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The Chronicle Telegraph (190101), 27 Feb 1919, p. 9

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g In!“ my qRAIN:-g can. hay, 20 5 "tttu. ”an; vim-t tor need. 15 bush. '_,' Att. no. 500 mm mind gram. 200 l “I. at“. quantity ot Imp. cannen c, “I may , (i [ . ' mailman: 'aooptV.--cmu heat. f; gum MOTO, link. ttour chest. bur- (), All. that bod-tend. dresser, some ap- ' , .' u I T ' nu _ 'llilitii"i'tS - t "DI! l . Some mum: ' , "owen, u a w a. ”It“! tr-ttre' . 'lull'. ”" s ". _ any” a“, ,r “Wags! ' “at": c. _ on i‘hdd _ r._ "mttererNt. diam. hath ‘ Rumba-‘01 yum nxporlonoc j‘ a 21'NTiirPett know- . Mn of "tit :4 n _ 3tiAor fdt. cut. McCormick. mower, m on new. 1-H. binder, um. 11 .timu. a u. an: - rpm- new. " smiths! buy loader, new: M.- ti on 2‘ “do! new. 2 loss!“ ' "S.' . pod power horse clipper, j. . descent. bob Ilel‘h. 2 wagon: _ii, ‘08. but box. ' buy racks, tanning w. ' not he": bru- mounted team ”in... ' at. can-inn harness one york ".. , "mutated top surreys. I!” “h 3000 II». cap., forks. shov- ‘bb. -mm-. and numerous other by. Wren. I )MY "T tbt in ”an: wk A8 r”. 500 In Int. om, gun furor lull. 2 parlor tables. rug, et'trerrtt sideboard. dining table. Winn). leat table, 6 dining git-LG kitchen chairs. rocker. Hoos. Itf kltchen ctplnot. range cook stovn, thibk stave, coal heater, cot and mat. '01.". , iron bedsteads, bedroom suit, 91mm. 2 mattress. mirror. bureau. 1t.'5y"hor Mine stove. 1 burner coal- 'aet'e'tttee, ' electric stoves, 2 electric T ir, Q " lb. electric pressing Iron, 4 . linoleum. lawn mower, so ft. _ _ ".P"t machine, ringer. wash tub, I double boiler, aluminum , .k’ttle. sealers. crooks. iron pots. (Whale. Sealers, trocA. iron pots, wt, and numerous other articles. _ "r, , Torm- Cash. BRUCE RIMINGTON. Proprietor, fe., ml cum. and an sums of ’30 till under. not; over that amount " augttha' weak on approved securi- The undersigned will sell by public pm, (Hf the premises. 183 Joseph new. Kitchener, near gas plant, on Ir. or S per cent. Attscount tor cash '.rmentt, of credit amounts. I,, GOTTLtEtt comm. Prop. ATM. OF 'ALE:-Hsy, grain. po- so by a. Rumm- m... 1489 “on? __ Rei’pTaTJ’EE mu ocrlp Iron and metal. W pa.- and burl-p. Mom a“ ladder combined, 1'“ Innate spreader. 2 cum- ”. 0.09", iron h-va, 2 ptows, - we! wiper new. bhotqge ”0921mm pig rack, gravel in. q'ONytitr of cedar posts, 30 ft. Votq1told Exam, etc. I J. SHANTZ. Alxrlloneor, 9-2t bomiMtomtorr. 7 _ A r. JACiON, MTUHUAV, MAR. tr, 1919, MMI SALE hporlcncod Avalon.» and Vlluator 'tym?ru" 'e" gxpgujlonoo o. 8. KOLD. (Hark. E. J. SHANTI, Auctioneer. xcmg at 1.30 p. m. the follow. $tt' ,mrty. m: 7 - Mr” ruin; " llhilomom. Me. ”no". 1th_Wp%rlots. H. . WIRONO tagtivtF, m" St" Kitchener. OF BUYS 5-PASSENGER CAR WITH SELF. irt'AR'rmt, NEW TIRES. PAINTED LAST hank-1mm " 830. 10": ' NIL. the I, m:- to Tat in an» m 'ttutr; l Ink-am and loun- hold um. "Hm will be sold on the prom att-8.tii.qet.ttePrentort,8% an. null 01 Brain. on the uh Commencing " 12.30 o'clock pan., the [allowing VIIIINB mu, Tin.: HoR8Eir.