a": B?†'::s'e) law Hlmhurg, Feb. S, mo â€(when .._.. TP. ... '... Hrtteat .r... ... ...r.r. .. Union F'utrkyatdty, Toronto, Feb. 4. ttadttut was nnlvn today in all up! all!“ w'th prices uhrhnngod. _ amt-“mlâ€: of the market was “and. as ttre ' Pd'tt usual lately, up the expo" trado. r! Ind bulls. when choice. sold , The" was a falr kids in ex- "nea'e's hut no light cattle ot g clan haw sold In this markrl LVNâ€. A {PW medium grade F ' Ink! at "tentty prlcm. but no _ can: war» In "to pans. 40 hon. it Is pretty mud: tt cum:- , d than ln Ind not what you tti-tc" " In known. howrver, M tt8.M tit $16.75 In the t, o. b. In some lot-3mm. and as her In F nth-ma In the yards the t M And watered prices stand no to $t6.60 . any t1our .. .. mung, par ton tuba iiot3r ..' “I. per Inn ..__ Mr. par lb. .... t Der Mzen . _ . , per lb ... .., REGIME at. ... [Hugh 3nd. ..t. I. not bushel ... .. my HAMBURG MARKET “roan. - I . ob . 3. " so Mia. per bl! . LCM-I.†gnaw»: jar down .. bitter tag. lawn). .... A , ' ff - "e , Wm. no. 6, mo. ttiiiitcoo human iwr that turnout) MARKETI. special . . . _". “MARKET mom: mrquouuons: and†"an $15.00 0 tlist! " halt. "fruit lantlvef’ ‘1 moth". keep it - bo- 3, how In â€than M Ma. . Ind “I. In pro-p0 a! are. than“! Mr . MIC of ttnf M†qrbk* you. II“. We! bdrm... uh per m but TORONTO MARKETS. um um. emu“ - m, I. and lam-uh; 'tet - - '9thorued m In Iltl CHILD IS CMM, WISH. CONSTIPATED BUILPH MARKITI. 'tratford, Fob. s, ILHIIA MARKET& Nolan, Fob. I, "19. Ctmira, iiriiiOrVii" Fic' ttttt 'buhheL "rt tr no I. on. um. WM!!! 'Natl- an to» M m 'l'r'e'rT,Afr,1'lhhT, In LIVE STOCK. . ... ... ... 8.00tn9.00 m. '....... 'd.0t--t.N in. “5.1“th FOIL a, 1919. chopped ......EP. to :14 .. ... ......I.06 .. ..... .... " .. ... ..... 16.00 . ... ...... .05 ......LMtot.40 .. ..... .... 1.35 'r... ..-.. . .85 .. . 39.00 to 40.00 ... (0.00 to 43.00 ..... 6.15 to too .. .. 6.00to6.60 ........68to,70 CC=TIr.0tr ITS y.--..-.l.~' -.e-Bq8rBs, .. .... u.“ hum .. ... .. ,......u.u! do,mttaetV ‘. ..... â€M’mo‘rkpn ... Fr tE0tt.tg.00iCattr" .. .rr. .r..r.r.. " Canon .. ._. -i,e.ltP2T?,t'rletrr".r _ F . I,†" "O', Mllkw'» thoise 1919. .,.... 15.50 ".00--:'.00tt ... 2.11 ..... 5.96 3310100 .... 2.10 .... 42.00 ..... 1.90 .60 to .85 Frm. 1.75 .48 to .50 " to .32 _ .. 1.06 ' . . 37,00 .. . 28.00 ... t.65 .....2.25 ... Ttttt .. 3270 " 00 " to .60 .9.. .60 .18.00 .ll "so 20.00 18Aro W.00 16.00 $2.12 217 5460 39.00 5.71) 33.00 . .48 . .50 . .25 .35 _ t.60 210 3.15 .60 1.00 1,00 " manna-n .'.. .... and.» rum. t'hlIIfO. l Constipstlon is one of the moat iffl'llfe'I', sllmoms of bshyhood and childhood and unless " is promptly Ecured will undoubtedly lend to disas- iircus results. To rnra this troublo i','..".?"'.',', can squsl Baby's Own Tsh- “also They are 1 mild lustlve which instsutly regulate the bowels and IiiiG7iiii the stomach. thus hanishlnl l51"..tt,tleti,t'y colic. colds. etc. Com teeming them Mrs. Eugenio Valli-n- Icourt. St. Msthlou. Qua. writes: “When my baby use conutlpatbd I gave her Ruby's own Tshlsts Ind om ,woll â€nailed with the result. I |would strongly recommend them to tttll mothers for tttig trouhle." Tho Tablets no sold try medicine dealt-rs or by ml.