The (minors of the Sorivvy. whnl were ittntrumrsntol in makinc the Fuirl the urn!" S‘IP!"‘S§ it was CT'"'" Hon Directors, It. N. Kerr, s. Casse?. C. -AEttaetitiist1rrtreur, Jinx fierrsv. s l Kevlar: lst Vice Pres.. L. Mama-:1 and Vice Pres., A. E. Kerr: Din-Mars, Dr. Anderson. L, G. Prmwznat, il mtsttei, J. Monaghan, V. ZPllr‘r, Geo. Iatttensrrhlagor. Wm. Schneller va'y’ Walker, Henry Nrthrsong. Particular tram-r hedtte- -the- ttrtertt-'tariett awn ttth. to Mr and 1us. Edward Car, ruthPrs 21 ("nirvana Ava. a sun. CURREVT» In [\iuholwn Sept nm to Mr. ',,t1rl Mrs. John S. Current 320 Frederick St. tt Hangman Ar. 'oem. B‘IEHMER; In Kitchener, Sept tthth, SIXTEEN KILLED IN GERMAN AIR RAID OVER PARIS The Bishop of (“fwd in an arldrvsu ttt Now York 1mwnlrd to tttrs Christian ttttnr-tme of Arttorira m hark Prim! dent Wilson to mo timit in In: ttss, 'ttttnd for a arr-U 30.03110 nf rtrttietrts to CAelurTrr?irts "o_liitoyspr. Sept The subscription lists from the var- ious mtoutttetories and banks tor the Sailors' Fund are2 now being (-nlleclerl by the local mmmiltee and the re- turns tabulated. The executivo mm- mittee of the Navy League will meet on Thursday atterrtoon. when the treasurer will make his report Sum- clent ls alrvady known to make " 00r- tain that the response to the appeal tor a getterourreontrihution from this clty to the Sailors' Fund we a â€hop ttl one. Further arllvltics of the local Branch will he tormulatid at the exp- culive Ctttttmittee morning, for the work of the Navy Imagine is comin- noun and varied. h R, G. Smith. {an his "ttart; to rmukre the Fair tho great 81190053 it was. 'n Mr. and Mrs Gnome H'oehmer/' 2mm street. a son (John Edward.) gmlablr‘ summary trrmnrer. Mr, A SUBSCRIPTIONS TO SAILORS’ POND WILL BE GENEROUS The Department of Am'irultun. lupplied moving 'rHtttrr'sr. whit-h wnw shown Thursday "V'nniHLI. A big dance clospd thcffair last night. The [Kuhn nyhilxiis omvrpd by the school rays and girls we“) tuos.colv eoggtestrd and many fine stpucirnr'ns were shown. The war tendonry was shown in the increased inwresi taken in who sheep companion, The many com- petitors were evenly matched, and 'ittieuity was round in granting a flit distribution of prizes, Ttte-trigs, too, were "rooting" for the fair. School. Corrtoetitiort. Special mention should be made of the Run-l Srhvmis Competition, The Soclety is doing er-rythin: in its power to promote agricultural Inter- est among the studenas, and 1's work bore magnificent inn-suits yestrauay. The boys and "r, had fine exhibits ot vegetables. cttiltttitms of moths, bunnies of writing. Mums, and work of various kinds. including oil, char- con! and pencil drawings. wood work, fancy work, wood carving, painted China. etc. The various svhoois "vi, dently took great interest in the Come petition and worked hard Io mine up to the high standard set. Other Exhibits. The heparin] 'tr ni’ Aurirulturv hm' min and poult'w mixihiis. in which the tarmors \':r~:‘r 'rt t ~u:'>v neatly†Interested horau'r I“ t". ,utucational who. Advice WN,4 "tte l by t'xprrts' In each branch, ' ' Tho lttdirms. too, had their exhibns or (anry work cooking and cannon] goods. A Tted Cross homh supplied refreshmnnls during the day. "'M" Inhibit: and Large 1,? “We. in Spite of It Wot Weather. tore. The