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The Chronicle Telegraph (190101), 23 Jan 1919, p. 9

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E4 _é"" i9. Ne *. . This big Sale is mow procéeding with the fow attractive list of seasonable mrerchandise and values which will commnnd fl; . _ tention of _ the W DurinLtuude there will be offered many lines of goods in demand, at prices which are less than present wholesale pr "a‘ndldfi_ecis, c and get the nefit of this great sale.. $5,000.00â€"worth of Ladies‘ Furs are included in the Sale at Sweeping Reductions, . .. . Ne m.m "_I":’m.,.f._“d Th â€"__â€" __> u_ s ‘4«_â€" _«â€" 4 g'u‘l_A __ ';-‘14‘4 n-J---A:;_- IS:L':;.;;':’E‘? |.!I.!!m 13 . %0e SHMIRTING PRINTS 30:. i‘ 10 ipleces, ‘Bhirting Prinia, in ~.. white greunds, black stripes and .‘}«.mnm beautiful shifting â€" ipatterne, 36 in. wide, reg. price w.. 800. . petâ€"ylgs, on sale .... J( Women‘s Furs in the best qualities mt prices cut below Mfgrs. cost. . GCREAT ANNUAL JANUARY SAL! 35c STRIPED FLANNELETTE Flannelette, fine soft finish, exâ€" tra ‘wide, good quality, ‘regular 40c per yard, on sale ..... mc 65c KIMONA FLANNELS 30c. 12 pieces only Jap i..nona Filannel, 30 in. wide, in good colorings, plaids and stripes, «good ‘heavy quality, regular 65c, on sale ....l. ... l .. Offc 25 pieces: Ginghams, in .Oo'd combinations of colors, neat amail checks and otripes, ail good ‘washing colors, prices reg. 30c ‘afid©358, on sale‘..... ”e 45e APRON GINGHAM 25c. 5 Pleces Apron Ginghain, biue and white checks, heavy curlity, 38 and 40 inch wide, reg. Mr, «@M Biite 2olll 222. 22.l. .. Oe 1500.yards Striped Flanneletts good wide ‘width, in medium and tightâ€"sotorings, extra special value at 35¢, on sale .... OKc 40; WHITE FLANNELETTE BHEETING, PILLOW SLIPS AND BED SPREADS 45c WRAPERETTES 25c. 2 pieces only fine twilled Bleached Shecting, extra good weight, 2 yards wite, a bargain, 25 pieces Colored Wrapperette in all good shades, neat patterns plain or ‘twilled, 28 and 29 inch wide, Yeg. 45¢, on sale .... 25«: 23¢ DELAINES 29c. 12 p.uces all Wool Delaines, 30 and 3t .incaes wide, in stripes and floral designs, colors in pink, aky, fawn,. ‘grey, mauve, ctz, for waists, children‘s dresâ€" see, etc., reg. 65:, on sale 39: g255 EipErpown Fomr §1.00 1 .plecs only Copenhagen Zi. derdown, 54 inch wide, nice light weight, cood shade, reg. $2.25 per yard, on sale . $1m REDVCED â€" 10‘ pieces Bleached Cotton, good stromg thread, regular 25c Â¥or ..... ziil cavis sules OMC reg. $1.00 per yard, on sale 10 picces Bleached Madapcian 40 in. wide, soft firfish, reg. 40c for 15 pieses Victoria Lawns, 42 in. wide, extra heavy, reg. 40c . 8 â€"pieces only fine twilled Bleached Sheeting, 24 yards wide, extra heavy quality, no dreesing, reg. $1.10 per yard, on §1.75 EMDROIDERY LINEN $125 ‘\ £0 yards only purs white Emâ€" broeidery Linen, guaranteed . nll pure linen, 38 in, ~wide, good quality, reg. $1.75 Yor .. $l'25 80; KIMONA CREPES 38. Unbleached Cotton, 40 inch wide, good even thread, reg. 28c, on sale ..... .. ...... Of)¢ T5 Bed Spreads, elegant deâ€" signe, good large size for double bod, regular price $4.00 and $4.25 on edle ... T. 22. 