~O@tes enlisted with the 71st at Guelph on Nov. 1, 1915 overseas with a draft of . ‘battalion reaching England ber. In April 1916 he crossâ€" to ‘Frapce and on June 13th his first encounter with ewemy at the third battle of Ypres eame through without a scratch. battalion was later transferred P Bomme where they were enâ€" in some heavy fighting.. On s they were ordered to reinâ€" the Australians who were beâ€" shelled. About nine diviâ€" the allied forces counter at A Germans but the battalion be was attached was held 4 barbed wire and Pte. Gics e others were the only ones m who came through this â€" t being killed. Pte. Gies # ded in the shoulder by shell and as he could not to the allied lines he crawl m mhell hole with a number of . _â€" companions and they p taken prisoners i Red Cross Parcels @. Gies said the food rations at prison camp were not enough to Â¥ body and soul tâ€"gether and if &d not been for the fine work of Canadian Red Cross Society in E‘-prcell to the prisoners regâ€" , upwaras of fifty per cent of smen would have been unable to ‘The parcels sent in at first â€"atolen by some of the German but after, on protests being by the British government the #ls were all plased in bags and g after which the parcels of food received rogularly. The â€"rations furnished by the enomy A ‘black bread, coffee, and potato ‘turnip soups, the soups often beâ€" of decidely poor stuff. & L Prisoners Punished .. Gies was a witness in the trial / eomrade who was charged with an officer. The prisoner y d at going to work stating 5 health would not permit it m.ld go to work if a doctor said fit. ‘The officer refused to @octor and charged the prisonâ€" E a bayonet but he escaped a door. He was later seen ans advanced . It was _ five gk in the morning when the atâ€" was made and their capture was ted three hours later. Pte. Gies mwble to speak German and was y questioned by a German offiâ€" ter the men who had been woundâ€" seeived first aid these who were were sent to a rest station which mhod after a march of thirtyâ€" urs being escorted by a number . Eniisted with the 71st plgobslnx on the train for four without having their wounds atâ€" J to. They were given black . and coffee as food rations. Russian Doctors reaching camp the prisoners hed and placed in charge of fan aoctors who looked after ounds of the soldiers and gave H4 service giving every care to Dgg’f.‘l needs of the wounded g in the hospital for nine $ Pte. Gies was sent to a lumber with a working party and reâ€" J 12 cents per day. . Here he 1 most of the time acting as inâ€" ter. lie received good treatâ€" here much better than his com:â€" Bs probably owing to the fact ie could speak‘the German langâ€" Boctor who sent him to a hospiâ€" f a month. When he had reâ€" K4 he was placed on trial for a superior officer. He was by a lawyer and because ed not guilty and refused to & paper prepared for him he pleoed in a straightâ€"Jacket for hours this cruel punishment him unconscious. He was to five years solitary conâ€" in a cell but on representaâ€" g made by the British govâ€" the sentence w.s commuted 6 was liberated. mere Work Behind Lines who are not wounded to work behind the Gerâ€" digging tronches. As a punishment they gave them while working and when Roalth breaks under the orâ€" ) 4e sent back to the German One of the worst casâ€" eame in contract with ‘who was so reduced as to weigh only fifâ€" his normal weight beâ€" pounds. Many prisonâ€" reaching the camps. %o working campa get far than those in prison Sent To Prison Camp _ taken time m the past twenâ€" us as & ’..t‘;.