')'us',r,",llrilef'. inn-ave ' '5. an ' ~a-‘5L. shod-nod Rtltt2t psylttfeLi'o", F'r!6iurkk ‘~.~Muo 1mm] .Wlno.f Junior! sch-undo! :hvmhnu r'_arsga. I "-" - ‘7. - ' , . ;m§~ - which nu Into um iii “a; a you "an“ mum a"; "" - I“ “I. By the “no prun- l $BNdttBttshtmaid.e-aitruio f , lag:- which no not“ to die! "(-1 or which have addition! 1 “i In! on than. I“ tt II“ be - “I. to not than htelll‘ontly I"! I. may can. of crotch} Atii"tri, homer. when lllIIOIl. III on n Fer" hit and “Mum were killed 521;†II. Mn ot large limb. and , M tho mm meet in the bond at l t. a... Troo- In’ured in this wnv Iv _ u hr run tn . weakened condi- _ i u oad at little nine I]!!! oventuaL :3 wttt hunt down it they do not axe ' W. doing BO. The orchnrd Ihould _ h In. our carefully this winter f IQ -tnod for such tnjury. When , â€In. tho orchard, the dud bark "., . “I! be remand from mm patch. TN, “. " tin would. minted tad kept . y m with whit. lend paint. lt .' “a o! the hurt Ind cambtuln m the not. crotch“ no dead, the nature a! tin tm would be countered as to?! doubtful. " mnny ot the trees In the orchard are affected In this B, " tr Mtttkiuiiriiq iii. an 2.1 ___ _ a. a... mum.- ' B? 'pti In gel,"',',,'. "St " -- crow tn. ‘ " w. hai" u Mt. top, The _ y. r. In! D In “I warn . . out. Will. I In“ Bum. g .0 an â€(in In}. my. â€in mm. good even so". 3 mile. to m». ' mm. to Ircalau. and 03/, L; h to Kduhonor, good trig but 'ttrm a" -ett.tt, big "raw shod. w $gggd the [reel Ire wide enough apart to permit ot planting a young In. In“ way between. without too much shading from me order trees. . MOTHERS! Clam the clogged-up plums. Do away with the bile. - fermentations and constipation poison which is kecping your little one cross, feverish and sick. Children have Crcscarets, because tn them it is like eating candy. Cascaret, act better than tumor vil, mk'mt'! or pills on the tender stomach, liver and bu‘veus. (Luann-ts nevqr gripe, never injure, and do not disappoint the wooicd 'vaothetr, Give hatmlest Cascagets to children one year .H "w: upwards. Lmh kn ce" box contains fu" A:.. , o" "If you are In the market tor a "rm. no not!" what size. can give you a‘ gamma " 150 farm. ot various the. WM"! I radius " so miles in or IMHO Kmrhendr, one " them ought to “all. Hon in just a (cw to give â€a In Idol. Farms, Farms, Farms 140 not“. with good buildingn. no hill. wlthln one mile from school. 6 - " bush. Wa milu from rule. " ue VIII-.0, on main road. a heavy crop farm. Owner wants to tell badly and ". nausea uric: to "soo. TM. I. Med " but. Investigate. Mother', Pet Needs a Cascaret 100 um. within 6 mile: from Kit, chen", good I roomed brick home. - Btted, cm. In†drwlnq that]. I†bank barn, trig air-w wed. pig- ’ry. hon home. ete., toil A. l, a limo gilt"... " acre- o! good bush. good “I." clot. to union. school and _'etorxrttes, a good producer at only no h can. "If" angina pump- thq W. a!" Iplcndid water supply. - wolf he tong. When You on I Square Deal. Open Honky. Wednesday no a “may "0an "on 7.30 to I. PHONI m. an FRIDIRICK 'T. - n In» and - "can. at um ' Farmers Are Making Money W. H. Rosenbusch Look at the tongue! Then hurry! Give andy Cascarets to work the nasty bile, Sowing food and constipation poison from the little liver and bowels. Baby is mad! Doesn't v.ant the favorite dolly, or the horn, or the picture books-tut don't scold! 