!~@mUnaway on kma st. ~"A"hotse‘ attuched to a cutter upset + BLEIGN RIDING PARTY The ‘S. P. 1. class of Mrs. A. K *Y 5| BXPECTED Home. â€" N iester Bn n receivad from Pte. $ifarm Uffelminn who has been overâ€" in‘ do# the pust three years. stating "CURLERS HAVE WORKOUT fha Jocais eurliers‘ had their first . sicfor baser citernod o mt ces on scheduled games will be played iâ€"to behome by the vBr: . when 'nro‘-lu King 8t. i t Unioh St. Saturday na'ed neir _ the ‘mill. thur Wud altzntly dariaged. nau‘, aiof.ed.: delightful . sleigh on my evening after which ‘ware pleasantly entertained ‘&t buime | of hm. "’f, Mrs. lo'h: where â€" dainty â€" re{reshâ€" m aerved. . /CO n at the rink ;’qval.ï¬(. a?he Ite V:l in rlro-': ‘"cgndition: and the gammes wer enjoyed.© On Monday ¢evening Pl'flvlinow BYâ€"LaAw. a%ompum’: w:;o hola':d on reet, m .citizens C Sbbibelied to waie tbrough rou wilit ho‘ win 4....: ofigtabs I Paionairtnts tR Piay Pmex PRobuCE ruentievut _ © It.08 was plentiful at the Watâ€" % on Satird#y * morning. sold .at. 50 to 5B ‘cents dyer and eggs at 60 conts per doz. wi offered was quickly sold. weB) be no s@rvice in the St. "Luthéron Church : on Sunday "yOU &A . _ _â€" _ /.. SUBSCRIBER? E «"whost .: helptul â€" character. P eeieeoy â€" noiotul,. charactor. elght Inches. of snow.‘ BSome are negligent in not observing rw* shovelling byâ€"law. The s and walks fronting on town , léo should. be‘ kep§ clear of ds S4 pon mm xo N /T“‘ J A N & N* ito the mild _ weather the of days the snow is slowâ€" with the result . thit in the country 1# very poot. t CURLERE aAT Cxtt. gecond round ot ts Calt ht fliydi| Wednesday aftâ€" %rlm yguifn,m ::on’rr;m 11 to 6, but }st to Crowa ut add to the 8. CONCâ€"UDED. Phone®o®. it _ (| 1| O ppers fourth roundâ€"biÂ¥ 11 to °C> «¥.; Schfedel snd of the Watâ€" mmm‘u voulk *‘s Chips ELREGRAPH up uies uc xN uP un dn ras 4A TeCOR® J 17.0 seria) ] #toc cb‘ toâ€" ;m e nbt Unic criber? | : COntonâ€" |. 2 6,, y (ha i e eake No avel Austitheet B. Dmering. who nated the salé in fing :trb. i uh the farm ::M:h» #& the 16 wad "by. five . o‘ 40 ho sfterhidgn. : " * _: } C :~ .> 36. T6 _ me, M ietamat ue e oc near St. ths heétd on Thursday. In spite of _stormy weather there wi@ a good sized cfowd of farmers in (tendaitée and theâ€" bidding throughâ€" the> afternbonâ€" was quite brisk. 6. :of #2,000 was realized splenâ€" Wid > being #déoured for the liveâ€" took and implenbrits under the hanmâ€" A ‘quiet wedding was solemnized, In the Grey Memorial Hall, Wood:. gg’ek on Wednésday, Jan. $th when . Florence Atkinson formeriy of Wnion St., Waterloo was matried to . James Bond of Wéodstock. â€" the . Captain E. Appleyard officiating. ‘After the ceremony the happly couple left on theâ€" 6:08 trainâ€" for Toronto And on ‘their réturt ill reside in Woodstock. _ . f Lakek crown . Ohe of the biggest saiés of the seaâ€" Corporai w.don mMcDougail: ot the Royal Flying Corps, Toronto has se curted his discharge from the army and is spending a few days at his home here. He will leave the end of the week forâ€" Buffalo where he has securéd a {ucrative position. on WILL COMPETs IN . . j + IN TANKARD CLASSES, Next Tuesday, Jan. 21 two local‘ tinks willâ€" go to Gait and compete in the primary, Tadkard _ games.