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The Chronicle Telegraph (190101), 4 Jul 1918, p. 11

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on eattle, choice. 313.75 o $15.00i 1. mdlum ..... .. 12.15 a; 14.00 tmils..... .......10.25@ 11.50; not cattle, choice 13.00 @ 13.75s I, medium ... .... 11.75 a) 1950 b,eommon........ 8.50@ 9.00 no: can. cholce . 10.50 o 11.25 p, medium .. ..... 8.75 ep 9.50 gunmen”... ... swan 5.75 steer: ....... 9.00 6 10.50 n. choice .. . .. 9.00 © 10.00 "ton..... ..... use: 8.75 . light q....... 80.00 o 150.00 [ . choice .. .. 90.00 © 160.00 an“ .. ....... 14.50 © 16.00 ..culla......... 6.006) 12.00 p...” ... e...... 20.00 © 23.001 tti.t.'1wrrrr.lhil't, 13ml r.o.m..........1h00© 17.25 p. ..... ... _P._P. 16.00 a ii.Ul mm, July a-The trade at the . Stockyards this morning was Vllo' and prices were ttrmer. I were study; sheep and calves her. Receipts. 174 cattle, 165 it. 454 has: and 51 sheep. may?!» I," lb .. . v‘urdolen... ”can ... . i, futon LCM” ... ... ... ... .... 6.85 ..... ....... ..w... 225 to 2,30 ' ..... er.... ._.. 1.25 to 1.35 pa non ........ 3610 to 37.40 briuici ton ..e .. 41.00 to 42.04) I, bully. cwt. ... ... 5.76 6.00 .tiUh trade ..... .. 6.00 6.50 "RATIO” IARKETO. gun-mom, Juno mm, mm w' byihel . LWuLoo “an". M, Juno an, 19m. g; ‘90! ltr, . . WM western. No. 2. 855ie; ,mm western, 82%e, at lake {It Immediate nhlpment: Ont. ' white. "e O 80e outside. .--No. 2, nominal. ,rt"rgtt---81.80 shipping points. 'eqd-- Manitoba brln. $35 ppr B, 840 per ton on track, Tor- ,_,.T|h I Wm."- V. uctlon valued by responsible valunton “320 "bre, any a ttttat " $3200. I am In a pooltlon to accept 40 par cent. .0 ”Palm prlu In Wont"! Iota, balance can be arranged. 'Thlu - m In rented, cold In crop payment: or worked. TM. "me " would apply to nvonuo-burlnq house property. GRAIN. .. nto. July 2.--- Closing prices: " wheat. No. 2 winter, $2.22; " wheat, No. 1 northern, ; No. 2 northern. 82.20%; No. 3 m. 82.17%. OUELPH MARKETS. Guelph. June M, 1918. :LmaA MARKETS Elmira, June 26, 1918. I. per ha; ewt LIVE STOCK. Incl ‘uum «In It. "it ,... ... 42.00 ... AS to .47 e... .34 to .36 .. . . . . . 20.00 17.26 to 17.50 8115 to $2.00 1.35 75 to 77 m... .36 . . 20.0ft . . . . .42 . . . 1.10 $2.10 6.46 . 6.70 r 6.66 2.10 16.00 12.00 23.00 18.50 17.25 17.00 112 5.85 5.85 145 2.05 1.80 " 2.12 2. Upon timely and repeated spraying. Spr-ying should ‘be com- menced when the plants are from an to eight inches high and repeated n. intervals of from a week to ten days throughout the growing season. From three to seven applications will he required, the number depend- (in; upon the weather. the wetter "tro-a-ter-thes more frequent the awning. , MAM .. Tomato. July A--- mwu: New Datum-n. out; Ont-run. 31.15; to“ ”tan, M --- _ _ Inn-mu. July E--- he ton a the W It: you“. continued mun; ttdar and - in . viola-lo ”Ir tttng "1 word 1 [Inlet advance at 'dtrlt to 50 cent: per m, selling a . . HAY. Toronto, July 2.-- Hay: Baled, track, Toronto. carlotn, No. I, ttt I. $14; No. I. mixed. '" to 812; "er. cur loll " to 88.60. X - "uaGanitrr-- an. m}, 2, per ton. cu Iota. $16.50 to 815. Can Be Prevented by Thorough Spraying. Won-curl Mceuncl ln Butt Bwintt-- The Bummer 1mAttttte Ila-tiny Are of Bent-In to Every Woman who Attendb-'ropicn to he Db- ensued and Work Planned. (Conulbuloa by Ont-do Deparu'nonl o! Atrrtctnttaro. 