t " wns a busy morning. in police cretrt with tour wonders an under ag- .ed bov charged with driving a motor ., mr and a trespass case with a roun- ' tor charge of abusive language. The ., {our sptrodets got off with $10 fines _." and coats and the boy. who pleaded guilty: to driving a motor car con- trary to the traffic regulations wttleh renu‘rn hays between the ages of lt, 9-~an1 18 to have tictmtrety and forbid _ bow, under 16 to drive cars. was tim t ed 3500 and cost; His father paid i the fine. ENJOYABLE MEETING. r', An unusually tgi',',",,"" meeting l or the Young , omens Christian workers was held (in Thursday even- _', 1 : in the Suddaby School grounds “it 8 o’clock. Miss Alice Clark 'l'h"l'f, n “God's plan in our lives†and is: 3e sang. The surprise ot the even- ‘iug which wan teaturegi by the Metho- dist section of the League consisted '0! each Methodist bringing a new memhor and treating the League to Ice-cream cones. A very proNable and enjoyable evening was spent by the girls. WERE oucciqu. The Fourth Form Collezlate enu- llltlon mull: for entrance to the Faulty (an announced Monday morn- hc. um. at“ "on: tho K a W, hItItnte bell“ nuccequl, namely. babel Woolnor. Louie Valentine, Waterloo, and Cal Behweitser. TAKSN To lunwAu Three prisoner! from the County Gaol were liken to Bunnnh Prison Firm to begin term Wednesday tttter. noon. The three were Albert L. n:- Cher And William Kraemer, indeter- minate sentence! ot three months. and George Nicol six months. WILL GO OVERSEAS SOON. Liam. hwln Erb or the R. F. C. spent Sunday at the home of his parents. Mr. Ind Mrs..Eph. Erb. Lieut. Erb completed his course as on observer with honors and has been chosen as one or a. draft ot flyers to go overseas shortly. DIED MONDAY AFTERNOON. The death took place at 1.30 o'clock on Monday ot Mr. John Schmidt at his residence. 102 Courtland avenue, The deceased has lived here about twelve years and was employed at the Molirine Trunk factory as night watchman r a number of years. He was a n ve ot Si'itzexitrnd and is survived y his wife and grown up fitrniiy. IT WA. A WARM OUNDAV. Ttte Iomponlun mutated " or [not In the nude on Sunday. which In the “me u . week no Band-y. ’sz' driven by a‘marr mama! Dtrtrtett( who runs a meat market,' The boy“ “as Immediately taken to the hostti- ml whore he was attended. by Dr; tTarty hammer. trixrttrreporterr to-trer getting along nicely. SUFFERS BROKEN LEG. In a crash Thursday at the cor- ror of Gaukel and King streets just return 8 o'clock between a motor car and a bicycle, Witiiard Schaefer who “as riding the wheel was knocked to tttts navemenf wits the result thnttho trutrered1 a broken eg. The motor car HIGH PATRIOTIC 7 SPIRIT AT MICHIGAN Row. S. Lautenschiager has return ed from the University of Michigan Ann Arbor. and will have charge of the services In the Alma St. church on Sunday. He reports a high pat- riotic spirit at the university. with about 3.900 men in training. America's skins go to France as cheerfully under the selective draft as volunteers. all of them determined that the traditoins of their glorious past shall be main- tamed, and that America must do her part in making the "world safe for " mocracy." Rev. Lautenschtribsr will continue his studies at the University throughout the month ot August. Hr, is making a special study this Bummpr ot thrt Foreign Diplomacy loading up to tho great war. and