“ at 26 cents s box from md Dr. WIlllsms' Medicine Co, “Mu-nu Hunk! 0000 0 do rom. and med... Moo Chives. very choice .. 15.00 q do., medium ' ._._ In»: to do., ranmon to lair _ 6.00 . an. heavy m ...... 0.00 e hubs. out. ... __... 15.00 . Hun-her lump Art .t.. I.“ 0 do., ft! and medium. ' TAN) o dn.cull- ... .__ .. 5‘00. Hon. fed and watered 16,00 0 do., on cur: _.. ..l. 16.25 0 do, r. o. b., nominally 16.25 . Manitoba wheat-~ln More. Fan Wit Ham, not Including 2ric tttyt--- No. l northern. 82.205; No. 2 northern â€.2056; No. , northern. 32.17; No. 4 when. $2.115 Mullah. trariey--in store. Port Wil- llnm: No. 3 Canadian wcstam, "Ne; No. 4 Canadian western, 730%: re. jawed. 66Wir; fed. 65%e. ' Ontario oath-No. 2 white, new crop, 59e O 62e; No. 3 white. 58c q 6te, according to heights, outside. Btsriey--Maltintr, T3e It 'Ne. Peas~ No. 2. 82.00, according to heights, outside. mtekwheat-No. 2. " nominal. Rye-No. 2, $1.25. nominal. Mlllfwedwlu rnrlots, dellverel. Mom 'v-onl: Shorts, $42.25; bran. $37.25 per met: food itottr and middling: not BUTTER. Toronto. Feb. L- Butter, cream- ery, solids. Soc © 53c; creamory prints, fresh made, 53c o 55c: choice dairy prints, 46e © 47e; ordinary dairy prints, yur 0 lie; blken, 300 0 Me. GRAIN. Toronto. PM». C- Board of Trade quprlatlonrl [way elyed u Pliortr, Manitoba oat.- In “one. For! Wil. llnm: No. 2 Can-dun western. 60%e; No. , Canadian wmlorn. 59hr; our. No, 1 feed. 61am No. 1 feed. "c; No. , food. 63he. A - 7 Arndricuit cont-- New crop, Na. t yellow. 81.62: No. 4 yellow. 81.49: prompt uhlprmornt, or} track, 'Prot11tr. â€H“. w... .V... v..-“ Ontario wheat-No. 1 winter. tent a $2.22; No. g winter, 82.11 0 $219: No. 3 winter, $2.07 0 $'2.t5; No. l ttttrfrur, $2.09 q 82.17; No. 2 apt-Inn. $2.06 0 82.14; No. 3 aprlng. $2.02 a $2.10. r. o. b., uhlpplng points, Ac- cording to freight, "iuakii, "reir.i-- Butler higher; urn wary. Me 0 45c. New York. Feb. 4.---Buttqtr “may: “mumâ€. higher.ttuut extras, £850. . Mr" r-roamnry. extras. 92 score, 47%1: tr "tr, ownmory. ttrats, “c o 470: lurking stock. current nukefNo. 2. Me. Toronto. Feb. 4. -- (Thoma, new, large. 28c lt 28%r': wring made, 285: t,fl 290'. twins, 29e a 29bit New York. Feb. i.--. Cheese unaut- tted; mate. whole milk. ttata, (nah. gym-Mule. Me @ Me; do., average run. 30c. “anneal. Feb. 4.--Butter, choicest. 520 0 53c. Montreal. Heir. 4.--- Flu-cm. tlttetrt "adorns. Me 0 25c. On the whole tho minor?! threw. market to-day wt! um“! but firm . EGGS. Montreal, PM» 4. --- A very weak fooling developed to-day in the local "Mt market and prion declined SC to " per dozen. Quotations: Selected, 56c: No. 1 stock. 53c 0 54e. Liam. id. R, Kant: ot Wutorloo nr. rived home on Tuesday on the 11.30 train after nearly three your. In Frnnce u I hurting ulnar. Min Rum: had the thrilling nperienco of going ihrough the air aid on the Bunion Red Cross Hooplinl in which 'ttO many (Audi-u marlin. than were killed. Speaking to t npronninliw- Tun-day liiGGiG after her arrival homo â€out. “(unit “and that the experience was ‘I terrible one. From the moment the first bomb Iuided the gluten In: mummy" new 'hll "I up. may [of the ulnar: were killed hour. they would find trroteetion. The only pm- lloctiol but and" the bed. and 1mm 'el the “aim were killed will: Icel- 'in; run:- In. th. nun splinter! iii-dot can. Toronto, Feb. 4.