ot ale. Hal-tell: cow to freshen ln May. 2 Holsteln cow" due to culve m April, Hollwln halter trash 6 wow. 4 young mule, yearling, 4 veal \calvu. - PIOSJND POULTRY:--' than“. 1 months old, 1 good York brood BOW, supposed to be with " 60 chickens. Rhoda blind Reds. Barred Rocks and White Leghorn. TMPLBMENTS:--M.-H. binder ne.w., mower. Mull. hay loader and side de, livery new, good hoe seed drill, [and roller. 2 wagons. democrat, top buggy Portlnnd cutter new, new acumen iron horrowe. 2 acumen-s. Ttarrow gang. rteuir plow, new potato plow, buy rake, disk, bob oleigh, 2 fanning mills. one Chathnm. root pulper. g not team lumen. single harness. hay rack. 16- ft. ladder. grind stone. good buy fork Jud rope, 3 woollen horse blankets. gavel punks. about 12 cords of wood cut tn stove' length, 2 don graln bags. 2 good robes, furnace kettle. 2 .iron kettles. lorks, shovels. chains. ‘doubletrees and numerous other our ole: HOUSEHOLD GO0DS:--f5tandard eream, gepnrator new, Upright piano new; lounge. roqking chairs. 6 came- bottom chairs. new Axminsler rug. 3x4; Queen wood heater, good Parlor cook coal heater, kitchen cupboard, imam» chairs. Singer sawing machine. new; new wash machine. organ, bur. eau, 2 wash Hank‘s, linoleum. 2 bed- steads. spring and mattress. home- mnde carpet strips, teat table. 3 bench- es. sink. Ititetton table, large table. wringer. chest. clock. cook stovo. Daisy churn. barrel with vinegar, vine- gar barrels, 6 gal.‘miik can. milk Pails, coolers, dishes. fruit jars. some canned fruit. apple butter. apple barrels, and numerous othtt ttrticlos. HAY AND GRgUN:-Rootts, potatets,', and ensllage. 10 tons good hay. 1701 bush. oats. 100 bush. mixed grain. 20', bugs potatoes. quantity or turnips.' mango]: and ensilnge. p REAL ESTATE:-) tho sumo day. the valuable tarm or M "t'rkt,R, iit n it previously sold). will he otrvred. tho farm is in a high stain of cultivation, 7 acres wheat, 15 acres hush. tall plow- ing all done, a nice orchard good 8- roomed brick house with Kitchen and wood house, good well. lots of good water; ttrat class bank barn, cemented subling. driving house. This Is a splendid farm. handy to trolley line, Galt to Kitchener, well situated on main road, close to Preston. Terms will be made known on day or sale, or can he had trom the undersigned. 10 per cent. of purchase price on day of sale, xrlin, roots. veal calves. wood. and all sums of $16 and under. cash; sums over that amount, 12 months' credit with approved security or 6 per cent. discount tor cash on credit olotmts. The annull sale of pure bred ttttle under the ausplcea of the Qt,t,', De, partment of Agriculture an minut- ment ot the Guelph Fat Stock Club, will be held in the .WINTEI nun IUILDINGS. GUELPH, on WEDNESDAY, STH MARCH, 1919, At thl, sale there will be the but lot of rattle we have peer ousted. ANNUAL SALE or PURE 333D CATTLE C. L. NELLIS, J. M. DUFF. Pmldom. "ere - A,; éiiilognos and further [iancul- an Ipply to MINAID'I LINIMINT CURE. DIPHTHIROA. _ W and loun- hold new. TERMS OF CHATTELtV.