tf *New Hamburg, Feb. 19, 1919. NEW HAMBURG MARKET REPORTS. @; per ton ..... ... ... ..38.00 (@F, DBL Tb.â€".....â€" .2 sool nsl 00. AB :mrdo:eu lex es gron cxprce AB h e @EDEF ID. ..slls: sns ssre: .35 itoes, per bag ..... ... ... . 1.50 y POFIOR ..... »..n0« oos +~18,00 y is seszen oys aon macesee 490 te, per owb ..... .... ..... 210 lings per ton .. ... ...... 42.00 , per Cwb 22222 2.... 0 2.... 1.90 Fwher gog. css soss coosse sice «BB boge per bag ... ... ... ... 1. 15 t, per Ib. .. :.: :s.... A§ to 50 hogs ... ... .... 15.25 to 1540 per ton ... ....... 16.00 to 18.00 ig wheat .. wheat ..... ronto, Feb. 18.â€"At the Union Toronto, Feb. 18,â€"Cheese, new ryards toâ€"day trade was a shade|large, 28¢ @ 28% @ 29c; twins, 29c ) active in the common and med |@ 29%c. tha. o tnes Nee grades of cattle but good _ to| Egaas * se butchers and all heavy export Chicago, Féb. 18,â€"Eggs lower; rs sold more siowly than they did firsts, 39%c; ordinery first, 38%c @ 5 acres with large bank barn, silo, pâ€"new driving shed, piggery, etc., i good 8â€"roomed house with furnâ€" large wood shed, gagoline engine the water, cuts wood, etc., pracâ€" Efl’l wire fences, the best of soil, Jile, 10 acres of bush, 2 springs for ire, 1 mile from station, close to 6i and churches, an A1 crop farm, igh state of cultivation at only $70 , . st ‘I.. ".. »%A. .. 200 to 209 e OME 1ooe. cse css s vse 68B . Bér fores ..â€"...... ...n... :90 y BIVG :.zes cixan in couee 4000 er, per Tb. ..... ... ...... 0 AS toes, per bag usc 180 to 1.15 sTias maoicceadiranarera aane 486 § .ce sursscces siuls br 10 D ‘per bushel ..... . ... .57 to 60 , per ton ..... .. . 39.00 to 40.00 lings, per ton .. .. 40.00 to 43.00 , family, ewt. ...... 5.75 to 6.00 , high grade .... .. 6.00 to 6.50 , special WATERLOO MARKETS. y flour ... â€"> lings, per ton .. obs flout ... .. "per ton ..... F, per Ib.â€".~.....â€" per dozen ... . mer lb .....0... i ELMIRA MARKETS ‘Oon. STRATFORD MARKETS acres, 4 miles from Kitchener, 6il, not hilly, with large bank and 7 roomed brick house, good #d, silo, driving shed, large pigâ€" 12 acres of bush, and good water k five minutes walk to school, $100 per acre. per dozen es per bas TORONTO MARKETS. s#cre farm of extra good land, y rolling, with good buildings, MH, sflo etc., water in front of Stratford, Feb. 19, 1919 ltchgner; Fob: 19, 1919. Gueiph, Feb. 19, 1919. . Would corldar house in Kitâ€" for exchang Investigate. BADEN. Elmira, Feb. 12, 1919 GUELPH MARKETS. rms, Farms, Farms , per bag Where You Get a Square Deal. Money to loan and Conveyancing at lowest rates. Be PAEDtRicKk st. PHONE 384. en Monday, Wednesday and Saturday evenings from 7.30 to 9, THE BE§T NEAR PRESâ€" LIVE STOCK. Fob. 19, 1919. 1. Rosenbusch 20.00 to 22.00 1.10 to 1.25 210 . .55 1.08 37.00 38.00 .33 16.175 20.00 â€" 60 . .45 $2.12 211 5.60 39.00 2.14 5.85 45 1.00 ï¬ â€œâ€™ got w’ C “6 quote tion lll Cwt. Buyers -n: thon [ NoXE So O fh e i b ols Srides of sande io tWd week‘s closing price Armer, but trade was not particularly bris«. Hogs were barely steady at $18, fed and watered. The American markets are bearigh and easier figures are probable for the remainder of the week. Latest quotations: Extra choice steers . $15.00 @ $15.50 Choice steers .... .. Butcher steers, choice Ontario wheatâ€"No. 1 winter, $2.11 @ $2.22; No. 2 winter, $2.11 @ $2.19; No. 3 winter, $2.07 @ ($2.15; No. 1 spring, $2.09 @ $2.17; No. 2 spring $2.06 @ $2.14; No. 3 spring, $2.02 @r $2.10 f. o. b., shipping points, accordâ€" ing to freight. do., medium ... ... do., common .... .. Butcher buils, choice Toronto, Feb. 18.