â€" AUGTION SALF / each. 1 NEPLEMENTS:â€"New _ McCormick @ér 64t. cut, McCormick, mower. t eut new, M~H. binder. M 11 ) ‘drill, 10 ft. steel hay rake new, H. rake bar hay loader, new; M+» sidedelivery and tedder combined, #;â€" good manure spreader, 2 cultiâ€" prs, one new, iron harrows, 2 plows. mndger root pulper new, 3â€"horse Bletree noew, â€" pig rack, gravel iks, quantity of cedar posts, 30 ft msion ladder new, _ 2. logzing ins, good power horse clipper. , democrat, bob sleigh, 2 wagons , box, beet box, 2 hay racks, fanning Wwing to labor conditions the undâ€" gned will sell his fine herd of Holâ€" @s, quite a few are fresh, some freshen soon, others later. bre is a chance to get a good cow. MS OF SALEâ€"Six months‘ creâ€" on ivprovad security, see discripâ€" 6f cattle on folder. Can be had i'pllutlon to undersigned péimencing at 1 o‘clock, p.m., the m.lubla property, viz.; I :â€"Bay heavy horse rising K,old. heavy black horse rising » jold, 2 bay mares 8 years old, #G all‘round pair, sucking colt, bay â€l!‘plrpou team 6 and 7 years "i not previously sold :9 Extra Good Milk Cows ::"'â€"â€"6 cows are fresh, hea Durham cow due to calve in May, steim cow due to calve March 26, steip cow fresh 4 inonths, pure & Molstein cow due to calve in 8, .2 Holstein heifers, supporsed to m ealf, 7 yearlings, 3 young cattle, Ig 2 years old, 3 veal calves, calf onths old, Holstein bull 18 months Bere will be soid by public auction rl farm of the undersigned, situâ€" A% miles south of Kitchener, on #oad leading from Kitchener to ‘Choice Holstein Grade Cows. ns, good power horse clipper. , democrat, bob sleigh, 2 wagons box, beet box, 2 hay racks, fanning 2 sets heavy brass mounted team ess, 2 sets carriage harness one ly new, 2 twoâ€"seated top surreys, ,k‘nole 2000 lbs. cap., forks, shovâ€" doubletrees, and numerous other ere will be sold by public auction the premises, situated 4 miles b of Kitchener, on main road, Kitâ€" â€" Additional Auction Sale and Farm for Sale Adver er to Doon and Strasburg, on day, Feb. 25, 1919, commencing at ©‘elock, p.m., the following live ice Lot of Holstein Cows les west of New Dundee. on Ursoay, res. 27TH, 1919, mo@; at 2 o‘clock p.m. hoice ‘Holetein Grade Cows:â€" ) Were fresh in January, 5 cows cealve in March, 1 cow due to im April, 2 cows due to caive in k Stock, Implements, Real Estate, Farm Stoc Household Effects, etc. !‘ Implements and Houseâ€" PUBLIG SALE e are ail mature cows and com their prima _ M8:â€"3 months‘ credit with ap sgecurity. GIDEON REIST, Proprietor €. J. SHANTZ, Auctioneer. :â€"â€"6 shoats, weight about 150 will be sold by public auction premises, % mile mouth and ADAM 8. CRESSMAN, Prop. R. R. 1, Blair. E. J. BHANTZ, Auctioneer. Kitchener. O. §. KOLB, Clerk. DAY, MARCH 3RD, 1919, PAGES 10, 12 FOR ADDITIONAL _ AUCTION SALE ADVTS. / â€"OFâ€"â€" OF fâ€"3t Tâ€"3t C. L. NELLES, President. The annual sale of puré bred cattle under the auspices of the Ontario Deâ€" partment of Agriculture and manageâ€" ment of the Guelph Fat Stock Club, will be held in the ANNUAL SALE OF PURE BRED CATTLE At this sale there will be the best lot of cattle we have ever offered. For catalogues and further particulâ€" are anply to ‘ HOUSEHOLD â€" GOODS:â€"Standard cream separator new, Upright piano new; lounge, rocking