(; of war prison camps ermany. t is in the best of health but t this is not due to the food i the prioners because if it been for the parcels of fbod Lw Red Cross Society n a big majority of w would Rave died of starâ€" Gies although only 22 age has experienced many s and a; a rosult his hair is That Allied Prisoners Were Compelied to Work kind the German Line aâ€" Were Given Very Little od While They Were Working. ms. ‘They were later placed 4 Cross train and conveyed to Northein Germany to a priâ€" PUNI@HMENT FOR TRIVIAL OFFENCES | ||I| â€" in uignt ang qark cotors, neavy hwe : of Victory waid that whenever the months the British govâ€" id send the prisoners of GIES IN GERMMAN PRISON CAMPS from England after when the was â€" five riences of Germans would win a victory they were relat would celebrate by singing "Deutschâ€" Pte. Fred,land Uber Alles." The prisoners in irs. Conrad |the camp would then :ing some of eriog, who |their national anthems, and would onâ€" ning from|ly stop when the Germans would past twenâ€"|come along with fixed bayonets. mer of war | About a week before the armistice : Germany.|was signed the enemy feared that health but |they were fighting a losing battle and o the food |toeir defeat ‘uerefore was not a surâ€" cause if it |prise to them. Pte. Gies said the els of fbod |prisoners of war were always optimâ€" oss Bociety |istic and believed the allies were majority of | bound to win. The German civilians ied of starâ€"|in Northern Germany did not fare h only 22 ) much better in food rations tnan the need many | prisoners. Defendants Declare That Camphorated Chalk Was Not Included. Prisoners Sent Home On December 1st the Allied prisonâ€" ers of war at camp Friedland were reâ€" leased and ordered to march fourteen kilometers to the nearest railroad station and proceeded to Denmark After a weeks‘ stay there they emâ€" barked on a steamer and arrived a! Edinburgh, Scotland, on Dec. 14th Here a Commission made records of the treatment accorded the various prisoners. The cases of the Kitchener, Waterâ€" loo and Elmira druggists and a num ber of storekeepers in Kitchenerund the County were heard on Monday in police court by Magistrate Weir in connection with charges laid by the Inland Revenue department to the effect that the defendant had falled to affix war stamps to camphorated chalk which was sold to a Govern ment spotter by the name of James Hanlon of Guelph. Practically all of the local sales in question were made on Nov. 19th 1t appears â€" from the â€" evidence in practically every case that the Govâ€" ernment official went Into the stores of the defendants and | along with other purchases bought 10 cents worth of camphorated chalk. A number of Kitchener druggists in their evidence this morning declared that they were of â€"the â€"optnion ~that â€"catphorated chalk was not on the ilst because there was no . specific recommenda: tlon on the container in which it was sold that it was for the cure of any particular disease or affection of the human system. The defendants also testifled that they based their under standing on this point on the fac! that camphorated chalk was mentionâ€" ed in Squire‘s Companicn of the Briâ€" tish Pharmacopocia and therefore an article not requiring the stamp acâ€" cording to the Act. One local drugâ€" gist stated that shortly after the Act came into effect he was visited by an Inland Revenue Inspector and told ‘that unless a container specified that the contents were for the cure of some disease of affection it did not require a stamp, for that reason no stamp was placed on the chalk. Parcels Appreciated Pte. Gies wishes to thank the Red Cross Society and the St. Quentin Chapter for the parcels sent him while a prisoner in Germany which were greatly appreciated. GASES AGAINST DRUGGISTS HEARD In one or two cases local druggists stated that