> ‘The winner .of this difstrict will fake . part in the fiba) ‘Tankard Zanies in Tor;m‘ io. The Waterlooâ€"rinks are as . folâ€" )om:~shg E. F. Seagriam, W. Hogg, g: W. J. SterliAg, C. Hemphill; Skip J. Simg, F\ G. Hughes, C. W. Sniâ€" der, J. J. A. YWeir. ~ Thi collector for. the Jocil branch Miss Crowe again met with a geuer ous fesponse on the part oi citizens a total of $206 having been received. | Wtr . 1 W .. Ag . ably flnc p p Pré lan oBlurct. Mat Friday viewed the éxcefient work done by the organization especially in connection with the present war, tostnm;nm bayâ€" ing bm{; Jatributed to all the Cannâ€" dian so dtgn. © ° § Dr. W. L. Hilliard was clectod pres i@&@ht of the Waterloo Branch for the cotfing‘ year and Miss Blanche Yau Rvefy, . Secy.‘Treagurer. . . The ‘five viceâ€"presidents compriss reprégentatives froim the various thurches and the etecutive commitâ€" tee elected will be composed of the resident â€"pastors and a lady and gentleâ€" The annual teéting of the Waterâ€" loo,‘B{Jnch of the Bible Society was a St. Saviour‘d «Churth, Waterâ€" on Bunday eventing at which there ~« khod ~attandance. ~The prodtâ€" t ‘bf the local‘ branch, Dr. W 4. Hilllard~presided. â€" An:interesting ndâ€" dress> was given by Rev. Jesse Gibâ€" son of Toronto, Reneral secretary of ANNUAL MEETING OF THE WATERLOOâ€"â€" BIBLE SOCIETY dARLOAD OF WOOD ARRIVES "_‘‘" IN WATERLOO PETEUERS LHC BHIDD BB wednesday lhll'“* a false year.) e of fire was turned in 'm!;o_x fli A Workingman‘s _t'l.i: e:rner of tC::;lch tn;lw King ‘St:l‘ Reeve D. Bohlender e Bremen fo on their arrival |largely due Mayor K that _ a _ sixâ€"yearoid jlad _ uamed | hast been ttgnt may 1 snaiter nad brozeb the â€"giMse in the mmn'jwd boz and‘turned in the alatin. Ma umom""o is the ucnï¬ time & false alarm A. ter anl c n@retvig beon #eat/inâ€"from this box by school/bers on their reâ€"clection children the suthorities havé deterâ€"|lender did not think p mined to put a stop to it and will proâ€"iings always tended to secuté the person gullty of ‘the next|results and lively disc local representative that‘ a~~ e@f load of wood .arrived on _ Monday from Algonquin park and delivery of orders will be made to customers at ~16e. When asked why Waterloo cansell the wood at $i3.50 a cord or #1.25 cheaper than Kitchener, Reeve Nohlender said that he has arrunged ‘o make delivery: with the second fre leam while the neighboring ctity has turned the wood over to one of the coal dealers for delivery. Local conâ€" sumers are therefore saving $1.25 on their wood ‘purchases through the acâ€" tion of the Reeve. Now that the wood is hare orders are expected to come in more freely. fï¬f.' :.fl'mm?? 'lh-l ;ï¬! m MAS SECURED DISCHARGE. from each church together with OFP BONDâ€"ATKINSON TURNED IN A FALSE ALARM % }}fï¬ h wmmuw-n Made at Meeting of N P wn Council Monday Night â€" $400 Voted to ces o+ _“ï¬"-h of Victorian Order of Nutscs. j ho s o e t C w , y< 4d s % hss 4 ’,‘r, '“::... ht â€", PAP vvvâ€"'â€"'.,,'f‘ TEFe® -v“-‘-" hk Un tw 2A # (6) °9 C AyT ‘t.f.r,';'m;'?r- C vr‘-"l_'fl" % ‘t-'- ";?W s K NO IWNMINMIT| â€" Skating | m Annaintmants Wara Mada at *;&‘n- n ‘ O Fears. "He gate an .. indertaning that the price Of leo to m compan: maiking donkider Mbincertondicore In improving and o. wmmmmoum And desired a leass for & mwthber â€" Tax Collectop Jacob Uffelmana and f’lahenoérq Charles Frochlith were re lbght . fe" + | © Cofncil made & grant of‘ $40% towsérds the maintenance of a Vistor 1:: girr of Nurses _ in w“"'lr?