chairs, 6 cane ibottom chairs, new Axminster rug, 3x4; Queen wood heater, good Parlor ‘cook coal heater, kitchen cupboard, ‘Hdh:hen chairs. Singer sewing machine, new; new wash machine, organ, burâ€" }eau. 2 wash stands, linoleum, 2 bedâ€" ‘s(eads. spring and mattress, homeâ€" made carpet strips, leaf table, 3 benchâ€" }cs, ‘sink, kitchen table, large table, ‘wrlnger, chest, clock, cook stove, Daisy churn, barrel with vinegar, vineâ€" gar barrels, 6 gal. milk can. milk paila, ‘coolera. dishes, fruit jars, some cauned fruit, apple butter, apple barrels, and ‘numc-roua other articles the valuable farm of 84 acres, (if not previously sold),â€" will be offered, the farm is in a high state of cultivation, 7 acres wheat, 15 acres bush, fall plowâ€" ing all .done, a nice orchard good 8: roomed brick house with kitchen and wood house, good well, lots of good water; first class bank barn, cemented stabling, driving house. This is a splendid farm, handy to trolley line, Galt to Kitchener, well situated on main road, close to Preston. Terms will be made known on day of sale. or can be had from the undersigned. 10 per cent. of purchase price on day of sale. TERMS _ OF CHATTELS:â€"Hay, grain, roots, veal calves, wood. and all sums of $15 and under, cash; swins over that amount, 12 months‘ credit with approved security or 5 per cent. discount for cash on credit amounts. _ MINARO‘S LINIMENT _ CURES DIPHTHERIA. IMPLEMENTS:+â€"M.â€"H. binder new, mower, M,4L hay loader and side de livery new, good hoe seed drill, land roller, 2 wagons, deinocrat, top buggy Portland cutter new, new scuffler, fron harrows, 2 scuffiers, 3â€"furrow gang. Fleury plow, new potato plow, hay rake, disk, bob sleigh, 2 fanning mills, one Chatham. root pulper, 2 set team harness, single harness, hay rack, 16â€" ft. ladder, grind stone, good hay fork and rope, ; woollen horse blankets. gravel planks, about 12 cords of wood cut in stove length, 2 doz. grain bags, 2 good robes, furnace kettle, 2 iron kettles, forks, shovels, chains, doubletrees and oumerous other artiâ€" cler HAY AND GRAIN:â€"Roots, potates,"* and ensilage. 10 tons good hay, 1701 bush. oats, 100 bush. mixed grain, 20 bags potatoes, quantity . of turnlps.‘ mangels and ensilage. 1 HORSES: â€"Fine Bay _ Percheron horse 9 years old, heavy dark bay horse 9 years old, grey inare colt risâ€" ing 3 years old, by Lord Cbarming. grey colt rising 2 years old, grey suckâ€" ing colt. CATTLE:â€" â€"7 Good Dairy Cows, Molâ€" steins â€" and | Jerseys. Molstein cow. fresh 10 weeks, Jersey cow due to calve in May, Durham cow fresh by time of eale, Molstein cow to freshen in May, 2 Holstein cows due to calve in April, Holstein helfer fresh 6 weeks, 4 young cattle, yearlings, 4 veal calves. There will be sold on the premises situated 3 miles north of Preston, 34 imiles south of Breslau, ou the imain road , on Commencing at 1230 o‘clock p m the following valuable property. viz.; PIGS AND POULTRY:â€"5 shoats, 4 months old, 1 good York brood sow, supposed to be with\pig. 60 chickens, Rhode Island Reds, Barred Rocks and White Leghorns. WINTER FAIR BUILDINGS, GUELPH, on WEDNESDAY, 5TH MARCH, 1919, REAL ESTATE:â€"At the same day TUEBDAY, MARCH 4, 1919, PUBLIG SAE GEO. WEHNER, Prop. E. J. SHANTZ, Auctioneer. O. 8. KOLB, Clerk. (BEEF