I uiririrCtttrtsdttmHtitrhiri-ttt. Pttoutt "tu/fri/ttes contort-nee nut; play: to levy lagengnltlea tor when damage it appears as though no mouiry wlll come to ‘Canu'la. Atttimmtruhe correspondent“ in a g 3'0!an can thertorttetedce In; 'tttiid, ttsis' sro!ittt.t),tt 1ttl to , l equity quantum the kgouy problem or the amount duo'iu still to ha y Win-tater my bout! 't4ei+st it should damn-arm uni-tabby P" Gum-n1 must pay to the-very limit tor all the duurdly damage , Ede were an.» rxt.llteUB, Suntan“ [all " ehon! 30.000 - an “a Itqqttt (a the year of 335,000 um. “an; [named 11. " the! - mm, and British Column. by 16mm (on: he. do at tum. wane an: or amicable we]. Notwith- “mundane avenue-n or the Alberta can Industry. the we] . , Ge that province hue In yet been berely coached. In e recent mun: d “0M1 Pout. Mr. F; W. Creadell, who In: large "ttereata in the b, ’ deemed that there rennin tune of mound: at acre- of excellent q-ttn within my dluence of sure-en: â€venetian end -ity mined. M u unable tor both domestic end “an pun-woe». end the condi- p be â€In. a troll the ground In duct-lied u "Reel." Meaning. However, it might be inure-ting at this time to analyze the It ot the war to Canada. Our bill up to November 30,1918. totalled tl,08C â€00, eccording to a carefully prepared “than“ made " Mr Thomas hue. Minister ot Finance. By March 31 this you it will have been swelled r£1,29(l.00_0.000. These tittures, by the way, were sent to Sir Robert Burden t préhonutloa It the inter-med conference he repreeentntlve of Canaan'- kr amalgam. In the statement pnlntl‘meqce “:90? in France In Ctttetr M [FILM- ber any pet man.’end him “like s1fi2"ll/li2rtl"lrl"d'd of y, which future European and America expel-u aunt in nearer actuali- ') manna». dae- hbt represent the can "ttttts tiy In, newâ€: y Brett 31. tty?Wx1'kNft"tHd,,P1t, wuroxlmhtely 330,000,009 win twrt',,!,,';,',',,':',',',,","',,"',':,',',',",,',' 'ittbua end furthermore the pin: I 'wlll to e $30,000,000 I year andth more. F "o . r te 'tc net ’deBt“ ‘ht‘eréh 31,, 19ti/ he â€30.001000. By much M, w, ' gun by; drown to sx.§oo.poqooo. _ " Guild. were to m her-nun. T Ko animated. the Germourwoutd huuvto my thin country 51,590.1190900 toil Marlin: the annuall- ohduhari wan-tn of large clam- tor indirect b eFtsrqisetuy dam-gs, ad well i than "lain: out ot. 5-w- ot German I The total wheat crop for all Canada tn 1818 wall 210,315,800 bushels. rah- lm 37,363,902 acres. according to the preliminary estlmato of the Dominion tau-“in Statistics. . mm; a number ot recipes and practical tuttrtreatioutc It was elumted it more than elxty per cent. or the children attending rural school; in Al. m {nought a cold lunch to school every day whlch they would eat at Irre- br lateral: to the detriment of their health. For thle reuon It we: the I at the department to encourage the teachers and trustee: to err-nae for tuning-or one hot dluh at noon every day. Sumatlone for . well balanced d tiinetteon are ulna glvan tor the benMt ot the mothers. The lobster catch In reported worth {6.608.050 for the yen- 1916-17. or ti.. l.ietoro than the previous yen. The increased value is not due to n [It éitch but to a large increase In prices. seem-ding to I report on the â€or industry by the Fitrtiertee Brunch of the Department ot Nan] Service. . we. to the Psri'sgorrsspondent of the London honing Standard ' - conierence inn decided to Kongo its intention of coiling upon Ger. in us her sseocistes to my the silied cuisine. this post ot,tttry w 'ttttt I momma sud smpie reverence tttr%uuusttiitm" “his†zone.