C, . our I" [arm Stock, Implements, it Household Etfeets, Ete. Thete will be sold by public auction on m prvmim ot the undersigned. t tu.l i east of Linwood. 3 miles north of "nr‘SI-ill, 8% miles to“ ot “ur- b.eriii've. '" aeoRSES-t good tam: or Moria. Tum rising 13 and 15 years old, term rising 14 and 15 years old. q5ATetair--3 good dairy cow. 2 L17. . "ash by time of sale, cow cur td calvo tore part of May. heifer dur to valve In April, 4 yearling ttttle, 3 tat I-a'tlo. MONDAY, MARCH 4YM, 19!. Cnmmcncing at 1 o'clock Fm. than). In. (ouowing vain-me proprrly, viz: Plus ANI' Pfu'InHth' ~ Sow Hm posvd to M with pig, lo rho-ls weigh int; so lbs. ottcto, pair ot ducks, Ili chickens. Collie dog. 1MPLEMEN'rs-- Deering binder 6 n cut with sheaf carrier and truck. Deering mower 6 n. cut, “raring hoe drill. Massey Harris cultintor with broadcast seeder, Noxon cultivator. meim: disk, “wring hay rake. Mas Bey Harris 4-seetion ttarrow, land rol. ler. scumâ€, turnip srvder, 2 Henry plows. No. " Oliver riding plow. 2 gang plows. (the above impements 'tr" all pram. ir:tily now); two iron axle wagons. nagon box. stock rack, two 16 foot hay racks. wood rack, il-svaled carriage, top buggy, open buggy. mutter hourly new, root pulper, International 2'3; horse powvr gasoline engine. cutting box. jack n ith pullryci, ir-other belting, power unory grindvr. circular saw, 2 arts of bob sleighs, gravel planks, 2 sn-ts of manure planks, when barrow. doubletreess.meckyokos, grind stone, ropes. forks, grain bag N. shovels. hoes, post hole anger and nllu r articles ton nunwrnus lo mention. HARNESS, BLANKETS. ETS. - 2 Bets tram harnrss. set single harness. collars, Buffalo robe, l»lunkels. HAY AND GRAIN--- A quantity of hay. Hover and timothy sn-wl, loo bush. of Banner seed oats. 5n bush. ot early seed oats, 100 bush. of Ligoway seed oats. 230 hush. of good oats, about 30 Dual). of o. A. C. No. 21 seed barley. _ HOUSEHOLD 10'Fh'C"rs, ETC. __ Couch. clothes cupboard, vornvr c1tp- board. bed, lunch. Magnet rrcmn 51 p armor. churn. iron Kettle, stove, milk cans. pails. cider barrels. and many other amides too numerous lo mm» tion. AUCTION SALE AND FARM FOR SALE ADVERTISEMENT No Reserve as the farm is sold. TERMS OF SALE - Hay, grain. pouliry, fat caitbs, pigs. and all sums of $101th and under. (ash: oJer that amount rt months' unlit will b" giw en on umrrovvd point nun-w, or 5 per en on upprowd point nun-w, or 5 per cent. discount on cash payments on credit amounts. Thorn will In tion on thr. mm Holst. sillmlwl I Tille, on Commencing an I ortocl; the Inlluwing vroirrty. T HttUs'biHol." r'.r'r'F'.CT Glass cupboard. Shun-r 5 im- ncarly nrw. 2 rmkin: tonshm Inhln, uphuhlvrul rolw, 2 sinks, 2 "ood, n b, crmllv. 4 “In" tolrhvc. 2 t cttnir. 