'rorooto.t In combating the great majority ot fungus diseases methods ot preven- tion only are praetteabte. Spraying potatoes is not dune to cure but to prevent dineasse. In other words the object of spraying in to cover the sur- face of the leaves and stems with a substance. poisonous to the spores ot fungi, in which they cannot grow, and penetrate the plant. Spraying, therefore. in order to be etteetive. must be timely and thorough. .The spray mixture must be on the plants before the spores reach them and the lurtace of the leaves Ind stems must be covered so completely that there is not the smallest space on which a spore can germinate. A OTATOES are sprayed to our vent such fungus disease an, Early Bushman: Late Blight" and Rot. These diseases are csused by plants known as lungl Those fungi which derive their nourishment trout living plants insure them in so doing in various wnys and thus give rue to that Ire known as fungus diseases. GREAT POTATO WASTE "i:tiieient%prariru, ot potatoes de- pends: - - ‘. 1. Upon the use of the proper fungicide. Bordeaux mixture has so tar proved to be the only satisfactory spray mixture for potato diseases. 3. Upon the liberal use ot Bor- deaux mixture. From 50 to 150 gal- ions ot Bordeaux mixture should he used per acre at each application. 4. Upon thorough spraying which min. the covering ot every portion ot the plsnt with the Bordeaux mis- ture in the form ofir tine mist. This can be done only when the solution is applied with good pressure so as to insure covering every portion of the plant. The best results from spraying are obtained when potato sprayers are used which are titted with T-joint attachments. so as to insure covering both surfaces of the leaves at each spraying. 5. Upon-tspraying before rather than after prolonged rainy periods. Infection of the plants takes plaée during or soon' after rain. Therefore it ta of the utmost Importance to have the spray mixture on the Planta whcn the rum eomcs.--Prot. J. E. Hewett, Ontario Agrlcultural Col- lege. _...._..¥. (iiiiiiiiiii iiiiiiiiii" 'iijiifiiitiiiiiit , 'utumirtetotiilandtrrnn 4hutada,XArgeTr-tPtli' Victim to Enemy TrBtrab--uartdo- Outl- Gon- voyod Eighty Amy Radial: and fourteen Km London. July 1.--A German lub- mnriue TO mile: from tho Irish can! on the night of June S? torpedoed the 11.000-tott hospital ship Lltuutorery Castle. which had been chartered by the (‘anadlan Government and ttad been In the service of carrying wounded and sick trom Englnnd to Canada tor many months pant. The ship was the on her way to England. she had on uofrtidert8 persona, includ- ing 80 men of the Canadian Army (Medical Corps and 14 Iemale nuruen. The submarine commander, who or. dered the captain ot the Linudovery Castle, several ot his utFrs and Major Lyon of the Medical Corps ah- oard, declared that he had sunk the ship because she was carrying Ameri- can aviation otticers and others in the fighting service or the allies. He add. ed to this later-by asserting that the vessel was carrying munitions. be cause ot an explosion which had oe- curred aft. Up to the latest reports only 24 of those on board, including the captain. have aurvtved the treacherous attack, which came without warning, Red Cross Shown. All lights war burning when the [.lnndovory l‘aaile was torpedoed. These included a huge electric cuss over the bridge and strings of white and green lights on either slde.,'i‘he Red Cross on the sides of the vessel were also illuminated by electric "plum It is assumed that the " nursing alslers reached a lifeboat, but, so far as known, Ihere was no trace of tttent alter the ship sank. According to Red Cross information many were killed in the engine room. There is hardly any Gaul)! of this. as there was no response to Captain Syl- vester's signals from the bridge after the torpedo struck. As the engineman were either killed or left their posts, ther was no one to shut " the power. and the ship kept on Tiff way despite the