BREEDS) hold Effects. OF J. M. DUFF, Kitchener. Secretary. Tâ€"3t I ‘MPLEMENTS: â€"â€" Massey â€" Harris; binder, 7 ft. cut, Masseyâ€"Harris corn lMnder. good as new, Mnncrlhrrul hoe drill, Masseyâ€"Harris mower, Masâ€" !uey-llarrln side rake, Mnuey~lhrrlnl ‘hay loader, Masseyâ€"Harris hay tedder, l)!useyllurr& sultky rake, Mlsscy-’ ‘Harrln riding plow, 2 walking plows, 2 | gang plows, 2 disks, 2 springâ€"tooth -¢ul~{ ) tivators, 2 fourâ€"section harrows, thn-evi !wcuon harrow, land roller, sugar beet ; | lifter, sugar beet scuffler, scuffier, nn-‘ | ning infll, new Masseyâ€"Harris straw i cutter, set of scales, cap. 600 lba., root 'pulppr. Monarch gasoline engine, 1% h.p.. forks, shovels, chains, hoes, scythes, sling and ropes 200 ft. long, pulleys. 3 neckyokes, . whiffletrees, stoneboat, 2 wagons. % buggies (one lnewl. bobsleigh, cutter, 2 hayracks,| atockrack, posthole auger, wagon hox,' 28 grain bags, 3 sets tearm harness, Z'i sets singlo buggy harness. DeLaval) , creaim separator, churn, meat barrol, 3 t iron kettles, milk cans, 2 robes..2 pair ‘ , horse blankets, 1 pair new block nnd: tackle, cedar posts, etc. t STOCKâ€" Good mare 8 years old in foal 4 good dairy cows: 1 grade Holatein cow due to calve in July, Jersey cow supposed to be in calf, Durham grade cow . due to caly» in July, cow fresh 3 montbs. 14 chick: ens. % ; IMPLEMENTSâ€" Single plow, two section harrow, seuffier, land rdifér, turnip pulper, cutting boz. grindétdne; scoopâ€"sbovel, sugar beet knives, shot‘ els, forks, rakes, chains, iron kettle, 2 sets single harness, oneâ€"horse wagâ€" on, twoâ€"«#eated carriage, top buggy, cutter, road cart. HOUSEHOLD â€" EFFECTSâ€" Amert can cream separator, parlor cook, stove, leaf table, lounge, milk cans, and numerous other articles TERMS OF SALEâ€"â€"Grain, roots, en« silage, poultry and all sums of $15.00 and under cash, over that amount 9 months‘ credit with approved joint notes or 6 per cent. per annum . disâ€" count for cash payment on credit amounts. There will be sold by public auction at the farm of the u@dersigued on _‘ Lot 21, Sayder‘s Road South.. Tp. of Wimot, one mile portbh of New Hamâ€" burg. ou sak MINARD‘S _ LINIMENTâ€" CURES cOLDs, Etc. HORSEKS:â€"1 driver 12 years old, gelding 9 years old, mare in foal, risâ€" ing 4; gelding 10 years old, gelding 8 years old. colt rising 3 years old. TERMS:â€"Hay, grain, paultry, young pigs and all sums of $10 and under; cash; over that amount, 10 months‘ credit by giving approved security, or m discount of 5 per cent. per annum off for cash on all credit amounts. Lunch at noon. OoF Farm. Stock, Implements, Commencing at $.30 u‘clock a.m., the following valuable property, viz: CATTLE:â€"9 Good Dairy Cowsâ€"3 fresh, 1 due in April, 3 due in August, 1 due in June, idue in May, heifer due in February. heifer due in July, yeark ing bull. 4 steers 2 years old, 2 heifers 2 years old, 8 yearling galves, 3 spring calves. . BHEEP: 1 ewe, 5 yearling ewes. PIGS:â€"â€" Young brood sow, 26 young plgs. About 80 hena GRAIN.. ETC.;â€"20 tons of good hay, quantity. of turnips, 100 bushels barâ€" ley. about 1500 bushels oats, amount of ensilage. . HOUSEHOLD EFFECTS:. â€"â€" side board, table, bedateads, couch, Royal A sewing machine, wnodbox, 3 benchâ€" es. a quantity of crocks, box stove, pipes