t I won: “HECTOR "No'm." MM Ads-Ila; "you thun‘t nt-ml I to, He's up In the [UHF mu“ "rin '.. 'ronn‘ ‘Inong them trunk. Imt poem In me like I remember sun put that suit I “my under the henry Monk": In mm M: red" t-hes' with the pmllrxk If you Jee toll me where II the key I tako " up to him." .I' Mr. mum'- noutl and Johnni- I'Ilnl'. month too. in“ grim." I '0..- bouound. “It you all“: not ï¬n, In. that -- M. an no": by)! "a Intolgpblp. no. x I.†III â€would In the "V ttrm. but tell that it would " - to mum to the nfmhmc IIhII. Whore-Inc mnN-trttterowtteo+ comm: of I I'M-per to DB“ helm-e - Inn-met I report which in could- }rndl interesrtitttt IId even curtain by in», an preueaR. than. Inch wII “In value†of ttte mu. “nanny. ‘lthorr wnI I (men! onto-II of not baring. "I mm him." an: unlawful "ate. "ttrt' he aid. ‘You 3"†Iron that dour m I‘ll do -p'n'-- Re “In hay tht. mImnI. He "id: "What Fmeen minmoa liner William. (M the Inn mm- that n'lommn. surveyed him-wit In his mirror. The blur-k unlt was a In"! of mum. but in mm he mu rlollml. "a ommlod In: when. 'tlrr,ormsut upon the ttoor I multitude of tttttttll while whom [in mnrhin. [In 'ttttroNred that tholr odor will] re. mainal about him. an he "uppml ma urchin: turned his [when Inside out; but. ttttding "in he still smells-d tom‘- menliy of the moth bails. he won: to his mollwr‘n room and sprinkled violet loilet water upon his chest and shoul- can}. thint I‘m doll"! I'm phylu' don mam’ He didn't man be w“ playin' tom-Inn. mum-n. Bo Jun an In wax I think maybe he Wu jun loot. _m‘ In the hnkln'gllul tome mom" Mn. Ruler In bacon-lug embar- reed. [the ruched to so to Wit. hum] room herself at the tirst oppor- tunity. but tor some ttme her con-clen- lluu-neu u I hasten mntlmwfl to 01-- â€my Ittwr " lite table. and than when Ilte I’mlulhth gone Mll- Prllt de tum-d lwr In: I milk appeal to mnke Mr. “Mint and Mr. Watson behave Ttoth rrruudv all nourlshlm-nt except nurlt mt Wnl plum-d in tholr months by the deHsagte hand of one ot the Nobleet. Ind the latter and run really tttte wnnml to at a little tweetie now and than horse" and not to spend her whole "mp "wdtntt the Men. PM Miss Pratt had the same playful- um- “In. older people mu llle In) with IIIIIIie of her own age. Ind tshe chlmrnled her pretended quarrel with Me "two your": gpmlemou. takingmtlr- Lon: "t the dazzled company Into her carrot-me about It and Inslsling upon "Manama Batster'tr" m-ilng formally Is mag:- to settle the dimculty. However. having that: arranged matters. Miss Pmtt did not resign the center of in, terval. but herself promised a t-ornpro- lnlw. Elie would mullnue to feed Mr, Bull"! and Mr. Watson “every other tweriio"-that In; each must agree to Mt n write “all by him own self" after errry cake ted to him. So the comediettn went on. to the running accompaniment of laughter. will: Mr. [mum and Mr. Wilma swept by gusts of adoration. Mm. Baxter managed and. hurling rum-d the door urmu the laughing mica. asked quickly: "What is ll. Menu? awe you.an Mr. William'.. Do you know why he doesn't come ldownt" " "Yawn." said Adena. "He Bone ‘miulny near out his head. Mir Baxter. *He come tioppin' down the back stairs "I! his lmfrohe IIT while ago. He Jes' gum- im agaln. He ain't got no lunches. Mia Baxter; he nlu't got no trritcheq at all." "Fun?" the bureau In the up room." sold Mrs, Baxter. “Hurry!“ A moored scrvlng maid entered with . lam-u [my and, having dlspooed of " Wright ot boubons among the gursttr, spoke to Mrs. Baxter in I luv woke. . "Could you manage step In the hack hall I: minute. please. mit'tttgtt" . “Of "o"rt'e."tMrs, Raster cried. "H: tro and"- jot an mess lwro gmr mum.