'i4i.'tpursmr the whr" F ... Hod of the war. "ngrlv â€an!“ _ husinvss was T {unkind and " r w" mueasonablv human†that with t're, future de. on! of the counlrv the opera- ..ol the Company .should show Humid exnanslon in all depart- ta of the business. jNtss Invt-snmnls of ma Company â€ye meeived careful attention. and a P, hue proportion of these are in MVornmnnl, Provincial and Iva] somrilies. The hooks and 'tes both an the Head (mice . RftrVrtor Bram-h P have hmm gtd monrhtt and the Auditors' Wr iitente is aImrhrd iter4with. ml of which is rvnnectfuliy submit- Kr, AHC:', HILLIARD. President. “the Ont.. Jan. 28, 1919. y,'th',i-----9- of mm. ' 'iatter the reading or the Directors' . rt. the President called upon Mr. . W. Wilson. the Manager. to deal ttth the tirtPrtcial stntementt f." _ P. V. Wilson. . p“. tore trking up the statement. Mr. l expressed a word of apprecia- lor the representative attendance. the meeting, stating that white', y might tind it difficult to spare: time to attend annual meetings., {in nevertheless an encouragement E those directing the Company'.'; " ttt to ale an in" "est taken in the . as 'ot the business. by the share- Mders and others, having financial â€action: with it. After all. the! as: or an institution was inthr In I greet measure by an artive: t on the part of the shareholdw and by a sutisnod and arrreia-i T clientele in connection with the; on; departments of the business.| 'onrd.. he the aim of the Directorate the Management to have the' A can operations of the Waterloo! ty Loan and Savings Company acted along lint-s that would ht in the minds or the public tune of confidence in the absolute tb, ty atterhetl to any funds that . IMtt be entrusted to its rare. This' L d best he accomplished by a policy' _ {Own business, as it were. by de- lg’llng the ttatuyrr of the Company's! at: [merits and in offering full in-' " t tion to anv inquirers regarding . Company‘: arm-m i E r , lncreeae in the Comoanv's " r as for the [msl your has been! ‘- mtcourr'atinur. particularly in view! P e {art that very large withdraw-) > Ind hrMi made by savings deposi-: 7 K and debenture holders tor invest-', KM Virrory loan Bonds. Apart} B: 540 650.41 5,513 unount has been disposed of ‘MIO'S: In" vedrlv Dividends. Nos. , um! m at the rate of six per "In! per annum . .. .,. . 126.0210! "" ' a" Dime premises 596.10 nl'M'NH to Reserve Ae. 15,000.00 _ 'f"rr"U to (‘mling'v Fund 3 50000 cc carried forward .... 1.53194 p" Whoa-1dr Room-l "Dink-tors w: m summit m the , rs the Sixth Annual Ite- W Pinyin Statement ot the 'ttr the year Hiding Dc-cwnr Fun. _ ' providing for interrst on de- II a! debentures. and derraying “was. of mtHta'cetttettt, inrlad, Dominion Government Provincial agtutieipa1 area, the balnmw nail- I to: distribution is as follows: We brought forward from 'tttumopstock _... wrrotita tor the year a mTteatittl deposit receipts of $225,. the net incmasp in deposits and whims for the yrnr had amounted 112660195. The Paid-up capital & was increaspd by 366.436. mak- I total at end of the year of .502“. Since mp beginning of bury. a eottsMeratrle amount of 5080111" had been paid in. and thr PM then exceedcd 3500000. " the lntenllon of the Director, to I at lent 8700.000 ot Capital. he Company‘s monzazp invest ttt remained nraciically at the t,'tl"P,', as! at last yum. These p Mribvulcd in the province of We. Manllobn and Saskatchewan. F; tere tor moderate amour": thmurfly of awfully sclcct- rllen. Tho majority of the moi-mazes. cnvorvd properties ettottear and Walrrloo. and it M tho policy; of the Company 'v-s keen m - Iny local de. >for funds for ttmt class mort. The (‘nmnnny'n Bond hold. , "to and of Jhe your Imounlcd " Itt%tt1: of tttia amount. "23.» I H of Dominion Government MI and also bonds issued C Panther-l Gowmmcm. The . " "" Mt conwlnlcd of which _ . q, prlnclnally