dnt . 4 : ‘â€ii“fi.â€":&% ‘ ~CHP P \\ x d‘ ‘ 4" U i ( 4»Adid m $ f -‘ o 6 BW " ‘r' 7 l: 3 ¢ Y U~ 5 [ g d j [ *~<@ % o Aniue» mhine tho ‘Eree ; CHAPTER i. The Taste otf the Meat. N itbe beginning he was Christo . pher Beliew. By the time he was at college be nad becuine Cbs + Gellew. Later in the bobhemian #rowd of Sap Fruncisco te was calied Mit Bellew. And io the end te was Emnowb by no outher naiwe than Smoke Mellew. Nor woulid it bave happened fhad he not bad a fond mouther a1d an #ron tincle und tad be not recelved a etter_from Gillet Belining, "I bave Just seen a copy of the Bil Sow." GiBlet wrote from Parie . "Of gourre O‘Hara qwill succeed with It But ne‘s inissing some tricks. . Go @owp and see him Let bim think they‘ré your own snggestions. . Above :rm‘l forget to make him tre that b who‘« doing the inosteal and art RECEIVING WAR CROSS SMOKE BELLEW Sn y figure of a man himself, has been through many of the adventures he writes _about and has the knack of taking you along and of making you "hit the trail" with him. _ *""Smoke," once a tenderfoot, now a sure enough sour dough, has the ‘test of his life in one story and is saved from defeat by a mere girl. in another he drops, as he supposes, to sudâ€" den death to save the life of It is the " Hi! You! Mush ent Chookt Chook!" spirit â€"â€"the vim, dash and "go" of a hustling mining country like the Yuakonâ€"that Jack London has put into these ESmoke Bellew stories Mr. London writes of real men â€"men whose daily job is to foin tssue with danger and sudden death with never a whimper. _ You can‘t help feeling the thrili that runs tm the veins of these irÂ¥on muscled giants of the gold frelds, particuiarly since Jack London, a good, husky Jack London has struck the rich " mother tode" of ficâ€" tion in these wonderful stoâ€" rtes. ‘The patriotio 3 i \ spirit and devotion % N with which Canaâ€" \\\ ‘\\ dian women have n Pss \| so far pertormed y Cul warâ€"service work lned t and made sacrifices o ‘ bas never been my t equalled in the s W\ â€" bistory of any a ’ h eountry. Mothers, } wives and sisters P support this burden o A with strength and fortnude. But those who are al + / ready miserable h 1 from the comâ€" > plaints and weakâ€" sses which are so cominon to women, ould take the right temperance tonic for e woinanly syste1 :. If a woman is borne. down by‘fn.in id sufferings, by nervousness or dirzy élls, by headache or backuche, "Favorite reacription" should be taken 1t can w be had in tablet form as well as liquid most dr%stom Send to Dr. Picrce‘s ranch at Bridgeburg, Ont., for a 10c id pk!‘ of tablets. For fifty years Dr. Picrce‘s Pleasant ilets have been most satisfactory in and bowel troubles \;â€"mâ€"-_ â€"_'I in_-gnz Windsor, Ont.â€"â€""Dr Pierce‘s Eavorite Preâ€" scription male a new womun . of . me. For abont sit yourt [ ant o â€"I â€"al fered _ with . woman‘ ag tm trouble | during _ whict time 1 became all run deyet down, wesk and nery "ee ous. I woull bave *A severe backacher and pmine in my side 1 4 doctored with the doe sif P 5. tor but did not ar‘ . B Z cured . of m‘y wil mren « / and was a br.l that ! eould â€" mearcely . wal worsia the floor wheu i taking the ‘Prescription °_ When 1 had lag se ‘NemIPRMOO . IOPDA T us uo o lt t c 0 0000 «ud t im in dn dnt0 000C m uonl t 00 Bc 0 B 0 cPd 8 B uitc 00B PROLOGUE. Mc i ottles I was much improved and fou: rfly qured me, and | have enjoyed h than 1 ever d‘d before teking the 1t is truly a wooderful wediine fot re. Marthe Mwulcastar, 4 Aibert 3# :mn&eflo-:h.