r;. mm MI.PCNO WILL BE BRISK. o ho. Hov S repporcommal +‘ FINE LECTURE. ï¬g,m-â€"km W. H. Bowiby, /;W, °H. Breithaupt tes.â€"Mrs. C. Ruby | =~ 6 4n + Auquiry smong local buildâ€" (a to the fact that there is a on the part ofgnany citizens h to build this spring. ©E<some of the buildings which ‘Tuesday evening last the memâ€" t Y. W..C. A. of Kitchener. s were eritertained by re on. espeare. Mr. B.W. .. B.A. of Waterloo was the for :: his remarks were listenâ€" : wilth. the closest attention indiâ€" *# deep interest in the subject ‘part=of the avdienice. ~ _ Mr. old the ‘story of Shakespeare‘s described his parentage, his and his environment, showâ€" t all:these ‘were favorable to lopment of such a genius as serely in contemplation is a six J mpartment house on one of Kitâ€" t‘s‘ most . popular. residential 5. & ‘omeâ€"storey addition. to a ict factory and a number of nces.. Prices are a liftle high s mapected the spring will be Nice Pres.â€"Mrs. W, J. Mot: ..%.' Pros.â€"Mrs. J. B. Weaver w'â€"lm A. G. Moyer Becretaryâ€"Miss L. Snyder mfllu L. Bowers *A veas.â€"Miss L. ~Breithaupt. annual meeting of the Victorâ€" dbr of Nurses Association was mPgrlon of the Y.W. C.‘a. . and the following report SBfia!) Corigrexatiohal nmeéet i&-fltcz'_-‘,h-.m':?!-a,cnug_ï¬! \Commissioner .. Huchâ€" )g. City ‘Treasurer con: ‘ uales ~yesterday _ afterâ€" p, lots through the city the second taxs _ sales this the A "-'u.z"‘ heid on Decem:â€" Mm -‘out“’:t money by the two amles was $2,000. , aet that King street needs betâ€" & is a~subjfect which bas iked ‘: about at considgrable mons citizens since the. close r.. Before the war ‘efided all yif conficction. with publc imâ€" gnt :were tabooed until such the war would come to an l-&?m thought and energy A‘devoted to considering pubâ€" Mi¥éhients ‘without detracting national energy in connécâ€" the ‘prosecttion of the ‘war. ‘@bout a scheme for a better f King street is concigered ï¬p in order since the close of ‘f@ind many suggestions are beâ€" Pd :y the. ’l'olequ:::‘d :rom varâ€" sources regarding now u%gl!kbtjng. â€" ~.far. in the history of the »The total amount of income sources twas $11,246.97. ‘The § three membera wore chosen ie vacancies on the Hoard of ment . for a (term ‘of three ru of : Wales Chapter, 1.0; & an interesting m::tlu at . o ursday _ afternoon, f†q.w:l* attended. Lieat. Mowast, of Galt, gave a brief on of a bWoliday trip he took ‘Cgrmichset in the chair cmd "e by‘ considerable local build drew‘s ~Preabyterian (Cm‘qz‘ch. oA Wednesday évening‘ with â€"To _ Mr. and i â€"i86 Stranga Stroet on Jeb â€f Wood is atill on the has arrived as yet in fk ‘done for the past yéw» ndmingtion of officers for S8ED. THE 1.0.0.E. OYED BY ST. JREW‘S CHURCOH SOLD FOR TAXES. BETTER LIGHTING. ) differd@nt ‘gocietics wers y H'?n‘nn '..: T e & ow r in T. id ‘u_rq‘ qc:ih ‘u:ï¬':m img are the officers for . W.. 0. Clegaorn, A. H C. Tréacy. the reciplent of a Até "he _ aug J §2 jv® ; ® THE WAY as & result of information given 9y "Wr. Lang‘ l%il tiiere wis no furtBer necessity r continuing the office. COUNCILS VISIT | K.