---ius, No. 1, selected. 500: rartona. new laid. Mat. Chicago. Feb. 4. M Eggs hlgbor; ftrsts, 37c: ordlnary ttrrsts, Me 0 Mc; at mark. cases included. 350 9 M%e. New York, Feb. 4.-Etttm ttrm; fresh gathered. extras. 43rde (1 Me; frerh Kama-ed. ragular parked, extra nuts, "'V © 43c; do., tirst.sr, 41 'he tt 42e, v, CHILDHOOD WAS IN NAPLES RAID Brockville. Ont "rtcd, CONSTIPATION 16.00 " tut 10.00 9.50 15.50 10.00 " 50 16.75 15.15 is Critically Ill Mr. William Brigham; who hiui been staying with his son Latonn Brigham. of Glennllan. tor the out two months, received a letter trom his wife in Toronto. that their son who is a patient at the General lion- pltal. has had a turn for the worse. The young man. who is but 27 year- arte.- ltr-ar victim "yr- iu-fMMr'r-M‘ risy not In. with Pneumonia follow- Ing, for tour days he hiccotuthed. and this mused tnrl:uttnttstltttt of the lining between the stomach and bowels. Mr. Elmer but". min-m u thr C,P.IL Sutton bu sou on u ox- mndod Tuit Io rue-4|- " (labours. Mr was: MM. 1. doing lbs work at the nation _ --- Mr, Ind In Arthur Ravel. at Kip chonor. have been wading u (out can with parents. Mr. and In. J. H. angel. po, - 81mm. moth-r Elm! Mr.. A. D. Cotter not! ctndrca. who hm boon. may!“ with Mr and In G M, Schumann. tor tho nut is.» ham [one to Bt. chob- tor a low than. then return to their loan in Petrol". A big reception wu tendered Gun. ner Lorne Bowman, on nil "rival u the a. T. R. Station, on the T o'clock pm. train. Lorne in the third Elmira boy to return from overseas. Otto Rooks and Lincoln Miller. were the other two boys. Maybe born might tell us about it. when his trleuds give him a chums. Mr. 1“qu- Glu. leg 10-day v13 f' P. R. toe Sloracox. Bu 4. to look nl'ar tho tarm nnd bullion of his late nun. Edward, who died on Jlnunry 7th Raw-rd van . ucum of'lntluunzu um wan only luck two dun, Ho wa- " nu " 3mm ot no and I MAI-lo: He let: m- enu. ot about $13“! I'0 to $20,000 00 cowl-Ila. of one mum of hrs, mph-manta. norm-gas. and t.r5 h Ho Mt no will. Mr. mm " lull" out (Inn to look .at:'r .nn Mace. m. stay out than will dew-mi mm how coon he cu: (ll-pm“ nt mu runny ' EEK Goal: ot Kitetuptr, I. spend in; I [ow day. with " mother, Mr. John Goon. West lounge. A Mr. Amo- Bonrmur bought two “my hon trom Mr. A. L.'G|ngr|ch. which were 6 months sad 2 dun old welsh!“ 610 lbs. and received . tttn. cy “gun tor them. Elmira, Feb. 1.--Mrs. George Schierholtz, whose son August. has been for some time confined to n hos. opital in France suffering iron gun shot in the knee, has according to H.» port received on Thursday, had to lawn him lag amputated above the knee. The operation was successful. and the waxy friend: ot the runny will hope that be will now recover rapidly out! be able to come home soon. August wan serving with the American Army. V Pte. Funny Strollâ€. smother Elm! n boy to Vim. homo. not to and Inylhln‘ to hlm. H. In expecting to return " any time. He an be In doing “Magma slug wd_ut. . “Ml-h. Joseph Coote, has mm- to Toronto. this morning to apt-mi a month with her daughter. ers. Georgia Renter. has gone to Waterloo, to spend ll few days wlth her daughler. Mrs. _Ed. Mlller._ _.. Mrs. August Fischer. and children of Brannon]. are spending n raw dam nt who home or her brother Mr N. Krupp. Mrs. Fischer will so to the 8mm: next week. Lt. Burl Rut. who has turned from .o"r'"M", In (Honda in town. -Mr. William Auman has shipped n carlmul of cattle to Toronlo. Mr. S. A. Randall, III?! gont, home to P1tttttwiiits. to spend tho woehqtttd. 