tho problem of imperial unity as it confronts tho British ' Commnmvea'th of nations. during and after the war. BUSY SESSION OF POLICE COURT The trespass C1180 was one from outside tho city limits. A man charged a woman with piehing her- riea that belonged o him. The de. fendant J,','1odf'd'11,l) answered the charlml ttv counter charging that the man had used most abusive language in tho ultorcntion which entuted. Mr [hints Weir evidently felt that the more was even ahd dismissed the mar. iillllli, Walla» KoEPPEL--in Kitchener. July Mth, "m Dr, Ind Mrs. L. A. Kmppel. a daughter 15UrtToN--lrt Kitchener, July 26th. to Mr. and Mrs. w, S. Gttrtott. bl Mn:- re rice St, new Madonna Rnnmmo. c. , danghlvr. Zelda Murlel. Both well, 95ti “ an" mm Huh-I‘d clung-(A; tho, all in“ mm hi my. [Mani " What. The crop in upon- , to be plenum. _ Kitchener â€News-I fr, The Human. “the County Santa":- My Maia“. Load dud Pernod n-dmt-r'wh Mm' etrtor te on a it, in “M and II I hurl-r h tuba-i "("2115an b-wu HI I ugh!“ .mlummmxu. I cue Dismissed BORN UNIVERSITY The candidates aiiied below, for Waterloo County. have pasted the middle school examination tor entr- ant? into the Normal School; tlull.? Stliillll. EXAM. RESULTS AHE jllilllllllllml Succeuful Waterloo Candi- The lmwer papers ot no]: candi- date whose marks would appear to jutrtity an appeal hue been already re-read by the Appeal Examiners, Where such a candidate has still failed. the statement of marks will be stamped es re-read and no other ap- peal will be. allowed. In alt other cases ot failure appeals will not be re- fused it made before September I, and accompanied by the tee of " It made after September I, the tee Is " No appeal received after September 10 will be entertained. certituu+ and statements . at the marks received by unsuccessful candl- dates are in course of preparation and will be mailed in due course to the Principals, to whom all candidates an referred for further information. Successful candidates who desire to attend the coming session of the Nor mail Schools are advised that theiratr plications tor admission must be made to the Deputy Minister of Education not later than Tuesday. August 20; application should be made at an ear- ly date. it applicants will state clear- ly on the forms when and where they passod the lower and middle school examinations tor entrance into thr' Normal Schools: they need not dvlay mailing such applications on account of not having received their entiti- cams. The Normal Schools will open- on Tuesday, September 17. at 9 a. m.. at which thue all candidates must 9W?- on! themsvlvtts. Applicants are re- quired to Iu- k ighteo yours of age hm fun- Oclohr-r 1. Further particulars [rimming tho conditions tor mums Mon may he obtained from the sylla- bus and the application forms, copies of which may bt. obtained on amim tion to tho Oeputy Minister of Educa- tion. No candidate will be admilted who does not comply fully with ttw conditions prescribed therein. In‘additlon to those listed bclow funny rangjdmes nm‘qurglijlgd‘ IPI CAT: [Minutes under the farm eatuoloyment, regulations. All such passed local ruminations at Easter and are now vmployod on farms. On the suhmis- in, lo lhr- trtImtt-3Hrt_,oFmtt_ rm ', "y Ovidvnco or three months' con- Vin'mus work on fnmls the cPrtittcatos To which [hwy are entitled will be issued. . , Waterloo. _ M. A. mack. A. G. Boyle. E