7.31.731; "a. Tad 1-" dunno tut'St.."'t'l, -ettt when we. Iâ€: w. M tt in (in you. tn- II]! “it I.†to u all. In. In D... - any do not. but It b - "r6a.tqtHtaetthnttheeWr [M an I." bit eunuch“ an; Wu my have sullen“ an.“ tuttt tram Ila-u MIC. In. In been. an m lob with and "trt, any should “can“. 7 WWII-mun. run- “other [In I“: ruler than an m an. no: at drttaattitt (Exwlmnul Wm Note.) Ere. that no urn. and In good new than - an tn an be curl“ until no" lunqu time with out much grain. They rm mod. however. . suppiy at good clout by and I luv roots. about than. pounds per head ouch any. " n Hula [run In fed for about tour week- before they lamb. one pound per had each day ot mixed oat- Ind brim. they will be in good condition when Inmblnl um comes. Thou teed. ltlmulue the milk "on. and their use baron-e and after Iunbinl in "rinBttle. The present price ot Inch teed- in extremely high. but even " the price they would be used. as the remit- will more than Day, It hen been iound by experience that lamb. coming from own which had not been grain. ed previous to lamhing were weaker and required more attention men than; from grain-ted ewes, alto the ewe- led [rein Ire better milkerl. which is u big factor in the growth and development ot the name. lt ii besi to nap-rate tho ewes and put them In a null pen one week be- fore the lamb: are due. ‘3 lt gives the drMng ohed otc.. cement one 10135. large root coll-r, good troomod brick houoe. largo om0ko noun. good water lupply. 21 acre. In but. " acroo oi working loud, hardly I mile to ochool. farm in in high out. of cultivation. on a good road, good rot-on for ulllng at only m on lore. lnvoollgato. A money maker. In the Corporation of the Town at New Hamburg. Good tarm of 945’, acre: more or '2". good 9-roomod brick house, good :euars. home In all decor-ted. driving shed 40x28, bank barn 52x00. “raw shed 28x60 a low on!" out banal"... windmill. good water, 4 ICPCI of haul wood bush. soil a clay Donn, Illrly well “and. % mil. "on New Ham. burg PM! otrree, a convcnlont farm, 1nd a good producor. Owner but (0- uced (no 'riee,to .7000. Come In we! get ttart-rs. This it I - farm. ME lN AND TELL ME YOUR TAR“ NEEDS. NO MATTER HOW HARD YOU MAY " TO PLIAOE I'LL HAVE SOME THAT WILL .UIT YOUR FANCY AND YOUR PURSE CARE OF TM! IIIIDING [WI bow-Mu modulator at. "edattghtgrat.mtitt.Hre Molding-914*“ manned; Jul-Imam. won-I- - "rms" in I. out“ All the than and bui- clould I. and to (no an. m- tgee "I “ch. AM II. on» have but and out to nun. any grin not - mm new-tho. cent to no an It. noun I. not ova-mud I“ that thy in. - at "out - ttted all. To guard the returned man against fraud or 'ttlat-tttrr-ttation p at“! of land appraisers work under super- vision: ot th Soldier settlement Board in every district. who (in tholr nplnlon no to tho value.ond tar lure of the land. otiittieatign Com. mmm in each provides will report to the Board awn _tha,aruitutilitr of ottch nppllrant. So for the sum of over one Ind a quarter million doll-rs hon alrondy been approved In loam to our one thousand returned million, and rim-a the completion ot 2rerd'r. in July last over eight hundre sol- diers have made nutrie- on Dominion Crown lands under ‘tho Soldier To may a vary in torn In " undo will one up with the pronou- uonl of all. full daun- ot Canada'. nuv land Saul-mom scum. which ha I wide â€Dilution. arm-n nub- Jccu and than at the AIIM tore.