---Hay, VUIMAV, MARCH q, "to, GEO. WEHNER. Prop. E. J. SHANTZ. Auctloneor. o. s. KOLB, Clerk. (BEEF 33mm!) or Kitchener. TM 80cm- ry. Medan-“bynbloml “.9“de- but”. and.“ South" " d ww,~mmuuw Hun- but.“ Conn-em a 0.80 o'clock “a, the following "In”. "sporty, via: Ho0ttmttV.--1 drtur " your: old. gelding ' you. am, an. tn all. ru- lnz 4; “Iain: " your. old. - 8 you- old, colt mm a you'- old. l '.MPLBMEN'N:--M- . maul [bind-r, 7 tt. r ' uuuy-Huril com lbmder. good a... nsw, Maisscyusrrr-'i hoe drill, Inlay-Burl. mower. Mun-l lic';Viiii1', tide nke, Manny-Harris jay louder. Manny-Hat“: hay ladder, Manny-Harri: who ran. Mane!- Hurrll riding plow. t walking plows. 2 gang plowu, 2 (Han. 2 wring-tooth cull 'rtivatorB, 2 touraseetion hurl-own. three.) inaction barrow. land roller, gull: beet? Hitler. sugar beet acumen trcuiner, tan-l lning mill. new Mummy-Harri. straw lcutter, net of scales. up. 600 lbl., root ipulper, Monarch [Incline engine. 1% h.p.. for“. shovoln. chains. hoes. lacythel. sling and ropes 200 tt. long, ipulleyn, 3 neckyokeu, wttitrtetri, ostonetroat, 3 wagons. 3 buggies (one new), behalelzh. cutter, 2 hayracks. ulockrack. posihole auger. wagon box, git grain bags. , sen team harness. 2 set- single buggy harneqp. DeLgvfil cram separator. churn. meal barrel. 3 5 iron kettles, milk cans. g robes, 2 pair ‘horse blinkeis. 1 pair new block and GUie, cednr posts. we. ' CATTLE:--' Good Duty Co-, but, 1 one In April. I dun In August, 1 duo In Juno. lulu. in Mar, better duo In Fobrulry, bellm- due In July. yearl- ing bull, 4 than t yearn old, 2 Milan 2 yarn old, I yurling c-lvu, t wring _ SHEEP: I euro. 6 yearling swan. PUNV.-Yottrm brood BOW, as young Pitts. About " hem. : GRAIN. Pa're:--M) tons of good hay. quantlty ot turnips. 100 bushels bar- fley. about 1500 bushels oats, amount of language. _ l HOUSEHOLD EFFECTS: - nide~ hoard. table. bedsteads. couch. Royal A sewlnx machine. woodbox. 3 beach ea, u quantity ot CHICKS. box stove. pipes and drum. galvnnized conloll bar. 'reI. can. TC, ttat., to'ciNttme'iter, mock. lamps lanterns and numerous other ar- [Idea , TERMS:-uiay, grain. poultry, young pigs and all sums of $10 and under. cash; orpr that amount. 10 months' credit h'y giving approved security. or a discount of 5 per cent. per annum " for cash on all credit amounts. Lunch at noon. There will he sold by public auctlon dn the premises situated in the vlllage ot Deon. at the lower end on the road leading to Blair. the property ot the late John Kummer, on Commencing at 2 o'ctock p.m.. The property consists ot 10 acres more or less. most of it In good work. able land. On the property In situat- ed a good 1% storey frame house. good body-born bum ln 1918. The property is well shunted and will be sold without reserve. " acre mrm and 0 city lots. Would consider medium priced property in town with luble in part nasal» MW: one mile trim Post 09 school and church. Good land and buildinxl. Apply M 'o, ChrottieW Tertdrmott, 3-3-1: w' Fine farm ot 189 new. situated a miles from Kitchener Pout Ottlee. Roll m high Mm of euttimtittq. than! 8 Cores hurdwond and cedar bush: hon IO x M, CPmpn; “Hahn; and Intel- In cubic. Driving shad, good hon”. hot In!" heulnl, TS'/i." Ind wind- mill Also plenty ot t. For fur ther lntomltlon apply to MINARD'I LINIIINT can“ A9Ltm, In. A» A TUUDAY. "Nttttf "Ni. 1.1.. For Sale or Exchange. LEVI litpsTryO.FHt I'rrsprit4or "BUB Elli A. FRASER. Auctioneer. J. E. BINGEMAN, Clerk. FRIDAY, MARCH 21. 