11th Anttuat Fancy Dress Carnival w†I " Succeu The large Elmira skating rink was nanny too small to hold the large crowd of special/arm and costumml alumna. Linwood was tho strangest mprmnmtlvn of the, outaldn plarvs Elmira. Feb. g. -Mr. Em. Israel Wm operated on for Hu-rnln. at tho SI Joleph'p llospitaI Guelph. Dr. Ste wart of Guelph. and Dr. Cormaclt or Elmira. performed the ottertstlom Mr Israel is doing nicely. Mr. J. El-enblch sunlnlnod trtminftt' Injury to his right temple In! Thurs dar. Mr. Elunhach was utrurk on ma temple with a place of steel. nar rowly coupling the aynl 'llo will he luld up for a week or so. Mr. Solomon Miller. employed u Elmira Rubber CB., had the tietgh o' his fourth finger on the left hand torn on. The doctor stitched it to (ether Ind believes It will he in good shuns I'll“. Queen-I'm SIM. lurppk'or had In Mr. John C. Fool] of Glennllnn. “Nu-am From a very succosnlul "In. The crowdlnimUy wt" largo Ind bidding brisk, Tttei Elmlra. PM) farm which belnnxed to to, father IC-ttEt".""':':?'-?." had boon previously sold tn a your, QIVE "BWI or non Syn". Mr. F'ooll, has nlrendyo hwxht I any business in Waterlnoi To 00 taking poueulon on Saturday. nu mun! {Honda wish him success. in his t " now undertakm; 1 '""tec"/, "ttttut AMIGO“. I - unu- -""'" .T___ Mr. Chi-once Gimme. ind n painful†and howola. accident the other (in, He had 1| ----.-_ niem of tin run into the Brttt finger. Mi Look ill the "mum, mother! " the left hand It the tirret joint. He! cogtml, your little one] stunt-ch. liver “I than ttrtrt ttid, in "yin: to on" 1 and bowel. noml cleansing at our». the tin out, it broke. 1otaviuq a me"; When [uteri-h. rm". lls'less. donun't 'deN no" thm bone. lt wan “06 I limp. at or art naturally. or is few-r- - to all (ha dortor, ish. trtomneh imur, breath bad: in- lust-ton Change. no" uncut, diarrhn‘u. full ot cold, give Mr. William Stem-mun]. has ttot8 . (onupoonful of “California Syrup of MI bun hminon. eottristirte of btro ' Flu.“ and in a few hours nil the foul. any “muons horn: burn etr', lo M- 'constlpIu-d wum. undigested food Cote t"tmrt rvhrt ' 'k" noun-non im ' Ind mm- hilo "an; move- out ot its mailman: Mr 1"Ho, tttttt horn work litttie bownlu without xrlplng. and you in. for Mr Steuor'luve' for (ha put i I." a we", playful chlld min. A“ " - 'put trttretiertt wilt m'Fszom druIItBt for a sit-cont bottle ot that tumour: "Al HI About-r rd ter, “0.1mm syrup of Plea." which can. the 0.123." In tho tutu". "Bill" "gun Ml dineâ€.- m by"... chil- “the“ n to his hum, but we in an. of all - “I lol- MIDI. NEWS SECTION just IN" visiting bvohthleN-m. MMUWWM-whl “than" We! In. in. w-.irttt-ta_e- rumba-(um um. In.WIu-u.luhuu_uuupu mchututhuulhmu Ink-o â€mu-1m ot " Iuloo. In mum In“: " the III-“W of but pump, Mr 5nd Urn 1U.tit " mum: Ouch of Mrs. Carola†Battier. Mn. turoliua mullâ€: ot “on!