great holes torn hy the torpedo. not beginning to slowdown until wat, er rushed into the boiler room. extin- guishing the tires. This added to the confusion In launching the Helmets. There was no panic. however. and by the time the LtimhieFr Castle 1051 'her" momen- tum.morrt of the boats were over the side. Those above decks began climbing into them in good order. but many were unable to reach the boats. and the ship was sinking rapidly. They jumped mm the sea and a few or them were picked up. According to information received by the Canadian Red Cross here, Major Lyon. from the Llandovery Castle. was forced to stand in the canning tower, despite an injured toot, while the German submarine omcers ques- tioned him. The Germans insisted t,hat Major Lyon was an aviation omcer, despite the ottieer's strenuous denials. The Germans even threatened to shoot Major Lyon, contending that he “as an other of the tighting unit, and not a medical ofttcer. Cruel Treatment. The admiralty report on the sinking describes the cruel treatment of Major Lyon and declares that the submar- ine, alter sinking the vessel. shelled BRUTAL WNDUOT or U-BOAT COMMANDER 234 ARE MIOSINO. London, July A-- (Gun-dun Pmtaa)--No additional Iuwlvon of tho Canadlan honoltal um. Llnndovny Cantu, Corpodood by a German submarine, have nach- od land. Tn. number miuln. I: 234 out oe 26tr nurses and men on board. London, July L-The admir~ ally statement on describing the sinking of the Llnndovery Castle follows: STATEMENTQOF "About 10.30 o‘clock on June 17. 116 miles southwest ot Fast- net. the hospital ship. Llonlluv- err Castle, was lorpedoed by an enemy submarine and sunk In about ten mlnutes. She was homeward bound from Canada, and. therefore. there were no sick or wounded on board. but the crew rouslslml of 164 on. CPrn nml mun, and she carried 8U (‘anadlan Army Medlmla and " female nun-war "or this mm of 258 nnly one boat containing, 24 survivors, hall so tar roaehed port, Svarrh In Mill being made and there, In a ham possihlllly that others may yet tre found, Prrtterred Murder. "tt in to he nulml that In this, an Imleod In nil other Instances, the German u hmaritte had a porlm‘t right t slop and march the hosplml hip under Thu Hagut- mnvenllnn, hut aha pre- ferrml to torpedo the [.landov- cry Paulo," "mtrmeutyn' awful dorm to the world communes to grow. An- other hnnpltnl nhlp ttttrs been inrpmlnml. this timo 70 mllas trom the nvaronl land. and hour peopto fumed adrift In Ihnlr boa!!! to nlnk or nwlm, ll they be" miRttt, killmnmwmly the ndmlraIw Inn-Ind the following comment on the all-king: "And Ihnugh, In it hnmned. who was a t'ttttttditttt hnan-l thin, ralnrnlng from Halifax, wtth no wounded rm Mara. "In tttlo of ttrimo rnvaaln a qulon :It-Il'wrnllnn on the nun of the ttttbrttttrfrro mmmnndor, and " mmu. “mitosis Hm hope on Na pm that he would find her full of Injured nnd,lyo!pleu men" (i8illlllllllr, 234 ARE STILL MISSIIE No Panic. THE ADMIRALTY. Threatens to Shoot. "Come aiongsirits. I will shoot with ‘my big gun." shouted the submarine 'commander. The boat lay alongside “he submarine and the captain prolr ahly the man picked up) was ordered on board. in (use he nhouid he made prisoner and kept- on board. he gaw- the second mum-r. who romainmi in the “that. the course to steer. He was then taken to the, cottnirut tanr of the gully marine where two "ttieers awaited him. "V u unknown lug“, which it mm» on might have bea the mutrlrttr WIPE The capttrin'. boat, eontaittuta the tsurvivors. Ila- plckad up by the det Btroyer Luanda. the commundor of which nu reported that he had found nu trace of the remalnm; tiee box". The annually, aluminum on the sinking