â€" GOVERNMENT FORGES IN BERLIN _ HAVE CAPTURED THE PDLIGE HEADâ€" E"“ QVARTERS AND ARE IN CONTROL _ + neavy . e f; :'x. w B r':‘ © ‘ernme o > % be ces gu:ll ... sgor ./ has be 3t ;,’{\ ~ag~,, Paris, Jan. 10.â€"The latest news received here from Germany, ï¬ %‘h fragmentary and sometimes contradictory, indicates *«* that the Ebert government has won a victory over the Spartacans "@=‘awing to the sudden impetys given the Government‘sâ€"case by the ,a,‘.- ipport of the loyal elements whose numbers increased with prosâ€" ’*:.{ ets of generous sacrifices. â€" In the sanguinary fighting of the +s lfst five days the Spartacans are reported to have suffered very "heavy losses. ‘ .\ Rithough Rt ing to (*Mppoct » . perts of . EBERT COVERNMENT WINS VIGTORY â€"=OVER GPARTAGANS IN BERLIN; MANY +C+MENTG RUSH TO SUPPORT EBERT § DT. LIEBKNECHT IS UNDER ARREST. £ Berlin, (S~nday), 12.20 p.m.â€"Jan. 13.â€"Dr. Karl Liebknecht, * in the leaders!;© < of the rebellious Spartacan forces in Berlin, has _been avrestcc? 5~ C ~vernment soldiers according to a report in Taegâ€" * lish Rundshau. ‘I%e arrest is said to have been made when troops t "vâ€"~re clearing out the central office of Spartacans last night, when & J . Lichknecht‘s son a‘so is reported to have been taken. _ The oc nivre of the Sparta~an office was effected by the free use of hand /. grev=des. â€" The so‘dicrs burned in the street an immense quantity ~of Bolsheviki literature found there. t *\ â€"Eichshorn, the Spartacacn police chief, escaped, but many of .: his supporters were made prisoners. ~\~~> _ In issuing its order against processions, the Government gave y$) that its troops have orders to fire without waiting for the ~»Bpartacans to begin and to shoot to kill. The Spartacans apparâ€" _semtly are losing hope. They failed to summon a mass meeting of g:ggï¬'tlr supporters toâ€"day and the streets were almost deserted. ; Berlin, (Sunday), Jan. 13.â€"Government forces have captured "police headquarters after a short bombardment. The Ebert govâ€" ernment is now in complete control. e t Eol uie + " 24 AURTK oys en piotie a Emt tne s London, Jan. 13.â€"Karl Radek, one of the Russian Bolshevik emissaries in Berlin, has been arrested, according to Berlin advices. @~ _ Berlin, Thursday, Jan. 10.â€"(By the Associated Press)â€"Govâ€" t ent forces are in complete control of that section of the inner &l:’etween the Brandenburg gate and Friederichstrasse. â€"It has an order prohibiting all processions. The Government has &rfll decided victory in the capture of police headquarters which s been one of the Spartacan strongholds. The building was takâ€" en by the Fusilier Guards after a short fight. Government forces 4ook the building with a few casualties. _ _ BRITISH TROOPSHIP PROTESILAUS ‘ WITH 2,000 CANADIANS ABOARD *~ WA REPORTED IN DISTRESS & â€"POLICE HEADQUARTERS CHANGE HANDS AGAIN. w Information Received at Ottawa Indicates That ‘+\Vessel is Proceeding to Viadivostock Under Her Ff“':kj)vm Steamâ€" Propeller Proken and Repaired. . Karl Liebknecht, Who Had Been Reported Killed, is Now Under Arrest by the Government Soldiers â€" Liebknecht‘s Son Also T aken. Bb Brooktyn of the American Navy, is ready to leave if further aid mecessary. The Protesilaus broke her propelier but later reâ€" Ets said the Protesilaus was limping back to this port. It later i§ reported‘that the stcamer might effect temporary repairs ue to Japan for permanent repairs. With a total continâ€" Of 900 officers and men the steamer Testa has arrived here. & aboard two companies of Canadian infantry and machine unit under command of Colonel Swift. &." , TROOPSHIP IS REPORTED SAFE. â€"Ottawa, Ont., Jan. 14.