1919 PUBLII] SALE R. R, No. 8, Kltrhonor. Fl mo. Farm for Sale. E. J. SHANTI. Autumn". 9-3t NOAH .TAUFFER. NOAH WEBER, ALLEN HEt8T, mteeut8tis. ir,'tt "ttaetgtgpratttttt too-gt-tMitt-et I Nov Dumbo. yuanht. e"t;;.rtgtgtrtttuti '.t1'llik1 “a: '. ks W. bet - cut -trt.ttt- a "mtt.--ti-tte" m u no an at In» urn. - In the villa“ at Brenna. Inch 13.: We. 'rttttqhgrM ot. (ecu I chattels of the In. in. was 30¢le at Bull“ . Inch '.--rBrtn stock “I hula-nu at canon: noon. t% nu- ma- ot Klwhmr, on an to“ mu m Kitchen-w to can. mm. March ‘v-Th vain-Ho min a! I 3 Acres, hm slack. 1-91qu and I household goods 01 Geo. Wow. Minutes! " Inno- math out of Bro-nu on the main rand Iron and“ to Pro-ton. "or. 'e-"rttt Mk I“ Imminent I at Jenni! 8mm! “and I Imam I out at New alum 1 an. In!“ I of Wthnot calm. Much Opium dock and halo menu od boob Gunman. a In on out of Bloomlnswo. 8 Inno- north ot Breulau. t 'Sa(.. Much n. 1 o.m.--Houscttotd I goods of Bruce Rimlnnon. 188 Am. optt Bt,, Kitchener. - March HIP-stock. Monmouth and household effect- ot Hr. Roqdtrr, " touts naming“ ot Crag-hm und 5 tulle: north“! of Ember: on tt "th-- Farm trtoek, implements I and household etteets, including a l passenger touring Overland car tit , not previously sold). of Samuel I Schlob of Lexington. , miles north Bridgeport, 3 miles northout. of " I terloo. :Mar. 5.--Form nook. Implements: ', household attracts. etc. of Joseph' Miller. situated ono mile east ot I German Mills, 4 mlloa northwest of I Prveion, hum-r known as tho purl- l, not] spring form. 'March s.- I'trm stock, vehicles. tttttttat. hold pttect.q and real rail-to of A. W. l Schaefer, " Mary St,, Kitchener. Mar. ".-.tparnt Mock, implements and I household effects ot John H. We: nor. 2% plies one! or Wollosley, l F mile north of Berlet's Corner, Con. 1, 2. Tp. Wollosley. Lot No. 8. Mar. 15th-- Housr'hotd.tMroett' ot the late John Weber. _ corner ot Cedar and Popular St., Waterloo. Mar 20th-F"arm, farm nook and im. plemnnts and household shoots. In, I eluding Kertoral repair tthttp and t rider mill with modern aqulpmont. ,' run by water power, Mlonglnx to ' Dan B. o. Schmidt. Wollesioy Vil. late. March 26th.--Farm atoMr, and Implo- ments and household effects ot Henry Mebel. one mile south of Heidelberg, 3 miles northwest of t Erbsvillo. March 28.--Farm, stock. Implomonto I and household enacts of Michael l and Joseph Benningor. 3 miles out of Bloomingdale. 3 miles west of New Germany and , miles south- west ot Winterbourtte. Hensnstnuu. March ll - Finn stock implo- mantl, irraudttittttt choice hon! or pure bred Janey can ot simian Gingrich. % mile '1" ot Deon. I miles south cl Kitchcnov. March 12.