†: Butler. An' homily. MEI. “anâ€. In In"! ‘em In It wmllshun. twin to ' that palm out. I dun't (NIL'H- it " t no we uendln' ‘oru Io lho ' hum-r “'Cleln ‘em au' pres. 'qu quirk t' ms. " couldn‘t Noun 'em by rmun mkslmn. lelnlnue preuln' 'ptny .Vn'm 'Welt,' I all“. ‘nln'I In" one "tluur I»! to do t can Bee.' I says. "Witt' don you so put on that aim: man-k suit yum had " winter?' " "But It can‘t he!" she shaped. "He nan: He has plenty!" CHAPTER Ix. _ Time Doo- Fly. " T O'M. he ain't got no britchea." Admin ussvmd Mm Baxter. "An' he's curryin' on 50 I don't scarcely think be known mum what he‘s doin', Mir. Baxter. He brung down some gray bmrhea to the “when to see It l couldn' press tut' clean 'em right quick. The: w.) the one: Miss June. when she‘s pnintin' all Iln-m sumoâ€. ter' My mm box 004'“. attt' one Ilnem sunsets He (“when such odors, but that left wan-5min um s " a Tab of Yon-‘5 and muni- tho spare William was well aware that Clem a“. could not be driven away. except temporarily. tor nothing was lurtim tiled upon Clem-ii: tlmu his habit oi retiring under pressure, only to return and return ttgttin. William cast a hunt "ed look over " shoulder: then he an prxtwetred Clem-tin. no†of Cit-mums It urn. debatable Whether Clemati- tmd nunuiued upon the premises tiller the departure ot GeeteaU or bud lately returned titituet uppn some c-rruud ot his own. but out thing In. certain, and the manner at C'teatntU--io attitu a his every look m. every ,,',iirit,:a/r,':i,-ta"u'1:f"ei. it up clear a: day. Ctetnatis had . scovered by on: mean: or number the prosoum of Flop it in the house and had determined " see bun person-Hy. Clematis moved amt-long. retreating his head low. his mil donullng anxious thoughts. Thereupon William esaayed I rtwe- he pretended to nibble at something and then extended hil hand as If it held forth a gift of food. "Look. Clem.' he said. "Yum-yum! nicat.Ciemt Good melt!" For once Clematis was half eredu. loan. Be did not advance. but he elongated himself to Investigate the extended hand land the next inst-m found himself seized viciously by the new! of the neck. He submitted to captum in absolute silence. William drugged him down a passageway to the cellar door. This he opened. thrust Clemntl- upon the other side of it, closed and Bolted it. Hamilton, nu, - "Whrn passing Ihmngh middle 14e, as it. most can! of this kind, I began to fail in health. I had xvi-no pains in my head, ditty ypallr. my hark lurked Mid I had [wins in my win. I bermme 'pry “ml an-l "Mums. I look trtrrbrrtte mfhunt gnaw; relief until I took Dr. I‘urrrn'n [Minnie Pro wripr‘iml and thin nw-IiI-im‘ Imih "22‘ " " hvuith and s:trvu 'th and I umw â€numzh tttin mural Irv-rm»! in a gm»! hmhh) "ate. Women will liiul ltr. l'arree't, Favorite Preeriptiott very helpful dur. ing thir_trritt tiyte."-aui. 8m w and: moon I canâ€: um “Hyacinth.†h contrived to your a output: or and powder In“. his Immediately a stentorhn how! am blood curdllng echoes through the house. Clematis stated that he WI! Anxious to no Flop" and considered It tut unexunpled outrage that he wu withheld from the opportunity. Wil. liun clawed down the cellar min utter Clematis, choking and calling In low, ferocious tones; "Good doggle! Good ole doggut Hyuh. Clem! Meat; Clem! Meat'." Sas Wlllluu Wu nor may to p to In. um! “out. wilted. mulling tn. deed untimely. In WtMt may. But ulna hunched th.footottltntm he discovered that then In wetting can to be done. He beheld . lurking ship. woo [In porch. mummy - In: law-rd Ill. open door. " In tho lowly Clem-us, dog unto Gene-ll. There was dodging through coalblne. there was squirming between barrels, there WIS high Jumping and broad Jumping, but tina11r William was the conqueror. and