â€"The British troopship Protesilaus, h was reported in difficulty owing to a broken propeller, is Jncudiu to Viadivostok under her own steam. Word ect has been received by both the militia and naval de« r here. The vessel has over 2,000 Canadian soldirs on from al! parts of the Dom{nion. General Bickford, comâ€" the Canadian infantry division in Siberia, is believed to be ‘Vladivostok, Jan. 14.â€"(By Canadian Press)â€"The big Britâ€" tnxhig Protesilaus has sent out wireless appeals for assistâ€" e e British cruiser Kent has hurried to her assistance and .raii:a2in V dIers ~ _Onv satishied qustomer said: London, Jan. 10.â€"Advices from Berlin toâ€"day said the police lquarters were now again in the hands of the Spartacan facâ€" T elfers Stie‘s right. : YOU try them. Packed in gir tight packages. For sale at all grocers. "The Buy Word for B.scuits‘ GOVERNMENT FORCES IN COMPLETE CONTROL. “j}(lzf\;er hnew Graham !ï¬u could‘ be, so: good. until I: tried Telfers, _ They: are perfectly. deâ€" licious"‘. +2‘ * als® ip t T‘H I R 1 ( O LIVT RACING â€"â€" Oftawa;.â€"Jhn. 140.â€"A reriew is being ie U t Gantiel of the Tarious w icH which were passed e on ind o canem w son be modified and others will be heid pending ratifying legisiation. Among those which will totally dis appedr is the one prohibiting betting o4 Pace tracks. which temporarily put an end to racing. . The ordér providâ€" ad that it should l§st for sizx months rmsr the close of the war, but officia}â€" y the war is not over. The nehm.‘. men would ltke action nIeL tm lately so that racing could resum enforced now that the Military . Ser vice Act is no Io:or being enforced, and will undoubtediy be repeaied. Against Allens. It was enacled offginally to compel allens in the couritryâ€"who were not aubject to military call to at _ least work. ed at the spring meet. May Disappear. Two important orders which wil} sither disappear or be modified _ are the antiloafing ordér and the order regarding seditious and revolutionary literature. ‘The aftiâ€"loafing law is gyot beif# As for the order in regard to literaâ€" ture. strong representations are . beâ€" ing made that it should be repealed, as it was only a war measuré. NO ARRESTS On the other hand, it is pointed out that the Government | should _ have iuthority to prevent the _ spread of Boishevik and anarchistic ideas by means of literature. It is probable that the order will be modified to meet the changed condi tions due to the end of the war. As to Prohibition. As for the prohibition orders, which provides for their continuance for 1% months after the end of the war, it i# likely that ratifying legislation will be introduced this coming session. The Government will ask for the{ Galled to Sarnia. «anction of Parliament in continuing| Ret. Dr. R. W. Knowles, of Petroâ€" ts drastle prohibition _ measures| lea, who was last week . admonishéd vhichâ€"forbid the iniportation of liqâ€" R.mo London Methodist Cotference, nor" the