â€"W. HOSPILAL rirsoen t ite "m"qr!;â€l"" : ï¬ { toit coal‘""‘The ‘wipes beceme henied | who wes faken prizoser darbis the City Hall closed its doors (:" A nc lt 1 Hichiar " in oi inige be un 9 er ie on ce o ons | en ons io o then age t «* . s some :in'tmmmmluu dnd'v&ï¬"flem;‘h’:'bk Mr. Betzaer, after p fight for the purpose of acting 0 decision of the Fuel Committee. necessity for continuing the office. io Piibradh i9 tye Pumce Comini: was o t m mait / tee and ‘ the Cm:.ilu“ decided to elose the office at once. The clerks in charge of the office will remain for a few days, it is understodd, for the purpose of directing the public to the deaters. The Kitchenerâ€"Waterloo _ Hospital was visited on Tuesday afternoon by the members of the munictpal Counâ€" clis of Kitchener and Waterioo, who ::Mo © thorough inspection of the tsitution from the basement to the 3» ficor, as well as the Nurses‘ ome and the laundry. The repreâ€" sentatives of the councils were e6sâ€" corted through . the bllldl?o by Messrs. Robt. Smyth, J.â€"B. Hughes, C. A. Abrens, A. K. Rautman and W. G. Cleghorn of the Hospital Board who pointed out the qumor_o:-‘m- provements that were required, and which had ‘beén deferred owing ‘to the war. _0 _ ons * Ald. W. V. Uttley stated that he was pleased that the two Councils had been t??‘ Into the confidence of the Hosâ€" pftal Board and the néeds of the instiâ€" tution pointed qtt, to them. As the reâ€" sult of the vigit he intended supporting the grant this year with his heart, raâ€" ther than his head, as he felt the instiâ€" fution is worthy of every sgupport. _ Reeves Bohlender and Stroh, of the Waterloo Council, and Ald. Charles Greb giso spoke briefly. o Mayor Gross and Alds. Uttley, Greb, ï¬a% Breithaupt, Schreifér and Tler, pf Kitchener, and Mayor Kutt, Reeves Bohlender and Strob, and Counciilors Cachrane, Fostéer, Moyer and Sturm of Watertdd Were present. : * â€"> ELIZABETH KNAPP. Pneumonia, which ‘followed an atâ€" tack of influenza about three weeks ago, caused the dedth in North Oxford on Saturday of Mrs: ‘Dunp, wife of Herâ€" bert.Dunn, a prominent young farmer. MMrs. Dunn formerly resided in Inger: soll, her maiden name being .Ethel May Marshall. She was in her thirtyâ€" second‘ year, and besides ‘her husband she leaves two smallâ€" children. to most, especially to ‘the followery of .thé Newman Hall tham, bearing out their respicted confidenc: in their pets. ‘ To ‘score a victory qvetlil.(st- chener, the world‘s cha gtmu 8 it all the more plunlnc,l; t tire t« ora were never in the hiht grflh rt to finish, bechuse‘ Jerty e rhd Co. had ifvoked the curse of all Ireland the St. Patrick‘s on theti, 2o how ‘Was there m‘ éhl:loo ‘Tor tham to win , the Saints were on ll;‘n'gl:o e‘ hlp:tif‘(h:lr rivale it xr04p "honota, there were none more tifkled nt the #haatt‘ China ols whon wwantnut? atiersd bepgty It was sOom battle, and although somewhat of a surprise in some circles it was a very ?t_l.hthl '(‘he to most, . especially to ‘the followers MRS. THOMAS M‘GOVERN. ‘The death too= place at 2.3( o‘clork thi< morning at tha hoime of Mr. Chas. Moser, Petersoi:g Road. _ of _ Mrs. Thomas .McGorstn in her %6th year The deceased was torm in the county of Monaban, }â€"clana . She came ‘to the county of Parth, and. then came to Waterloo coun‘y wherse she his 1eâ€"ided for the past 43 years. She is survived by three daughters and oue son, Mrs. Chés. Moser, Potersburz road; Mrs. F. K: Ferguson, Kitchenâ€" er; Mrs. R. Burn, Toronto, â€" and J McGovern, West Montrose. Tl%:i'q are seventeen grand children. "The sympathy of‘a wide circle of trlend:l will be eitendéd‘to the family in the loss of a loving and pagent migther. The busband of the deceaséd diéd sizteen years ago. ‘The funeral wil} be held OongThursday at 9 a.m. at St. Mary‘s RC. church. ag n housé divided‘agafhgt itebif, but rt‘ byâ€" any chance _lMJ?':m * got ’,l:-‘, gother, then there wis nothing to ed on‘ Saturdky evening, henicé New! than Hall defeated Kitohebes ‘by the ucore of 6 to 2. ME3 +o 900Â¥ (Mail and ‘Empire) * * & â€".