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The Chronicle Telegraph (190101), 4 Jul 1918, p. 5

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Fug» Large crowd at Bland Concert. i: .', Ideal Weather brought out a tarty? A forum! at tho band concert at the Wat. q {who park on Friday evening. An PX- t 3.:cellent program of high class music 's was rendemd by the Musical Society _ 'atttrstattd the Boys' band which was ', +U‘oroughly enjoyed by those in at. , 3tendance " j, Reporter's Chips ' 'ii', _ Its, APPQINTED INSTRUCTOR. sergeant Chan. H, 890m?! who Is T ~pnunt Btationed at Valcnrllvr . It, Quebec. was recnntly marit- ee4ttsttatrttor of the tst Donovan!- non of the 1M Qllehm‘ Regiment, _ ' can! BecMnl Wu: formarly at inched to the Black Watch Razinwnt jot momma! with which he want over . _-_-_- A-) “A __.--'-., 4“...“ '- m_A_,_‘ 5" The picniJ'ol the congregation and Virility School of the St. Saviour's _'O|ninch held' on Saturday has an Im- heye,t success. There were events fibu- alt the kiddies and much to the “than; or the nude children there »,'ere numerous prizes awardml. The {31:1ch was a most aways-Mp one) and 71‘- perhnns the best ever held. F The achvdule Lawn Rowling games luyed on the green Wednesday result u touttwts: c, Shin”. 3k. '21--C, H. Knohlor " ll '. H: Snyder wk. " Pr’ed Maser HR. " Humphnlnk. 19- .18, Lockle " II Hthtegrd Bk. 12- J [Pom-on ". ll In I Ichorlula Bowling "me played F. the groan Frldny winning skip E Shaun dale-ted nlrip on... " Moo. by a scar:- ot M to 16. The lowest priced tea ia not the cheapest. A pound ot Sal-(la yields no many more only; of satisfying in» {man than ordinary tea that It Is the but economical in use, besides being I) delicious. I The death took place near Heldel- lets. Monday or the infant Ir, of Mr. Ind Mrs. Alvin Weber. aged ,rsurrsths, The Ways and girls of the C.s.E.T. 'ditd the Cu.RnCtrrotipt, Dicnickeé at Bridgeport where they spent an en- joyable afternoon. Various games were played which proved quite inter- t The groups were in change at ttXe,.,,','),',",, Thiatisdt"atid Mm A. K. We members ot the School Board visited the Central and Alexandra whom: on Wednesday afternoon. Some needed repairs will be made at both schools including the construc- tion of in cement walk. .One ot the largest picnics at the "neon was held at the Waterloo park on Wednesday afternoon when lggrrSt. Andrews' Presbyterian Sunday "t?r55iilJS,Si'/i,',i c Bi'trtmmRritertrytr.- A delighttu tew hours were spent In homing. games. etc. Medan. Norman Letter. c, Drei- 'iatrer, Wm. Veitel, John Wendell. and Chas. Sylowskl. have returned item a delightful titrtiing trip of sev- eral days at the lake, near Hanover. They brought back with them many the specimens of the tinny tribe. ?,ressmttn, RETURNED FROM FlSHING TRIP The {funds or Mr. Aha. Memer, of nut Creek. will mural to hum that I II seriously m In th" Toronto Urn- ” Hawk-l. suffering from pamlr rush-mil He has boon ailing t a :3” Mn: minim-d to his trod an thtt before his removal "tre One Hospital at Toronto. Home I promlnpnt former _ of W on and Manager of -rtoo1ut-twtttrtng Co, tor "IN, an inn man ot Mrs. , . bum at Wanna. j ' t mm a A - deal of difference In the comfort ll vary when“. wllt, may at school and In. uno- uu they Witt accomplish In " ur yuan. . A “than. In N position of - tvnn by! ntarstpirt-U my, not? _ _ _ _.