manu(acture in the country | bees extended ® wbanimous . call ind the inlerprovincial transportaâ€"| {b the Devine Stréet Church, of Sarâ€" Guelpb, Jan. l&*fjure sré no s1 fé * ‘1 _# (nndlient [ 0n 0. . developimefits in tha Tedesto mundet| f§ Now a Kni atopadintiac case today, and no Arreats hat been| " J, W. W ‘of Toronto, * who | has made Up to this evietiliig. < Acting | 6# i made Knight &?fl‘mnm of the the Instructios of Tok > MacDovald,{O¢det of the BrRiSA Rimpire, is hu old County t‘rowo Attornep.In=pector M it boy. og" Juines waeâ€" borh . in ier of 1he Provincial Torce. arrived in _t,ofzy, “gug at ‘ the ~ Central the city this morning, apd he has taÂ¥â€" %o and‘ i_l&lo" anrd commenced en charge of the case, to be assist@fl commbrcial darget jn the store of busy toâ€"day securing the names of afl| ~~ ty eC j f who know anything &ou the ‘cade, pm Times Mayor. | in and they will be asked to giv» . atf Mr. ‘John Watson, 6f Listowal, has uence at rhe inquest which . will be{just been élected Mayor of (‘Listowel held on Weanesday afternoon. by acclamation. â€" It a â€" Mayor Wat This sfternoon a péstmortem exâ€"| gon‘s ninth torm as First Citisen _ of rmination of the body of Tedesco was me town. He holds &â€"novel . record inade. of being Mayor when‘ poateâ€" was signâ€" So far it s understood that the polâ€"| ed after the South Africah Wiar, and ico have not fastened #uspicions oi{ during the present war also. anybody, nor have they any arrests hn o k , Annedinn ce 3 2 in view. Will Refine Cane wrr. â€" In looking for a motive for th6} ‘The big plant of the Dominion sugâ€" In looking for a motive for thé the crime the police recall the . fact that some time last summer a fight took place on Beverly street, opposite the Malleable Iron Works, and at the time it was thought this was caused by jealousy, due to the fact that the Tedesco famil} had opened up a bakeâ€" shop. 1t was also reported that after this fight Tedesco recaived a letter, alleging to come from . the Black Hand Society, threatening him, . and from this time ou Tedesco and his ‘ather. both of whom worked at the «tove foundry, were afraid something would happen. This afternoon a péestmortem | exâ€" ‘mination of the body of Tedesco was inade. So far it {s understood that the polâ€" ico have not fastened #uspicions on anybody, nor have they any arrests in view. itove foundry, were afraid something} Mason a.trained nurse, a gradâ€" would happen. uite d‘c\‘dbrh ‘Hoapital, _ London, emimgare raunatianatv ie t es and was acting ï¬?};:}l;?g:cm tzon; TA T J. E. CARTER mtmm:n m CHOSEN MAYOR home last week. â€" > â€" â€" OF GUELPEH | myi, ~ perensanlts 1.....‘.%3? IWNHEHMFEAA Win at Gualph, Jan. 13â€"J. E. Carter is| C mayor of Guelph for 1919. He was| w elected at the inaugural meeting . of| Bi the city council héld â€" at 11 o‘clock this morniog. The meeting was qulet. Th@ mayorblect was chosen on the firstâ€"Â¥ote. There were three other nominations for the position, Ald. Wcfl%. Ald, Newstead and: Ald. Hovar%. e latter, however, with drew at ohge. i In accordance with theâ€" rules laid down by the city clork gorerning the algction, hd open vote was_ taken:; Nt. Carter fetbived ten votes. which was sufficieft to Ingure his election. No further vote was taken. The new mayor atterded the meet: ing, and a