“ mum. urotucr ot Lou!- sullor, bar _ 'nerelutttt, ot Kllclnnel' and one at tho bed “on: mun In lhll auction of 'he l'ounly. died hut night about " an at up. old no of " n1, uni , noun" Mrs, sum: I!“ I My we I†loved and “(My esteem“. Inc the runny Mend. Inn and through out this region um run: to bun at her death. The hum-din. wrvlvon my Han†and Adm: near Heideitrurtr. Kale. " homo, Mn. Adam Zlozler of But. Bl mira, N.Y., Ind haul: of Kitchener, There are twenty-tour grandchildren and eleven pelt-mud children “in Pearl McKle, and IO your. daughter , Mr. and Mn. George R Mekle, or Welt Montrnw. In serum» iy ill wlth plietlrttsy nud pneumonia From Ian! reports. the doctor t1nds a little change tor the better. We have lulu McKie wlll have a speedy re :overy. Mr. John Kllnck. proprietor at tho Kltnck Ind"'Ahmun Hardware More. sold out hln buulnvnu to Wtrlter and Oscar Rum-k. two brothers, John is an uncle to the horn. We “hull re- celve more particulars in a few days. Died At Wintorhourm Pearl, the promlnlng druxIm-r ot Mr. and Mrs. Coarse P. Mar-Kw. of Wluterhourtep, died "Us morning from pneumonia, She was 20 years 7 manna: and .14 diva. The tuner-l wlll “he place on Frl- In,“ in thlu vlclnlty. lay afternoon at 2 o'clum. e-------.---.- T _ A T -..- Wed " "Mom THE N. w. FARMERS' MUT. The beloved Wlle ot Jacob Mutual UAL FIRE INSURANCE co., man. and " yet". And ' mouthn ANNUAL MEETlNG. died this moral“ ll one o'clock at ___ her home In Yntton trout eoruplietr Thq Mth manual muting of the ttotttt Ot tHtreatNyq. Mro. Manchu-n North Waterloo Firm-Pr 'hstttttt Fire hi“ been nlllnc for the ttattt tew lacunae. Co., wlll he held on year». and her death was Bot "ch! TUEODAV. FEBRUARY "TH, 1919, ed. She h“ been llvlng In thln all At the hour of 1.30 o'clock. Inna " trict for meny were. mnklng triendy the Free “bury Matt, Wlurloo. ont., among her nelxhbore. She was n1 tor the purpou of receiving the Com vhwrlul ttitspotrition, and rugnrdlenl p.nyy. annual report and the election of pallln. alwnyl hm a Imlle tor e". of tour directon. eryhody. Her Fiend: will regret to By Order of the Board. learn of her death. the u nurvlved by her hushnml and m Children, Lew JOSIAH OTAUFFER. He and Eldon at Mannheim, Diner ot Floradale. Herb and Ermma at home Manager. and Mrs. Clem-on Martin at St. Jar 'Wllcrloo. Jan. 23th, 1919. sat. obs. The funeral wlll take place on Friday afternoon at one o'clock at NOTICE To â€EDITORS the home. and interment in the Er _..--------------------- mlrn Mennonlte cemetery. _ Tcrfrr, __ __‘_.___ Mlss Magda bad been In good health until a week ago. when she fell a victim of Influenza. then Pnmr monia setting in. She leaves to pourn, her parents. two sisters. Lily and Emma Belle ol Kitchener and Wllllnm " home. "___-e V 'T "1rhwr"r'P"err" “A *’ On tho tttrm of Mr. William Mat. {mph than: two miles out of town, shout 150 young people of Elmirl and vicinity, spent a most enjoyable ev" ning. dam-inn and lunch after. Thr music was supplied by Mr. Jack Duly and non. ot winterhottrno, and Mr Pat Quinn. of West Montrose. official- ert an t1oor