and drum, galvanized coaloil barâ€" rel. cap. 13 gal., coaloil heater, clock, lanips lanterns and numerons other arâ€" ticles. hgs ‘ and Household Effects, etc. 1 ye 1 > Household Effects â€" Feb. 21,â€"Farm stock ang implements __ | W B. P. Shauts, situated 1 qlie here will be sold by public auction ; $O°W}west of Kitchener postofficé, the farm of the ubdersigued on on ": gt. | 21, Suyder‘s Road South.. Tp. of| Bat., Feb. 22, at 9 am. at Bowman botel stables, Kitchener one . cat [ Imot, one mile portbh of New Hamâ€" loud of cows some fresh and forward i &. on ts s'.rlngoro. + eb. 24,â€"Farm ‘stock and implements TUESDAY, MARCH 11TH. 1919, | ‘of Joseph ‘H. Weber, at Strasburg.| AARON BETZNER. Proprietor E. J. SHANTZ. Auctioncer A. FRASER, Auctioneer. J. E. BINGEMAN, Clerk. LEVI! HASTETLER, Propri¢tor. PUBLIG SAE PUBLIG SAE H d Chronicleâ€" Telegraph, ‘Waterloo, Thursday, February 20, 1919 )f INALâ€"DOCUMIENI 8â€"3t Tâ€"24 | éast‘of Blooniingdale, 3 miles nortl} i / of Bresiou. . Sat, â€" Matgh 8, 1 p.m.â€"Housschold 1 tqods of Km;urp Rumingtor, 84 Jo#â€" _ _oph 8t.. Kitchener. , , March 4Qâ€"Stock, . ‘implements, ezn‘ : Rousébold: effects of â€" Hy. Roeder, ] 2% miles southeart of Crosshi!l apd 5‘ mileg northéast of _ Bamberg on «_ Meksenstrause. ‘or Mltgï¬ 11 â€".Farm _ stock pleâ€" &uuu So lncludzns the choice he! g“ purg, bred . Jérsey _ cows %t prion Gipgrich, & milé west of Dbon, 5 .mH6# #outh of Kitchener. " ! ‘March‘ 11.â€"Réal estate consisting eft.house andâ€"few acres of land _ {n : Lï¬e vma&ot Ton, to be sol &t the ‘mn‘f ‘8 â€"sal6; s | m 12.â€"Stock, _ implementa ‘and | househald _ .éeffects of _ ChristJan | .grén pran, 4 milés | west . of New i ;n)n&,-e'an,d 4 miles edst of Platfa: 1 Feb. 20thâ€"Farte gtock and imple heuts of Fred Haswc 3 miles west Of Kitchener, and a "ntidg Sast bf GEO. G. CLAS§, Auctioneer. Feb. 20th.â€"Farm stock and impleâ€" menta of Ira Fowler, 2 miles north nf Hawkeaviile Feb. 28.â€"Farm stock and implements of Alfred Jackson, 2 miles east of pyilie in l t O eR Muyrgb. 18.â€"Farm: stock . and limpleâ€" ments of,Chas. Koehler, 2% milés ;ou!h,of Petersburg; on mairt road from Petersburg to New Dundeé. March 19.â€"Farm, stock and imrle- Tfm of lenty RueMer, 4 miles solhth of Petersburg, on _ the road from Peteraburg to New Pundes April 2â€"Farm stock and 'malembnt‘ of John M. Bécbtel, one mfle north ?f Kossuth, 4 miles east of Bres au. A’rll 8th,â€"Stock _ Sale consisting of cholics aatry cows, young caltla and pigs belonging to D. M. Both, 1 raile east of Wilmot Centre, 4 miles west of Mannheim. Feb. 2§.â€"Stock sale of choice pure bred and grade Holstem cows beâ€" longing to Adam Cressman, 4 miles southwest of Kitchener, 1 mile west of German Mills on main road from German Mills to Doon. . Fel.â€" 26â€"Farm stock and impi®: Fob.â€" 26,â€"Farm _ étock _ and _ impl»» igents of Aaron Retzner at Bge’-'np, wite the achpol house on rogd %nt'!o Guelph. & Feb. 27â€"Choice lot of cows ‘belonging 16‘6@ideon Rélst, 24 miles: west of New Dundee. + Frigdy, Feb. 28,â€"Farm stock and im tements of Dr. Campoo!l, % mile gmm Kjtchener, between Kitchen: er ang Bridgeport, ; mile east of Sugar Factory. > March1.â€"â€"Household effects of gsâ€" tate of late Mra. A. Bechtel in the village of BresJay. March‘ 1â€"â€"Real Estate, Household efâ€" feets and chattels of the late Mrs. Afnos Bechtel, at Brealay © .. March 3.