Into a snail shed a: toolhouue behind Mrs: Baxter’s ttower. bedn went Clematis in . hurried and spasmodic mumer. The insunt the door slammed he lifted his voice and was hidden to nee it now us much u be liked. Willi-m strode into the bell and opened the dokof the “living room." "I got a little bit sick, so Immin- told me to keep quiet awhile. She‘- lookin' for you all over the ' She told papa she don't know will: in mer. cy'n ngme people no goin' to think Ibout you. Willie." - m lightened when clan (am to the right medicine. If her nineties in mule gloomy by the chrnie when... doll- cnu dcnngementa, Ind painful ditordm that afflict womnukind ill-o will thtd relief Bnd emaneirmtion from her trouble! In Dr. Piereeh Favorite Preseriptiom If tthe'. overworked, nervous, or "nm. down," she tin" new life and strength. It's tk pom-rial, invigorating tonic 0nd hen-inn which was dist-owned Ind med by an eminent physician for many you", in his large media} practice among trompn. For young girls just entering womanhood; for \z-nmrn in middle life, the " Favorite Prescription" is the Olly mmlirinv put up wuhont alcohol, and run he hlll in I'lhlt‘l as, “all as liquid ION". ll '3 not a grerpt prrwriplinn for its in groulwnls are [mm-4 an wmmvrr. Bemt Me for lrml ptwkage to Dr. Y. M. Pierre. lnvnlivll' llntrl, Nvirzirnl lnslilutn, nut falo. N. Y., or b-vrr h in llri‘lgvlmrg, Ont. -gtsne Wu sitting on the Mot but]: painting sunsets In a large blunt book. She looked up brightly. "Good. ole doggie." he "It! husk“: "Hyuh. Clem! Ilsuh. Clem'." A Woman 's Burdens wink:- mun-nu unlined a. p. in tr in; time.' 106 Sabin Ara Ola-f In a“. "Yum. yin-1' a A." The aged dark, lifted his atmky Ind diminished eyes to the burnished sky and laughed. “Rain come some day, anyway." he said. "We git do \bout ready To' the fail; dat aim." ma llquee wandered to William and rest- ed upon him with feeble curiosity. “Du ain' ro' puppy. In it?" he asked Jane. Winn!!! dropped into the chair be. side which June Ind col-blinked her- ult upon nap Boor. Then he uttered a mrlblo cry and role. Ann; Juno had painted I gum: the Ind not mmded. As mentioned. these results wen V obtained from nu eerportmarnt in tri. A'll" unfair! “m" "ye,',' 'cr' plicata. or carried on limit-Hy in . party - .ettoeed. “Itâ€? _ three consecutive years. That tank- 'They “I .tnged pretty long. aid Ike. however. may be resumed u a June. but "It Int on. aid the: bud rm substitute tor mint while by no to to bone to their dilute“ when I!!!“ mean» equalling it, would be indicated came. a little while Mo. Johunlo wu. try an experiment at the Experimen- Ion wu carryin' Floplt tor that mu tat Station " Brandon. Pratt." l Here three lots a: pigs were (at: .)No. 1, grain; only . o. s, grain In Je.teP,ttetAt'Lt?t"fle,.te clankaxe; No. 3 gain and buttermilk. Ott n wum morning. ten day later. Willinln "ood pendrely among hi: mother'- nowerhed. behind tile home. his nttilnde denoting I low unto of vitality. Not In “I: an used negro Int upon n wheelbnrruw in the hot nun. tremulousiy yet skilltully whittllug I piece of wood into the shape of n boat. labor more to his taste evidently than that which belied abandoned at the re- quest of Jane. Minion to thin preterm ence for I lighter tlsk we. made try Genesis, who Wu erecting I trelli- on the border of the little garden. “Puppy whitth all day." he chuckled. "Wlmtle all night too. Puppy. I thought you 'ag goin' to git 'at long bed all spada up fer me try noon. Ain't 'ttt what you tale met" "You let him alone, Genesis" mid Jane, who sat by the old man’s side. deeply fascinated. “There's goin' to bea are“ deal of rain In the next few days. maybe. an’ I but to have this boat reads." " should say It lsn'l!" she exclalmed. "rt'tr Willle. Be was only seventeen about two or three months ago, Mr. Genesis." ’1'th was not the old man's name. but Jane had evolved it, lnsplred by respect for one so aged and so kind about whittllng. He was the father of Genesis, and the latter. neither to her knowledge nor to her Imagination. por sessed I surname. William showed sudden Intetesrt, "You did!" he excmimod. "How old were you when you had the Brat one?" "l 'ttg Jets' yo' use.