they had had coples of the act and had endeavored to live up to the law but that the omission in conâ€" mnection with the camphorated chalk was the result of negligence on the part of the clerk. _ An important point brought out by some of the defendants was that they had not received copies of the Act from the Government until after the summonses in connection with the reâ€" sent cases had been issued. Their knowledge of the requirements of the Act was obtained through the Press and through articles in the trade papâ€" ers to which they subscribed. Inland Revenue Officer Alteman â€" declared that he had supplied local druggists with phamplets and literature in con: nection with the Act. s a French Pruulu‘tul decree now permits the import into France, withâ€" out the formality of an import license, nearly 27 classifications of goods and merchandise. The annual meeting of the Waterâ€" loo County Loan and S@vings Comâ€" pany beld at Waterloo on Thursday aiternoon was _ well attended. Reâ€" ports presented by the Directors and Manager showed that the Company had _ onjoyed _ another _ successful year. The Directors of the Company wore all reâ€"elected except Mr. M. M. Bricker who retired owing _ to i1 health. XMr. Hervey J. Sims, barris ter of Kitchener, was elected to fll the vacancy on the Board. Ottawa, Feb. 17,.â€"The Canadian Trade â€" Commission has _ received cabled information from London that The druggists are represented by Frank S. Mearns of Toronto and the Inland Revenue Department is repreâ€" sented by Barrister Bray, of Millar, Sims and Bray. Magistrate Weir will defer his decision until he has made a thorough review of the evidence. LOAN COMPANY HAD 8UCCESSFUL YEAR,; NEW DIRECTOR MAY IMPORT THESE GOODS INTO FRANCE Moire Veivets in on extra good quality, for dresses, ckirte, etc., in blue, brown and grey, regular $1.50 midee ~ * soaie Velvet, spocial 79c. quality, width $% to 36 inch,. Mill Ends ranglig from 1 to 10 yards to piece, reguiar 38¢ to 45c per yard, on per yard Girls‘ Underwear, | in a heavy knit, extra good quality, ages 1. to 10 years, in cream color only, reg. 35c to 50c for 29¢ PQH® 12. sc es se w96 Toilet Paper, Black Cat, 3 rolle | ... 2.. ... ... 25c Canned beets tin .. .. 10c Succotash corn tin .... 10 Canned peas 2 tins ... 24c Canned corn 2 tins .. 35c Canned tsmatoos tin . 19¢ Canned pears large tin 65c Canned raspberries, tin _ price Best dairy butter lb .. 42: N se see ie te 223C Potatoes per peck ... 25c Gran. sugar 10 lbs . $1.15 Yellow sugar 10 Ibs $1.12 Icing sugar 2 lbs .. .. 25c Fruit sugar lb ... ... 15c Loaf sugar Ib ... .... 15¢ Raisins, muscatel 2 lbs 25; Raisins, seeded, 20c pkge Midai aouee 2 ... 18c Elmira creamery butter Cocoa, pure bulk, 35¢ Ib foR ..2 wks is sns Broken cakes 2 lbs .. Broken sodas 2 lbs .. Water ice wafers lb Maito cream lb .... Cakes, fancy assorted Cakes, fancy assorted, !b 2 pes brw har sae in MBC Toilet paper, Canada, per rou . :;.os. sif..., be Toilet paper, Brownie, 4 Canned pumpkin 2 tins 25¢ Heinz pork and beans, large 23¢, small ... 17c $2.75 D & A CORSETS $1.95 This is an extra good Corset; as we have over bought in this line, so we are offering these at this price, sizes 19 to 30, reg. $2.75 for ... ... .. Q1.05 Send your Crocery order to Wattiaufer‘s and save money. Compare our prices and you be Juige 65¢ BRAISSERS for This Women‘s Boot is made in a patent leather with cloth top, butt on only, spool heel, sizes 2%, to 6, sold Regularly $3.75 to $4.25 sz 59 FOL . .:s :iszs« riaxs resns simee »au snmcmes arbmt arrees o Men‘s one buckle Overâ€" shoe, sizes 6 to 10, reg. %§2.75 for .. ... ... 