‘The Irish have fought everyâ€"man‘s battJes but their owrn,â€" for invariably when It came to scrappink they were and Mrs CHAMPIONS LOST â€" TO PORONTO OBEFUARY \â€"On PridAy, Jah. 24, to Mr. m oi Padt tw The | lows : â€" aware that I am in Blighty and sure glad to get back and get a good feed as well as some attention. Might vay that ! an getting along (amousgty and can walk quite freely bu. am ° a little weak in the knees and _ it is a little painful, buet a week or _ so _ of massage treatment should fix me up. My arm is O.K., although . just â€" a little weak but have tull control of it. You will be ghie to see by _ the writ ing, hope you can make it out, but at that my armâ€" is improving. I sure hadâ€"a load lifted off my mind today. The lady came around with the missing list and my name was not on it. So I know you will have been advised that I was a prisoner., but l can hardly wait fill I get word â€" from you telling me when and to know ev erything is all rightwith you people at bome and if youâ€"have _ received my letters from Germany. I mever recelved a word from any of you. 1 suppose you would . like to know how I was taken prisoner. I got through the first time~ we went over the top, on Aug. 8, the beginning of the dast big push. On the 1I5th we went into the line again, arid about boon the 16th, an officer und _ about 12 of us were sent out to locate Jerry and we located him all right, all right (so did be us). But to get back (to the story we run upâ€"against him and we jumped into the first trench. We saw the officer, sent word â€" back, stating all partfoulars as to how _ we were situaloidl. A company was sent up to reinforcé us. Thete were also & few Frenchmen who were â€" out on patrol who joined us, but to make ‘ a long story short, we got orders to go ove~ and give himâ€"â€"â€"which we did and got him out of his trenches.O.K., but, I guess he saw how few ~ there were of us and he came back and â€"we had to get out and 1 got ‘: about _ 10 yards from his trench whenâ€" ‘he got ;?'wm 4â€"bulletâ€"in â€"the.. right â€" arm We then hit for a shell hole thinking a nice blighty with m Jeaye ahead of me. But as you know I counted my chickems to ‘soon. ~‘ " ~ want ’!iï¬grvrsmrm: a â€" land Weifa‘s‘manhina oune ware sulht Dear Father and Mother, itg: readers with tiany news . budgets frommâ€"ail w of "Waterloo Anty, 6â€"flate t rébot;s, guetioly sal d'elon this paper in the m mediuth, . intetestiria and Fritz‘s machine guns were quiet. We all made another attempt for our lines. Well, I did not get more chan five p:cea when he got me ‘in the right.hip the bullet passing . through and coming out ‘OC the > left . hip. It hit some rerve which paralyzed me. Llay there all afternoon till mid‘ night when Jerry came out and saw me but they wanted to leave me but J was almost dead with pain and thirst. I ‘begged for water so one _ of | the Jérry‘s took p‘ty.on me and gave me a drink and got the others to take me in. They took me to a dug out and helped themselves to my . Baversack, shoes and socks. The â€" nest night they took me to another dug Out quite a piece from the line where the doc: tor Sxéd me upâ€"in a half sort of way. From‘there I:â€"was taken ‘to â€" Ham, where I got some coffee which . wis the first food: I had .since captured and the last for about seven days alâ€" terward." *% $ won‘t be tahg betore‘d am with _ you. Givermy: :ï¬m love to ail t sls t Your Ioï¬? son f C LARENCE. â€" j Pr.