of the houpélnl ship said, In part: _ - - --- "It was duting the night of June 27 towards 10MO. that'tho crime occurred. The Llnndovery Cutie. steaming an her cuurse at some " knots, showed the usual navigation and regulation hospital ship “shill. Under the over- can! sky she was plain to see and could not be mistaken tor anything but what she was Au ship immune by every law of war and peace trom attack or molestation. Without Warning. "No one on board saw the wake oi the torpedo. The tirtrt intimation ot the presence of a submarine was a Jar and the roar ot an explosion from an Thon the lights went out, “All thttt followed, save when a dim light was ublulnvd from an Huerxency dynamo, just before the ship launder- ed, took place in the darkness. The Luglnes were running to stop, then lull speed aswrn. but from the en ttine-room came no answer. "The "sham-sod routine ot the ship however. held good. With the Ger It'un enemy one must be prepared tor "very emergency like this, and along the darkened decks the era-w arrayed to the boat stations and stood by for orders to leave her. "From the bridge the captain's megaphone. loud in the night. bade them to hold till way was on 'the ship The carpenter was att making exam~ inalion of the damage. "In his wireless cabin the Marconi operator was trying In vain to trans~ mit the ship's position His key gave nu responsr'. The spark was gone. "The earpentor's report was Ihat No. 4 hold arm was blown in and that the ship could not roll-am aftoat. The order was given to lower {may the boats and abandon the ship. "The other commanding the (‘nna- dian Army Medical t'orps on board re- ported that his people were out. This is important in view of the fact that no boat but the captain's has been picked up. Leaving the Ship. "Save tor any of the ship company. or the engine room crew who "my have been klllml In: the explosion of the torpedo, " is clear that every one got away. Oreo nf tho small hours. called aCeddent hosts, was held back for those lasttn leave the Mtip, but Wtidh Tm The 6tWet's tpete titvar-t1te captain went to his cabin for an elec. tric torch. and, on returning to duck. found that this also had gone. "Come alongside." repeated the brusque voico from tho, submarimu The boat hold on its way. and forth. with two revolver shots were tired at or over It. "The aubmarlno halled the boat in English: " "Come alongside." it ordered. "The boat was pulling down In pick up u drowning mun Tho, second om. oer stood up and shunted hack: "We are plcking up a man from tttrt water." “The annmmlef asked him sharp ly what ship is that 'Y' V "Ymr-the commander did not at- tempt to be surprised.” In" you are carrying night American flight om. cars," ' "We are not." replied the captain 'We, have svvon Canadian medlral orfticorr, on board. The ship was char- tered by tho t'anadian Gnvernmvnt to carry nick ind wounded Cami-Hans from England m Canada .. _ "To tho sulvmnrqu eommander's teitPratml: "You httei' hot-n carrying Amorivan fright nmm-rs," ha admit-:1: -"It in thé Llandovery Castle," ans. wered the captain. "I have hum running to (‘mmda tor NIX months with woumied. I give you my word of lmnur that we haw var- rlml noun mun-pt panning. tttrviicat Muff. (wt-w and sinlvrnf .. The rmnnmlt-r thott alvmnnrlt‘li If ulrrn worn any Canadian Inmlu‘nl of. ficPrs, In the Gun; and ho wan Inlll there was (um Hp ordered him to come aboard. FARMERS, ATTENTION! specially for your needs. which we bought at a specially low price. This wire is the best on the market to-day and you'll do well to let us supply you with your wire needs now. All wire will he sold at exétptionaiiy low prices while it lasts. We received