-rute Bay Percheron hone 9 yuan old. be." dark bay bone ' year: old, grey mare coll rh- lns 3 you: old, by Lord Charming. (my colt rising 2 years old. grey luck- ing colt. REAL ESTATE:-) the sumo day, the, valuable (arm of Ni acres, tif n " previously sold). will he olTored. tho farm is in it high state of cultivation. 7 acres wheat, 15 acres bush. Pall plow- ing all done. a nice orchard good 8. lroomed brick house with kitchen and wood h0use, good well, lots of good water; firat class bank barn. cemented stabling, driving house. This is a splendid farm. handy to trolley line. Gait to Kitchener, well situated on Ymaln road. close to Preston. Terms i will be made known on day of sale. or ‘can he had from the undersigned. 10 1per cent. of purchase price on day of . sale. CATTLE:--? Good Dairy Cows, Hol- uolna Ind Jerseys. Holgteln cow. has]: 10 wceks. Jersey cow due to culve in May, Durham cow fresh by time ot sale, Holstein cow to freshen in Mar, , Holstein oows due to valve In April, Heinlein [mailer fresh 6 _ 4 young cattle, yearlinzs. 4 veal (when. - PIGS AND POULTRY:--6 shoals. ' months old, 1 good York brood BOW, supposed to be with Pitt. 60 chickens. Rhode Island Reds, Barred Rocks and White Leghorn. IMPLEMEN'rs:--M.h. binder new.’ mower. M..H. hay loader and tsidet.pitrl livery new, good hoe seed drill, land! roller, 2 wagons, democrat, top batrgy! Portland cutter new, new sculller. iron I barrow. 2 ecuulers, S-furrow gang? meurr' plow, new potato plow. hay. rake, disk. bob sleigh. 2 tanning mills. one Chnthnm. root pulper. 2 set team‘ harness. single harness. hay rack. "'"i ft. ladder, grind stone. good hay fork; and rope, 3 woollen horse blankets.‘ gravel planks. about 12 cords of] wood cut m stove' length, 2 do; grain bags. 2 good robes, furnace kettle. 2 iron kettles. forks, shovels. chains. 'doubletrees and numerous other arti- lclel L HAY AND GRAIN-Roots, potates,' and ensllage. 10 tons good buy. 1701 bush. oats, 100 bush. mixed grain, 20~ bags potatoes. quantity ot turnips.‘ mangels and ensilnge. p HOUSEHOLD GooDs:--Standard cream §epnrat0r new, Upright piano new; lounge. roqking chairs. 6 cane- bottom chairs. new Axminster rug. 3x4; Queen wood heater, good Parlor cook coal. heater, kitchen cupboard, kitchen chairs. Singer sewing machine, new; new wash machine. organ. ' eau, 2 wash stands, linoleum. 2 bed- steads. spring and mattress, home- made'carpet strips, leaf table. 3 beach- es, sink. kitchpn table, large table. wringer. chest, clock. cook stove. Daisy churn. barrel with vinegar, vine- gar barrels, 6 gal. milk can, milk pairs, coolers. dishes. fruit Jars, smile canned fruit. apple butter, apple barrels, and numerous "thm. m'tii'lvs. TERMS OF GHATTEL8:--Har. stun, roots. veal calves. wood. and- all sums of $15 and under. cash; sums over that amount, 12 months' credit with approved security or 5 per cent. discount tor cash on credit amonnm GEO. WEHNER. Prop. E. J. GHANTZ. Auctioneer. o. B. KOLB, Clerk. The annull sale of pure bred cattle under the autrptees of the Ontario De- nnrlmont of Agriculture and must ment of the Guelph Fat Stock Club. will be mm m the .WINTER FAIR BUILDINGG, GUELPH, on WEDNESDAY, STH MARCH, 1919, At thir sale there will be the bell lot or camp worhavo peer ottered. ANNUAL SALE or PURE 333D CATTLE C. L, NELLIS. J. M. DUFF. Pmldent. Socr- For Gidioeues and farther partieul, are apply to MINARD'B LINIMINT CURE. DIPHTHERIA. TUMAV, MARCH * 1.1.. (BEEF BREEDS) in: 81E OF Kitchener. 