2 rimming sitovrv'. chair, 2 winking 'Mo-i. L' um! ml Rlu\’vs. ll liitrhrtt Alumna, lama-u 11ml ble harm-I shot nun. oil cloth, smi- (tnrpms, {mun-r ticli. l frttthor pilhtss s. 4 woollvn M'mkms. Buffalo robe n'muu 1y m-w. hum-r lllh. parlor lamp, 2 hip ohm! lamps. murmur buvrrl, riall‘l‘ Imr To]. I'U,r', I‘l':'1-‘, H won c :1] can. "our harrvl ' halo, I ering 0mm. small lu‘uss clock, Minds. rurminx irrvnnr‘ "ustrr mm mr mortsurv. I wash lulu. “n "HT-F. , henrhos 2 â€MI-N 'ttrat Iulv. thrrtTt, .". r-m'Ill bourm, M'l't'ru Joor, HI" s" tstork. cow lwll. r-,.,,', lhnw‘ls. I'nrk<. ch;ritia. a tmvk tG1W, hum! an“, um; buns. small Lamb 1' u ]mns. paiic. mun Minnow. Ian! ittl many otltct' ariir Also IJIlemm , Milo, l1 "'HOL' "- snip, l1 hm'nms tbs' TIER H. B. DUERING. Auctioneer. EDWARD 1105c EL, Proprietor. SATURDAY. MAR. 9TH, 1918 Mtls, Jul! Ch III‘ i S! DI-‘J.Tl-\ a I-ZH w Household Effects. MMI SALE FUELS!) SALE â€a! TIN KUENH JUNK H I lw sum by pllhlir- nuc- m'rmisrs of th" Ian-"John Mlt'kt " itt llu m-l hut Ill vP:t 4 2112mmâ€. Lrd balm mould. butch. l-V‘aoss lu-Hlv. "larttt Mains, l window rm mrs. '., Imshvl INT mnll ml Cle M tN it" vimum P S. HTC. , ewin: mzwh t chairc. PX rhair. ward "ls, irott hm: " airror \u 01 Ill til“ tit, shun- till of Brick H hich “‘08 om rain ht Inn NI In Stock. Implements. :1? Ete. I, There will he sold by public nuc- tion. hm stock and Implement: on the pn rum-s ot the tutdertsigtned. Illu- mad 3;; miles Micah-wean ot Went-s- 'ry. 2 um“ uuuh ot transit". 5 nth-s sum!) ot Linwood. la" 10. Concession G, in the Township ot Wnllrslvyf on Commencing at 1 o'clock p. the following» "ORtiPr- Clydesdale mare rising: ' years old tgot by McQueen. Ctydes dale mum i"triru', 3 years old no! by Paarrou [Ema-Ill; liglvl huh. rum; 7 Nun's um. turriuaut Imrun- lining -l .brtrre; old, (‘U_\'.S thud“ Ilurlnvm mm in on". path row witlt calf at toot, Holstein I-uw “at In calves in April. llolslcin tow dun to ' :gh'c- in July. Yul In: t't'i"l'LE.'--.", llulsu-in Imit- TERMS or" SALE» All sums of 310,00 and under. cash; over that amount 9 nronths' credit on approved Joint swan-it) news; G pet' ct'nt. of! for cttsh on taxtdit amounts. Vol NG t't'i"1'LE.'-.", llnlsln-in heir. ers in unlf. 5 Durham heifers sup» posed to be with call; Ayrshire heifer supposed to he with cult; well bred Pall-Angus hull rising 2 yrm's old; I; slot-r3 rising 2 ,wnrs old, 3 haiku-s. Frillâ€; P. yviu‘s old. PIGS Yonisltire boar. 2 sows suir- .voccd to he with pig, 9 tist pigs it not previously sold: " slow hogs. IMPLEhnu'.NT.v, -e Two top buggies. one "curly m- v; open buggy. truck wagon, rhttrse slviuh. milk rnrk. Paris walking plow. McCormick hinder. Iti- horse power msulim- engine, Ujlson. in AI running order; Maple loot chopper, 11 inch plate. "omplvtst with speed oiteek and hell; vhoppo-r. 10 in. Plato, lhurso power; Champion threshing machine. Waterloo make: about 60 feet of bolting. HARNESS- T'arriap" harness with collars and briolrs and a numbn- of other articles, too mum-mum to un-n- Farm Stock. Implements, etc lion GERMAN IR OOPS OCCUPY PERNAU EAST OF RIG’A Berlin, via London, Feb. 25.-Ger. man troops have occupied Penna. a Russian sea port in Livenia, 99 miles north east af Riga, and Dorpat. 