é \ t.is propésed to organize. ;h&twbo weve been active in . the | Croks and other patriotic socteâ€" ti6g will be askedd to take the . mhatâ€" Whan\ Mayorâ€"Kutt called the m@etâ€" ing to er AU the mesmbers were pre with .the exception of Counâ€" cilior s%wyno i8 ifl. . > ME C> N. Hucther . of the Tidn . Mr. C> N. er ‘ the Brewing Co., Ritchener, was présént P k: Counclifor Merklingér, ~ CouncilJor Mefklinger thought that the Chairman of the Board of Works had heavy dutles to perform and was in favor to alltow Rim some renuimnerâ€" atiop. He was Wlad to welcome the new member Mr. Foster. * ~~* Cauncittor l:ocnunt 5 @ Councilior Cochrare stated tHat if he wis again Chairman of the‘Finâ€" ance Cclgm he would endeayor to serve the:Town the same as last yeat. He ‘"had prpected to drop out of tho Council this‘: year ‘but allowed: his ndme to stand again on pressure of Mayor Kutt and other friends. .â€" 2.3 Cleork: Haight > 64 ~â€"Mayor Kutt called on â€"Clerk J, C. Haight for a ~ few _ remarks. | Mr. wm satd hewouhtlm no:h attempt to utiing . &A . program e> year at th .‘A:-_-mn teeting > fearing / that in%c * of â€" the . Council‘s {envy guns ‘fllgi be turned l60s2 on him. ~. J â€"‘Waterloo‘s newly â€" elected couhcil _ Waterloo‘s nawly â€" elected couhcil held its, first regular sestion on Monâ€" day evening at which (the principal business transacted â€" Was the annm~ mient of the m\mldagl officers for the yeer And the namifhg of representaâ€" tlg: on the various boards. ._C. T. Ndécker was â€" appointed Mé€i¢al Officer of Health (> fill â€" the Facknaey caused‘ by the death of ) late Dr. Bauman: . Thero were a auni. bet ‘of applications for the position Counciiior Moyer Counciilor H. C. Moyer criticized Reeve Boblender for interfering with |his‘ department the Town Property Committee by ordering lq\ptonmenm made, filag hoisted and other things without consulting him. The Reeve replied stating that he had obtained the sanction of the council and was not <given ‘to tmupping ‘authority beâ€" longing to others. ‘ Canstructive Meraures C3 â€" The new member of the Council Mr.|‘ Arthur â€"Fosiérâ€"éongratulated â€"the llly-' or on being reâ€"elected for a second torm which stowed that the citizens had confidence in him and also a fitting tribute for many years served by him as a member of the Coucil. eriticism of the council, Councilior Foster stated that he would s?port any constructive measures broug t*be- fore the councll/‘He: was pregant at the last meeting of the councif @nd h&gkaâ€ï¬‚ to hear Reeve Bohlénder h support the question of enâ€" Pm%n NVictotJan Order of Nurses ‘ Matefloo. This was a worthy C which he woud strongly supâ€" port when again brought before the council. ‘Theré was some criticistn of the: wetion of the councfl in buying wood but he believed their intentlons ware #ood.. _ ® @ipecially by the Board of Works. Re ; Wood Committes Appointed.. referred to the construction of draina| Messrs. Reeve Bohlender, Deputy in the East Ward numbering ofj Reeve Stroh and Counciiors .Sturm houses and other work which -houldland Kieswetter were reppointed as have early attention. ia committee to haye charge of the Better Checking ‘Bystem 'dlopoul of the 300 Lm!a ofg wood beâ€" Councillor Kieswetter favored leavâ€" , ing secured from Migonguin Park. A Ing the Chairmanships the same as‘ carload ‘Of the wood has arrived. 