the Iarxcr 'atte cm" and mm! school dish _ The now-v of the Dlrcclnrs to mm" disttrmute the â€'v' 'nvrsorttrtttr an u not to , much eatutnt torked up In " (m o! mrlty. . “art-41w. February um, , no o'rlnc" I m. Amongst n1 wow-:1- lollovlnx v Killian-J S non B. Bricker w. Wells " 0h Uttelmtut, We Funk Mutt. C A A. B. McBride, Henna Devin. ‘j um. Fred Hume-an, Comm â€It. Roy Bun. A K Crests- /rtR L. HrtlierNI P. S, Kumpt. ,m. Wuerlon: l' H Sums. ' A. J. Khulna! l‘nlmula H. J. " Barnum Fwd w s-vvder, swam, w J Mote K. J My Kitchener. _ I†will looting of In. “a of r" \Vaux'loo Cruartey I at: Coping ya- held It thetgthrg nmrirrTFiGGraru the m“ - noun): " 'ttttmar---- Gouidonblo humus in But TIA."""'" more» but You. mama; icaraae'"'"' WITHIN"! EMMY T [M _ . Mil] SAVINGS tilllhlllf "tr6,'WA4 81.225.87 ' 367.00 41.05757 The President. The President. Mr Thos Hilliard, in'niovmx the adoption or the report, stated that there should be a feeling of devout thankfulness amongst those prcsent, that the great war which had engaged the better part ot civilization tor the last few years, had at that been successfully terminated and that "qrm ple were able to resume their business once more with a new feeling of com ttdence, in the future. As the Manager had dealt in considerable detail with the various items or the report. he said that he would conhrte his remarks 'to a brief outline of the Comptuty's 'business. The net protits on the av- ‘erage paid up capital for the year [had been 9.47 per cent. as compared with 818 per cent. tor tho previous year. Two half~yearly dividends at the rate of six per cent, per annum had been paid, and while the return on an investment in the Company's stock at any time. was possibly not as large as some people had been looking “or, throughout the last tew years of obnormal money conditions, the future prospects for increased earnings and increased dividends should be good. ',Consid"rinx the excellent security at- ttachetl to the investment and the na- [ture of the Company's business. the hold, rs of the Company's stock would ‘be no doubt highly traUstled at the results, While it would be the policy lor, the Board to set aside each year a 'liberal amount for the Reserve F'und, lthe growing business of the Company iwould undoubtedly bring increased -retums to the shareholders. , E. F. Seagram. l In set-onding the adoption of the report for the year 1918, I would like to remind those present that with the exception of the ttrest annual meeting. all previous ones to this have been held during a period when the country thats been involved in war; and even though the progress of the Waterloo County Loan it Savings Company has been. of an extremely encouraging na- ture, we should feel deeply thankful that the great mt which has me grossed thc attention of the whole world. to such a large extent has been brought to a successful conclu- sion and that we are able to meet .again under conditions that show in- tdicatlons of a long era of peace. and that create in our minds a eonftdentre .in the future development of our coun- hr)". '." In the handling of the Company's ,fnnds. your Directors have constantly aimetLat securing investments of the hiehest type. so that the interests of the shareholders. as well as the. de- msitors and dehenttrri? holders. will. at all times, he securely guarded. We 'coneider ourselves to he in quite a with: position in this regard. Of the gCompany's investments, a very large rpmportion are in Government and ihlutiicinal Bonds. purchased at very ',ravorattte rates; in fact the increased lmarket values of the Company's se- curities. at the present time. would be 'eqnal to a very handsome profit. Dur- lin: the present year. we are arranging to take up a considerable number of trf1r.ut mortgages for moderate amounts In View ot the column! inrrouo In Inn-lam