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The Chronicle Telegraph (190101), 20 Feb 1919, p. 9

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‘ .« potatoss, 15 shickens, 4 doz. grain ; * bags,‘ quantity of short cut wood, But ~.â€" _ goal, lagders and lots of articles too ‘~~ . numserous to mestion. r REAL ESTATE:â€"At the same time f a plece of land situated in the village s * * TBAMS:«â€"â€"Cash. \_ setugle barre! shot gun, high chair, craâ€" _ det; 2 parior lw®teps, 2 lounges, sofa, 3 " rockers, 6 came bottom chairs, whatâ€" . mot, tub, goat rabe, extra large genuine | * buffaio robe, scale 240 Ibs. cap., wheelâ€" j bartow, quantity of sewed carpet rags, | ",. _ homemade carpets, Brussels, carpet, â€" â€" lot Of dishes, canned fruit, fruit jars, "leaf table, sink, Raymond sewing maâ€" | chine, weshing machine, copper boilâ€" | eqal heating stove, box â€"stove, table, 2~small tables, 2 side boards, table, kitchen cupboard, some kitchen| REAL ES8TATE:â€"At the same â€" chairs, Daisy churn, De Lavsl cream|time and place there will also be ofâ€" , ~weparator, milk pails, cream cans, lot|fered for sale (if not previously sold) of smiall articles too numerous to|the farm, comtaining 50 acres (more mention. or less), all cleared and under cultivaâ€" TERMSâ€" Hay, grain, poultry and|tion. 30 acres of meadow, the remaindâ€" potatoss, and all sums under $10.00.| er plowed ready for spring crop. . On Yeagh. Sums over that amount, 5 per|the farm are a comfortable frame. gent. discount for cash, or 10 months‘| dwelling, a large new bank barn with éredit on furnishing approved joint| atrawshed attached, and other outâ€" notew. buildings. ‘The farm has an abundant , g:.mu-eumm supply of water and is conveniently § Reéerve. Lunch at Noon. located. The terms are thost reasonâ€" Pax ‘A BHUKER, Froprictress [ab!s. and will be made known on dar 2!:..%1& 1, New Dengee, |0f sate. or can be had by applying to of ‘Bremias,, lying bebfud the store building cccupted by Mr. Janz, facing the street, running from Main street to Mrs. Daddals mill, about % of an Alex. Ames, Auctionéer, has recciv. ed instructions from the undersigned to sell by public auction at her resiâ€" ddpts, two miles northeast . of New Diifdee, on the Town Line, WEDNESDAY, FEB. 26, 1919 Cohbikiencing at 10 o‘clock, the followâ€" ing valuable property : Farm Stock, Implements _and Household Effects. ‘HORSESBâ€" Black team 6 and 7 years old, 2800 Ibs; heavy bay mare, 5 yents old. heavy pair fillles 3 and 4 old, heavy bay mare 3 years g black coach filly rising 3 years ol _bay .comch gelding rising .2 rde mare 16 years old in foal, heavy Bpring colt. IMPLEMENTS, ETC. â€" Deering 3 years old, mare rising 9 years old binider 6 ft. cut, Frost & Wood binder, (supposed to be in foal). § t eut, mower 5 ft. cut, hay rake,| CATTLE:â€"Cow with calf at side, disc, 2 Wismer boe drills, 2 cultiva 3 cows due in April, cow due in June "tore, scuffler, 3{furrow gang plow, helfer due in May, 4 steers rising 1 2 walking plows, 4â€"section iron hbatâ€" year old, small calf. rows, stome boat, 2 wagons with boxes,; PIGS:â€"Sow supposed to be with + m:-wltu box and stock: rack, pAIT pig, 0 pigs 7 weeks old. on springs, set bob sleighs, 3 hay| POULTRY:â€"60 chickens, 2 geese raéks, 2 fat; bay loader, 2 top bugâ€" and one gander. gl0b; 1 neatly new; rubber tire top _ IMPLEMENTS:â€"McCormick bindâ€" w- 2 jumper cutters, ? sets heavy or, Frost & Wood mower, dump rake, Atéash harmegs, 2 sets plow harness, 2,seed | drill, cuitivator, single plow, ~.&m‘,‘zâ€"’ milk. Cows: cow fresh 2 weeks, cow fresh 3 weeks, cow fresh 1st Pecem I #f ‘public auction on the promises h;.d]:cember. 