â€"Farms stock and tmplements of Gottlelb Doekn, 144 miles southâ€" Qf, Kitchener, on the road leading from Kitchemer to German Mills. Marth 4,â€"The vaiuable farm of §4 ‘&eres, farm.stock, implements and igis_éhbid"kéodi of Geo. Wehner, . sltyated 3% miles south east «of B;eiun on ,the main road> from eslau to Preston. â€" Mdr, 6.â€"Farm stock and implements ‘of Joseph Stéitman situated 2 milés gant. of New Haï¬bu', 1 mile west ef Wilmot center: Margh Q‘.-F:rm stock _ and impleâ€" â€"ments of:Jacob Cressiman, % milbs 5 miles south of Kitchemer, on the farm formeriy owned by Nelll Wan . Auction Sale List E. 4. QMANTZ AVCTIONEER H. 8, DUERING, AYCTIONEER. bav il # C ie T s# ie +â€" *? : qd 'h ( 351‘,%%{ da | | smbnt There will be soid by public_guétion on. the farm of the undersigned, sit uajed at Sirasburg, 6 miled ‘south of Kitchener, 3 miles northwest <of Bleir, on Mondsy, February 24th, 1919, comâ€" mencing t 1 o‘clock p.m. Farm Stock, Implements and Household Effects. HORSES : â€"Ope fine iron grey Per: cheron team rising 4 and 6 years old, weight 2700 ibs., well matched;â€" fint sorrel horse rising 5 years old, .weight about 1200 lbs., a good all round horse; bay mare risiug 10 years old, goed dI’IVLr.- ; TERMS8:â€"Hay, _ grain, _ potatoes, young pig®, poultry and all sums of $10.00 and under, cash; over that amount 12 montha‘ credit on approved jotint notes or 5 per cent. off for cash peyments of credit amounts. Glepallan, 6 miles west of Elmira. Feb. 27â€"â€"Farm and farm stock and im plements of Mrs. Wm. Holling. 1 mile weat of Linwood. Feb. 28.â€"Farm stock and implements of ‘Richard Badley, adjoining Glenâ€" allan. . March 1.â€"Farm stock and implements of: Joseph Kraemer, Lot 18. Con: 1. Maryborough, at Dorking. + Méreh 1â€"Farfo stock and lmp!ernuu h ,Tromu Hackett, adjoining. Linâ€" ‘am 'm‘â€"rs‘m .atéck | and mi'h‘w Wents cof D. M. Bauman." 4 tilles l t west ot llrln. hsms oo Matth/Gthâ€"Farm btosk and . Imgleâ€" | thentsd of nmeé sfln;uflhqh 2 willes west of 8t. Jacobs« and * fikn, es north of Heldélberg. March 10.â€"Farm stock and imple: ments of C. K. Weber, 4 mile south of Floradale. March 11.â€"Farm stock and imple: ment« of Oliver Jackson, 2 milea east of Glenallan, 6 miles weat of Elm{ra. ahire boar one year old; 5 young pigs 8‘ weeks old; 8 wellâ€"bred Barred Rock pullets; 52 Rhode Island red hens and p‘hlleu. 23 White Rock and Leghorn pullets; 3 geese. : IMPLEMENTS:â€"â€"Frost and wood binder in good running order, <Frost apd wood mower, Sylvester hoe seed drill, Frost and Wood disk with foreâ€" chrriage, nearly new; Climaz cuftl vator; new 4â€"section jron harrow; new scuffier; ~ Zfurrow Frost and Wood plow new; Ayr single plow; â€"Adanis‘ wagon with box, new:; one 1918 modal Pord .car in ‘first class shape, if fot pretiously sold; new root pulper, gravâ€" ol planks, bob sleigh, one now demeâ€" crat, open buggy, Jumper cutter, new brass mounted team harness, set plow batness, 2 sets single harness, . one mearly hew, set carrigge hdarnesd and t‘rce;. fiy nets, new.potato fork. forks, shovels, loggipg chains; erowbar, pick, donubletreés, . chaff fork.