horsrs 'rerticu'arly showed, . marked Improvement in most eiarssrl on. Exhibits were present from points! a tar distant as Umdun The eat-l tte, too, were hell" stock than last your. l compctltion Keen. The judges in nearly "Vt-ry Hash Ruined that the comm-mum was Very keen. and that "w exhibits wore fe I much higher order than rwr be. m The o‘fm my in charge htttti - an Incrvasvd prize list, tttttV m Noducers Fhowed their apprm a3 an by l-wgvly increasing ttte number C entries. I '10 but Ind better exhibit: than bolero. thc Wilma: Agricultural E? hold Ite annual tair ttt New but] Thursday nnd Fr..‘ay. In “a ot the luchmont weather, the WI. turnu: mu m large! n nmers ml "or to Dr In rake the who“ a â€3001. COMPETITION When in need of a purga- tive, do not resort tovio- tmtteathartics,tmt taken» tieaths, natural tttstative.-. Paris, Sept. 17.-3ipteen per- sons were killed and fifteen other: hurt in the German air "It! over Paris Monday morning. Two German machines were brought down. . 2ttitytis ( Pills BORN I SUBEESS f Acrirulnm- bu" Wilma. in which ‘-i . 115M- neatly . t". "duralinnal 'tTT " by “KW'TIS Mumnn-s memr {cunt DIPTHIRIA. , Tho â€mummy Is up to the mango. whtlr, thr, rHsplnv M vvatxh and "nits ls Fptfor than it has héen for mum your: Tho mmndance In gratify. In! to tho Diroctorn. contttdrtritttt the un'arhrahle woather. "ve or hmrzzinu about it AR Minister M tho Astr'iculturo Dnnarlmt-ni he tell that his work would be a erat deal rvitvrirr than it was for his nrmlnrossnrs lwt-alwo tho npnpln -vwttor" were whim: an inwrvsl in azrlr-nlturu It was his inlnmir-n. he said. to vin- it as! many (trim aft WWMMO and R001} in noviwr murh with lho Far.mcrs and thoir nysrvr‘nnnns. Ho aim mum"- mvn'm] tho hora and mirlq mmn their nu‘ollom showing and stated that the ‘nnvu and girls or North Anwrlra 5w the†othtrts ml the tarms have noon tho means of lumping the boys and R'rt" Miro In tho HUN] r-mlntrles km] a rr'rvrfrtttott that wnw nnl hound od by “'nwrlnn County. but was: well and favorah'y' known 1hrmmhnm the nrm’lwrh [In work was m‘nr nxpnndv in: and hommlnz mnrr- and more Im- portant to tho tarmors of the dis- trim Ho otror-erl ht.r, ttrsartiest cotttrrtyt- uln'lnns to lhn Diroetors upon thlr 'TV'CPF'N. Hon Mr. Hv-nry went on t Ruch- Mmr Ibis morning where he Ftl'a'i -tditttt n (at houn- Hon. Mr. H"nry in hi; arlrlrms. Mat. NI that Ontario is taking mon- tutor Mt in attrirultur" than ovv'r lwfcre. Thn Mum-rs had “'0."de hard duritte tho Drown.“ of tho war to irumroast wrndwrinn but had dnnp no mlvprtin- Delivers Stirring Address to Large Crowd at New Hamburg. A SPLENDID EXHIBIT Tho Ministor of Agriculture was In‘mlrrnd a civic wok-mun by Reeve â€Mme. who WM: acsistcd try the Chairman or tho Pnhiit‘ Srhnnl Rnard and President Fowler of tho Agricul- tural Roch-Lt In' the†othtrts m1 th. tarms have [won tho means of knvping the boys and z'rt" Miro In tho HUN] r-mlntrles of Ftlrr‘pn Hrttt Mr Hnnry t'ortRrtttnlatrsd the tumors and how and girls upon their work :Wains! n~1vnrsv "rartdiiiotts. Ho slntm] that the Nyw Hamlinâ€: Fair Minister of AeNrutlturrs tor Ontario. "an. it. w. Hortry. who inspected the oxt'o'lrmt display and also d-Wlivejred a stirring address in the nvnning to a 2:1er and annrv-rimivo crowd. (By a Staff