manager. Tho wants ot the iatlzued, were supplied by Mr, Harvey Ham-k. of Elmira. Every- body had an enjoyable time, and let! well Mniemr‘d and satisfied with the evettints "tttortaintttvn'. Mrs. Philly's Schmidt or Landon. Mrs. J. Hunt and duughlt-rs. Adn um! Velma. of M. Thomas WP") visiting the tormm"ts brother Mr. Adam um Died Suddenly . Mr. Own-go, W. Rchttttidrsr, an "M Waterloo County boy. tiled rut60rutly m 12 o'cotch " his late residence. lie was hotn near barking in 1342 in his early mlnhooul ho mrtued and ownol a saw-mill in Barking Almu' 15 yearn ago, he sold out, and moved lo Elmira. About 40 years may a pic-rm or nmory struck him right saw ulvxlruy- in: " slum During the, lart {m roam his left hogan lo tail him. Ills hvnlih in gent-r“ wan of the var) trezt. and his luillli'll and um-xpm-lui :qu'h wax a terrible shock to hi» tam ily and trieu0m [in wax u turutttitcr of the Mt. Janina lmilu‘rnn ('hurrh lip in survival! by hit, widow, threw rum-q and one daughter. ('aspor. Join and Mn. thtnicker of Stratford. and liv-nry or Elmira. Tim rum-mi will take place at the hmuw. at 2 o'colck him than in St. "tttvs Church. New S'rompior will oUtrtate. Mlle Nome Bricker. nndurwn-m an: mwnllon tor Fistula. on Sumhw morning by Dr ('urmark. "ml Nlmu 1'ttety was in altcnrlnnrv MM! Hrk‘kcr had been “marl": tor n ram- )v-aru. From last reports, ls mung GIVE “SYRUP or FIGS" TO CONSTIPATED CHILD Dollelou. "Fruit Lanuvc" can‘t harm tend" mu. Stomach. liver and homely. Mrs Sam Sun-rm In - in on... to via ha a. u the MI Hound. The by cu "out“ on In: Ina-Alem- not “no no. " Ir. Lincoln Hill-r. :04 III! M. “on. Ion for Detroit. Saturday. to max ll“ HOII'I an"; A pun buck to: I†cupped on Sound†on the tBrtn ot Ephmlm Rent In" Elwin. Tho animal In dead when ducovered. but I!" in prime common, The fur was of an usual excellence. and in valued by the owner to be at lent b500. It I. name you: since : black to: has been can lured in thU vicinity. Ttto 46th luau-I muting of the North Wnurwo Fauna-f Mutual Fire insurance Co.. will be hula on TUECDAY. FEBRUARY "TH, 1019. Mr. “HIM-[u lull". of HIMV'I’ " "spetsdirsq u (or slay' In Emuâ€. Mr. tiGiorsuroetnattr.to-.artw "uoesdsto-totowntttthqr".r At the hour of 1.30 o’c'ock. p.m.. at the Prue Library Hall. Wlurloo, ont., tor "I. purpou of recoiv‘mq the Com pany'u annual report Ind the .tetttletn of four div-eaten. By Order " the Board. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN. pur uuunt to Chapter 121 or the Revised Statutes of Ontario. 1914, that all cre ("turn and others having claims against. or entitled to share» in, the as tate ot DiLLMAN SNYDER. late at tho Township ot Woolwich. in (hr County " Waterloo. Gentleman. de ceased, who died on or about the sec um] any ot December, 1913, are rcquir ml tn dviiver, lty post prepaid or other. wise. nu ur Ioerore tht' (unlit day at Ma/ch, I‘m, to PETER s. MUSSEL M i.N, It. R. No. 2. wen Montreal: Ontario, one ot the Executors ot tho Will of the Hall! decor-med. tin-ir mum» in full. with tin-ir mldrmasm and " scriptlurvs, full particulars ot llwh r-‘aimn or interests, and stalemonts o' PURE BLACK FOX TRAPPED NEAR ELMIRA In the "tate, of DILLMAN SNYDER deceased: "no 