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The Chronicle Telegraph (190101), 6 Feb 1919, p. 4

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7.' Will be sent to any E; ‘addrem in Canada 1 {or one year for only " Binary-ad R. B. Bean. " '. Mullen“ Revim You. 'r'.'.Sriitoss brfetty reviews the w: york. stating that owing to the r In Board of Trade had not pm: I new deal ot arlivil) The ts. new ripe however, tor the ht" to take I more active inter. titd he heHeVPi new Industries re, new induaxriaa to locate: in pointed out that Water - may Ideal aim (or. ' other inducements. One V ' . , Bourishlnq young maul-i outrun: It: present quar- “I!” building and it ml w town will otter the company . m on which to erect the - buildinl. . 9.0;: will be made this war to bl. in Mound-hip. , T i The Danni. l pus than was“: at the' meet 1 no: President P, I' Wilson. r " P. J, Wright; and “if. Emu. F. u. Muslim; B. B. Bricker. C, Kennel. I. Kluwetwr, A C. Mayer. p» Dietrich. Allan Bechtel, 'or, ‘Welll, M. S. Snyder,‘ ll be induced '0 Imam in Water ft the Indus“) t' rtnutittee would titouett with He l Induslrios Gi Wiietret. B. w, ... Grigg. ' ta.t)m>tttsrertr and lmluakrlal Com "Lu-aw» kai Liiriru. him: mm 4'mtifttag mm iF,-ii"'Fi'i"i'iia' "iiriili"ir w in 'ttmst- 'rv-ist-obvious-sr-ttse "yttioetitoroeiitNte'ttittu4hmrrrtrrr" W by Maine-I Min of thfbo- . Wu! Trear--. luquIm-d. [dehn and xi'lur'llu‘l which Baking for suitable ‘mwnn in at to establish taetories, SERIOUS PROBLEMS. _ D. W. G. Weiehel stated that there l many serious problems which ly to come before the Board I. thi- year and he would mm to . live active Board prepared to your» them. The town has many ”factory sites and would like to new Industries located here. The " of Trade and the Town Council ”hoover.“ In all matte” "eet. “(town and .Improved condition. rid no doubt result. [ . . PmlchrElcct Bechtel. KIA: Bechtel, the new president m the otnee. stated that he Mil!!! granny cooperation or all [has at the Board. He believed "e the war was over much ' ”ham-and activity would Ihtt " the members. you a $Ntider. Elected. '.gt9ettms ot 01"er resulted as t"l,'t, Presidenl-- Edgar Bauer. ”Nee Preint--C. w. Wells. my 'ttsas.--.?'. 1 Wright. "ncii--sh3. B, Bricker, J. H. Rona. r'D6tret 1 A, Harper A. E. Devin .rRttliard Dr. W. L, Hilliard H. Hider. A, " Snyder. '. J Wright. Mar, V. A. Boehm, A, McIntyre »cherer Fl A. Smilh. W. I. that. P. V. Wilson. litttiroe--R. Edmunds. l.. r. Dior V C. W. S'Ehiedel. Kttttttt-9adsvi Shuh. H. K. Devil! ' B. Bean. 1sftMillT [If Elm IE mm Illlllilll,,ilir, tllii 1llll.7 ' , $1.50 The Chronicle Telegraph The chronicle- Wolegraph Will find in the Chron- 'ite-T'euttrnptt a com- thte We! of all Auc- 'tlm, Sn?“ rMina for atk, the Latest and PM'UW‘HM‘” Cruitt Artd Dairy Markets. WATERLOO COUN- . TY’S BEST NEWS. PAPER is a bright newsy paper and contains the most important items of Interest of Canada and other muntries as In" In the fullest Re. counts of happenings throughout Waterloo County. 