- who dour. to take up bruins nu provided tor under the man haiku n the Canadian born and provision ll lino undo for gum- o.' land. loll“. and "lining tor man “than! previ- ml- experlonce. HOW ‘OLDIIII CAN BUY FARM. Where null-bio Crown land. are held for the "Mom: province. than Government. will be lulled to co-opet ale with the Soldier Settlement Bonn! also to null! In acquiring land. " present held uncultivated by pm.“ owners, end the wldler will be allow- ed to purchue all such land " coo! price by e cash payment or one-(HM) the amount and the bounce In equal! annual luntllmenu. whlch may extend over a period‘ot twenty year: or lonur‘ _ Equal prowl-Ion for nuisance. ed- vice and placement ot returned Bol. dier: on the Inna he: been undo in every province, under the Soldler Settlement scheme, this has been er- mnged by means of medal courte- in ngrlculturnl nohoole and expert. mental farm: and by the cooperation ot many at Canada’s host (armors In every duriet. mum Civil Engineer 3nd Ontario land Surveyor, 130 [Allen-tar tet. Bart Kit. chener. Telemann $4t.W 41-1 1110 As his tum pronoun And new hul|dlnn or Implements In requlrod a further Ion: may be lrlnlod IM- soldier settler up to the amount ot 31.00000 Soldlou who have no previous ox- perlence ot (attain: 0nd "e Innoc- to no on the land will be (Inn the training new: try to quallty than: tor, all ot the ransom; prlvuona To many tttin wlll be the tutnlltnmgt or n dream or bygone years. Godarlch .... 6.20:1 Blyth .. mtr* 6.58 Mllverlon ... 7.35 L'nwoud .. FP. 8.15 \VuIlennIoin K. 3.25 E‘mlra .. .. .. 11.35 Mommas .. .. 815 Guelph . .. ' 9.15 Toronto .. .. 1105 Hummnn .. . 11.20: Linwood Llltnwel Dorking Trnloe . my". qt-q-Bti-rl". ‘uwcwlawmmmvon 'W‘IUWW tq-q--,---.-" t hereby notify the public that I Am I Hunted Auction!" Oar (no County " Waterlao. and all “In Inn-mud to mo will ro- colve carelul attention. Walton". Frlckey Apply to Mn. Jo. Mbckuu. or phone $0640, Guelph. Ont. Watorho. Ont. I hereby ntttity the rum». " the surrounding country that I In I "conned aucl'onecr for m. County at Waterloo. All "In "ttetmted ttt an will ro- ulvo prom»! and can“! mon- tion. Praetit knowlod'u of rod cot-u, tarm “out and Im. plant“; I49. LICENSED AUCTIONEEI AND VALUATOR. tum-hull "no-kw} ninth; CANADIAN an." if ’33-] H [RBIRT JOHNOTON. .. FP. 3.15 3.22 n92. 7.59 l Mn .. 3.25 3.32 10.51» wt . .. .. 3.35 342 um- Tat , .. .. an 3.52 1mm Talt .. ' 9.tti 420 10.07.. 7.05 .. .. not. 1t.20 3.10. 5.10 ' .. . 11.20:. mm. 3.20: map me000 BRANCH. .. TFe 3,00. t.top 11.053 8.06p .. .. 7.20. 2.20.. not: “an . . . TA8a 2.55:) 11.2% 8.17†_ .. . _ ‘.35a 2.40p 11.37". ttnop Unwed Auctioneer. TIMI TABLE. _ Rand Down Reid Up i Eastbound Westbound‘ - - Am. PM. - - PM. .. . 6.21M 1.303 12.561} 9.S6tt . .. 8.53 2.07 ttttrp it.Mttt Fm _ 7.35 3.00 11231 8.20 ... 315 3.22 11.02. 7.59 t K. 8.25 3.38 10.513 1.13 . . . 8.35 342 10,411 Tat . . . 8.65 3.52 10310 Talt .. ' 9.15 4 20 111073 7.05 .. 1ioil 630 8.108 5.10 .rtoiFi0i' ' I11 'r.rx.qcqer' 6.20m 6.58 7.35 ' 8.15 PACIFIC :31! SI ’PFBLIHIIE "i,, 'etrmtrtodr,hnpumarsu, . “imam-u. mNttmtb--- Black an: u and " you! old. not rotten; nu boy minor-outward" ('0- " men out ot 15). In record tar, good 'ttood In." " you- old In tool. but, Percheron - rum , your: old. my man (Mud driver). Inc (can: ot moles a no 4 you: old, mulo ' your-role. " not protitrttaly paid. -- _ cxrrLd-T ttout nun-i Con, Hor stein and "ruer-- Cow Ire-h three month. 