-- Tture In a Medal dMor- one. In an m that. boy- in»! OMIOIM Ttttttst M the M“ _ KITCHENER, ONT. PHONE 058 PICNICKED AT BRIDGEPORT. PROVEMENTB AT SCHOOLS. DEATH OF INFANT CHILD. - CITIZEN ILL Arnold Jansen and saw mrtive tHsrrteo, In France mcucg’ A mo SUCCESS PICNIC AT PARK. LAW N BOWLING. Monaco Knit l IN TORONTO The result“ monthly meeting ot the Waterloo Brunch of the Woman‘s Christi-n Temperance Union In: held on Wednnsday “moon at the home of Mrs. E. D. Cunningham In. tRev,) E. Burn. the Evangelistic Sup- orintettdent, ind charge ot the duo [ions] half hour. The subject tnkeu up for the odumtionni Mitthour w" “Anti-Narcotic." TWO s, & CLASS MEMBERS HONORED W.C.T.U. The case unmet the cigarette VII! considered a ‘atron'g one. The Medi- cal World attytc-"The worst kind of tobacco goes into cigarettes. The most dangeroun ienture ot their use is the practically universal habit of inhaling. This brings the smoke into contact with the tissues of the mouth, throat and bronchial tubes as well as the hundreds or thousands of " cells in the lungs. The poisons are quick ty sham-beg and go right into the cir. culation." The local Union have the privilege to entertain the County Con- vention. July 4th in the Methodist Church. Mrs. Gordon Wright the Do, minion President will be the Comren, lion speaker. Full announcements will be made later. At the - -thty m; at an -. - In. - on May -mtirte on PM of It! like} In new!“ to at. . met u no and" ot the schoot um.- Mei. Mono, (no. In. Intel). Ibo - won an mu. A number ot “tenuous Ion rec-Ind and lb: Bank "a Every In appoint- ’ed to an the "use, "Ttgqtt by lla- Bllcl'l mien. A - vote of that! was ex» tended to Windy-I Phyiord and In. John Bruegemn tor their upland“ wort h (mining the school ennui: 1n Ilium: on the occulon ot the re cam ms: ot the “cereal my. Dominion Day was quietly observ- ed In Waterlno there being no cele- hratlon held here as In former years. Many people went out of town on titntitut expedition: on the bunks ot the Grand and other places, while orb- t-rs visited other towns where Domln- ion Day celebrations were held. _ Tho, ovvnlnx was man: enjoyibly went In Kama. innate. etc. um which delectable relruhmonu' m -e. An excellent holiday program was furnished the palromu of the Princes- Theatre by Manager Harris, on Do- minion Day. The popular and well known nrlrmm Theda Bars was few tured In a photoplay null with other "J all tllms was thoroughly enjoyed by a large mulls-nee. A nlvasnnt event took [when on I'Iunndny efenimr, at the home of Mr. ~ml Mrs. Enwar-l Kant: when the ”when ot (he English Sand-y whom clan- of St. John's lzuthar- All Hum-h agrpnahly unwind two at their members Mr Ed. Kmu Mid was: mum. Bun Imam. During the evenlnu Kilns Ktututr read In addrms In mkn‘lmnn while Mr. Herbert su made her the recipient or a hint!!!) out gin“ berry bowl. Mr, Rum: “as New presented with I tut glass Gerry bowl the madman tNe an my! My Miss Bankelmcm and the [won‘l‘ntailun mad . try Mr. "cot, Rahu. My 'innir and in lumkelman who vu-rr- vupmloieL ken by gunman mummy Minion-lo god tho handsome mm and ta,rti:l they would not noon tor. gm the 1;!m1nPM of their friend; PREENTATION T0 MRS. MATHERS fully acknowledged the glfl. 21115711: kindaess of the member: during her tour years residence in Waterlqo.. Tho tuc'hon' monthly "pour um received and ”he. The In- actor's uni-Annual rqtort In “no On Thursday the members of the “CCTV. presented one of their number