3 cows fresh since Oct., 8 due to calve in March, cow due in Bept, beifer due to calve in April, helfer due to calve in May, 4 yearling calves, T Spring calves, 3 head butchâ€" er cattle, bull one year old. PIGE, AND POULTRYâ€"2 sows, 1 due to pig in April, 1 due to pig in May; 8 shoats 3 months old. 40 and bartey, some peas, oats and bar Yey; a quantity of potatoes. 800]!831) IFFI:C;:â€" 3 bed: steads, 1 with springs And mattress, set diming rooum chairs, good couch, kitchen lounge, sink, wood box, coal stove, Wood heater, bedroom suite, table, kitchen cupboard, some kitchen hairs, Daisy churn, De.Laval cream separétor, milk pails, cream cans, lot of smiall articles too numerous to biggy, 2 jumy y -Wmfl ceta single h: ness :fl con cofars, . neck: shaine, robe fmgsbor: of a: mesition. wets single harness, set ¢arriage harâ€" ness wHB coltars nearly new, some old cofars, . neckyokes, whippletrees, forks thaing, robes, horse blankets, and fiBiMN. ETC.â€"15 tons mixed hay if mot privately sold, 450 bushels oats, 600 bushels mixed grain, gome wheat TERMSâ€" Hay, grain, poultry and potatoss, and all sums under $10.00, eagh. Bums over that amount, 5 per cent. discount for cash, or 10 months‘ éredit on furnishing approved . joint PUBUG SAE hoay, maRChH 187, 1919 aniéing ‘at 1®0‘clock p.m. will be made known on day E. J. BHMANTZ Auctioneer. 0. 8. KOLB, Cierk. of articles‘too ‘mnumerous . to teable, folding ‘h@o_mbn{l-mm‘ of the late Joseph Steinman, ? miles east of Now Haniburg, 1 ‘mile west of Commencing at 1 o‘ciock p. m. sharp, the followihg valuable property, viz: HORSESâ€" Fine biack Perheron team rising 5 and 6 years old, weight 4000 lbs, stock mare 11 years old, good driver 10 years old, black Perchâ€" eron colt rising 2 years old, black Percheron colt rising 1 year old, heavy horse 17 years old, good worker. CATTLEâ€"..6 good dairy cowsâ€" SBhorthorn grade cow due to calve in May, 2 cows fresh in December, cow fresh in November, cow fresh in Jan., cow due to ealve in June, 4 head butâ€" cher cattle, 4 young cattle rising 1 year old, 4 calves. _ PIGS, ETC.â€"#2 good sows supposed to be iy pig, 15 young pigs 10 weeks old; 15 chickens. IMPLEMENTSâ€"Frost & Wood binâ€" der 6 ft. cut, new; good mower, hay rake, hay loader, 2 wagons with boxes, bpb sleigh with box, three seated carâ€" r‘age, top buggy, open buggy, hoe drill, cultivator, two hay racks, Bissel disc, 3 furrow gang plow, 2 single plows, scuffiler, 4 horse power I. H. C. gas engine, 8 inch plate grain chopâ€" per, cutting box, root pulper, London fence machine complete, scale 2,000 cap., â€" two 40 gal. galvanized tanks, 2 sets team harness, set single harness fcrou-cut saw, fanning mill, power cmery, grinder, Oliver corn cultivaâ€" ‘sor. logging chains, forks, shovels, hoes, doubletrees, and many articles |hio nymerous to mention. . * Reai Estate, Farm Stock Implements and Houseâ€" . hold Effects, etc. The undersigned will offer for sale by public auction, on the premises, Lot 6, Con. 11 Wellesley Township, 1 ille west of Linwood, on _ _ _GRAIN AND HAYâ€"4 tons hay, 75 bush. barfey, 200 bush. cats, 250 bush. mixed grain. HOUSEHOLD GOODSâ€"Cook stové, No. 15 De Laval â€" cream separator, wood box, 2 tables, desk, kitchen cupâ€" board, kitchen chairs, milk cans, and many other articles. THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 27, 1919 commencing at 1 o‘clock p.m.. the following property : TERMS OF SALEâ€" Hay, grain, poultry, young pigs and: all sums of $10.00 and under, cash; . over that amount 12 months credit on approved security or 5 per cent. discount