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The Chronicle Telegraph (190101), 31 Oct 1918, p. 8

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M George and Foreign ,Secfetafy Balfour _Go to vi. Franco With Naval and Military Advisers, Fore- , shydowing Early Meeting of $upremg War Cpuncil. 'trrss The diplomatic situation is just where it was when Prmidcn ln'ormed the German Government that its request for or tice‘and peace had'hee" transmitted to the nIlied govern q Thr next step expected was the submission of terms of F ice to Germany'. An announcgmcnt from London that Premier Lloyd (incur _ . weigh Secretary Balfour had left for France with nnval anr' advisers foreshadowed an eariy meeting of the Supremr .7 . one I at Vetsam.cs. F; Copenh: Ken. Oct. 2S.---Ap tttgh','..', and anti-dy astic sh: for; ifd in ilupgary tier-t c leadership of a)!!!“ Mich- ' i i tttgrcemetit with geeks and south 1"tltrvottirui,s, accord- QQ'nna, repeats received by the Politikcn. In a wreck t' Karol" Wraith: had presented his programme to [ mrhgi'ho Maud to erept it. Karolyi thereupon put ,'t'itit, Amfor and ”sent state. dining on %tq4 y amended the "ort'ttLttt.tirtn by pinr j. unitary author ta dor the édntrol of the civil govern- Itrtptt,Mette by a large majority."th rettremez' de in “Torte as having Inca dun to tru; "MA Lo 41.. KIA-L44... EXT STEP Mlllfil fl1ljllllll$ "ll0lllllll REPLY fil lllllSlll IS A , jllllllljMilllll (lf jllllll!SW TERMS Washington, 06.. '.yl.- Mletawany's quick rejoinder to President mfg last vote Wat; minor unexpected here and pending: the r." to! the official text through the Swiss legatio" comment wn the“. Gcrtvratly, however. the note was not regarded as an “I: " aura-er. BiiV'l"i Ta'r':'/"ii,t PW," London o . " a”! At,1. Ae ., 'ginii'ir'iii'i'ili'l' cc. '9--ru.rr.ex M. Inde. _ m WM Je, k“. t My pnungsg pace ”Wu" 'yr'riq . " We , ttf '/.t,gtd'itd', Girs7nd _ n m _ . . igPgt,t'"t, ntl a !Uf ' " W" 'li'Q8lli'l.'1t'l tpat mr8 Dona-x '.euiaomdihiiiiiw ., 1itlti'itr, mm “as; am Mel-emu 'ith" trc-ity/s/a: 'liiri As the sun of life sinks toward the west Hence, constipation is particularly Pernhio ts. Cord slipation mews mgr: than mere failure of the bowels to move regnlgrly and meugmy. " mums qltgngtion of the contents of the iatesthte, iucreased fermentation, ptttretaetimpryl gym acligu, thtlrroduetioa of irritat- ing Ind poisonoui su'rstanc-s. that are absofbed idto the blood and carried all over the bo 1y. Life has bpen said to consist of a constant succession of breakdowns and repairs. In old age, the foraver predominate. The body machine ia mare or less worn out. Diges- tion is 1e " perfect, elimination of waste is increased in quantity, hat reduced in efficiency. Nujol softens and lceeps perfectly moist the inim- tinal waste, Nujol makes it may for the ieteatiaal uvascl " to "at, and prevents them [rum uvrrwurk. Nujal absurbc Poisons and curbs: then out of the h 'lr. Get Nuiol from Four druggist and take it according to directions. Constipation carmothe cared by dra (s at any age. I is especially harmful to an aged P" _ In to use pm, salts, tend similar strong par,.'.'" m ' xix-r to force (EL bowels to not. But the Nuiot Treat-at for C otsstiystioa is not only life, it is in every W13; eeicieut. Nujol is not a drug, does not act his: any drug. Nujol helps nature to rtrestr'a.'