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The Chronicle Telegraph (190101), 20 Jun 1918, p. 4

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_ Four Returned Soldiers Reâ€" _â€"_‘seive Congratulations of _â€"~~â€" Duke of Devonshire. THE HOUSE. Lond*n, June 14 â€"The $wed‘sh Freameh‘p, Does 1,555 tons, was sunk without warning. Nine members of the vessel‘s crew were killed. J. Fischer, R. C Appleby, Misa L. M. Bruce, Miss Floronce Clement, Miss Caroline Bowiby, and Miss A. Jackâ€" In explainiag.the purpose of the league Capt. Coles stated that the Navy League â€" of â€" Canrda is affiliated _ with â€" the _ N \y Leaâ€" gue _ of the British Empire and is in association of voluntary mémb;s formed for, the purpose of carrying out wos «long similir lines as formed ior the purpose of carm ~g out work along similar lines as :»at followed bÂ¥ the Nivy Lewze of the Empire. Th threé gro.i nurposes of the Leag. n _ explaived, are 2 thorough1v r=anized educational campaign in ..atters pertaining to the Nav: ind Mercantile Marine. to raige funds for the relief of Brsish and Canadian saflor© nnd their deâ€" pendents, for sailors homâ€">. inscitutâ€" es and hospita‘s in C«nada ani throughout the Empire and to enâ€" enurage voluntéers naval brigades fw" bovs and young men in which thevy can recejve practical and theorâ€" eticrl instruction in seamanship to prepire thein for service in the Emâ€" pire‘s mercantile marine. ‘ Following the remarks of C;: t Coles it was decided to form a branch of the League in this city and to name it the Kitchener Branch of the Navy League of Canada. E. J. Payâ€" son was clected chairman of the bramch and . H. [obbie, secretary. CGeoree M. |Wedd, was made tre «=urâ€" er. The following eaecntive was el ented: A. H. Devitt, H. F. Eochmer F. E. Mack‘in, Mavor Gross. Rev. A Raise Funds for Relief of British and Canadian Solâ€" diers and Dependents. At a public meeting held in the Ciâ€" ty Council chamber Thursday evenâ€" ing a local branch of the Navy Leaâ€" gue of Canada was formed. The meeting was bricwy Addressed by Capt. G. C. Coles whe came to the ciâ€" ty for the purpose of organizing the league. ‘The meeting was presided over by Robert Sinyih. artann n Pot hy Che Isowh, t h *.â€"".h‘ Bay Co., Nuvuck, . & Pte. Daniel O‘Connell, who has been orderly at the Freeport Military Hosâ€" pital, and on Mond»y assumed a simâ€" #Har position at the Kitchenerâ€"Waterâ€" loo Hospital, is 54 years of age, and has an unusual and eventful military career. He first enlisted on the 13th of March, 1878, anu was attached with the Royal Army Medical Corps; he served in the Zu‘ulapd war of 1879â€"80; in Egypt 18$2â€"1886; in Chitrall 1892 and has joined the Canadian Army Medical Corps on March 27th, 1916. and went to F=~‘~nd with that corps returning to Can»d4 on March 2ist. 1917.. He went to Svdney, Cape Breâ€" ton, on the 6th of June. joined a transâ€" ‘port to France on the "thk of Juty. The ghip was blown up by an agrial torâ€" pedo in the harbor of Dunkirk. He escaped and then volunteered for the Noyal Naval Reserve at Dunkirk. He went abroad mine sweeper 89 on the 16th of October. and was again torâ€" Rdood off the Milford Haven Lightâ€" ip; was transferred to M. S. 322 on the 3rd day of January, 1918, which was torpedoed in the Medlterranenn‘ on the 2ist of April, 1918. He then returned to Canada and has since been «ischarged from active service. \ ‘An ive feature of the recep m to the Duke of Devon which indicated the interest be t in the welfare of the returned , was the inspection of the con of the @reat War Veterans‘ at Viectoria Park on Thurs morning . His Exceliency and the shook hands with each of the soidiers and spoitse words of to the war heroes. iletween h and thirty were lined up and 1 a guard of honor during the Cpremunies at the park. +»Ip conversiny with the soldiers the Duke asked regaiing their record of lce, and four of the ve‘*erans wore mended by His Excâ€"llency and #Tl! be suitably recognized n some fuâ€" ture occasion. ‘The four vetcrans thus mod were ‘tes. Bert Ostell, Harry rd. Tom Figures and Daniec} O‘Comne!). FORM BRANGH OF NAVY LEAGUE >Pte. Ostell wore the badge for serâ€" Â¥ice in South Africa, and r!so stripes ::' wounds received durinx vattles on e Somme. , Pte. Ayiward _ wore stripes for wounds received during the battle of the Mons, being one of the first soidâ€" mto don the khaki from this city. . Tom Figures served with the C. E. F., for about two years, was twice wounded and returned to Canaâ€" 42, and has since joined the naval sorâ€" vice. He was blown up by a mine in France and narrowly escaped death. y SPEGIAL SERVICE FPOUGHT FOR EMPIRE KEEP MINARD‘S LINIMENT IN SWEDISH STEAMER SUNK APPOINTED There ‘was a large attendance, in spite of the biiter cold and threatenâ€" ing weather, at Seegmiller‘g farm at Petersburg. More than 100 farmers from Yev. Diundee, Petersburg, Kitchâ€" ener, Breâ€"wu and elsewhere. had gath lnred duriug the day to witness the trial plowing with the Monarch Tracâ€" l ~* "Neve:s‘ip" and its usefulmess for hawing and stationary work. Mr. tNorman Shith of Toronto, was the 'demonafrator and, although plowing for the iirst time, kept the tract in ‘_nerfect alignment. Mr. D. G. Spencer, the company‘s factory superintendent. ectured on the special advantages of ithe caterâ€"pillar tractor, and assisted later in an exhibition of threshing. for which purpose the tractor‘s flyâ€"whee! was coupled to a 38 inch thresher with solfâ€"feeder and blower, running to exâ€" treme satisfaction. There were preâ€" sent Wm. Lautenschlager, Henry Klie, Allen C. Haliman, M. Toman, Gen. L_autengchlager. Geo. Elnwachter.‘ H. M. Schneider. M. Mader, C. M. Rueffer, Jno. C. Howling, Melâ€" vin B. Huether, Brothers Seegmilier, and others. The juice of two frosh lemons strained into a bottle containing thrce ounces of orchard white makes a whole quarter flnl of the most remarkable lemon skin mutifier at about the cost one must pay for a small jar of the ordinary told creams. Care should be taken to strain the Icmon juice through a fine cloth so no lemon pulp gets in, then this lotion will keep frosh for months. _ Every woman knows that lemon juice is used to bleach and remove such blemishes as freck)os, sallowness and tan and is the idoal skin softener, whitener and beaut ifior. Just try it! Get three ounses of orchard white at any drug store and two lemons from the grocer and make up a quarter pint of this aweetly fragrant lemon lotion and massage it daily into the face, neck, arms and hands, . How to make a creamy beauty lotion for a few cents. GIRLS! LEMON JUICE IS A SKIN WHITENER Judge Reade is a member of the Royal Arcanum and the Chosen riends. . He is a member of the Anâ€" «lican Church and before his, elevaâ€" tion to the Bench was always an rc: tive Conservative. _ _ Judge Reade was married on July ‘lllh, 1881, to Miss Edith Maltby Ashe, daughter of Mr. W. H. Ashe of Toronâ€" to. _ He has three sons, W. B. E. Reade, accountant of the Regina Branch of the Bank of Montreal, S. L. Reade, manager of the branch