C. Brunck. J. T. Byron (honors), O. !. Boxer, V. M. Bunch. G. L. Crook, shanks (honorsi), E. J. Cowan, I). S. Debus. ft. Mack. Gibbs (honors). R. G, Johnstone twith LS. art). B. H. Lil "to (honors), S. M. Hanson (honors). M, M. McC'ardlo. L. C. McKay, A. ID, \ivailly, P. H. Miller (honors). M. A Martin (honors), C. A. McCarthy thom ors), Fl H. Honor. A. R. Nnhnzan; (honors). J, y. Oppvrman (honors), W. C. Panpbakrt J. A. Philip (hon- ors), F. H. Mueller, A. R. Nahrgang. Ruiz (honors). w. M. Striokor (hon ors), L. D. Schaus, If. Cr, Snyder, t A. Strocdvr (honors), C. R. Wray. Mrs. Chas. Huber. wife ot Chas. Huber. High ('hit‘l Constable, tlied at thr hump of her son. Mr. Allan Hulwr. Southampton. at 6 o'clock p.m.. F'ri. d: Mrs. Huber had not been Keeling well for the past few months. but her illness was not thought serious enough to inturfvre with the journey to South amnion. On Tuesday of this week. she Rutttsttrt from a paralytic stroke. which resulted in her death. She laws to mourn her loss. hPr husband. her daughter, Mrs. J. A. Da- vey. Kitchener. two sons, Allan. Southampton and Charles, Seattle. Wash. Mrs, Huber was the daughter of John Forum. and was born In Pres- ton. August 25th. 1347. - The “moral ot MrB. Charlet, Huber. who passed away at the homo of her son Mr. Allan Huhor, on Friday even- ing at Southampton was largely at tended on Monday at 2.30 o'clock by sorruwinz rolativns and frivmk. Serhriryss werG hold at the home. 61 Duke “not. and were (~0anth by Rev. J. P: Lynn. Many harmful flo- ral tributes were rm'clvorl {rum rola- llvos and frit‘nda. Followlmz th" sor- vers at the home the Portage. pro- readml to Mount Hrrpe Cemetery when after the r: mmitul “arrives at the gravo. itttprmrsrtt Wall marlo. Tho will hoarvrn were waler JortrttY'ttt Cook. (‘mmly Y'lrrk Snmunl' CPssoV. AM. W t Sass, ('hio! ‘onunhlp 000nm O'anll, Mr, Harry 'lc‘menl and Deputy Registrar Alox “I. Morn E. F. SEAGRAM HON. PRESIDENT OF I. L. B. ASSN Bun-lo, N. Y., Jury 3tt.--Ettwttrtt F. Scrum. Waterloo. at the annual meeting on». "tternatiortal Lawn Bowtmtt AuMiafion It the LorFteyette; Hotel In! night was elected Mon- l I’m-mm " the orolnllnhn. w. F.’ 'ttir'tt-t. C' "M‘s". o, WI: elector! President. a!†an Wm, McCauIland.’ " hunnvlllt wag unable to “up†Thu. Thauhurn, of Brampton, “I chum n VIcoJ’ro-ldont. dates Are Named in MRS. CHAS. HUBER ‘amituy Inspector new 1 at looting of Board tt TANK TO " The regular meeting of the Board of Health urn heldon Friday n the city hall all of the member. he “I; precept. Bullneu of a routine nature VIII transacted including the Nation of the report of Inspector Buchhaupt whlch noted one cm ot sculot lever In the city Thu can. he tstated - being treated u home. It was the only case ot marks! favor or my other contusion. throne in the city, St. Sewage Inigo-3| Tank. Accounts amounting to 823.18 cent- were pans- od. The report ot the milk Inspec- tion wan the received and showed on- 7 itse Bond upon mutation from the Sammy lnlpoaor aha recom- mended the cleaning of the Spring ly one donor below the regulated amount of butter (at: He will be no» titled. The following In a (‘Opy of the Inspector's report: PRICES STILL HIGH AT KITCHENER MARKET There was a large crowd out to the market Saturday and the produce which was offered in abundant quan- tities was bought up naicklyf Butter sold at 45 and " cents tt' pound and eggs brought " and 50 cents a dozen. There were plenty of berries and these sold tor 25, 27. 