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The Chronicle Telegraph (190101), 19 Sep 1918, p. 10

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an g. live .. , .. ' dressed .. _ - per lb q _ “I per down . MOI. per bag any, per ton .._. The market steadie_day,. with prices practically nut-hanged from ”Kenny. There wows the usual light run of fresh cattle in, but a good number were left over from Monday. Choice - steers continue in good demand, Ind good to drain: batcltert, were firm. The (‘mmnun stuff of which there Is an uvor supply this week. averages 25!: or more lower PY' In! week. Hogs are still quoted at $19 50, ted. um week. A quarter higher wax [will for several lots, Export cattle, choice '14.CY1 Ctttr75, do.. medium .......‘ lei" " 11,25 do.. bulls . . . . . . . ' .. 9.5” w 111.23 Butcher cattle. choirv Itt,35, (m 11.23 do., medium, . . . . . .. 9.25 Cir 10.25 do., common '...t. 7 an Cu) 8.00 ButCher rows. rlmim- . " 25 Ft 10.50 do.. Insulin)” . . P . . . . 5.25 0 9.75 do., cannon: ...r.m' 525 an G.25t " lebs were a ttttle better than Monday. Union Stockyards. Toronto. Sup! 1h--Livlr stock receipts were 12'” male. 140 calves. BOG hogs and L333 sleep and lambs. _ ' Are you tn, need of a stove? If you are you wilt be wise to buy new because prices will advance very soon when you will have to pay I” deal more. Our fine line of doves includes.' KITCHEN RANGES, COMBINATION . S TWES ANBnGOAi: HEATERS I-do not propane lelIlng your Western town lot. and handing you your choque, but I do propose making you an exchange, whereby you on turn the lot. In, an each I: a proposition that can be readily turned Into can or good securities. For example: Be Wise-u Buy That Stqve Now Prices Are Advancing Tnko a Wastern " section valued by responsible valuators at $20 In zero. "Y I total of $3200. I am in a position to accept 40 per cent. of the purchase price m Western lots, balance can be arranged. Thin V. “anon can be rented, sold in crop payments or worked, The same thing would apply to revenue-bearing house property. Western Town Lots Can be1 Sold For Cash l Call In and Ice me, or make an appointment by phone or letter. DIV. my an Idea what you prefer, and I will guarantee relulh. CLAYTON B. EBY QUITE 3 MERCHANTS. BANK 3196., KITCHENER. ONT. . . Open Evenings. Phone. I h 9. Mom, Wed, FN., Ofnee 94 .Iy Appointment. Res. Wateroo, 3 .’ HARDWARE MERCHANTS. OPPOSITE CITY HALL - _ .. TM Mttt 31M) we.» t% mt r '.. lb . pqr dozen WATERLOO MARKETS, nun: nl CANADA " Melvin "nether. KR. No. 4, Kitchener. THE GILSUN ENGINE Do not delay but come in at once and select yours. TORONTO MARKETS. Waterloo, "pt. 1% 1918. ALL SIZES AND STYLES Entirely “an Ind Inbsitetr cum. on Mfg. 00., {mm Guelph, Cami. LIVE STOCK Bucher & Son II IMKIYO. ricts 10.35 (I ttte 9.25 a: . .. 7 C,tt " (-1- . " 25, Car . . . t 5.25 H ,, .. Cc25, trr bv-rtfn-gA- 11.00 to The Gghtent running blower cutter made. A 4 HP. Engine will operate the an" Mae “candidly. WONDIRIUL Mt 00 11,00 w..... M.0kt F..... 31.00 . ... N00 .. ... 19.00 .... 21.60 "Ot to 10.00 . .64 to .18 .. .60 to.45 150 to 1.70 18 ee. 13.50 ... 24.00 m... As " lo .50 Ctttt.'75, " 14,25 in 10.25 Ct 1125 43 10.25 " 3.00 FP 1u.50 Cd" 9.75 31.00 36.00 .38 Till. HONIV “All. Till MORTGAOI LIFT“ 2 12 .85 I oo m 33%.