2. .. €9.40 25 pleces Semrpontine Crepcs Â¥or Kimonas or Houwse Jackets, in variety of calors and designs, worth 50c per yard, on sale Afic ‘TABLE LINEN CNDS 33 doz. Pillow Slips, 45 and 42 inches, reg. 40¢, for each . If)c 40 IN. UNBLEACHED COTTON BLEACHED COTTON A Bargain in Prints â€" 150 pleces in navy blue, delf blue, groys, <alse light . grounds, Crumbs or Patten Point . inâ€" cluded, all gd6d washing colors, neat patterns, regular 35c, on gale ... c..cls .. sos +. HBe a § REDUCED ‘80 Ends: of Table Damask, beautiful merc. finish, lengths from 34, 1%/2, 2, 2%4 to 3 yard ends, price from ... ... ... ... T5c SATEEN 50c. 1 prece only black double fold satéen for liningg or undergkirts 36 inth wide, reg. 75¢, for "Efy: 30; AND 35¢ GINGHAMS 25e ... . .. $0c, T5c, 90c to §$2.50 35c CRUMS PRINTS 25:. > t a a k. w ty » L“% s 3 5 } 4 s + s * i U & 6 » 4 â€" 6 s m 3 s 4 \â€" s WILL BEQIN THIS WEEK AND CONTINUE UNTIL 1st OF FEBRUARY â€" 19° 36 in. Flouncing Embroidery, fine lawn, . good asâ€" sorted patterns, %‘lots of wdd butâ€" "tons, _ including Yarge heacy coal buttons, . s u i t Ladi«s‘ Brush Wool Gloves in cotors white, navy and chamois, all sizes, extra good, worth 75c for 50c regular $1.00 for 36 in. Uiderskirt Embroidery Floâ€" ancing, w it h ruffle elge and beading, worth $1.25 for .... 79c 36 in. Embroidâ€" ery Flouncing, suitably for un derskirts, assortâ€" od patterns, reg. $2.00 for .. $1.19 Hooks and cyes in white with spring, 2 doz. on card, regular §¢, TOP ..« 1¢ Dome Fasteners 2 dozen on card, in white _ only, worth 10c, â€" for 2 for ... ... be Beauty Pins â€" Lfttle brats ‘beauâ€" ty pinsa, sultable for blouses and collars, worth Se, x: § Ter ...... e Combeâ€"Ladies‘ back Combs and pins, plain and fancy, reg. 15c, 20c to $8¢ for §5¢ Peri Lustre â€" W h it e Emb‘d Floss, â€" 2ssorted 1‘z*s, 3 _ skeins buttons and email trimming buttons SMALL WARES sale at per dozen §c, 100, 15¢, 20c, Baby _ woolen Mitts, all white, plain and fancy uffs, worth 25¢ Tor‘... ... .. 18e tor‘... ... .. 18¢ Ladies‘Woolen Gtoves, in btack and white, _ all sizes, worth 50c for ... ... .. 35¢ Leggings â€" A few pair of white all wool leggings, infant s i z e s, worth 55c at 25c CcoRnscts Ladies‘ Corsets, in medium . light weight _ models, long skirt, 4 hose supporters, a | 1 sizes 20 to 30, worth $1.25 and $1.50, sale price 10 doz. Guest Towels, fancy border, reg. 20c for ... .. 15¢ 30: WHITE COTTON TOWELS 19c. 50 doz. White Cotton Towels, plain huck, 120x36, border, reg. T03 each, or sale ..â€". :.;, lgc TABLE LINENS REDUCED 206 QUEST TOWELS 150 â€" HUCK TOWELLING Fancy . Huck â€" Towelling, . al pure linen, neat sina!ll pattern, 17 in. wide, regular price 50;, phn sile ..... ..... .... .. Oe 1 piece only Bieached ‘Linen, 64 inch wide, reg. $1.15 for 75: 2 pieces only Bleached Linen, 72 in. wide, reg. $1.35 for sl.oo white, with plain border, regular 60c for .... ll.t. .2.llll. Kak 5 doz. Gath Toweis, plain white, with plain border, reg. 75¢ HOF ..... ayce sssazace 59¢ FANCY â€" LINEN TURKISH GATH TOWELS 5 doz. Bath Towels, in solf color, with red stripe, regular 40c for ... ...l..2.l22. ... tic 1 piece Unbleached Linen, 60 in. wide, reg. $1.00 for ..... 