“ q-ttatttmit you on may that KY,†slurp distinction is being indium anâ€. which "rittted iron: Main-to mini. and dslnnge m use wsnton. The decision has pieced sn entirely diluent complex you the whole question at indemnitiee. Genius s distinction between We done by legitimate warfare and dsnuxe which run wanton". is one it nbpsrently is diii'icuit. insofsr " Britain is concerned such s decision il hove only reparation tor dams“ done by sir raids end the destruction quinine. _ Maity publicists of Csnsda hnve Cotttidauttlr stated that the Dominion .id be reimbursed tor her losses and wsr debt by an indemnity covering gclnims of the British Empire. " appears now thsi no indemnity will be If thet proverbial bear went back to hls hole when ho saw his moreâ€. it was a very foolish act on his part. “to†mummy. and the maul! will be a more speedy lament ofuua ttt detti'trweno. . Thin Mud of wanker tor the middle ot wlnlor In almost unprecedented In memory or the oldest inhabitant. “inâ€: maker- and the - unor- hnve presented thelr mpocuve In to the courts and Judgment. bu been r-ed. At present the pub- In any '" per ton. Tiny contend a air price would be '60. time an “am In “king tor t8t. Tht pemrtmem ot Education of Alberta has Issued a booklet dealing witti â€mt-non and serving of trot lunches to churn-ca In meal schoolh. and olAiurrc,"hnuar,, you im no? coon to (moan. The Waterloo Town Council. backed up the Tax Collection Combined, try hit, wrought G' an; 14:32 Canadian aborfglna! pupuuliuu ot 105,998. Bot tttr.) lb- _ nly 8.414 adhere to uni! primitive vac-um». wool-ding to the report be Donna“! of lid!“ Atmir. for tho you ended Much M. 12m. Of tMtBs" who In" when! Chrutlnity. 43,986 are Roman Catholics. ' iiurisii-or," . Arch 31, thanâ€; l in: 'tttit, an! nbl defrt" I: Ip-u- WaiGiGGr. may"... as - (mm by the Inu- mum-mm. trqmqrMe&ntBarttnttqt an. var. w, "tttbtw O.†I In} The not“ at the Nova Scout: nines. Maui-m.- than amoun- mvtosu nu try om 331,000 Mtg - lab-u and than the - use. to“. New lam-wick -†no†In. "I It“ In 1917. It. tow production, 265.000 was, I “'0 mucous. 11,820 In Methodists, 8,1Mr Preubyterllni. 1,297 Baptists I†- other curl-Han mum. . an": ot Mr. E. P. B. Johnston. K.C,. in Toronto, removes iron: the mn one of Canadi- toremoct lawman, who in. figured promitttsutV ab in the conn- of thin Dominion but ha been id-tttted with r momenta ornnlud for the welfare ot Clnldt um its people. a-r-st-i-tross-rt-resist-LC-iiNet- 'Mt-ret-oe-tir-tsu-tstar-tsa-tom. -r"qtt"d'retNmoneuatrwtrera-din' than“... n." Wm!- worth gamma; Then my a. “jigs-mg..." mn w 2 ' tor "an. "ON, can“ by tic Dual-10¢ has“ oftttatt.. pm J.‘ .145â€: ot a. W M Tr“. Old m :‘ -, inmate“. . s" "yast, - /1 N ADV-mung. f s," 2;}. i..' i'i.-a--,i"iriiiiri7'iLisai'tiluisiu. - .w CANADA AND DAMAGES CAUSED BY THE WAR. gnu Chm“ "U" i-' , m the but three year- lhe "Donation arches-o from Cantu bu plane. amounting In "" to 170.100.