Mrs. (Rem) F'. M. Mather: with a beautiful casserole prior to her Inning for Saskatoon where she will FRESH VEGETABLES AT WEEKLY MARKET SERVICE AT METHODIST CHURCH At me Wineries ivielhmllst Church nn Sunday morning. Mr. Thos. Hil, llard delivered an interesting and profitable addreuc on the book of Job, There was no service held In the evening. ' YOUNG FARMERETTES. On Tuesday Miss H. Zinkann and “his Gertrudo Hohmelar. left for Vine- land where thy will spend a month working on a fruit farm. With many topt' young ladies may have respond- r-ri to the can tor greater production. There was an abundance or fresh vegetables offered at the Waterloo market on 1iaturdatr. A “Billet! sup- ply of homo trrowtvistrisrrtmirttns' were quickly disposed or at 26 cents per "ox. Butter brought " and " cents per pound and eggs 38 and 49 cents per dozen There was only a fair attendance of farmers and townspeople. Farmers state that rain is hadly needed at utmwherriee show little growth the last few days." HOLIDAY QUIETLY OBSERVED bones-mm Wifhthhottb'tl#ttff. ENJOY ED PHOTOPLAY. " WATERLOO NEXT THURSDAY Iii-n. W. G. Would. P. In s,l'll.Tdu'.uu2,'td.Vi2t r-at-tteta/iF-toF-iii-ri-ir, -rnrttttedtu an in! 'hr.Ssthq A happy event or the 18ttt'imst, and 0.0 with tsud annular inter-t for that hull of “in Clty friends. ya: the nun-sue or In. M. Walter. daw ghur I It. and In. John Lang. Kitchen“, to Dr JP. M. Cllhhau of Tomato, Dr, and In. Cnllnhnn have taken up their relideco It 92 College Street, Toronto. where they will be at home to their my {dend- al’ter Oct- lat. Mm. cum will be smelly mined In loch] Ind patriotie circles In Kitchener. bding u unarnl hvorim, as wall as the very chattel“: Presl- dent of the Preepurt Mint-17 Hoapltnl Auxiliary. This past week centered In the school closings. and many or the students from the various colleges re- turned home for. the Bummer holidays. Amongst the lutbr arrivals are Miss Margaret Brertthaupt' Ind Miss Helen Wltzell of Bishop Slrachan's School, and Mr. Hon-race Hall, of Upper Can. all: College. Toronto. Urn. Alex. Howie returned home last Friday. Accompanied by her grandéon. In. Norma unborn. utter a visit of several weeks with Mr. and Mrs. Hadley Hilborn at Brooklyn, N. 1 Rov. J. H. McBain. B. A., has as- }sumed the pastorate of Trinity Mutiny 'dict church. and was accorded a (hearty weteotmt try large conrgogn- Mons last’ Sunday. Mr, McBaln has Siiii the guest of Mr. and Mrs. A. A. 'retry, " Annual sun-pet. west, until the arrival _ot.Mrs. McBaln and three dam ghtms from Simeon early next week. Rev. Mr. Mather: and his good wife, who has also been most energetic in the Work of the trortgtreggMlott, wort- the gupstu of honor at a largely at. tonded conzrvgntlonal and , Sabbath School picnic held on Manny after. noon, win-n they wore mule the happy mclpimls of wry handsome tokens or apreclnlloh or their united serving as well " that of their ontlmable family. in the higher" and treat lnlorvstn of the mun-gallon in Waterloo. [ in. Run: A. Dime was " 1mm: tl took at the of to: pare-u Mr. and In. Win. leDouaull. Mr, and Mrs. wmmn “on and ulnnghlvru, Jessie and Aggie, re‘lurnod the end of the week from a delightful! motor "In through New York State. Ibo “Hod Tom-lo. After an enjoyable week-end visit in Kitchener, sum Sergeant Potter has returned to Ottawa, accompanled by the family. who have taken a house t the Capital for the Summer moh- t B. After