-9utrttt, imphmmn and household elem ot Cari-tun Creasmao. i yum .wesl of New Dundee and miles ens! of Phil!- ville. March. ".-1htrnt stock and impla.‘ mom. ot Chas. Koehler. m mum-i noun: ot Petertstrurtt; on mun rend from Petal-shun to New Dundeo. March 19..-Farm qtttqtbt and Implo- uwms of Henry Itursthrr, V; mile! south of “Hamburg. on the rotyd l from Petorahurx to New Dundee l March 2t,---R"t "tate emulating r of house ond few new: of land in 1 the villuu ot Dean. to be sold nt the l B. Gingrich's sale. , _ IApril 2.-Farm stock and lmplomonio _ at John M. Racine}. one mile north ( ot Korusuth, 4 miles out. of Bro- l inn. ' ’Arril 'th,--8tttl an. emulating lis' choica dairy cows, youn: cutie and pigs belonging to D. M. Roth. 1 mile can of Wilmot Centre. 0 miles :weu ot Mannheim. Feb. 27--Farm and tarm Mock and im. plementa of'Mra. Wm. Honing, l mile was! ot Linwood. Fob. ",--rttrrtt stock and Implements of Richard Hadley. adjoining Glen ttttnn. March t.--rarm "och tnd Implements of Joseph Kramer. Lot 18. Con. l, Mttryborouqh, It barking. March r-r'arm stock Ind implomonu ot Thoma Hackett. ndjolnln. Litt. wood. ”"050th qtoq& and 'ttit menu of D, M, human. 4 min 1-0th west of Eimln. March 6th--Farm nook Ind Implo- menu ot Moses B. Brunch". , . mum, went at m. “can. “I I all- " nurth of Hold-Hun. March 10 Juan "in“, Cotttottlttg of house and lot in Ptoroute ot the in" Dun Lunch But-Io. In lilo Zlillnx House. Bimirn. l “arch Itt.--rtwrm not-k and imbiow menu ot C. K, Weber. V. mile south of Flor-dale. . l March tt.-Ptrm stock and lupin“ mom of Oliver Jackson. ' mile- cnt ot Ole-ulna. ' mils: vat at limit-n: . _ Mum up Farm ttttr" M Inglo- mu a J, ' mm; you.) H. I. DUEHQNO. AUCTIONIIR. GEO. G. CLASS. Auctioneer. ANTIGUOII M will to soil by - I” on an maln- ol a. W. mm. t8,t5o..8,tttth-t-ti" a no forum at Well-ll”. County at Idaho. at THUWAV. “ARCH an, I”. . mm " on o'clock nu. thare, the Win; “lulu. - fr, VII: ttRAL urns-ho NW1 con-ha at u “no at land “on which than I. n will. brick Mullins Mun mu. , room. want: um- ou as wood II“ 20:20. son. and M In». good “men and In“. luhlno drop "E80 will: machin- ery counting ot 1 Iron Lube. I bor. lu with». 1 double but on may and", I uv (unmet, 1 Aato nun-w, 1 whine (or Ihrponlu hone clip- Wood working Inching": 1 we. dow um mortiMttg whine. t 24-18. nuance pmuar, 1 up "W, 1 mum chick luv to nuke ”turns, 1 stupor. Terms ot moperty will be made {known on day ot Illa. Blacksmith shop 12:13 with wall. a complete cider mill 24:20 with all mgqhinery, bank bun 33:26 with water in lulu. hen house 10:12 Also ' good vlcel with tools, ouch u drills, rimmeru. noel: ot emery wheeln. All tools of the above Ina- chinery will so Willi the property. lacuna shop and elder mill no run by I " HP. water whool. All buildings are lit by hrdro. lit not previously laid.) IMPLIEMENTS. ETC-Drill, cock~ 'eshutt bturrow plow. single plow, single wagon with box cap. 2000 lb... cutting box. root plllpal'. 