‘,’_lon'l P n â€in â€do" “no. will noon - to arrive and no In bread te “In I." “no. mm to elm out noun! stock “for. Gourd†L aim“. lulu. “an. Capo. lhou and Furnishing. are all mm 'N T of original out. I. make I clean - of cvorythln' and begin kW“. men with brand In». "oc" in our, line. " you have any and i» T “a. naval-cl ttf any ttiriptirtrt this II y ur o-tttnity-a chance to P ’ you (an on. quarur to two "unit on the regular priu. 'ii. F I â€Q." New: BOOTS, SHOES AND '. Womon's red, brown, grey and black Cosy Slippers, regular $1.35. sale mo temre ..... ..-._ ... _ ... 95c Children's and Miner Felt Slippers. 3 " sacrament. Values up to $1.25 an price Wrt-m _.... ___.. ___.. 69c M lulu Women's Wtte. kid and gun- man! than. regal-r $3.50. $4.00 and "SO, all. price '""f "l'", -'l' $1.98 g Women's and growing girls' Kid and Patent Lace and Button Shoes, high Md low hull. regular $5.00, $5.50. â€an. sale pricc ..... ... ., . $3.95 l Dark Tan English Balm. with Neolin “In. regular $7.50 now .. .. $5.95 FOR THE MEN. , Mr. Byron Schwartz and. family - to thank those who have m any 3'â€, assisted them during Mrs Munr- mnesn and also nnvr her M II we" " for the many "mys- Wl of sympathy in their hormvo- linen Thursday morning our mill panther with the othor mills in thr mming country have qull buy- 'u' when owing to tht' wry unsatis- new" condition in the flour market Th. miller: huve decided not to huv bore when! until further nnim- is ,Iizen- -- the " ' Man I him" w. J. Snider and "yron' hwy-n: the . minim-s2: visit to To i Mt,', on turdâ€: i 1 TNF. Adam Doprr. 91mm Run. I II Omit-vim. with her son Martinl _ . not Ind litany. I "tee. Mr. Smith at Toronto. i'c-prog “a": at (In Dominion Alli:nve.i , the pulpit in the Methodist on Sand-y Mterttoon. ' f . P. Webster. of Elmira wiiii on "The Manon Man I mer', W h (In Methodist Church neat "terttoort. Fine farm of 180 acres. in the Township of Woolwich, Yi mile from school and church, good producing soil and in a high state of cultivation. Good water, fine large up-to- date bank barn, good house, orchard, 20 acres good bush, Shortage of help and owner has decided lo sacvtTtce. Will WILSON B. BECHTEL accept town home in part payment. Price per acre..... .. ... .....tF... ..e.. ..... ... One hundred acre farm, about 6 miles from Kitchener. in fine farming district, slightly rolling land. soil of the best clay loam, good stone house and fine lame bank barn. good orchard of mixed fruit, " mile from school, 1 mile from church, good water. Owner has too much land and you may have this at per acre . . . . . . . . . . . $100.00 PNON! O25 Farms for Sale _..,t,?i' , "Where the rnSt s Good Clothes Jii-d-L-..,,L.. Comq from In Final Hind-Up Clearing Sale Overcoat: worth $25.00. .. .r___ _F--_r___ tut." Overcoat. worth $30.00. only Overcoat. worth $32.00. only _.. ...N' 'FF. H .. $25.68 Overcoat: worth $35.00. may Overcoat: worth 340.0(1 only ... mt' ...vF twr_PT_. $29.98 Ovarcoau worth $20.00. F._r.. Fr _ ... $14.9I Many others to choose from. Come in and talk it over. Ovomaln worth Overcoat: worm $22.00, ttF-' .. _ in.