†said the old mm; "1 'ttgt sevenfeem." . "By George.'" cried wmun . Jane seemed much lens. [mph-ed shun Willi-u. “not“ being a lulu The old man continued his whit. (ling In a crartsritttuOe manner. which brought prune from June. "You can see to Whittle, Mr. Gene» Ill.“ she mid. “You Whittle better than anyquy In the world." ....... ....,......, ... ..... "w... "I speck' BO, mebbe." Mr. Genesis returned. with a little "rmpiaceucy. "How ole ’0' puppy P . "0h. he's old!" June explained. William delgued to correct her. "He'- not old; he‘s middle aged." "Weil. sub." and Mr. Genesis. three ohunum To' I 'ttr. twenty. two when l u: eighteen." way {rum ten, though. or mum. t seventeen Itself hardly Any Inform; tion could be Imagined as more Into; eating than that conveyed by the tor-l of the aged Mr. Genesis. "Genesis be de youngls' one," sal- the old man. "Colic-is he '0: haw: when l 'ua slxtyoour." "Well. suh."'uid Mr. Genes“. "I nev‘ did know." . _ when l 'ua sixtyoour." . William moved closer.' 1What he- came ot the one um was born Lili') you were seremecn?" he ash-(L _ "How old wore you when you won married ?" William mind. will: a man. an of pecullnr vnrnestneu. Janeh Interest all" fnlmwrd the am child. "Wm: that qeltprty it was born Mr, G'vt:egrttT' she unlit-d. At this Juno‘s Interest entmted wtrl liamU. After l little [mum at awe she inquired: "Was it a boy or a girl?" l The old man dolilm-uml within tttnt) Belt. "Set-m like " mus‘ been n boy." l "Did it die?" Jane asked softly. ‘ "I reckon it mus' be 'huut by not.†Ito rmurnml musingâ€. "Good "In!!! il, “mu duml. What I known In deed/ Seton. I reckon Bo." V x "Mr? Welt. sub. dat 'poro." [lo sot-mm! to sum-h his memory. "I rfcY nlw-t I 'ur. mu‘Iul unce In Loam-lo." In MM. "trttdTiiiiiutrtrTtit [In looked puzzled and paused In " whinlln: to rub In: dreplr "trrmtstrd furrlwml. "tyell, an"), mu" horn ammo haw" in Inwavw. Gourds? he ara) to ttN ilulnsufuus an», "whaih “In. your Inu\\'.. :' ; The old mun gmuxcd. manning MI 'rhittlubq busily. “I In! II that Vol View“: M; In bud that aide“ wu-amhuu-u. Futon-Ionian. Inland - I could get u nth! until I kid “fruit-oth- and ‘Sootln IIIh‘s' Th. ttmt WC (no Ill. and. Altogether. I In“ and “no. box“ at ‘Sooths Baivaf and he cl tmit-tive.',-, I. ogghglyygu" Both the“ sterling roman sold by dealer: a Mtsattoa,0tbe gem, uncut on receipt of print by Fruit-mun. Limited. Otbwn. ' “Fruit-rum" ll Ibo put up h- .†In. which all. for a? -- “Night 'tt 1.! town." laughed CODES" nsrrt frrzit a can] 'lettl, rum“: hm t we :0 mm duu' rz-rgn v-t-mo to Innis.“ " fro to continuum; "Btits "t had I 1nd 3 While high grains at a low cost were particularly in evidence In the (result of feeding buttermilk, I very considerable reduction in cost ot pro- /1eltn and a marked increase in grains. are seen where tanlnge we: udded to the straight grain ration. Grain only made grains of .92 pounds lastly costing 9.8e per pound; gain land tankaxe, 1.39 pounds dal'r cost. ing T.1c per pound; grain and but. termilk. 