28 and 30 cents a basket. Chlcken was offered at from 35 to 50 cents a pound. There was an abundance ot vegetables. Carrots and beats brought 5 cents a bunch and cabbage sold tor 10 and 12 cents a head. There was also a good offering ot new potatoes selling It 75 cents a peck and 40 cents tor In small basket. MISS E. PETERSON PASSES AWAY . SUDDENLY The many friends of Miss Elora Peterson will be grieved to learn of her sudden and trnerpeeted death. which took place at the home, 103 Qumon $1.. Kitchener about“ 9.30 o'- 'iths in this city. Miss Peterson was "t a kindly and lovable disposition. and will he treatly missed by a wide eirelerorAriemdts, She-was tr-He-lot": member of Trinity Methodist Church and was a regular attendant at all the services, She is survived by three brothers and two sisters, Mew sry,'. tt "L. Perelman; DW.- Alba, Dr. Henry. Kansas: Dr. I). w.. Chi- calm. lll.;1\lrs. Baht. Smyth and Miss Julian Pelt-non, at home. Th. funni- al was held on Wednvsday. July Mst, at 2.30 pm. from the residence, 103 'Queen street, south. to Mount Hope cemetery. vim-k on Monday evening. The tier waned arose as mum: on Sunday morning intending to go to church but hecnmn indisposed and remained :I/hnmtu Her condition grew worse FINED $10 AND DAMAGES FOR OVER- DRIVING HORSE te, peritonitis developed which re- .ulted in her demise. She was a daughter cf the late A. J, Felermn. and was born in Woclwicls township. She spent the greater part of her Sylvester Mayer was arraigned in police court 'on Tuesday and charged by P. K. Weber with overdrlving a horse which he rented trom theGVett, er stables. It appears that the: man kept the horse out overtime and had to be pursued before he was appre- hended. He was placed under arrest and waited in the cells for his trial in come off. The man was selling bers ries when caught. Ho plenum! guilty. and intimated that he would settle damages. He was fined $10 and $21.. 50 was agreed upon as damages. Pending tho settlement of tho fine and damages. the man was retained in the cells at Police headquarters. DROVE AUTO WHILE HE WAS DRUNK Driving an automobile whilo in an Intoxicnted condition was the chargo, made agatnst a commercial traveller In pollcp court on Tuesday. He pleaded guilty. From what can he learned through the “idem-n it ap- [wars that tho man lost control of his car and smashed into :nother motor car doing Comrdrterahlo, damatto to the roar of tho other machine. The own- er of the damaged motor car Is not known but the uumlwr of his machino has hoen nhtainz‘d and Chief O'Neill (informed the court on Tuesday that tho, name of me owner would he as- rnrtalnod and he siould he notiflnl. The defendant tn court declared that hr. :tands prepared to settle madam- [duos to the other car. J. P. Roh'tder. who presided at the court. Hum] ,thn man $50 and costs wPh thr, "ttrlprtrtttndittX that he was to my the damage» to the other mn- rhin" as anon an thrr are mam. known. The â€orphan!!! Bank has erected a fem-n on 0mm" Rt. N, from tho rear of than hmdmg to the ond M the lot Tho " M A, will improve tho, ground Ind-‘0 hr mnvnrllnx it into t1ttwor urdenn. - SEIHLET FEVER FENCE ERECTED no bell Dogma W hi. ', work It " _ .., WU“ A, "mu Ill - but! from Ottawa qamtt-ttrtg M)“ t strike had been. dereired â€and. the; low In.