7 last yéan He believed thera‘-hould' Permission Orented be a better system for Checking acâ€"| Mr. Harold O. Dobbin w‘; granted counts of the town and suggested permiuion to eMt a gasoilne â€"tank each chairman should be providodl on King street, provided it was so inâ€" with order forms. He was in favor of stalled as to meet with the a Â¥al nunmbering houses as early as poseâ€" of the town engineer. e appre‘ Sble: Counciilor Moyer Gnntnfhr Victorian Oï¬:r L f Reeve Bohlender advocated the orâ€" Councillor H. C. Moyer criticized ganization of a Victorian Order of Reeve Bohlender for interfering with| RADBARUTR of 8 V .‘&"bmml 1e his‘ department the Town Property ing to engage a nurio 10 Fare for pebâ€" Committee by ordering ln;iptovement,s lzuln neéd, <He ‘ fivored & gfriht ol made, filag holsted and other things :500! ie F4 & ° without consulting him. The Reava) $500 for the purpose. £0 1. ‘Deputyâ€"Reevye Stroh after congratuâ€" lating the tmembers on their election referred to the many improvements to be mldb. this year. Tl::.»re is n’mch work to. be:â€"dong by: each comniittee Subectait? by the mbard of works. ns | referred to the construction of drains | in the East ‘Ward numbering of j houses hnd other work which should ; have early attention. + Better Checking ‘System 1 Councillor Kieswetter favored leavâ€"! ing the Chairmanships the same as‘ last yéan He believed thera‘-hould' be a better system for Checking acâ€"| counts of the town and suggested ; lender did notthink peaceful meetâ€" ings always tended to get the best results adhlim dl;{cq::{«:;u were kometimés in order. Hé to see métn bers @tarid ‘for what they believâ€" ed to be.right. % ; rs were prefcnt exâ€" who is i1 Mayâ€" Nq mmm Council ‘ a gr at e and honor | $éturned as Chief Magistrate of ‘ for a second term by scciaâ€" . It is also augured well for ® peaceful year and he would. en deavor to serve the town to the best of his abiilty. He suggested that it would be a wise policy to leave the chairmanships of the variogs comâ€" mittées the same as the previous would be a wise policy to leave the Wili Undertake Support. _ â€"â€" chairmanships of the various qon-]~ T‘lthru'd Prisons and Pub mittées the same as the previous ‘lic Charities® wrote in reference to year.} e i |Caroline Redmond, a Waterioo citizen A Workingman‘s Council . | who is being cared for by a charitable Reeve D. Bohlender said it ‘ was !nstitution of the provinee. ""The largely due t&luor Kutt that there Council decided to undertake her sup has been what may be termed a port. es P Workingman‘s Council. was pleased ‘Must Pay T > + to have with ** m a pq%ongon_:zcr Mr.! ‘The Council mm"; "dke ‘the ter anl c nerstnlated the yea~ Many improvements 408 ot the dats Tor c ao heting seqerga ’,m" cted that the the various comâ€" BUSINESB WAS TRANSACTED ‘ dn e nemena ns enneal e 0 home in Toronto.within the fext fe y Mr. Dan. Godfréy receilved the sad fdays. Mr. Collins is at %ruelt the news by cable from England, of the gï¬tdlt-n‘mn . Lamprey. Mofub:uttmnnx . has leased the house at 100 North on Saturday at the age of 72. â€" .mmmm. * Colline and was dus to ‘Influensa. ° °_‘ # remâ€"areâ€"expected to arrive . here F ‘gammr. Chairman. 3. . Stroh. Polict commITtEEkâ€" A. H. Cochrane AELIERâ€" > The yor is eveot ber of 2& Cominittee TOWN "qi(»zn'rv g. C. Moyer, Chairman â€" H. A. Sturm riRE _ ANO Liontâ€" D. Bohiender, Chairman :.