this week a large shipment of best Bucher & Son HARDWARE MERCHANTS. Opposite City Ball, Kitchener. GALVANIZED MACE WIRE "WWB In our out" has?" uked tie captain. The "tannins nominal-1‘ or did not an". He in watching the Chadian momma oMcer balm; roughly hula! on board mm thrutst don; the deck. Thin vu done no No {may uni wnh Inch plain Intentlou to Injure the Pan-dun. Mum Lyon. rt the Canndhm Medic-l Corps, that 'e actually had . Imall hone In his not broken try the handling he receiv- ' ml)! to the captain's qlieulkin he 'no. m ned over his should" with Ms tlehi “use: northward; - _ A - "Malor Lyon was interrogated. af- ter protesting an a medical otticer. nn-I ordered hack into the boat. . The cup- taln also was allowed to go. Tho "out was cast oft and pulled away (mm the submarine “There Win another German oMcer '1: the canning lower. the second In unmnand, who had not yet spoken. In "The submarine began to circle "zruud the wreckage at full tspeed. Several timeu it shaved the boat nar- :owly. once swirling past within two “vol of it; once it stopped and again ook the second and fourth omcers aboard and qunistioned them. A New Emu-e. - "By this time the submarine com. mander invented a new amuse" lie stated that there was a big explosion att as the vessel mink. and that. therefore, he must have been curry- mg ammunition. The second omcer c)(plninetl patiently that this was the explosion ot the boiler and the fall- ing ot" the tunnel. They were allowed to return to the boat. which then made sail and proceeded. Attain for a while tho submarine rim-Mi and threatened her by swoop- Ing close to her. then moved off and sremed to come to a stop, From this rusitiun. says the captain's omeial statement, she opened fire at an un- u'l-‘ll target. firing about 12 shells. "It is pnrhaps too early yet to ‘tllOSS what the unseen target may have been. Pusan.” the other boats almn'they are picked up can furnish “vim-m1: on this point. "The captain‘s boat had been tow- ml for some distance while abmgside the, snlmmrinc. Nothing was to he soon ot the others. Since no wireless was sent out there was no hope of as- >§htanre arriving from the north. The captain. therefore. decided to makn vnr tho Irish coast. to send help, After sailing and pulling for about 20 mil, --;-. Ihoy wow picked up by the dead 1"_o3uttt Lysander. whirl: Irwmediatelyl, sent a wireiusé that search should Gl n-mlo tor the other survivors. and unwind the occupants ot the cap- lnin's boat into Quernslnwn." ”The Liartutrsuasy-caat1a m 11.423] Inns gross and was hum at Glasgow in 1914 tor service for the iuiii,Tl'ri'il, IV. Mail Steamship servlce The shin was 500 feet long, 63 feet beam and 37 feet deep., READ AND ADVERTISE IN THE DAILY TELEGRAPH, _ Fastuet is ort the southwest coast of Iceland. Do You Appreciate Good w ork -_-- Good Values for Your Money Get both by dealing at THE CONESTOGO REPAIR SHOP I do all kind: of grinding Inch " Lawn Mowerl. Binder and Mower Knives. Clippers. Plow Shares. etc.. and ming and uumming of Sawl. alto repair all kinds ot wagonmatrers wood. work and Furniture, Picture "ammo done. Before buylnq elaewhere come and Bee my Btock of new Cleveland and second-hand Bicyclea. all kinda of re. pairs and acceuorlos. Bicycle repair- ing done. "‘ t guarantee call-faction. My pricca are reaaonable. . HARRY G. HACH BORN Best Equipmeoh Ofttee Phone, Winn-loo " W. Shim: residence, Waterloo, 333K Ed. Lipporl. reuldenca phone Mt Store phone, Kitchener, 570. BoiscrikDsiws - Waterloo " VBOHLENDER'S]? No extra charge for motor hear". q 'tEi-im-usb-ei-r-i'"".. 'vt,, ’. s" ‘Mnmmmdmmmmm mu-w-mwmw' _ -etam-'otr-ute-t.