&n any ot;::%: doubt about By Jack Lon don l' B:Eihn sbhook his bead. "Crn‘t apare ‘you from the office, Kit ‘Fhen there‘s that sertal." â€" criticism. Another fbing. Tell him to kick around and get some gink to turn out a live seriat and to put tnto it the real romance and giamour and color of #ap Francisco." And down to the office of the Bi low went Kit Belew faitbfully to in struct O‘Hara _ Histened. . O‘Hara agreed. O‘Hara fOred the dub who wrote . criticisms. Furtber, . when U‘Hara wunted anything no friend could deny bim. Before Kit Beliew cuuld escape from the office be bad becume an associate editor, nad agreed to write weekly columns of criticism till some decent pen was found and bad pledged himself to write a weekly installment of 10,000 words on the San Francisco serialâ€"and all this without pay. The Billow waso‘t paying yet O‘Hara explained. Luckily for Kit be bad bis own in come. Small it was compared with some, yet it was large enough to en able bim to belong to several clubs and maintain a studio io the Latin quarter. Yet be was always broke, for the Blllow, in perenniai distress, ab surbed hi» cash as weli as bis brains There were the illustrntors, who pe riodically refused to ilinstrate; the priuters, who perlodically refused to print, and the otfice boy, who frequent iu refused to ofticinte. At such tiines U‘Hara Jouked at Nit, and hWit did the z When the steamship Excelstor arrivâ€" ‘.d from Alaska, bringing the news of the Klondike strike that set the coun try imad, Kit made a purely frivoious The nest Kit beard of the Rlondike was when he dropped loto the club that afternoon and encountered bis unâ€" ‘cle. "Hello. avuncular relative," Kit fzreeted. "Won‘t you jJoin me?" I He ordered a cocktail, but the nncle glanced with frritated disapprovai at ‘the cocktail and on to his nephew‘s face. â€" John Beliew came of the old hand and hardy stock that bad croamed | "Look here, O‘Hara," be satd, *This gold rush is going to be vig~the days of ‘40:over again. Suppose 1 cover it for the Billow? I‘ll pay wy own exâ€" the piains by or team in the Ofties, and in bim was this same bardness, apd the bardness of a chiidhood spent in the conquering of a new land. "You‘re not living right. Cbristopher. I‘m asbamed of you. Your father was a man, every Incb of bim. 1 think he‘d bave whaled all this wusical and artis tic tomfoolery out of you." _ "Alas! these degen;nu days," Kit sighed. The older man was on the verge of cboking with wrath, but swallowed it down and managed to articulate, "How old are you?" "I bave reason 1: believe"â€" "1 know. I‘wentyâ€"seven . You fin ished college at wentyâ€"two. You‘ve dabbled und playeo and frilled for five 'Jfll'l. Before God and man, of what use are you? When 1 was your age 1 bad one suit of underclothes. 1 was riding witbh the rattle in Coloso. 1 was hard as rocks, and 1 could sleep on a rock 1 lived on jerked beef and bear meat 1 am a better man physi cally right now than you are . You welgh about 165. i can throw you right now or thrasb you with my fsts." "It doexn‘t take a physicat prodigy ‘oo mop ipcocktails or plok tea. Kit nurmured depreentingly _ "Bestdea, waso‘t brought up rigbt Now, it when . wus x youngster 1 bad tmken some of hose â€" Inteusely | anisetiitne . v®acations cou go In forâ€"1J wonder why you didn‘t | ny ite me semetimes f" Fhe ouler man looked at bi* nephew vith uncencenied disgust |"Wen. I‘m folng to fake mnotber one of those a hat â€" yon . call â€" masenlin® . vxontion® Suppose 4) neked you to come mong? Jal and Robert are going in to Wiow trke wnd 1 m zmnï¬_!u wee [Dem mefors he pnas and down to The inkes Then etury"‘â€" tha got no furtber, fot the «oune man ind ~pronu forward ®ind £0) ped Ols wand "My preservert" Jonn Beliew was Immedintety «us }llll“llllfl Hte bad pot drezimed The 1M eltation wonld be fevepted "Whep do we stATLI" a ‘It wilt be a bardg trip _ Youll be in chrec w iny . No 4 won t O11 work " No 4 wont 611 work * bach innu hias to (nke a yents snp pores th with, mm _ There lt be anch a im the bndian prckers wun t be able to haudle o Hai and Robert will Gare j VIuct i za maxage and foud. ashore is asto k =1~ / en n en T T y Ocz W » Kit Beliew landed through the madâ€" ness of the Dyea beach. congested with me thoustind pound outSte of thow sands of men. ‘This immense mase of y lurge pack _ Kir «wing in behind admiring | the spleudiac cxives ol Uhe man w00 the gruce ang ease w!fh which be moved wlohe. sncer ni> uUr den _ The Iudian dropped Ns puck ou the scates In Crout of fhe poest un@ Rit joined the group of rduariwe watd rikl ers (who gurpaobdid him <> Ehk prick welghed JÂ¥3 porpds. winch . fuct _was utteredâ€"back and fortb ip.tone> of awe A Young Woman Standing In the Door way Had Caugnt H+s E~e woOurid®iD® bDy (he .. athefs was Drg. ging slowly to Gribble uupo the b‘yes valley and scrosms Chiilkeel lt Wns ® portage of IWenty erstit oasles ud vould be necomplished only oi (he nacks of men "Going to Lake Lindeman with it old man?‘ Kit asked R gruoted an affiruintive Here Kit slld out of the conversation & youbg woman stindig i the dour way thad caught bis eyeâ€" 4‘hlige other wouen landing from the steaurehs, ste was pelther_short skirted nat bluotuet clad. She was dressed as any wowau tmiveling anywhere would De dressed Tenderest of the tenderfeet was WRit Like manr hundreds of efhiers he ced rled a big revolter sw sing on w ent tridie belt. A stinpping six foot lin The brigbt beauty and color of ber vral fuce teld tim, und he looked over ioug â€" jJooked Till sbe reseuted aud he" ow n efes, loug lasbed ind irk omet uis tn coul survey â€" From ts Tace (lrek travéled in eÂ¥idelt @nmmeineut dow! to the inz revolver ut mi~ Guzh l Neb net eyer eathe direk Tu tiis ithe) d Uhhets wits utmised conteinpl >be Cutued U ibe mag besiGe net sin tbcabt 0 Wil Phe man giinneed Gie ovel «1O the «& e d Hoazed cutiheftpi "Cheknko. . the ghirnl said ~The nuen wheo seoked Hhe a Uritp 1 Mis cteap . overiti> who . dibepmiated wooleb juckel. sAuned dryiy and RKit telt withered though be knew not 4 B» "Lhd you see (Dat audh with Uhe gIr?? hits nelghbor usked mim exscilt ediy | Thuow who be in? KWit shook M~ hend "Cariboo | Cluirley the â€" wors . Juat potuted out to me. . He struck i tig ou Klondike _ Olo thines Ifeen on The Yukup a Gozep yeurs | tles just culto This Woman Recommends Lydia E. Pinkham‘s Vegeâ€" table Compoundâ€"Her Personal Experience. Tperâ€"lfgdi;l'nr,â€;\rvqllrlng with â€" pride TO ALL WOMEN WHO ARE ILL women.‘"â€"Mrs. Jo®n KoPPELMANN, R. No. 1, McLean, Nebraska. This famous root and herb remedy, Lydia E. Pinkham‘s Vexetable Comâ€" ound, has becameoï¬n'gmmof meï¬awhul for more than forty years and it will well pay any woman who suffers_ from dispiacements, inâ€" flammation, ~ ulceration, irregulafities, backache, headaches, nervousness or ‘‘the blues‘‘ to give this successful remedy a trial. For Pu gestions in to your .mt mu Lydia l.