†CONESTOGO $15.00 Suits only $13.00 Sum only M, value $2.50 " r0. value 3350 l: n. value $4.00 ft rs. value $4.50 " m. value $5.00 ft rs, value 86.00 it re. value $7.50 ft Real Esta“ and Inn-runes MONEY TO LOAN AT LOWEST RATES. SI'I‘L'ATEI) ON MAIN ROAD. $2.50 tor $3.50 for $4.00 for 34.50 tor $5.00 for '6.00 for $7.50 tor RUBBERS, only $19.98 only iavuil only 324.93 only iir.iril only $2&98 only ttsms'; only $14.98; only $12 " l only $10.30 â€3.00.; Gunman Call. lingual: III... with 812.98 Ncalin “In. regular “.50. now $4.05 $23.48 $269 $3.39 $3.59 $4.39 3498 $3.98 onu' Heavy School Shoal. six" 1 to s, regular 34.â€. now ._.. .. $2.05 Born' “no Calf Shots. the. 1 to s, very "new ___. ..re_ _.___. $3.50 Youths' fine Call Shoes, sizes 11 to 13, “I: an“ _.. .rF.rt. ..rr. 82.05 Ham/y Work “a... with visa! â€In. ngular $4.00. new ..‘.. ..._. ta." F R THE BOYS. MEN'S UNDERWEAR. AT "FINAL" REDUCTIONS. 2 P. C. UNDERWEAR. $1.00 Men's Fleece lined Underwear. now tttrt ., Fe .7 .rFr.e T.FF 75c BUY CLOTHKNG OF THE HIGHEST QUALITY AT THE LOWEST PRICE. Mothers. your interests are ours and m this sale we have provided In ichly for you and your boy in clot! that will please him and make him th envy of all boys who wear Ernst: clothes. Come and partake of u bargains the like of which you'll nc have offered to you for many a long. day. _ Regular $6.50 Overcoat: only _ $4.43 Regular $8.00 Overcoat, only . 35.9% Regular $9.50 Overcoat: only . $6.98 Regular $12.00 Overcoat: only V 38,98 Regular $14.00 Overcoat: only F $10.80 Regular $16.00 Overcoat: only _ $12.60 Regular $18.00 Overcoat: only _ $13.90 I Boyn' Suits. all ages. 'tre to 18 years' ‘Regular $6.50 Suits for only .e. $4.98 l Regular $7.50 Suite for only _ ., $5.98 Regular $9.00 Suits for only PfV $7.43 Regular $10.00 Suit for only 'l? $8.48 Regular $12.00 Suite for only . . $9.98 ' Regular $14.00 Suits tor only .. $10.80 l A pretty “adding look plan-P (m i Wcrtnesday. Jan. 29th. M the horn" of :Ihs- hridv's parrlm. Mr and Mrs. Hump] tVhrag th-n mon- dnuxhtt-r humus was married lo Mr." Mmeon ',titvintuann. non ot Mrs, ll Slvlnmann. Irtot mum“ Stolnnmn ummemrm MEN’S SOCKS In heavy medium and lightweight knit. all periecl ftttintt and wear-re- sisting socks that are marvel: of value at the "zero" prices marked: 35: Men'. fine heavy 80x. new .. 25s Happily Wedded Mr, Daniel s, (Insrhn hound Wilmot “runway oi Vo Jam A Galt. We wlur tho new proprie cry sum-r.“ In MM nndm‘tnkinx 'outrerirstt Broken Arm. tial knot.- Busincss Change: Hand: Mrs. i' Quilvr had the misinrtuue to fall rm an In: wa'lk bark of nor homo mu! broke hor left arm above hm v. rim Fernanda Mr! Moyet and her daughter Mrs, " Sum.- of New Hatntrurtt vlnltntl Mrs. C Sutter on Tuesday of last weâ€: _ Ming Beatrice Bueclmer In VIIRNIK hr friends the Min-en Wtrtttie my! Pmice Iatutenreugter of Kftrhener. ' aADQN 255 KING, WEST. Who new proprietor "b" (:nsrhn hmmht tho ' oi .11. Jay Allan at $70.00 $4.43 $5.99 $6.98 saga $10.80 $12.60 $13.90 JI “it returned hpme "irCTi" tiriidwrGrwtu, has been Vilma; friends mud rehtlve- In balm ville 5nd Vanessa tor name “me In: -.-... "an--- ___--- Hrs. b" mun in " present vlslttng friend: In Kttchenor. In Irvin Lnutenachlnxer Ind children have returned after vlultlnx her parents Mr. and Mrs. J. SIndlou In Hanover. . Mr. Floyd Btugcmun is at present taking I two-week: course in Fun: Power at the Ontario Agricultural College. Guelph. lutgrggth}. yoga Nam Mrs, Geo. Heulu its slaymg with her mother in Lansing, Mich. where the latter In: recently undergone u seri- ous operation. W- -,-V_.V,_.V Mra. Wat. Toman was operated on on Saturday " her home. Ind II der ing an well as an be expected