157 miles northeast of Riga. German war office announced today. This flying de- tachment travelled 130 miles in five and one half days. "iV '0 ‘u'i he s'oit,r Oi'. the pranisvs of tho underuigm-d. lu, miles past of l..nwood. 4 minis west at Huwiiesviile, md .", "mm north or Crosshill, Lot No. HORSES: --Itlat"s tvyttt rising. land r, Hairs o:d, well mmdw-l, him}: mar- rising IO yams: old. black gelding ris "rnP.tt ymrs old, bay “My yising 2 years old. CATTLE: 43 Cum! Dairy (muse Cow duo to tam-o March 15m. cow dur to t-alw May 4th, cow due to mlw- Ilay 6th, raw due to who May yth. mm dun to ralve Aug Cut, ii head of rank- using 2 years um. ie spring l uinw, 31 JUS' {WVVS dur 13i m.» How.; Sow “illl pigs at side, 2 mws dun to pig mum» ot Mann. 13ilmK1W'N"l's". oti.risrmichhirvJo" C, ft. cat with slum! earrter, McCor midi mum-w- C, fl. cm. hay rake. Dvor- mg If', disk 50ml drill. Manseyllarris wullh‘ulnr mm sm‘nl box. saw! land rullm'. l‘yn-u AK Wood "isk. l-cut‘lllm um: narrow. 2ittrrow gang plow, Oh' \wr ruling plow No. llll. Flurry walk in: pluw No. 1:). Wilkinson walking iron ttarrow. 2ittrrow gang plow, Oh' wr riding plow No. In]. Flurry walk, in: punt No. 1:). Wilkinson walking phrw No. 4. mm truck mug-m. mm lunr Imr wugnl with lmx. one pair ot huh "tvip,) with Imx. tttrot-tttot? carringP. "min-rs» CarriaRo. lam hug“. opt-II hum-y, I n" mad (-nrl. two jumper u-ulr Mrs. Tat hay rnrk. :wallvs '2.000 "N. weâ€. running tttid, Mono hum. rout pulp or. srnl'l"m'. hnnlruu-k. “In-M barrots, â€raw rum-r. hiry' fork. mull who. tte. Luna! “nun sopnmlul' now. um- an " Mun milk I Att. WEDNESDAY, MARCH 6TH. 1918. Commrurcingr at 1 o'l-Imk sharp. the ,l!owiug, si/.,:-- Im'm WEDNESDAY, MARCH 13, 1918 ll TERMS OF SALE: AUcot WM. lll'RAS. Proprietor. E. J. SHANTZ. Auctioneer, HHS OTTMAN. Cirti.. Alt ’1' PUBLII] SALE JOHN GERTH, Proprietor. H. B. DUERING. Aur)ttncer, J08. KARLEY, Clerk. MMI Sllf hurtw,as N F, l0 mnmlu ll" #0151 tram harness crcuit, tum“ a)» “or com, w‘r an (.rm- t ining In. slum '" pr nu credit of Mn r that There will be sold by publk: auction (I. the pram-mu ot the undersigned. In! 29, Con. "3. Wilmot Township, 0% miles matures! ot New Hamburg ttttd ' miles west ot HayssTItte on THUIODAY. IARCH r romlncnclug at 12.30 u'clm-l (allowing valuable properly HORSES-“l Chestnut "one. rising b' years old (extrasoodl, I F.eavy span Sorrel Geldings 'rising 0 years null annulled), Hay Gelding rising i years old CATTLE -t good Holstein Cow, fresh; 6 good DurhnnLGrude Cums due lo ml"! in April and May, y, lleih-rx Hails); If nuns, l Shun-s risinx 2 yuan, 7 spring, Valves. 1 Calf L’ months uldl. PIGS I Yorkshire Sn» will: lo pigs uhoul 6 wt-eks old a! tittttt of gals, l Inn-04mm! Berkshire Sow due to pig ttltottt Hid ot April, â€ENS Alooul 90 pure-brawl White Rocks. 2 pare-bred White Rock Cuck- erels. A lMPLl-IMENTS -- 1 Manny Harms Binder ti it with truck and shout car» rim lused one sonsonl. Maxwell Hay Loader? Frost and Wood Side Delivery Rake (hourly new), Maxwell Mowâ€. Hiv Rake. Massoy-Hurris lit-hoc- See-l Drill. 