â€"â€" quotations toâ€"day wes do., medium ... ... Butcher cows, choice do., medium ..... do., common ... .. Feeders ....... ... do., shortâ€"keeps ... _ 9.50 @ StOcK@rs ..... ... 8.002 Cutters ...l. ....... 0.50 Cauners ...... â€"..0. 5.00 @ Springers, each ..... 95.00 @ Milkers, each ...... 90.00 @ do., com. and med. 65.00 Calves, very choice. 16.25 @ do., medium ....... 14.00 @ do., common ..... 6.00 @ do., heavy, fat .... _ 8.00 @ Lambs, ligmt ....... 1525 @ «do., heayy ..... .. 1450 & Butcher sheep ...... 9.00 @ do., fat and medium. _ 7.00 @ do;, culls ... ... .. 5.00 @ Hogs, fed and watered f(.cm do., of cars ...;... 8.25 do., f. o. b., nominâ€" @lly ....2 2.2..l.2. 1700 @ Mapitoba wheatâ€"In store, â€" Fori William; No. 1 northérn, $2.24%; No £ northern, $2.21%; No. 3 northern: $217; No. 4 wheat, $2.11%. Nanitoba oatsâ€"In store, Fort Wil lian:: No. 2 Canadian western, 70%e:; No. 5 Canadian western, 62¢; extra No. 1 feed 63%¢; No. 4 feed, 60%c; No. 2 feed, 56%c. American _ cornâ€"New Crop, No. { yellow, $1.50; No. : yeilow, $1.47; prompt shipment, track, Toronto. Manitoba barleyâ€"In _ store, Fo:: William: No. 3 Canadian western 83%¢; No. 4 Canadian _ western 78%&c; rejected and feed, T1c. Ontario.oatsâ€"No. 2 white, 58c @ 6lc; No. 3 white, 57c @ 60c, accordâ€" inz to freight, outside. â€"â€"Barteyâ€"Malting.â€"75eâ€"@ â€"80¢: Peasâ€"No. 2, $1.75 @ $1.80, accord ing to freight, outside. Buckwheatâ€"No. 2, 95¢, nominal. Millfeedâ€" Carlots, delivered, Monâ€" treal: Shorts, $42.25; bran, $40.25; feed flour not quoted; middlings not quoted; good feed flour, per bag, $3.25 @ $3.50. Montreal, Feb. 18,â€"Butter, choic est creamery, 52%c @ 53c. Chicago, Feb. 13,â€"Daltor â€" lower: creamery, 40¢ @ 53%c. New York, Feb. 18,â€"Butter unsett]â€" ed; creamery, higher than extras, 53c @ 54c; creamery extras, 92 score, 53¢; first, 47¢ @ 52c; packing stock, curâ€" rent make, No. 2, 34c. Toronto, Feb. 18,â€"Butter, creamâ€" ery, slids, 50c @ 53¢; creamery prints fresh made, 63¢ @ 55¢; choice dairy prints, 45¢ @ 47¢; %ordinary dairy prints, 38¢ @ 40c; bakers, 30¢ @ 33c. New York, Feb. 18,â€"Cheese steady, state, whole milk, flats, fresh, speciâ€" als, 30¢ @ 30%%c; do., average run, 29c @ 30. Toronto, _Feb. 18,â€"Cheese, new, large, 28¢ @ 28% @ 29c; twins, 29c ®@ 29%c. oo Fer o 17 Montreal, Feb. 18,â€"Cheese, finest easterns, 24c @ 25c. cattle in barn, splendid water supply, farm is in high state of cultivation, with 10 acres in fall wheat and 35 acres in hay, at $80 per acre...Sickâ€" ness is the only reason for selling. acres in hay, at $80 per acre...Sickâ€" ness is the only reason for selling. Would exchange for Kitchener properâ€" ty. A good 75 acre farm with good buildâ€" ings and A1 seil. Owner wants to seil badly and will take low price of $5700. You cannot beat the price nor the farm either. Let me prove it to you. NEAR NEW DUNDEE. NEAR BRESLAU. On main road to Preston, 84 acres of A1 even soil, 63 acres working land, 21 acres in bush, good 8 roomed brick house with fine celiars, good driving shed, cemented silo 10x35, an extra good bank barn all cemented, piggery all cemented, good water supply, fair orchard. Ownéf must sell and will consider $7,000. $2,500 cash and the balance at the rate of §!/4 per cent. A farm good enough for an bogy. Inâ€" vestigate but do ‘not hnih‘o. do. do. and lambs were slightly BUTTER CHEESE GRAIN 18.