‘mu_n Medicine Co., Lynp, Mase. The result of its long oxpuaeob at your service, it to yourseif that ne it." Kit anld at f the â€" woirs . Jnat He struek it tng ou vei een cof 1he LSD Kit‘s Orst pack was a success Up to Finnegan‘s Crossing they had man aged w‘nluhuloegrryllom pound outft From that point their own backs must do the work. ‘They plapned to move ferward at .the rate of a mile a day. it louked easyâ€"un ihe end of a bundred yards be felt that be mast collapse. He sat down and mopped bis face. 1 . Bince Jobn Beliew was to stay in camp and do the cooking. he would be unabile to make more than as occa sioval pack. So to each of the three young men fell the task of carrying 800 pounds one mile gach day. if they made Ofty pound prcks it mesut a dally walk of sizteen miles londed and of ffteen miles ligbht, "because we don‘t back trip the lust time," Eit ex: plained the pleasuot discorery. Eizbly pound packs meant bineieeo wiles travel each duy, and 100 pound packs weant only OfteeD milles. "1 don‘t like walking." said Rit "therefore 1 sbail carty 100 pounds." Be cangbht the griv of tncredulity on bis ancle‘s face and added bastily: "Otf course 1 shall work up to it W start with Ofty." He did and ambled gayly along the trail. Be dropped the sack at the nest camp site and awmbiled ‘back. it was eagler tban be bad thougbt" But two ijles bad rubbed of the reivet of hie atrength. apd erposed the uuderiging softness. Bis second pack waa siztyâ€" tre pounds. It was mote dificult, and he uo djonger ambied. Several times, fullowing the custom of all packers. he sat down on the ground, resting the Unili She Tried "Fruitâ€"aâ€"tives" â€"â€"Made From Fruit Juices . Sometimes be did got make a bunâ€" dred yards, and each tUme be struggied. to his feet for anotber short baul the: pack became undeniably bearier. He paoted for breath, and the sweat streamed from him. Before be had covâ€" ered a quarter of a mile he stripped off his woolen shirt and bung it on a tree. A little later be discarded bis bat. At the end of half a mile be decided be was. Anished. As be sat and panted his gaze fell upon the big revolver and the heary cartridge belt. pack bebiod blm on a rock or stump. Witb the third pack be becime bold. He fastened the.straps to a :‘tnet:;‘flv- pound sack of beans and sfarted > At "Short bauls and sbort rests," be muttered. "That‘s the trick." 112 Comvne 8r., Br. Jouk, N.B. "I feel I must tell you of the gteat beneft I have received from your wonderful medicine, ‘Fruitâ€"aâ€"tives‘, ‘Thare been a sufferer for many "Ten pounds of junk!" be sneered as he unbuckled it He did uot bother to bang it on a tree, but flung it Into the andetbflgsh. years from Vicient Headaches, and oo-ldï¬t‘n..â€"u-tnlhl, A -‘r.‘bhh"nlb Wtives‘ and I did so with great His short hauls decreased. . At timies a bunpdred feet was all be could stagâ€" ger, and then the omivous pounding of his beart against his eardrums and the sickening tottering of his knees con: pelled him to rest And his rests grew longer. But his mind was busy. Jt was a twentyâ€"ight mile portage, which represented as many days, and this by all accounts was the easlest part of it "Walt till you get to Chilkooy" othâ€" ers told him as they rested and taiked, "where you climb with bands and feet." "Walit till you bit the canyon. You‘ll have to cross a raging torrent on a s{zty foot pine.tree. No guide ropes, uothing, and the water boiling at the sag of the log to your koees. If you fall with a pack on your back there‘s uo getting out of the straps. You just stay there and drown." MRS. ALEXANDER SHAW, SDe. a box, 6 for $2.50, trial size 25¢. At all dealers or sent on receipt of price, postpald, by Fruitatives He and the sack of beans became a perambulating tragedy. it reminded him of the Old Man of the Sea who sat wo Sindbad‘s ueck. Again and again be was nearly seduced by the thouglit of nbaudoning the sack of beans in the brusb ang of sueaking around the camp u‘ho bencb and catcbing a stenmer for civilization. Before the miHe pack was ended if ever a man was a wreck he was, As the end of the pack came in sight he strained himself in desperation, gained the camp site and* pitched forward on his face. the benns on his bnek . 