committee to select the standing committees was appotnted, after devotional exercises were conâ€" ducted by Rev. Mr. Konkle. At the regular meeting of the counâ€" cil he‘d this evening _ Mayor Carter appointed a special committee to take up the matter of & soldiers‘ memorial, and also one nmetlu the Winter Fair. The committee . and the chairman of the various cominftâ€" tees of the countil comprise | ancther special committee to consider the orâ€" ganization of the varions departâ€" ments under the control of the counâ€" cil, and make such recommendations as they deem to be in the best inter ests of the city. C &Lm‘i C es nte ho toreâ€" aM 14â€" to f itly auppress the 8inf mn-wt* nd, .accord ing N A l AY_SUPPRESS SINN FEIN. IN ROYAL CITY 1( PE hi ET O Died ln*wm\“ w I ~} + geor obdstock, STB § mwm :m'nis;‘ m:::.h.n:†C aL > ~tmtive of Beachvile, & OYAL CITY ident of the city only a shoft tl::no. MURDER CASEB o in aurvived bÂ¥ is ‘wife mnd four e M tah . un ob of 1| to be Bone M ENT|! Chronicte» Bon~|f â€" Telegraph ite WATERLOO»COUNâ€" W Gaid Buing 10 urgiGuidn6tiB Cir Wilfrid Lapriee Will Attend. Sir Wilfrid Laurier will attend a ?:vonma of Liberals from Central tario, which will be held in Toron: to on January 21. The big plant of the Dominion sugâ€" &t Company at Chatham started operâ€" ations on Monday, refining . sugar. They have a fair stock of the _ raw product on hand, and as more is exâ€" pected that the plant will run steadâ€" ily until time to start ./ #licing beets next tall. Beath ot Nurge.. M ‘The death took place at the â€" resiâ€" _ Lawrence Holt, 10 ¢#irâ€"6ld #on of ¢. hn floxi.“ mj;.n, atreot, lh;n{:’ton. was attacked Tuesday afternoon by a hiz Amertom uï¬â€˜ufl‘wh coust. on the . mountsinalde.‘ The bird wooped dowf frotm the ‘cliff above 4 flngiuuflaut yb!lntp( x ‘Holt, who "l. #* P e ms. t on nÂ¥ head dot 3:« Its .tal a . severely â€"cut the‘ind .‘ abodt the tion of furs of all sorts from Canada into the United States: . The ol\lfl? the war board péermits the im r tion of #uch furs and skins as beaver, wolf, badger, skunk, bear, weasel, r kin %, mzy; silver, white and ‘cross.‘ "General ha licenses," the war trade board order said. "covering the importation from Canada of the raw furs of Cal‘n:’lz origin wiill be lssued to firms en into proper agregment . with the board." . ‘The estence of this agres ment is to hold these furs subject to the disposition,ofâ€"the beard. Gentiemen.~â€" Theodore, Dorais, a customer of mine, was completely cured ~of. rheumatism . after fiye years of saffering, by the judicious use of MINARDS LINIMENT. . _ _ Minard‘s Liniment Co., Limited. The above 'n:'a:'en, be veritied by writing to ,. to the ~Parish Priest or any of his neighbors. o uen mm 0BE E0snt B4 B n ce Now a Knight. 2""C~C_" _~"C _ _ .ï¬"w,w ‘of Toronto, ‘ who has i made Knight (‘::fl‘_manm of the fdet â€"ot the B h Rinpire, is ho old fit boy. ogï¬- J‘n:.ne:t q-:‘ lg@{:h t l: t clty. Catod Ahe en M md“'iulo‘l and commenced County and District Notes nce of her ret, Mys. Eliza Masâ€" s Mlï¬Lni m ls:bgl Mason, io sudtumbed© to iofluenca. Miss ason was a trainéd nurse, a gradâ€" $1.50 The Chroi Telegra; .' , .‘ "",,“\“ m'u'-.?