4 cown due to on!" tn March, cow due to eetve In 3091.. new due to a". In Apr". hello! duo In eBleq in tpdl. Hot-tom holler supposed " be ‘n cult. 4 butcher cattle mm 2 you" Md, , yurlin; batten. 0 "In; PIGS AND POULTRY--- , good York brood to" due to pl: In April. “are bred York but. 3 ducks, ' "no. 12 gulnm. Dome chickens. lMPLEMENTS, wrc.-- Good Deer‘ in; binder 1 tt, wt. Pros! & Fool may loader nearly new, Many Harris; aide delivery rake and udder comw bined. nearly new: HIM-I hind rolled During dull drill nearly new, cum-J valor. Manny Han-in mnnuro i/iii] or nearly new; 2-hono corn and beam Hunter. ettoek rower. buy HIP, two-i nil-row plow. 3 "ttrits plows. Oliver‘ sulky plow nearly new, turnip seeder.‘ scum". Toungoler's due, new wagon (complete). wagon. ttood democrat,) Zuni"! luny (rubber tires). 2 top, mules, bob sleigh, road cart. I'."; mam! cutter. Portland cutter, naddle.‘ TO gal. oil tank, grlnduione. [my ruck.‘ lr'nper. 2 iron narrows. atonehoai.‘ 2min endio, some belting, manure) aloluh. good mover 8 “an. m onglne l in thrttt chin shuns, Jotlette chaper S-lnch pine. pulp", 3000 lb stook‘ sale. navel punks. hay fork ttttd, repels. heavy block and tackle. 2 hott (2mm. kettle stove, wtteetbarrow, Iott. Tlrttt claim, forks. maven. double- 'reea, and many artietettoo numetous lo menilpn. "' Home Houuhold GM. ' ï¬TJna-Bmf-WGW over that amount ' months' credit on approved necurlty or ' per cent. per Mann: " tot cash puma-m ot credit amountn. Mimic-dinning.“ 'atutamneetBe-larrlatt- mum. rrrd.-- as was we My. GOO bush. can. no buhfilau rya. No Reserve an the (arm in "out 'rm.M.q-- Poultry. my, @‘n. and Farm Stock, Implements and Household Efteetg. The undersigned has received in- stmciiona from J. R, Strickland to loll by public suction on NI menu-u. siluaimi one half Tttite souih,of Conn-o ville. 4 miles from Prentbn. on the road leading trom Kitvttenrr to Pro;- ton, on Conuttetteitttt at 1.30 o’clock p. m alum, the (showing properly. VII: LIVE BTOCK-- Mate lo you: om. Grade Jersey cow mum-ed to be tn call. 5 colonies of been. " mm: Rhode Island Reds and Barred Rocks, well ttted, thiPLE.UENTB-- Winn wlth box. domnvral. top bunny. new Portland ruNor. xlndumno Cutter nearly new, hay rack, spring moth culllvnmr (Httur.yrttt), straw cunor. pulp". wlvnlhurow. agriculture lumen. 2 "on slnxlv harm‘s:- tone now). plow harm-w. mp0s. blankets. qunnmy M an and roots. forâ€. hoes. than". and nunwrmls other Intel". llul'SEIIOLD EFFECTS - Huron mum, nun Fink-u canker. ml 01) Bollovlllo _ Brnntford ' Cobain . . Haulllon . Klnnton . Kllrhmor Orr, Sound Poet "on. ttt. Thom. Btrattord . Toronto .. WEDNE80AV, PEI. Mr, "" MMI SALE P. SHANTZ. Proprietor, J. SHANTZ. Auctioneer. 8. KOLn. Clerk. "Ind Butter. Bothy mulch-m. Eggs. Hog: Per lb. For Itt. In " to " "ttt 60 ".0010 $0 00 " to 30 " to 60 815.00 to " to " " to " 0.68 to 0.00 " to 36 " to " 16.00 to " to " " to u I.“ to 0.80 " to 00 so to as 16.00 to " to 20 " to " (no to 0.85 " to " 00 to as 10.1mm " to " " to " L20 to 1.25 " to M " to " ".00 to 11‘an " to " 1.0! to 1.10 " to so as to on 18.00 to 10 to " " to " 0.88 to 0.70 " to " " to " 16.00 to 8.t to n so to on 0.10m Mk) " to 00 so to 00 â€.1500 " to " u in.