“: 's", Shaw. 6.00 Led 313F294 ' " ‘Wheal ..' m..... ‘Dictator Flour .. People's”. _ . . ... pus .rwrv mPt .. Maple Lear .r.. (Corn, per bushel . Snowdrm ...w. . Bran per ton tret Middllngs . _ . . . . Hunt”. per m, .. Eggs. pt-r dun-n . Live hogs .....,. Hay ..___ . ' ... Straw .tWPV .. .. Potatoes, pwr bug THE sum , smmmm T witness-Long enough to white. wash a call which was to be occupied by a lawyer who cheated 01.8 of his clients. do., t. o Caho- .. jail? - Witness Yea, mr, once. Lawyer, triumphantly) --Aht For how long? - “on. ted Ind watered GRAIN Toronto. Sept. 17. ~Grain priest: were unchanxod lore today. Menu-oat iiran, 337,00; stuktr, “lUO; muume $0100 o $68 Ito. do., light .__.. Links". mole. . . Wu. chum Show. nu .... pack a“ Call: . Montreal, Sept IT. Oats. Canadian western. No, e, "ol. a #102; extra No. 1 feed. 98c " 97c. Rolled oats. bags 50 Hm. sacs a 35m ".%ns ..w.. ”can “a... suck-n. not“. $ll.Mlt $lt0 FILLER REPORT The Boston Transcript. Lawyer lhvu you ever been In GllSON Praia-:1: an mqttetqts (a - It Stub Guelph, Sept. 18, 191B. GUELPH MARKETS, JUST ONCE, Phone. Offica 949. Res. Wateroo, 314w.\ KITCHEN ER. HINDI us q us 80.00 as,“ It.” tlrit u." on.“ no q a.“ 10.75 o 17..» use . IFN 13.50 . 13.75 11.00 . 17.6tt 14 00 to Him) .. 8.00 to 9 no . 1.60 to l 75 as . .... 6.55 . .. .95 .... Too ... 3R,00 ... “00 H to AR " Ati 30 GO 6.70 6.45 78 I Aid. Bitter said that the communica. llion from the Commission had come ‘lwtore the Count" b in an irregular way. He tell that more safeguards wer" net‘dfd as to the narure of the proposed buildings, The proposal should be tttore isirerr'e ( Aid. McKay Objects. Aid, MrKay--"What do you want? These people want to increase the an vommodation, and want to do it as ",oon as possible, Poor heroes, who haw fought to don-mi us, are coming home crippled and we must make pro- vision for their accommodation at the unriivst possible moment. Somrx» thing mum hr done at once." Tho alderman drtM' the attention of the Count" to the tttet that there are hushwls of gum] apples going to wast" at tho institution Aid. Utitey said he would look into the matter. Sutxported Commission. Aid. fismusm-n said that he had no otthwtiort l0 pvrmission being granted it the (‘nnntil knew what work was ‘u-inz dono. Aid. l'ttivy “pressed hirttssO as oteasrut that the rummittr-P had made tho rt'comtm'ndaiiort, and hoped that tho manor would not he rvlvrrvd back as the lmildings are urzmitly mwrled and the s‘t-asnn is nearly over win-n such work pan be done, The: action of tho 1'ommission in aninE tho Coun. cii's r'unrurrn-nm- was merely om" of vourwsy as they haw full ptrw"r In Vlwir lease in no ahead with such inrl DI'OW'IIIPIIIF. Thuy should he nnswr-r- ml just as ctrurteoust,v. Tlu- time has (-umv whon sum” ill {paling could be‘ r'I'mm'v-d by living r-otlrlvnus to the‘ Commission. and he felt [th Counvil shmllll show that it wants to thp in "very way possible. i The Mayor's Suggestion. Mayor Gross suggpstvd that the approval or the chairman of thy Rani, tarium Board and of the CounNI's re) Isresentative on that Board be requir od before any altvrations should he made. l "Is tho Sanitarium to be a munivipat or a provincial institution?" he asked. It ‘nermlsslan is given to erect m?! buildings it wf'l pass but. of the (‘nuncll's hands as too largo for the nut-(ls of the community. "Do we "var our gate?" A sanllm'lum of that kind should be nu! of comm-f with Ihn public. no main-r who no- mpies it. cithor soldiers or civilians.” The Time to Object. Aid. Ititzer