.sh c tr-V, soft than uh bowel evacuation-as .. regular us c1oc"cwor'c. ., This is always serious-ia old ugh it is especially dungerous. Nujol Laboratories STANDARD OIL co. (NEW J!-tSiiT) Mark. unis! an xTioi Warning t .-" IN WASHINGTON I S WI‘I‘HHELD NO CHANGE P.0. Box 875, Montreal CAIADX‘N IBLLING AGIN'I'S In! CHARLES GYDE & SON Semi/gr Samples ofLaerausre N EW YOR K CITY W Loni” Harm}. me 26.1»me In ' m In“, sulfa from “Hummus :VIIJO}. by)! {only guy gnlgd JN SITUATION. ’ Rome, Oct. 29.-(otticiai)--Fitcedr, thousanr. Austrian prisoner: have new I been captured by the British and Ital UBALQg-QJAM um gummy Mr.iwre. _ Lhe Piave river. Suddenly oat shot a bgght light on the leading transport: a merchant sail. or, one Jesus Fernandez Mendoza, a Spanish ttrvruam ttttshed an electric torch, fumbling about the deck. The light could pe seen for mlIeI. lnStnul- Iy a navy looknut reirorted the occur- rence to the navy chin-r In charge of the ship. _ A sharp munmmd. u scuf- tte an (hark. u blueJnHcet kicklng the toreb arm-hoard stayed the Spaniard} dcsu.e to fumllv “In hlwlrlc tltisshlight in the stouarittr' 11mm Five days' sol- ":Iry cotttittetu, m rink-(I thd loasun. Shnuln: a llzht on n "trut-i-war at night m time of war is a crmrt-rnttrtial offense; (won ”gluing " c'rt,wr'tte 0r lun’lm: lnulclms, The navy ruminant]- er, tit absolute chnrgo. enfurms mill- tnry (lisclpltnv on n merchant vessel carrylng troops nnd [lunlshes the With not a tight showing the tram!- pons plowed the htuptte, bringing American soldiers to [frank-v. writes u nqvui otBeer in the Smurdny Evening Post. Lookouis high and low. under navy discipline. handle-ti mu sous for héstile ppriscopes. The 0::1vuy. tin: apex of which was " hi: rruisrr. was invisible In the black night. The vig- dance of the' navy imiuing protected the soldiers, sleeping with their life he!!! on. » NAVY EVER Cue of Cnrelmnoe at Sea In a Thing That Commanders Punish With Necessary Severity. "ef mun AUSTRIAN FHIBHNEHS ABE TAKEN BY MES Amsterdam, ()et. 28. -- Austria in her reply to Pre- sident Wilson ueeepts all the views expressed by the President in his note of ()e- tuber 18. Austria says she js willing and ready without 1:1wuitiug the result of other uegotiutiuus to liegutiute [wave and an innnedinte Itt'- mistiee on all Austral-Hun» gurimt fronts. #1151 MA MEWS 1ll1llllllli VIEWS "fu Milulli" 'rtkwud"hu" pm London, ‘Oct. "ttg.---'", in. _vestibation show. that the present for from other epidemics of the \outhreak of irthuenza dots not dif. same malady. the higher mortality rate being due to secondary infec- tion, according to a statement made by William Hayes Fisher in the Commons today. He added that he saw no rcaaon to believe that the spread of the disease was nut: to mal-nutrition of the people generally. " is hoped to trace tn: microbe and tind a means of des- troying bS?tt":,t,t',: from Ger-l many say '000 railway workers in Prussia and Hesse are incapac- dated through' Spanish irtttuenza and railway trattrc is' very serious. Ay affected all over the German new erortire, HHS URIUlNAl. DOCUMENT DUES NUT DIFFEH l, t nlllil WHERE; BF (llMlfll Ill rlld'irg',",,'ji, has " THE ALERT i Harry Beagle. not long from tho ”outside," conceived the Idea of let- ting out on n trapping expedition In ll ,aulomohllc lnsuad ot by Jog total. ‘Frnnk Burgess went with him. Load- ‘lng their outtlt into n “gm car. ttio (pair set out for the Big Donn country, jdesplte snow um! ulmoat minus-bl. ‘rondl. _ Auto Rum-cc: Dogs. [ To a "cheechniro," whk‘h. in