75c A cholow bf pretty White and *olored Voild Waiste, nently rimm#®d with Embroidery, Tucks and Lacé; répular s:l .&8 *2.25 and §2,75, for .. stip tio, worth reyular ©1.00 and $3.50 for .. SLOUSES Ladios‘ Silk Habutal Waists, y made with Tucks, Collars with n White, Ffesh and Maize, nvatâ€" BLACK SILK BArcains. 3 Pieces Black Paillette Bilk, 30 in. wide, Regular ( §$2.00 fors;....... . 81'49 3 Pieces Black Paillette Silk, [ans JTreacr 8 , Dress Goods and Silks at Decided Reductions 17%§ SILK POPLINS $1.25. s 1000 â€"yards of ‘Silk Poplin, in all the mewest Munnmmdurmu in Navy, Rose, Green, Brown, Sand, Reseda, ett, also Black. These are extra good qualities, 36 in. 51 25 wide, Reg. $1.50 and $1.75, on saie .. & $1,25 SILK AND WOO LMIXTURES 69c. Wool Dress Goods. Silk and Wool Dress Goods, Plaids <nd Checks, in a variety of shadps, ail good widths and Bargains, you cannot afford to miss, Regular 90c to $1.25, on sale ....... RQ‘. 25 Pieces of Raw @ilk in Natural color, 33 in. wide, good Washing Silk for Dresses and Waists or Men‘s and Boys‘ Shirts, a Silk you 37!/1 cannot duplicate at 60c, on sale .... c $3.00 CLOAKINGS $1.89, 60c RAW SILK 37%4c. 25 Pieces of Heavy Cloaking in Fancy Stripss, lar $3.00 to $3.50, on sale ..... ..... ..ore tht Fancy Checks, Tweeds and Diagonais o worth Regular $3.00 to $3.50, on saie .. $1-98 GAINS. 36 In. wide, Regular alliette Bilk, Â¥2.25 for ..c:. ...â€" 51'79 ar ( _2 Pieces Black Duchess 8ilk, £ 81'49 36 in. wide, Regutar sz % aillette Bilk, .| $2,75 for . .... ..>>> ® Remnants of Linocleum worth $1.00 and $1.35 yd. for sq yd 59: 6 only heavy Wilton Rugs, sizes 3 x 3% and 3 x 4, worth %60 and $75 for ... ...... $45 4â€" Tapestryâ€" Ruge, â€"sizeâ€"9â€"4â€"9,â€" worth $15.00 for .. .... $950 7 pieces of Brocade Hangin’c, in ail shades, 50 in. wide, for portiers and hangings, worth $1.25 and $1.50 for .. .... 5Qc 6 pieces of Colored Madras, 45 and 50 in. wide, suitable for Ovrhangings, worth 75c to $1.25 fef YBNG ..is seris 1. uk 38':‘ 40 only Sample Bonne Venne Sash Curains worth 60c for OKRc 12 only Seamless Axminster Rugs, sizes: 7â€"6 x 9 worth $30.00 for $18.00 9 x 10â€"6, worth $45.00 for $25,00 9x12 worth $60.00 for . $35.00 36 erily Rag Mats, good large size, worth $3.00 for ... . 3150 48 only Rag Mats, good asâ€" sorted colors, worth $1.75 and $2.00 for .... .... ....... One 1000 Rolls Wall Paper in light and dark colors, odd lots, worth 15¢ to 35¢, for per roll ...... Ge Housefurnishing Ladies‘ Chinchillia Cloth and Tweed Coats in the bect styles, convertable collars, ‘button ard buckle trimmad, worth regular up to $, slsn qo oc‘ t‘ " $10,50 Ladies‘ Protty Cloth Coats, made In smart stybes w.th the newest collars and beilted, nearly . ali sizts, worth up to $20.00, for ..... $ 12.00 WINTER COATS Ladios‘ Similar Coats, in b..ter very swsll mowels, in oud sizes, $22.00 ior $14.50; $30.00 Conts at Remarkable Valueos in Women‘s Coats Velour Cloth Coats, mads in t. 3 latest styles, in Borgundy, Green, Navy, Brown, Taupe and«Black, worth regular $34.00 for $18.09, othâ€" $27 m ors worth up ‘to ©43.00 for .i ... ... w Ladies‘ ‘Meta Lamb Coats, Black only Pjusfi trimmed, Butto ntrimmed and Beited, ‘hahdÂ¥hrtie Garmonts, worth $26.00 for $18.00 _ sthets