Repnrvnr.) New Hmnhurg. Sept. 13. rrThn wild, mot Township Agricultural Society was hnnrrml yu'stPrrlay afternoon and "waning by tho prosnm-p or the Jiri) Thu-e VII a full house .in .Pouco Court on Tuned-y both as to use to be heard. and to weed-tor- to he" them. The first Id was that ot an 'omployo chased wi'M :eaiing tobac- co trom the Cnniuuan Express Co. ‘Tho accused vu let go on suspended {sentence with the understanding that _ he would make restitution to the eotw 'pany. Mr. E. W, Clement appeared for the datum-11L HUN. l Ill, HENRY AT 1llrlillll FAIR Selling Partnership A Schwartz charged Nicholas 1lrtt. Met with assault. During the trial it was shown that Genster hnd been Belt. tog partnerships in his 'Akoemetrttirisrtr More on raise pretense; It seems that after Getister had his new part- ner's money he would torxet to share up the profits and the victim wn-ihl quit and get another fob. Geneter would then sell the trartnership to am other lamb waiting to be rim-red. One of the victims, however, went back to collect and took Schwartz with him as a witness. Genster got angry and threw the innocent witness an on the sidewalk, The case was adjourned until two o'clock this afternoon. BOLSHEVIKIS ARE DESERTING TO THE BRITISH GERMANS BURNING _ TOWNS ALONG THE HINDENBURG LINE A resident came up on the adjoum ed charge at stealing a tenet. He was found g-Ilfly. as he cumin] nm pm duce the wimrsses he had claimad he; had. and was let on on suspended xv". tence. 1 A young man appeared clrarged with being dirsorderly on the street. using insulting language and obstruct- lng an officer. He paid 85500 for hits tun. The buyer VIII charged with receive""'""' in "'L'2C..t F. ". lug stolen goods known: them to be, such, He pleaded not guilty, and his! CARL HAGEN. counsel. E. W Clement, showed that! he had been entirely innocent in the; Mr "M linen. " Shoemaker u- transaction. so he was dismissed, Cont lenue. passed away suddenly ot heart pletely exonerated, ltaHurt. at his home Monday Ihort- A young man appeared rlmrgetl lf’lillel' retiriatp He had been OPP-l" with being antimony on the streetJemly enjoyin: the beet of helm: dur- usiug insulting language and obstruct- i an; the day. and in the evening had ing an otneer. He paid $5,500 tor hits been conversing with members of the tun. :tamily around the table. About ten A resident came up on the adjourn mlwk he retired and a few minutu ed charge or stealing a tenet He «u bin wife heard him breathing was found gvti'ty, as he could not mu heavily. but before luminance could duce the Winn-mes he had claimed he} or rendered life was extinct. The de- had. and was let on on suspended een- l causal was in his 60th year and came tence. l to this city from Germany In 1881, and Selling Partnership has melded here ever since. He tor. A Schwartz charged Nicholas (h-il- merly was employed with the civic Met with assault. During the trial it sewer gang, but recently has been was shown that Genster hull been Belt. hum untehmun " the W.G. & R. He tog partnerships in his 'Akoemetrttirisrtr ret cranked by Mu bereaved wife. tteq More on raise pretense; It seems so is and two daughters, namely. Wu. that after Getister had his new part- mum oCl'reston; Albert. Henry, John ner's money he would forget to share J " out) at home and Louis with the PARTNERSHIP CASE Magutrau in union With Panic: Pacing Then With the American Forces In Franeec-9ept. Ir.