7-3t Secretary. T-ttr-trr-ati-tion, n In an at In W on In " Band'- and South" " ol VIM. one In“. north ot New Hun- burg, on I IMPLEMENTS: --Mtrssmtsy . Harris. binder, 7 n. C , MoneyHnrrls corn lbhnler. good an nan; Mairscy {Lurin- ‘hoe drill, Mnsstsey-Hisrris mower, Maw‘ ,ney-Harrls side rake, Matstrey-Htsrritr jay loader, Massey-Harris bay ladder. 1;ti)',s.r,ye,res, milky rake, Massey- tHarm: riding plow, t walking plows. 2 ”an; plows. 2 disks. 2 spring-tooth cul-l juniors. 2 tour-section barrows. three} isectinn barrow. land roller, sugar beet; Hitter, sugar beet acumen Bcutner, tan-1 ‘ning mill. new Massey-Harris straw 'cutter, set ot scales, cap. 600 lbs., root ‘pulper. Monarch gasoline engine. 1% har., forks. shovels. chains, hoes. Iscythes. sling and ropes 200 ft. long. Epulleys, 3 neckyokes. whitnetreeB, ntoneboat. 3 wagons. 3 buggies tune lnew). bohsleigh. cutter. 2 hayracks. atoekraek. posthole auger, wagon box, 28 grain bags, 3 sets team harness. 2 sets single buggy harness. DeLaval [ cream separator, churn. meat barrel, 3 {iron kettles, milk cans, 2 robes, 2 pair Pore blankets. 1 pair new block and tackle. cedar posts, etc. Commencing " 9.80 o'clock “11.. the 'tollowin‘ vumble property, viz: Horumti:--1 driver " you. old, gelding 0 you: old. man In tool. ru. m; 4; gamma 10 your: old. - 8 years old, colt rising , you: on. CATTLE:--' 000d Dairy Cow---, fresh, 1 due In Apr”. 8 due in Ann-t. 1 due in Juno, lane tn May, holler due in February, heifer due in July, you!- ing bull, ' ulcers , years old. 2 tellers 2 years old, 8 yearling ct+rets, 3 spring calves. SHEEP: 1 ewe. ir yesrling ewes. PuW:--Yountr brood BOW, 26 young pigs. About 80 hens. GRAIN. ETC.:»30 tons of good hay. qualitity or turnips. 100 bushels har- ley. about 1500 bushels oats, amount or ensMage. [ HOUSEHOLD EFFECTS: - side hoard. table. bedsteads. couch. Royal A sewing machine, wopdbox. 3 beach es. a quantity of crycks, box stove. pipes and drum. galvanized coaloil bar. rel. can. " gal., coalpil heater. clock. lamps lanterns ‘and numerous other ar. ticles. _ TERMtV.--Hay, grain, poultry, young pigs and all sums ot $10 and under. casli: over lhat amount, 10 months' nadir hi: giving approved security, or a discount of 5 per cent. per annum oft for cash on all credit amounts. Lunch at noon. There will he sold by public auction 'on the premises situated in the village of Deon. at the lower end on the road leading to Blair, the property of the late John Kummer. on Commencing at 2 o’clock pm. The property consists ot 10 acres more or less, most of it is good work- able land. On the property is sliuat- ed a good 1% storey