1'ttltieatot', Land Roller, Fros- & Wood Disc, 4 Ration Harrow. Mar well Turnip sower, Massey-Harris Srni’l‘lor new, 2 walking Plows, ('orn‘ 1'ultivator, Root Pulper, Cutting Box, Panning Mill, Platform Seals-s. i000 ms. capacity, 2 sets double harness f with ln'eeching). l set single Harness. likht Collar with nickel names. 4 team t‘ollui's. Sweat Pads, sot Plynets. sot 1'ltimes, Robes. High Wagon with box. slat-Ives and spring seat, low Wagon, wt Ilolvsloighs. Wagon Springs 4.ou" lbs. capacity, two seated Democrat with pole and shafts good as new 2 Top Buggies, I nearly Mew, open Blig- Ky, Milk Cart, Cutter. Wheelbarrow, Slonnhoat. 2 Hay Rm'ks. Stock Rack. some 2-in. Planks White Ash and Elm also some square Timber, Cedar Posts. Ponce baths; Chicken Netting, Exten- sion Ladder. 28 ft. new Stewart Home Flipper. Cream Separator, Grlmlstono. p, Logging Chains. '3 1'rowtrars, 6H. (‘rurs cut Saw. Slmlge "anthter, Wrui, gm. Svytlu's, Shovels. Hoes. Pick, Forks, Tin. Tile, Doultletrees, Nveli. yokos, Lo: Litter, Grain Bags. about 125 lbs. Salt, 75 it. good mp0. alum! Ir'. 1mm Ctovoy Hay, about 500 bus. gum] Oats. llOl'Sh‘llOLl) FWF'IDt"rs---Kitt'lten Stove. Cupboard. Table 6 Dining mum chairs. Bed With Springs. and Mul- tress. Sink. Ergal. Coal oil Can, Stvel Darrel with 25 gals. Coal oil, cradle. :; Milkrpnri. crpam run, iron kettle. milk cooler. milk pails, works, sap pails and spouts. Daiy churn, No. 3, Tub. Meat Barn-l. so! Flutimns, copper boil- or, quanlilv of good Delowaro Seed Pn- mums and a Mt of olhor articles. TFIRMS-Hay. Poultry and all sums of $10 and utub'r, rush, "Vt-r that mmmnl El "lawns mm“: on furnishing nppmvml sm-urity. A llisrmml of C, W'r vent. per annum, .atiowod on' tot' cash on (-rmlil amounts. Make money in your spar: time this winter by seHing NURSERY STOCK and NEW SEED POTATOES. Evnrything will be sold without rt- servt- us; Hm tarm is said. VWeVpay highest commissions and furr,ish our Salesman with literature with a "punch" to uh This is the right time to start on Spring Sales. farm Stock, Implements, etc Farmeis, Attention Send (or our hst of NEW OFFER XNGS and full particulars. FOR SALE--' pure bred Jerseys. Ap- ply at S. S Shana. 371 King St. F, kitrhonvr. or phmm 13mm. 39-tt CONRAD SCHMIDT, Proprietor. M. ROTH, Auctioneer. H.B. DUERING GENERAL WANTS. Numher at years experience as /tr,-t,titeer--Practrcal know- tedge of satueB of real estate, l:vrs Mock. "rttMerttertttt, ete MMI Slllf STONE & WELLINGTON. The Fonlhill Nurseries (Established 1837). TORONTO. ONT. Auctioneer Experienced Valuator Phone I36. Waterloo "ARCH MYH, 1913, And Mt o'clurk p. In. the bletrees, Nook- n Bags. about od mp0. Mum! alum! 500 bus. F2t, Farm Stock, Implements, Homehold Effects, Ete. 1'ttq under-ed will on" [or Isle by public auction. on In premium. t mile was! of Elwin, on the following valuable property: HURSES' - Sorrel