of the Dominion Bank at Marmora, Ont., and E. C. Reade, for a number of years with F. H. Deacon & fi)., Brokâ€" ers, Toronto, as office manager, and now a member of the 67th Battery Canadian Field Artillery. EXHIBITION PLOWING AT PEFTERSBURG Judge Reade was elevated to the Bench in 1912, being appointed Junior Judge of Waterloo County. He was Junior Judge for five years when he was clevated to the senior judgeship upon the retirement of Judge Hanâ€" ning in 1917." He was President of ‘he Waterloo ‘County Canadian Club and served for a time as Chairman of the Waterloo School Board. Judge Reade was admitted to the bar and began the practice of law in 1878, opening an office in Amherstâ€" burg. . He later went to Windsor, where he practiced for many years and then went to Toronto. ~ After practicing for about three years there he came to Waterloo, where he pracâ€" ticed for a time and then opened an office in this city. In 1908 hbe was made King‘s Counsel. , can Church in Orillia _ Judge Reade spent part of his boyhood days in Orâ€" illia and obtained his early education at Trinity College School at Weston. When he was 12 years of age his fathâ€" er accepted a call to â€" Grimsby, Ont. It was at this place that Judge Reade completed his course at the Grammar School. Following his graduation he entered Trinity College, Toronto, takâ€" ing the Arts Course from which he was graduated in 1875 with the deâ€" gree of B. A. In the same year he began the study of law with the firm of Murray, Barwick & Lyon, Toronto connected with which firm was the late Hon. John Hillyard Cameron, Q.C .mlh- M. Reade, K. C., Senior J for the County of Waterloo, was born in Orillia, Ont., on July 11. 1854, the son of Rev. Canon Reade, D.D., at that time rector of the Angliâ€" HIS HONOR JUDGE W. M. READE. ‘s Who In Kitchener year he the firm Toronto, was the The groom‘s‘ rift to the bride was a pearl and diamond pin, a gold handled umbrella to the brideamaid and cuff links to the best man. Aftâ€" er a honeymoon in Bu~alo the young couple will reside in Kitchener. The marriage was solemnized on Saturday, June 15th, at St. Luke‘s Church Toronto. of Miss Grace Rhoda Campbell, and Mr. Edgar Warkett, of the Customs House Staff of Kitchâ€" â€"ner, formeriv of the OQriginal Fira Battalion, C. E. F. the Rev. G. F. B. Doherty officiatine. The bride wore a blue suit with gray trimmings and hat to match afnd a corsage bouquet of Sunset roses _ Miss Andrews of Kitchener as bridesmaid wore blue silk gingham, white Milan hat, and carried Killarney roses. Mr. William H. Hamilton of Brantâ€" ford was best man. After the nereâ€" mony a Inncheon was given by Mrs. James R. Petric, aunt of the bride, at the Athelma. The guests inc‘uded ts. Nursâ€" in# sisters and Nnv.l{gg&om H.â€" M.H.S. "Araguaya." After the cereâ€" mony a pleasant time was spent on board ship. where tea was served. ind the presentation of a beautiful silver breakfast dish. marking the csteem the groom is held by his felâ€" low officers and the nursingâ€"sistersy The happy marriage was solemnâ€" ‘zred in St. Paul‘s Cathedral, Halifax, Nova Scotia, on June 4th., of Annie Elizabeth McDougall, elder daughter f Mr. and Mrs. J. McDougall Dunn, Kitchener, to Capt. Thomas Logan Towers, C.A.M.C., son of Mr. and Mrs. Thos. F. Towers, Sarnia, Ont. Major W. F. Barton, officiating. The ~ride who was given away by Capt. Donald Langham, wore a cream serge suit, with corsage boquet of roses and maidenâ€"hair fern and large white hat, and was attended by Mrs. Donald Langham, while