at the Kitchens: omen it In dulled who to urorurr more commqdtm" and centrally locals-d or nt-os. and no the letcalle block mu purrhued. The mm ground Boor ml now being Bxod up for the hu‘lneu Ind should. when complaint, pretenli I very attractive appearam-e. The; pun-Ms? of the bulldinx had been quite fawn-ably tromttuertted upon 'i) the tocat shareholders and there val "very roanon lo believe that the change would In llnna prove a prom- able um. The increasing nuthr of new no- t‘nunts. by way of deposits and dehem tim s, in both the Waterloo and Kitchener office. must be evidence or cotttidenrt on the part of the genvral public. in the ample serunly attached to I" their funds, One of the gratify- ing signs. in tonnertion with the hunt» "PSS. is the growing popularity of the Company's debentures amongst the farmers of the country. 0n produruive farm trropertips, and the very favorable loaning farilitiPs which tho Company has. will maul? an amtrio demand for all additional funds that may c-nnw in during the coming year, We would again like to take tlw‘op. portunity ot urging upon those pros- ont. to assist, whomever possible. 'th? building up of our husinmis hy putting in a good word for the Company. I hrvo murh nlvnsure in m‘condinz the adoption of the report. _ - Short nddresnns wnre mad" by the following: H. I Sims. Fred w, Sny- der, W. J. Motr.. C. W. Wells. A. J. Kimmel. A n Mcltridr_ and w. Han- tttttE, The report was unanimously adopted, The following shareholders were an- nolnmd Wharton: tor the mrrt-m year: Thns. Hilliard, Dr. W. 1.. Hilliard. E. P. Senamm. F. S KumM S. B. Brick- pr. A, J. Klmmol. P, " Rims, H. J. Sims. Thou. Trot. Geo. D. Forte and Prod les'oad, At a suhsequent meeting of the Dlrortors. Mr. Thomas Hilliard was rn elected Prpsidenl and Mr. E. F Seagram. vlttrcprmtidrmt. Mr. H. J. Rims W" made a member of the Enwullvs Committee. Prom and Lou Account. Dr. Imam" on deposits .. .. ..$Zl.737.50 Int-must on Dohomurvs .... 16,107.65 Intern! 'nn Donn: ,.... ..,. Cnmmlsslon Arman! _.. _.. 1,462.87 FNttertttrstt. including Dominion. Provincial and Munlrlpol mum. "luring, rerttatn. priming. odvonlalna. om. 16.285.†Divldonlo Non. I - " .... 86,012.40 FINANCIAL STATEMENT, 324,737.50 16,707.65 2.59539 1,462.87 Berlin. Feb. ".--t5partaea" hoop. trom nearby town. marched into Get. senklrchen, in Wenphalin. early on Sunday and overpowered the local military and police toreâ€. I ponion of which went pver to the "artarsartB. Plundering of the tity followed. The door; of homes were blown in with hand grenades and much booty was "cured by Spaniel“. The Gel-en- kirchen hank. Ind the treasury Mad been warned in time and saved their fundl. The raiding apart-can- came horn Rutlungen Willenscheid. -Mrts. Geo, Perch was called to Kit. chener last week to visit her sister. who was Injured by a Fence. - Mr. Mei. Gilmore renewed ac- quaintances in lhisrvicinity recently. Mrs. R. Gibson, who spent the win- ter with her daughter, Mrs. A. Mum dell rpturned to her home in the West last week. Git-h! Try ttt Hair I.†a". may and "p-UNI-Hut I will bottle of Dinar"... Mr. and Mrs. Jan. Anticknap have gone to Atwood where they intend spending the Bummer. . She leaves to mourn her loss a Bor rowing husband, one son and one daughter. The funeral took place trom her late residence on Monday afternoon at 1 o‘clock to the North Easthope cemetery. . Mr. and Mrs. Jan. B. Hammond. ot Kingwood spent a day last week with triends here. . Mr. Geo. Coote spew last week with friends Just. on “mimic. doublet tU bounty of your Mir. halide. it ill- dinhly din-elm may parti+ of dandrutt. You can n†have aloe buy, but! hair If you have daodretr. This Win In"! rob. the hair of “I hm". It. drag": and in very Mo. til If not overcome it prune.