't1tentLr-VG BEEN tei/g. n it Mom ot II. Board in . W who amnion to . Vault. “u prominent ”3 Clut- " Badcl Ind he I in Not known citizen- of w. Mr. P, v. wnwn 1.1: nominated tor and“ o! It. Water- '"e' hold a. Md” tm. nane!) by I.” ham: * alumna on [It pr: or .001. the “renal". “in! no at pro-Mont at 1.. which position he hm -tut nut! active, He, ed I). nomination. tho quantum; wh ch were " length was the matter at lttt'ttMtumttnutmtmmmtrt Farmers W. Snyder. c. W Hughes. R. Roswhman, Mayor. H. Roos. J. A. Harper, an count-rugs Arrtmmat Lre illl0.llll BUYS HAVE RETURNED Pte. William l'uelnnnn und Lieuten- un Hubert Haunting. son ot the Goo. Hummus ot Guelph, formerly of Wuerloo arrived hero Wain",- day Inning mu renamed from over- so”. They were extended I cordial and hearty welcome by their may iriendl alter hum: rendered g-ilant service in the (not war, Both law heavy fighting Ind bear honorable scan ot the battle: In which they participated. Pte. William Utrqltgttmtt who ennsed tttrout um yeqri no Btolr much scl- He service. In Nov 1917 he‘wan “not! It Plschcadue and' was also wounded by shrapnel; Ho was “I"! wounded in Sept. 1918 m the "do- men which laid him up tor some time and incapuiluod him tor further act the service Since his recovery he had been doing clerical work back of the lines in France, "tu-l. H. 1100-. I. I m. A Bauer. C. Blunts. I. Bull... J, Km Dr. W L, mama. II M, Buy“. s. are... A, H. bid". e Rallul. P. J. Wright. C. N. Hull. Mum Kan. M. ti. Snydu. C, Row M and I. G. Hula. lonbonhlp Co-tttttr- The pro-mm ad .oerotarr--te. Bauer C. W. Wells, W, G Welchel. tt B. Bricur, White In England he met Lloyd Burkholder of Kitchener, who was in the same drive m September as he took part tn. Lieutenant Hubert Hasenflug en- listed at London in November 1915 and went‘overneaa shortly after, He was in the bottle of the Somme and later took part In the battle of Vimy in Nov. 1916. The next year in Ill-y. 1917 he participated in the battle ot F'retsntty. coming through those three engagements without a scratch At the batt‘e of Hill 70 however, in Aute ust 1917. he was wounded in the are and after recuperating in Eng- land he returned to the from and in Nov. 1917 went through the battle of Pasohendale. Here he gained 1 promotion to the position of Lieuten- ant going to England to toe an oer car‘s course. After returning to France he took part In the bottle of Kemmel Hill; June 18. 1918 and from more want to Amiens. In 1918 he was wounde in the foot and sent _ back to England being unlit tor further Be. the service. He left England Jan. 9th. arriving home last week. no in spending a few days with Waterloo relatives. _ , Mrs. Waxenaxt. President of tho Red Cross. took the chair and ex- plained the new] of a Victorian Order In Waterloo, Mrs, Ruhr. President of the Victorian Order in Kitchener, nddl‘t'ssed the meeting and told what great results the Order hnd had in Kitchener, after which the election of officers took place, and resulted It! fol1owrr--- Prniden~ Mp. Arthur Learn. hut Vice President» Mrs. Ed. D. Cunnlnuham. T 2nd Vim Prenidettt---M" Jan. Vul- amine. 