four years of splendid servicn Rev. F'.'M. Haulers, nu. the beloved Pastor ot the Waterloo Methodist (Yhurcn. preached his farewell sen mans last Sunday. having accepted a can to Sukaioon, Sank. Ree. Mr. Mathers made hosts-of irivnds in Wat. erlo, and leaves with the kindliwt possible (selling ot the people. who learned to esteem him tor his own sake, as well as for the faithful work he slid as minor and preacher. Mrs. D. W. Houston ma Mrs. J. J. Portim, ot Kitchener are chapemning a hmwh of Canadian honours tor n rnmmxm at “BIdt-mWPe" Cottage, 'Hatekrnnr." fto0ttruntain, Ont. Mrs. a n nrirker and Mrn F'ortrm tron _ tho heinous-n of tho Water. loo l‘rnshyu-v-Lm Lumpy Aid Soviet}! on Thursday Stl;',',?,; who!) Hm M. d." nmoyc-d a tttttttttl arlnmoon the ttPatti) vvrnndah n! M", Rm? nr'n homo, which land! itself " ad -. ably tor nn ettte:ttMtttrtortt of t n kind, A home madv baking ”It w I u pupal» loam" r (in: TM. wh brought - gingflau-m (or t V [mid thing: on 'tht,", at. . thatch, gunman; mum all!” Mist}? A. Bruce is the snout or Mr. and rs. C. M. Robertson at their summer home on Lake Slmcoe. I", P. It lubr- uni - ha." on My hr Saskatoon. with he will ”can It! pastoral. ot the Hellcat: church. Mrs. J. H. Webb Ind Miss Helen Hail, ot Toronto, were the guests 'ot Walkerton friends this week. tiourrie cottake,' Pot} cGuuiriiisie koka, where they will spend the month of July. A Mr. and Mrs. G. M. World and fam- ily left toalay for their summer home at Port Francis. Miss Ada Kruger of Qlevglund is 599941an a few weeks Wm: Mis, ' onqe Jthitr. . Mr. and Mm. ‘S. J. Williams and the Misses Williams have gone in their summit home, Wewbec island. (georgia"" B y. _ - Mrs. S. M. English, at Dallas, Texas. is spending a Yaw weeks at the home of Mr. and Mrs. F' .G.. Glace, 19 Schneider Ave. . Mrs, (Row) C. A. Sykes and family In" on Sunlrdav for Winnipeg wher- they will Join Rev. Mr. Sykes. The party Tort. on the 9.12 train for Surnin Where they will take the boat tor Port; Arthur. Mrs. Svkes’ many (minds in Kitchener will, regret her departure. Mr. and Mths. n. Alexander Bean and W!“ my: in»? mm ", .94 GL ut _ Bu. ”not word of I Ill-30! Us blotter it aitrpeftu "This t “datum-II- PM wank-cm an , Bubwsm-NOII ‘l , “name-thew“ the mwmacmmmdmu win In. Creat- h u an let w var-Or. who I. I m hf cumin; hor awe-co will in. I“ mum-g . roan-hm- an I can!" ber intone-sin manna of n “my BO den to her mu recs! " ttVW' lion on the conclusion all Add“. when I very hearty and em Iluuc vote ot Appreciation m lends a but on motion or Mm. H. J. Sims " m E. P. Clement. with the BIKMI‘. " that her vial! my be oepeated I an early any. I!" Bessie Ferguson at Winnipeg; is the guest of her sister. Mrs. R Huberer; for n anon. nan. on route to not home In Mmsrordi on. The soldier boys nt in. rt'tbeigrrt Mllfury Hospital were an - ro- clplema or an Orange shower this week. from St, Qtterttirt Chantal o. D. E., Waterloo, which wu granny turreeuted. The many friends or wilds-1F" Else?!" Superintendent at the K.AV. Hospita' will regret to learn that she has been‘ quite seriously ill tor agave-r31 days” iiiiitjmTtsmriprrrvtmramrirtvr1, [to he about again shortly, _ She will have trittCoro wish“: of her 'rlttrttitor n lurzn mt mum M nuc- N‘ss in the new work In which she purposes daunting her "or" and tal. emu. ”1".m’él .. l, Mr. and Mrs, John Koch‘ol Tut; lock were visitors tn town on Sunny. Mr. w. B. Knautr of