under the rircumnunccs‘ Mrs, Abraham C. Hellman of Bren Ian and Mrs. Thomas; Randall of Alta. mum. Man.. are the gut'sls or Mr. and Mrs. Allan U. Hallman, F-m' Club - Mr. Savln Barbour ol Wellesley, will spew at the Farmer's t'iub meet ing in Kavelntan's Hall on Wednex day. February huh, Moving pictures will be shown by Mr. Knapp ot Gall ind musical selections wlll be render» ut by local' talent. The proceeds ot he entertainment wlll be used for Irovldlng "New Dundee" direction tlgn boards to he placed at the t'rot5F and! in this vicinity. I Mr. K. Hillgardner ot Kllcln-ne spent Sunday with Mr, and Mrs. " :l) Schmidt. ve Mrand Mrs. Hammond. of Kin-hm; or have been visiting Mr, and Mrs John Weber, ___ _ Mr. Arthur 1velrer. of Kilrlwlmr was the gut-st of Mr. and Mrs. Nor mun Weber. Death of Mr. Chas. Mayer. The deal]! occurred in St. Michael', Hospitcl, Toronto of Mr. Chas. Mayer proprietor of the New Dundee Hote' Deceased who passed away on Jam arv 3131 after a lung “Inns: was ir his 60th year. and was born in lladm‘ Germany. Thp funeral was held or February 3rd from St. Mary's Romm Catholic Church, Kitchener. I Moutr Hope Cemetery. Surviving him an his widow (nee Miss Bucket, of Neu Hamburg) and one son. Rev. Fame: Wilbert Maven of St. Jerome's Cpl. 'eat'.. Kitchener. 'Deakh of Miss Winnincd Topey. ' The _futterpl of Miss Winnifrc" Toner took plate in Roseville Ceme- tery on Monday, February 3rd. De reused. who was in her lSth your unriorwehl an operetton bolwecu l'hrixtmgs and New Years. but link- lump oi ’ner recovery was held al the lime. Ilnv. Geo. Shvphvrdmm Pastor at the United Brethren Churct romlm-tml the service. Red Oran Society _ The followimz letter has been re voived in acknowledgvmvnl of r Christmas parcel sent vt-rspas. Belgium. Jan. 7. 1919. "ml (‘russ soeiety, an Dumb-0. Hear Mrs. Boek,--Thoaglt I haw- written the PresiGent of Iiu: Red Crotr. t think it is due you. as Secretary'of tho anxiety. that I send you an ar 1otowto0gmtrnt tM lilo parcel. Though " is lung over due. as you must know. having smut It on October 17tlt it camp In me in excellent condition and was greatly enjoyed try myself and chums. I must congratulate you on guessing so wvll the things I like best. and h-aving out tltoso I do not carp for I might say that l have seen quite a trit of Europe by now, havimt 3mm over several miles ot road on foot a.» well as by train. but 13' greatest de sire is to he at home again. which I hopv to he soon. I Mr. Samuvl Bender left on F'riday on'n trip to Imla. Mich. Mrs. Haake oturned to her home in Urayton on Friday after spending a wersk with her daughmr Mrs, J. T. Harrison and Mrs. Harvey. Mr H. G. Movers the new manager of the Bank of Hamilton here, his rented Mr. J. F. Rau's residence “If will move into it soon. hoping Hus finds you all well and happy _ Mrs. 0. ft Becker und little naugh- tor Betty. who spent several wee" with her van-mu at l-Ixeter returned home on Thursday evening. Miss Henrietta Peine and Miro Helms Bounce are visiting relatives and friends in Toronto. Mrs. Ward of 81min. who I: visit In: her sister. Mrs. Memer. spent this weak In I'xbrldge. Miss L S. Rahh spent several days at the home of Mrs. J, Smart In Lint» awn] I'm Muhlon Ruby arrived home on 13m? “Contact from man. He had seen over two yean' service In France and mm several times wound ed, A publlv reception will he tend. cred on Friday nlght. Murrled A quiet weddlnx was solvmnized ttt tho Mothorlinl parsonage on Wednes day by Rev, T. Vonden. when Edwin Schmidt. son of Mr. Henry G. Schmidi ot North Eulhope. was united in marriage In MI" Pearl Pines. daugh- ter of Mr, and Mrs. George Pinon. " m at North Elsihope, The young rnuple wlll nuke up their resident-(- on I farm on North Panthope Ind have the has! ,rtRhes of I hont of iricnda. DIod NEWS Horns GAWIBID BY INDW cottREtgPONDEN'N m COUNTY AND 0181'!