the groom was supâ€" ported by Capt. Douglas Jeffs. The bridal couple left on a honeyâ€" mwoon trip to Toronto and other eastâ€" orn points, after which they will take 1p their residence in this city. The marriage took place in Tavisâ€" tock on Tuesday afternoon of Mr. larence Kruspe of Kitchener, formerâ€" ‘y of Tavistock, and of Miss Alberta Jowman, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. E. B. Bowman of that town. The preity affair was attended by the‘ circle of immediate relatives. The, uptial knot was tied by Rev. E. Stockmann of Trinity _ Lutheran| church; the event took place at the bride‘s home: | Miss Adeline Kruspe, of Stratford, played the wedding march . The bride carried a shower bouquet ; ;;"’:&‘;:h;:‘ ‘home: in. thisi city. f white roses. Her travelling attire, Tiout and Mrs. Wilson will make was a suit of grey faille and she wore ; tpejp home at 2801 Cotâ€" a Milan bat. 'l‘m‘a)e we?‘dlng gifts werof tage Grove Avenue, during â€" the numerous and autiful. Following | » rvice at Camp Dodge. the ceremony a wedding dinner was! eoom $ sert ce___.:. P * served to immediate relatives and girl ‘viends. Rev. and Mrs. Bentley left MUMFORDâ€"LACKNER m a honeymoon trip which will be ipent in Muskoka. They will reside m;:l;;’f:edw::'{":%‘;figfl “)'"“D‘lr“':gg '; “{;alton.' h’l;he tyoull:‘g eo;n |;le h;" Mrs. H. G. Lackner, on Wednésdny the best wishes of & “,t ptirient«. , at Kitchener when their daughter Miss May A. Lackner, became the bride of KRUSPE â€"BOWMAN. ! Torrence Mumford of Winnipeg. Onâ€" The marriage took place in Tavisâ€" |Y immediate relatives were present tock on Tuesday afternoon of Mr. 8t the ceremony which was performâ€" ‘‘larence Kruspe of Kitchener, formerâ€" ¢4 by Rev. Mr. Langâ€"Ford of St. ‘y of Tavistock, and of Miss Alberta .:’o‘hsn :n ;:";:gc‘;: aCl:‘r‘-arS:im;l;hesnz"?)? :ét.th.na&wt::::h‘t)e‘r :);MMr.w:l!\;'i h-:.;’e blue. ‘The dra.wlngi room w:s decorâ€" pretty affair was attended by the: 3t°0 in palms, syringa and | roses. circle of immediate relatives. â€" The glo‘::::"r':" lte':'f g:re;nol:)y'n:‘l':‘.] :;:,d lfr""p 3"”““ knot was tied by â€" Rev. E': to Buffalo. Upon their return they: Stockmann of â€" Trinity Lutheran j will reside in Winnipeg. Mr. and church; the event took place at the Mrs. Mumford have "‘::‘ best wishes bride‘s home: C rM?-: A‘:ll:‘llno Irusuna at Uiestitred I of a host of friends. ‘ The bride who wore g dainty dress of pussy willow crepe de chene vefled with embroidered georgette and aâ€"net vell caught with orange blossoms, was given away by her father. Miss Marâ€" jorie Stumpf, a sister of the bride actâ€" ed as bridesmaid. She was dressed in Nile green, silk crepe de chene. Mr. 4Faroid Jeffries of Toronto, acted as best man. 2 A very pretty June wedding took place on Saturday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. B. F. Stumpf, 226 Frederick slr%t. when their eldest ‘laughter, Miss Theodosia Beatrice, beâ€" fame the bride of Rev. Harold J. Bentâ€" ey .of Gravenburst. ‘The ceremony was performed in the drawing room by Rev. W. R. Osborne, a brotherâ€"inâ€"law allowed Passâ€"40 ‘per cent. of each paper ind 69 per cent. of total)â€"One failure "~etween 30 and 40 allowed in Lower School, if Honor Standing is reached one failure below 30 is allowed. Form IA to 11. Honorsâ€"Catharine Foster, Gladys Hamel, Pauline Harper, Greta Joyce, Mande McKeown, Helen Roos. _ Prssâ€"Helen Benson, Hilda Burn, Gertrudo Doerbecker, Robert Euler, Orval Hasenpfilug (Fr.), Earl Holtz man, George Hunt, Viola Her (Latin}, Oscar