‘8. Ho; are imy two little flgb; ng cocks (Wilf agd Lioyd) d my. déar li{tle niece émae: AP y his wants ‘well served, needs to know the :np of his mom;:d, Ef;d of t um i R ï¬n'gflmfm"}o? will riote :umhr::q â€"~â€"Then I was taken to ‘St.. Quentin Hospital aud was there for about . & we«.. and a Balf and dur airmen were ret every night. Talk about .Fritry oing the disappearing stunt, well he sure can do it and they had to evacâ€" Mate as our troops were advancing 80 ‘Tapidly. We then were sent . to Avesnes but in about 10 days we had, to get out of there, so we were sent to Germany where J wrote you from a place by tho fiame of Obrdruf. _ , ARE YOU A "ERvefty_ .In this distrct, . té keep nbrép::? Q(?f tme 21!“‘ :;'fl have bis wents ‘well ssirvpd, needs to know tion and dysentry: Well I am dbout alt m‘ggst_ Ln;‘;’;rm 1s,;so will have to uo‘loi-lhl"umn; Hloping , that you‘all ate airight and .aiso ‘that‘ it abbstindiine dn dlimutintidhis ad Bridid hiï¬ en . I could teHl yon a 16t niore _ as : to what I have seen, etc., but it would ur me tod lon‘!li 4 ‘ $ & a ‘s‘ brea rgtion ere ,qu' lh?:t’ld to â€"bring home. We used ‘to get that and soup twice a day While a prigoner, but walt Jlll you sée it, you will wonder how we lited. on t nd is why so thamy died of starvaâ€" 9 King George Hos & s sf:mlotd»!:!. London, Eng: SUBSCRIBER) u is & _ . 5m 4 / ugp o mmnnmmnmar ze at 2 C « ut .ir- + o aniny fls To tack oo Ts ‘be bouc‘is faver the waeh in foe Technical School at Kitchener umr : j;a-‘lhc initiative of* the ‘Kitchenerâ€" aterioo H&:‘. School Board.‘ ~He pofnted out the Government gives w Â¥ery large grant towards the salarâ€" ies of the staff andâ€"towards the equipâ€" ment and maintenance Of technical schools. . Dr. Cody was in full agreeâ€" mient that Kitchener is an exceptionalâ€" led to Ed David Busch who was charged with stealing sugar from Dunke & Co., was acqultted, the case aga{nist him being dismissed ow ng to lack ~ of evidencée: Busch on the withess stand _ told a straightâ€"forward story. which proved thet his presence on &he‘dellvery wagâ€" on from which the sugar was deliver Btanley Feredox Sentenced Sergt. A. Stewart, Pt This Morning for Theft i Keast, Schwarts, Wey of Cloth. ‘ _ and Schenk Return. ly well adapted centre for a Technical School. _ The Minister of Education taformed ‘the Board that he proposes to visit Kitchener as early as possible after Easter Tor the purpose of in! specting industries in comnection with lochnk‘{l school work. The Secretary was instructed t6 asâ€" certain from Dr. Cody the date of his proposed visit so that arrangeâ€" ments tould be made to assure a proâ€" fAtable result. aENT 10 "PEN," FOR THBEE YEARS BUSY DAY IN COURT GREETED AT DEPOT NEADIO TEBUIL 1 ‘The Secretary was also innnwl.ed’ to ascertain whether provision had been made whereby returned soldiers who are ambitious and who desire to . It was a big day in police court this morning. One man, Stanley Feredox, got three years at Kingston, Albert Strickler was given one month in jJail and fAned $25, Alex Trussler was fined $25 for receiving stqolen _ goods and Reuben Hilker was fined $25 for . a similar offénse, Harold Randall _ was let ea’ld on susnended sentence after pleaded guilty to stealing sugar from Dunke & Co., but was finea $20 for his part in the theft of oats from Sea« gram‘s stables in Waterloo. ooo _ _MOonARCHYâ€" PRoCLarMED. : Madrid, Jan. 24 â€"Monarchy . has beén -80:’0;!‘?.‘ in Utbp:.. nm‘ a%e , . k ‘ '2‘;?