--. Evidence la accumulating that.the enemy in- tends withdrawing behind the Hindenburg ttne In tvrralne, if he is pressed any further. He ls burning bombs all along the line. Sept. 17.--Ameriean, French and British detichments have met and beaten the Bolsheviki forces on the Archangel front. According to Petrograd papers the Bolshe- vikiz tted in panic, many desert- ing to the British. ' “MIKE il MUSE (lllllill by} JLiii, "iii, _ r hour! -4----- LI NIMINT l i "e will hp visits-d regularly and sl-uuld he ho m need of any rnmforls n'hor than Hump nuppllvrl by "In How aim! my wPl gladly "and mom to him from our parody: office, Yours truly. _ IMrst n, Manlarmn Smith, per R M. c. Row Ernst new! pastor of a In»; "an Munch in Brunt townnhlp. Ind a nullvr ot Garmnny. hm! been nod "60 u Walk-Hon forum "malaria: under the men mainla- act, I beg to irttorm you that PM. w. Ro. lmriann. No 75153" has helm admitted to tho South Bank Road Annmx. South mart infirm“): Lam-o. suffering from , gunshot wound m the chest. Ills right arm in paralyzed but with iron!- 'ttr'ttt it is hoped tho feeling will he rosinrml m it. He has lwon sewn hy “IT Rm! ('ron visitor who reports tor a: thnt Illa arm has improved slightly, Mi the pain in his chem " all" rather hart and New him awakn at night. l am snrrv he is suffering so and hope hr- will soon he mrrrh easior. The woundml man. whom: home is at '.y", Pequegrtat Ava. enlisted in the nsm Battalion and tttter transterred 'o the um Canadian B. c. Regiment. The "Wang:- is an follows: Gun Shot In Chest The folk-wing mossnge has liven rs» (min-u] from the Crtttaditrrt "Pd $'row y1ociesty, London. Eng, giving [urther ttr'rticulars as to the wounds receirod bv We. w Rohvrlsnn. of this city. The vmundml man. whom: home is at '.y", qum‘gnat Ava. enlisted in the nsm Battalion and tttter transtprred Director of Records. We Bales (ml-sum m In? 11.3111 Bat- mm" as a member of the 5th "tttta- “inn. Canadian Enuintwrs. His frit‘mls will have tor an early rernvr Pry, _ 'te years of age. mu] enlisted in Wind- mr with the 99th Battalion. Two bro- hers also are in France. Second Time Wounded Mrs. H. A. l'onlsnn, 127 Pine St. has received an official telegram that her husband, Pte. Henry A. Poulaon. was Mmirted to the 3rd Western General Hospital, Cardiff. on September 7 with gunshot wounds in the left leg. "te. Pouison went overseas with the tt'.5th Battalion and was previously axonmled and gassed. Suffers Scalp Wound. ' Word hns heen revolved that Pie, William limes has heen wounded, 'l hie Iiinssnge was detivered to his mo. titer. Mrs, Elizabeth Bates, ll Bier-wa- F, m hee. Sincerely regret to inform yuu 731112. Pie. William Bales, ome wily reported admitted Seventh Can. :rlinn General Hospital, Letripar. N71â€. :3. (lunsim' "“va 'mml scalp. The death took we. on Tumult; _ It“. 