Kuntz, (Fr. Ht.), Doretta Lipp hardt, Merle Shantz. Form 1B. to 11. Honorsâ€" Milton Bender, Elva Carâ€" Form IfC. to HNIC. Honorsâ€"Irene Haehnel. Passâ€"Ella Knechtel, . Fred Mailer, Winnie Meyer, (St. P.), Elroy Scheiâ€" fele, llubert Thaler, Gordon Braun (Bk. Ar.). Passâ€" Marie Ferguson (Ar. R. C.), Leona Fiynn, Ward Gallagher, Charâ€" ‘otte MHalliwell, _ John Hiller, _ Vera Humphbry, Irmgard Knipfel, Lulu Mahn, Mabel Miller, Leota Milier, Harry Schultz, Plorence Seyler, Wil helmine _ Sterling, George _ Swartz, Fred Vetter, (St. T. Gr.), Ralph Winâ€" ters (Ar. Gr.). (Aiphabetically M}}r NxX COMMERCIAL DEPARTMENT, Honorsâ€"(75 per cent. and over.)â€" No failure allowed. Passâ€"(60 per cent .and over})â€"Not mare than one failure of 10 per cent. or less in obligatory subjects unless Y4onor standing is reached. Form 1€ to HC. R ‘ Honors â€"Dorothy â€" Devitt, Doratby Jaln, Alice Heimbecker, Rita Holâ€" nan, Florence Humphries, Irene Lipâ€" »ert, Vera Ratz, Violet Wiegand. Form IIC. Honorsâ€"Kathryn Steckenreiter. GENERAL DEPARTMENT. Honorsâ€"(40 per cent of each paper «J Ts ner cent. of total)â€"No failure WACKETTâ€"CAMPBELL Pretty June Weddings mcianoumtimt]June End Salef BENTLEYâ€"STUMPF TOWERS â€"DUNN. On their return from their wedding trip they will take up their residence in Ottawa. Miss _ Kathleen McDougall, the bride‘s youngest sister, wore a white net frocks trimmed with pink ribbons and a hat of pale pink talle and she carried pink sweet peas. Mr. and Mn.&ohler left later in the afternoon Detroit, Chicago, and Montreal the later travelling in a sult of sapphire blue taffeta trimâ€" med with silver grey and a hat of blue and grey Georgette to match. The best man was Mr. Gilbert Dehâ€" ler, of Kitchener, Ont., a brother of the groom. Following the ceremony a reception was held at the residence of the bride‘s parents Besserer St., the bride‘s mother wearing Saxe blue embroidered Georgette with hat to match and a corsage bouquet of pink roses. . | had made her :home in. this! city. « Lieut. and Mrs. Wilson will make j their home at 2801 Cotâ€" | tage Grove ~Avenue, during the ‘goom‘s service at Camp Dodge. She was atended by her sister Miss Laura McDougall, who was bridesâ€" maid wore a gown ofshell pink Georâ€" gette crepe embroidered and beaded. a black tulle hat trimmed _ with French flowers, and carried a bouâ€" quet of Sawver roses ronto. The bride who was given awâ€" ay by her father, looked lovely in her wedding gown of Liberty satin, the bodice embroidered in pearls, with a court train cut square and tulle veil arranged with a wreath of orange bilossoms, worn by her mother on her weddingâ€" day. She carried a shower banquet of Puhelia rosebuds. ! Passâ€"Olive Bowman, Victor Bowâ€" ‘mn. (Ht., Geog., Alg.), Friederick Breithaupt, Walter Breithaupt, Royal Brown (Latin), Edwin DeKleinkans, Earl Ernst, Arthur «Hilliard, Edward ,Reid (Geog.), Werner Schnarr, (Sp. Geom.) William Scellen, Harold Stahl, Oscar Stahl, Walter Weber, (Sp., Gm.) DEHLERâ€"MCDOUGALL i Ottawa Journal, June 12th, 1918â€" The marriage of Miss Mary Marguerâ€" ite McDougall, eldest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Charles E M.cDougall, to Mr. George A. Dehler, son of Mr. and Mr.s Dehiler, Kitchener, nOt., was solâ€" emnlze} at‘ 2.30 o‘clock this afternoon in St. Joseph‘s Church, the ceremony being performed by the Rev. Robert Dehler, brother of the groom. Pink and white peonies, sweetpeas, and carnations were used in the decoraâ€" tion of the church, and the wedding music was played