\P. Kigswotter Trggs_ __ * £ A. Fobktef, chalrmhan Standing: Committees, o The followins are the standing coniâ€" mittecs for ‘the year:â€" .‘ ~ _/ ~ FINANCE AND PRINTINGâ€" 2\“!(. cuiï¬m no. Cnu(:y-n. j 1 mh! of the Council. . BOARD or Wohis . M. H. Strob, Chairman. D‘ Boliehder Latisch, an& Jas. Scott. , Asgessorâ€"Charles Frochlich, atâ€" a salary of ;go * ©Medical Officer of Indigent Patients â€"Dr. Noecker, at salary of $200. *4 Ohnretsary s‘chs to eqlionrt l arrocgâ€" of taxes and Chairman Cochrage . of the Finance Committen, tax collector Uffelmann and town clerk J. C. Halght were appointed a committee to act in the matter. Tax Collector Uffelmann stated that there were between twenâ€" ty and thirty properties on which the |raxes were in arrears for over thrée years. If the taxes are not paid these propertiés wil} be sold to secure the amount owing. Thete is an anmount of about $3,000 outstandiug in arrears of taxes . . The Council was in sympsthy with the provosal afd made a grant of $400 towards the‘mainterance ‘of & ‘nurse here in connection with the organizdâ€" luon of a Yictgrian Order of Nurges. _ .. Town . Officers Appointed. * _ The usual byJaw was passed . apâ€" nointing certain muntcipal efficérs of the town for the year, and representaâ€" tives on the different boards. ‘The folâ€" lowing apnointments were ?:de: y Tax Collectorâ€"Jacob Uffelman, at salary of $300. â€" Board of: Healthâ€"Philip Hasenflug, J. Thompson, Hy. Oetzel. A Library Boardâ€"J. Knaulf. KK. & W. ‘Hospital Boardâ€" Mayor utt. * High School Boaâ€"C. W. Schiede},: Medical Officer of Healthâ€"Dry, C.; T. Noecker, at & salary of $100, _ Pound Keepérs â€" Aibett Hergott, Hy, Raisig. ~ 0 â€" . Park Boardâ€"A. A, Mclatyre, â€" Geo. balance needed "was raised in other \ "‘y& mt a £00, «s Not more than 50c was~charged for a visit b# the nure. Rvervone visitâ€" ed was supposed to pay something. He suggested that the! Red (Cross Society he uh;:‘ to take the n#cesdary steps in organizing the order hete. ° _ CounciHor,Foster who also endorsed the proposal stated that Mrs. Foster, who had been a murse, bad taken the initfative in the formatiqn of the Vicâ€" torian Order in Kitchenrer, the orghâ€" nization being offected thoough the coâ€" operation of the different shurch 80ci6 ties of the city, who Rheartlly endorsed the idea. Kach society gave a cértain‘ propartion of the cost, frotm $20â€"to $50 being given by. each. / After it was organized the Cotnai} was »pngched4 Hieavithi To siss l t e over until a future meéeting. A communication wits iï¬? the Kitchener & acb n way. that a froto betwobn the €.30 and ?â€"p. m. had been arranged, requested,~ beginning January 6th. ‘The Bell Telephone Company was ion to ex St., ::d %-‘-"&?":T: W“-';’E with its request. D. Poblender 8. P. Kieawetter Krthur Fostar e Viewersâ€"S. S. Snider, O. A. evofficio a mem! 107R Messrs..Frowde and Campbell Seaâ€" gram left last Thursday to â€" continue their studies at Upper Canada Colâ€" ‘lege, Torento. > ‘ . & cncbancrunlhe.. * Mre. J. $. Snider And : Mrs. Wegenâ€" mst have returned from a fortnight‘s visit with Mr. and Mrs. H. A. Simpâ€" son and Mr. and Mrs. Marshail and family at Arthabaska, Que. __â€"_. New â€" Marlager Here. f G. M. Wedd here in the management of the Canadian Bank of Commerce, has arrived _ frowm _ Brockville. Mr. Wedd will be loaving for ~ his future hi ass d ilh slsc CC ORRITSITC â€" TMICH® tind réturned to