3rd VIN Prpnittent--.Mrtt. Jacob Pound. A wording of the PM Committee was hold on Wednesday evening when the wood situation was thoroughly discussed. Reeve Bohlender stated that he had madn arrangements to. 50(1le It power saw whlch will he In- mulled at onco near the market build. Inz. One man has been enxaned to cut and doiiver lhe wood and will has assisted by Mr. J. Simpson. The wood will he nolll in tout foot length" at ti,'t an and out in short lonzih for only 81,00 nddlllonal. or $14.50 per cord. " was pointed out try Reeve Bohlen- der. mat the price is very low when " Is mnsidorod that a man In required to unload tho wood from the car, take it to the market sonar!) and rut " Into short Irmgths tor those cltlzenn who desire the wood nawvd. and lhen load and dolivvr " to the t'ustomer. The wood i." ttrine sold In short Imm- lhs for 8225 loss than in the neighbor ing nity or Kltehvrter. On Wednesday the sixth our of wood arrivml and Mlizens of tho town will do well lo plum their ordors now " wood will he delivrrod in tho order rrooivml. VICTORIAN ORDER 'or' NURSES FORMED IN WATERLOO A meeting of the Waterloo Ladies was tailed at the Rod Cross Rooma. King Street. on Wednesday to form a Victorian Order m. Ann Host Cor man. 4th Vice President-Mrs, Fred Hughes, MINAID'. LINIIINT CURI. OAROIT IN COWU. Arm Cor. 'terrettery -Mrtt. L. R, De tertbeek. TrouunruMn. "any German. Arm, Tram" Mrs. (mu. Rom. Autmoer" V. Wilson CHEAPER THAN KITCHEN]!!! muwTretary- Mn. Foster Rec. Becretsrr--Mrs. Len Search” - Mm A, K, Press in the huh to Tuscan-alumna We Mam-nun. Wuctloo MetaNPtert-tgra- and autumn“. 'etrerttCt?Perey ------ V... __ 'lrt"JiJa"a"aul'Nt u who I.“ "tee at the ' . Thou Ion mt Mont-I. Q... bet, All” Bow-an In! P. I. In _ Pun-ton; J. H. Simpson. Guelph. a! loan Dr. Webb, R. Ranch-ll. . B. Brfeker 5nd Levi Shah. dlncton . the company. Ind Mean A. Blur. w G. Wolchol. A. Foul". B. R. M- tel and C. 8. Bean. . This past year has been year at The loul number of pond" land for the year was ”it“. and the lull 'mount of mummy. written won tgo,- 101381.00. Mr. Cleo. [)le m. pro-Mall PM aided. And the musing director, It. Levi Shula acted an mercury ot 00 mull-u b Olroctors' loud. The President, Mr, 000. Diebcl. pn- semed the wrerxorl' Report u ter low.:-- To the members at the Waterloo Mut- uni Fire lununnce Company; ' Gvntlemen: Your Directors bee to submit to rim the Ftttr-tstxttt Annual Shannen! In! the buulneu ot the Cutaway, comp in; the receipt: and eztretyilturem of the past year. and the Dunne. that showing ”new and "abilities ot In. t‘ompuny on the Tttirtrttrs" any at De. cember. 19t8. with the Auditors' cent ticate tor thet cal-rectum“ ot dame " pended thereto. The total number of policies now Jr force In 29.517. and the will Imam! ot Insurance covered thereunder is $M.ll8.858.00. being an Increase_ l $1,625,516.00. '. _ The Company's total income tor no your. trom all sources was $284.70Lflb and the expenditure "66.24133. _ The tottil cash use“ Ire showi to be, inclttditttt accrued interest. “Mg 407.42. The resldue ot premium We is $328.701.76, making the loul “not: of the Company $1,073,109.18. The liabilities. made up ot 34.190.16 of unpaid lanes. and $137,201.94 un earned premiums and an ov.ritratt ot 881158655 tor bulam‘e of Victory Loan Bonds. are $223,079.05. During the pant year there he: been a considerable Increase In the volume of the business written. the total amount written being 81.625.518.00 greater than but FP". The balance of rash users over In llahllluel In “21.32837. and it we in» clude the premium notes. we have a net. bnlnnce ot $850,030.13. The amount or bremlurp notes on hand has been teduced..whhe tha In- comb tram the gun