- I hur- I-hne- 1nd Itching "rf the snip; the lair no... fuminh, loom: um! die; “a th- hair in". out tut. Enrol, E a null but). of Knuth-'3 Deo the In. my in. no" not just try it In our opinion the balance sheet, re- ferred It) in this report. is properly drawn up. so as to exhibit a true and correct view of the state of (PM Cate. oorption't, affairs as shown by its books. Renmrtfully submitted. J. M. BCULLY, R C. A., . J. SCULLY, Auditors. , " pm can for heavy hair M gttr tcnn \Iith beauty An! in Mint with lift; ha u {mo-pawl: count- and in mm, Ind Inna-gag try Dad-vile. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Cook spent Sunday last with Mr. and Mrs. Con. Kneisel. Died. near Lisbon. Mrs. Louiaa Guenther, beloved wife or John s. Cook. aged 34 years, and 11 months. Messrs. Fred ind were business viailors Friday. Reserve Fund H (‘onllngenl Fund Hnlnnco T ._. _ To the Pretristent. Directors and Shareholders of The Waterloo Co. loan and Saving: Company. Gentlemen -Wr be: to report that we have made a regular monthly audit of the hooks or account and vouchers of your Company for the year ending ':lst I): Number 1918, and that We have found the Mime correct and “cording to (I e statements herewith submitted. Waterloo, Ont., Jan. PA, 1919. Mr, 'u. Knelnel spent Sunday Ian! with [r'ends in Bullock. Mr and Mrs. David Cook upem Sunday at Con. Knelsel's. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Knelsel and (am- it, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Foerster, near St. Clements. Hr. Geo. Schmidt of near Topping QM! Sanity at not). Netmtettgter'tr. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Hum Br,. spent Sunday at Mr. and Mrs. Walter Cook's. Mr. Gus. Millerand Mr. John Kaur. man were bushess visitors in Lisbon on Saturday. Mr. Con. Kneisel bought a valuable horse from Mr. Geo. Keys of New Hamburg. To the Public savings Deposits _ T . Deposit Receipts ___ "ebenture Accounll News Note; Mr. and Mrs, Com Kneisal linen! Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. John Baie. Mr had. Knelsel sold his farm to Mr Sun Sancho for u handsome tig- ure. tho Company (F? ,. _ Cash on Hand Ind on noun . _ ' _ _ . _ . . T To .the Shareholders: (‘npltul Stock paid _ ___ t Dividend No. 10, payable Jun 1.1919,. V. .. F.r. mm A“ Provincial Gov. ern-on! Ind- "FF m.... 428335.20 Hunksâ€! In. ._. ...... â€8.0“.“ Loan on Securities "N. _.. 19.8“.“ Ottice Premium (Fw H. H. 11,600.00 Other Real Butte ovum! by . Cr. _ - "V Inn-co mm .. an“! 'ttrather..".'.' .... 0.801.. mm’m I.» , SUCCESS OF SPARTACANS. I, GLOSSY m m: non DAD!!!" Coote spent a few days CROSSHILL LID bllhios LISBON. Ann-ed you“ in Erbsv lie on 8t,256,335.66 $t.846.040.2?, ‘1,“094013 8481,802.4t 3629,0341†"5,000.00 002.3018!) â€NJ...†109,728.25 589.7015? 13.37020 85.00000 8.000.00 1.53134 3,3115? gm. (l, wanna. (, .wns s1lllM,lliEll Mr, Richurd Heimberker of Fort William. who hen been spendlnk It few any. with fricndn In town, lett tttie morning tor Wlnnlpeg. vhnre hp enters tttet om" of Holman Q 1"n Grain Della". Dick hid charge of the elevator In Fort William whlrh in comp!†destroy†by ttre In! Mr. Thom Grittin, of Linnwood. was I visitor in town. Mr. E. G. Martin was a business visitor In Kitchener. Mr. Wm. Rittimrer, of Kitchener was a truttlnesryltsitor in town, Mr. Harvey Hanoi: has gone to Northern Quebec tur buying. No doubt he will have a try with the gun lino. Harvey cunnoi be out there without 1 shot at something He will lay tor an indefinite length ot time " really "one In " tt grant roll saute boom was on In Iii-urn Ind vicinity. About twenty dwellings hue changed lands within the Inn month, and nanny more Ire pending. Every one or our citlzens is doing his utmost to maintain the reputation of enterprising Elmira. On Saturday morning one of our shippers shipped a carload ot cattle among which were tour head tattenetl by our friend Mr. larael Grow. Although living retired, the