1t did not kill him. but be iny for Afteen min utes before he coutd «nmmun aufficient shreds« of «trength to retense himself from the strapa. . ‘Then he becaine @eatmg sick and wa» so found by Robbig wh~ nod simil=r truubles of "You‘re one; I‘m one," was the ap bis own "And 1 am iwenty seven cenr« 0fd, and a man." he private!y a«sured him self many times lo the duys that folâ€" lowed. There was need for it. At the end of a week_Abough he had sne ceeded in movigg his 800 pounds forâ€" ward a mile a day, be had lost Ofteen pounda of hi« own weight Bis face war lean and hrggard. . All re«illence had wone ont of hi« tody and mind He no winwer Walked but plodded. and on the beck thps. Waveling light, ‘his ; and now I am entirely free Hall on ~‘ "Ge t 4 Moved by A. M. Groff seconded by h.lzï¬.ï¬u:h'l&lfl:‘ change amount ofâ€"salary _ to paid the clerk as specified l-lyâ€"l-'4 No. T3A be read the Arst and secend time. Carried. Moved by Simon Kinsie seconded by A. M. Groff that Byâ€"law No. 86A to provide for the appointment of Assesâ€" sore, Poundkeepers, . Fenceviewers, Herd Inspectors and Township Print er for 1919 be read the first and sec Moved by Menno 8. Snider second ed by Amos Groff that Byâ€"law No. 85A as now filled in with an annual saiâ€" ary of Four Hundred Dollars be read a third time and passed. Carried. Moved b‘ A. M. Groff seconded by Menno S. Snyder that the _ Council now go into committee of the whole on Byâ€"law No. 86A with the Reeve in the chair. Carried. Report. Your committee of the whole beg leave to report that the following named persons be appointed to _ fill the several offices for the _ current year, Elect. Div Elect. Div. Elect. Div Elect. Div Elect. Div Elect. Div. 2 Menne Koch 15.00 Elect. Div. 3 Irvin Hallman 70.00 Elect. Div. 4 George Latsch 70.00 Elect. Div. 5 Isaiah Cressman _ 67.00 Poundkeepers : Electoral Div. 1 John Wanner, C. T. Groh, Jerry Sauder, Daniel Shany, Noah Shiry, Albert Coons and Hy. Tho#man. Electoral Div. No. 2 John Durant, Geo. Steffler, Joseph Harnock, Edgar Eby, Jonas _ Bingeman @nd Rud. Reinhardt. Electoral Div. No. 3 Frank Shuh, Anâ€" drew Hamel, Geo. Rahn, Valentine Schmidt and Willie Knarr. Electoral Div. No. 4 Almon Lewis, John Schaefer, Harry Shantz, Allen Shantz and Henry Eby. Electoral Div. No. 5 Melvin Schweitâ€" zer, Herbert McCormack, _ Kirk Deans, Anthony Wilbelm and John Hillgartner. Fenceviewers: Electoral Div. 1 Morris Eaton, Henry Prong, Alfred Ellis. ; Electoral Div. 2 Chas. Wilhelni, Wm. Kraft, George Gole. Electoral Div. 3 Chas. S. Stroh, Allen Quickfall, \Wugust Schnarr. § Electoral Div. 4 John K. Moss, Irvine Shoemaker, Oliver Betzner. Electoral Div. 5 John Slee, David Lin The Municipal CounciFof the Townâ€" action uccordh&g,}o law,. to .open. the ship of Woolwich met at~Cenestogo necegsary road‘ through the Tands of on Tuesday the 4th day of February,*John Sheriffs and that â€" John ‘Jonas 1919, pursuant to adjournment . from pay the cost of the land.: Carried. last session. Moved by Norman Snyder and. John feet dragged almost as much as when be was loaded. He bad become a work animal Re fell asleep over his food. and his sleep was heary and benstly save when he was aroumed, screnming with agony, by the cramps in his tegs. Every part of bim acted He tramped on raw blisters. . When they bad moved the outft across the foot logs at the montb of the canyon they made a change in their plans. Word bad come across the pass that at Lake Lindeman the last available trees for building boats were being cbt The two cousins, with tools, whipzaw. blankets