nbjoctod and said that Qutre was a larger question at issue. Aid. A~mn mu hallowed Ihat if tho gr-nllvmn-n him ny ohiectiort to th" mu-slion hrmL' wrought up in Financo- berore in Council. they should havo uhju-mu-d Ihon. They have sinro had tim" lo consldvr the question' and no morn time need he wash-d. Alleges Intimidation. T All]. Bowman said that ho had mm srmied to only two pavillnnx hmmz "rot'tvd, and ho had dnnv that with hrsilrmry. hrmauso an attempt had Inn-n mudo to intimidate him and an- othpr mvruher of tho Council. Hrs had voted in favor in spite or tho itttimi. dulinn arid hm hr-musn or it. fro would do the duly or his ot'fiee and Shh-guard tho interest of the tpmmu» nity against tho Dominion Gown-n- ment. llr- would hm back down no muse of any intimidation. Opposed to Delay. Ald, l'ulm- pointed am that s'I-ml inn the mmwr hark lo thw (mmnlm-u- would (inlay construction for J! beast lhrm- wovks. Matters: hurl l-w‘n hur- riI-d through burnt-v when rirvumgmn- (1154 had du-manded and the same should lm done this time Aid. Campbell, who has been absent Iron: the last two meetings of the C' )uncil. moved, seconded by Aid, Bitzer. that the mutter be referred back to the Finance Committee n he wanted more information on the ques- non. Motion Withdrawn. Md Crtmptwti, pridrvnlly Rurnriswl at mu storm his motion had Marl-1L said that ho had no othor motive than _silrvrttiktttrrtment and that h" would not Iikv In stop ftt" good work In any way. ."I' was sat',stivd In let It an throuph 'rnd thIlrvw his: mminn AM, Snag. snrnndvil by Aid, Ttold. prnpnsml un- annWInx: nun-mlmtn'. which was mrriul. "And to , 1mm to City t%nuril tor approval ht-fnrw any clump-s in- Illadl'," At tho - no“; of the City Sound! My Imt. the "can" Raaitariurn 'u min under bitter dimlon. The Fuance Committee ocummended that the "on“! of the ioldlen' Re-hutatrtishment Commu- Hon for permit-Ion to enlarge the Stuntman) be granted. but that any oiiteratioms to the main building be under the tsupervutott at the City Bushman 4. That rvfumht an rorttmmendod by tho Tax Folk-Nor, In erllnxmn Mrs-M railway. Imounlinu to $183.64. ho mttdo. 6. That no noun" ml the "mum ot tho Saskatoon City Connrll, nnrdlnyx mutation q Immanuel: and!“ Finance. 1. That Aid. Sass and McKay Ire n r'rtmmiittzre In inIc-nipw the "ity t,'oti rriior,s "hurtling thc rnqmvsc of tho Lam: Tannin: Co. for |wrmissiun In cross Wilma! and Jam-11h shoots with a switch, and It Yam" is round haul to hnvn turn-mun! prrpnrod, prnvldinx mm the m-m-ssnry tirtt luv laid In com rrmu. erh In 10 mar-m) " lnl'hvs' on both Mans of tho track, and npnroarh- r! on ho grndnd to conform to the lawn-I of thc romlway. and that tho Luna: Tanning co. Ltd., indemnity tho rity awning! any vlaim for damage that mighl arise by rot-son of the said r.rwiieh. f 3. Thut the Mayor and Clr'pk luv nulhm-Izvd to I-w-(‘IIIP an ”women! th tho Park nnard r0 tho vxIr-nnlon ot Thvru-nn strum. 2. That the "hum" of the Soldlt‘rs' Civil Rv-Huahllnhmvnl Commission tor prrmitwion to "ttlarge tho Free- port Nanlmrium no aran’nd. but that any alwrmhms lo Hm main huildlnn Pm undnr the aunnrvislon of the City Knginrut Milt filll 1lillllllillls Ill MILITARY HBSPITIL Kflllli THEY ARE BUILT There yin be sold try Putrtie Aur- tion on 150 premises of tho Iain Nrctr alas Rei r, Sillmu'd in the Township of \varno. nn' Lancaster St, bo. -twjiij"iiifiisiii F "5151f ttFfiririiirryir, 1yti" posit" Ibo Sugar Factory, on Farm Stock, Implements, and Household Effects. Cmnmc-ncing at one o'rlork pm. sharp lhr fuiiowing vuluuhh- property-. vim: LIVE STUCK Cmod drivvr 12 yvux‘s old. men'y tow ttue to vulw- in March 22 chickens. . _ V . IuPiar:MF,NTs - Singlc- plow. soil! Ott. wt of single harrowr. whvulhm' row. grain cradle." straw ruins]; hay rack. 2 top huggirs (l nvarli' new). 