â€"Board of Trade 7.00 g 9,50 8.50 @ 5.50 @ 9.00 @ 9.50 @ 8.00 0.50 g 5.00 @ 95.00 @ 90.00 @ 13.00 @ 10.25 @ 9.2%5 @ 150 @ 5.50 @ 9.50 & 17.00 @ â€" 17.25 as follows. store, â€" Fort 6.00 10,00 11.50 9.00 6.00 5.50 140.00 155.00 13.50 11.50 10.00 7.50 1104 9.50 7.35 11.00 17.25 14.50 11.00 9.50 15.75 15.50 10.00 8.00 10,00 There will be sold by public auction on the farm of the undersigned, 3% wiles nortbwest of Elmira and 4 mil« south of Floradale, on * Commencing at 1 p. m. sharp, the following : HORSESâ€"2 geperal purpose mare horse seven years old, good roader. CATTLEâ€" 5 Shorthorn grade cows Cow due to calye April 1§th, cow Cy to calve Mar. 2nd, cow fresh in Au due to calye July, cow fresh in Sep and due again in Aug., cow fresh i Sept. supposed to be in caif, Hoilstei» cow fresh Jan. 20th supposed to be i1 calf; 6 head of fat cattle, calf fiv« months old, calf 3 months old, cal 10 weeks old, calf 7 weeks old. HOUSEHOLD GOODS â€" Massey Harris cream separator 500 lb. cap., good cook stove, sideboard, new, 3 dining chairs, sink, bed, bed springs, baby carriage, organ, clock, mirrors, Tron ketfle, cider barrel, churn, butter tub, sausage grinder and stuffer, etc. PIGS AND POULTRYâ€"8 pigs five months old: 45 chickens, pure bred Wyandottes and â€" Black â€" Minorcas; Collie dog. IMPLEMENTSâ€" Frost and _ Wood ‘hrins, work bench, â€" crossâ€"eut saw, corn planter, 5 sets of doubln-lrws.l gravel planks, neck yoke, 2 doz. grain‘ bags, horse blankets, wheelharrow,‘ grindstone, ladder, N-dur,posls. 2 hbeet forks, shovels, spades, 1400 4 in. tile, ; 600 3 inch tile, gnd other articles. ‘ HAY AND GRAINâ€" About 5 tons of bay, 12 tons of ensilage, 200 bushel Silver Mint seed oats, about 1140 bush. mixed grain fit for seed, 140 bush. feed oats, 60 bush. mixed grain for feed, 600 lbs ofl cake, about 45 bushel barley, oats and wheat mixed. binder nearly new, Massey Harris mower, Mossey Harris disc drill nearâ€" ly new, Maun cultivator, Massey Harâ€" ris disc nearly new, Massey }flrr!s 10 {t. rake, Frost & Wood hay loader, Massey Harris 2 furrow riding plow, Flurry single plow, 16 ft. jron harrow, spring harrow, land roller, Frost & Wood scuffler, 2 wazons _ one wit hox, bob sleighs, top buggy, carriage, sutter, flat bay rack, wood rack, 2 sets of team harness, single harness new, single harness, fanning mill with bagger, 1200 Ib. cap. seale, hay fork; hay knife, root pulper, log and leading TERMSâ€" Hay, grain, silage, oil cake, fat cattle, pigs, poultry and all sums of $10.00 and under, cash; over that amount 12 months credit will be given on approved joint notes or 5 per cent. off for cash payments of cregit amounts. NOTICE TO CREDITORS. In the matter of Simon Voll of the Township of Wellesley in the Couhty of Waterloo, Farmer. NOTICE is hereby given that the above named has made an assignment to me under The Assignments and Preferences act of all his estate and effects for the general benefit of 1113 creditors. A meeting _ of Creditors will be held at the office of McBride & MacKenzie, in the Town of Waterâ€" & Machenzie, in the Town of Waterâ€" loo, on Monday the 3rd day of March 1919, at two o‘clock p.m. to receive a statement of affairs, to appoint g: spectorsand for the ordering of th« estate generally. Creditors are re quested to file their claims with the Assignee before the date of such meeting and notice is hereby given that after the 1st day of April, 1919 the assets will be distributed among the parties entitled thereto having regard only to the claims of which no tice shall have then been given and the Assignee shall not be liable for the assets or any part thereof so dis tributed to any pers n or persons of whose claim he shall not then have had notice. 