Toronto last Monday, | to resume their studies at the Margâ€" aret Eaton ‘School c/ Expréssion and Toronto University after a delightful holiday spent with their parefts, Mr. ; and Mrs. James Valcitine, Park Ave-i nug. * Mr. Stuart Snyder has returned to Ridloy College, St. Catharines, and Miss Helen Snyder leares to morrow to attend Bismnop Strachan‘s School, Toronto. es. of _daln?t.tnl opportunity _ of nI Uittle visit with the guest _of honor, | whosa> # here hre always so much ldoked forward to. Mcs. Shuh was | Ably aséiéted by. Mrs. P. N. Harding Ably aséiéted by. Mrs. P. N. Harding and Miss gmm McBride in â€" lookâ€" Ing after the mahy callers who came and went d ing the afternoon. ~ Mt. Tom Hall was the gmt of Dr. aiid Mra: Webb over the New Year. *Mfs. t Shuh held a charming reâ€" teption last Tucéday, fh honor of her daughter, Mrs. Berkinshaw of Vanâ€" couver, B. C., whose host _ of Twinâ€" City friends gl@ly availed themselyâ€" Mre. Fred. Pearson â€" is enjoying a week‘s visit with Woodstock friends, the guest of Mr. and Mrs. Jack Shaw. Ang théâ€" two youilg sons of the lumnel Mesbrs. Frowde and: Campbelt, were home on their _ Christmas vacution,l 4iwd. &eâ€"uaual. gaifantlty contributed _ in ‘mo small degree to the enjoyment of , this lovwely \ party. (The spacious ) drawing roomiâ€" arid hall, which lend thethselves ‘so admirably to the tses of hoapitality,were radiant with loveâ€" sly flowers and greenery <brightened with ponsettias and Chrifstmas belis, { suggestive of the festive Yuletide. An , excellent orchestra played the most , charming mustc for the popular proâ€"\ gramme of dances, which Were dancâ€"‘ ed through with éver increasing enâ€" joytment, ind the evening _ proved a most delightful one for all the friends, including several of the married peoâ€" ple. A 5'1!11()' supper was sérved in the dining room, and allâ€"combinced to‘ ny:ke the ]mrt?l a most enjoyable evâ€" ent. * | .» Mr. and â€"Mrs. E. F. Seagram _ gave Aâ€"charming â€"dance st their attractive home last Saturday evn:%nz for â€" the Founger set, masy of om, . includâ€" Government House, Toronto was the stene of a large reception on New Year‘s Day when His Honor the Lienâ€" tepanit Governor â€"received between the héurs of eleven andâ€"one, assisted by Sir William Hearst and the Hon. W. D. McPherson" Owingâ€" to: the large drawing. room and the ball toom being closed farâ€"coal © conservation, the receptién was held im the . large lving room:â€" Col.â€" Fraserâ€"and â€" Lieut. Arnoldi were in attendance. Mrs. William Snider, with her two daughters and son Raiph, also & nephâ€" ew, Mr. Jack Conlbear, left on Wedâ€" nesd&y last for Long Béach, Califorâ€" nia, where they expect to make an extenided sojourn in "gsk delightfal climate, having secu most attracâ€" tive and desirable apartments overâ€" looking the sea, where those preferrâ€" ing the quiet and greater exclusion of home life can enjoy a most beneficial holiday. ' Mt. Collins, who is to succeed Mr Mikges: Mary and Charlotte _ Vaienâ€" nA Fatnrnad to rania 1084 Mandod Reductions in Milliner We have reduced all our fall and winter Hats and are â€"#4 our entire stock of Hats priced â€"up to $6.50for ... .:. . .. ;. :; And better Hats priced from $6.50 to $9.00 for .. . . .. ‘;.;,), . . We have just received a beautiful lot of Ladic brushed wool Skating Caps and Scarfs, in beautiful BECHTEL BROS. TO