2 club-rs (I ru-w). 2 situtlts ’wzmnns lmuvy 51-! of single harnvss nmlrl) new. light 301 single harness marl) nvw, tly net. string of les. satldlr, mind Mono. Ilinnm‘ boll. puint grind-T 2min hugs. quautrty ot lnmhvr, cross cut saw, largo. iron kcttle, moat Iuh 10mm”: chain, Scythe, forks, shovels rrnwlmrx and many other arlirh-s. .nm-n an»: of mnlagiuun disease In tho city. and up to yesterday there was only "no (‘35? of typhoid fever. it having boon contracted elsewhere. Hydraulic ('ldrr Mill. Wain-loo. wlll ha operand Tumdlyn, “'ndnmdnyn and Thumdnyl Will boll Wodnen- dun and Thundlyn until further my up, ' nu. The City Council will he naked to paris a hyrlaw mnhnrlzing the laying or water mains. for ttre protection purVo'de'A only .itt parts of the eity. un- dor tho authority of the Local Im, pruvemnnls AN, Sanitary mtspeetor Thos. 19urvaeith hm rervivml " rvport trum the Health "epartrmmt. Toronto, on this city's water supply, prnnmmring it absol- "toly puro. At urn-sent there are only HAY AND GRAIN lou of gram oat hay Mvls, HUI'SEIIOLD EFFECTS --4 bed. xu-nds, parlor lwmrr, 2 parlor wood stow-.4. churn, mumm- stuff": and nrimlvr‘ waCon Jack, tlat irons, coffee ttrituiesr. an". uotute. 'txt' hnndlu, sh-p ladder. cigar Innis Iuttrhcr Irlock, rim-r harrt‘ls, "hot Run, ttorks. jugs and a lot of ulhvr artivlw too numvmua to mention. Fhwrything will lu- sold without rh- Branttnrd. Sept. 13,--- Produce Uealers, country stores. ereturteriets and “null town dealers are anxiously limiting fur a man of a xenlnl temper ament and with about $3,000 worth ot their produce. He opened an omce hare an a communion merchant and had much produce shipped in. which he Immetlintely shipped out. giving cheques to the shippers. These have been returned protested. and the man cmnut now be located. No appeal has yet been made to the police. STRATrORD'tl FUEL CONTROLLER FINDS HIB JOB TOO HARD Slratfnrll. Sept. " --Wm. O'Don» no” has tendered " resignation as 111-an F'uel 1'uuunisMoner. giving as his reason that the work is too straw nuns. Rr't"VF', Military Romeo Act. he tum. lard " Works. 1. That the "when mounting It $280.44 he on”. I 2. That the account from the G. T R amounting to 819.30. 'witehitss Charges be paid. 3, That the request u the Park The but grid» and true to nuns. B tard tor a clnder drivewuy. court! utter a visit to the nurseries, I an] In my the park driveway and Dill street ~Joomon to make VOW! better wac- bc gamut . ltion than ever. Bo lure to no me 4. That the claim for dunno-s from tttore Ptaciaig your only. Mio, Jean Reynolds be reterred to the ADWEN STENOEL. Solicitors tor advice. ~39!" for The _1f' Bowman & Son REAL ESTATE A! the anv- tim" and plum- llwrt- will ho sold Hm val" uhlv- rvat 0:!an at No. 