“ Our Busy Neighbor} The lad death ot MI" Florence {anlnnm‘l on Pun Mr) NEW DUNDEE NEW HAMBURG I remain. etc Frank Mewhorry News Note. Mr. um um. sho- Miller, or Southey. But. an “lull“ friends here tur u [or dun bum null u, â€run: tor the gnu We». The Hours. Adam Helpol and C P. 011mm were In Stntlord In! “madly u deiente- room-9mm; The Wellesley x-nd North Ell-limbo Att. ricultunl Society " we titrBttord (‘ounty Council Chambers, Mr.'Heury Koohler. an. I. at the llme ot 'rrlt'ntt uerlounly ill and alight hopes: are 'V'vruluod tor his recot ery, Mourns. Ed. Diet: and L. Ollmnn spent Sunday Illernoon " the home at Mr. and Mrs. A. Hams on the tarm Mr, Peter Schmidt who upraln'od hU ankle is on his way to recovery. Mr. Burney Fiber nu winking friends In and around Tavlulock on Sunday. hr News Note. Rudy 1min bought two cows from Mr. Joseph Kama: at a handsome price. - Mr. Joseph Runes te five nvreu of bush lands to Mr. enry Run of St. (‘lemenls. Miss Tulelho Schmidt went Sun lav In Tavistock with relatlven. Mr, and Mrs. John Hahn ot Heldet rum-g spent Sunday here among friend! Mr. Louis b'tetnre or ttt.cMattlus and Mr. Xavier Meyer spent a few days in the neighborhood. Mrs. Anna H. Stealer tspent two weeks In Kltchener with her aunt Ind friends. Mr. and Mm. Theobald Dietrich men! a tew days will: their daughter "rs. Peter Dietrich In Joaephsburg. Mr. Emil Albright has been engag- ul culling wood " Mr. Joseph Kar- Tes' farm. Mr. and Mrs. Ellas Schultz and {any By and Mr, Sylvenlcr Stumnf of El min: called on lrltmds in the village m Sunday afternoon. WerarsVCIara Mettler swam Sunday with her parent, 'r_tHosto1tts1rtT' Mr. and Mrs. A. J. mm motorml " Kitchen†last Wednesday wherp urts. Ruggle remained with her uion Iddward‘ who Is on thas sick list. The Mum‘s Lydia. Eleanora and El 'rlrdn Lasch of Kitchener and Miss "lara Last-h of Elmira spent the week -ml with their mother Mrs. Ezra Lasch. V'ni'rfiése'pn Dietrich. or%. Aimin- made a short tall at Anna t5tettler'te crently. - _A _ -- _-_ _ ocal News,Not". Mr. Phitio Romlnger was I buslne Manor to Kitchener 1apL.Treruur. ‘hurrh in the interests of the Domim 'rm Alliancu Miss (intrude Snyder. Miss l.ucln la and Mrssra. Allen and Emerson Martin f Vatton 'iniH-tl " thr, home of Mr, ‘ml Mrs. J. T. Ott, last Sunday. Mr. A. J. Rugglo and son Frank Oettt Sunday in Kllchnnr-r. tal root. iwo decades. and the rapid modern methods which Cupid employs In a real anxiety to Josiah as the ttth inst approaches. He has!