huslneai 11:; been comsiderarly .lncreaaed. showing agnln the marked tendency ot the hu‘sinenn to change from the mutual to the cash plan. ', ”This has been the tendency ot the buslness tor some years nut. and It has greatly Increased our re-tm nurance reserve, which ls calculated entirely on the can! huslneu. no Be. count of the reinsurance "ability be. ing taken for the mutual humans. Our r'e-mqurnnce reserve It the and of 1918 wan about $10,000.00 hlgher thin the previous year. _ F In conclusion we bett to draw your attention to "to main object or the meeting. Tir., the dlsponl or the nav- ernl statement» before you. and the election of [bras Directors. for the whole M the Dominion df Can. ado being 50 per cent. hither than in late and 1917, and over 100 per cent. higher than 1915. This Company. alum: with others. Btsirered heavily from losses, but we are pleased to may that the mtancial standing ot the'Corn. pany has not in any way been impair. ad. and that the cash assets of the Company are considerably higher than lust year. The tarm huainess suffer- ed [neat severely, and it will be neat-I sary to take aths during the coming year either to slap doing business in some of the diatrlr'tn where losses have been or.ceptionauy heavy. or charge considerably Increaled rates in those districts. During the past year the Company Invested heavily in Government Wer Honda. subscribing to 8105 000.00 ot the Vlmnry Loan, making the total holdings of the, Company In Dominion War Bond- $265,000.00. Trim Pet, year)”; been I Quit laxatives, Plug»; " " It II a mlauke to mntlnunlly do" yourxall with sno-rnllru lznmuve pull. mlnmel. on. purgn and cam-rur- nnd [urea bowql ”than. " weak":- the tum-‘1: and II\ er and makes con- Inf!!! dotrg name‘s”): A A _ . NR 'l‘nhleln do much more than nwrrly can" plan!!! may bowel Ic- tion, This madiclue an. upon ll]. digentive In well ml ellmlnallve outm- -promotetr good dlgesllon. ecu-u (ho bud] to gr! me nourishment from all the food you out. llv- you I food, hourly unpmlln. strengthen. the Iver. m "mum-s bllloulunl. "full-lei lid-II; Am! bowel urllon 1nd I vn the who. body n thoroutth JM,",,'?, outnu- Ircompllshvtl you wlll not Iva to an lwdlt‘lne every day, An comm! NR 'ttttet wlll keep your body In DOMI- vlon rnd you can Inw- feel your boat. OTry Munro's Rom-6y lNR TIN-ll) and prove th!.. " In the but bowel mallow. that you can use and coal- d 11y 2% par not. eontnlnlr' TN'.' to an '",'pd"kll'.t (My: Nature's Im- - INR thug) I told. mun-load and "can by your arm A. a. NAIHNIL. WAYIILOO. Why don't you Bogl'n right many to (welcome your it'2"lgh"y and get your rystFrt In such I "me that daily wrung mil be unnecmry? Yoa Inn do to If you it! I no he: of Nnure'a 'T-er tNlt lelI‘(ll Ind take one (114% mam tor I week or no. In Ttet-tmm" Ful mm inalunéb l mapped“ the War. _ The Drunk-m. Mr. Nobel. ttt mov- Inu the adoption of the Directory ro- port, non-d the fact the! this was thr flfth “In?” mwlnn Mild durum the wnr Vin which the Allin had won " ulbj'ioun victory. Th" Company our Ing. thnldlmo had ttere'tttetrsly Rut)- keFitr'ra'tir fhe nrloun war lonns and a numbvr ot the :llrm-mn Mm) ttad nous tserving With the Cwmqu-n Tow-"H. some: of whom lull mad" the mmreme "erittre for the ruuxr "f lilwny We Were I" proud. he 'wid, to ho "them and eitiaentt of tho grout Britluh Kaw piro. Commenting on tho Intemml he and that “though th- Company in rommon with other companies, hvd sum-red hotter lumen Ihrough ttre during the year, the nnnncuu position of Iho Wutorloo Mutual rnlnnlned un- ImQalred, the total Ham-In now bring over 81.000000. He said " was to ho ‘axpgcled that In a now rnuntry "tits Cunndl ftre loans would he heavier than the long will"! muntrivn in Europe. ' Rirrtigtwtsmi. lot Laue- . 