'll \N'nhrrlnn an”. Kilrltrmtt _Tllv- oropr'rty mm (tstr; "I n 20ml lot on which is vrm'lui a mm and (hm-half story Holy! lurirk rosidrnn; rnnminim: 7 moms am' kilrhvn, hot air turnarso, t-lrt-lrlr Hahn and all convinces. TERMS~ All mums of $10 and undor. rash; over that amount TO momhs' credit will lm Rivort on approvo-d Joint notes. or 5 par cont, nor nnnum ott tttr caeh payments of rrodll amounts. pin/wally “locum you under lit PRODUCE FAKE! TERMS OF REAL ESTATE will br mad" known on day of HM". Tho pro pvrl. will luv sold teuhjort to a rl'so-rvr hid, WANTED mr . WOODSTOCK DEALERS WEDNESDAY, SEPT. 25, 1918 PUBLIE SALE WM, KEITH“, MARTIN FR EMMA N, Exvmnnrn u, ll DIYERING. Aurllom‘vr. L, Fl DIETRH'II. Clark. NOTICE. OF 2 Ions of hay IN TOWN of man 37-21 tMy, Wrircrloo mur‘hinv with straw awn-rs and chair Howe-r nnzu'hnwm. also a blizzard cutting box in gund 'imniuu order, 1pply Sam Brubach- 2r, Kitchener, or phone 637. T? Ct Orv. Irc-Household pin-m: of Cid on" Martin, 1 mile mum of 1Ioidel berg. FOR SALE-- Maxwell Touring car m mm! running mulvr. Witt sa-ll dump for rush. Apply nos 'c.'i, ’l‘vlu-grnph It Is If HIGH-GRADE PIANO FOR SALE --' Owner loft city, A snap tor null "ox 45 Dally Telegraph. Sept. 25.--F'arm Mock. implmttpnts. household "Hm-ts and real Pmnlo ot the late Nictt. Runner. In Tn. of Wmvrlm). hotwm‘n Kitvlwnpr and TtNdRopttrt, nmmshn Sugar IA‘m'inry. Womb” in I'itittersion Suh- ot' 1.ivr stock of Michael Brahman. in thr Vmago of tVltttvrttoarnv. Nov, IC- F'arm stock, implnmu-nls pttrf Mmsvhnld ottcrrw of Vrttmtiurr hivtrirh. lit mile "ttst of .108"th- hur: 2 mum c.ottttvgts" ot [hum-vu- and nu miles w: st of Hrhsvillo. Will Ito, open onry Wednesday and Thursday beginning Sept. 4th, until further notice. Farmrrs bringing their apples for apple butter are ask. ed to have tturm poplml and cored.- CHRIST WOLKE Waterloo Proprieter. 86-1tttonth, FOR 8ALE--6 Octave Thomas organ Good as new. Apply J, A. Riehl, tt R. I, Gadshul, PAY., or phone Wet homey Rural - tr. tt HI 4 L'tr'S' LIN”! EST ItFu.1rivrys NI-II'HAIJHIL ST. CLEMENTS CIDER MILL will be m operation, tuning Sept. 'Oth, and will be open also Sept. 12th. and every Tuesday and Thursday dur- ng September. and during October Jaily excepting Saturday's until fur. cher notice Full son-d win-m. Iynss sum and Walk Y's Portable. l’rir'v $25.” Ctt't' hushrl -0. T. Coleman, Sow Duhxluo, (OH, gem tor Thou w Bow/mu}; Son Co., Ltd., Ridxevllle. Ont, -r-------rpLtAi--'-V-':--.-, stoartttor, cw, inch cylinclvr. " ixxh I The St. Jacobs Cttee Mill will be open Sept. 4th and Sth, and every Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday of each week un- til further notice. H. B. DUERING. AUCTIONEER, MICHAEL wEBgr3, Repnlrln. and olllng lumen neatly and promptly cont. W. G. Brueckner will do we" ttt get their Human Needs at (M. more. The belt " hnrneu may be found he". General Wants BOHLENDER'S - Waterloo - BOHLENDB WATERLOO CIDER MILL. ED. C. MICKUS. AUCT. Farmers 2ttrhtrae%aqinotintt" undid-P: Iliad mmmmuuhmuéW-Jfiuuu. th.rtaatr-enath-rehstieeoerrur..'. ....... ..... .‘ DONT [188 TTmtgE.-aEdt WINDOW. NUROIRY CTOCK. NOTICE IADIN, ONT. . FOR SALE Prat? w - 9-r:lt w-9 F4t :11 What“! at Once to Sure I to $3.00 on a Pair ot Shoes tttmttmrtmtttttttutttimittttttttntttutttts ' Why not buy your mesh; is" here and get the ban F.. i EDGAR FISCHER iii i Successor m J. H. “when i-:? , Phone 243. Witt-hon. 