the ver- nuculnr of Alaska. Sign“)!!! an mull- }vldunl who. in the dun of the storied tWest. would have been culled a "ten- iderfoot," falls the maxim-Hun or Intro. ‘duclng trapping de hue into tho North. Somuhlng of Interest to YOU hip- pnuq every day In "pry good not. In (MI my Had on win it In Br m “39% , h: g f,.,,, _ _ So tttr as Is known at “(that)”. tho Men has proved a mecca. W.i6ettetart. tn the War. "Over 4,000 Waldenslnn wldlerl II. with the colon," write-- on [tall-n DID- tor. Ftre pastor: are chuplllnl, Ind the government but nppolnted . any hm for-the Protennnt prlsoneu in- terned In Italy. Already n numb-r at Waldemlnn ask-en and comm-u In” ("on their at. toe um and I. When miiing n piece of cm'nnul pie or any other delicacy mmmlnlng moo nut you are enabled to do so with " easy conscience. The timrcoui made trom the shell of the coconut fod eat mar be saving the life of an American soldier "somewhere in France." Patriotic to Eat Coccnuts. Is coconut pit an essunuul? the Wall Street Juurnal m-rts to know. No, but gas masks are. It in a fur cry from comuut ple to gas masks. but we are euabied'to Indulge our uppe- Ulel in the one wd supply the other through a single operation. . Gas mask: contain a mrlnln brand pf chug-coal which is an nbsorbent of poison gnu. Ind " has mt. Inund that the rind of coconuts. when btuuted, pro- duces a charcoal suporiur to nil other: For this; rénson the guuu'nzncm- [ma placed the humble commit on the IL! of essential products and our friends on the island of Porto kin) are urged tophlp as many " navy run, The two-man shield ls principally used In wire cutting. ll is curl-led on the buck ot one man, who may also work his rule from a Mali-019 in the top, while a second win: works a lung wlre-cullvr through a tttrle at the bot- tom. It Is held up by Chm-l legs ll the tirst mun desires to move Independ- early. They are made In the onemnn and two-min) type. The former are worn by 'aiautrradvaacis= in the open. at- tacned to the shoulders by a pair of light steel arms, and are long enough to protect the hem] and vllul organs " a man standing erect. Lying at full length, or even crouched. it covers him completely. Each shield ls pierced “11h Luann-TM swings ttttrf an; swan: loophole for firing from. both of which may be closed by a sliding door when not In use. No belligerent in: shown more re sourcetplneu thin the Italian in do- vising novel beam; ot onense and de teun. up . writer in Wide World Magnum. Tho ltuliun army wa- the only one to enter the war with a trench helmet Ind a steel cheat protector. and " is now provided with a more etBcteat body shield than is pogsnsed by In) edit; of the warring nations. Early In the war it was discovered by the Italians that many lives could be saved In skirmishlng ut close gun-- (on It the soldiers carried or pushed bags of sand In front of them, and the present body shield has been an out- growth at that idea. SANDBAGS SAVE MANY LIVES brook: whoqe mum rushed ln loamy splendor from hllly helgm- nbovo. Ho wandered to wooded slopes. wllh In“ thud and wild Bowers paepln. troll beneath dead haven. A pence was " vulch neldoln um: lu hls workuduy ”Interim In theand of pavement and beehive dwelllnxs. He dreamed on. Brook trout ln speckled splendor ton. to [all euptlvnunx hook. Camp the: ilt the darkness of Ills dream night. Tho odor of burning plne wood and at sly um; trout and bacon tilled bin not trils. Be ate