2 Bee. iron harmw chains. an! single harness. ltugn. new collar, also load or turnips. HOUSEHOLD GOODS; - Large lllwlnenn desk, cooking Move, agricul- ,tural holler. capital cream separator. _churm huok one. room. MATERIAL, y'/i'att',r) the above property ts told there will be altered for tale I" kind: ot tood such an pipe and other wrenchu.‘ breast drill, nowhere. "ttttit of bolts T.tt in., 3-8 trt., 5-13 m. " in.; net screws. cap screws. Debbi! metal, all kind: or tapped nuts, wuhen. rivets. 1 roll of Bebe-toe. 2 due expands". " In. boiler up. 11 thread- to the in., 34 In. ten 12 threats. 1 tall set of stocks. dies and um. boiler studs. 1 bolt clipper. 1 stock die end up cut 1 1.8 In. screw Jack. hand plenel. my ea. block and tackle. some mechlno on. large ale. spun pulleys. iron mst. leyn, 3 grind stones. about 100 gal. ot apple Hagar. 10 or 12 cider barrels. 1 Waterloo bevel Jack. a llttle band saw, turning bench. boxing. sprock- eta, wheels and chins. 21:11an [no- line lantern, stun- and a lot of other articles too numerous to mention. LIVE B'rOCK--Cow suppolod to calve June list, Heller fresh 4 month. cow fresh. cult 1 months old, 3 ducks. 10 rhk-kenm TERMS or SALE.~-All mum: of $10.00 and under, cash; over that amount 12 months' credit on approv- ed security or ii per cent. on tor cash payments of credlt amounts. 5 miles west of Elmira. Much 15~Fu1n stock and lmnlm menu of Chan. Wilkln, “blunt” mira, opposite C. P. R. station. March IT-- Harm stock and Imple- ments ot S. J. Winner. 8% mm: was: of Pat.""" and ' mile! east or Linw March "e-Ptrm “out and Implo- mentl of George Adumlon. 1% mile- north ot Gone-toga. t muo- out of Wittterbotgrttq. WILLIAM c. TAYLOR. Auction». Fob. 2r.-.6rm stock And imNaumtn of John limit. a all" noun: of Molboro. March 'tth-H-ttold tun-nun ct Werner Bmdmcht. William and. N": Humburl. Mareh "ttr-parm, hm Mack and Implomentl of Wm. ”I‘m. In l. Con. t, N. n. nap. W. all“ was! or New Hamburg. March 2lu-- SM“ hm eontainittg 12 AN‘OI. being part “it M, Can. I, Wilmot. , mil-m new of L'te hon. "Arch "-atma And manuals of tho In. - W. yo: :1. and" and mu Wind. at mm “mun-g of Hey mum. larch m- m M and - Much 'rd-Farm my Ind Implo- monta ot Joan layer. on Wuorloo mum-om and Woolwlel Iowa Illa. c. M. CRAWLIV. AUCTIONIII. MINNIE H. B. DUERING. Auctionier. (I. R OTTMAN. Clerk. DAN. B. o. SCHMIDT. Proprietor. Wellonley. Out .Box 416, Phone No. 10. A. IRAN. Maven“. muunInu-munwssilshp T - on " provisos. must“ " in w , sooth oi khaki-month‘s... m " ', - C, leading from Peterson: to low - M. II "‘1 LR, "UL, much '* ms TMtt W, I ' I ‘ ' I. , m u . IEN, Commencing ti t o'clock . In. the m a. 'era.':". _ following: "tr, up: -iv "OCK-- Flu bar more 'uinq I 30......“ non old, s good otut driver no “in." n. T , worker. swam cows: Damn gnu.“ c.. 'e, undo cow troll: by time of solo. msod 2'W.,',' " _ "'1 . . nude cow due to cslve March $8; ' CArhab- . ' A, gil Roman cow do. to cslvo in I”: - - in w i, El duo halter one you old. " Band 4.. to' w" m t , i . Rock chiclions. “in in "att, w _ Fall' I IMPLMMMNTt? AND 1100033014) m "ttle, My. - in“ IE M tMWDB- Good top bun. 6qtattemt, PMN' AND, . " " “I; cutter. one-horn stein. slime plow. would“ M '00 'is 1 section iron borrow. (mace not. 