“ can-Inn china that w left, use I†â€It try q.P.B. u " debt r Wednoodny {mu Ottawa patd tttat "t we: not received " ma local 015.3,, Telegn h orice mr"" JNrtf morning? P" 12_ bout: ,Ittryfe. 31;. War. on 'ttiritirrt4j'1llti Inch nun W1 men-axe come through hit mm t e men would hnvo'gono hack to vein. the tir" ttting thln morning nnd t , Mt dollvery of mail would ham.tsert_ distributed throughout than.“ ' I Putnam's Statement. q I In a. statement given to that Tale graph thin morning by Actbg Secret tary Nelson Seiber of that“! Pont- men‘s Union. the Secretary or“? '3 "The mail carriers warm. but}? 'to work Thursday at M) 0’ch Mr medlately alter a men-go was , _ colved here ordering I" mgm'p-‘gh to work. The message g,t',1'te, 'e from Ottawa Thursday but Ill ed ' 0: come and reached here ttt alkali 71. o'clock Thursday morning. l l w . "We wish to thank the public and the press tor the courtesy Int! etyte._id- eration shown the postman in their demand for justice." _ _ _ _" Are Cleaning up Malt, ',,e' , Following their return too-te the carriers immediately ~begnnvvcloaning things up and promised that. they would handle 111 ml“ Aunt" arm-no 11.30 mail came in\vhon 0107‘th start to deliver the mall throughout the city. All the mall! on hand! tsk, 11.30 o'clock was taken out by the men this afternoon and: delivered our, millions will be normal trom now oi, Other cum Return to wood; Toronto. July 25.--The ,ityith'srt in the letter carriers otrlkg rioor' d this morning is as follows: Winnipzl men wilt probably return to your. this afternoon. Regina men hIVB return- ed to work and are delivering mail, regardless of hours. Vancouver men refuse to return to work and ew, press for conciliation tekWa0,asbta'-" toon men have resumed work. The accumulation of mail in Jr,nt IL expected to be cleared ‘up tty, In“; The fear of vacuum hummus“: the gruesome ghon that ntuknuwlthr u fr,iglttrul visage at. the deal! hour: ofl midnight Is still with an, mono min F credit the rumors .that_ have been ' whispel'nd concerning in 'tpptsritton day alternoon. in'Vtcwrh Parkr 'tAtt Mama that sump clctizen while' pusingd'lc- turla Park at ,mldnight either. last night or Saturday night. saw the spec- tre 4 . â€v 1mm" swung, abqut. 1 ttt lawn and passing over, he anytime 'lt the lake. finally disappearing“ ingthe direction of the snot whereutlm will: =nn formerly stood. '. .. lr) A l. I i Tran hmnrnl win hr hrid on Thurs. ‘day inn-noon ot , o‘vlock from hr um- rmgtdenee. Interment will be mule It [mt Wore Cemetery. saw “Imustifjmgi I(fitatr'i%l( Township and was m It1'.r 17,t,V,t',r,.sl, She was: the dunnhli‘r of Mt A Mm.l (:vorpzn Kuhl, She In s-nmyoa‘w gm husband, two tdauehtcrs.' Atind Pt!, Palm- ttt home Md om; b f (Winnipeg MnnlmM. 'iii,5'i1iil'iil, if (to this why from ttriatrtltiof I I me rumor and he detmiriUA'cs .lxéyd Tl heard of any spirit moving: in. Aim Park. He wanted than the my“ might be the spirit, .otf .914 “Knish 1viliiatrt looking for his bust. ‘Aanh- or suggestion in conn'ection,v/'rttCtt,te most was that tho tp,an,p,t'tto Mir 'it was prohably returning/tFoil tr,, l'cti- lar party." - _ _ _7 Every mother knows how r.atyl :11?“ hot summer months are, to .3311ng (hildron. (‘holvra infnnlum, ‘dimirhbmq vlvsontry and stomatih, trouhlpg 'are rile " this time and often a ingenious tim is lost after only a ttsw "iirnes "moss. The mother who keeps 1tiybts Own Tablets in the MP?