frame house, good body-barn built Jn 1918. The property Is well situated and will be sold without reserve. _ consider medium priced property in town with stable in part pawn Fum'ls one mile from Post on school and church. Good land and buildup. Apply Box 30¢ Chronicle- 'NU-pts. 3-btt ,' Pine farm ot 189 ttere. nilnniod tt miles tram Kitchener Pout Otriee. Still In high suit of cultivation. about 8 "rem hardwood and cedar bush: burn 00 x 92, roman; stttttlirttt ttnd Inter In liable. Driving shod. mod homo. hot valor heating, (mod well and wind- mill. Also plenty of {PHIL For fut ther information apply to MIN/\RD'I LINIIENT CURE. new». in. 7 -, TuuDAV. IAMH 11TH. 1.1.. " acre farm and 4 city lots. Would For Sale or Exchange. LEVI I IUSTETLER Uroprivtm Mgt Slllli . Iowa 2m A. FRASER. Auctioneer. J. E. BINGEMAN, Clerk. FRIDAY. MARCH 21, 1919 PUHUB SALE R R. No. I, Kitehmter, Farm for Bale. E. J. SHANTZ, Auctionqcr. 9-3t, NOAH .TAUFFER. NOAH WEBER, ALLEN HEIST, Fl mo. D1 W Execut8h. FA. 'r-4ebtM. lot at con ”I to (Man new. " In. - .0 New Dull“. "my. Indy" 8'. u - tgte am- . = mm. Mttlf' m or an! mum li I“. out at In: my. _ Mimtrt.-.-ttnM Sr/g d or _ mo of late Mrs. A. Bach” In the villus. of Brenna. luck '---tu.t mm. Household " l tech! and chute]: ot the tate In. Anon Bechtel, It Bruin: . 1 “arch 8.-Ptrm stock n4 Implant-u ‘r at Golden: noon. t% mm- mm- oe Kitchcner. on the to“! m from latch." to an”. mun. March 4,--.Yhq valuable fun at .0 mm, tum stock. unplann- tad household good. ot Goo. Wanner. Inn-ted 816 mne- month cut or Bra-bu on the mun toad from Bred-u to Preston. 1 Mgr. 'e-Farm and: and luplomnb‘ I at Joann Snowman mum , mil.- I out at New Hamburg. 1 all. vest, l of Wttmot center. _ Much iL--Farm nod: Ind Implo- menu at hoob Cut-nun, 2 Inna: east ot Bloomintdlle, ' mile: north of Brcslnu. t fSat.. Maren a, 1 't.m.-Houschyd I goods of Bruce Rimintrton, 183 dos. oph St, Kitchener. - March 1tt.-Stoek, implement. and household effects ot Hy. Bowler. 255 ame- southeast ot-eros-nd 5 miles northeast of Bumbag on EFeh. "th-- Farm met, implements i Ind household enacts. including a I passenger touring Overland car tif i not previouslyl sold), or Smuel I Schulz of Lexington. 2 miles north I Bridgeport. 3 miles northepst of " F terloo. 'Mar. .S.--Farm stock. implements, ', household effects. ete., ot Joseph Miller. situated one mile east ot I German Mills, 4 miles northwest ot I Preston, lu-tlvr known as tho prtri< ! ttcd spring farm. ' March S--"trm stock. vehicloa. house- hold 'tttect.', and real vslnle of A. W. Schnefvr. 48 Mary St.) Kitchener. 'mar. 13.--Farnt stock. implements and 1 household effects ot John H. Way nor. 2% gpites east of Wellesley, l ' mile north of Berlet's Corner. Can. i 2. Tp. Wolloéley. Lot No. 8. Mar. 15ttr-Howsvhold effects of the late John Weber. corner of Cedar and Poppler St., Waterloo. Mar 20th--F'arm, farm stock and im- plemnnts and household effects. in, . eluding general repair shop and 3 cidor mill with modern nquipment, 1 run by water power. belonging to ' Dan B. o. Schmidt. Wellesley Vii. IMF-1661i iuuiii I lame, March 25ttt.