'rb" r. I "ttttttFmt-ttttLau-tut-rt rPnttm"uuomtuurilinMrairentumit.) E . Sl i Bo You Appremato '51 'tmtmtntmrtv""tmrmttmtttttmmtm Real Estate Phone IM. King Show omee. Waterloo Mutual Fund- lng. Established V804. Splendid hay and Bag- gage Busi- ness At a very reasonable Jig- ure. This is a good money- maker and will stand inves- tigation. Get full particu- lars from I In Waterloo, including ICE IN'SINESS. For Sale If so have your wants lup- phed here. “a alwnyl keep on ham! choice Beef, Pork, Lamb and Home-made Sausage First Ate a good Canadian. desirous ot knowing your Band. better In! welt, subscribe ttt MACLEAN'S uMAGAZrNE-ror your-air. home And friends whom you wish lo favor with some exhibit of your good-will. subscription price is $2700 per year after Doe. 15th. Order. trim, your bookseller, or direct front the pablitthesrsr--. A. K. crassman Sir Gilbert Parker Robert w. Service L. B. Vau- Stephen Leacock Agnes C. Laut Alan Bulllvln Phillip; Oppenheim Nellie McCiung Peter MrtArttu" Arthur Stringer Lord Northctifre H. F. and“), Mrs. L. M. Montgomery Arthur E. McFerlane Those tumtributors are a pledge to you ot the quality ot.... MAPLEAN‘S MAGAZINE and. or the. Canadian - whirl] in "ititinetiery of MACLEAN'S. Some of the Itepartment features of every issue ot MACLEAN'S an: Review of Reviews --a eottdensation of the but btograpttietU, Bemrttimt. literary and descriptive articles appearing In current periodical literature. _ F The Business Outlook-an infnimativo article dealing with commerce: tinttrtce, investments Ind insuratteo--tor the man in the III-eat. Women and women. You can know your Canada better and well by reading each month Mach-n'l "aoaaiae. Yor' will find no other magazine more entertaining um! none other an satisfying" mu much worth while to you an a Canadian In love with you: own mum”. Among "a regular and frequent contributor: are Ills-9m distinguished authors: _ The MacLean Publishing Co., Ltd., 153 University Av... Tor-cum GENERAL INSURANCE AGENT c. A. Boehm Class Their work-a department or special interest to Canadian Our Own Country MACLEAN’S' CANADA Meats MAGAZINE Waterloo So you Bee how completn I; Robert w. Servlce L. B. Vau- Agnes C. Laut Alan sulllvln Nellie McCIung Peter MeArttu" Lord Northctitte H. F. (hath, Imery Arthur E. McFurlano n- a pledge to you of the quality ot... ZINE and. ot the. Canadian savor E l KEEP MINAID'I Hum"? mt noun. ___, prire pai [I J. Howard Simmon . am J. L. Widemnn. . " a”. J1me. Living-ton. . Cad: P. E. Shana. . . PM! 8. B. Brtcknr. . . Mgt Richard Roachmln. W or“ L. w. CHUH, B. a. IICHHL, Manager. mm c. A BOEHM. 0mm: Agent. day, Supt. 25th, 1913“ Inc-"po'u;d In "it TOTAL AssE‘ro, MST DEC" 1.“, OVER 900M , Dmcerq and Director.'.-) George Gleam. "cadet“. - Ailan Bowman, Wet-Pro... Fran Dr. J. H. Webb, . W or... Nmmwr unllmlmd. Highest market one. Phone, Waterloo " w. Ghlnn rec-dance, WINrIoo, "" Ed. Luppm. ramme- anon. - am. and“, Kltchonor, I70. Best Equipment. Calls from all mm of the county promptly attended to. LETTER A DREISINGER Waterloo. . vory low ark... " d and you've hard of our mm " I. an 'tropqthehH, mun hon , the but leather and “on“ by u. in cvcry ”New". It“ value: for a mu. - b - motto. VII thelth'tt and for an an. bunt-l“ "I Bur m. cm "eu, Mn. Multan. I. m UNDERTAKERS AND FUNERAL DIRECTORS MASTE F. AND HUNSBERGKR. Phone 80. Night Phone 2orw, No on" chum hr not" he"... Hogs Wanted At Baden IVIIYTHIIO m 'aterloo Mutual Fire Insurance Company“ Satisfaction guaranteed. KING 8T. WATERLOO. Undertaking mg: SHINN a LIPPIIT Next shillmunl Wednelr Halon-bl. Prlcn t... Pram W or... . Oval..- " no». Old-o PM" Y" Mr2t w ort.q A

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