é'"c.:fl Farmers :’3 ;nl in &c Chronâ€" iA e plete Tol of all Aue. tion Sales, farms for oo pegacts ‘and Dairy Markets. for one yeur for only and other countries as well as the fullest acâ€" is a bright newsy hnameiy: silver. red. | M. Rac. c dvacd" maok |T. Ballan trade board order|J. Short e importation tm'“- Hagey. furs of _ Canadigh H. Womav »d to firms entering , Dr. Rudel 8. | eer, died on his farm near Lomâ€" hant. a wn Friday. He was ninctyâ€"four with First Full Session of Peace Conference to be Held Jan, 18th. WAR COUNCIL Paris, Jan. 3,â€"The war council reassembled at foreign office at 2:30 o‘ this &fâ€" ternoon. t French, British, u.%'-. and h.ï¬ ese delegates wore presount. it wis the first time that the Japanese deleâ€" gates had attended. _ _ i: foreign office at 2:30 o'mu &tâ€" m t French, British, Italian â€"and :..f.‘ ese delegates wore presount. it wis the first time that the Japanese deleâ€" gates had nutnlod. Tha first business before the suâ€" preie council was the new terms for tice. ‘The terms had been formailly draW® up at a meeting this morning of ailitary, faval, economic and fin: ancial experts of the Allies, and the ing, which was :r’oiidu' over by Marâ€" shal Foch, a cofiplete agree went on.the armistice‘ torms. U ceau, Foreign Minister P\eb; Finâ€" ance Minister Kiots, Miriister of Comâ€" merce Clementel, Minister of Reconâ€" struction . Loucaeur,; Marshal Foch, MajorGenoral ‘Weigand and Admirat De Bon, for France; Foreign Minister Somnino, tor Italy; Viscount Chinda and Ambassador Matsui for Japan,. _ All the membefs of the Versailies war council also attended I.nt‘ndlnc General Sir Henry Wilson, the British wiltinm ilol1 R. D. :Emaiio W. McDougal J. Chantior .. Simon Bri¢ker â€" .. J,.nh dnt . lA. Lockhart, sk 16 W. Homifitor sk 8 prg* ols dn‘ + cflâ€"+ oat Tolgl +3 ;%.<â€"88, ; To m 15t .409 I Loaridon 'fmm%v AX Lormtfd, Odt, dan..9~IThe i_vggr. loo, â€"Kitch@ner, _ Prestoy . and .. Galt \ «urtern WBb make up a paftty ot h& ing curters were the guests <of London: Thistle Club tonight A triendly game was played, the Thistles ‘vlmunz by 16 shots, after which a banguet was tendered the visitors. The summary:â€" Touring rinks. Thistles. H. Rae. O. C. Barrie {T. Ballantyne H. J. McCalium |J. Short H. F. Hartry MW. Hagey, sk ..11 C. K. Bluett, sk 18 ‘H. Wettliaufer T. C. Margrett ; Dr. Rudeli (G. Detlor member. An official communicathon issued after the adjournment of the supreme war council toâ€"day safya: * "‘The meeting reached an agrceâ€" ment as to tl& terms on which Weigafd, M. Kjotz and the various railitary experts filed out of the conâ€" innsherniiee rengne mt minel er o e _1 Sartihd howh io a AiRelatich Uf the dipilothaticâ€"questions _Invalzodâ€"in â€"the conference Ql?trm,;!t firat ;subject 35"1‘.’&'&."" -t"\;)“:"p' 6 conteren s 6 6 ce. "The © session. of %u council cloggd mbout 6.30 o‘clock. Waterloo Tourists Outscorâ€" ed by Their Opponents Yesterday. St. Thomas, Ont., Jan. 9.â€"The tourâ€" ing Waterioo curlers went down to Ignobleé defeat this afternoon at. the hands of four local rinks, the score beifg 28 up for the Saints. . The ice was exceptionally keenand the games despite the uneven scores, sharply ‘contested. Scores:â€" s Waterloo: . 8t. Thomas. J. J. Weir R. M. Anderson Mottit Hagey F. W. Sutherland . g:.lluwnc H. d Govugh . > A. Ray, ak .... 