desire of his past life, viz, the care and preparation of cattle for the ring or export endorsed him to put in tour heau to feed. A buyer look. ing them over made a tempting offer and the sale was concluded. Although Easter comes late in April these tour were Easter cattle ready on the 15th February. Amount the parties tak- ing the cattle to the station were to be seen some of our iiizens carrying broomu. No doubt exemplytytntg Ts. met had made a c'ean sweep. Mr, Mattusch likewise had eight head of tine cattle among the lot. Who says Woolwlch isn't It? Mr. Chas, Everett wan spending a week with his sister. Mrs. Adam, near Manon, Mr. was a Mr. VISHOI‘ Mr. was a Mr. Wm. Brox' shipped a oil-load -ot cattle to Toronto. Mr. Chris Dreislnger was I business visitor In Waterloo, Mr. C. K. wet? sold his farm of 65 acres near F'ioradaie, to Wm. Ritter. tor the handsome sum ot $1000.00. Taking possession allow the "nth ot March. Mr. Byron Letson and Mr, Harry. Sutton of Went Montrose. are al- ready preparing tor spring. They took a wagon load of new implements home lodayy . Messrs A. K. Herman. A. Winger, E. G. Winn, and Thou, Dillon. ot the Welcome Home Committee, met Pte. Em. Damm, at the noon train G.T.R. simian. to welcome him home. Pte. Daum has been oversea: over two years. There was u large number ot people to meet him and give him the glad hand. Mr. A Winger. chairman of the Committee, presented him with a verbal address ot welcome. Mr. Art Johnson of Glenallan, has left tor Chicago. where he expects to make his home with Dr. and Mrs. P. Mommsen. Mr. J. B. Weber received a earload of Massey Harris Spring seeding ma. chines. . Pte, w. F. Klnsel and his Scottish bride are renewing acquaintances. af- ter three years-absence. Pte, Klnsel was raised by Mr. Sol. Reist, an uncle near Elmira. He Joined up with the 97th Bat. In Toronto, was sent over- seas. and in England was drafted to the Prlncess Pats. later to the Royal Engineers. He was gassed and sent to England. He met Ma wife while on leave in Scotland. They came or. PY on the Tunluian a'nd landed in St. John‘n. He is on his way to the Stat- us where he expects to make his tut. ure home. Mr. James Cross ot Moncton, spent the week end " the home of Mr. and Mrs, Walter Quicktnll. where a small surprise party was held tor him to tfelebratd his Mth birthday. in At Home. About thinly lame; " the St. Paul Lmlmrun church. me. at the home ot Mrs. A “mm-I for a regular old linu- quming party and “ghee an Wednew day afternoon and evening Mrs Winger prepered a tturnptiotts hunch Mr. Ernie'KnolJlaugh of Barking was a huslness vlsltor in town. Elmira, l-‘ob. 13,--A big reception vm tendered Pte. tetumie Welchal. by relatives "with. aettuatrttancea and the Welcome Home Committee. l‘ntorttttutv-ly hil mother in: unable IO meet Iui.n at the union. She has a victim of tgtttuq- ttee weeks Ugo. which left nor in I state of general breakdown but she was waitin': tur him at home, nad there gave him a welcome only a mother can give. Charlie arrived on the t0At am (“P l: tram .tiler I year of absence He I‘ll gamer! and sum home. Flo In ttteoecond ttOtt to become A can- uuity and the tLast to return home “Allin" the winner r" the D.C.M. is I brother 0n arrive! " Halifax he ' Pun" "clay, making his arrival two days later, The Welcome Home committee arranged to have two "tPei at the station tor him and his relatie. es. Mr. A Winger. chairman at the Committee made the welcome ad dress Charlie did look sulprisa-d l) behola the oowd. he didn't expect Elmira to be living up to present time» and give our returned toys such a welcome Popular Bimira Soldier We: Greeted by Relatives . and Friends. "" Hub of 'oohodcA A Daily [hwy in buy Enterprising Elmira NEWS SECTION ITEMS NOTICE is HEREBY GIVEN. par' suant to Chapter 121 ot the Revised Statutes of Ontario. 