--Farm stock. and Imple- ments and household effects of Henry niche], one mile south ot Heidelberg, 3 miles northwest ot t -F.rhsville. March 2r.---Farm, stock. implements l, and household clients ot Michael i and Joseph Benninger. 3 mites east of Bloomingdale, 3 miles west' ot New Germany and 3 miles Bouth. west of Winterbourne. Hessenatrauue. March 11 - Farm stock imple- ments, ineludlnc'the choice herd at pure bred Jersey cows ot Simian Gingrich. % mile west ot Doon. 5 miles south ct Rimbaud. March 1'i.--Butl, lmphmnts and household enema of Christian Cressman. 4 lies ave-st of New Dundee and I"',,',';;'.,,; cast ot Plans-1 ville. ( March. ".--F'arrn stock and imple- ments at Chas. Koehler, 2% miles south of Petersburg; on main road from Petersburg to New Dundee. March 19.--Farm stock and Imple- ments of Henry Ruetter, % miles south of Petersburg. on the road 1 from Petersburg to Sew Dundee I March 2t,--Reat citate consisting l of house and few acres ot land in 1 the vlllage'of Dean, to be soldaztho ( S. Gingrich's sale. _ ‘April 2.-Farm Btttek and UnplIMOII“ l of John M. Bcchtel: one mile north 1 of Kossuth. 4 mites east at Bre- 1 Ian. . lAfpril thh,-Stoek Sale connlotlng lo choice dairy cows. young cattle land pigs belonging to D. M. Roth 1 mile east of Wilmot Centre. 4 miles want of Mannheim. Feb. 27--Farm and tarm stock and im;, plements orMrs. Wm. Hailing.) mile west of Linwood. Fab. 28.---Pnrm stock and implements of Richard Badley. adjoining Glen. alien. March C-Farm stock tmd implements of Joseph Kraemer, Lot 18. Con. 1, Maryborough. at Dorking, March 3--Farm stock Ind implement! of Thomas Hackett, adjoining Lin. wood. March 4th-9ttrrtt nook and imple- _ ment- of D. M. Batman. l min aouth weal of Elmira. March 6ttt---Fttrrn "oett and Impla‘ mama of Moses B, Brutmeher. 2 . all" west at Bt. hool- |nd I lull- ea north or Heidelberg. March in -Rettl tsttittte, emulating of house and lot in Mondale of the late nan Lapel: Estate. at the Zillinx House. Elmira, , March t0.--FUrm nook and liable- menta of C. K, Weber. % mile south of Fiona-lo. March it.--rtrm stock and imple- manta of Oliver Jackal. a miles out or Gingham 0 miles want ot Elmira. Mal-trim Fanny stock and _tqtMt new ot J, n Jm~m.s. PM. H. B. OUEFHNO. AUCTIONEIR. GEO. G. CLASS, Auctioneer. ANTI”... iii.-..jy ' mm tit not. will be soul by - unth- o- III ”on“ of the underlined. [at No. 18, Col. t, In the out notion of a. Town-Mp or Walla-Icy. County a WW. on THURSDAY. “ARCH 30. III. Commencing u on o‘clock In, ‘bup, th- touowinq valuable DID!"- ty, vu: REAL EfNATB--T" property column of " won of had no! which there In I with. brick (blown; house an“, 1 room. summer hitch an and wood wed 24120. no". uni Bard Inter, good maul Ind mm Machine shop 46x30 with meetin- er! con-min: ot 1 Iron Lethe. I hor. ing mimic, 1 double bond- ed emery grinder. 1 new gunmen 1 tube Ilium-t. 1 machine tor shunning horse clip. Wood working mammary: 1 win. dow nah mortieing muchlne, 1 "An, suntan-e manner, 1 up “w, 1 small chick saw to nuke patterns. 