by Mrs. Tasse. The ushers were Mr. Ted McDougall, Mr. Jim Revoolds. Mr. Jack _ Quinn, and Flightâ€"Licut. Vernon Ashforth, of Toâ€" Honorsâ€"Clara Feick, Albert Kueâ€" hner, Ethel Mielke, Catharine Roos. Passâ€" Esther Berlet (Geog., Ar., ; Alg.), Arthur Hewitt, (Aig., Lat.), | Alice Hilliard, Margaret Miller (Ar.), | Gordon Parker, Carl Pollock, . John |Potter, Geoige Puschelberg, (Als , Fr. ; and Lat.), Carl Rumpel (Sp.), Aibert ‘Solomon, Gwendolyn Sykes. | Form i!. to 1f18. ‘ Honorsâ€" Donald Roberts, â€" Lillian _Snider, Gladys Snyder. Form IHIB. to HIA. Passâ€"Anna Bauer (B., Ht. Lat.), Henry Bayer (Latin), Venetta Blankâ€" stein (B., Ht., Alg., Sc.), Lorene Benâ€" der. Eileen Clarke, Russel Detweiler, Anitta Doering, Louis Florence, Henry !Good, Medeline Greene, Clayton Heekâ€" endorn, Rose Hilliard, Hedwig Lincke, Evelyn Litle, (Alg., Tat., B. Ht.), Berâ€" nard McGinnis (Geom.), Hildah Merâ€" rett & Ht. and Sc.), Hugh Puksley. . (B. . and Lat.), Dorothy Richardâ€" ‘son, Alima Rieder, George Rumpel. Vio!a Snyder (Geom.), Homer Watâ€" son, Lester Whiting (Fr., Lat.). The wedding of Miss Edna Snyder to Lieut. H. C. Wilson, of the Three Hundred â€" and . Fifty first | Infantry, was uletl{,’ solemnized yesterday afâ€" ternoon at 4.30 o‘clock at Central Church pf, Christ, the Rev. , W. A. Shullerberger, officiating. Following the cerempny a dinner party for the bridal party was held: in the / Harrisâ€" Emery tearoom. Mrs. Wilson‘s forâ€" mer thome was in [Stratford Canada, though for the past two years she GIFFORDâ€"GERALO. One of the most auspicious events of The Des Moines, ta., Register, of June 9th contains an interesting acâ€" count of the marriage of a former Kitchener girl, Miss Edna Snyder, who made her home with her sister, Mrs. H. Shoemaker, 95 Scott St., preâ€" vious to going to Des Moines and is wel known among the young people of this city. The Register says:â€" michael, Rachel Haight, Anna Hymâ€" men, Marguerite Ocwald, George Richardson. Psuline Roos. Passâ€"Dorothy Boehmer (Ht. F1 ) Ernest Bowrian, Myrtle Bruegeman, Ruth Clemens, Laurine Courad, Joy Cressman, Doratby Grigg, Leslic Harâ€" ding, (Ht., Alg., Lat.), Derotby Kubl, Florence Kuntz (Fr., Lat.), Violet Latsch (Ht) Arthur Lang, MeKinley, Perrin, Liewcilyn Ruby, George Vogi, Delilah WoifX. WILSONâ€"SNYDER Form ID. to }. At the appointed hour the bride, leaning on the arm of her father, enâ€" tered the church to‘the strains of Loâ€" hengrin‘s wedding march, played by Mrs. Woelfle of Kitchener. ‘The bride looked charming in & lovely gown of white net and silverâ€"lace over duchess satin with bridal veil tied with orange blossoms. She carried a shower bouâ€" quet of bridal roses. ‘The ‘bride‘s attendants were Miss Muriel ‘Gerald of Toronto, cousin of the bride, who wore a gown of ‘torâ€"| quois blue net over white satin and| picture hat of silveflace with touchesl of biue. and Miss Gertrude Walsh of London, who was gowned in orchard | pink taffeta silk, with ‘picture hat ofi Lagdies‘ and Misses‘ also stout sizes in Gaberâ€" dine, Tricatine and Reps, also colored stripes, made with fancy beits and pockets, all sizes, sgecâ€" lal at $1.25, $1.50, $1.75, $2.00, $2.50 to $5 30 ® WASH SKIRTS. Ladies‘ and Misses‘ colored Voile and Gingâ€" ham Dresses, made in the latest summer styles, nicely trimmed with fine organdy collar and cuffs, special at $3.50, $4.75, $5.50, $6.75 to ‘ $12.00 White Voile Embroidered Polka dot and striped materials, made with the double over Skirt trimâ€" med with dainty collars, also Bolers