“ hére from gSflmfIN:t'El Sn htrertat sose abmon is fang on Pot t aPritory is at ‘premature Lh SfL CRSO, AIELLEMCCAC NS AOLD . old 'R\pdnll. were charged with stealâ€" ing oats from Seagraim‘s stables and. both * pleaded â€"â€" guilty." They :t:hn1 caugbt, it_will be remembered, while unloading the loot in Trussler‘s / livâ€" ery. r{n the soup case Alex, Trussler cnd‘ Reuben Hilker were charged vltlg,re&‘ thiffg in his own hexnlt the p delei{lned to speak. Magistrate then passed sentenca, © , _â€"__ Pleaged GQulity. ; Albert s:t\n&x pnu‘:: gullty â€" in poï¬â€˜te court. this mort to stealing vate froii the S¢agram stables in WA tb& .:d rbdalvud“ tnd ‘a hl:nut;\c:,-:f 6 inogth 1 "m e Of $25. e wihe Weï¬u\uï¬y : H. J. : Sime wio pleadéd‘ for gmnmd sentende ‘oh the‘ groutid ‘that Stricket was a w Ned rman with two ,-gh" Aiildrei. Crown Atturney Bowiby® aaked . the Nusmute to pase sentente on Strickâ€" er deciaring that thefe wege ,othets bekind the oat dea! w n‘uclt_‘!,r + coveredâ€" if Stticker w I%l!.dIl ‘ Knew. He stated that while 8 had . pleaged . guilty z hed réfused ‘ involve the: umm whom, the ‘ Attornéy dlleged, were bebind ‘ thoft. On the streugth of th* : ; pf the Crowh . Attorney Magistrate Weir rofused to grant suspendéf@ satiâ€" tehce to Stricker. ~ , *Â¥ o E9 There were three ‘separate theft cases demanding Q{:l settlement, being adjourned last Monday by Masâ€" istrate .. Weir until this morning. In the oat case, Albert Stricker and Harâ€" Wevfr'vilo{lt;ï¬â€™-‘iiid:’ the defendants . guilâ€" ty last Mondayâ€"and passed â€" sentence on them today. . . po h The final case was the sugar case in Which Harold Randall pleaded guilâ€" ty to stealing sugar from Dunke & Co, Reuben Hilker and David Busch were charged with theft in this same conâ€" neétion but the evidence was not suf: ficierit to make out a case and both charges were dismissed. â€" Stanley‘ Feredoz, who was found guilty of stealing a quantity of cloth from a tailor shop in Waterlco . and selling the goods to a Kitchener tailâ€" or, v'ras sentenced to three‘ ‘ yearn‘ in the Kingston Reformatory tp{:. wiorn: lng â€" by ‘Magistrate Weir. Feredo: was ttied about‘ a week ago and had this morning. ‘His. case un the do@kat at police ed to Ed. Reinhart, at the Alexander House in Waterloo, was merely acci déntal. He was in no way involved in the theft. % â€" alving sqap which was stolen from Sohell Prithers . bam " Magistrate was tried about‘ a week a; been ,x‘n’m# _tor > sent this m'orfllfl(.eg}{h case gwx hen given & cHance to say ilig in his own bebalf the e Saane eal who might be \inâ€" et whm::'fn'{ ah ts aoe won ios Whom, ule Crgun ie oo o | Attorney â€" Magistrite grant 'u»,g.‘.q ,d\ sentence until e was the first in Log:l ‘ ‘Advisory Commercial Committee â€" Geo. Killer, Herb Kuntz, J. A. Scelâ€" len, ‘W. 8. Hallman, P. J. Wright, ï¬\hnr Foster Jr., Archie Kerr, R. W. utenschlager. _ The qol.% date was set for the ’gbm‘:l:n esday of each . month. 8 & ‘Scully "were appointed ln’ggou. e tender for installing a fire alarm system in the High School was given to Ellis & Howard, who quoted $14.00 as the cost of the job. * Accounts amounting to $2412.66 were passed. 'gerh Kuntz of Waterloo is the 0 ne wmember of the Board. . He aucccaï¬:o former Trustee Deblep of! Waterloo as Separate School repreâ€" sentative ‘There were three rousing cheers given at the G. T. R. station this morning, when"the 11.32 train pulled in bearing three of lgte%gqer’! heroes back 'ig,the_lr hm. e train had scarcely stop before the three boys ie Adreonded y thel | infartvce ed by their ediate . relatives, . the men. wére xm‘*dh by Mayor Gx&u and representatives of the Returned then cont p;_to their meg“ln “:- tor cars. Wey was ‘driven wzu Home â€" it Mayor Gross® Car, e. ot & pcenes were withessed. Surst Aimh Stegart Pre M 80 & e e three xï¬efl&: 'mé}ah’u'l! been recelyâ€" hidet Nt esd bcliic »dik bn‘s ie wlet mlrï¬p\nu C ‘ Pte. B. F. Keast reached the c ‘ Pte. B. F. Keast reached the city from Toronto at 9.15 o‘clock énndm given a most cordial welcome by | his relatives. Mï¬ara. J. P. Scully and A. Pte. W. ScHenk, 135 Weber street, west, arrived in the city yesterday after seeing service at the front. He was met, by J. P. Scully and taken. to his home in a motor car. He arrived on 110 a. m.. traip. * Seu:‘-';t‘ fl:‘.