for cash on credit amounts. No Reserve. MRS. CATHARINE STEINMAN, CHRISTIAN STEINMAN, HORSES:â€"Bay gelding 10 years old, black mare 9 years old, chestnut mare 5 years old, Hackney colt rising 3 years old, mare rising 9 years old (supponod to be in foal). CATTLE:â€"Cow with calf at side, 3 cows due in April, cow due in June helfer due in May, 4 steers rising 1 year old, small calf. and Household E#Â¥ects. gangplow, ting box, root puiper, wheelbarrow, hay rack, stock rack, (2}51 planks, wagon, set of bobsieighs, cutter, bugâ€" gy (nearly new), 1 other buggy, road cart, set of team harness, single harâ€" ness, goat robe, horse blankets, 12 new grain bags, chains, saws, forks, and numerous other articles. Hay and Grain:â€"About 10 tons of hay, 450 bushels of cats, 100 bushels of barley, 200 bushels of mangels, 100 bushels of turnips. s HOUSKHOLD GOODS:â€"Cream sepâ€" arator, organ, churn. WEDNESDAY, MAR. 5, 1919 ‘PUBLIG SAE E. J. SHANTZ, Auctionear, _ 7â€"3t PUBLIG SAE . 18 "&1I> "anrnd FTarm fol Executors. There will be sold by public auction i" ghecd & on the farm of the undersigned, sitw There wil Uted two miles cust of Bioomingdale """:" three “I 1 ang th: miles morth of Bresiau, on â€" THURSDAY, MARCH 6TH, 1919 road leadin, Cmamenciag at 1230 oclgck (p. m J4*"*** â€" HORSE&â€"Pair of bay mares rising 6 and 34 years old, weighing 3000 Ibs, (well matched), black general purâ€" pose horse rising 14 years old, dark gemeral purpose horse rising 5 years old, dark bay coach mare rising 13 years old (a good family driver), bay driver rising 5 years old (if not prey: fously sold), fme Prince of Avon colt rising 3 years old (well broken). CATTLEâ€"14 good dairy cows mostâ€" ly Durham grades and few Holsteins; cow due to calve in May, cow due to calve June 9th, cow due to calve in July, cow fresh by time of sale, cow fresh 3 months. c>w due to calve in July, cow fresh by time of sale, cow fresh 4 months, cow fresh 2 months, cow fresh by time of sale, cow in good flow of milk, heifer fresh 2 months, Jersey grade cow fresh 3 months, cow fresh by time of sale, a well bred Shorthorn bull 2 years old, Shorthorn bull rising 1 year old, 9 head of butâ€" cher cattle, 4 calves 6‘ months old, 2 calves 2 months old. * PIGS AND CHICKENSâ€" Yorkshire sow with litter at side, 50 chickens, 1 Plymouth Rock cockerel, 1 Rhode Island Red cockerel. calves 2 months old. * Ing binder 7 ft. cut, Frost & Wood| PIGS AND CHICKENSâ€" Yorkshir®|pay loader nearly new, Massey Harris | sow with litter at side, 50 chickens, 1{sige delivery raké and tedder comâ€" Plymoutb Rock cockerel, 1 Rhodejpined, nearly new:; stect land roller, Island Red cockerel. Deering disk drill nearly new, cultiâ€" IMPLEMENTSâ€" New Massey HArâ€"[yator, Massey Harris manure spreadâ€" ris binder 7 ft. cut with fore carriage. |er nearly new: ‘aorse corn and bean | Massey Harris mower 5 ft. cut nearly|planter, check rower, hay rake, twoâ€" | new, Massey Harris hay loader and{furrow plow, 3 single plows, Oliver side delivery rake and tedder COMâ€"|sulky plow nearly new, turnip seeder, bined nearly new, Bissel disk 14 platâ€"|scuffier, Toungeler‘s disk, new wagon es, Peter Hamilton spring tooth cultiâ€"| (complete), wagon, good democrat,| vator, Massey Harris 13 hoe seed drill}rszeated surry (rubber tires), 2 top nearly new, steel land roller, Masseyâ€"| buggies, bob sleigh, road cart, 2 Harris manure spreader in good TUB+{seated cutter, Portland cutter, saddle, ning order, 4â€"section fron harrows, 2â€"[%0 gal. oil tank, grindstone, hay tack, turrow Oxford walking plow.. tWO)scraper, 2 iron barrows, stoneboat, single plows, potato plow, 