“ 0.†to 0.05 " to " " to 00' 10,50 to a " " n to so 0.70 to 0.00 " to " " to no mm to " to " u to " 0,0. to 0.00 " to " It to " 10.00 to " " " " " OF 6Ot mmwmu-u Milk-subunit“ 'v-e-tso.,..---,"?"-"'!?" awn-damp“. In. I. m u. Imam â€Janus-u... vutdw. , "itGLle-r-tts_Pe-t"eh"aua"o""'"' HorttmtP.--H-r mm mm 1 and I you! old oveutst 3300 In... a good any mm), has" â€mu ruin; 4, cum-u born ruista c, toad-ul- nun rum; " (in Real to Pirintt an). hour nun mm ' tin (on to sun- burn). sud horn. m at Willa-null. on YMMV. I‘MUAIV m mo. mil; " " o'clock noon. sharp, a. (allowing -etr:-- CATTLE-Fin good undo court. on. due Much mu. one duo Much 20th, on. an March 25th. one due I!†am. an. duo Much 30th; , stun ruin. ' â€an old: , calves; 6 tat cllvu; one fat no". llPLEMENTB: - Money-Hurl- bindu (0400! out). I'm! l Wood mower Elf-n cut). Money-blurt- side dam." rake And toad" combined. Honor-Hurri- har loader, lino-oy- lluru lzdllc drill. Front a Wood dine with truck. Connor I Scott cunt plot. had roller. (The - imple- menu are new or no good In new). 3 ul- ot horror". , wnlom. wngon box, not ot travel planks. bobnleigh. Ileigh box. 2000 itt, scale. , ttttuirttrrtt. ttat luv ruck. Kohl: hay rack Ind stock ruck combined, Pitt ruck. wood rack, i Wlik- in. plows. nnxplow. 2 bunks. , cut- ter. (one - been mod). logginl chains. hone clipper. new water trough, hay fork. rope and pulley». not ot 31inâ€. root pulpar. wheolbttrrow, when. blankets, sixty (eat ot “slump ed 2-lnch piping, toro, grain bags. emu-cut sow. mut'ched lumber. iron kettle. chop box, unnlng mill. fence pickets, fence wire and other "Helen too numeral" to mention. HOUSEHOLD EPPECT‘B: ..= Tm cook novel. box stove. cream "pap. ntor, two tables. two bedumadi. dress- er. about 60 up tmilm packing box. lounxeg hrs. cracks. milk on, cream can. bench, % turret ot In". meat bar. HARNEtW.--Tttrtre wt: ot douhla burns-I. , not: of nlnglo humans. tMtA'INv-660 bushe‘s mixed gram. about 1100 bushels oattr, about 250 bushels Canadian Prue Iced Bill HAY:--Etght tom ot clover hay. T tom nt timothy hay. Aha tt Ford touring ear, P." Model. tn No. 1 rytuinr order. Tam: on egg-4:993: 321521-09, my, tf, YEttr"t--Hsr, min. tet cattle and all ttttttts of sumo and under. cub: over that tmounl. " months' credit will be given on approved john notes. or ti per cent. " tor cash payments of credit amounts. new. sideboard. 6 dlnlng mom chairs. wulnul lull rack. tables. iron bodslead. walnut hodatead, dreamer, whltnol. office desk. hull lamps, De. LIVtI rmm sonar-tor. Daisy churn, butter bowels. 2 waahlnu machines. cooylnu prone. mull box. rider har. rc-ll. pulls. Ind other “Nels-s too num- erous to mmtlonl I No "an“ an tlio tarm In soldl TERMS-- Poultry, mom. coke, fur- niture and all sums of $30.00 and um der, cub: over (In! "noun! " monllm’ eredit will be given on our ‘pmvml Joint not". _ J. R. STRtCKLAND, Proprietor. _ WM. c. TAYLOR, AucUoueer. I GEO. w. hATSCH. Clerk. 