“! poundn. "had a. "MM,. " to 153.18%") pounds. "load It 840.001.107. and tn "" to "k I'VVV'V 8M tyne-.7 V I-e-ta-tl-tl-Cie-, . “mulm1 HOT MEALS FOR pums‘ IN stitboU. ‘ can“ noon) OUTPUT or con. NOTE ma COMMENT. shadow tION BRtNrtilphr" If" f LICENSE ttANgWitagD thraéiié Riki‘s "riii/iieirG. A report In light; prepared covering its operation nince Inst October, The expense “can: In about 323,000. Pnonucnon 'p . cranium anel, Pa., Fe 's. I. - For the ttret “th! l, years the curtailment , racite ml mam 1119 been ordered. ' mines are not won-W. other-b die on wort shifts. _ d weather has ca sea a stagnation itt tragic and tri qtttragte of an- Gael h. “a... 4ttku--rn 1m 1mm white .Mn "owes. at thtBamrh+ my: ara bf the County Council. Malt mum? ittshoesntrettt or thr county and: and the -cou- struciion, At Protrimtiiil huh. ways. t He restirt?urtrte.tdetd the imqui- ate purchase of stone quarries and“ throughout the country. He arm co~opention with other municipali- 1Tlri'?d'talllQr.ttg'g2t an: i t 41 , Te i,ta"',t t a; Q",',l,tprlfdt, he which 'ltdl from Toronto to Wham by Lila. northern route through Guelph. 39'“- ford and London. He use III-53d strict economy. consistent with ‘e l. cusnLastsNie.assris. _... ., h r -rr . The Branttord eniergancy hospital tor irtttuenea patients has been clone-1 Guelph, Jan. 28.-The license " manufacture beer which was held by the Lion Bravery Company 1tt Kitch- ener was ordered canceled hero to day by an order Issusd by Police Magistrate Watt, who gave out his decision in the charge brought against the company by James O'Brien. Lie ense inspector toe South Wellington or selling liquor which was over two and a in" per cent. alcohol. The charge was laid $011101“!an was heard only last week, with N. V . v . -___ Ji,t Junvector. nd ame- Havitts r.', ". of "rT'f,'liit Let; tor ttttr tar) tants Brgpt'ord "Flu" "tretrttdt.' \ E1 b. t ho er1srturortioiersets, began UM†_? m 3.? ,. L ' d r,l,'t'ilis,'iittr,iliii'r'iii',i'iiiii of 204 l' P, MING or. 'wy ' .t pslup ltic le t ngla' on Jai 1 , giro ttit2aiitiiit', in rid k in Halifax at t “an". W†, W; , . ,' , 3, _ tu . Imam, including 1, 'iit1 iqyéj tlt,itjFti,i,i?iyri'!i,i,ei',i,y,,t', 2t,p,,tgit' i'lC'ii'Jh'i'i'iiiii?,'ieat"l.it,t? 1eSiitilii',t,'ii,t'2 1h?! ;iu'iiG'irf the Céunty Cannon. gain“ "r-Ural-hte, min... Arrserrsah'satssc A. After being rushed out of [on Weber followed the Gum] Trunk tricks to Shanow Lake, where he spent tho rest ot the night In a shed ma boarded the south-bound train M 6.30 In the morning. Weber in a man ot about ‘55 yegip at age: Jr" Owen Bound, mu., Fen LAWOM has been reeeivmi"hore that Rave Joseph Weber. ot Namath, who 'rrs run out at Owen Sound by a crowd oi returned soldiers and V civilian. I; seriously ill with pneumonln n1 re- wlt ot the exposure of Thursday night. On " exit from the theatre to, night Weber wu'lurronnded by a lane croxd and taken to his hotel to collect h belun‘lnn. There he was made to the the a... and then was -eortqrd down Main street amid hoot: and yells, A Union Jul was placed in his hatbud um another amped on his shoulders, end in rowan†to my punctual dementia to prove " loyalty, he sum time qunvering “up frt "God Bare the King." . bl: Owen Sound. Jun. Sit-A number at returned Ioldlerl an a hm no“ of chm". nu out of town lav-I'M Jenn Weber. in". ILNM who can†to “and County Council horn ,buz no urn-ted on Tue-day on I!" chug" of sedition. Ind his: ullg'qd out on â€.000 bait. , ftt 'GlT='t'l'lCU." a ' I. I Immmmmmlmu '7 on Act It . "Hon- thu. a Web: in “an!