1 shaver. ' TERMS OF SALE.---AU sums of $10.00 and under. cash; over that "mount 12 months' credit on approv- 1 ed security or G per cent. on for cash payments of credit amounts. Terms of property will be made l, known on day at Mile. Blacksmith shop 12:13 with tools. a complete cider mitt 24120 with alt machinery, bank barn 32:25 with water In stalls. hen house 10:12 Also , good vlces with tools. ouch as driue, rimmers, stock ot emery wheels. All tools of the above ma~ chinery will so with the property. Machine shop and cider mm are run by a 25 H.P. water wheel. All buildings are lit by hydro. (It pot previously sold.) IMPLEMENTS. ETC-Driit, cock- shutl 2-furrow ‘plow, single plow, single wagov with box Cap. 2000 ttrs., cutting box I ct pulper. 2 sec. iron barrow chains, set single harness. hugs, new collar. also load of turnips. HOUSEHOLD GOOD)-- Large business desk, cooking stove. agricul- ,tural boiler. capital cream separator. . churn, hook case. TOOLS, MATERIAL, Erc.--Atter) the above property la sold there Witt' be onered for sale all kinds ot tools such as pipe and other wrenches, breast drill, crowbnrs. "och ot bolts Us in,, as in.. 546 in, 1-4 im; set acrews, cap screwg. babblt metal, all kinds of tapped nuts, washers, rivets, 1 roll of asbestos, 2 Bae expands“. " in. bollerjapa ll lure-d: to the in., 3-4 in. tap 12 threads. 1 full set of stocks, dies and ups, holler studs. 1 bolt clipper, 1 stock die and tap cut 1 1-8 in., screw jack. hand planes, rop- es, block and tackle. some machine oil, large safe. spilt pulleys, iron pul- leys, 3 grind stones, about 100 all. ot apple vimgar. 10 or 12 cider barrels. 1 Waterloo bevel jack. a little band saw, turning bench, boxings, sprock- ets, wheels and chains, 2 mantel gaso- llne lantern. sums and a lot of other articles too numerous to mention. LIVE s'r0UK---cow supposed to calve June list, Heifer fresh 4 months, cow fresh, calf 4 months old, 3 ducks, 10 chickens. 5 miles west of Elmira. March 1tr-qtrm stock and Imn'm ments or Chas. Wilkin, adjoining Mi. mira, opposite C. P. R. station. March IT-- Farm stock and imple- ments of S. J. Winner, 3% miles we“ at Hawkenvllle 1nd ' miles east ot Linwood. March upturn stock and Imple- ment. ot George Adumson. 1% miles north of Conestoga. , miles can! of Winterbourne. WILLIAM c. TAYLOR, Auction-r. Feb. 2r.--Parrn stock Ind Implements of John Koala. 2 tulle! south " Monboro. 1. Con. 1, N. B. Hope. 1V, inn» was: of New Humbug. March 21tst-- Small tum (renaming 12 arms, being put of Iatt 22. Con, b, Wilmot. t mllu_uouth of L'r on, lurch "-atoe. and Implements or the has luau mmon", pot Ct, Snyder Md noun VII-0t. on mill not-(Invent ot No! Hamburg. Much tt-. m um um mph- March Rttt--Hottrsehotd turnqu of Werner Brodrecht, Wmnot and. New Hlmhurg. Mann "ur-parm, (In. Mork and implement: at 10n.fthttdryth. 1M March 3rd-Fgtrttt not! and lmph~ manta of Joloph Mayor. on Waterloo and nmmm lad Woolwich town line C. M. CRAWLEV, AUCTIONEER. C. P. OTTMAN. Clerk, H. B. DUERING. Auctioneer DAN. B. o. SCHMIDT. Proprietor, Welleslay. Out, '30! 