tood lurk on " city chefs had never learned to cook, with an appetite his clty stomach had long since lost. In A. single hour he dremned more happiness than bud been his for n decade. Lucky p.91 He was his own bo-. mlwaukee Journal. . lle closed hls desk. Another hour found him grubblng In the 11415835 ot the "we. By noon. clad 1n beautifully ancient garments. with tt Michel in m- lnnd and a tuhuss rod cum-fully 1n- aaaod In a waterproof cuter under his nun, he was at the railroad smuun. A half hour Inter he was on his way to the wilds. And a smile such as he had not smiled In months graced his len- tux-es. lull-n Authorities Mun Bo ON". Organ for ',tesourcetuin." In Mada-n Warfare. . tandem In fertile, tteta .UIIK- In; to mowed lifts. He beheld the meadows lush with grass. m, not ho yd. wide ttowing than Ind an) \Audmutmwurdbopl.‘ has!“ ett In than: an an (out on In ' h "tndtgw was p mo I M at the morning, In in” tho I all. _ttr"Potrhouatet1utet) Magi-ands at a you my bun-yin. _ About It; work. but My Iimu‘hll were . IIIH- “my. In. eyes we" dawn. ! The well of the wild mu upon um. I Willi“ “b0- Iou'l'nl. “any? “kw.“ Hulk IN VERY POUR CoN0llloN ,boou of MI: nus-r cum-m tt "Ask'is'iilhil 2 may» " iOt siblr U w v.l.en travelling through the Irrigated man; of Scuzbem Album " the wonderful variety of vronn that ran be sacvesst)y Crown more, their abundant ytolfc. and Iltgir enchant quality. When. cats. bartey' and tlax, the standard nor: cf the Canadian West grew than and give " heavy ytrlds as anyxz-hcz-a of?» on the continent. Aimlt'a thrives In " does Bathe-9 as. in (23110.3, and is tite:ally making tortmcs for its growers. By the application ct water the nun-a or ctov-r an! the nanny vnrletios of nutrmcus tam: [rm-ea Ire muttipficd mantle”. In the garderr, vtsy'tabless of a'l kinks. Including t'ctrco trat are mankind with hotter utmos. such " tomatus, melons. Iquaailes. grow in the (“on m well as to hit”! No great pugsile» dies In this direction, l “'th et course. tn the (10131131332 tr/it' My as It Is In [haze greys of, Western Canada “More trrtxzttcr H ttat practised. Cats. barley and “my are also grown extenph-nty. TAM yields of at] these [gr-ins cumvvnw ‘Very tnvorabty with those In any other plrt of the went. Crops or when tritt warn that hive Men mm parly urinate-J are averaging thirty. tive bushels to the acre. 8mm 'FOP", will thmh as: hid-can forty Iri.ert ‘or more to the mm TYe ytctdn n' Iether innit}: Ire mnn‘iy " part Grain trowlng "ML? lrrtanttm ,brlnn nmpla returrs to tho tarttter,' "manly when It 95 cttnsi.r'rrred thatJ uniform results may be tank“ tnr every year. - , But, ylnlding arch coed WV {ha growing of grain tin ' "an: int may be grown r:-.I ”than an unsMblv ssl‘l wry“ able, unfit aroma nan"? , t,'llf that In year» In “mm , n 'v'w’ " of (run In (II-tr! tm "he t "r"! In Ivllllblo Wm be to some I‘m”~ n 1920110)?“ to onnblo largrr P,'O a to b. rt ' Mo other crown. Land that mtt 'rcdtrre up to sewn hunv'rnf bunch of potatoes. ot n quaJty that bring: the best who; 'ttt whirl: pen of the most arm")!!! Undo ruhdtM “My to sixty tau-hols lo the um) an tOtntt grown, when an!” boom of I)!” can! ttettten', “Min Jana-cu notrwpem. away-dun; to Prol. r. L. Martin, ot 1h. theuitv o! labour?» .chool of wurnulmu, diva. their new- Into ”hard" And "Ooh." The hard hens count-u of serious. Important events. The sort I... include. all soruu ot “human Interest” lament: What ls called the "(MN we" ot the not: new: dc- putmcnt con-lull of ”hill storm which would be called scalp in tttcs country. llcre is a ample of "third page" Bott news, since Euranaka, a reaidvat of Oahu“. hats mpnnteq trout hur MILLHCI‘, a cout dealer. tstu. nu lost a good opponent 1m 1.x: not- a power: of qtusrrelirttt. The migh- born are 'orcattiiag New” imam at the grouped Hut they mud no longe- ttear tmlmtm. , my quslrvls wlsich have made the "eitrrntrorhoud Famous. The reach-J“ hm been LO tHeat that Elsunuka has bum dowtthrurtt-d, She anus: “l [eel t,icit now that I hare nu one to q'l.tllcl with" ll titi uuld I pl A u an ll: b : t.C. :ul itourit THE POSSIBILITES Hi “a! tl ham-mo N "H"" n ot h m W ll:: ll a Int; Mm ku Au " small - and tttits at tre oniy 100 glut) an U I!" it w! rawtcryp Wen-IL; P. mare ct t ~31 eda‘ly cau‘mm'. as .iue, arn' r n‘riermel (l' H sue to yo. does not merely imiratc; it actually re-creates, The New Edison opens the doors to the world of music. It brings the sqprcmc art of the greatest singers, instruntentai,-ts and musical organizations to you with such mic-vying fuitrlity that the artist! {brunt-hrs could give you no more. Music is now recognized a I necessity in the home. Music feeds the soul, as food feeds the body and literature feeds the brain. Next to religion, it I! humanity's greatest comforter. CT - M. A! as Mrs tf ',r,i1rc.r1 "ir.rrli1 , Odd. W _ ..kmv ' F"....".'".. pivsl Lth In) >111: r , cotiid be durum-U. l, . i - . Mi; a ' and thc Huduuxmm.‘ I . ‘ . _ - miie, In J/r, {\w m, l, rl'i Mi',:' 1 _ r - sudiu‘} xrer, I‘M-w . " ' T I a mm AC arse. T?»- 1/. I ' It " pm .1 (W1 vrlrran Lu 4r , Mittel Mum " m ( T Ami r', - wwr= _ [ , - BB, , H1. 1rrCt" HILEL C U; ,J‘- ly i,), 'N " “in: :1 l' mud ard elm ‘ 'MKII!' . f ‘ 'I: . . , l _ ' I ‘ L (m [A n» It Luna. " ‘ . " in _ N t . ' Millil drug“: lrcir'titirvis:, [Bl S a f,- 75u: rm rebutp w! tl i, Ilmr =.- . V ' T . 1%'ra% ' mung .x,; HM: Cr C. urn-Ls " ouc'., “‘1.”le ? Cum l: slt Thur thc, NW3 i Ji t, ,m't‘, 'ttctoyo-rivic, uhuc "q4 i.lll 1: .m i:.c w Without an oabbagts. curly I \arlrsiicn. (an-vols. all Mada of bent-s \vgrfawcs nourish; V3 thr Mr ". der, rrcptr-. 3-: N10“ small rr'HPs I doubt, he It-l tn', an ttvinrq in Fun In how labor anHfivm~ I "ti We NEW EDISON "my: ttt lr, {9:0 r'.r'thetoridrr ' " ma Hal!" C -l ballrf. " V v-r ttt Itlo ‘un ' war, ratttalCrrper, mar-"vs. cucumbers nothing et man? "The um, n hi Live a Full Life It las 50031 at u: In _ ,,... .NT1tN »' in Sign- Phonograph with a Soul" OF IRRIGATION " the " Enf L;r" M " I to roan rrnr > Uk'limtat “le!) ml \Jll DIG"?! up I re mmixxing test [hm this be tit:. rm L" :A,;'.n.'.h of our assertion t this §n~lrumcnt is ciois alent to rtt atria: of the world literally ._. l , ; whit h ‘rn , thr L')EI\\1‘S um dotinidelyknowg h r hrs would immediately [can ri: in Listowel or not. Um Waterloo. Ont: " 'c, yr Wow us to and h t, the tttr-se- et I 1‘ t'"T I '"lr"t'Ot hr tno trr . He h this to m rt? c'dy. who has been villi; w a: Mr. and Mrs, A. A grew. Wrst, has left tdt In t-, M‘ mmmy In. ,. ‘vr"hnr a. an "T.' of "tg pro '"",' an yiaut w'wn Mr "an : er-rtr, and " l?p tral 'tt'mdp b] ~1!\fv lar ' Hm Revel: “it ctt ot “I. ; 'Y' auto. _ Cnrn8ttttd 'r'veres I“ , "11'”? it ram-NM ttut tis are: ~~x-"Mn. "I rye: muk' Joot trd I" (In, H: 1.2: In fu Hr, vittn4te hr ""r~ will: devote his 014115 ft LM ictt tor' 'r' Flot-

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