“ to has! on two BoettriMqq at - ouch. â€and by Reeve Nol- and an..." Spa-u. qt Normandy Tow-nip†He will if you for a preliminary Marin; before Mantra" haunt on Tubman IS. CM COMM ait.ufiaa in}: Sr}; 'ef? _ uni-t . C - eb c an ag."tu" has? REG-“.63." MM Walt. um. 7ou'N"o',Lur'clg,1 Mu- _ 'ff?? 1tueyur.tytruje they» The Thrift Stamps take care ot the "quartera" In a very com vénlanl mtnller. A Thrift Sump costs‘ " cents. 1nd. when one In [am-clued. n Thrift Card - with it. to which Sum“ Ire attached " bought. Winn the " space- lave been fintd the ctri any in eaetmtutet _ [ tor a War Saving: Stamp, for which the Goverttttttttt will pay 35.00 in 1924, Much I: heard than! the lm, porunce of tavirte the doll r Ind It II well tilt Much than“ ha “Id lbw)! n. [It there It dunm tit! the Immune.“ the "gaunt" I!†he overlook- 0d. For was“ ityr, ", art-r" . I. AlUlhefdl'l'idNtll5 - ttterm-V It I" _ "thttuit fi-ij nun no donut . SAVING THE, “QUARTER." [HIS ORIGINAL DUCUMt matrtfiitfirrrua,m of thiieytr a}: _ettertrsfor .u. A -. _ g T _ . . tl' m. - fia,i, Ada' I!!! [undid-f of Ataie. it: â€Manama-mun!» .. 3*“ roan-n 00Wâ€- _ . [ I. fowranwan. 'iiiiht "p?jiiiii'i iii2,,idi. eec jbktiFid -"_ i! Nathan". V and. 't,iiii1o',it,1b) a) I “at. V (manna. 'ty,--Y'or the ttrat time in “eight years tt South Waterloo Agri- ‘cuiuxral Soc y will oormmttttyyet2tt' yearyithdut a. deficit, an adverse Niamey! use hating beennupbd out magma! meeting held has .0113. on. It was reportod that a": v “:37 'a _ ery’slu. essful 'dS W"tir'ilNr51pm'.e't'erik t,"'rih'lil'lt tttat amlin indebtedness by, $290. 10301; 919$“ which l'P" loan nib: scribed. Ht was decidco to hold and ptfirias Jan. 21.--Fifty thousand returning soldiers and civil- ians image]! bran ht(toythi;s country, and distributed to their TiiriWuiiorirth by Canaan“! railways in two months sauce the gener- reut9gtg.tepr.hemyerrttrturoFc.ov.pt'sets, ttetpytCThe, Militia De- jiiiiti,i'ii"I" Brim? goons max-mm» if; _ . _.'- '. ELECTS' . ._. mars DEAD-Wm " "br" NEW unusual f 4 0011me scribed. m‘was decide’o to hold the' Spring seed fair on April 1 and the Fall fair on' September " and 19. "The olicera elected wero:--Prmsi- deat. ‘A.‘B. MchMl. Galt; lat Vice- Prealdené. T. M. Jsmleaon. Hespelor: 2nd mc4-Proiidot, W. B. Powéll. Gan: Btstretarye'rreourer, R. R. Cow- m. Gait; Directors-Galt: Aid. B. E. Charlton; G. Bernhardt: Preston, J. R. Wood; Hospaler. A. Radon: North Dtimftimi, G. P. Moore, E. G. Hnilmbn R. B. Olivef. tt. D. Ferguson; "Water. 1tRrmHtttBtrftr, S. wetttertttcg.-Hh- ll. D. Lurch and D. S. Farguson. g.ulttortr--A. S. Wilkimiott,Ntd C./A. G" , B " '7 “ea “in?" Vain W of 26.600 " Fiona}. 