MOTHERS! While all children detest castorf /6it, pills and laxatives, they really love to take Cascarets becat se th like candy. Cascarets "‘work‘‘ the nasty bile,.sout tM constipation poison from the child‘s tender stomach, l~ver: and without pain or griping. . Cascarets never disappoint the worried Each ‘ten cent box contains directions for children aged omj and upwards, â€" s | was the guest of honor at a jolly s:&l- ering of the "old girls" at the, . hand some home of Mr. and , Mrs. L.S Preithaupt,, on â€" Friday afternoon, when the hearty welcome and unfailâ€" ng kindness of the hostess and her "dearest of _ mothers" Mrs? Bev:‘t:. made the Â¥visit one long to be rement 'bél'm, the true spirit of ~ good‘fellowâ€" ship and sincere .â€"friendship _ Imm 'greauy appreciated. ~Knitting. â€" autl bright conservation interspersed wlï¬1 |cho!ce vocal and instrurental te { contributed by Miss _ Ethel Hinckâ€" ~chifeâ€"andâ€"theâ€"membersâ€" of +â€" | circle were the order of ~ the‘: happy _hours spent. ~High Tea was served at a prettily decorated table, the very dainty homeâ€"made menu being partfcâ€" ularly enjoyed by the happy gatherâ€" {ing, who all agreed that théra > is\ no +more @njoyable form _ of @ntertainâ€" ‘ment than the "Old Girls"â€" Reumion. | _ On, Tuesday evening, January 7th, Major andâ€"Mrs. E. D. Cunniigham enâ€" tertained the members _ of the Ku Klux Klub to dinner, in honor of Mr. Jack Connibear, one of the Club memâ€" bers, who left noxt day for California. * Miss Ada Snider has ‘réturned to Toronto University, after spendin; the Christmas holidays with her. parâ€" ents, Mr. and Mrs. _ C.W. _ Snider, George street. Mrs. Hatton and _ wee d:u‘hter "Betty‘ of Toronto are spending fortnight at the Rhome of _ Mr. and Mrs. 8. B. Bricker, King street. Master Gibson Pirie, who has been with his cousin, Mrs. Tom Seagram, for the holiday season, leaves. on Monday to resume his studies at Ridâ€" ley College, St. Catharines. thjs. week. Mrs. John Hinchcliffe _ of, Ottawk. Careful mothers know that Cascarets in the home mean less sickness, less trouble, léss worty, tess ¢ost. When one of the kiddies has a white tongue, fevetish breath, sour stomach or a cold, a CaScarét quickly and harmlessfy ‘‘works‘" the poisons from the liver and bowels and all is well againâ€"only 10 cents ‘a Box., < Miss Minnie Beclite! left treal on Monday to take up duties in the art d?ln Memsrs Birks & Sons, Jew spent the past twp w home here. he? The G.T.R. train was an Hour late & snow drifts in the i ~â€"tmpties t y lt Mrs. (Rev.) L. Andres â€"af? Mich.. and Miss Ania KaAibac Detroit returned on Thursday visit of several weeks .g::i,’ Mr. and Mra. Jacéb C w Mr. Harry Mernwer of Ptout is visiting friends in towns‘~ _ brought: to! & "clost with ‘I ffordte ‘veer uj"y e .. Mr. dnd Mrs. A. W. Ani op Strachan School, Misa ‘Nine °H teas ‘6f n wm her home . on Mb; about a do: t ‘li‘i‘irfl-jé% who aré‘ eavi week _ Mra. 'Slx;;‘on._sï¬ydéa welcome ‘viaitor in this week to spend the in Florida. No a welcome visitor from celved 14,right royal ‘w 3‘1&. tt:embon;w-‘o-ï¬ the ":fkw.‘w ar for the class was , The members of the: "ActiÂ¥o of the Waterloo Presbyterinh | tained by Miss Ella pretty new home on tor his early recovery.~ / ~ > The condition of Mrs. el 7who is seriously ill 66 the rame: M. Nortman Letter is m | vigitor in Toronto toâ€"Gay. members of the K #ap w o Nat {# #12 35