worth $30.00 for $22.00; $35.00 for $25.00 and §$37.50 for . .s., .lL.s Lulks ave $27cm Ladics‘ Cut Curl Coats, Plush trimmed, worth $39.00 for $25.00, Reguiar $26.50 O :; Â¥or .ls seach io idikened nruvnl ons 518.00 Ladies‘ Bwenters in Canaty color trimmed, White @well Coat, worth fogular $1000 for ..;.. .. . $7°\75 UNDERSKIRTSB. Ladizs‘ colorad and Black Saâ€" teen Undarskifts, doep plea Flounce, coldré® of Copen, l-x Tan, Nevy jaod Black, worth requiar $228, for ... @1 90 SWEATER®S. â€"TREACY COV‘S$ â€"â€" I‘ mto.l Sl&m quailitics, (th_ny worth . up . to Ladies‘ platn Cashmere Hose, wide garter top, spliced hee! and tos, goo#"weight, ‘sites 8%4 to 10, worth 75c for .. .... hQc Ladies‘ plain Union Cashmere Hose, medium weight, scamless double heel and t08, sizes 8%, to 19, worth 50c for .. .... GBe Hosiery Bargains Ladies‘ plain â€"Cotton Hose, good hWeavy quality, black only, sizes 8!/, to 10 worth 65t for 251: Remnants of jnlald Linoleum, worth $1.85 to $2.50, for sq. 4piecos Nepgnset Fioor Covâ€" ering, 2 yards wide, worth 90¢, for Bq YBPE ..0. ccak ci6 k4 55(: 8 pieces Curtain Not, cream and ecru color, worth 35c and 40¢ for ..... .2l. ... ... ORC $5.00 for .... ... ... .. $2.50 6 ‘pleces ‘of Curtain Scrim, worth 20c and 26¢ for yd. . 19c 3 pheces of Scrim and Marg, 36 in. wide, regulur 40¢ and 50¢, 3 only £1.38 ©69¢ BILK8. §$3.00 TO $3.50 FANCY SILK, $2.19. $1.00 VELVET CORDS §#6. $100 WHITE SILK HABUTALI 59c. 300 yards pure White Habutai, 36 in. wide, good quality, washable Eitk, for Biouses or 590 Underwear, Regular $1.00 for ..... .. b Pieces only of Veivet Corduroy, in Gopen, Lreen, oto., 4/ im wide, a goou wearing 59 quuilty, Heguiar $1.00 uer yo., on sale ... c ve.l5 GABERDINE® $1.49. iv Préuce of Gabsruines in good shades, aiso wiae tu in. Uiagonanseryes, u+ in. wiys, 4n COPEN, wirben, Navy and Claun, Â¥or wudy sl 43 ukirts or Dresses, Rey. $2.25, on sale Lo‘ SPECIAL SAVINGS IN BLACK AND COLORED Fancy Stripe, Fancy Checks, also plain stripes, in beautiful combmation of colors, for Waists or ‘Skirts, Regular $3.00 to $3.50, on 1 Pilede Black Taffétta, vory â€"epecial {40 in. wide), Regular $3.75 for .. $2‘75 Ledies‘ Fur Gollar Coate, with quilted lininn, ‘Waetérn Sable Collar, splindid, warm Garment, worth $33.00 for .. .‘.. e m-w LADIES‘ TAILORED suits. Ladies‘ Plush and Porlotte Cloth Coats, in "Licâ€" ter and Saits", Esquimette Piush, awelt styies and qualitios, regular valite $35.00 for ... | $22.00 1 Pieceo Black Duchess 8iik, 36 in. wide, reg. $3.25 for €9.M/() Ladié#‘ ‘Drose Skirts, made in Berges and , a variety of materiais, worth from $8.60 @; Lo §$0.80, Tor sisil csccre cosar sisgk '-54050 LADilEs® DREsgEs. e Ladies‘ Protty Silk Poptin, and Serge Dresacé, culars of Copen, Oi-ey. Green, Navy, Bergunty and Black, all good styles, worth $18.00 ‘to y ns‘ $10.00 Ladies‘ Suits, suitable for the spring season, made in good Serges, colors Navy and Black ws follows: . Regular $18:00 for ..... ..... ..... ... $7.50 Regular $25.00 for ..... ..... ..... .. $15.00 Regultur $22.00 for ..... ..... ..... ... $10.50 Régular $80.00 for ...s. ..... .....