244zTOW|grain cradle, some belting, manure gang plow, 3â€"furrow gang plow, ‘tWofsleigh, good mower 6 ft cut, gas engine single scufflers, stone boat, fantiing in first class shape, Jolliette chopper mill, cutting box, stock rack, two bay|g.inch plate, pulper, $000 !b stock racks, two seis of gravel planks, wood |scale, gravel planks.. hay fork| and rack, one bob sleigh, two wagons OB€|scale, fanning m{ill with bagger mearly with box complete, threeseated carâ€"/new, roller chopper, Massey â€" Harris riage, 2. top busgies, oe nearly new: |CTOA® StDARGCLZ "Bhy ‘Yon, ang cutter, doubletréas; > neekrokes, ©row.{2opE}, heay;. block and tackie, 2 hog bar, logging chains, (wheel , DAMOW 1 â€"args, yettle stove, Wwheelbarrow, 108 root pulper, grindstone, extension 180â€"| _in, cnaing forks, shovels, double der, forks, hoes, shovels, and MADY |;_sc, and many articles too numerous other articles too numerous to menâ€"|,, m-enuon. tion. Good HARNESSâ€"2 sets of brass mountâ€" someificustnolk ° ed team harness, set of plow barness, | GRAIN, ETC.â€" 15 tons good hay, set of carriage harness good as new,|500 bush. cats, 50 bush. fall rye. 2 sets of buggy harness, one nearly No Reserve as the farm is rented. new, set of collars, string of belis, TERMSâ€" Poultry, hay, grain, and set Df chimes, robe and some bianâ€" |all sums of $10.00 and under, cash; kets. over that amount 9 months‘ credit on HAY AND GRAINâ€" About 10 tons [approved security or 6 per cent. per oÂ¥ mived hav 200 hushel« of oats. 250 fannum off for cash payments of credit es, Peter Hamilton spring tooth cultiâ€" vator, Massey Harris 13 hoe seed drill nearly new, steel land roller, Masseyâ€" Harris manure spreader in good rums HARNESSâ€"2 sets of brass mountâ€" ed team harness, set of plow harness, set of carriage harness good as new, 2 sets of buggy harness, one nearly new, set of collars, string of belis, set Df chimes, robe and some bianâ€" kets. HAY AND GRAINâ€" About 10 tons of ‘mixed hay, 800 bushels of oats, 250 bushels of mixed grain. ning order, 4â€"section tron harrows, 2« furrow Oxford walking plow.. two single plows, potato plow, 2fyrrow gang plow, 3â€"furrow gang plow, ‘two single scufflers, stone boat, fanning mill, cutting box, stock rack, two hay racks, two seis of gravel planks, wood rack, one bob sleigh, two wagons one with box complete, threeseated carâ€" riage, 2 top buggies, ome nearly new;. putter,. doubletréas, » neekyokes, crow. bar, logging chains, . ,v?eoljw', root pulper, grindstone, extension ladâ€" der, forks, hoes, shovels, and many other articles too numerous to menâ€" tion. PuBLG ABCTION / POBLIE SHLE HOUSEHOLD EFFECTS â€" Stand: ard cream separator, 500 lbs capacity, extra good Peerless Peninsula range cooking stove, extension table, half dozen kitchen chairs, sink, glass cupâ€" board, wood chest, _ Massey Harris cream separator, 454 Ths capacity; sausage grinder and stuffer, one bench, 240 Ib scale, Queen slove heatâ€" er, Wisconsin incubator, cap. 120, 1% borsepower Gilson gas engine, 45â€"gallom kettle stove, new washing machine, iron kettle, butter worker, butter box, and many other articles ‘too numerous to mention. € TERMSâ€"Hay, grain, ltry, butâ€" [F °. WR tiradt BNOD TE ME cher cattle and all. uul‘nu :::1?00 and tent to schoo!, church and market, * good lawd and buildings. Three under, cash, over that amount 12( thoumand cash buys this. Don‘t deâ€" months‘ credit will be given on apâ€"| lay. For particulars apply to Bor proved joint notes or 5 per cent. off | 45. Chronicleâ€"Telegraph.