7 ' 23; .t Jitithitii,?," lentils ' on 1ht1'rght and;Mll lira If k in Halifax ut t “an". She carries 2191' tf-y to . Item, including 1, aggro 1U6intts. l! 3 , '",N!h Gtrvertuttestt has issu a s temenf pointing out the " Beuttfett of t-ortatiotsr Several steamers promised for the . mining tr,tftrd!rttttt. to 'the Australians, Americanaand , r; 'Qfgséaénen returnin l (ill,MI, Si1fllMi ANDABWIHANS ', HM BEEN illlllllM Ill HANNA "_. I DURING THE MST M 1llllflRi In“ I took Lydit E. Pink. tsin" Vegetable Compound t nut“ “In. 1"th ' Itertin,retst.---Aatet but... 'enttte_Aatroe ed Press by Count Far tdtllMLt a 2ttilttl',',ta.h, theat- Foreln my r, which toy he seemed in My glut. onc- 1'tul'ii11f',' would eonslder a â€use of rriht Ind we. A test. guegol was most bethqIrtqte-thntertof {Dem tsetttt- nest then. says Beratstorft'it statement. No other†can do -rtthhrtrertttFirtttHtrrhie forth] world tr .‘ AGREES WT! WILsorrs POINTS, â€in [r , Statement ofesses co plete mayâ€! with, _ . leur ts of ,Wllson's program and also Welcomes free and gliit2't slit-t- meat of all colonial claims, It Inserts German rig 1ByitsteeMted: ness with regard to Russls. except as to sf/e't'l'li','l, of them of Bolshevism and announces a willingness to pay for all e done to civilians in Belgiu- and France so far as this damage can be provon due to German aggression. ' AGAINST RESTORING ALSACE~LORRAINE. fre restoration of Alsace-Lorraine to France ls resisted,,nnd ramming this an.) any other proposed‘ . ' territotm e is}? T. is Itch! Jtittt _ page of_rlgltt sag Justice pre sop- tfa,tter,reg'2 queétions. The question of the (gum for ttie'ikar - W t majority, do not feel guilty, although " do not My shoulaj be permitted ty a neutral commission. The German mic lltt'rtll "REED. ililt MENTION mistakes irere made.†MINKRO'B LlNIMENT CURZS mom or aiiiiiLTii norm nor can?! Wï¬wrmuï¬ï¬s} ( t1artirvr= IE it is held that a piece of right and justice me In WW9 wadâ€! of seh3etermltrtiot? will hey.†my»: commence a the ', union duel». J-sniRSvesr,'., ta t, an adverse r0 Ross .9- A9eati,ulttqttL,Mts V ur tseenortpted. o thmBeumalepbone company . rung held has n tl ge, child.“ Mr. gndilrs. tt t. , reported that ‘i T er of thin city, dropped , d: 911 till essful "_.. d nl at 4.30 this atternoon.; d 'fl'dr'l'i,"ril)')')t _4lg,u'i'rllahtm'/r' "frirlttyr'mmpttti? ' to u! (My. Pro...) NINAIO'I LIN-INT CURB. OAIOIT IN COW.- ‘Archangu. aundhy. Feb. 3.43m. Ibcvlk patrol: war. In touch with Mllod who“ today About " mun noun» of Raymund... with the cr- 'septfort of a wlduprnd put-o! quiv- ity um! Navy â€willâ€. on the Vulcan nmny "In, thou was comp.†" an!" mutiny on all “do". , _ _ St. Catharines, Fob. t.--Atter rip- ping oft the pl-tlorm of two troIIey can In Iuio corttatntrttrsix tor rid." mung-d down I " foot qmtNtrthmertt neur- WQIIInd. None of the " were hurt but Coroner Dr. Vauderburg. a pun-agar an trolley, wu badly hurt In no WIIhup. " wrmnm‘ou rAhLtmer9,1ttOR' _ , Hamptls’sm ed “at" Grain Gorporattttrt, "gird- ing the Amcrlcan guaranteed prlco of when: in rotation to the world price of commodity. F NONE HURT WHEN AUTO PLUNGES OVER ar FOOT EMBANKMENT Welland. Jan. 'M.--.-whlt t in of combing her hair It tyy ho iii,“ had not complained. The only duh: given was to trtsruitue-dtuhtier'it? call for grandmother. Mrs. Dong!