154154.87 Darth-att- It In“; (Dal-ac. In. on Victory Lou In!» wriptlon) '..... ... ... 81.5“.“ F often-n u an m. - mun. human. Wit-rho. new! 86, mo. Pro-tum cub nu («I .. 8140.518.” Prawn-u mutual "ft .. , mum “my.“ tte.. FF' . F. .. £0,533.80 new ..r.. .. moo Lawn ../.. 'r... .FFee tt4 Reinsurance and that", 4 cot-i-...,....... , Salaries, Directors' Pm. Audi lon Ind Care at once. gt,986.ts Adult“ Mum. Travelling Elven-en, and Solicitor] F'-.......,........ 2,849.34 Statutory lune-mum. Under wrltorjs attd Tue. .. .. 6.80449 Pool-u. Telephone. Teletnph. lupin”. Ind Exchange, 1763.03 noon and summary, Ad. venlnmg, und Primuu 2 tt40 69 Fuel. mm. Kevan. unnu- Real Estate .._.. ... .... s Mortgages _.... ...r. ... Debeutnru ..... ... .... Agenu' Bahama, Bills Re. curivnttle And General Ledr er Balance ..... r.. ... otrtee Fumlture. and Goad'n Plans ' . . . . . . Cash on Hand .. Interim! Accrued . Llnbllitlu. Overdraft. " Benin (Bal. nn'ce due on Victory Loan mrtrBeriptiop) .. .... .. ', Unpaid Laue- (uel) -.r.. lme-rnedl'rmlums . . . . . Balance .9523 ..... FFP .. (rash Balance over all Lia. blmleh N... ... P...... m,',',"r,,t,'tfd Balance of Prt, mium N tt W.... ... .. ToulAnét .. ... ..'F.. I2epositrqly gbq Provincm name and WEI-domain“ Marion}: Fund .., '.' Wr . We have also examined the securi- ties held by your Company. and ttnd that they agree with your accounts and are according to the detailed shite» menti- 'thereol also submitted by us. (ttit/gill),": " ... 50,000.00 qAorryttyy y," ‘ L. w. suuu. “Mica”. Manager. Waterloo. Sammy 10th, 19t9. To the Premium Directors and Policy- .1:quwa _or W' books of nominal arid b"oTt'é reist your Company during the your and"); Slut December. 1918. and that we hum found the “me nor- rect and nccordmg to the Instruct btttemtmtts aubmlued herewith. tn our opinion the balancé sheet mum-u to m this report In properly L "WD any: as to exhibit a true and won-ad new of the nuts or the Cor. pnrntlon'n “him " shown by us hooks. Amman. WIterloo. Onurlo. toth January. 1919 Tho Waterloo Mutual ronllnut-d to he Can-dam hint-l mutual and war: today in I "rang" position than eVBr. tte "orre4t to the innervating fart Out. the .Wltorloo Mutual mm the tttst company to an" huslnonn In Wlmrloo, wnlch In no- widely known In An “"1ch mum Mr. All”: Mm; 1rlee.PrFdent. “condom the [11015011 tor the adoptlon ot the report. m dolnl no ho- made refrreneo to the enormous ftre Donn “normed In Clnldl. Ind to (he rmmmenhtlom mud. to reduce them Ho quoted from rayon-u nub- mum! 