1.57 pounds duly costing 6c {per pound. Thin bears out what in. been pointed out, that as a balance tor a ration low in protein, or for weaners. or a ration lacking milk, tunings has a place. but that, us In addition to an aqu’dy bulanccd and suitable ration. no adequate return is likely from the use ot the tsitttr priced meat brirr?dtyet. guano- onâ€; Inn‘s-null hr- Oren “a Am “I nun. " - noun: a than your work a on." no luv -m DWI. 'aPg',,ratu",,'ltr.'U,'erlt readreoattainuatr. .ou-al h suburb: to tank... 8.T_etroNne-totmtih by tango. that: tho Iowan â€In and a. - out at "auction ot min In nun:- ted. hu in†thofptiowtq tnet..---. a. M do In“ receiving no tank. uu usual In. - “In at the lowest cost. A. That ain‘t. villa use“! In cor- rocuu n nub-Mood futon. showed up poorly when aided to muon- " ready not!“ "day and tair bat. Ince. mucuhl'ly “haunting tho colu- wanting "In. or unit-milk. Gain. on meal uni will reunited 1.30 pounds mul per pound grain; lulu, mango and hulk. 1.64 pounds: grain, bums no! water, 2.60 pounds; jio mun and mm. 1.54 you“. ‘ A further qualtfted comparison of milk substitutes for “weaned pigs was afforded at Ottawa in 1917. Here skim.milk was fed to all lots; meal and milk; Meal. milk Ind 10 per ‘cent timings; meal. milk and 10 per cent fish meal. The grain and milk Jot gave slightly cheaper gains and ‘was superior in condition. indicating that the addition of the concentrates mentioned was not economical. For growing hogs fed on dry lot or outside paddock, milk showed to dim tinet advantage at Ottawa in 1917 in sell-leeding trials. Hogs fed meal in self-feeders with skinrmllk ln troughs nave gains ot .52 pounds daily costing ‘10.Zc per pound. The skim-milk fed lot required L79 pounds meal and the ‘tankaze fed pigs. 3.0 pounds meal per mound gain. ' ' In the ‘experiments referred to In the foregoing, all lots were nraetieal. Iv identical in age. weight: amd mum. at the start ot operations. Skim-milk is the natuxal food tor the weaning and wegned pig. Tnnknge. blood meal and fiBh Inc-l, when these foods are procurable. may be regard- ed as fairly ett1eient substitutes. When lather came home to dinner he observed a vacant chair at the table. "Where's the boy " he nixed. nodding to the chair, "Harry is upstairs." came in a one of painful precision from .the mother. "I hope he is not sick." There was an anxious pause. "No. 10 is not sick." continued the mother. 'It grievea me to Bar, Richard. that mr BOD, your son. has been heard wearing on the street. I heard him nyseli. "Swearing'." exclaimed the father. tll teach him try swear!†And with hat the angry parent started up- stairs In the dark. Hall-way up he ,tumtrled and came down with , chin on the top step. _ _ When the confusion had subsided Harry's mother was heard saying Yom the hallway: "That will do, Richard. dear. You have given him mount: for one 1ermom"--Harper's Matra zine. How MRS. BOW 1llllllliill M 1lMll'l'llllll find; -tiGGiuii Bi auirdiii II n you: who», . " one», Ohio.-"' suffered from a (mule tumble which caused me much tmfNring, and two doctors decided that I would have to co through 3n operation be on I as owls! trety.rell. _ I . g . ft a m ri,i'/tiIlfteiegi.iii- ,'" , L' a. .x H mit trtyptopra- ls, T 'f-tp, -.?~: “on. graham. from ammonia to I an do my home work a: difBettit . I advise may wanna vb. 'd all“ with funk We. to " Lydia E. Pinkhun'o Vent-bl. dl'g Watt-id Anditwilldou land: for om."--In. “All! Born, 1421 Ed: St, N. R, Canal. 0M0. Sou-cum. 'her. m let-lam condi- tions when n howled caution is the only alternative. but an other hand no mnny women have been and h this hmoul mot and herb remedy, ',l,'ire,' E. Finkttant'. Vegetable Compou ' after doctor! have said that In operation VII '"C""rr--etreP, Woman who In“. to avoid an operation shguld give it a Gir trial before submitting to such . "Pt oetU.l. an. um. a nun 'hqplien_9- . ' PM!!!