'rhiehmtg, Coll“ “I (” franc. you» spnyer. sot little hsr- “pm“, m, .W'i' nose. coliur sod homes. torts. shovels. Wood binder g a, all. . , , WWI ot' but 5 a. an. ins-on In: ' lit, HOUSEHOLD ErrBCTB-- Good‘dm'm ”to. ut m‘ Bl Happy Thought cook stove. parlor lousy Hus-ll .m r r cook. honor. kitchen cupboud, sink. ogrly new, dire, Ittateo, . , Erwin crew sepsrsior in good rum muffler. ' in. 'e, q iailgl n " order; milk coolers. churn, wood plows. 3 do“ , " :r * heater. Ind mineral.“ other srilcloo. , "n" " an“, IQ)» " _ TERMS or ttALB-- Hsy, chickens. poir of bob 'trtgttr. M ‘ _ A“ and sums ot $15.00 and under, cub: tire but": mayhot . " , over thtgetgtnount 8 months' credit on Jumper cutter. m irq . sporbved security or 6 per cool. per [rival _ gm l ' Hz. nnnum discount tor cosh on credit nearly now, an]. p9te _ e, tunotttttq., . Clinton tannin: will; "t ', I “ML EirrATE--At ther “1110 “In. IN. “I truck qrtttt “L I the property will ho otrered consisting with 60 it. of In! W'- w .. or 5 acres land. in scre good coast band wheel. quantity " i w , swung. balance ttood worksble ism]. boat, 15 ft. ot Nl“n‘.‘w Ott the property is . good 7 roamed Der, doubletmo. MW}! house with kitchen stitched. cement Mrs. for“, "my“; "e. tg ed collar under house. with never all human. at iesm hung... " a my. well at axirl good waier. body hot-nose. ttet of Mrtgie fl _ Fi born with other out buildings. nice.“ numbor oi' 1,t"a,'tiat orchard. The Way Is well slum mm}. other artie" in "' . ed on the mun Petersburg out! New mention. _ ' Dundee road. GRAIN, ma-sso M M TERhN--t0 nor cent. o.' Wain" uni-hen cm. ' was “you” g price on day ot Isle. Bounce of terms tons mixed My. _ _ u ”I ‘v will be made known on any of sale. 1-101!!me o.ottd, rig, Gunmetal at t o'clock . I. the mum“: "oc.-. flu My um nun I you: old, I good qttiet an": and work". 8 good dairy - DIM pm cow huh by that “160.3006 [Mo cow duo to ulvo Inch 3.; Holmln on an. to can In In: he better one your old. " Band Bock chicken; IMMIDNTB AND HOUIIHOLD t5ooDB- Good top may. mm. cutter. one-hon. than. “and. plot. a new» tron ttarrow, Map. huh tram, you!» sprint. at single but- no”. can” ud hm“. torts. thaw-u. anneal; of hay. TERMS or ttALB-- Hly. chicken. and sum: of $15.00 And under. cub: over thttt'atnqunt 8 math!‘ cred". on IDDI'OVOd neurlty or ' par can. per annum discount tttr can: on credit moan". . . REAL EBTATM--At the um; am. the property will ho ottered con-[lung or 5 Acres land. li acre ttoo.6 cedar “rump. bnlmce nood worluble lwd. on the property I: . good 7 roamed house with kitchen leached. cement. ed cellar undcr house. with never fait. mg wall at our. good valor. body bun with other out bundle, nice orchard. The may I. well mun ed on the mun Belorlburl tad New Dundee mad. H TERMS-10 nor cent. of purchase prlce on dny of sale. Btlmco of term: will be made known on any ot sale. CHAS. KOEHLER. Fromm". E. J. SHANTZ. Aucuoneer. $.3t Farm Stock, Implements etc On Lot 8, Cott. li, Wollonley. 