effects, in Ladies‘ and Misses, sizes 16 to 42, special at $4.00, $6.50, $7.00, $8.00, $9.50 to ..... ... : $19.00 Phone. DRESSES. Suits, Coats and Blouses |. SummerDresses| â€" [anc J[reacr C# BrickerGermannCo.Ltd Special Showing of Ladies‘ Fine Dresses Ready to Wear, also New Blouses, Skirts, Coats and Suits. ~<ouna en )o n en â€"apermne n ngpticom: sfeioer _ t C Look ahead more than ever, and do not refuse to buy Dry Goods if you are likely to need some in 12 months fram now. L &# During this Event the public will find this Store offering some extraordinâ€" ary VALUES in General and Fancy Seasonable Merchandise. Prices are bound to go still higher. Thursday, June 20th and continues for the balance af the month LADIES‘ NEWEST BLOUSES We Have the Stock ?;fidleo' Handsome Silk and Crepe Biguses, newest designs, special at $4.50, $5.00 to $13'50 Ladies‘ Silk and Crepe Blouses in White Jap, Silk, White Habutai, in all the newest designs, special at $2.00, $2.69 to ..... ... $3°50 Ladies‘ White Voile Blouses in new designs, many with embroidered and lace trimmings, pretty collars, special at $1.25, $1.50, $2.00 to .... @F An OUR ADVICE Among the guests present from out of town, were Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Smith and the Misses Vivian and . Murâ€" iel Gifford of Port Hope. Capt. C. R. Walsh, C. A. M. C. and Miss Gertrude Walsh, of London; Capt. Mallech and Major and Mrs. Gifford left on the 5,20. train on a> honeymoon trip to points east. The bride‘s travelling costume . was of gold colored silk, trimmed with black taffetta, with hat Of Georgette crepe to match. W A T ER L O 0O silver lace to match. Both bridesâ€" maids carried shower bouquets of pink roses. ‘The groom was assisted by Captain Malleck of Kingston. . Durâ€" ing the signing of the register, Miss Gertrude Woelfle of Kitchener, sang most beautifully "Because"; COMMENCES Ladies‘ and Misses‘ Shantung Summer Suits, also Paim Beach Suits, in neat styles, made with beits and button trimmed special at $15.00, $17.50, $18.50 to ..... .... $22'w Ladies‘ and Misses‘ Suits, in \.avy, Black and Sand shades, all new this season, silkâ€"Jined Coats, good qualities of Serge and Gaberdines, also Popâ€" lins, at special prices, $13.75, $17.75, sago y 0s S 0 * *‘ $28.050 Ladies‘ and Misses‘ Coats, in smart styles, made in Tweeds, Covets, Velours and Serges, Sand, Rose, Pekin, Blue, Checks, Navy and Black, . at special prices, $9.50, $11.00, *16.00, SuiTs. SHANTUNG SUITS. coaTts. Made in all White with and withâ€" out beits, sizes 8 to 14 years, special prices at .. and $1.35 ** $1.50 Ladies‘ and Misses‘ sizes in newest Middies, made in various styles, open front, with belt and pocket, also slipâ€" over Middies in all White, including some colored collars, made with long and short sleeves, prices, special at $1.60, $2.00, $2.25 to ... ... @9 CA MIDDY BLOUSES. KIDDIES‘ MIDDIES. Judgment for £850.04 and costs was awarded Ida 1. Mayne of fnskaxtoon, Sask.. against Charles Jose. of . 8t Mary‘s, in the County Court by Judgo: Barron in Stratford on Satarday, 4n action brought to recover the amount: of a promissory rLote, and hingeing on; an agreement .cf land salz :» S4ek@¢q tocn 1t <â€" fionertson of Ternie B7 peared for p‘~‘+ z. and € 4. Thomp, son,. K C, cf Straiford, for defendant. The popular young couple will have the hearty good wishes of their hosts of friends for years of happy wedded» life. a +2% Wins Judgment on Note. s+% k skkks 140 #ae LIMITED $2.50 :c AJ *4

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