> good 3â€"horse doubletree, 25 .grain bags, oveâ€"new powet tiorse clipper, whee} barrow, irofi.leading halter and . many other articlea too numerous to mentipn., 1 HAY, GRAIN AND POTaATOKSâ€" Quantity of mixed hay, quentity of At: faife hay, 100 Bhsh. oats, 200 . busah. thiged grain:*5 Aueh. buckwhoit; 5 busH. spring rye. quantity of potdtoes, quantity of ensliage." ° ‘ Feb. 21.â€"Farmâ€"stock and implements ard household effects of Norman Selfried, Woolwich Tp., 2 milea emat of‘ Montrose and 2 mifles west of Weisenburg, Feb. 22nd.â€"Real Estate of th> late CATTLE:â€"10 _ extra good dflry‘ cows; Durham cow fresk with caÂ¥f at sige; Durham cow fresh 4 mos.; 3 Holâ€" stein cows due to calre beginning of M"rch. roam Durham cow due to calte March S0tb; Holstein cow due to calve Abpril 14th; Hoistein cow due to calye JyIy 13th; Shorthorn cow due to Aug. 14th; Holstein cow dug to calve Aug. 30th; Holstein beifer due to calve Augâ€" ust 6th; 4 Durham grade yearlings; 1 Durham grado bull 9 mos. old; 3 spring calves. HOUSEHOLD EFFRCTS â€"â€" Lawn mower, kettle store nearly new ; atiout $0 ft of %â€"inch rubber hose. nearty new} new {u’ndnrd créam . separator, 3 elghtâ€"gaition milk cans, 2 fourâ€"galion millt â€"cans, 8 twoâ€"gailon milk coolers, scthlo 240 lbs. cap.; 5 large taillk palls. new Daiky churn, butter worker, about & cords four ft. wood, quantity of short cut dry wood, 10 shilling crocks of apple butter, and numerous other arâ€" ticles. ‘ ‘PIGS AND POULTRY: Good brood aow with litter at side; 3 York brood sows supposed to be in pig; 1 Yorkâ€" PUBLIG SAE JOSEPH H. WEBER, Prop. E, J. SHANTZ, Auctioneer. O. §. KOLB, Clerk. :i'fï¬;'i w _imfble! &mhuL w youirt _Imgte l‘flfl I-L f'z w ar Real Estate, Farm Stock, Firmâ€" Stock, <Implemen hold Effects; otc. 600 stt ies . ‘The undersigned has been instructâ€" ed by the executors of the estate of the iste William Mass to seil by pubâ€" lie auction on Lot 84, Township of Weterioo, 3 millesâ€" northeast of Bresâ€" lau and 3 miles sogth, of New Gerâ€" READ ESTATEâ€"At the same time and place tha farm will be offered for sale, compri¢ing 140 mcrea . more or tess, 12% acrea nnder cultivation, 42 wcres sceded. 7®mcces fall wheat. fall glowing> all done but 10 mcres; â€" w#ll ced and watered.wol}: lhomy,â€" wikdâ€" 1M us well; abod: stone â€"bouse latge agk bart. pig pan. and Ari¢tdg #db@d. he bailldings are stautted "hugit ‘the calitre ot‘tne tadus wtlot ih a ‘groat adâ€" YAritega in labor saving‘; ‘I'mbp‘ tram GuelpH, 7 miles frormt Kitchener, miles from Breslau station and store, 1 miles frot New Germany, church and blacksmith shop. This is a «plendid stock and grain farm. Ter, Deering. manure .spreadcr néarly luw. Maxgey Harria 17 .tooth cultivaâ€" itor nekrly, new,â€" Massey Hartis 13 Moe seed drilt nearly nbw, . Internation al gasoline éngine op truck, used $ yearts: Elmira roller chobpér No. > 1, 30 tt*5 inch rubber beltiig, cuttiiq box, fanning mill, 2000 1b.. platform scales on truck, flat rack, circular saw on steel frame, 2 long plows, gafg plow, 2 scufflers, 1 nearly new; 4 setâ€" tion iron harrow, turnip seeder nearly new. turnip slicer, stone boat, wheelâ€" barrow, % cider barrets, 2 crosscut kaws, abowt 200 ft. rope, pulleys and slings: forks, rakes. chains, shayels. and, 4 lat of other @rticles too numeérâ€" ous to mention. TERMS â€"OF _CHATTELS 4 Hay, grain, poultry, ‘fat cattle (and store pigs. cash;> over that: «mount 12 months credit will be given on approvâ€" ed joint notes or 6 per cent. discoun! for cash paynient® on credit amoun!s. HOUSEHOLD EFFECTS â€"â€" Glass cupboiird, â€" sideboard, .DAtsy â€"churn, Delatel creatu Separator No. 15. > Richard Sindot â€" Estate. | Eramosa Township. consisting of 212 acres. = will be sold at winter fair building. Guelph, Feb. 26. â€"Executors sale of valuable farm consisting of 140 acres. farm stock. implements and household efâ€" fects of the late Wm. Hass. 3 miles northeast of Breatau, 3 miles south of New Germany, on the Guelph * Road, Lot. No. 84. Guelph road. ? March 3rdâ€"Farm stock and impleâ€" mants of Joseph Meyar. on Waterion Feb. 25.â€"Farm stock and implements of Harbert Kropf, adjoining the vil w$ay, on the Gueiph road on Tuesday Feb. 26th, commencing at 12 o‘ciock, noon, sharp,â€" the following valuable property : HOBSESâ€"Bay borse rising 12 years old weight about 1300 lbs, hay mare rising 12 years old weight about 1300 1bk, bay â€" mare rising 6 years old welght sbout 1400 lbs, bay are ris ing $ years old weight 1200 lbs, bay mare rising 4 years old weight 1300 Ibs, supposed to be in foal, broken sifgiA or double. Heavy filly colt ris ing 3 years old. bay mare rising 12 yeéare old good ladies‘ driver, 164 hands high. _ The above horses are al in fAirst class condition. COWSâ€" 9 good dairy cows: * Cow due to ealve Feb. Ist, cow due to calve Feb. 13th, cow due to calve March 24th, cow due to caive April. }0th, cow due to calve April 20(h, cow due tg ealre May 6th, cow bred 6 weeks, cows supposed to be jn calf, $ bead ui gpod fat butcher cattle, 7 head rising 1. year old. 5 ‘PIOBâ€"Yorkshire sow with 10, pige at side; â€" Tamworth. and . Yorkshire sbw with 8 pigs at side; 5 Berkabire bigs weight about, 100 lbs, 24 cross h‘nq pigs weight u§oul 100 lbs. Lguumvâ€"nouc.so chickens. . :HAY AND GRAINâ€" About â€" 4. tons of good hay, about {00 bush. mixed grain, . about 400 bush. good heavy gats, about. 130 busk.. seed. barloy, about 5. bush. buckwheat, a quanilt? 6f PQLMOAK. 3. 4 s3 lale s 00â€" P _ HARNESSâ€" Set 6f team harneshm dearly new:; :2 sots teans hyrness â€" in good shape; 2 set single narnoss; a fumber of odd collars, pair blankets and a robe. ©~ .. SHKEEPâ€"3 Sbhroyshire grede ewe} I‘lpo..d to be in lamb. ; . IMPLEMENTS â€" Lumber _ wagan Â¥ith sukar beetâ€"bot neatly ‘lg'} wik and Woolwich town line PUBLHG SME; A. FRASER, Auctioneer OF For further particlars apply to the executore or auctionger. . . _ . _ C ffemg of Real Estate wiU J foage kgown on day O!M‘ CoAShHq c ce hk iurhlihiiicctialiia i .ls vee sds t oy Mhpi t _ No .reserve . as evmuig,mui}- be sold ih ordet . to wifid up. th¢ eptie. Real Batath â€"wil bre Adld Arat to ottter to fivh Ni# bartharet # ‘chanes to buy cHattéls. i a*" d x‘ HARNESS, ETC.â€"2. sets single harâ€" peus, 4 horse collareâ€"set beavy traces and hames, ‘set 6f téeant harness, lors* blankets, Bufflalo robe and many sther artlcles. to in HAY, GIAIN, ROOTSâ€" 12 tons of timothy hay, 300 bush. ofts, 7$ bush. barley, $00 bush. mangelas, ; â€" HOUSEHOLD BFFEOTSâ€" Extenâ€" alon table, . sideboard, 3 rockers, dinâ€" Ing rbom chairs, couch, sewing machâ€" tns, parlor chairs,â€" parlos.