1914. that all cre- ditors and others having claims ageinal. or entitled to share in. the es- tate of DILLMAN SNYDER. late of the Township of Woolwich, in the County of Waterloo. Gentleman, de ceased. who died on or about the sec ond dav or December. 1918, are rennin ed to deliver. by post prepaid or other. wise, on or before the tenth day of March, 1919. to PETER S. MUSSEL MAN. R. R. No. s. West Montrose Ontario, one ot the Execution; of the Will ot the said deceased. their names in full, with their addresses and de, scriptionn, full particulars of their claims or interests. and statements of the Uecuritr. it any. held by them; and that, after the said tenth day of March. 1919. the Executors of the said Estate will proceedjo distribute the aszetu ot the said deceased among the part» lea entitled thereto, having regard only to rlaims or interests of which they shall then have received notice. and will not be liable tor the said " sets to any person of whose claim or Interest they ahall not then have rp. ceived notice. EXECUTORS’ NOTICE TO CREDITOR AND OTHERS In the Estate at DILLMAN SNYDER, deceased: We hear from reliable source that Mr, Thos. Mathews and Mr. Wanhley Bricker are soon to open the lormer'u old establishment in butter and egg business. Mr. Mathews' experience ‘n this business is sure to lead others to his establishment and do I straight and narrow cut trade. Our best winh. es to the new enterprise. Following an operation, the [loath occurred at the Hospital in Stratlord of Mr. Geo. c. Robinson. in his mm year. Mr. Roblmmn. whom home was at bl Ballanlyne avenue. was burn In Birmingham, England. He came to Panda at, tho use of nine years. coming directly to Stratford.. with his parents. Here he made his home continuously except for about two and a half years In Montreal. where he was Mammer of the Spar- lan Machinery Ceomptuty. Mr. John Lem has received a car- load ot Jackson Wagons last Friday. John is known all over far reasonable prices. - The West Montrose hockey team de- feated the Elmlra Sports by 10-1. I ttuettt West Monlrose had too much dope on our sports. Stratford Mauls Death. ' Pram! Rudow & Son, have lmtalled an up-lo-date bath room outfit and a Penn Economy heating system for Dr. Cormack. The Mimo- Bthel and Violet Edict and Miss Violet Wiegand of Kitchen. er spent the week-end at the tormer‘s home q w.2 Pie Emmanuel Danna has returned from London. where he was spending I few days with Trtmtdrs. -nr. Cormack In making auaGnd dollar improvement on his property, formerly owned by Dr. Fauldn, Mr. (mu. Kumse sold his property on South Bt.. to Mr, C. K. Weber ot near F'torsUles, tor the sum of .2100. Mr. Weber will tske possession shout the ilith of March. Put. H. G. Hurvood. at Toronto. is viBitirsq friend. In Elm" m vicinity Pte. Harwood left this dbtrlct about out: you: no. going to Toronto about [hm your: no he enlisted. went ovation, and was returrtod to (‘Inldl Mr w] G. Welchel. at Waterloo, spent I day with relatlves in town. Mr. B. Mayor no Mr. M Duos. mad. I trip to Hawk-vino. Mr. - bu bought I mutt! In Fla-null]. and Intent]: to have It "moved to Inna"; Ho intends to build In Spring Mr. George Under Ind ("mason mglje 1lritittrrlent" in Kitetumet. an. lwabl-VIWIIN â€tuna... who. they In.“ to- Mr. A. In... - cl the It .111 Rubber Factory. In non to Hound In the - at an In". H. will up)! a M gun. DATED 3rd February. 1919 W. G. Brueckner Should not (all ti) an“ and In our Rrte and large neck of WOOL HORSE BLANKETB, BUFFALO RODEO. LEA- THER MIT?! AND COATC, ETC. Which are “have! It rec-analâ€. uric“. Rep-Irina and oiling lumen - and piompuy done. Farmers JAMES C. HAIGHT, Sollcnor for the Executor; Wuterloo, Ontario. HARNEI. IHOP, IADIN. m5. Whack. 1min “(II-mm " n'.'