and grub on their backs, went on, leaving Kit and bis nncle to bustle along the outft Jobn Bellew now shared the cooking with Kit, and buth packed shonlder to sboulder. Time was Aying, and on the peaks the (Orst snow was failing. To be caught on the wrong side of the pass mennt a delay of nearly a year. All the members present. The Reeve in the chair. + w6 The minutes of the previous session were read and adopted. Moved by Norman Snyder and John Brox, & in $ _ *He That we pay $5.00 to the Rurat:Mun} cipal Association and we hereby â€" apâ€" int the: Reeve and Clerk.as delegatâ€" gg to attend the L‘ol‘nvehtt’{ï¬ratfl'l‘oxm to on Feb. 19 and 20th © Carried. Moved by John Brox and Alex S. Forbes, us + 2 That Jacob Kienzle‘s term of office be extended to April 1st, «919. _ Carried. Moved by Alex S. Forbes and Byron Letson, Whereas part of the roadway used at present by John Jonas is disputed. ‘Therefore be it resolved that we take The older man put his lron back under 100 pounds. Kit was shocked, but be gritted bis teeth and fastened bis own straps to 100 pounds. it hurt, but be bad learned the knack, and his body, purged of ail softness and fat, was begiuning to bardes up with lean and bitter muscle, ZI.&'B; observred and devised. He ATLANTIC SUGAR REFINERIES Ltd., MONTREAL WOOLWICH TOWNSHIP Marmailade 1 C.F. Groh $85.00 COUNCIL PROCEEDINGS 15.00 10.00 70.00 67.00 Mboeaes 41 o7 Moved by Simon Kinsie u-ng by M. 8. Snyder that the report of committee of the whole on appoint: ment of the Assessors, Poundkeepers. Fenceviewers, Herd Inspectors and Tp. Printer be received and engross; ed on the Minutes. Carried. _ _ _ ievip> o Ropdis Moved by A. M. Groff seconded by Joseph 8. Snider that Byâ€"law No. 86A as now filled in be read the . third tlmonduart Carried. Moved by Meuno 8. Snyder secondâ€" as now NHOG IN D6 PORE . MBR . MBREE s C nc o n time and nar Carried. Conveyancets. .. Moved by Meuno 8. Snyder secondâ€" Private Funds to ed by Simon Kinsie that le« e be givâ€" . Office;: Motcalte en the mover to introuusze 4 Hy law at | Cor King and Foundry 8ts., the next session of Council to provide E. P. CLEM g for the appointment of Overseers of . E. w Cl& Highways. Carried. { w. P CLEMENT,: Moved by Jos. 8. Snyder seconded by© Simon Kinsie that the following accounts be paid and the Reeve isâ€" sue cheques in payment of the severâ€" al amounts. John Woolner, gravel ..... $12.30 H. C. Edgar, Prem. on Treas. Bd. 20.00 J. H. Schmidt, Disinfectants .. 1.75 Stephen Lauber, Filling approach at Germany Bridge ........ 45.60 Municipal World, subscriptions kerton Town line ..... ......17.00 Bert. J. Markel, Cedar posts ... 250 Hugh. Clark, Treas. of Puslinch half cost on Tp. line ..... ... 21.60 Mrs. Sarab Brown, Pat. Ins. ... 10.00 Mrs. John Hamm, Pat. Ins. ... 10.00 Geo. Schell, Bon. for wire fence 2.60 Geo. Schell, labor on culvert .. . .10.20 H. Livergood, Bon, on wire fence 23.20 H. Livergood, Damage :o field. .8.00 Menno Koch, gravel .......... 15.75 Alex. Schaefer, gravel ........ 37.50 P. A. Snider, Registering Birtbs, Deaths and Marriages $14.20, Postage, $6.00, Telephone 60.20.80. miuyd supplies ..... css .ss .. Daily Telegraph, Bal. on Cont.. Geo. Cromer, half cost on Pil Hy. Neeb, balance on gravel ... 5.45 Town of Waterlop, use of grader 9.00 Geo. Latsch, Postage and Stat. _ fonary as per Collector :.. ... 4.00 Geo. R&bn.,00.â€" :.: â€", /.. css «.. 1.94 Moved by J. 8. Snyder, secorded by A. M. Groff that this Council do now adjourn to meet again on March 1st 1919, at the Tp. Hall at 10.30 a.m. Carried Moved by Norman Snyder and. John Brox, That the following accounts be paid and that the Reeve grant his orders for the same:~ Eph. Betener, gravel . ..... ...4.80 Municipal. World, supplies,,.. ... .7.00 Henry L. Hess. teamlgis ir<â€"> +:800 ‘A. Hamine}: work on ditch ..... 