Toronto, lent the holiday at his ham In WW x Mr, C, W. Samuel Med lb I011 Pte. Wilma at the alums: Mann on the Lab on Dominio- Day. _ Mr. and Mrs. David B. "claim daughter - the howl-y . with friends In Wmtra. ’ , ,1 Huron» hnr clapnrtun "1in two or gnuizullvnm M an ".iesMott ot than uitptectatittn of her sPrvires ant as an rvid"rseo or mod will prosnntnd her with n handsome silver mounted ttmheOtt. While a Walden! hare Miss Black was artlvel; associated with a num- ber'nt ortraniratioms, In the Metho. d.'st chumh she survml an an amour of the Semor Young People's Sovlety tirr a number of years and tho past year was president or tho Adult Bible Clues; ttivintt excellent service in both ponlllnnn. Pte Walton 31333 at Burlington who recently returned from lvnsm “mowed ac9ttaiutruMets in \Vaterioo tl is week and Is spending the holiday at Oliphnnt. lie-is convaleuclng from wounds received at the Iront. Buss Black who has been a valued amremeient member of thd leaching slat! 01"th Waterloo Cam. tral School tor the past five years re- Iinquished-me position with the clmu of the school term last weak. She will spend the Hummer'al- her home near Heathcote Unl.. and in Septem- ber .wlll no to Chicago where she will take a mane or study at the Moody Institute. Eldon Mama“ ot manual Ply. ing Cortm nt Torque In unending a week at his home In town. Mrs. Harry Hahn and daughter Cab. tharine are spending a' few days at the home ot her parents Mr. and Mrs. Wm. McDougull. Mr. Tim Philp of the Royal Air Force ls spending the wKek end and holiday with his parents 1r,/tsryd Nris. Geo. o. Philip, Alumna St. T WILL TAKE A ' “COURSE AT THE MOODY INSTITUTE Corp. w. C. Hearn, son of Junior Judge Hearn is spending,the holiday in this city with " parents. Corp. “warn went through the early battles" of the war and In at present convales- clng at Whitby Military Hospital. . Wirrthy Grand mama; /it,Pre or', dor of the Sworn Sue ttiti.. Robins mm. and Mrs. Nellie memo: Tor, onto, are visiting at the home 01.33:: J. A. Hallmnn, 216 Breithaupl St. Miss Grace Sykes. who'is engaged in farm work wlth a farge mm.” ot' ttte students n.tendlng the Whitby l‘oiloge. came up lrom Whitby on Fri day to hid goal-bye to her mower and haunt p‘ruvious to their uO'ar tum on the 11.15 train on Saturday, l ', *5I v_,_a‘. dam-In Baker In concluding his thldr a 'rtetetd that It " the intention 1.9%. National Ornnlmtlon short. Iv, a. My . number of mum ten by (no l o‘rnmpnt. Captain as}??? was .of agnplnion that there w r0 over 7,000 blind, in (Inn-dc two thirds of whom Mama allicied "ter rem-hung their 2190. year while about six per cent immune blind hero"l they reached the age of 'tvet And mm per cent horn hllnd. " the proper medial carp would be tttr nn to lni’anta and" young childfen at homo and In the schools many ot them would not be muttering with this tttr. "Minn today. The appalmr bellman that it was the duty of ttte government to Me hold at this question. In some rnlmtrie" muttttted Multan are up- t,'l',Y by the ttort'rttmrtttt and Ma. oned at 1" the principal central when children may have their eyes ("govt and 1r1'ated_rree of ctmrare. g: med, with or with belt $1.25 to $3.60 I mod a i SPECIAL IN M1LLINERY--An, Colored There ah! about 600 soldiers at the school tor the Mind estaMiahed by Sir Arthur Pearson in England at tho local branch of tho W CT ll ttrtrry'nt'.' present time Upwanla or go Cana- dinn