3150 Women‘s Bedroom Slipâ€" pers, in black or brown, sizes 3 to 7, reg. $1.80 for Women‘s patent leather gun metal and vici kid tace or button boots, sizee 2V, to 4, regular $3.50 to $5,50, clearing at.. $0.05 Women‘s _ India Kid Buskins, . with low heel, sizes 3 to 7, regular $1.60, for flannolottes 20¢e. PER % LB. GKEIN $0e» ‘ in piack or grey, beautiful yarn. soft d warm, Wii give excelient wear, g. 76¢ to Oc skein .... .. > w $ Wettlauter‘s 5 Day Grocery Spzâ€"ia‘is Made of good heavy Coutil Lace or Embroidery trimâ€" med, medium. and high bust, sizes 19 to 32, Regular $3.50, on sale at ... ....... ...... $2‘85 Coates‘ Mercer. Cotton, special 109. Attractive Corset Values 100 heads good solid Cabbage. Wanted"ZSO 1bs. good sound large Onions. Special Girls‘ Colored Wash Dresses, 5 Days $1.25 + + $119 Women‘s Patent Leather Boots Canada Food Board Lioense No. 8â€"23903 $1â€"95 $1:35 49° 53c Abe 25¢ 48c 38c [b 20c Gunn‘s pork and beans, large .. .... .. .... 206 Asparagus tin ... ... 25c Pearline, 5 packs .. .. 30c Pearline, large pack . 32¢ Golddust, large pack.. 32¢ Babbits cleanser 8c tin 5c Old Dutch cleanser tin 10c Hydro ammenia pack . 5c Matchless ammonia, 3 Heinz kidney beans tin 18c â€"â€"lur¢Qw15c, small .. 10c Belmont pork and beans, PRCK _ .42( . 9l Panshine, 2 packs ... 25c Comfort lye, 2 tins ... 25¢ Sani flush per tin .. 35¢ Chalienge soap 134 Ib bars B Kor «. 11. sa ano . 3%¢. Lux 2 packs ..... ... 24c Sunlight soap.3 Bars . 25c Lennox soap 4 bars â€". . 25c Castile soap large bars 35¢ Castile soap small cake 5c Palmolive 2 barg .... 25c Lilac rose toilet soap 15¢ Macks Norub ... ..... §Sc Washing soda 5 /4 lbs 15c kaundry starch 2 lbs 21c Gloss starch 2 packs . 25c Corn starch 2 packs.. 24c Top Noich clcaner tin 15¢ Ban Ami 2 packs .. .. 25¢ Sapolio 2 packs ....:. 25¢ Soap chips lb ... .... 18c Nugget shoe polish 2 12: Paok: sus scz se iess Sun ammonia, large, 2 RUBBER , SPECIALS Heavy quality Sweater Coats for girls or boys, in an assert ~ent of colors, all sizes, req. up to $250 for .22 2220 000. .. gge Girls‘ _ Woolien Mitts, with cuffs, in a heavy k~it, in colors scarlet, card nal and white, reg 65c for 35c SILK _ BLOUSES, in white, maize and fleeh, with white collar, sl:e:’i to 44, regular $1.25 o $2.50 values .. ... 250 LADIES‘ VOILE WASâ€" ~S, trimmed with lace, mate up â€" naautly, long sleeves, all sizes, regular $1.75 to $2.00, .... $139 19° $ Shop a little more freely here Monday and save 5¢ 5Day Store Ne Beginning Monday, Feb. 24th, and continuing every Mo#day untii further:motics. We â€"want to increase our Monday business. Every one will admit that Monday is one ofâ€"the quictest days of the week, and in arder to divide trade a littls more to Monday‘sBusiness, we are offering you an inlugeâ€" ment to buy Mondays. We will allow you a discount of 6 per cent. on all Cash purchases in all Deâ€" partments, excepting sugar in 100 ib. lets, flour, clover ased, ¢tc. k Tok nA V Z W :â€: ~IaFr +272 “"“'fl,‘i“fl"’mv’v“““fa'“ Fuesday, $250 22: 250 2# 2 in 1 shoe polish 2 box 25c Liquid shoe polish 2 botâ€" NeR iss sencvien aers Exceisior dates pack . Gusto pack ... ... .. Prune: 2 Ibs ... .0.s. Prune: 17 jer 2 Ibs .. Dried peacbes lb .... Faring % °C ... 2... Graham fi ur 3 lbs .. Rye flour 3 Ibs ... .. Barley flour 3 lb .. . Tapioca 2 lbe .. ..... Rice. best. fh ... .... Rice, Siam. 2%4 lb ... Bartâ€"y 3%° lbs .. .... Cornmeal %V%4 lbs .... SBago ib . Split pear 3%4 lbs ... Rolled oats 4 be ..... Packace oats 35¢ pack Kelloks corn flakes pk Kellogs corn flakes pk Shredded wheat pkge 14c Rolled wheat pkge ... 25c White beans 3 ibe ... 25c Broken beans 4 lhe .. 25c Lima beans 20c Ib ... 18c Scotch Health bran pk 15¢ Egg noodles 2 packs.. 