10 J. R. Balkwlll s 21 E. Wettlaufer . A. E. Ponstord Jobn Cochrane H. J; Sims, «k ..8 H. M. Snyder E. Bowman . + Harvdy Devitt H. Wettiaufer T. C. Margrett Dr. Rudeli G. Detlor 3. J. Weir C. Kby H. J. Sime, #k..13 A. Heaman, sk 17 A. Lockhart H. Schetding, $. Bricker C. E. Sterling W. Hog« C. 8. Smaliman W. MeDougall a 12 A. Talbot, sk..11 W. G. Weichel.. .. W. T. Clarke A. H. Devitt G. E. Coombs E. £. Bowman E. ‘L. Morren, H. Snyder, sk....9 P. Fetterly, s 15 GAMES IN LONDON AND ST. THOMAS on Jafuaty 17. These included naâ€" val clauses, financial clauges, conditions . 6f supply ‘and proviâ€" slon for the restitutipn. of materâ€" lal and the machinery stolen from France and Belgium by the Germans. "The meeting also gontinued Ite â€"discussion : of procedure. It v_mn‘:’md to hold the next niestâ€" mg the supreme war council on Wodnozday, at 10:30, and that the first full session of thq&no- Mitoprame Te P3 hm y,. Jaru: + § i m. al tha.? rhign oftioy," C * . " .‘ * ‘Qubstion of. Representation _‘ At -‘&':;'u% All'shh:ï¬:"ch 298 Gen. IMISTICE TEAMS T0 BE EXTENDED Total , .. }... 45â€" Total David Burly Burch. â€" a well known anser, died on his farm near Lomâ€" Officiar Statement of a 4 %A McCorkeli Hatch . J. MoAipine, sk 14 R. J. Coftey J. MeCoig J. Btistow > A. R, Sandets ® 17 €1 NEWMAN HALL HOCKEYISTS WERE ENTERTAINED greatlyâ€"jpnjayed.. A «he . speikâ€" / lag! ers wosedGnnd 3 %:‘ht i:‘eh:holdfgét Lang, ge EK. J. Hearn, anager | ‘Bmm? of the Newman Hall rmt;o"l Manager O‘Donoghue, of 8t. Patfick‘s ‘6Â¥er Jo-a.fl‘orm::. -ln: Mhi::;‘ï¬]'w:l::d w ressed at the faF 'F:t.h:lf:?urke to be present. T‘%é enâ€" , when tertatnment ‘throughout" was appre wri clated by the Newmean Hall visitors; in‘ t The Newman Hall hockey team, alâ€" though defeated by _ the Kitchener champions, were treated with kindâ€" ness after the game by . the local lodge of the Knights of Columbus in their rooms on Wednesday night. A bountiful lunch was served at Gettas & Gettas‘ restaurant to which ample justice was done, after which an adâ€" journment was made to the K. of C. room in the Huehn‘ Block. An imâ€" promptu programme of â€" music and speeches was provided,, which â€" was NKitchenerâ€"9 «is 1 ts Newman~Hallâ€"4. If the first game in the O.HA. genâ€" jor series for 1919 as played. ap the Auditorium here last nl;{t between the Newma@n Hall sénlors And the Kitchâ€" "ener world s amateur champfous it any: criterion the hockey fans of this city and vicinity will be provided with the greatest hockey ever witnessed here or hereabouts. And this is saying someâ€" thing. It should be mentioned ‘that Kitchener won by a score of 9 to 4, but bad to step lively all the way to score the victory. Preston, Jan. 12.â€"In a junior 0. H. A. fixture played here on Saturday afâ€" ternoom.â€"the Union Jacks, of Kitchenâ€" er, trimmed the local kids, 13 to 1. The game was too oneâ€"sided to be of interest, the visitors hlfln&it over the locals 41 every position. €g, in goal for the locals, was the only man who played the game, and his brilliant work saved a much larger score. The visitors are aâ€"wellâ€"balanced team, are Kitchener .. 4 0 32 5 Galt ..â€"... . 1 1 16 9 Preston .. .. 