! mwmmnq- .oott11yttr9,tttht' . m a"uttrnittedtrrrmiuutttWiuotstmNdt, Too (men in the past, the nrositlenl added, the world had soon the lands of helpless communities appropriated for polillval purposes. A Human Document "And so." he said, "while this is a practical document. it is above all a human document. It is practical. and at the Rams time " is designated to purify. to el'evate." "There is one especially notable: feature m this document." he said." "We are done with annexation, of helpless peoples.|at times aeomplish. I ed in the past for the purpose of the. exploiting of these peoples. In this': document we recognize that thecct helpless communities are first’tn he helped and developed and that their own Interests and well-being shall come before any material advantage‘ to tho mandatory entrusted with thelr 1189." "', "There is a union of will In a com- mon purpose." the president proceed- ed. “It is a union which cannot be resisted, and. I dare say, one which no nation will attempt to reslst." No Vehicle of Might Th president pointed out thnt the document was no "utraightJachet." tt was elastic and not a vehicle ot might, he said. It was yet to he de- veloped, and as yet carp, should be taken as to the rlothes put on it. While elastic. yet it urns defthtite. "it is definite," continued President Wilson, "as guarantee of Done. It is dennite as a guarantee against. an grnsalon. It Is definite axalnst a re- newal of limb a calavlysm as has Jun! shaken civilization." . The president spoke with especial emphasis as he referred to the wrungs eotTitted against helpless peoples. Thereupon he read trom a printed sheet the constitution of the league, while the Assembly fottrjwed his read- ing with the closest attention. The results, will President Wilson, represented the Judgment of 14 mm tions represented on the commission and these 14 nations were a represen- tative group of the conference ittsett, When he eluted the chamber the prelude»! was [reeled by Premier Clemenceau, Foreign Secretury Bal- four ind Viscount Milner 'of Great Britain, and the American debate. " the head of the table. There VII little tormalitr. Premier Clemenceau who is president ot the conference, called the cDnterettee to Teg and President Wilson arose and I dress- ed the lathering, Unanimously Adopted. "l have very great pleasure," said President Wilson. as he began. "in presenting the report of the commis- sion which has framed the constitu- tion of a league of nations. I am particularly happy to be able to may it In a unnnImoun report. signed by the representatives ot all the powers on the committee.†"The best report I can make" thrs, president continued. "is to read the document itself." “in prior to the pmideli'e dour tun. u tell a being the core-ion at Dreaming the document with which his name in identified. Receive. Military Honor. The president we: received with military honorl u he errived " the loreign once end the lune crowd; which her] congregated gave him a cordial welcome " he passed throth The delegetes already were numb led when the president entered the council chamber. President Wilson spoke earnestly but without omtorlcnl etrert. Peru. Petr. "4,--Peq.kderrt Vii-in "hide-t If“ - - wee the central figure of the iiii1'i,ile 0.30 o'clock. having I“ a peace conference tad-y when. in on inet one hen. Al hereon. he read the covenant -ablreoeoodret to m I liehln‘ e league of netiona. Peep",'?.?, occupied W I... _ . V wee ended lntereet in the union. u Lord Robert Cecil. “I d m it we: the last ntherln; of the determ- oommiuloe on the loge af) r at†prior to the pmideet'e - time. followed the m . titre. " well " being the core-ion of Ieerneet much. It in I - preeentin. the document with which itt? Lord Robert. the! ilk hie name in identified. ha- been laid More the we!