soldier» haw lwen Minded dur- ing tho war. snme of whom have ro- celved Instruction hnro. The ”maker said in England thertt Is also an im nluiinn for the civilian blind. He maid (Yunnan was perhaps thts must ltack, ward munlry in raring for thp blind. Even Russ“. he poinlol] out. cared tor over 80.000 blind annually below the war having free institutions establish ed by tho 001321"an -n All who are attending instruction school or have graduated are quite happy and do not regard blindnoss as an affliction but merely,” a handl- cap. The blind are also able to .play various mush-:11 Instruments. The speaker retterfod to an Institu- tion founded in England by Sir Arthur Pearson where all blind soldiers are~ directed the moment may are m to Rave the hospital. Here the‘men are, instructed in various trades includlng lmekel making. cobbllng, poultry. farming. masmsiits, stenography. etc. They are also taught to read trr; means at an embossed system, In-, slriwtors also :13st swlmmlng, mm In; .danclng tenclng and other outdoor! exercises. The latter are specially helpful for the blind men as It glvmi them more eoMtiettce and assists them m getting a proper balance. The, speaker said there In no reason why' the blind alumni not act the same as‘ anyone else. i He said the object ot tho meeting was to interest the diaerent chapters .0! the Daughter. of the Empire. Red Cross and also/the business men and others in.the very important tank of dentin: bar, tte Canadian soldiers» who are blinded In the war. Tho speaker said he and others interested tw this mark am visiting dithmsnt points in Ontario in order to create interest and in the near future it is the pur- posed to form a national organiza- tion in Canada and to establish Instr tutions in sot-m of the more central cities or the various provinces to car- ry on this work. instructors will be provided to teach the hll d various trades in order that they E, earn a Avoiihood, So that they will not be- come a charge on the country or Triends, H E L P THEMSELVES Capt. Baker Relates. What Is Being none for Bight- leaa Men in England. captauCrpuau; in. Ma opening re- marks, brletV referred to the war " its qt?y!uteRemont 3y) stated that he BARN} Hm TK, BUM} SililGi A most interesting and instructive address was given in the Library Hull. Wrterloo. Friday evening by Captain Baker of Toronto, one of the tVat Canadian Bowler-a to lose his eye-e 'truttt In the war. The meeting much was, attended by a large number of people held under the auspices otVthe Bt, QuenthChapMrr ot the Daughters of thaEmmre. _ - in Laure ,at Mount Kenimel in France in mum: 1915. ' Corsetmade,at.... CtHtMrPd. Goddess Corsets. the fine tittintt from laced Corsets, $2.25. $2.50 and . . g3 M v,__ W w" EFi EiiiiitiC"'C WW 'ttill-id':,","',":, Middles in plain wine or colored; trim. ed, with or with belt $1.25 to $3.00 SPECIAL iN MrLLINERY--An Colored Trimmed Hats It mm mammals-cm: 75e to $4.00 3mm) in Toronto had lemme Interest ‘ml in the manor. He said that thelIKL t he: organizations throughout Canada 'must lend thelr ahistance It the hm , [wow-mom m to meet with tho nix-com ll', dvservos. to Capt. Baker. RHEUMATISM ARRESTED Many people suffer with lame muscles and stiffened joints because blood impurities have invaded the system and caused rheumatism. To arrest rheumatism it is quite as important to improve our general health as to purity your t,Cll, and the cod