†[eels William Roseknrt of 'Guelpu , m- was arrested by tho polirr .Pridayr, morning on the charge of helm: thriv- faultel' under the MiJitpry .Sugvice‘ awarding to information one other] at police hoadguarterts Rom» kart was ordered to row‘rt to London: last May and failed 'st att so. Nout.c cation or his default was revolved " the local puke last night (rum Lotr don am. the nrroal‘o! juncture], Vtlr, 'nwml at' Nth-mm this morninz. No Is being held Jkt '61t9rhtudrvustterr, pending the anival‘pf tr military ea- cort. e "t . ' P an The ",,rTiionaiTiisri, pt "itve, TM!) Iris provpnts stomach“ and bohtrb, troublos. or it the tumble games. ttds rit'nly--as it. generally" dcesilhe $111K lots will bring the Irapr,'vsvitety through. They are sold by Eneqlcgne'; armor: or by ma†at 25 gen t,' box’ from The Dr. Williams' Medicine Co.†lilockvilltn Out. " .'F . '"hii"irriairiiil, GeatiU'a brt)e' Telegraph "sis,tuorsriIur.yi, wggyl 1r 1rms.te.ptaTpmt _ _ PASSES AWAY‘IN '. mm intr!ttAtatAR, Mrs. Mary Pvpplat, '15!“ of _ Mr 1 Chas, Poppler, Clnszo‘iv M, Nita,',?) pnssorl away at ter'htirnic' _ no} AY. ttttor an ilmmts of it tow Watt)? in?!“ lion. Drreeasod was born. 'iiikti van DEFAULTER IS ARRESTED. -. T7T'.r:or,ri Keep Child.reytiy9ile tGlglt :17 '" 'C. Second Comp-tuba _ n, . For best unions on and land: i.. tat, Drum-450. Henry nrnunl. 50 Tunnel St. , fad prize "Sli. Mnroln Shelly, HBrtde.rtortr' ' _' _ A - 'nl'vhe district. There were eightyone gardens en- taped mythgltwo competitions. and theso'repregented the skill and ener- N 'ot empmees livrdf tw every locall- ty In â€Kitchener. _ and in Waterloo. nrrruriipitrt and Ccntteri11e- The gar- dens were now: a I preliminary lu- snectlon last week by three compe- tent judges and the interesting aw- myds ave given out today as follows: N 4' y FIRST COMPETITION "for gardens and vat-m1! lots under aittiiotioit from year td year: . ,A_sitttrtepurpmse In life orwork~ls' often best hut a gammy pomne'itim- is a case war? a double purpose I: better. For example. the fifteen {1229 winners in the Kaufman Rub-, , vuoo.oEmNoyees Garden rnmnetl-Y titytt'nttt only wan the valuable cash 1'ea./f,t/u'l',', $215.. but may are rqrn .'ing 30mg of the rmetrt garden GGrll' “18! can be found anywhere! &1151.RNZ¢?*359K ic'rtsoma, King St, 1 93"; '. ' -_- -- - -. --. 1 3rd prize- -816, Jos. M. Snyder, 24 min St. ", Mun: pribc-4M.h Milton mm 243 Wa- Hnloa‘ Mt-. F. _ tr _ Eighty-one-Entries in Kauf- ‘man Rubber Co.'s Garden Competition; 15 Prizes. s', Sttt grrt1", Yttpnf l '., _ _ s'ieu'r.Piiritr"e--tti), Frank Ball, 613 Kinz St. “lest. T tNote-Chas. Waugh 181 Courtlane ‘Ave; Was awarded a medal prize of $25 for an gxceptlonally fine garden. Mr Wttssit wzw not Ihlo to dummy With the rule which required thy all 17"}an narrv In the rampetmnn had 'to C m the factory prey roll since Ap- jil lid, l"',8 . . 1tth. uriqe;slo. Ed.. Rpitted, as Shan- trrttt. .'.'" ' . wl 7th priz'tw $10. Dan Hinzhnrfgcr, 29 tfi. Ledscr ht." C"udortzor-ttir, a. E. Th m n, Ki SLEast... _, _ 9 a Y'"' 1951 prod -$id9. Abraham Hearth. 