“ Receive. Ilium-y Henere being “holly enacted. he that The preeident was received with everywhere m... advise - _ 1 military honors u he nrrlvetl " the criticize it. The emble- m , foreign olice and the In!" crowd; lone of - “liedâ€. " tt - which hed congregated (ave him a preeerve the penee ot thew-Id cordial welcome an he [teased throurh Ithe lent peeihle int-bronco 51th The delegates already were numb- netional eovereilnitv. led when the president entered the! Two Iain Prim .., council chamber. , The reenlta woollen-lied he one- When he entered the chamber the tt_led, embraced two main prim. pro-Idem we: treated by Premier l First. no nation mil so to ear new Clemenceau. Foreign Secretary Bal. even other meene of eettlement eluli tour and Viscount Mllner 'of Great.he fully end fairly tried "emrd, no Britain, and the American 1'.f..tettyee ihall forcibly seek to diethrh at the head of the table. There whine country’s Integrity or intertere with little formality. Premier Clemenceau ittye political independence of the he- who is president of the conference, tint-in of the world. The†were the called the conference to out? and - principles. but Inter hnother President Wilson arose and 0 dress- great principle "it!!! be laid dome. ed the gathering. Innmeiy, that no nation Ihonld retain Unanimously Adopted. lei-moments m only for who "I have very great pleasure." said purposm. Ammun- SAPBGUM PEA!!! Of _ NATIONAL mm smucs 'conum'mz . mun ans-cumin“! . . . . . o a â€I 'Ehamnh . . . . . . . 501 um “I!!!“ BAY . . . . . Ion-HOG:- mm ONTARIO . . . . . . Ml can». MARIO . . . . . . . . 0m . . . . . . . . . . . . I“ IIUII'ICI . . . . . . . . II 'ttto scam . . . . . . . â€rcpt rum "Ill. nun. . . . . . I O.H.M.S. 2.": q sun HERBERT LAMB. Chin-In gmrswm. 2'WR GEORGE BURN. 0m. JOHN BLUE. 54mm... A ’w. . mans. mm» H. A. ALLISON. can" . n "a T. Lame. “and HON. GEO. A. nu. Regina J. mucus Hm. a. his JOHN our. wan... w. A. BLACK. mm.- GEO. M. REID, Londo- HON. noncommum War - 5avings Stamps [If For Information; â€at...“ In "Scan-n W v-Suln C-- w on - "0. 14.5475," IWd I. REGARDING Mothers can rest can after giving “California Syrup of Flu.†boobs" In 3 few hours all the clogged-up Ville. ‘ sour bile and fermenting food - , moves out of the bowels, ma you luv. la well, playful chlld spin. 3 Sick children needn't be can“ to take this harmless "fruit Imam.†.llllllons of mothers keep tt handy bo- lcnuse they know its action on the Estomach. liver and bowel: I: you“); gala sure. Ask your druggllt for a scent bot- tle of "California Syrup of Figs," which contains directions tor bibles, cmldrcn ot all ages and for grown-up; Hon Geo. W. Brown, (armor Lieut- G'ovornor of Sturttattrttemut, died at Regina, aged flfty-rsettt yams. Later, he said. thin bettittttitttt must be extended byâ€. Ilmltatlon of mn- rnpnts, One of the chief reanltsoftho victory was in permitting the diur- mnmont of the barbarous nation that had stood in the way of gong 1111 armament _ Speak. For Franco awn Bourgeois. of the French dol- eeation. spoke In behalf of France. on the good will which he and had pra- vailed in formulating the project. At the same time. he said. the French dc-Iegates reserved the right tapro- an! their views on certain doth": of tho, plun as a who's. which VI. I work ot right andomuctr, Ind knew no ditttinrtion between great Bttd smart states. “Thus born out ot pain at In." the premier “planned. “thin In I document of freedom Ind right. which represents the rmienbtion ot humu- ily by sacrifice." Dr. Vittorio Orlando. tho mum prime minister. exam-nod deep lull- faction at having commuted [Lulu was going to be one of the [rotten documents ot binary. He would no! 'tpeak of the menu of the'lchm. Dr. Orlando continued. In the“ [all been explalned hr one who" nous inspiration had brought It Into uln- tence. The war had brought lonh the neceuhv tor this document. Look Mother! If tongue I. _ clean" mu. bowel. with “Cali- fornla Syrup " Fl..." w your: cam) 18 anon, FEM, comma†Mt .