39¢; at mark, cases included 38%c @ 39%4c. New York, Feb. 18,â€"Eggs weak; fresh gathéred, extras, 466 @ 46%c; fresh gathered, regular packed, extra firsts, 45c @ 45%c; do., firsts, 44c @ 44%4c. Toronto, Feb. 18. â€"Eggs, No. 1, ;gor' b0c; cartons, new laid, 54c @ C. H. B. DUERING, Waterloo, Assignee. Dated at Waterloo this 18th day of February, 1919. Licensed Auctioneer. 1 hereby notify the publc that 1 am a Licensed Auctioneer for the County of Waterioo, and all sales intrusted to‘ me will . reâ€" ceive careful attention. Apply to Mre. Jge Mickus, or phone 1064J, Guelph, Ont. GEO. G. CLLSS, Auctioneer. FRED SOEHNER, Clerk. CRANSON K. WEBER, Proprietor MONDAY, MARCH 10, 1919 #| to Mickus :|« mm & | the uctioneer. 4 | or s ["l, the publc that ; B:l Auctioneer for sor aterioo, and all "‘: to" me will reâ€" & tention. & Jge Mickus, or 2 iph, Ont. a bat. § fnare = 1 qremupnenpnengepnguenien . | ; 4 821 There will he gMblic aguction on the tarm of the undersigned, gituatâ€" esd 1 mile east of German Mil}s, 4 miles northwest of Prestop, better «nown as the Petrided Spring Farm commencing at ten o‘ciock, a.m., sharp, he following valuabie property, Â¥viz.: der 7 ft. eut with «b~3* carrtor Mas seyâ€"Harris mower 5 (L. cu« Decring 10 ft. stee! hay rake, Dain hay loade: Interna‘imal side delivery rake, land roller, 1 2ed drill, Deering 14 plate disk, cultivator, Zfurrow Imperial plow, 2 twoâ€"furrow . gang plows, 3 waiking plows, 2 threeâ€"section fron harrows, 2 scufflers (1 new), turnip seeder, 2 farning mills (1 new), Frost & Wos‘ 2 horse corn cultivator nearly n > seusage grinder and stuffer, 3 lumber wagons nearly new, 2 wagon hoxes with shelving, 2 sets bop sleighs, 2 hay racks, gravel planks, 2â€"seated carâ€" riage nearly new, top buggy, open bugâ€" gy. road cart, Portland cutter, 40 gal. coal oil and tank, platform scales cap acity 1200 lbs,, Galloway 6 h.p. gasoâ€" line engine in good running order, Gilâ€" son‘s 1% h.p. gasoline engine, g~‘n chopper. belting. quantity of new gra‘in bags, grindstone, wheelbarrow, doubleâ€" trees, neekyokes, {scoop shovels, sugar beet fork, logging chains, crowbars, forks, 3 sets team harness, set plow harness, 3 sets single harness, set single carrlage harness, Scotch collars, set heavy single harness, 3 blankets, 3 robes and maby other articles. GRAIN, ETC.:â€"8 tons of good hay 800 bush. of cats, 125 bush. mixed grain, 160 bush. barley, 300 bush. roots, 200 bush. mangels. CATTLE:â€"6 Good Dairy Cowg:â€" Cow fresh with calf at foot, cow due to caive Fgb. 2¢th, cow due to calve March ?nd, cow due to calye March 24th, cow due to calve June 26th, couw ‘resh 3 months in full flow of miik, beifer due to calve April 24th, heifer due to calve Anril 19th, heifer due to calve Sept. l1. 1. Jersey heifer rising 2 years old, 6 cattle rising 2 years old. 1 good spring calves. calf 3 months old. HOUSEHOLD EFFECTS:â€"Internaâ€" tional cream separator nearly new. Daisy churn, butter worker, milk cans, % iron kett‘es, 2 cupboards, bureaun, kitchen chairs, tables, benches, step ladder, lawn swing, lawn mower, copâ€" per kettle, Parlor cook coal stove nearâ€" ty new and numerous other articles. ‘Lunch at noon. Positively no reserve as the farm is sold. HOnSES:â€"Team of bay Clydesdale seldings well matched, rising T yeéars old, weight 3000 Ths., light team of Clydesdale (gelding ï¬?