†was dead when her mother arriked. She had lived here Ill her “to and mu but in her youth. She leaves two small children, bonds: her hum band. mother and father. WILLCOMBAT [ STRIKE WAVE , IN GERMANY WAR TIME BREAD PRICES FOR NEXT " MONT-H8 Minnupolln. Jan. 30.-- Wan-Um. brand prlceu will prov." throughout the world tar another olghhen month. leading Minnenpoll. flour min lea predicted ted-y when Informs! of the "atement nude in New York by mun. Runes. Pro-Idem or unit. "L6tutott; Jan.' 3tr--Thm Ger-man gov- ernment contemplates 1'?llt mmuh on to coming my grandam . Ike may. then and will Boon' brlnn forward the bill compelling- men tgt. work ' ind “wordy punhhlng the ctrlkan. Bud at “you!†In the cm- l'l Wanna, Feb. 3.-The Ukraine adv: :ernmen-qu ban. mgteqtat Jun: Kim no Win-aim. to the southwest. Ball jwty communication with Kiowwcul go" at Kovel when there In I body.“ Germ-0’ troop: attempting to keep on der among disorderly German. who are retiring from Ukraine. Wooduock. Feb. 3.--mvo years In penltentlux VIII-"mullet. Imposed tas dny on Lealle Wait wh/o pleads}! dul|~ ty to "atthttt a â€hrwh‘dh dottroyod his tather'e barmwim. canton". Ho acct-red nuance} the} fteq with the intention of utimukhino the bun im. modi-my but it not bum: him. London, Feb. 1,--ArHrt you. port Narrttnttormett carrying two thou-Ind troop. In on the rocks on the Me of Whlalit with a snowstorm and a high net. hm " in believed (not: aboard are not m can danger. Soymnmpton, Fob. 1.5-AII "Sop. WIN one" "mom. BABIES DIE IN COLD. A cold wave hare ha. resulted In the death " hundrcdt, enpeclally bib- les, who wage fro'tn to detath while being transported f'" railways This probaMy refer: to refugees flee- ing to War-aw to escape from the ad- vancing Bolchevlon. Telegraph line. and rallWay- In the direction of Inert. na were cut by Creche-Slovak: (at Thursday. LESLIE WEST .' wahwg'rqs. gLKigv'Rns. a.“ at. en 1fA the 'ts86'ttiry,tk'u,'t troops, Carnal pgitiiAU troop. tidrtia'tty" giddy overjto the enemy. _".',",' f _ t _ L: l aovEimiit'itNr MOVES. . F ( Illlllillfllll;(lr J: _/r" (llll'lllflrliri1l GETS 1mm YEARS ttrtrsideairiii.i,i ran ARON; '""r"tia.tt2s' SHIP STRIKES ROCKS, Telfers "The Buy Wordgbr Biscuits' -r, mm iiffirtfifiiiiifffiifgiiiilfgfflfll "t The Flavour Lagttt K 'i'i,iiiiiiitlii(i,8! [tte, f', iiiijiiiiiiiiiiii,itii'? 5:: 'il', an IIIuJuI “annulus, 'ref"? _ f (38.118th ranmltiamb up: . War at, 1'eLtge,r,P'tg? :;" . an; 00.388 (rertttw.',- l" f' 1"P1'e't," : man'wlth i/itt),tiiiit?,i"iit,i',iiS' life; has In 111mm“ _ _ u'flyrr and whoâ€. Ig/tpm London, Feb. 1','i-ett Pip-K . pondent of London' all,†. outlon of the submarine t3rcAt Pi" may be (learned by the â€all. (ionl. The manor I: burn. it†by naval experts am! it J. “Id, Pr foellng in that .tstttetAr%VtrastCi', 1’ used on/rt/tt ddpntlygw, _ within urn-Wop}: an», up“. tl, mi c, u .wainmgihm "aEgr.tr '/e't'fe"tetrt,tPtt for the American 1 made tttttrite-Nt, partment. The exclusive of them! WWMIIE'M of mayfr ,a.1aarttutrHCstf. If you gm for: m thou “inâ€; 1 a "Htittthtrre'/ rum! “Li all!“ Milli; " It a "" . a , '. 4,: mm 00 ttilrd'i,'t.t, also?“ liN.,8lrr: £23? l si',At3itt,'iilit'.(i9hAt,'it)ht _) ' gayw 1rirssfa,iit"r J W a _ , a Mtg 'er