â€" Mtat. for cash payments of credit amounts. ;'OR SALE:â€"4 Shorthorn bulle from JACOB CRESSMAN, ProprietOr. | 5 to 12 months old, also the herd sire E. J. SHANTZ, Auctioneer. Waterloo Chieftain, rising 3 yrs., O. 8. KOLB, Clerk. T3 | Sire and Dam Imp. For further parâ€" =â€"'â€"flâ€"â€"-=w ticulars apply to D. H. Snyder, New grain, roots, fowl, small pigs and @l!| munges R. R. 1. 64t. grain, roots, fow\l, small pigs and all sums of $10.00 and under, cash; over that amount 12 months‘ credit will be given on approved joint notes or 5 per cent. off for cash. GEO. G. CLAS8, Auctioneer. MARS. WM. F. HOLLING, ‘ WM. C. HOLLING, i WaiterW. Frickey Waterioo, Ont. 1 hereby notify the residents of the surrounding country that 1 am a licensed auctioneer for the County of Waterieo. _ All sales intrusted to me will reâ€" ceive prompt and careful attenâ€" tion. Prastical knowledge of real cetate, farm stock and imâ€" LICENSED AUCTIONEER AND VALUATOR, itb eune conhidhne nadiaern rnmipn in ie in ow 11 Fatm Stock, Immplements, + | and Horisehold Effects, otc. t There will be sold by public auction on the farm of the undefgigned, situ im‘ leading from Kitchener to Gerâ€" man Milis, near the sewer farm, on | s FRIDAY, FEB. 21, 1919 Commencing at 1230 o‘clock p. m., erty, vis: : Astmat d itc Al). cb t onhoaines. en de s mare $ years old, good driver (won 14} CATTLE:â€"5 good Durham grace races out of 15), has record 2.17; good|dairy cows, 2 cows due to calve in brood maré 14 years old in foal, heary June, cow due to calve in April, Jersey Percheron mare rising 7 years old,| tow fresh in Jan., PFarrow cow, heifer bay mare (ladies‘ driver), fine team due to calve in April, 4 butcher cattle of mules 3 and 4 years old, mule 3!rulu 2 years old; 4 spring calves. years old, if not previously sold. PIGS AND CHICKENS:â€"Yorkshire CATTLEâ€"7 good Dairy Cows, HOlâ€"| prood sow due to pig by time of sale; stein and Jerseyâ€" Cow fresh three|g shoats about 80 lbs. each, 60 chickâ€" months, 4 cows due to calve in March, Fons, cow due to calve in Sept., cow due 10| _ rypPLFMENTS:â€"MeCormick 6 ft. calve in April, heifer due to calve iD ipinger in good running order, Noxon April, Holstein heifer supposed to b@\ mower, 5 ft. cut with pes harvuterl in calf, 4 butcher cattle rising 2 year#) attachment; 1LH.C. hay loader, nearly old, 2 yearling heifers, 6 â€"calves. new; Sylvester 12â€"hoe seed,drill comâ€" PIGS AND POULTRYâ€" 3 8996 / pined; hay rake, Peter Hamiiton culâ€" York brood sows due to pig in APTril.| ;iystor with seed box; Noxon seed pure bred York boar, 3 ducks, 2 ge08¢, | gril1, land roller, iron harrow, lcum«,l 12 guineas, some chickens. Ayr single plow, Cockshutt Zâ€"furrow IMPLEMENTS, ETCâ€" Good Deerâ€" plow, 2 wagons and boxes, 2â€"seated Ing binder 7 ft. cut, Frost & WO00| narriage, 2 top buggies, bob sleigh, hay loader nearly new, Massey Harris cutter, gravel planks, pig rack, flar side delivery rake and tedder com:â€" hay rack, combined stock and hay bined, nearly new; stec} land roller, rack, root pulper, 2% horse power I. Deering disk drill nearly new, cultlâ€"| 1§ o gasoline engine; plate chopper, Â¥ator, Massey Harris manure §Pre20 | yonning mill, ladder, wheel barrow, 2 Je nearly new; ‘:orse corn and bean wets team harness, carrlage barness, planter, check rower, hay rake, 1w0 |qugey pote, single harness, forks, shovâ€" |turrow plow, 3 single plows, _ OHY°F | 5i2 gouptetrees, chains, and many othâ€" |sulky plow nearly new, t urnip seeder, er articles too numerous to mention. PIGS AND POULTRYâ€" 3 good York brood sows due to pig in April, pure bred York boar, 3 ducks, 2 geese, 12 guineas, some chickens. amounts. YORKSHIRE SHOATS for sale. Apâ€" FOR SALEâ€"37 acre