†decided ls yet whether he should "dig In“ or 1dig out." Ahram in again boosting the daylight saving campaign. but ‘hlrlle is lying low with a bundle of yntemaiic arguments which will luncture what he considtn I freak if [hone who never sec (to tttttt Hie anyway Afhtt'q Who and Whal’u What. A large numher from lhls vicinity nil-mlvd the funeral of tho hue Mrs. lamb Mussuhnan last F'riday after- won. Mr. tturl Mrs. Alex Hass of Elmlrn mrl Mrs Joe. Zulu-r and grand-daugh- t-r of Toronto. spent Sunday with ur. and Mrs. Per staulbaum. Armchair Philosophy. Silas has Just concllldml an oration m Ling Ching'ts New Year customs. tttd Jethro, our critic. expresses him self as duly satisfied with the betur Hour ot January. but has hla doubts lbout the month ot valentines. Jeth "siCrrdiey North of Hamilton occur ried the pulpit In the AEvnnzcllcal Sir-“Albert 1sreat of Kitchener spent the week end under the paren- JO Is skeptical of good beginnings. \ngus is greatly interested, in the lumber ot birds he has ttotlcod lately. Ind he In real chestr shout his recent achievements in the study of ornllh- 'logy. Sandy thinks Sir R, L, should )3 hlklng tor home to get his perih- menlary ttttttt dusted and some ot the tinks pressed out of name of the or lers- in council The valves of Jon. th‘s heart have Ween delicnu- tor Mr. Picket! b! Picton NPR., In mung mun-[er of the Bunk of Non Booth In town " present. _ _ Wilt sumo, Brunch" has chained a posonn In the Kloepter carrlagc works In Guelph. _ Word Mi been received that our Null cqdet, Ell Brnhuhor his land: " In mum and and: to M home We didn't use any be": or badgers ml Moll"; tor (hair sundown on Tnnrllomnx, but certainly the motors were out. and law their shadows, mm“ the omptt deduced from that? Mrs. John Weber and Min Amanda tre spending some wrelu wlth Mr. Ind Mrs. W. K, Weber In Kitchener. JOSEPNSIURG WILLIOLIV FLORADALE. ST. JACOBS. E35 -.--pt- up mul- I'm-h." Mr. Alt w mural ha tut In. a my!» on his" a! the m â€In. 00.. at hit m. not In “a. TttmM-Ha Tomato a Julian ". " Mr. I“ In. Hum lei-old- a fin. “all", BL. is " home to In an. In! Sunday, Pet. 9, Doing In m Nam" AI outlo- ub ot Mm. Ab. Stein a] may Ind household good: will In um next “May durum It the home at he! won Mr. Goo. Stein- U. "midi "gtris.irnost Mignon Ind mull son went Sunday " the home of Mr. Ind Mrs. Tho-In Main. “on: of ham! Mr. Wm. Klein: who III! bun In with Quins“: agile wel! again. . The boys and girl: ot this vicinity have spent I very en’oynblo winter skating on the pond behind Mr Woel. He's burn, Some of our young people have re- cently attended the meetings held in the United Brethren Ctturelt " Mum- heim conducted by Rev. Mr. Shephurdv son of New Dundee. A number or the girls who are In. terested in basket ball attctuied the gums between Guelph and Kitchener which was played at St Mary} Halt. Kitchener. , - u The Wituamsburtt Literary BocliiT. will hold their annual euterrtaitttnott m the lllh of February. A good pro- gramme in expected, Among the items are: An names; by Rev. Mr. S B. Lemon- whitish†A rail .ull. A short military drilL Choruses, tour dialogues and reel. lations and monologues as well as I tew solos and (metal . hiiG'iiiciaL an.†given to patriw the purposes: .-- Many (Head: will be non-y to learn that Mr. Wm, Sllullz had to under- go an operation but hope he will make quick recovery. News Notes: Revival services am 'n pror,r"s" in Ihe United Brethrent Church. Rev. G. A, Sttepherdson is in charge. Mr. Albeit Home] and daughter Clartt and Mr. John Keiek spent Sun- day with the tormer'n Undo Mr. Heir ry Schelfele. Conestoga. Mr. John A. Felck who spent a, row weeks at the home of his uncle. Mr. Albert Helpel returned to his home in Petoskey, Michigan. The postpourd concert of the Bear er Literary Society will be