6-2! In. arid. no tom m the Corporation ttf El. m|n. opposite the C.P.R. Motlon. All In In! ell“ equiv-(Ion. and oqmppod with Hydro Pow". W.t-3trtt. WAN.TEtt-- An elderly woman or rtuiut girl. that wants . good home, lo do kitrhen work, Wan,- Inol'I-I- ML Anply u Ttto Zillhx Homo. or P. o. Box 120. Elmira, 2ttt wkly It PRICES OF FARM PRODUCE IN ONTARIO. m ttttW, WIFE. M 1lqkrttarrt. andMtrttmtttttoihtrtB. and-ttttMIM-, FARM PORSALE G. a, OLA". Auctionur. FRED LACKNER. Clark. “IA TOW LII. Proprietor. Anny 3° drug mums. P. q. Box " "on 10m: Yunnan, an. arm. mo. “5.25 00.00 ".00 19150 15.26 tm Mt â€.75 " " 16.25 G-Zt immune†at " o'clock a. I. the [m alum pro90rtr'.-- :' CATTLW-" Cholco nun can - 8 cow. duo to cake In Inch. 1 can due to “In in April. cow duo to can" "rt Mar, 1 cow. tmh since Nov. and Mn lull an of nut. I cow. tmah try “me ot uh with eateeq at IMO. 2 cow. huh I month- ht full ttoqr of milk, , cowl due to “In In Jung. pun bred Roman bun with Mince thing 2 not old. t.MPLEMENTB-- lnlcmtionnl has Wet, International side delivery rake. Disney Hurri- bindar 7 ft cut wit truck at! sheaf curler; During mower. ' it cut; During " pm: aw with truck. During hay rake, Destiny dim: drill. Daring 3 action use] inn-1 roller, Climax cultivator. My udder 2 not: ot Iron ttBrroqr., Many Hare. 3 furrow pug Now, 2 furrow mg plow, spring tooth cultivator. {Ham- ilton No. 121 walking plows. No. 21 Ayr walkinx plow. scum", fanning mm. The above implement: no pne- tically all new. Mortt5M-- Tun of was weUtrt 1100 ml... you: old. nun bar! tom. "oo lbs. 1-th ' you. otd,t can!) lull ot mm won Inn/clued.I tun luau. new!“ 2600, Hung ' lid ' you: old, colt ruin. ' your: old. got by But Beau. I P169 AND PoUurRY-- 4 mom 0 month- old. 100 chlckom. 4 molten. t sets of growl planks. wood rare, " n. ot Much canvas belting. circular new. 4 croucul “to. Indus, may alone hammer», grain bags. VEHICLES~ 2 lumber wagons. nearly new. 2 - boxes on with double shelving. tarm lmck. 2 In) rucks. tut cutting bom 2 an ot bob alelxhl. Rhone etrrrutte, Angle can my. 3 top bunt"; two " good as. new. 'd mod cutters nearly new. ran rinse pow. {emu-<1 pimttrttr'e sleigh; nearly new: plg ruck. htty, torh with rows 1nd pulleys, 2 wheel barrows. root pulper. emery none. douhletrm-s, “saline tank. 4 2-nllon cum, ' 5aat- lon coal oil cans. counter scale cup-- city 1mm. " cedar you“. neck- yow. forks. logging ell-Ina, scoops. 'Ihowli, beet forks and many other mum. _,--,,,,,,,,,,,-,,,-,,-,,.,--,-,'-, KARNEmb-3 new team harness In- cluding , not» brass mounted nurly new, not or Now humans. Bet ot car- riagn humans, shill†set ot canlnxe harness, 3 use" single lumen. mule set of Goldine harness. ' pair Scotch tops. horse bide robe. pair ot good woolen bllnkou. 2 tty nets. 6 new .xla ble blunkou. power cupping machine. 2 pair ot team blnnkets. 5 tie uraps. ' austere. 3 am chimes nnd mam bolls. HOUSEHOLD EFFECTS-- Melotm cream separator. 2 Daisy churns ttear. Iy new. Move, milk pails, meat tuba, fumnce kettle. Iron kettle. 2 human milk cans. new; 2 S-nllon cromr vans. pew; wardrobe. bureau. 2 good hit. chen ramps. Pounhrely no moans n hum in cold. Lunch at noon. ILA" AND GRAiN-t.000 hush. of oats. Mit buah. ot barter. 600 bush of mixed grain. about " tons of good buy . Lambs. w Har. Ruled Hay. boon. dreamed. oqtit. Pol-tool. " No. 1 Per Ton, No, 1 For M Per ttr. an. rr 6‘3 " 00 to 300.00 020.00 to "1.00 " to 24 " 60 lo 30.00 "" to 01.80 â€301 12.0010 24.00 10.001o 18.0000to00 0.00m 0.00 LMto 1.00 'atl 00.0010 00.00 24.0010 o0.00t6to00 0.05m 0.70 1.4010 1..00, 000.1 'th00to 13.00 21.0010 21.002610" 06610 0.07 now t." 130-1 250010 0000 20.0010 11.001710†0.70m 1.00 2.0010 " MQ 10.0010 31.00 10.5010 1110030103: Mt to Mt 1.7010 1.00 'E 00.0010 33.00 18.0010 '0,00iltto " 00010 0.51 1.00 to 1340* 300010 00.00 1.100 to “Mam†0.05m 0.00 1,00 m 0.00 an 10.0010 “.00 Mt.00to 10.00 1000 0.70m 0.70 1.7510 100 " 100010 31.00 100010 minus " 0.00m Mn 1.0010170. 