liver oil in Scott's Emulsim- is nature's great blood-maker, while its medicinal nourishment strength-the organs to expel the infguritie: end up uild you; nrenglh. rm ry it. Tho death at the homo ot Mr. und Mrs Oliver Geiger. Young St. Water. loo at 4.15 o'clock Tuvsday’ of Mrs, Longhurnl, beloved wife ot Mr. Harm-p Longhtrrst, ' ’wus learned “in: “more. mum: by a wide circle of frivnlla. haceued hull been ~In failing health tor the past several yuan. A hurry vote of thanks to Capt, liakur was moved by Dr. w. L. Hit, Hard and tuyconded by Dr. J. M. Webb Im' the spit-mud address given. Mr. J. A. Harper acted as chairman of the meal-k A mum-lion taken at the dour matt- u: a was! sum which will be usad to furxher the course at the blind. MRS'. H. LONGHURST PASSED AWAY THIS MORNING Mrs, Doughnut Wu born m Ire. lnml and mum to lhh rnumry with ‘1' e The Less Waste ". r The Better' The Service l your strength. Ty m A m. Tali“. q The elimination of White in the teléphou {is hairless mean}; imam mice. "Whercd/ri' we can do away with any waste the or labor l '. ",' that may be involved in htmiahirtte MN. _ " can put an equal amount of time and labor into .' c .' theservice itself tothe 1senelitottdl telephone 'r" "SLOWW telephone accounts -.- the' , accounts on 'which repeated em: to collect tnust be made -- result in waged oftimeandlabor. F mm, , Most telephone use“ pay their bills promptly V" and the labor and time of collecting than are, ' reasonable. 'ps " A_Ih.zt_ss1e,rte subscribers overlook their bills or neglect way them" iAGiklf, and the iiki& at” collecting such accounts is lgborioua and time wasting. . \ j " q Help at, by the prompt payment Maegan“. to avoid waste time and iabor and to emu-en- trate on the enormous amount of twee-nary work that war-time condition. demand; The Bell Telephone a. of Calida trodnuterirtt... .. man-uh.....--M~ " Inc?- manhu' gawk -'Tirri'iei%-ttrmlJiiHriFliitia feeee'et “" tlisp. well-uh .... mummy. o.,". 1'd! Beeourwi_Nrt4.mr0+ 7:. mod and ready to wear Mt! f. n; a Ttttt towmrMo of W ' " Convention wm In 1: - 'qrttiMettttd'itt loo. Mrs. Gordon Wright Oh ion Presldont. will Do {It . The members of the t W Presbyterian Sand" school “I! negation enjoyed their ennui I at the Waterloo perk on My: noon, An interesting mom a' Min sportsi wen run " and awarded the encode“!!! in tho games. After the _ 1 "mum picnic mapper was Id Thom- thrt mute em ' . attend the picnic m rnknom in their " that It was one of the ttttd mi and adorable m Mf, Deceased was s womnp of ' Km amiable dispoMtton. She was. qteitt to her family and her Christi; ell "/ily endeared hit to a host t' 1t,t er banned us a brt . will have the ”mum, Jun: 'a cmnmunlty In thehf hog: ("Aka The funeral mu thkq blidb_ Hm residence ot her daughter oliver Gals-r on Thursday and at I o‘clock when I "tyrt'it w10 be held after which the :93 w-!: be taken to Toronto ,tiprd' “out will take DIME in’ Stu: cemetery. . . he! parents locum: in. -coritiitii.' A“ 37 years ago she was tt"l,Stf a Horace Longhurst who NI ' daughter. Mrs. Olive! 'hstttet Mt vive. Also two sisters In4ottrrttet. After their marriage they _tCr.ett' in Brampton, Hamilton. and "fungi, coming to Waterloo 29 yew-I 'at Where they have alnce resided: mm; PRESBY'TERIAN [ "r: PICNIC was; My , ma tgtriRah"t'it The unlit A it 5- migraine: 33 Phone 3151', ff,, :1; Wai an it“ Jty dt

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