farm, convenâ€" WANTEDâ€"Girl for â€" housework in FOUNDâ€"Dog strayed on premises urâ€" dersigned, color yellow with black on beck, collar reads, Burera, EL. Co. Terryville, Istanddale. Apply M. Schondelmeyer, Breslsu Rd. 1â€"31â€"3t.D; Wâ€"it. FOR GALEâ€"200more farm, lot 4, con. # 8, Wellesiey, near Linwood,. ,:'L.Etf | FOR SALEâ€"2 1:9‘ freeh . cow Jersey and 1 Holstein. Apply Schondelmeyer, Breslau Road, FOR SALEâ€"Ford touring car, 1914 in good running order, new tires on back wheels, shock absorbers, tobe rail, speedometer, Skxony horn, $250.00. Henry â€" Waterman, 13: FARM FOR 'oALW 6 miles above Waterino. reasonable. Apply 19 Strange St., Kltcheier; _ ply H. H. Klein, Bridgeport. -mmi 7+ good lawd and buildings. Three thousand cash buys this. Don‘t deâ€" lay. For particulars apply to Bor 45, Chronicleâ€"Telegraph.â€" 416. Toronto home. Good wages, fare paid. Apply _ Box 65, Chron‘lcle Telegraph. farm are md“bulw"MI rubbere, strap {ron and â€"matal, in. drilied well, water in house and | secofid Nand bage andâ€" burfap. GENERAL WANTS. B. F. SHANTZ, Proprietor; E. J. SHANTZ, Auctioneer. 0. 5. KOLB, Clerk. Black team 14 and of Kittberer situated 2% miles southeast of Crossâ€" et. the back hill, 5 miles northwest of Bamberg on 15 8â€"1t 6â€"3t 12t Commencing at 1 o‘clock p.m. HORSES:â€"Heavy bay horse 13 years old, dark bay horse 13 years old, good driver; carriage team 4 and 7 years old, aged horse good worker, if not previously sold. _ CATTLE:â€"5 good Durham grade Â¥Farm Stock, Implemen and Hougehold Effects. June, cow due to calve in April, Jersey tow fresh in Jan., Farrow cow, heifer due to calve in April, 4 butcher cattle rising 2 years old; 4 spring calves. HAY AND GRAIN:â€"6 tons of good ‘hay, ‘600 bush. cats, 100 bush. seed barley, 50 bush. seed peas, 25 bush. buckwheat, 100 bush. mixed grain. HOU§EHOLD GOQDS: â€" Magnet cream separator, nearly new; corner cupboard, kitchen range, cook stove. ~ TERMS:â€"Hay, grain, shoats, chickâ€" ens and all sums of $10 and undeér, cagh; over that amount, 10 months‘ credit on approved security or 6 per cent. fer annum discount for cash lpnymonu on credit amounts. “ HENRY ROEDER, Prop. E. J. SHANTZ, Auctiqneer, i ED. KAUFMAN, Clerk. There will be sold by public auction Consisting of 100 acres, more or less, situated 1% miles east of Wil mot Centre, Lot No. 10, north side of Bleams Road. About 80 acres under good state of cultivation, the rest good hard wood bussh, about 8 acres in fall wheat, 20 @cres in grass, the rest ready for spring seeding. A good 24 x 32 dwelling bouse, large summer kitchen and wood shed, bank barn 60x 70, large driving shed, straw shed 30x 40, good well, wind mill, water conâ€" nection in house and barn, 1 acre orâ€" chard, cistern. For further. particulars apply on farm or to the undersigned. CHR. GASCHO, 7â€"1 mo. FOR SALEâ€" Blacksmith shop, best stand in Ontario. New brick buildâ€" ing, electric lights, electric forge. Wagon shop in connection. Terms reasonable. _ Apply to David Holâ€" linger, Elmira, Ont. WANTED! To rent a farm between 35 and 100 acres, with the intention of buying it later. Apply Box 50, Chronicleâ€"Teleâ€" graph. > TA 80 meres in the Corporation of Elâ€" mira, opposite the C.P.R. Station. Ail in first class cultivation, and equipped with Hydro Power, Seed Oats for Sale MONDAY, MARCH 10, 1919, O.A.C. No. 3 Oats at $1.00 per bush. O.A.C. No. 72 Oats at 90e per bush, JOHN STECKLE, R. R. 2, Kitchener, Municipal Phone 25r20. PUBLIG SAE Prompt: attention. H. B. DUERING Experienced s Nmum:; and vmu; umber re experience an Auetlonm!