'a the Commlulon of Comer. “Hon an tho run]! of Inveltlullonl held. In whlrh nun-(m were glvon n to our In loan- and lino 'tuttttmted remadlu for minimum; when. It wu "Hm-lad that Ibo to“! are loan during the wt any yarn m Canadi- w" $.'mthtt00,Mtt and It thr vN-m rr' the 'totdktg umber dun-wed and the eoi: at public and print. promrhnn “new ”em a} orrmbt warh- ndlod. pe ml smog-t would my if?! 3?efhee-rw' bts yriey tltat holders ot thm Wu r [ Mit uh Fire Insurance tl2til'lrt tyy,. ' J. M. BCULLY. RCA J. SCULLY, liundhuru. [up Provinclul Luau. nu. 'l.09|.”l.94 ",093,991.94 mun.“ "47.70043 "M8.64 32.8301"! 228.701.?“ 1.073,t09.i8 ' 30,000.00 14.90000 7015.392179 $344,407.42 $814,407,” ' 81.68855 4,190.50 131,201.94 6.".1,3N.tt 862132337 265.241.”?! 821750.01 5 428.33 5.90633 15,637.41 614.T4 1125000 £114.66 me llllllon dollars. From 1910 to 1918 Welt hel 'he ttrr lost ot Canada was "4.000.: The r won, or tr73 ttor (mulls. Our lanes nuwnw were four amen urnler than in Shula w Europe, and It was uncanny that Votes immediate steps be taken to ”duct-line Pre "tent. as it tttrect) not only our m- tho Mu [tonal resources Ihrougb the destruc-lllre utu tlnn of timber. but our mmmvrrial' F'ollw credit, 1nd retarded the development noard ' at Canada, Too little “million was Mr. Ge paid to In" provemllon or ttrem and the Allan r, remedy wall the ndoptlon cl camtrul. story mensures tattd provlnNal "tttttre TW mom of them. Sixty par Cent. of the 0 loss was from large- ttrea. It lmlld- l itttts were equipped with hprinkllmzl walnuts the loan would be urrutly I1" Two duced. II was also noinlad out thu‘llproux all area should he lnveullgalvd by the i.1i'ii'i'i'; re "1|le and the cellar. it potr New.” Bible, ‘nucvrtalned. CCC.-. ._P._F..wrr ..w...m..., mm". “m, otttetrWreetortt hr”!!! and tt "Hm-‘wem mot 'ttt tho) Kin-honor .depot by her at policy ‘holdms Mao coannomoll l tutrm6oris pt the Return'ml Suldleru’ an the Malena-m ”anomaly '"e,"ileiRttrr.tttort Fommmct-L and ‘men Maura. Alotoq ”you and W. 1:. triepd_ and mm: 'a"coMrat wolmme.‘ - Thé ti/tist BrickerGermannCo. Ltd '""""r"tsrrr"rtesrmorrteer, . __ F mun. m 'qirqr8r'0iFWlr0'm"". m m IquInIuouI‘mmqn'uwmanhuntvIvIuIMIuInIum I I I I I . I I I I I I I '1 . . I I punt CHI . numb. Sewing a Pleasure with Pictorial Review Patterns WLANG Tnzacy Ceheti, New Sp ring-QQQdSI‘J Our Sales of Plctorlol Patterns are increasing each season. They or. the simple“ and 'pt." accunte patterns published. Popular been» not extreme In style. Price! IN, In. 20e and 23e each. A full stock of aim on hand. New Fashion Book at 23e, In. eiudimi a Coupon worth 10e, Fashion Sheets tree. . Will see us ttrthtg the! our White!; m'iaiudue will! ",':,ttif,j' great reductions "ue.), . . a 'V "ir/s")"!'-!., ALL uni-3' WINTER cons Must? BE can. "'d'l ED OUT AT " b.. I 250 Pine" of new Spring (lunch-ms, have Just lrrivcd, In Cheeks, Plnldn. and Strip", Illa in plain Chlmbrayn. fins so" tau-My Ind Mil-h. " to 32 m. wider, trriee per yard, Me, MK, 36e up to .. . . .. 60e The desire of many a busy housewife to begin sewing for ‘tho Spring and Bummer season leads us to me ke an early showing of suit- able materials. The following gathered from English, American and Canadian manufacturers are now displayed on our counters. NEW SPRING PRINTS. I lhnda- with Plnk. alum. Nnvv Ami Ilnll New English Prints. Poncr'l and Crum'l make, two but qualmu. in Navy Blue, Conan Blue, Sell Blue. Grey and White, wnr- ranted fast colors. stamped on every piece, ntperyd. .F. ... .. 