416. Phone No. 10. A. FRASER, Auctioneer. or hold ”an. no. (,.a1t..trtt1q.i: _....___ s . - I! MI The udenlnod will all by with . .0 m on his puma“, mulled " no.- Mun-II! south or Poterlburg. on an - you but. " h - Icahn: from Pelemburx to - Du- M, on trr0cK-- “no In: more this; I you- old. a toad quiet an": and worker. 3 good dun cows: Durham node cow fro-h by time of uh. good nude cow due to calve More]: 88; Holstein cow due to coin in Mar, tttttt halter one yen old. " Band Rock chickens Commencing at , o'clock . m. the (owning: IMPLEMENTS AND 'rorr8WroLP GooD8- Good top has". democrat. cutter, onertsorkiteiatt, single plow. , section Iron burrow, fum‘ce heme Imus. potato sprayer, let single har. nou. can” and unmet. torn, maven, quanta; of My. HOUSEHOLD EPFBCTB-- Good Happy Thought cook clove. parlor took heater, kitchen .cupboud, sink, Efrain cream septum in good ran- tt as order; milk coolers. churn. wood better, und numerous other ”Helen. TERMS OF BALB-- Hay. chickens. and sums ot $15.00 and under. cash: over thaeamount 8 months' credit on upprbved security or 6 per cent. per tnnum discount tor cub on credit amounts; l . REAL ESTATE-ht the gamer time the property will be onered consistlnx or 5 acres land, li, acre soot} cedar swamp, balance good workable land. On the property is 5 good 7 roomed house with kitchen attached. cement ed cellar under house, with neyer tall in: well of extra good water. body barn with other out buildings, nice orchard. The property is well sltunt ed on the mam Petersburg and New Dundee road. TERMS-:10 per cent. of purchase price on day of Bale. Bailnce ot terms will be made known on any ot sale. CHAS. KOEHLER. Proprietor. E. J. SHANTZ. Auctioneer. 8-3t Farm Stock, Implements, etc On Lot 8, Con. ll, Wellesley. 2 mibs east ot Linwood, 3% miles west ot Hawkeaville, on At one run. sharp. The following valuable property: HoRsEs:-rheavr team. 9 and 13 years old. bay mare 6 years old, horse rising 5 years old, driving mare 9 years old. CATTLE:--P2 grade cows with cal- ves at foot or due at the time of sale. BHEMP:-t owes supposed to be with lamb. P0WL:-pair turkeys. IMPLEMENTS : -Deerintr binder. M.-H. mower, steel land roller. M.-H. e'de deliver rake, corn binder. hoe, drill, Noxon cultivator. corn cultivator. cutting box “a blower. with M it. pipes. disc in ow, iron narrow (6 sec), single plows. turnip Bower, hay ruck, wagon, pea hnneater. fence or-ing machine. set of heavy team themes (nearly new). plow harness. {grain cradle, scisc and math chains. whimelrees. neckyoila, and other ur- ticles too numerous to mention. TERM8:-Powl and all sums of $10 and under. cash: over that amount. 12 months’ drodit will be given ouUp, proved Joint notes. or tr per cent. on tor cash. GEO, -D . ucummmmllulnllm teratmttrqrt0ttgtqrterqtrrthr* - nont- ot an In. Jona- nun-m tart It. moun- rand north. a mile. an a New Ila-Mrs, Wllnot. "ttart-rt-MM-qt-tl In!“ - uiaitdui. 