18th, of It. "can Stu-uh, all“ It. Agatha. The durum mu m In: "nd you I“ In born In: that "r. ha. than no had lived All In. [in " lone Duluth“! a mm and I " from St. Agatha. He was married tx â€as I†w Mud. Luna a! Bun- borg. the union be" ', 'o ram! wrtlt an chl.dren. two ot "hoas predocenw' their lather. He in mutual by ll. beruved widow, Me was and three daughter; name y Lander, Em Henry. John, “any Marion Axum and Pauline. Three Mathew, Tier ix'lulxuuer. Jo-er'. and David, Humil- tott, and twrt 2454-4 M3: John Hatt {mun Zurwh and. Mrs. Ferdmanu Hr '.u, St. 1"eutestla, aim survive. Th funeral was held m St Agatha Of ’s-turdly at to o'clcck r. m. Tttis number'nf pummel; reported Hmong the Boldierg trom Kitchener have been Quite heavy during the week-end, includlng one killed In ac- tion and at least four as wounded and gassed. Pte, Louls Bullock. son of Mr. and Charles Bullock. " Bingeman sweet. has been killed in action, an Trains: to official notice received by 1119 parents to-day. Pte. Bullock was The death took place on Monday r mug at 7 o‘clock after a lingering t (was ot Annie Platter. the beloved mm ot Mr. Frederick Frank. 146 Wat- pr St. The deceased was in her 54th year und was born in Heidiebartr. She is survived by her aged mother, who is w years or are, her husband, two daughters and two sons, namely, Mrs. A. Amis, Kitchener. Martha at home. Aired Kitchener, and Herman, in no live service overseas. Two sisters ard two brothers also survive. Mrs. H. Hellman. Waterloo. Mrs. J. Berck. ci- ty, William. Waterloo, and Herman, in lh0 States. The funeral took place on Wednesday afternoon at 2 o'- ciovk and will be private. Friends will kindly omit flowers. KITCHENEH '_llell flMliflfll ill EASUAHY‘ LISTS 2-3 resin Ba'lanon in France, Mrs. iu|omun Kirk, Conestoga, and Minute, .v hum» The funeral was hs-ld on Wednesday afternoon at 2 o'clock THIS ORIGINAL DOCUMEN'I MRS. FREDERICK FRANK In - OTIUC. @1953le MOMJUCIIIItl MINARD'B L.tNIMENT -LUMIER- MAN'0 FRIEND. Nazism-3y) \Vplr fined two citizens $50 00 oorh ttrt Mottrrrv for using, pro tane and almrlw language. and tor being dimrderly In a puhlic rosmur ant on Saturday night P, I", Kraft made the nrronl of "e two drunks, Roth made nrranxomonm to my (hp tinot, CHANAWRKr--tn Klirhennr. Soot. mus-ma Cir-muralâ€, the Intuit non of Mr. and Mn Walter Chart. Iwnkl, " Vlrmrla Strevt, Miss lmnhum. the librarian. report rd that hr'r work has hrmrmv too hvm'y. She has only two asrriutants and it means that she [as-r301! has lo work long hours wary dav. Miss l‘unlmm “In that if tthe is to ronlimw me Ch1id:rn's Story Hour and In make Iwr rr-gulnr visits to tho schools, she would nred another Messrunt. Tho than! decided to adv-rim for appli- rations tor the pos'rion or assistant, The young man rhargml w'lh Mon!» ing a mat and with otttatntmt hoard hy fraud. was In! Co on mappndcd nvntpncw with the "nrbsrstttndtnq thin he report to the chief every night null] rt-smmlon " made tbr' stnoking-room, and will be a con- wnivncn m rmpmitfvos who have no rmmlnr ttteeimR place. . HEAVY FIN E8 WERE IMPOSED . FOkDRUNKENNESS “amine lmsinoss was Iransamvd at rho rogutar mr-minrz of lhe I.ibrary Roard Wrtlrtetvlity nlcm. Tho Hoard decided to rafurnish and redoocratr. room in ther traswmrmt,ror the use of «mall hndivs that may dosh» In hold mnotings. This room was at our time KI'TCHENER LIBRARY BOARD MEET The wedding of Miss Edna Bowman, Conestoga. to Mr. Addison Shoemak- er, 19.1mm. was very quietly salenmiz- ed Wednesday alternoon at 1.30 ucluck. Rev. S. H. Swartz of me United Brethren Church performed the ceremony. Amer thq-iee the happy 7W7 ten an a short honeymoon trip. They will he at home to their friends after 19etober lat, at their residence in EL mira. The marriage ot Catharine Olzowy to Joseph Janewskl wan solemnlzed Tin-swim" Sept. mm at St. Mary's (‘hurch by Father Rogalskl. Preston. Sept. 1:1.