'iriGiFiTr", THE}; W1lT't7r"mi-rai7'CiiTri' that. utter [hr tsuitl [with day of March t919, thr, Executor“ of the Hail! Kstar will prlrmml In dist.ribute the amt-b ot thp mud doceanod among the part ‘M nnmlml thorn"), having rogard ouly to Hanna or Inn-nulls M which they shall then have rocelvwl notice and will not be liable for the ash] n= wt: to any par-um of whose clnlm or interest they shall not then have re coNed nullrr. DATED 3rd Kehruary.,t9t9. litters, Perfection Oil Heaters SPECIAL PRICE NYOU'ANI’NM 'atiia' mama-lam i'd.t'afl2ggl1"trdttNt gm“. (in-dd. M h This week only Geo. Bucher & Son BOHLENDERS - "Waterloo -" Should not In" to on" and no our "on and large “oak ot WOOL HORSE BLANKETI. BUFFALO RODEO. LEA. THER MITTO AND COATS. ETC. Which are ofmed at assemble prion. Rap-Luna and oiling harm" “only and promptly done. W. G. Brueckner HARDWARE MERCHANTS Farmea s JAMES C. HAIGHT. $5.90 HAINIII 'HOP, IADEN. Solicitor for the Executor. ' Waterloo, Ontario MiNARD'S LINIMENT CURES GARGET IN COWS. ‘I‘lummumc- .-.BtrF--t9t-h"."u_tl ‘NIIIHIHIHIV wwluumm qoo"i.oo moi-a-twr-troto-tmu-mot-ra-.' Western Town Lots Can be Sold For Cash Take I Western V. -tturrt valuod by WORCIBI. Vllmn " M In no", say I total of "200. I am In a pumm- to “up! 40 Per .qret. of the much-u prlcc In Weston-n iota, than“ can In unarmed. This y. nation can be rented, sold m crop payment. or unit“. TM an. thing would Apply to rovenuvhurlng houu proporty. I do not propose "ulng your Weston! W In. and haul». you your choquo. but I do prom linking you an cal-Mn... about, you er turn the lot. m, " each I. a "amnion thqt can " - “that Into tsnett or good warm-I. For "my“: _ CLAYTON B. EBY QUIT! ' MIRCHANTS, BANK I'LDG. KITCHENIR, ONT. .. Open Evening; Phom O to 9. Mom. Wad. Fri., Mia. .40. .By Appointment. Ru. Waterâ€, "cw. Call In and no. me. or main nn lppointmont by phono or In!" Olvo M. an Idea what you prefer, and I will guru-u. - with new modern red brick dwelling and good barn, situated about One mile from King Street, Waterloo, for quick Calls from all para ot the county promptly attended to. Phone at) Night Pinon. 207w UNDERTAKERS AND FUNERAL DIRECTORS sale. Real Estate Phone IM. LETTER & BREISINGIR A. K. Grossman 6atiMactiort guaranteed 12 Acres Undertake: s _ '.Pa'lterePJPa"! " 'iu't r'dtty',tii'i'ititti'i'h'i'i Waterloo, Waterloo Maggi-3}“ In "" TOTAL Anne, 'tST 016.. an. OVER "0tMtt' ORIcoru and tttr-.-. Goorno Olnoov. Pravda“. - mun Bowman, Vice-Pro... PM Dr. J. H. Webb, . W J. Howard alumina . - J. L. Whitman, . IL meI Jam“ lelngoton, . Clito- P. E. Ila-nu. . . MI B. B. Irtckw, - . WIMP“. Richard 'teaehmart, Wand» L. W. CHUM, I. . "OHT‘L. Man-gar. "up...“ e A IOIHM. 30"!" Am Waterloo Mutual Fire Insurance Company 'att-tttttttttttttmme-tgt-tted "Guam: .4 ""'""'rr'-."ttss," ' â€Autumn-ION '-trra-ar"t-qbab' tame-muons. out,“ man. pen-my “I“ M amquMdW‘Q] you luv. guy- “I 'ui', "In. for their OM. Illholln’c ' om» PM". WIMPIO. ll W; OMMI "than“. Victoria. "" " Ltppert. radium. M 181 Mon PMâ€, mum. m In! Iqulpmopi. OINIIAL lNIUIANCI AOINT Kin. “rod omeo, Wont-Io. 'ee num- Mg. mum.“ 1... - No our. chum lot My mam. KING 3". WATIILOQ. Undertaking c. A, Boohm SHINN A LIPPIIT f Runnable "My