held on the evening of February 11.3 good programme is being prepared. An admission tee of twenty-the centx ht being charged to pay cxpcnsea and the proceeds will be donated to some worthy cause. Messrs. Leslie and Elton Mussel- man intended the funeral of their mother. Mrs. J. Mustreiman of Wa1ies. tein last week. Liu, [His splendid make Canada "one A meeting In the Interests of the Dominion Amance was held in the U.B. Church on Sunday afternoon. Mr "assaril of Toronto was the speaker and a good subsériiudon waiCuTden to "Wear-Ever] 6 Qt. Kettle at P tt Qt. Kettle at m Qt. Kettle at 12 Qt. Kettle at 4 Qt. Rome at ROUND ALUMINUM PUDDING FANS. ALUMINUM PkEi;TsiiTrrNG “Hm; M. WEICHEL & SON Limited wmrloo ma mm: In: no mwm mom: that n, v v v v --- _---"" - F ‘1} Replace Utensils that “Wear Out" with ones that "WEAR-EVER". THIS IS "WEAR-EVER" WEIR Ji AT OUR STORE. AND ONLY "THREE MORE DAYS" to Beeure due of our ' Quart Covered mum. ',,i-i, Regular Price $2.95 for $1-89. Don't wait for the last day. Come early. Only a few dozen left. 2 Qt, l Qt Qt. WILLiAIIIUIG HEIDELBERG MANNHEIM Round no") Pudding Pans Round Oven Pudding Pans Round lump Pudding Pans Round Dole-p Pudding Pans . - organization dry. to TEA AND COF. FEE POTS. 2 at Tea Pot. my. .__ a.» 1 at. Low Ten Pot ., FF $250 1V, tat. Low Tea Pot 'F-Vt 33,50 IV, m. Low Tea Pol M _ $4.50 MUFFIN TINS. O in a an. Lpioce It _ 'rv $1.60 Fem-“n “I. of House furnish -tueintutu-rtrrrtiratiuetimr-th. "i.ineg-tt.threa.tatsrudtseti-0trrhnr-r0l All widths-Sita) for Dir in; Room, Kitchen, Moo- or Bathroom. Prcunt wholesale price In Me a a. yard. for 2 yds. wide. Our Febmry Sale Price In only 81e a " yard, AND WE LIMIT you to no not: “an two rooms. A big assortment of Patterns awaits you. Come ear- ly. All makes. all sizes, are reduced to almost half tttdir day values. Every my will be cleared from stock; you is Best if you eomd early. Big Clean Up Overcoa‘ Sale ' _ Come In and get one " this price for there Is. I tot of all! 9†coming. We no alto can!“ on our Sultl, Gentl' furnishlnu. Mill and auburn. at Bargain Prices during our BIG SELLING OUT SALI Shoe and Clothing Merchants. 2 Big Stores, 41 and 44 King St. E., Kitehep.e) viiir1se1oh's 'tr LINOLEUMS. GOUDIES LIMITED _.,': $2.3S $3.45 $4.05 tl .95 75c 75c $1.15 $1.35 VALUES ALWAYS THE BEST. Size '_srrys at top. spa-unless. at Aluminum I'otrtttitvatitttt Funnels. Largn AGnimrm Hauling Spoons large, Alllminum Ladies. nt . .. ALUMINUM CAKE FANS. Alumln- um Fry Pans ALUMINUM Sauce tn Three Sin: 1 Qt. Size at _ $2.60 2 ttt Sin at .‘ $3. 3 Qt, Sin at' _ " No. 9 Fry. Pans at ALUMINUM PTF, PL \TES. I Pt Size Sauce Pans at . I m. SH“ Sam-(- Pans at .. It,,', ut. Sin- Snnw- Pun: " , Qt. Sim: Sam'o Pans at _ 2% ur. Hir." 9auco Pans Ill .T ut. Slu- SmIt'P Pant, at . ALUMINUM DOUBLE BOILER 'rw m Shallow Mu Halo-w I" 9“ m. "eep We Plums at BUGS. Pans $3.45 $4.05 We are bound to no" EVERY] OVERCOAT in our store dun-luff. the nut few days and in or!" tk do it we are offering ovary on. of: them at a greatly "ducal 'W Below we quote a few of W5; Special Prion. ') 7 Menu Overcoat» nix" a to Regular $20.00. your I) choice for l/a price ., $1 1 9 Boyn’ Overcoau. tins 31 to, Regular $15.00. your $7 ' choice for Va price ... " 13 Sun :I Boys' eunuch. , 26 to Mt, Regular $10.00. $5 l your choicc for V3 price . Aluminum' L l Utensils at ttt 31.00 ttatt $1.“ tt.N, 050 'a“