“ l__edlciho (10.. Lynn, In. Tut-ee-ttFt-ttteta. A Proftqient Instructor. tti it"? 33!. hi! Jud .Wlll. _qennaataAroattgtttistttte ', madman» W0 HOMO With the French Amy ’- Ptuneq, lie ".--r+ in an. we: not my - he been lore - than an oe today In the greet battle od MI ell Gome- unle- be- tween loll [Miler all None. The Ger-nu. Inn-III. on e ground when the outcome um. Iere ready to We the shock have (and “evolve- throvn Into e Imam“: â€use. the-co - ot then - will m. u an. ' When the Gem-n Intent" beg-n (coming over In the deuce: mum they encountered Immediately en ex- tremely be! the Iron: both Incl-lee (use end artillery. which mowed than down. Even niece as fresh elves entered the eogtnlet they were subjected to “all†pullb- meet. The Germ-n progress must not be taken to mean that the German tor. con luvo overcome the defenders, who Intended from the beginning to retire to their noun! lines ot coal»! u soon as the Action developed. Some Idea of thc determined Ill-I lure ot tho fighting may be otherâ€: trom the struggle on each wing. The! Vlllnge ot Com-cello. changed hand-i numerou- "mac. and when this din- patch I!“ sent was In the possessloul of the Illleo. At the our" and of the tine Mont Renwd VIM It"! malt-i in; a trtttgttineerrtt dolcme Ind last report: showed that be Plemont VIII yet In Allied M1143. her. center. about PttTee,urettlperiiii'iiii" eleven, "the, and white where the Germana made their molt Dutch clover, {Many and mature. obstinate etiort and formed a pocketl but " is not alwayl remembered that tendinx aoutheaatward. is the only . MB houn- may he gamed trom put of the line against which the them in the torm of honey, German- hava been able to report a They produce more honey in Cana- real gain. their intention ta to try to da than .11 other pinata put together. reach the bun“ ot the 0|†ttttd and thin honey in ot the higheat tttMV threaten the alllea’ aalient which ex. tity tends to the vicinity ot Noyon. The _ induction ot clover honey la Germana knew when they opened the, greatest in tho gum.†lands ot Eu- attack that their task was difficult. tern Cattadtt. Almost the whole regi- They Bent Mto tho tray only chomtn on aouth of Ottawa River ia excel- divtaiona._ which had been trained for lent. The St. Lawrence my" Val- the asaauit. It is estimated. that 1ey is almost as ttood. The valley- they mupured approximately 20 dirig. of the St. John, and other rivers in ion: against the front line tor theiN“, Brtgmorick. marsh hay lands in first shock, while behind these readylmVII Sttotitt “d the rich (arming to take the place ot the 'if,t"ll"'tlllli.i.ijij.i, of Prince Edward Island and divisions. there were probably a ai- around Lake St. John. Que., are very milar number perhaps even greater. good too,, In the clay 1telt ot North. "MlTllfl WAS 1lflllllllfNlfll (Ill Machine Does Work of Six Men and Eighteen Horus in Field. Were it not for the tact that the Monarch is it "Never Slip" it would be safe to say that it slips it over them all when it comes to the ques- tion of doing things. A representa- tive ot the Telegraph was present at the exhibition Monday snot-noon and when told "r the exhibitor that the tractor could turn completely ur- ound in its own length, the reporter expected to see a rather lumbering surprise expressed when the machine spun round with startling speed. The machine is over-ted Iimiler to an automobile. It has n fly wheel and this momenta the old gasoline engine in stationery farm work. The treetor is really a gasoline engine and tractor combined. in ploughing the machine miles care of three plough: and does the work ot six men earl 18 horses. It increases