270 Sucob. Kienzle, salary took note of the bend sitips worn In the Indians and mianutactured one fo bimself. which be used in sddittun t the shoulder straps. it made thing» easier, so that be begun the practice of piling any light, cumbersome plece of lugxgnge on top ‘Fhus he was soon able to bend alonc with 300 pouuds in the straps. Ofteen or twenty more 1y ing loosely on top the prck and against bis oeck, an A% uf a pair of onrs 4n one hand and in the other the nesteo cooking pails of the enmp But work as they would the toll in ised. . The trul grew more cugted their packs grew beavigr, and each day saw the soow Iine Gropping dowu the mountains, whilb freight jumped to 60 cents. No word came from the cuusina beyond, so they knew they must be at work ebopptog dewo the standing trees @00 whipsawing the> iDiv Doat Dlll)k’. s w . . Total $139.50 Carried. Moved by Alex S. Forbes and Norâ€" man Snyder, That this Council do now adjourn to meet again at the Council Chamber, Conestogo, on Tuesday the 1st day of April, next, at 9 o‘clock, a.m. color of LANTIC helps the Marmalade because it dissoives at once when added to the hot fruit. ALL FLAGS LOWERED _TO HALF MAST. Ottawa, Feb. 17.â€"Sir Thomas White called at the residence of the late Sir Wilfrid Laurier this afternoon to express the deep sympathy of the Governâ€" ment and to tender a State funâ€" eral. _ Orders have been issued that all flags on â€" public â€" huildings shall be flown at halfâ€"mast. Peter A. Snider. Tp. Clerk W. J. SNIDER, Clerk g the totl to Civil Engineer and Ontario more rugzed | Surveyor, 130 Lancaster St ‘Es und each day |chener. Telepnone 341.W â€" ~"g .. . 4.80 .. â€"1.00 . ..5.00 sc. %70 ..120.00 29.05 55.00 21.60 10.00 10.00 2.60 10.20 23.20 agho 17 Conveyancer, etc. 1 Office, Molson‘s Bank D. a. uevrtom. unfl Notary, Conveyancer, éte., St. East, Kitchener. _ Phon# etc. Money to loan. Gfl“ Officeâ€" Pequegnat Block,.‘; Market, Frederick St., Kitch wnnnnnnnnnlnnnnn n n n o ~â€"mmemnmemripit D. 8. BOWLBY, B.A., L.. Barrister, Solicitsr, ~Notary and Conveyancer _ Office M Bank Building. _ Telephone ______._ MILLAR & $1M8 â€" Alex. Millar, K. C.,. Harvey . L.L.B., Barr‘sters, Notaties, @t West, Kitchener. e + a id & ‘~~ KLegal: :; $ a «s a 'i Kitcherer. Ont. Ondzntd Chicago : College tal Sutgeons and â€" Royal °C Dental Surgeons,.of Toronto;, Office in new Molsons m Water! 0. D ptistry pra Dentist, L.D.S., Royall oplpi1 tal Surgeons, D.D.S., Toronto | sity. All brancbes of dentistf tised. Office over Lang Brow Kitchener, Ont. «. AH its branches. THE EMPLOYER‘s Aoioc't# OF WATERLOO COUNTY FREE LABOR BURRAY © 59 King St. West, Kitcheme We have vacancies for men, men in all lines of work. nÂ¥ out of employment communle us at once. No charge for tion or services rendered.= ~«% © MINAPT‘S. ~LINIMENY!!* BIPHTHERIA. Specialtyâ€" * Diseases of the Ear,.. Nose and Throst.. *‘ King St. East, #IVOID A. L. BITZER, B. A. (Successor to Conrad Bif arrister, Solicitor, Nota# Allen Theatre, Kitchenal Phone 344w. Residéncé 1 FIRE INS THE MERCANT Head Office, Watel Subsciibed Capital . ..89§ Deposit with the Dotkig) tos Goverament ...$1858,8 Oddfellows Block,‘ W DR. 8. €CKEL, 104 Weber Chambe! CHIROPRACT A. HOLM, D. CLEMENT & All policies guaraateed the uxmnm Insurance Alfred Wright, Sa C. a. BOEHN, DI@E, Waterleo, Ont. hi HERBERT JOHNSTON:â€", Business Card8. DR. F. G. HUGHEB; 4 Dentist ~ © $ _2 INCORPORATED J. A. HILLIARD,* 2 Medical ~â€" * COMPANY ol i a M