1',WCotart1adttnAmr East. _ 'trtr inn-415. tr. fmlppttnowttkt. Pr! P',i,'r'2s'lr'tt") Ith print» a. Atrx Simpson. M mthtriehpt ..8r.lt, " _ - -- l. A - ............,. vâ€. _ Gilt pater tir, , Nsvotaki, Courtlqnd uaighhh. " ,4 u, _ _ ddlnq norm by Pomp vrTrs Judging wan dorm on Iva-nun, lthlru per aunt Dela; given for pro- ducti,ic1u4trttr quumty. and Amr- ioty ot harden prothlcr thirty pert-ant trtr nnorul 1L Muslim. and forty per cent. for mnklng the but of appor- tllltm whlch out-or vncllt lot or he! an afford“. Ttte (hm ex- porn - I’m. mk were Mr. VERY (ilfltlRiflh. "llllllfll F, ERNEST ,' 'rr, rl , h and clothln Weseloh s tt “hem. fr 41 and 42 King St. East 34 Frederick St. Man's “In." than. " vim. at. ..... .. SL99 Main " ‘Nick Mariam. loa- ther, bony sol“. work Shoot. 'brucmr "yters at ..- I l , $2.99 Good School Shoes, the: t to 5 $3.25 value at ... '/ F $2.79 t Youth (has. the same make, 11 to 13%, Reg. $3.00 at..... .._ ... .... $2.49 Size: tt to 109/2. $2.50 wait". " , . $1.99 IOVS' SHOES. ttuesttto10ta,t2att value pt A.,.-.... ... l .llfnldilne no: Boatc. ‘07 vain: gt .._ .._ e '4.50, value at 'ttt scvérlng Shoe: NINE ARE A new “up“: (ml-Y , BARGAINS wtt CANNOT "" " Jacob Daneey, , St iaiiahiiii, -iirii'%uio'ioiiitturt"redv" ttBS $1.99 I Ladlos’ Show I BIO $5.49 $3.29 $5.99 'is the amount per hm increase for ' freight. Fuel Commissioner Lang was questioned about the matter this 'morning by the Telegraph. He rp- [plied that he could not speak for the I'deitlers but stated that he imaginnd 'the added freight costs would doubt- l1ess have the ettect at raising tho xprico of goal. He stated that he was not in a position to say Just how much of an advance coal would take as a result ot the increase. PRICE or COAL MAY GO UP TO $11.00 The increased freight was will in alt probability affect the price of coal locally by at least 20 bent: a ton which The coal derlcrs throughout the city are not all in accord in their opinions on the question. One coal dealer stated to the Telegraph that he did not know what Meet the increas- ed rate would have. but he stated that from certain sources he was informed that coal-would advance to $11.00 a ton on chatter August Ist, ' A second dealer was interviewed and ho stated that he had heard nothing of the 811.0" rumor. He declared that he did not think coal would advance to 811.00 although he mrtlltied this with tho statement that he could not be too sure that ‘it would not. Me was of the opinion that the increased freight rate might have some effect, but he ‘was not prepared to say how much. It was evident that much has to be learned about. making ngrdens. Buit. ahle for teoriipetitjon. hut us this is the tfrst anr that a competition nt this kind has been held It I: felt that much experience has been gained which will be valuable for a similar competition next your. Good Showing on and The competition tor best garden: on land which was under and last year did not have as many antrtes an was expected. but results In several cases were hPynnd expectations. Ew ery owner ot a vacant lot which ts not producttve, should visit the prize- winning garden:- nnd see what sod land can be tttttde, to preamp. _ _ Harry Brown, vice-principal of the Pollaglate Mr. H. B. Wood, secretary ot the Horticultural Society. and Mr. B, B.