&mnz : yeurs old, weight Ibe., light bay orse (good driver), rising 12 years TERMS:â€"Hay, grain, poultry, roots and all sums of $10.00 and under. cash; over that amount 12 months‘ credit on approved security, or 5 per cent. off for cash payments of credit amounts. * EXECUTORS‘ NOTICE TO CREDITORS AND OTHERS Notice is hereby given, pursuant to Chapter 151 nf the Revised Statutes of Ortario, 1914, that all creditors and others having caims against, or en titled to share in the estate of Abrein C. Hallman, laie of the Township of Waterloo, in the County of Waterino Farmer, deceased, who dicd on or about the sixteenth day of Octoser, 10918, are required :o deliyer, by pos: IN THE ESTATE QF ABRAM C HALLMAN, deceased. epa;d or otherwise, on or befere xe fifteenth day of March, 1919, to Irvin C. lgallmnn. R. R. No. 3, Water: too, Ontario, one of the Executors of the Will of the said deceased, . their names in full, with their addresses and descriptions, full particulars _ of their claims orâ€" interests, and stateâ€" ments of the security, if any, held by them; and that, after the â€" said _ fifâ€" teenth day of March, 1913, the Execuâ€" tors 6f the said Estate will proceed to Mstribute the assets of the said deâ€" ceased among the pagties _ entitled thereto, having regard only to claims or interests of which they shall then n:n received notice, and will not be ble for the said assets to any râ€" #on of whose cléfm or interest .ï¬'a, #hall not then have recelved notice. Dated 10th February, 1919. JAMES C. HAIGHT, Solicitor for the ERxecutors, Waterloo, Ontario. MINARWD‘S _ LINIMENT CURrE3 BARGET â€"IN COW8, hk : soins IMPLEMENTS, ETC.:â€"Deering bin PIGS AND POULTRY:â€"8 shoats 3 onths old, 80 chickens, a pair of WEDNESDAY, MABCH 5. 1919 PNOLG LE JOSEPH MILLER, Proprietor. H. B. DUERING, Auctioneer. O. 8. KOLB, Clerk. TERMS OF SALEâ€"Grain, and all sums of $10.00 and under, cash; over that amount 1% in> .ns‘ credit on apâ€" wroved security, or 5 per cent. of for ash payments of celit amounts. H. B. DUERING. Auc:tioneer. ~JOHN H. WAG).Hit, Proprietor. ED. KAUFMAN, Giork. There will be sold by Public Am: tion of the premises of the uader signed, situated two aqd opeâ€"half miiâ€" es east of Wellesloy village, 1 mile nortb of Berlet‘s Corper, Concession %, Lop No. 9, Township of Wellesley, on b1 00.Â¥ furrow | Kadga.o0 | plo v, opun buggy, 2 top buggies, 3â€"seated carriage, pleasure sleigh, scales cap. 1800 Tbs., stock rack, truck wagon. Also 2 sets single harness nearly new. We teach a complete course in cutting, fifting afbd finishimg of Laâ€" dies‘ and Children‘s Garments in two weeks. . This includes waists, coats, .kirt% kimonas, children‘s dresses, atc. ‘Price for full course is $12.00. Charts are given free with lessons. Class will commence on Jan. 6th, and another on Feb. 24th.‘ A few day‘s trial are given free and no pay in adâ€" vance. gommencing at . one g‘clock, p.m. sharp, the following valuable proper ty, via: f â€" HORSESâ€"Team gelding and mare rising 5 and 6 years old, Percheron horse rising 9 years old, good driving horse rising 10 years old, Percheron suckling colt. CATTLRâ€"3 Good Dairy Cows.