pro- duction try two thirds. It plougha in any kind ot soil and its success in this regard is nttriboted to the fact that there in only a weight of five pounds to thesquare inch of Bur. iace covered-'by the machine. The tractor is 20-12 h. p. Among the in- terested spectators Monday was Mayor Gross. _ _ The Monarch “Never Blip" tractor. invented by W. N. Smith. the inven- tor ot the famous tanks that have wrought so much havoc to the Ger. mans on the western front, attracted a large crowd at the Market Square Monday afternoon where it was exhi- bited and put through some rather startllng stunts. A' demonstration ln ploughing will be given at lthe Seegmlllcr Farm, Pe- tercburg. all day Wednesday. Conserve When! In Plea. Conservation of wheat and substi- tution ot other cerealu on thin com linen! no as to sum greater Ill cunts to the countries ovcmeu which am depending upon us. must be con- iinued " least until the 1910 crop sit nation in known. Such is tho tor nouncement of Henry B, Thomson chairman of the Canada Food Board. Colds are contracted when strength is lowered and the inflammation easily develops bronchitis or lung trouble, while grippe and pneumonia frequently follow. Any cold should have immediate treatment with The CORRECT TREATMENT FOR COLDS COTT’S EMULSIO The National Strength-Builder which first builds u, the forces by carrying rich nourishment to the blood streams and creates real body-warmth. lts cod liver oil is the favorite of physicians for correcting bronchial disorders and chest troubles. .tnrtt-e,rotrmto,04 1H! MARKET (i(llllllli IV ROBERT - I . l a... - In. l', "P"""""'"" I sunning-lug Fume" know the nine ot the two perennial eleven, “like and white Dutch clover, for‘hay and nature. but " is not ts1nrarrratrntts.tt1terrtd that NOVI B(‘(llll In“ H": II\'II I'll “nun . lande of Prince Edward Island and 104 Water (Human. Wu around Lake St. John. Que., are very Grand Theatre, Kitchener good too.. In the clay hell of North- Phone 344. 'ueld.rte. "tether em Ontario. notably around Hailey, bury and Dryden: those Movers grow in Immense mummy and luxurlanco. T---ca.-=======..t=r==r.aa-I==a+ and some years produce heavy honey crepe. While ulslke no a commercl- Dental. nl honey plant has reached Ila high- __._____.,. ,.~_,_~ est development In the Eastern Pro- _ on, F. a. HUGHES vlncee. white clover does well in a Dentist. i" large part of Mlnlloba and British _ Columbia. Oddlellows Block; Waterloo. School Inspector Sheppard reports that about 270 candidates from the Public Schools in North Waterloo will write in the iorihcoming Entrance Examinniions. There have been 206 applications from Kitchener and Wat. orloo. " from Elmira 9nd 18 from Crosshlll There was no court Tuesday morn- ing, but a session of the Military Ex- emption Tribunal No. 383 was held in Police Court chambers. Tho can of Albert C. Bindemagel of Kitchener was heard and Ma appeal was disal- towed. The applicant had been a rate. gory n man. but upon reexamination he was plum-d in Calegory A2. His use was the only one heard by the tribunal. "fiGGiitivation of clovei on sult- able lands as a combinod tum and honey crop is recommended as fol- lows: e "it Growing alsike with timothy for hay. Alnike is better tor this purpose than red clover because the later is ot practically no value for honey production and is beginning to spoil by the time tho ellike and tr mothy are ready to cut. Alalke will grow on certain types ot Boll, tor in- stance. ill-drained lend. better than red clover. 12) Growing blame for seed. An Ibundumo of honey bees Increase: the yield ot need per acre; and leu- Ing the plant to produce need length- en: the honey flow. (3) Sowing white clover in grass mixture'. Intended tor pasture. 