-.:m know» ledge of values of real estate, live stock, Implements, s6te. ‘Phone 188, Witerise, FARM FOR SALE Mighest prites paid for rage, Farm For Sale. Apply to CHAS. WILKENS, 2â€"15â€"e.0.d. 3tâ€" wâ€"lt Baden, Ont. 8â€"3t. The undersigned auctioncer has ré ceived instructions from Simeon Gingâ€" erich to sell by public sale, on his preâ€" mises, Fruit Hill farm, situated 6 miles His entire farm stock, implements and some househoid effects, including the fine herd of 20 pure bred Jerseys from high testing strains and 8 grades. HORSES:.â€"Pair of roans, mare and gelding rising 8 yrs. well matched, weight about 2600, bay borse 11 yrs. old, about 1400 ibs., aged mare good worker, bay driver rising 5 yrs.,. 16 hands, sired by Bonnie Hal, 1st prize in class of 7 at 3 yrs. old. m % miles southwest of the DoonDoMnmwollz.“p.-: CATTLE:â€"Pure bred cow No. 1, f{resh in Dec., bred Jan. 19, cow dun| Aug. 4, cow due Sept. 16, cow due in ‘Aprll. cow due Sept. 24, cow due Sept. | }22. cow due April 29, cow due Oct. 28, heifer due June 14, heifer due Sept. 13, heifer due in March, heifer due Aug. 5, heifer, 10 months‘ old, heifer 6 months old, heifer 5 mom.h-{ old, bull 3 yrs. old, bull 11 months old, bull calf 5 months old, 2 bull calves, 3 !month- old, â€" Grades: Cow due May 1, cow due Aug. 19, cow due Oct. 28, Ayrshire Shorthorn grade cow, heifer d@ue Sept. 29, heifer due Oct. 19, heifer 9 months old, veal calf, PIGS:â€"7 shoats 5 months old. POULTRY:â€"About 40 pure bred White Leghorn hens, 2 pure bred White Leghorn cockerels. | _ IMPLEMENTS:â€"MeCormick bindâ€"| er 6 ft., nearly new, Shantz mower 5 ft., McCormick hay rake, 9 ft., McCorâ€" mick seed drill 11 hoe, with fertilizâ€" er attachment, nearly new; Climax cultivator, Frost & Wood disc, 14 plates, M.â€"H. 2â€"horse corn cultivator, 2 scuffiers, roller, 2 lumber wagons new, ‘Mn.;-toel tire truck, 2 wagon boxes, hay rack, 2 set gravel planks, Bell |No. 60 engilage cutting box, all comâ€" plete, set distributor pipes, pair bobâ€" sleighs, 3 top buggies, 3â€"seated carâ€" Tiage, market rig, road cart, 2 cutters, 2â€"seated pleasure sleigh, wood rack, stock rack, double box, stomeboat, 2 furrow Variety plow, 3â€"furrow gang plow, 2furrow gang plow, No. 21 [Fieury plow nearly new, 2 Preston plows No. 21, 2 sets fron harrows, LH.C. 3â€"h. p. gasoline engine, nearly new; DeLavall cream separator No. |15 with power drive, belting, shafting, |pulleys, speed jack, grind stone, powâ€" |er emery, cirele saw, platform scales 12000 lbs. cap., fanning mill, Tolton ; |pea harvester with buncher, 2 wheelâ€" |barrows, toeing support, buggy pole. , |cutter pole, 2 galv. pig troughs,'cen‘lent! ||pig trough, silage cart, turnip pulper, â€"|2 sugar beet forks. 2 bag trucks, ladâ€" ; |der, pig crate, Keystone dehorner, ;| block and tackle, large block and .|tackle for thresher or other heavy . | work, cross cut saw, ice saw, ice tongs, ; | crowbars, shovels, forks, postâ€"hole augâ€" er, 100 cedar posts, wire fence, weayâ€" ling machine, several cans Dr. Wilâ€" liams‘ insect destroyer, set stone drills, â€"|some carpenters‘ tools, grass seeder, t [140 ft. hay rope and numerous other "{articles. GRAIN AND HAY:â€"100 bush. O. A. C. 72 seed oats, 400 improved banner oats, about 10 tons timothy hay about 5 tons clover, mixed hay. HARNESS:â€"set brass _ mounted team harness nearly new, 2 set team harness, set carriage harness, 2 set single karness, robes, blankets, bells. HOUSEHOLD EFFECTS: â€"Cook stove, wood or coal, cupboards, sink, dorner cupboard, bureau, Favorite churn No. 4, butter worker, refrigerâ€" ator, 5 bartels cider for vinegar, iron kettle, 12 benches, 2 bedsteads, sausâ€" age grinder, 25 