â€"2 cows fresh by time of sale, _ cow due to calve April $th, Heifer due to calve in May, Heifer due to calve in April, 2 Heifers due to calye in July, 2 Helf\ ers rising 2 years oid, d Spring calves pure bred Shorthorp bull with pei ree rising 2 years old. »0ar rising 2 years old. 2 good brood sows with litters at side, 10 shoats 5 » h« old. Learn Dressmaking in 2 Weeks Full information regarding Course can be had at our regidence any time. mt it en t GRAIN, ETC.â€"200 bushels Danner seed oats. ; imachine, wringer, chairs and imy other articles too numerous to nention. HOUSEHOLD EFFECTSâ€"â€"6 octave rgan, centre table, 2 parlor tables, randard cream separator, coal stove, tchen cupboard, kettle stove, washâ€" PIGS AND POULTRYâ€"Yorkshire Advertisc Auction Sales and A farms for Sale Ellison Dresscutting Co. It enters thousands of homes every week and covers the field tho:roughly. Printed here on short notice. Give us your next order. Waterloo, u. P "T0a." Cuemend, ‘aicts and U . | * Wreq Sb BOHLENDERS â€"â€"Waterioo ‘â€" B . _OF ; ¢ m‘ Stock, Im:hfmonu and Household Effects. Stoves and 42 Eby St. $., Kitchener. We keep in stock the highest grade of Geo. Bucher & Son THURSDAY, MARCH 13, 1919 When in need of one try us SHRONICLEâ€"TELECRAPH Auction Sale Bills THE CHRONICLEâ€"TELEGRAPH HARDWARE MERCHANTS Opposite City: Hail IF Oil Heaters in the 1G SMf~: Ontario. m ramaent on mt _y:mlmunumuunlnu;mummmnunmgmnmnunmqmmm MINARD‘S _ LINIMENT _ CURES GARGET IN COWS. with new modern ted brick dwelling and good barn, situctcod about one mile from ‘King Street, | Waterloo, for quick Western Town Lots Can he’ $ Sold For Cash f UNDERTAKERAS AND FUNERAL DIRECTORS Phone 80. Night Phone 207W Satisfaction guaranteed. Calls from all parts of the county promptly attended to. Real Estate â€" Waterioo Phone 185. Take a Western !4 section valued by responsible valuators‘ at $20 an acre, gay a total of $3200. | am in a position to accept 40 per cent of the purchase price in Western lots, balance can be arranged. This 44 section can be rented, sold in crop payments or worked.. The same thing would apply to revenueâ€"bearing hoyse property. CLAYTON B. EBY SUITE 3 MERCHANTS, BANK B‘LDG., KiITCHENER, ONT. > .. Open Evenings. Phones 8 to 9.‘Mon., Wed., Fri., Office 949. .By Appointment. Res. Wateroo, $14W. 1 do not propose selling your Western town lets and handing you your cheque, but J do propese making you an exghange, whereby you e# ~ turn the lots in, as each is a propositlop that can be readily turne¢ Into cash or good securities. For example: 6 ies Call in and see me, or make an appointment by phone or letter. Give me an idea what you prefor, and | will guarantee results. LETTER & DREISINGER 12 Acres Undertakers T Waterloo. L2 TE P p Neb s incowporated in 19838. TOTAL A8sETE, a18T DEC., 1914, OVER $800,000 5 Officers and Directors:â€"* > George Dlebei, Président, Allan Bowman, VIco-Pm.,Jf Dr. J. H. Webb, â€" Y J. Howard Simpson + â€"@ J. L. Wideman, â€" 8t James Livingston, * ~ ie P. E. Shantz, » + 8. B. Bricker, â€" * 4 Richard Roschman, saal L. W. SHUH, B. E. BECH Manager. ho C. A. BOEHNM, District / Waterloo Mutual Fire Insurance â€" «»4 metry and beauty. it #8te fully on the ho Stubg . Perfecgly â€" greatest freedom of you have ‘a high <Gl perteotly priate for their class. __ Reasonable Prices. Office Phone, Waterico 33 W. Shinn residence, Waterloo, % E4. Lippert, residence phone 291 Store phone, Kitchener, m No extra charge for: moter Best Equipment. King Street . .To. AutsSheng Tese * quB DpqusLe KING 8T., WATERLOO. AGENERAL IN#JRAN“ AGE Undertaking SHINN & LIPPERT Witheim‘s . A. Boehm n *R f .§