-A pretty wed. dmg took place at 3 damn this after. nuon. when Miss Minnie Ethel, young rat daughter of the late Hon. George gh. Warp and Mrs. Clare. was united lll marriage to Martin Milne Todd, son ot the late Manin N. Todd and Mrs. Todd, ot Galt. The service was con- ducted by Rev M. B. Davidson. ot (Ten tral Presbyterian Church. Galt. The bride was given away by her brother. Mr. A. N. w, Clare. The wedding party motored to Toronto. where they leave for the Pacific coast, and upon their return will take up their resi- dence in Preston. v0t'3IN-L0GAL.--wednetsday morn- ing. Sept. lth. in St. Mary's church. Father A. L. Zinger Joined Anna It. huge] and August Voisin in the holy bands or matrimony. FERRtER--FERmER.-_ Minnie Fenian eldest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Eph. Perrier, ot Kitchener. to Dr. William Farrier, ot Rochester. NY. Their many friends will' ex. tend their eongmtutattortts, Secretary 'rteasuper--C. R'Oumann D"otrtcorm -ibr. W. H. Croft. J, D F‘lthr. M B. Wi'he'm John Reide' Coe. MW. J. C. Cook, A, Barnum. 'rttiettlm Renme. Jan. I Freshen). " IV. (‘hnhnerk A'ex. MoGlnawee, Slmk Pspeare A'ps. McGil'uwve Hammond Irchv. McGilluwve, Wm. Prorar. John Thor-man J. Shakespeare '. D Hyde. The Iigttt nook rxttibit", were I all "t number. but they were of the 'lrdll high order and reprtmertttitivrs ot the has! brewing in the district. The horses both in the light and hen/y "asses were good. The cattle. sheep md hog exhibits were light owing to 'he unhvorah‘e weather, The ofttnerts and directors of the at c%tty ar.:--- President-D, " Kelly Vice President- Adam Heipe'. 2nd Vice Preiolertt---Matt. Thomp The "hum: In the "Hou- chases 'em high In quality but not In ttum- mom as some previous years. In the 'air handing (ho root exhibit was par- cularly good and the nchool garden nd arts competition alto Inf-clad I my! deal of favorable Ietce The unnual Fair at the Waugh! 'd North Suzhou nutculturtl Io mty was hi" nt Wolloo'ey on Tues w um! Wednesday. There wan I In†attendance on he (“mm thy In In“: at the rain ‘Vll'dlng which was Vina-Hy packed _, the doors, with many umbio to gain hnmance. Building. 7 \ GOOD - EXHIBITION Vapour of Rain Drove People Into the hit 8HOEMAKER-BowMAN. Mt ununu Ill [i " '. "src'"."."..' Wm mum mall Buy Winter Undem JANEWBK1- OLZOWY. IN VERY POUR CON't HYMENEAL. TODD-CLARE. DIED. BrickerGermann Co. Ltd I“; WE HAVE THE BIG STOCK AT THE SMALLEST POSSIBLE PRICES 8 DING r'mor CY CE It was put in for the benefit of our Customers, (and as many new ones as we can mak 3), to keep their expenses down. Know Ye therefore†N OTE- We specialize on outside size Underwear for stout Ladies tind Gents. AND REMEMBER- OUR SELLING PRICES are hand on i? months' ago quotations. We therefore, wish to emphasize the [leaf essity of _ Don't think this Advertisement was put into this paper for the sake of helping the Newspaper Company pay Their Expenses. We have in stock at the present time several tttet-std