}gwgfl.’nï¬on of Mr. and Mrs. Geo. .W. Stewart, Queen St., N., en es oi o e it o o e e was also given an enthusiastic wel come. He‘ went qverseas with the "ist Battalion our 1916, Jooks the picâ€" ture of I;q‘nh ‘and shows no evidence of the strain of war. Home _ in‘ Mtayor Gross® Car, Pte. Schwartz in the W. G, Cleghormn car, KITGRENER BOYS WELGOMED HOME MINARD‘s CLiniment . cures pisTEMPER. $ The Belt Telephone Co. of Canada ur _ 3 Oood dervice * * * ‘our srus latest.% / ~ _‘ & > ..m%-..._..... t fur un HUEka Lc m on cticm s .?.'L...._‘iL._.._ &1 , : is ‘Por example:. when Mr. . Brown paks for &tv‘pfl‘.ï¬ï¬tdfln Jom:o- a twoâ€"party Sometimes a subscriber on a twoâ€"party line, when called to the telephone, lifts his This cauies the telephone ‘of the m,en#aug-‘wmm_mm Do not lift the receiver / before the ring is finished * V qpqn:: ‘.'hlem the Provincial Pl’l‘:ll:h" tion moy it to reâ€"es! : the Jows in ‘Pil:&.,l:e. under 30 adiâ€" recton,lu;:l of tlla Berdtthh (:g:q_r;::n; as recently ou! to tis Government by aou. Arthur J. Balâ€" 63{:;13 Temperance Act, was restorâ€" ‘The following officers of the Kitâ€" chéner branch were elected:â€" guldéntâ€"-ll. L. Gordon, Viceâ€"Presidentâ€"M. Himmelstein Secy.â€"Treas.â€"Philip Gordon. Bubscriptions in support of the movement were taken amounting to about $800, of which over $500 was At a largely attended meeting of; the Jews of this city in the Borden Hall on Sunday afterncon the Kit chener, branch of the Canadian Jewâ€" ish Congress was formed with a memâ€" bership of upwards . of 105 Jews! The object of the branch is to co-] operate with the Provincial organizaâ€" angd JEWS OF KITCHENER :*â€"â€"â€"_ FORM AssocIarton |, _ _X goode Hall toâ€"day after having | been‘ quashed by Mr. Justice Rose. Appelâ€" late court stood three to two for reâ€"‘ storing the conviction on g';'&mi»flu'tfl actual need for the issuance of preâ€" actual need for the issuance of preâ€" s:;ipfflont had not been shown by thei defenice. " Honorary Pretldegtsâ€" Rev. J. H. McBain, Dr. E. D. Heist and Mr. O Kinzie. Presidentâ€"Mrs. J. A. Hilliard. Secretaryâ€"Gordon Grant. â€"‘The young people of Trinity Sunday School organized a choral club Sunâ€" day afternoon. The membership is limited to the members of the Sunday Sthool. A large number responded and élected the following officers: Toronto, Jafi. 27.â€"The eonv‘ctlpnl glmt Dr. J. P. Rankin, exâ€"M.P. of 4 _ggfp_rd._ Ont., for aAbn‘-each of _tppo]; L CONVICTION‘ 2 Big stoml:‘d Clothing Mercha ta, : + Weseloh‘s __are waiting for you at the . _ Men‘s Td Boys‘ < Clothing ~â€" â€". and all kinds of +# d x Barg telephone.. But if Mr. Jonés HN%‘ réceiver before the r{nghm permits the current to pass to : the‘ e side of the line and ring the You can make twoâ€"party line srhli#) _ more satisfactary by lifting the révali@r ) only when the bell has stopped ringitilie > A y place thik ful gifts dandruff. "You can nbt have; healthy hair if you have das destructive scurf robs, ‘the "Ré lustre, its strength: and‘â€"ity; and if not overcome it : < hair roots famish, loczen: sid the bair falls: out f§el ~Bus mmail bottle omm < from any drug storé gik Jask on at â€" $ NEW DIRECTOR OF : 41 Bauh 50h