0n favorable lands the white clover will keep spreading. improving the pun- ture both for cattle and been. Graz- ing, it not too close. will not serious- ly curtail the honey production, ind it lengthens the honey-flow. The honey-(low from clover lusts three to five weeks. beginning ac- cording to lunatic. between mid-June and mid-July. Good management of the bees, to build them up strong in time for the honey-now and keep them from swarming. is necessary There in no better tood for been in winter than clover honey. K READ AND ADVERTISE IN THE DAILY TELEGRAPH. ALSIKE AND WHITE CLOVER A8 HONEY PLANTS WILL TRY ENTRANCE EXAMS. wanna-aunt arc . to: "(Donn/for w, ' Pb_.Set6tifr.. .. with The --' M. - we. _ dared Kidnap mud .0 "Huh. â€all“. his. in the lack. Urinary Whirl. 8-0)): . Joint. and Anklet. and BM a APPEAL WAS DISALLOWED. ludtcba. which have was: their duty In healing aha- tiim Wyn-Hugero th"smr.o6e-usarder. It iso-tuni-bil-tot- bio-twin. uni-hop unquuuuunym 'reemdteturukers mum Indian-annual†SIB “LII a VIII " J. A. was. It. 1.1.1. J. i. Q Wok. Mum In CW. mu. Benetton. he. - I. . “was: Unsuit- in the Block. Knchsur. f: JANE. c. “AMY. _ T" Bun-ten. with“. New†I: Convey-um. on; Meet to__ _ F ibiiieeiiieiGk. m Bulking. - Only a 21 nor mm, crop of new“ " the rmmral verdict of the poncho [rowan in the Nitttrnrrt Pulls 'roettm. and they any the name nppllu d1 or. or [In Niagara Peninsula, newt-III. to 3 careful can": ot new.“ - br . ""9â€": -...-at-.qtiqqg-. CLCIINT a CLIIIIT ' " Barnum. 801mm. m Connm v t _ Pull to In“. . on“: late-ll. “I Cor Kin: Ind Foundry 80.. um a. P. CLEMENT. K. c. _ E. W. CLEMENT. , W. P. CLEIINT. MILLAI a III“ Alex. mun, K. C., Harvey J. Bil. d LLB., mariners, Noun-la. etc. Olin. J' nut-In Economic-l Block. In. It». ', west, Kitchener. . & D. a. narrow. malnutr- g4 Notary, Conveyancer, ow. " Wat. .1 St. East, Kitchener. Phone I... A A, L. Bty"tt, . A. _ _ (Successor to Conrad Bltur.) "'". " Barrister, Solicitor. Noun m . etc. Money to loan. Genny â€out , " oftice-- Pequrtptat m. . next 3' lg Market, Frederick Bt., linden.“ . _ A D. It. IOWLIV, IA" LL;I. .. Bnrruter, Solicitor. Notary Films. and Cortvernpcer. one. Wellâ€. Bank Building. Telephone No. I“. Kitchener, Ont. _ 7 -- Dentist. L.D.S.. My.“ College I). m Surgeons. D.D.S.. Toronto Univâ€, any. All bunches ol dean-try prim that Dulce over Lung Bron. sums Kitchener. Ont. . DR. s. ECKEL. LO... 0.0.. Graduate Chicago College of Ben- tal Surgeons ma Rani Cones. of Dental Surgeons of Toronto. Dental Cities In new Momma Bunk Bull‘lllf I Waterloo. Dmtlatry practical III all its branch“ THE EMPLOYEES ASSOCIATION “’1‘: OF WATERLOO COUNTY ': FREE LABOR BUREAU . ',' " King St. West. Kitchener t"i, We have vacancies for men and w.- ' f men In all lines ot work. If you‘ll tt out.ot employment communion“ VI“: 43 us at once. No charge tor racist!!- C, Hon or services rendered. m g Small Peach Crop This Van. tepecus1tr-. Dluuel ot the Eu, Nose and Throat. , CHIROPRACTOR ' A. HOLM, D. c. King St. But. DR. CLAYTON w. WELL. Dentist, Waterloo. otrfcty Hours 9 to 12, 1.30 to s. Closed all day Ftidw. Telephone 121. THE MERGANTILE Head Office, Nqat"erioo tNtoeribed Capital .485...“ Deposit with the Bomb to. Government *...:m.m.oo All policie- gunrmtted " Che Luncuhite Ila-mm Co:- pay via Alma cl "Moor Alfred qtrtft, My. C. A. BOEHM, DIST. AM. 'Nteruo, on. no. no mice. H. B. DUIRING Expert-need ., Auction." and Vila-tor . Number ot yun exp-rum u Auetlttmrer-Prtrttttttat know- ledge of value. of "a! mm. live neck. Implcmom. no. PM». 180. Ming-log; Business Cards. WIPAIY tNConPoRAT'ED 1m J. A. HILLIARD, D. J, E. HETT Kitchen“