~. .. $18.00 8Kts. $50.00 and $55 qualities for ...... Childron‘s Coats Bpiend!d ‘and Warim "Cioth Conts, for girle, ages 4 toc4,ster good styles and cilors, aX ‘at deâ€" Ladies‘ Bikck Twill Batesh Underskirts, with deep Flownse, regular price §1.75 ¢ fer szziz alses as SI‘w Extra O, 8. size, Worth %200 iÂ¥dr .... . $1.25 Misses‘ and Boys‘ Cashmere Hose, heavy 21 rib, good qualâ€" ity, sixes 7, 74 and 9 only, worth 65c a pair for ...... 20° Ladies‘.fing â€"black Lisle Hose, heavy quality, .Pennman‘sâ€"seamâ€" Ices mdde, "seconds," siczs 8!/ to 9%,, worth ‘S0c for .. ... QOc Ladies‘ filne ‘pure Silk Hose, wide garter top, touble héel and sole, ‘colere white and ‘black, all sizes, special at ..... @100 Ladies‘ Silk Boot Hose, diste garter top, double heel and sole, black and white, ‘sizes ‘8/, ~to 10, worth 75¢ for .... .... Koe Ladies‘ ‘fine Cashemer Hose, full fashloned and seamless, ail sizce 8!/, to 10 worth $5¢ for 60 â€" Ladies‘ fine cream â€" Cashmere Hose, good weight, spliced heel and *0e, ‘all ‘slzes 8!/, to 10, worth 75e for .... .... ... KQs Ladles‘ Silk Boot Hose, douâ€" ble heei and toe, colors of black and ‘white, sizes B%4 < to 10, Ladies‘ fine ‘black Cashmere Hose, all wool, seamiess make, very good quality, sizes 9 to 10, worth reg. $1.00 for .. 75¢ 100 Pairs of ‘Nainsook Dress Shields, good wéaring quality, washable, Regulart price m C @5c, on saip per pair .. 25¢ DRESS SHIELDS 10c. _CAPB. 0_ & _ Children‘s ana Misses‘ Woot Brush Caps, ‘in Grey, White, Carttinal and Browh, wor‘th 750, for ... ... 35‘: Ladies‘ wnd Misses‘ Scarfs, in Witts wni colors, with pretty * diondara~â€"@t 74¢, 8e @1 Af cided reductions ‘Trimmings such as allover laces and figurcd nets, in good patterns, 18 to 36 inch wide, worth 75¢, 85c and $1.00, on eale at . ... .. 25¢, 35c and 50c Friittigeâ€" 10 pieces Eriilings worth 25c at yard .... .. .. e ‘Lacesâ€"Net and Shadow Laces and [nsertions, . 1}, to 7 inch wide, worth 25c to 50c, Sale Price ... ... l.... .. 15¢ to 30c Misses ‘and Boys‘ Cashmere Hose, seamless soliced heel and toe, sizes 9, 9!/, and 10, regular 75e Tor . :s Lusccs culs. .l Ake mere Hose, all wool, double heel and sole, all sizes 44 to 8%%, speciat prices 35c, 40c, 45¢, 50¢c, §0c, 70¢, to .:; .: ::+~.. TBG Misses‘ and Boys‘ heavy 1â€"1 rib Union Seamless Hose, splicâ€" ed heel, good wearlhy quality, sikes 9 to 10, worth 75¢ for Kfjc ‘Misses‘ and Children‘s fine 1â€"1 Rib Cashmere Hose, black, all sizes 4!/, to 10, at special prices 30c, 35¢, 40¢c, 45¢, 50c, 56c to 75¢ Children‘s fins cream â€" Cashâ€" _‘ Trimmings $10.00 $1.00 Decided Bargains in th 30 31 8 mis » sale price .. “%23 YARNS. mey Best qua ‘Scotch Fingering Yarn, in black, white, Tight ~and dark grey, worth heavy boned, high o TT regorng s ¢ € hanes rep is Shepshoed Laces in 1 in. to 244 in. widths, . g o o d patterns, special at ... 8c and 10c EMBROIDERIES White Nainsook, Lawn _ and Or. gandy mill ends, 2 to 5 in. wide, and 4 to 7 in. wide worth 12/2c and 15c a yd, at 10c 27 In. Flouncing Embroideriss, in Nainsook _ a n d heavy _ coutil, signs, worth 75¢ and 85c for 60c LACES 15¢ a yd, at 10c CR igineNt s i 27 In. Flouncing ‘H Ludist®" '“"'.* m"fi Embroideries, in ; ”:o":" ""';‘” % ‘ Nainsook a n d | , short P ok. ie M I a w n, ruffeled (| 42, 44, worth m:i,..:' edges, neat deâ€" i| _ tagio# fike ‘WhH#~ GOftoi ""."v__""",'"' ?