â€"t&ble, hall feck, 2 kitchen tables, ~#ink, curtgin poles, bedstead, carpél awedper, writâ€" Ing desk and book¢asé:. combined, wash wringer, clothes Basket, â€" coa! scuttle, Ice creamh {frébdet, 2 ilik strainers, kitchon‘ chajrs, ,Ave epidit tables, chanber ¢4t, fMilt jark, crdcké, lampe, 3 éreant cads, cbutt. No. 12 Deâ€" Laval cream séparator. cook stote and bipes. Process o|l. slove. 3 burner with oven, counter scales cap. 240 (he, all wool carpet, bomeâ€"made carâ€" pet, and many other articles. Positively no reserve as the farm is sold. . TERMS OF SALEâ€" Hay, grain, poultry, roots, and all sums of $10.30 and under, cash; over that amjount 12 montha‘ credit on approved joint notes or 5 per cent. off for cash pay: ments of credit amounts. s There wilil be sold by public aueâ€" tion. on the farm of the undepsigued, sithated ? miles sporth of Bridgeport, and 3 miles norfheast pf. Waterioo, on der 6 ft. cut, MceCormick mower 5 ft. cut, Cockshatt manure spreader, ‘Mrâ€" Cormick 10 ft. steet bay rakey Mcâ€" Cormick 7 ft. cultivétor, â€" Cocksbatt dist drill, Deeving fertilizer. dril} comâ€" bined, Cockshutt single riding plow, Fieury 2 furrow ‘gang ~plow, .Frost & Waod 3 sectiitn steel rélMer, 4 section iroh harrow, wheélbarrow,: scoffier, root pulper, tuml,g%“mier..cuttin; bot, hay knife, sugar t fork, Chatham tannoing mill with bagger, lumber wagon, wagon box, bob rleigh, top bugey, market carringe. > ~The shove implethents . are almout as good as pew; gravel plahks; 110:ft. of,% inch tipe,‘ doubletreds, chains, forks, shovâ€" els,. hoes, Mckyokfl..aro;bnee stretâ€" ther, anvil.:stock rack, b!lmnltk'u forge, slone hanat, sickl¢ grinders, binâ€" der twine. «grain bags., 2 crowbars, thicken conp, ice tongs, cont; hook. 24 {t. extension ladget, feed boxes, barâ€" reis; cross cft saw. _‘ Commencing at one o‘clock sharp, the following valugbleâ€" property; narhely: HORSESâ€" Dark. grey Percheron mare rising 4 yéars old, weight 1450 Ibs; black mare risieg 4 years : old weight 1450 ‘Ibd, heavy bleck col 9 CATTLEâ€" 3 good dairy cows: Red sow due to calre Mareh~Sth, Holstetn cow due to calve May 1, cow due to calve Aug. 15. es PIGSâ€"13 shoats about 80 lbs each, sow with Litter of 10 pignâ€"6 weeks old by time of sale, sow with Httee _ of $ pigs sit weeks old by time of sale. CHICKENSâ€" 100 chickens, 24 pure bred Wyandottes, pure bred Barred Rocks and Rhode Island Reds lage of New Tamburg:on the Baden Road March 11â€"Stock and implements of the late Mose« Hoaletler, Lot 21, Snydor reatd south Wilmo!, one mil® northweat of New Hambutg. March 19â€"‘ Farm atock an( impleâ€" ments of the late JoshuA Heints. Lot 18. Blerms road north, 2 miles east of New Hamburg. Wilmot. 39 aete farm and 4 city lot« Would consider medium priced property in town with stable in part prayment. Farm is one thile from Post Office acBool and church Good land and bailding*. _ Apply Box 80, Chronfcleâ€" Telegraph. 2 344 ",:'-“ w‘fli 3‘5- i# j â€" ;SI" P i â€" ALBO 5 PASSENGER â€" OVERLAND TOURING CAR If NOT PR&V. â€" 1OUSLY sOLD. IMPLEMENTS =â€"WeCormick bin For Sale or Exchange. THURSDAY, FEB. 27TH, 1919 IRVIN HASS, NORMAN HASS, Execntors. C. M. CRAWLEY, Auctionser® 0. 8. KOLB, Clerk. SAMUEL SCIIAAB, Proprietor H. B. DUERING, Auttioneer. 0. 8. KOLB, Clerk. 6 6 3t