2 mlbl can of Linwood, 8% mile: west ot Hawkeavllle. on At one gun. uharp. The following valuthlo property: HORSES:~-heuvy team. ' Ind " years old, bay mare 6 yen: old, horse rising 5 yearn old, drlving more , your: old. CATTLE:--" grade cows with cel- ves " toot or due at the time of sale. BHRMP:---6 ewes supposed to be with lamb. P0WL:--pair turkeys. IMPLEMENTs:--mseritttt binder. M.-H. mower. steel isnd rolier, M.-H. ‘eide deliver rake, corn binder. hoe. drill. Noxon cultivator. corn cultivator. lcutting box with blower. with " n. pipes. disc herrow, iron hen-ow (6 New). single plows. turnip sewer, hey Heck. wnuon. pee have-ten fence weaving machine. set ot - teem ‘ihemes (nesriy new). wow herness. (ruin creme. scisc Ind Insth chains. Iwhiineirees. neckyoks. end other er- iticlse too numerous to mention. "RMtV.--Powt tutd all sum: of 310 Ind under. cuh; over that mount, " monthu' eiodit wilt be [hen on no- proved joint not“. or 6 per cent. " tor cub. Mt0ttMtMtBtttrMt'rt0rM't' W no-ouwlvvwmnw WWI". it". CCal WWW qqqROrri - " 00 III. Mil am has. tttmtgne you! ttttth. 0 all.- an d NOV lit-WI. WM“. Wultor'l. Frlokoy Waterloo. Ont. l honby 'tttttfr the "INN“. 01 gm narrowing country that t on u ”can“ “aha." for Mo cum)! " Wand... All “In annmd to no val" ro- ttate. prompt and “Mu! amn- tten. Pe-ttttat anemone of PM! "tate, hm noel: uni lm. pmm.’ . Mt. LIOINIID AUCTIONIIR AND VALUATOI. 1llCflllll WI MONDAY, MARCH 17TH. (no. 0. GLAM, Auqtltttti. I . 'at. S. J. WIIMIR. Proprtetttr. " errant "punter. chin. I u " can - an. new , kitchn no". tt lot cool ' 1 parlor nova. , an“ 'a'tal bond, chairman:- t-M., 'e, ,chen churn. mm: 532%,! bod-town. cloth-I can. "any; lun- "oder, tabla, borrow-w emu. can on an. "Mi mid My other artl,eler '. L’; yi' a mans or um- 111% poultry. tat halter and All - {and under, cub: ova that 'lllil. montha' credit on “want! u or 5 per cent. " (or M MF. of cradit amouml. ' ." J HENRY RUEFYER. M“ . a J. SHANT%, Aucth‘ EXECUTORB’ ' TO 033D: In the (out. 04 DILLMMl dun-Id: NOTICE IS HEREBY out!) mum ‘to Chtpter 121 of urn Statutes ot Ontario, 1m. was , ditors Ind omen Elvin. .l against, or entitled to mm In, into ot OILLMAN .NVDIK, the Township ot Woolwkh. County of Waterloo, than , conned. who died on or I“; end dnv ot Demmur, 1918. .10 ed to deliver. by poll M a;- wise. on or Dolor. {in tetr Mnrch. 1919. to run I. ' MAN, R. R. No. a. 'ret ' , Oniuio. one ot ho um Will ot the an «can. M: in in". with on" 'i1ili?'i'4 ucriptlom. lull "rtsests,iatiAe,r7, clum- or intern-u. and " [ j the acuity. it my. hold tr, a, that. war at and um.“- 1919. the nix-outer- oe a. . _ will we“ to aluminum _ ot um um coco-ad m tk ' in entitled thereto. It” _ only to chim- or law“: may null then in" H , ad will not be mm. m g. "" to any panel: " - inion-t on, In." not “I, in. coivad notice. , Ja" DATED m robmry.‘lif:~, man c. uncut! Cellular hr the “ iicmtttrr--rue-, At ottTtt6-aNTDqt,-- p but. Jun. mm. by an: lawn. no of Mr. a“ Schmidt of Ntteth Purl. 6mm! at It. J Goo. PM at m h MARRIAOIO. want“.

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