-th.rr'ttgtta)emrreCa' ammunacmuulummut wamm-MwI-n.... llndertaklng SHINN a LIPPERT vets-tbor-master-emu-er-em'-'-."-.-".. no em: mu. Reasonable Priest. t_1mttmttmmtnttmtmmrnttmuttmmt, , Why not buy your mum g E hero and at the belt , = it. EDGAR FISCHER 'ii. ii 8mm: to J. B. menu. 's'.. E Phone 243. Wtgteiato. b" 'i'immtmmtum-s--uaof, JnuttTtmmmmMmmMnttw.Tntrmtt. Klan sweet Offlco, Waterloo Mutual loud. Inc. Eutabllnhod ttIM. II no hue your want! nup- phed here. We dwnyl keep on ma chow: Beef, Pork,,Lamb and Home-made Sausage A80 You Appreciate First Some of the Department feature} of every inane of MACLEAN'B In: Review of Review- condensation ot the bent biographical. seumttttet, literary and descriptive articles appearing in current periodical literature. . N The Built-cu Outlook-an informative artide dealing with commerce. ttnance, invmtnwnts and insurance-for the man in the street. Women and Their Work-a department of special interest to Canadian women. SIX PER GENT. Real Estate Phone 185. As a good Canadian, desirous of knowing your Canada hotter Ind 'gtk subscribe to MACLEAN'S MA0Azi.'0r---tor yourself. home and his do wttout you wish to favor with some exhibit of your good-will. Subscription price is $2.00 per year after Dec. 16th. Order tram your bookseller. or direct gram the putrtushorts-- Have some very good op- portunities at present to place your money in good investments at 6 per cent. payable half yearly. Get full particulars at my of. fire. YOU will ttad no other magazine more entertaining And none on)" so satisfyingiso much worth while to you In I Claudio]: in love with you: own country. Among its regular and frequent contributor. in these distinguished authors: A. K. crossman The tret-ear' Publlthing Go.. Ltd, 163 University Av... Toronto. GENERAL INSURANCI AGENT th A. Boehm ttir Gilbert Parker Rob-rt W. Sorvlco L. I. Vito. Stephen Leacock Am. C. Llut Alan SuIllv-n Phillips Oppenhelm Nellie McClung Peter "ttArthur Arthur Stringer Lord Northctitre H. F. Gad-by Mn. L. M. Montgomery Arthur E. MOP-run. These contributors are a pledge to you at the quality ot.... MACLEAN'S MAGAZINE. and. ot the. Canadian nvor which is distinctive ot MACLEAN'S. Class You can know your Canada better and well by rudlng each month M-cLo-n'l Magnum. Our Own Country 1lllhcLllihN'$ -----s'-s, CANADA a MAGAZINE: Meats Bo you see how complete I. Waterloo Hobart W. Sorvlco Am. C. Lin: Nellie McClung Lord Northctitre Number unlimited. Highest market price paid. Next shipment Wednes- day. July 3rd. 1918. Waterloo Mutual Fire Insurance Company. We". and Dtrectttgi.- . Georg. also“, Pram-M. “in Allan Bowman, Vin-Prom, Pun.- Dr. J. H. Webb, . Wain-Io. J. Howard Simpson . Gual’b J. Howard Simpson . Gut! J. L. WIdomIn, . N. "ttltll Jim- lelnpton, . In“ P. E. shown. . . Pr“ 8. a. Brick", . . Want-loo Rlchard Rmhmnn, V Wand“ L. w. CHUH, I. I. IIOHTIL. Manager. Iago-Cor. c, A COIN". “new! Agent. anemia m a“ TOTAL Assn; an DEth, m4. OVER "6tMttttt “lint-mm. m “Land! and m the mm In oeatrhtrd In our “all. Curry - brunch“. Hutch. In luv. n you‘ve hurl " our ham n I. I“ drop-alum. - in. vary low prison. and of - the Inn Inch" - mutant.“ by us in only particular. II. val.“ for a lit”- mmy |I out motto. A William's UNDERTAKERS ‘AND . , FUNERAL DIRECTORS Calls from all put-h of (he county promptly attcndod to. Phone 80. Night Phono 207W. MASTER AND HUNSBEROER. will do well to get their Human Needn at this More. The hon of home" may be (our-d he". nanny Ind promptty done. W. G. Brueckner Hogs Wanted . Satisfaction guaranteed. K I NG .74 WATIILOO. LETTER a DREISINGER Repairing and oiling hum.“ Farmers At Baden IADIN, ONT. Waterloo.

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