lars' worth of LADIES', MENS AND BOYS' WINTER tml WEAR that was bought and contracted for (some fully m: ago), at prices absolutely lower by 20 to 25 per cent. than a procured from any Mills in Canada to-day. Because when once the public really find out what's before them, then they fairly plunge into it and BUY FREELY. This means an early "sorting up" in the season on our part, and last but not least At Much Higher Prices. f - WILTON HUGS, in good neat designs, from the beet manufacturers, special, 3 x 3": yards, at “$00, $50.00. $55.00. t60.00, $65.00, to r.,..,.,,,..,...,..,..,....") _ Lottiat'itrrtttsas, aeamlesu. in good suitable colors, for any room, in floral and Oriental Rugs. 3 A 3li, tor .__. VF.. $32.00 designs, suitable 'or any rooms, at ... ... t.r.m. 'Pvt e'8rwt m.. 90c,s1.00.$1,15,$1.25 2 YARD WIDE OILCLOTHS while any last. m the newest designs, and ttttod qualllv at upeciau prices .v. . . _ . . 60c. 65c, TOC, 75c CONCOLEUM HUGS which thre bought before the advance at special prices. 3x057†'tet ttFt ttrem .P_ror $1.50 6x9for_,.....,.._.,r..r....'5.0o 7-6x910r..,. mr... ...r. .,...V$8.50 9x9for .... ...'. .rtee m.......610,00 9xt2-6fttr.... .rFP'. .vv. ,....$12.00 4 YARD WIDE LINOtEUMs, in floral and block designs, which are practicaUy oft the market to-day, which we are offering at less than market prices at $t.00, $1.15, $125 New Fall Home Furnishings Once more we have the pleasure of inviting you to our opening display of New Home Furnishings, demon- strating our ability to secure pretty things for the home in the necessary things such as Rugs, Curtains, Lino- leums and Draperies. Prominent in our display are love, ly new Chintzcs, Velours, Tapestries, Brocadcs and Silk Poplins, and the choicest Wall Papers to be found west of Toronto. Come and look. 9 :12 for 2 YARD WIDE LINOLEUMS, in neat Bugs and Linoieums Come in on Saturday and see: Children's Underwear from 35c to $1.00 each. _ Ladies' Under wear from 43c to $2.95 each. F Ladies' Comb Underwear from $1.50 t, $4.75 each. Boys' Winter Underwear from 500 to ill1.00 each. Men's Fall and Winter Comb U nderwe " from $2.50 to $3.50 tr, Men's Heavy Wool Underwear from $1.25 to $1.75 each. I THIS MONTH IF YOU _ WANT " SA VE MONEY _- BUYING EARLY IN SEPTEMBER. WATERLOO ON THE CON TRARY $8.50 $10 00 $12.00 $13.50 WALL PAPERS-- We Ire (Waring sne- cial clear cut lots of room tots at practically hall price, .. . ... itc, 10c, 12'ec. 15c and 18c See our'NEW WALL PAPERS boron.- you do any decorating, on the 2nd Floor. CHINTZES. 36 inch wide. of the most an “Mic cotorings and designs, wh ch we are alluring}! Special Prices, 35c. 45c. 50:.. 60c, 65c to .....' .... .,.'., mprrt_ ._v_ $2.50 in maNmuit eftects of rule. man, which are extra strong woven cloths at 15c, Itrc, We, 25c, 35c, Mc, 50c, 60c, Pic, 85c to $1.85 AXMINSTER MATS, 3 dozen only, “a 27 x 54, in assorted colon. worth 341:0, for.... tr........... .VP.memt â€$250 VELOURS, 50 Inch wide. which we tttttck In all colon, for Port-en and Hangings, 3pc. ciat peryard .'... _... _... __.. ‘3250 BRUSSELS RUSS. in size 3 x 355, while they are here at special prices, in good calm-s. and a mlendud wearing carpet, at $26.50, $28 50, 530.00, $3200, $35.00 to $50.00 Chintzes and Velours SCNMS AM NETS, 36 to 50 Inch wide, EIM‘ITED