22c Soup ringfets 2 packs 22c Postum large 25c for 22c¢ Barrington Hall coffee 40c Tems in bulk, ib §0c, 60c, $1.69 Silk Poptins !5;*%"? $1.39 in all the wanted shades, extra good quality for dressâ€" «s, skirts, ‘etc. One of the most popular silke for sw mer wear, width 35 inch, reg. $1.09 per yard ... $139 Rod Rose tea lb .. ... 70 Ludelia tea 70c ib for 60 Choice coffee 35c Ib . 30. Jewe! coffse 45¢ lb .. 40 Victor coffee 60c ib .. 45 White Swan coffeo, $1.07 Cotfee extract 2 for .. 15¢ All Weo! Serge, in extra §ood value, good weight, for dresses, skirts, etc., in light blue only, width 38 inth, reg. $3.75 per yd, on sale at .22 ... ... €0.0R WB siu es s es sa ies UQG Instant postum tin ... 30c instant postum, large tin §$2.95 Black Silk Taffeta, This is excellent quality, good black, width 36 inch, reg. $2.95 per yard, on sale .. .222 22. .. ©1.06 Black Pailiette Silk, in a good finish, good black, nico width for dresses, skirls, etc., regular $1.85, Tor :;. ... ... ... ©1.40 Specia| single roll, with and without borders, allâ€" over floral and stripe deâ€" signs in a nice lot of colâ€" ors to choose from, special per Foll :sc sisl sew! 15c Kitchen and Bedroom Papers, in greys, brown Come early for Best Choice. Buy all you need, bring room measurements with you. Oatmeal Wall Papers, 19¢ ROLL SPECIAL. with fancy borders for parlors, dinâ€" ing rooms, halls, etc. BEDROOM WALL PAP. l and blues, nice lot of patâ€" ERS 15c. terns to choose from, with Men‘s chrome grain Lace Boot, strong farm shoe, will stand a lot of hard wear, sizes 6 to 10, reg. $6.00, on sale ... @4.50 Boys‘ chrome grain Lace Boot, made extra strong, sizres 1 to 5, regular $4.00 pair for ... ... ... €6.96 Childs‘ vici kid Boots, lace or button, with patent toe, nicely trimmed, sizes 4 to 7%,, reg. 223 ®1.75 Save on New Wall Papers 22# 8175 is ... 805 en P0€ lb for 60: c lb . 30: lb .. 40c lb .. 48¢ feo, $1.07 ..... 60¢ 32c 25¢ 25¢ 24c 10: 25c 25c 35c 15c 25¢ 25c 25¢ 13¢ 13¢ 23¢ Ladies‘ Woolien Caps in scarlet, card., navy, good value, reg. 85c for .. 29c New Print Special, in light and dark _ patterns for 5 days only, reg. 30c to 38c per yd .. .. 9Gc Women‘s natural wool Vests and Drawers. This is a bargain garment $2.25 LCorduroy Veivets, in ail good shades, suitable for boys‘ suits, girls‘ dresses, Regular $1.50 to $2.00, in heavy tweed, dark colâ€" ors, with fur band, all cizâ€" es, clearing .. .... 31.39 etc., will give excellent wear, width 27 inch, reg. $1.00 per yard, on saie Flannelettes in light and dark colors, good weight, mill ends 1 to 10 yards, reg. 30c to 4§c per yard, on sale .. .,.... ... Oe Men‘s â€" Heavy Ribbed Underwear, â€" shirts . and drawers, all sizee, reguiar $1.75 to $2.00 .. .. Q1.20 A real orange bargain. fine quality, large size, rig T5c dor ... .. ...... flns Save on Draperies lity, §0¢ doz. ... .... ml. Factory Cheese mild Ib 35c Apples, good cookers, basket ... ;.. â€"â€".. 806 Better qualities 40c, 45c and :.:. :s\ .« .. 80¢ Molasses, dark per qt 25: Molasses, medium qt 30c Syrup, table, per qt . 30c and blues, nice lot of patâ€" terns to choose from, with fancy borders, reg. 10c to 13c single roll, for 5 days single roll ... ... ... Gc Bring your container, Seedicas raisins 2 lbe 28c Pretty Curtain materâ€" ials make your windows attractive. Plain Marquisâ€" ette with hem in white and ivory, good serviceâ€" able quality, always popâ€" ular, width 35 inch, price per yard ... ... .... ic TO 31.00 Allover _ Pattern Net. The weight of this, materâ€" ial makes it a most desirâ€" able net. Has a good body, will give excellent service, good width, cream and white, per yd. .. 