‘c D Rambinatinne W nash Aais EL Ties â€" Corded Bilk ‘String Ties, for _ boys ‘ and youths, in red, Mm'and black, worth 35c and 40c for ... 22. 02 15e Collar Supporte in white, ‘will not bréak, _ assorted lengths, worth Bc and 8c per card, on sale at 2 for 5c RigBows ‘ ‘Corded B | 1‘k Ribbon, in brown and white, 1%; in. ,_ Ladtes‘ vdd ‘teâ€" tine and ofton Skirte, worth wide, worth 15c Tgr . ... .... 10¢ Ties â€" Ladies‘ Corded Silk Winâ€" ‘déor Ties, (plain and Tancy, worth 50c for .. .. 25c LADIES‘ surTs Ladies‘ odd linâ€" es â€" of â€" tailored Suite, in â€" serges and fancy cloths, in . black, . navy and brown, werth formerly from $156 Ladies ‘cotored Cloth (Skirts in odd styles and sizes, good cloths, mostly amaitéer sizes, worth formâ€" otly _ from â€" #4.50 to ‘uo. for $2.80 note worh tss at SKIRTS ~Lutfies®‘ mivy'mw' ton Vests, â€"high â€"neck, long es, . button front, /dréwer match, extra O 8 gizgs, . reg. $1.00 for ... ...;.. ze M.uam' ur ‘part weol Y h neck, long siceves, front, drawers h-lfll.‘n 36 and 38, worth $1.25 for . ed style, sizes 38 a Tec Tor ... .. .. .z": __ Childfen‘s ‘Créam: Wos) * ‘Silk and Woo! ‘Veéte, -lbove.‘and’.:cwn seaime, .. 3 toned all the way down, onds," regular~60c l’nd.*g front, drawers to nnti!:'__.;â€"d weight, sizes 12 to 32, va d ancte neck, â€" long sizes m?’?fl. sizes ©36. and worth §0¢ for ... 2y, 4.., vests, round ‘neck,. langâ€" button front, requiar 666 | Ladio#‘ "ins ‘FHiy Cotton long sleeves, high M front, drawérs toâ€"match,! UN Harvey knit, part wool, Duchese neck, stort sig slzbe 36, 38,: 42, 44, worth $1.95 Yor ty era ; Ladies‘ ‘fire ‘"White© Cotton Combinations, V neck, tong and /, sleeves, ankle ufifl seat or open ‘style, sites 36 to 44, worth $2.50 at $1.85 and ~ "Ludies‘ rataral ‘ail Wodl) binations, m?:; neck, » k h, ;‘ :i.m 3‘: ln.d sl.n":i‘m‘ $4,50 for ... Ladies‘ Black . . Cashmeraité‘ | Gloves, fleece lined, sizes 8 %, _ and 64 only, worth 35¢ M-“{, Ladies‘ ;fi Liste ,â€"€ ®3 2 dome, nea all sizes,; ~good quality, worth ‘$0¢ ind 60e '-'; Ladies‘ Cashmerette Gloves, . with â€"2 dome, â€"sizes 6 â€"to 8, shades . of grey, white, black, m,*;’ 40c. and Tc and $5¢ for Bfy Ladivd‘ _ washable â€"M}g Gloves, black and self point, ‘# â€" Jomes, all siÂ¥es, white and mt“’ai ural shades, worth regular $1.25. §OP 2 22e m s ces on sue s oo onl m Ladies‘ Sifk Gioves, 2 dot black and white, wel made, es 5%, to 8, worth regular â€" $1.00 toâ€"§1.26 for ... ....,) zdhl’ Chamolsatte GK natgral shade. with brown saif emb‘y points, ‘worth" Children‘s Mittens, j in red â€"only, worth 40¢ COLLARS AND cars | :‘ Ladies‘ Net .Stack | fine white not, : lace ‘ang.A tion trinuned, MM for ... .ls ifr ists it Ladiea‘ Boudouir ; :Cap#)â€" dow lace, with lace, ind‘ and ‘ritibon "triin, ‘worth r Ladies‘ Lawn HCM omb‘d designs, white and _‘ edges, Worth 10c and 18 $# Ladies‘ White Lawn ‘s kerchiofa _ with . fire emb‘y designa, 2 in a bok At or $Yor ..l.. ..08.05. xo MB HANDKERCHIEFS Odd Tines of Ladies‘ Lot J, at ... .....s., Lot 2, at ... ... :2 Children‘s fine rib natural Cotâ€" Winteor Coaté st ... ut : :; high neck, I8ng

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