‘Playford principal of the Waters loo Putme.Rchools. All pronounced the eompetitiort a grout success in MI- mulating orodttction and in making gardening tt more popular science. It was the ininnilnn to offer 8200 making four Prizm, in enrh comm“- tion, but so manv good pardons we» shown in the "optstt" rompmnion that tho prize lint was axial-MM in Inr‘lndo "In i-xhihiinrn all of whom wow well dmorvinz of rrrottttitiorr _ Better Contest Next year "Tho offnril of employed to pro- dupe mod girdonn shroud he rpm:- nixed in than w" times" said Mr. A, R Kaufman to the Talegrlph "We in! tttnt this competition by ttrpatiy mom-nod production by bringing much Additional arrange undgr cultl- union and we lnlnnd to accurate tint all we can. Tim ruining of ftp. wen and emu-win. "manning homes in [in city is alto highly mm mendnble. We will cnrttunlr have simillr competitions next yen, when 1 Bl. Rack full of all kind: of Icahn-r who. up to $3.50, choice " ... . . Jll.00 AMI-or rack in" of huh Lab ju’ loo“. ' or 6 dif- ferent lines. cholce . . $2.00 " wilt buy Ladlu' MIMI: Canvas high cut, high heel lace Boots, worth $5. Women'o "" plain to comfort low In“... Woman's 32.†Comfort House Slippers. Arum-lean Kid, Elastic from, " $1.48 " Ladies' Empress Pumps and low Shoal, new . $2 98 I _ $7 Ladiel' fine patent and kid leather Boots, special $5 at..... 'P". ... . A9 More than your money's worth at this Sale. $3.00 Ion- Bhou at T “LA?" I WW: Numb-loath- â€at“!!de int-ttr-h-st-r, hummus-duh“! atnat,aaa1trt.16PmdefK,' taresdrHrdrietmrshe_ner- -twitiut6h_eot..tqal "rGuaiaiar, Am. 10th', It Mighty Price Redoeiratt at. _ $2.99 '. $2.19 . HUNDRIDS ott.L, ice rourr on Monday there , we}: can Iv three present. One of me""hon§‘ 1,thrcwers" ventured the /i'i,'r,iiit'i'is), ':that the missing member of elf W} ito the “shooters" who human-um: !used it In connection with 1.tte mm. fup of the waits, ' _ ti Four Participants ' Wore} Fined $10 and Costsjn g. Police Court. 9, m g WINNINGS WERE L031: A quiet little game of crap war trte, ceedlng joyfully Sunday anal-m, and the enthusiasts or the "ho " were just getting into the aplrlt of: tho thing when the shadow of B-gt.-, Grassor loomed large unfailth.‘ board and changed everybottrtrtire%, The affair was pulled off in a loud; livery stable and it would 3pm,. from the tines paid in the police court this morning that the Will“; were losing: and considerable mold!: to boot Ihat had never enterodJnh; the game . . .., mite was in Toronto. having left oc" an early train on Monday. _ _ were all fined $10 each and rat] l to divy in making up the extra 31. Mt costs. There was t'2.00r If. W‘ wtleh, Berpt. Grass" had grabbed Att evident?» and this wan hyng‘etjhw CLOTHING. "IN?" GAME. INTERN}?T -irtiTrrivere tour "shooters" in [If lime party which the Sergeant so In- rorv‘monicusly interrupted hut In nah Photograph†Danton aad Mow car sllghuy damaged Sand" t. noon while coming into King'QL- of an army between College Young Sts. A motor on coming on; King St. rushed Inca vb ot his car. . . tl; Mun Our-Hg very Tr"' value at $1.30. 81,49. " " $1.79.“ ... .., ... _ " an. Man's Odd Pants. cam-q mt " 31.9., $2.â€. $3.40 s Dog. lolc-Hned “out“ vent Pants. 31.50 value m Hanan In“. extra value dt 69e, 40c. 30c and ""'."" '90. Menu Summer Sox, ah, value. at 22e, or 5 pair for . m $1. HARVEST STRAW HATS. " Menu at ... ...» 25: " 'rr.'. Boys' at ..P.. -.. t% to U? b 60 Dot. of Men's $1.50 Summer Shirts at m... 99e All firtq Straw Hats, new at if. ' . _ T P 'ce, " Hats at ... 0 Ft $1.5 Underwear at leis theh itoir' Factory Prlcet. a» 't . MEN'S SUITS. _ 330 Blue and Grey Suits.at .m... ... tos Suits at m... Bore Suit: at a savirttcoC" least from 82 to $3. ' : . ' $20 value at clothing :va AUTOS COLLIDED K} " Cil.i..l!. 111:1. $15.49 $24.49 $11.49 â€I.