7Re WINDOW SHADES in . plain colors, light gretm, dark grcen and yeltew, width 36 inch, reg. ©1.28, SCRIMS in plain colors and border designs, good width and wil give geod service, per yd apecia!l QQc for Men‘s Caps $1.39 Medium size, same quaâ€" tory, White and Black only, all sizes, Reg, 75c 10 21.00 for . . .. . o. ooo nsm r e aia e e anins 49c These Gloves are a lot which we bought from facâ€" FRUIT L â€" $139 $139 Men‘sâ€"and Boys‘ Queroonts at Reduced Prices. Both Styte and Sotvice Boys‘ Suit of good value in a fangy tweed, . Norâ€" folk and pinch back style, sizes 27 t0 35, price $0.85 Men‘s Grey Tweed Suit, three button, sack coat, neatly made, good serviceâ€" able cloth, sizes 36 to 44, reg $25.00, on sate â€8†$1.50 Ladies‘ Woolen Hose $1.19 Neatly dresscd, in asâ€" sortment of colors, price Purina No. 1 Scratch Foed Baby Chick Feed ib . Chicken Chowder ib > Smail bags 45c Oyster shell 10 Ibs .. 25c Grit 10 Ibs ... ... .. 25¢ Beef scraps (dried) 3%> 188 ic s us siuzusm ASe Royal Purple poultry food, Large pack ... ... 68¢ small pack ... ..... 32¢ Louse killer, large pk 63c Cups only ... .. 5 in. Plates doz. 6 in. Plates doz. 7 in. Plates doz. 8 in. Plates doz. Soup M‘:tes doz. Women‘s Hose, in heavy ribbed wool, sizes 7 to 10, regular 75¢ for .. ... §QOc EMBROIDERIES DOLLS SPECIAL 360. In a ncat assortment of patterns, fine Swiss edgâ€" ing, special per yard 10c White Ware. Cups and Saucers doz Cut Wine Glass, heavy bo:â€" tom, epecial doz. @1.95 Ladies‘ Veats and Drawâ€" ers, in white only, goed weight â€" underwear, _ secâ€" onds, _ regular 65c per garment ... ... .... §%6 Infants‘ Vests, white only, _ apen and _ closed front, special .. ..... 35c Men‘s Overcoats in heavy Atweel cloth, swiart youny men‘s modeis, also atyles for sider men and conservaâ€" tive dressers, all sizes, prices ©$22.50 to $25.00, .on This Woslien Hose is a heavy Worsted, all Woo!l, sizes 8 to 10.,:3’“}",‘!5“ per pair, on > sale at 2222 P 2. ol s l tds m'lg Men‘s Heavy Woolien Socks, in Grey and & quality, sizes 10 to 11, Reg. 85c per pair, on "* Qreat Clothing Nows Poultry Foods . Wettlaufer‘s _ KING STREET _â€" _ PHONE 8 WATERLOO, ONT. ME A TS _ Thursday and Saturday specials Rib Roast of Beef, cut short, 1b. . ... 25¢ Shoulder Roast, Ib. ..... ..... ..... 88c Fot Roast, Jb. ... ....... ..... ... . BGe Roiling Beef, Ib. ..... ..... .... ... 2e Pork, any eut, Ib. ..... ... .....*\.. 8Qe¢ The Department Store Dinner Ware Items Jn A "brown : inmeplt man rvormiec it d Mon‘s Mitte :â€" in a rmulsskin, with ‘lining, ~extra $1.50 $1.75 5c Socks, in Grey and Black, geed . ~ Women‘s:â€"~Hose, â€" in .a plain cotton, black only, sizes 8V, to 10, pr. . ORc $15.00, .. Good quality dark grey mixture Men‘s Suite, made up neatly, sizes 36 to 44, worth $35.00, on sale at tweeds, ulster u&m 28 to 33, reguiar 00 ‘to MEN‘8*TROUSERS REG. $3.50 TO $3.95, FOR $2.95 This is an extra good wcaring pant, sizes 28 to 46, dark colore, reg. $3.50 to $3.95, for .. ... ©0.06 MEN‘S HATS in alt the newest shapes and colors, all.sizes, reg. $3.50 to §$5,00 for .. .22 222. ... ©0.0K Main Nets all colors, special sach ... .., ... 1c Coates Menc. _ Cotton, white only, per baly .. 10¢ Safety Pins, assorted 4c Ladies‘ Hose Supportâ€" tPB cuu ie cruut en sn b¢ Worm powder tin .... 32c Sweat liniment bottle 63c Oil cake, 50 the .... $2.25 Fiax meal, purg, 2 ibs 25¢ Sait in 50 and 100 ib bags. Cups only .doz. .. ... $2.26 6 in. Plates dozen .. $1.75 6 in. Plates doz. .... $2.10 T in. Plates doz. ... $2.80 8 in. Plates doz. ... $2.75 Soup Plates dor. ... §2.50 NOFONS SPBCIAL : .Dome Fasteners, reg. 10c dozr., 3 dor. ... ... .. 10¢ Glass Lamps, 25c, 85¢, 40c, 50c, 65¢ and .... 75c Sulphur 4 lbs ... . Glauber Saits 4 tbs Saitpetre lb ... ... .. 2 Rosin lb ... .. ..... 2 Horse cough powder, tin Clover Leat Ware. Cups and Saucers doz. Boys‘â€"Overcosts, in dark MEN‘S l i TROUSERS > 3 Stock Supplies saite 69¢ $2.75 25¢