1totdBiteotqiettr, TUIWAY, MARCH m, "" iiiiiiihk iriiiids; é Waurloo. Ont. I has” notify the reliant: ot gm wrroundlng country that I on» I llccnud lumen." for the County " wnorloo. All “In Immune! " me will re- ceive prompt and careful attun- Non. Paula-I Rammed.- a! rul m. farm stock and Im. plomnh.‘ . bat. Ltczusso AUCTIONEER AND VALUATOR. - illilllllll Slllf MONDAY, MARCH 17TH, WIOM ER, Proprietor. a. CLASS. Auctionur. 0' or an, 21't"lfN,U.' “‘3 'gortta.-att- " ruinarremethM mintymld‘M' 'CAYNar-r8- 'i c mam-mm!” dumulnlmott oatveirsAFkNt nzuttle.bun!pa:g PIGS AND, 906% " weighing mm MO ttip, " chickens. Como do; (u A, Ci" "gPlattmteTg. m..- Wood binder ' gt. out. . iit . 5 tt. cut. Mutton My . . t , delivery mAe, in: mo. : tll, ”any Hurl- DWI " Q '"y.my nev. dine. In! ' i 'IB. acumen s In. M Ms, L plows. 2 double 9”". P, lg, , Vinson; " - m). p h' pair of bob sleigh. too i u "i: tire buggy. mute! - . Tf "e., jumper cutter. wring. tiF? .L, gravel pinks. tet-gt bdth'e', nearly now. turnip prsit'te . Clinton ruining mm; and. . _ in, has truck with w, .. ', with 60 it. ot my robe, __" band wheel, qutttrtitr of ti boat, 15 n. of bolting. W per, donbletreen. [new .,' Mara. forks. shovels. 1 not " _trsrnetrsr, at tum tin-non. at d Humans. set of single DW ‘3 number ot mm- ( many other article. m y' "s . mention. , . if. GRAIN, WrC.-060 huh. m bnshel oats. 4 tom mm , tom mixed hay. . -‘ ? ": F HOUSEHDID 69918: till "ram sever-nor. chum. , milk may - new. "ttttie 2 kitchen no": " to: can: i r' parlor stove. , an]; 513% board. 0!“.me has“, te, chen chain. power cupbogrd,‘ , bedsteaus. cloth-g 91971133115: grass seeder, Links. barrript. 25-gal. coal oil can. in“ and my other "ue. 1-1;; TERMS or teA.HF- my. poultry, fat boiler ma an an and under, cash; over that iaiit months' credit on "prov. or 5 per. cent. oil lot my ot credit amounts. HENRY Rum-1mm. I't E. J. SHANT2, Auetl.ttti EXECUTOBB’ ' TO CREE NOTICE IS HEREBY 0W“ went to Chapter 121 ot the It Statutes ot Ontario. 1914, that , dltors and other: hiring " against, or entitled to slim '13,! tale ot DILLMAN 0mm". l the Township of Woolwleh. , County ot Waterloo. out!“ ceased, who died on or "met and dav ot Deesnur, 1318, (to! ed to deliver, by post ”if R. wine. on or before the teeth 1 Much. 1919. to PM I. my MAN, R. R. No. 2, wet tiii Ontario, one ot the Executor. I wm ot the said deceased. M2: in mm. with am.- new“ *ecrlptlone. lull pertioujerl d chime or internmend "Atqto the security. it my. he” br, a” that.ieter the an tangy-.3] 1919. the Executor. of the but: will proceed to xii-trim“. ot the sold deceased any; o." lee entitled thereto, 1"tits1n only to claim or inter“ at,' they shell than lave Mil ml will not be liable pr ttyi not. to on! pereon ot It“. i intereet they ehell not they M. ceived notice. _ it DATED trd rwrrunrr.uitK' man c, otattAr", Solicitor Yer thi (iti4 In the but. ttf DILLMMM’I deceased: T ttCHMttyr--PtNEtk- At I burg Jan. mm. by an. I Edwin. not of Mr. a“ Schmidt of North Pom. than“: ol Mr. .l Goo. "no. of North h MARTtN--tgNYDMtt.-- II Township. :9 toth, In mum", d; Mun-hum; MARIIAOII HEREBY may; Wanda.

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