0 4 110013 Next games; Toâ€"day, Preston _ at Galt; Wednesday, Galt at Kitchener; Friday, Galt at Preston. _ rific pace and never let up. Schnarr, the 1§â€"yearâ€"old lad. is a wonder, and scored qst of the visitors‘ goals. KITCHENER @EnioR®s l? #904. condition, and at start a. terâ€" rific pace and never let up. Schnarr, Galtâ€"Goal,. Poore; right defence Thompson; _ left _ defence, Clark centfe, Roth; right wing. Dopp; feft wing. Kress; subs., Worstine ahd GALT JUNIORS DEFEAT PRESTON Galt, Jan. 13,â€"By a score of 12 to 7 the local juniors defeated the Presâ€" ton team on sticky ice. There was no brilliant play on either side aud the rmp was something of a grind. A fair crowd was in attendance. Prestonâ€"Goal. Flig=: right deâ€" JUNIQR ‘O.M.A. GROUP. BEECHAM‘S PI A beautiful complexion is the outward makk of good blood and a heaithy body. When the stomzeh liver and blood are in good order, the skin is clcar gm lovely. Unsightly blotches, pimples, cruptions=@t sallowness show the need of Beccham‘s Pi..s ta stimulk and regulate the vital organs and improve the cireuls» tion, Good healthand better lo~::s soon (:"â€"wt‘:s uszed BU\' Warâ€"Savings Stampé for $4.00 m you; have your Stamps regiitere w&v' free of charge at any Moneyâ€"Order Post Office; and an the first ‘day of 1924, Canada will pay you $5.00 éac anipe,. ; ~ As an aid to the purchase of W.8. 6 you teasirt Stamps for 25 cents each. Sixteen of these hss Thrift Card will be exchinged for « W.â€"8. 8, ‘ThAQ Bi not bear interest. ‘Their virtue is, that they < you apply every 25 cents you can sive towards the pur ‘Of a : Clear the Skin A beautiful complexion is the outward nfl r "If high rates of interest must be paid on Government t ings it is but right that every siad, woman, and child have the opportunity to earn this interest."â€"Sir Themas BUY â€" Warâ€"Savings S are tyorth a (~ o t Beld everywhere in Canada and U, 5. Amsiorics, in bomes, 2C cents MONEYâ€"ORDER POST OFFICES BANKS AND ~ > ~ ~ Won. Lost. For. Agst. ARE VICTORIOUS $5."9 fo * for $4. ... myy 340-â€"- s “4â€â€˜9’ On Sale at all Whon 4i wan q P«"'{:‘_ï¬ * wrmzu anoflor r :?:.u’“t.h::n?’:fl' ,::r â€" | | â€" * Bsfents N. ForKed 1t tence., Watts; left dfl wehtre, Koyes; rtight left wing, George; subs, . Milverton, Jan. 8. iate‘ O.H.A. game pla night resulted in a #oot favor â€"of the wisitors. rathur sticky and tb(’.lg ing. n both teams. New Hamburgâ€"Goal, trhee, R. D. Berger, L. D Shark: Wwings, R. W. B > « + Miivertonâ€"â€"Goal, a D. Killerburn, L. . R oT. PAT‘S DEF NEWMAN HAL Newman Hall‘s forw to compareâ€"with the> m‘;ï¬':i:’:ï¬ by., theâ€"| ow h ‘timé & 'Pb‘vpï¬ cumbed unider the v. gistent attacks of the ton and Dental t liberate choekli!l'gh?t' m appéar like an‘ affernoo® the Home Circle Knitéin® ther team spared the © harder they bumped the seemed to like: it, alid they went theâ€"harder th affair, and "Babe" Dyg, i one toâ€" really suffer &) 1 though every player On will probably sp®rt many days to come. The teams: $ ix 8t. . Patrick‘sâ€"Goal, :C fence, Heffernan, Cain}; ¢ right wing, Breen; left. % ington, subs., Farr, Mustc Newman â€" Hallâ€"Goal, ( fence, Laflamme, Wogdef Quain; right wing, wing, Dopp?_ subs., Referseâ€"T. Munro. Lo ton and Dentals, but Jacks won a close gathd } night from the 1031' junior by. the â€" kcore ~of §5â€"3. M marked the opening of â€" th campaign, and was witnesse« large crowd. weur SÂ¥ UNION JACK® * .. wIN rmï¬ GALT JU01 NEW HAMBURG Refereeâ€"Seibert, Gait, Jan, 95â€" KiehOfer broken Patrick‘s met wings, ". W. Bu """A { DISPLAYED ~, (â€"~ Sa/