80.0010 ".00 10.0010 1000151038 0.0010 0.00 1.50:0 MO". TERMS OF SALE-Har. “min. pies ' poultry 1nd all sums of 810.00 and under. each; over that amount " months 'credlt on Approved joint holes or 6 per m1. ott tor cub â€menu of credit amounts. " not: tarm Ind d on! Ion. Would connldor medium priced property In town with “this In pm payment, Farm In one mile trom Poul Office school and church. Good land we! bulldlnn. Apply But no. Cttrottietr. Talon-um. tttt MINARD'S LINIMENT CURE! CARG‘T IN COWS. For Sale or Exchange. FRED HMSE. Proprietor H. n, DUERING. Attctitmeer, o. 8. KOLB. "Jerk. 13.00 00 00 31.00 "‘00 jll ati b.8t Pitt'Pr'"Ya" gt1fllMS=llllt cab-Aloud wnumv,vmq3 mun-Ha. “m1-hu1 "atomic-dint: - 2T,1hWfATfN “mum“ _ m. In" my tih?l,i?.r4 [any Ila-thinly.†'roitarutnatr-ed. A " noon nun cowl; gnaw-mint um. of an. u our: to to; lurch Ind April. balm GI! "1'le't"t--hee"tj. or. McCormick mower. UM. " er, LEG. side delivery. in ft, har rue. " dink teed I (ran seeder. l.H.C. dill. _ ilvator, riding plow, t we! land rolier. t narrow - nation. t iron â€no". _ J, â€net box. - with box . ' ruck. truck wagon. 8 by.†mud eurroy. top hisâ€. “i 1ernocrat, cutter. light sleight! new. , bob new“, t hoot cruel: "ale, 2.000 lbs. up" lung 3 h. p. Perkins. ttat) engine, i' plate chopper. turnip Immenj stpno. emery grinder. 2 a?†an. (rue eeedar. potato nt lawn mower, 2 hey knives. my Clinton tanning mill with - not. gravel punks. some all!†extension leader. 200 n. 1 he. 3 hone owner, doublomkd toru, shovels. and uumom‘: articles. :1 PMN':-' pm um Ibo. oaeh, " you. up I on. Bood brood BOW. In March. I at no... ' ball. until an"! Ind some nah] , be mid before dinner. 't, it' Lunch at man. . ., y:.'-"., TERMO or â€5qu T cm. young plea am! a" “In: and under, cub: mm ma _ montha' credit on approved _‘ vapor. or 5 per cent. dismal td.il on credit amounts. . .3 i uni-1mm}. unev. Ah' E. J. 'HANTE, trite-sec)'. “mu HARNESS. ETC.:-" "ta no“ with breaching, , at: )3" mu. 2 sets Mule lumen. 'eq new. not ttarriage bur-m. hue-.1" f: t3ratrr.-q00 but: all; barley. too bun. mud d HOUSEHOLD (mammal 'tFtoortttetr tupplr tut mid! not; 325 up pans and": it " pren,’ ' dodutor" («16.2% 2 wood amenable. NIKON-O 4 bed-tends. brus- komo. a . per kettle. window "stterafi cubator. meat chopper, than. for. nova "toorir (of Iryf pin. cl_othd tttith/ttrt-tAAI cans neUrV now. imt In“ articles. A V 'r) w" an? mama-s mum‘s? ", DIPWI’HIRIA. . l, FOR 8ALE-8, acre farm. FOR 8ALr.--4 Ohm-(horn " FOR ttALE-Fr-ts cow. 'e “Ive. Apply to David tr," RR. No. d. Elwin or vii Jacob. 2248. _ FOUN0-thttt "rsrert on pm dorrtittrtM, color yellow on luck. collar undo. M Co, Tenyvlllq. llllhddlh. . M. Schondelmeyer. - I Lax-nu: teat to school. church and.“ good land And build!!!“ thousand cub buys thlt, II lay. For partlcuhrl um 46, Chronicle-Telegraph. ' r- m 12 months oM. nlao moi Winn-loo Chieftain. mu; Sire and Dunn Imp. For hr! titular: apply to D. H. tmrd Dundee. R. R, l. GENERAL W. PHI? O. B. KOLR Clark.