25c, 30c, 35c A nood Um. to buy your Lawn now 'or "wing, to havn them lor early nprIng war. in Victoria Lawn, Linen Lawns, Peron Lawn, “a. 36 to 42 in. wide, price per yd., Me, 30ts, MR, and ._... .. Me NEW CPRING GINGHAMS. NEW WHITE LAWNS. lLEACHED COTTON AND EMBROIDERY COTTON. A big "ttttlr to choou "am in all and“ " flu. Cononl. wldo on Embroidery Cotton, 'ltttt Iloochod Cotton; Madatrottrur, Nam- looks. “on " to 42 m, wide, prlco par yard, 22e, 2lk, 30e, 35c up to .. 50c 32 IN. ENGLIOH ZEPHVRO 40c. " Plucn ot um "no qu-my chhyrl. pal. lluc strip", In nun-ow. medium and with. gun-Mood not colon. 32 M. 40e wide, price per yard _____ ._._F. - have we curled ouch * Inga neck ot mum-o, they come In ueht and M NEW SPRING GALATEAS. Don's miss this Bargain. Come this week lure. EARLY SHOWING-OF' ' F ebruaritr 'v")',"" Half Price WATERLOO i Two Waterloo soldiers. Private, Leroux, Allan “met. and H. Becker. Foundry "reel, arrlved home from overseas m: the awning lmln from Toronto Wedngmday night. They wem mot ‘nl tho, Kttchoner.depot by ieyrmeris oLlhe Retyrried Soldier»? The n (Mm: dimmers. New". Allan Bowman, J. ll. Webb. Ill, and " W. Shut: were twit-tstd. [ Vows of thanks were lendcl'rd In In President and Donn] of lung-(mu. tho Manager. Inepewtor and Inc-ad or. tire null and the Imam-y Mutt F'ollnwirut the annual meeting the Board of Director» met and rv-elH-trd Mr. Geo. chlwl, Prominent. and Mr. Allan Bowman, victrPretudeLu. TWO WATERLOO SOLDIERS RETURN I I I . '1; I I I . IA-Or'I' I won I ;l I 'tre"".""'"- NEW WHITE AND COLORID ‘MIROID ERY VOILES. w an the" new 9w!” Voila that hiw just bun whacked ready tor your Impu- tion, nutty embroldand in Flak. no". Wine. Green Ind Black. " 'to " In. WHO. rice er ard, 1.00. $1.35. tt.66 Sm. /ryr.'.'.'r",. ...., .. $1.75 Pgin wan. Voila. m a lug. ulonmopt to choc» from, Engllsh cud Amos-Inn tttabt, en. ttttq than tau-Mu". " " u kl. with. price per yard, Mm 40c. 05c. 75: ' upto.,,..,,,,...,,.....,.,. Lthr nude- with Plnk, Blue, Navy and Black Stripes. suit-bl. for Unlvorml. Home Dunn u. Children'u Dru-u. "3.. " and so 60t in, wide, price per yd., 360. 66e, 50c. TM- In en exceptionally odod velue. “we "no mtieh, no" quality, no dreeelng. and for qum Gowne. Underwear. etc. come early and on eome of clue good Cot-356 ton, 40 in. wide, regular Me tttr ..I _ NEW WHITE VOILIG. SPECIAL IN WHITE NAINOOOK. “a FOR 36:. . , PLAIN CHAMIRAYO. w. no showing I largo" stock oi-niw Spring Chambrayu. in Ihldll " Pat. lino. Aim lino. Copert Blue, Pink. any. link. ote., no display on in. bi. “but, " " " in. with, price on yard. th, 400. and (tu-ALL-PO-ttv. Ont, Wednesday. Jun. ”It Illa Margaret" l'nmeroy. eldest tutrghtar m Mr. J. H, Pomona! of Drug” and a unduue nuns ue 0.11 Fue- tat, ma happily valued to Mr, m uulektau, an ot Mr. Allin 0‘“ch ot Wnerloo. Mr, otd In. Quicklnll Ion immodiutely tor ttMr future home In (tolovllle. But" tol- Inwed try the beat wltsttmt or t ion at lrlomlu. ' A number of Waterloo ”than” went to Toronto on Wain-urn“ “w the Kitchener World't (ill-m- pious trim the (n1 Bt. l’itmk" “km by a more of a to 2. thereby "rub Ins many ttteat worn whom’bdloitd an Klu-hmmr auregz-zon would ”In unable in "use I "cottseuttek." ATTENDED HOCKEY MATCH. i x '1 "Ait".eit'f HYMENEAL -

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