gal. crock, cream cans, Snider riflle. TERMS OF SALE: â€" Hay, grain. veal calf, boultry and all sums of $10.00 and under, cash; over that amount, 10 months‘ credit on furnishâ€" "ng approved security or 5 per cent. \por amnum off for cash on credit amounts. Owing to a large amount of aundries sale will commence sharp on time. Number unlimited. Ideal . weight 180 to $20 Ws. We buy for a highâ€" glass trade. You give us the goods and we will pay the price. Shl.?lu point Baden, every alternate Wednés day. Néxt shipmefit Febriary 26. (The Old Firm) TUESDAY, MARCH 11, 1919, | WANTED Bacon Hogs Master & Hunsberger SIMEON GINGERICH, Prop. E. J. SHANTZ, Auctioneer. 0. 8. KOLB, Clerk. Sept. | brood sows both with litter at ; Oct.‘ time of sale, 7 shoats, 4 montl r due Pigs 180 bs. each, â€"Yorkshir heu"‘ 24 White Wyandotte hens, 3 c * old sabout 120 Rhode Island Red s I Butter : | Wrapper n-n-tonufl on the tarm of thz ated 4 miles west of N miles east of Piattsvilie, following valuable property: HORSES:â€"Heary dark 1 5 yrs. old, heavy dark bay m old, black horse 14 yrs. old, 4 and 5 yrs. old... . CATTLE:â€"9 Good Dairy C Durham and Jerseyâ€"5 tresh By of sale, 2 cows due to calve 1#M 2 cows due to calve in July, 1 unwoudtohodulntu,,m Durham bull with pedigree, 2 y# butcher cattle. S6 <a PIGS AND CHICKENS:â€" 3° cockerels. IMPLEMENTS:â€"Frost . & binder, 7 ft. cut, nearly new; Harris mower, 6 ft. cut, Ma ris hay loader with truck, Harris side rake, Massey Hi tedder, Massey Harris hay Tak®, / seyâ€"Harris 13 disk drill nearly | Frost & Wood disc harrow, FÂ¥O Wood steel land roller, Masseyâ€"Hi spring tooth cultivator with seed 2 Climax cultivators, CocksRutt ure spreader nearly new, 2 Wl plows No. 21, 1 Perrin ridifig plo Kangaroo gang plows, 3 sets trom rows, 4 scufflers, 1 nearly m."fl sower & share, Watson cutting: Chatham fanning mill, Renfrew # 2,000 lbs., cap, 2 sleighs, 3 wagoi wagon boxes, pig rack, gravel, pli 2 hay racks, top surrey; top :W Stanthope ‘bugey, road cart;©# barrow, Cockshutt turnip pulpé#,/ on springs, wood rack, Gilson gas engine, 1% horse power, grain | donbletrees neckyokes, 10ggin® set tackling, forks, scoop shovel, iron vise, corn sheller, EAton emeéry stone‘‘ grindet, sprayer, 2 sets teain Narness, €a new, 3 sets plow harness, st C8Â¥ harness, buggy harness, horke J ets,, blacksmith forge and frame for sap pan and numerods articles. HAY AND GRAIN:â€"A quantity hay, 15 ton, 500 bush. _o-u.,m‘“ mixed grain, 300 bush. barley, . "s, HOUSEROLD mm:«% val cream separator, No. 15 inwi# M# er, iron kettle, Bell Oak heater, heater, coal heater, glass cu@b kitchen chairs, rocking chatf; cupboard, 2 bedsteads, 1 with bi wash â€" stand, churn, butter‘ wood box, benches, milk pails, : fruit jars, clock, 70 sap pd spouts, sap pan, 2 milk can-.‘ coolers, 2 tubs, meat vat, wash lard press, meat grinder, 3 1 ‘rlflle, 3 lanterns, lamp, gasolin 32 gals.. home made carpet, ©% table, egg crate, set fat from iron pots and pans, water bencl strainers for milk can, large mi er, some dishes. No reserve as proprietor is f All household goods and sinf will be sold before dinner. Lunch at noon. WEDNESDAY, MARCH .1 TERMS OF _ SALE:â€"Hay,) pigs, poultry, and all sums of and under, cash; over that amd# months‘ credit on good bankabléâ€" or 5 per cent. discount for cask ment of credit amounts. ced Butcher cattle, 3 nomhl“,gd; CHRISTIAN CRESSMAN, E. J. SHANTEZ, Auctiong@ D. A. STAUFFER, Ctork.! MINARD‘S _ LINIMENT / caroEt Nn cows§. From us. The best qu p.p.r\u.fll and prices able. _ CHRO ing at 10 o‘clook QRBER YQuAR*._* THE 5‘.

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