horse 10 your: "d. sorrel mare lit years old, cheat. nut mare " yeuls old, bay coach hum ti."sng tt your: old. hay horse c, years old, sorrel mare 5 years old (driver). buy goldan 4 years old, 1 bay gelding rising; u' P'urs old, colt risk]: 1 year rising; old. CAT't'i.F.':- ("um with calf ul aide, row dun in April, ti cows supposed to In- In will] fat "ow. to howl of Pot ral- pair geese. IMPLEMENTS :--lPrtrst & Wood isindrer 7 toot cut, Furs! & Wool mow- er 6 foct cut. Prost & Wood muwur G mm cut, hay loaulvr. Massey Harris Milo tlvlivery puke that!) ttew), loll. dump who. Massey Harris manure sprvurler (new). Nisco manure spread. vr, 2 cultivamrs tl new), hoe drill. land roller. Cockshatt riding plow Ineul. two twin plows, G single plan's. 2 scumers. corn cultivator. rorn binm-r, liseolion iron barrow. IO- lwraw power. separator (Chief). rol- " chopper. INo. 2.1, l howl-power gasoline engine. fanning mill. 1,200 lb seale, p, hay t"aeks, hay fork, rune (nu-wt and pulleys, 40 fem mums hull- iug tti-inch), pulpor. it wagons. l lmhsloighs, l lungnloigh. P. buggies. cutter, gvindstone, emery stone, iron krttm, sausage grinder. . stut'fer, cream separator, wheelbarrow. (-urpam ter tools. bevel jam-k saws. ehains. tile spanks. forks,, hues and numerous cther articieB. [ liv, N Marlin}; rattle. , l year old. PIGS: 2 sown dste " At rit. I: sown stttttrcoed h Berkshire pigs. 7 pigs months old, " pigs 3 m pigs IO weks old, A hog l POULTRY: 7 About 75 HAY & GRAIN-About .'lrt tons of hay. a qurtantity of alfalfa buy. about 1'5 bushels barley fit for seed. about soo bushels ot oats, (same fit for sued) about 500 bushels mixed grain. soul-- timothy seed, sumo clover seed. some g,roostrwhPat, 600 bushels turnips, Emu bushels Innugels. about 30 bags polar t OPS, HARNESS--" sets double harness 2 sets single harness, 3 sets6ot' blank ets, horse hide. HOUSEHOLD HFT'KCTS--2. rup- hoards, sink, 2 box stoves, butter walk pr. rhurrt, sideboard. bureau. lem table. sewing machine, 2 beds mm~ plete, spinning wheel and rec], rock- ing chair, wood box. flour chest, din- nor bell, crib bed, 6 chairs. some car- pm. clothes cupboard, sarge'vats, 'a Min-hos. cider barrels, wash tub, sal' huvkms, maple syrup evaporator and nllwr anirh-s loo mum-runs to Int-1L NOTICE TO CREDITORS TEit.MS--Hay. grain. mots. poullry. small pigs, and all sums or $11) and un- der cash; tat cattle. thrce months' Crt'- dit, on all sums of over $10.00, " month's credit will be given on "l" provost joint notes. or per rent on for mush, Lunch at noon. Nntuv is lu-nnhy :Iwn pursuant In It. H. IL, Chap. 1:1. SI-rlinn Gti. Hull all 1.reoors' attsl ollu‘l's having claims “gains! tho (sun.- ot the said Earth Erb. who died on or nhom tho vanly- Ihird My of Fhtiumary. 1-917. urv rh- quivu-d on or lwforx- than first day of 1pril. 13!â€. Ir3 5-va In} irost prvpuid or to cloliwr In thr undm'sicnvd Fix; tttirottc of Ilu- said “Law. In" pitrtit. "lore, of Ihvir drink and the numrv of lirm In the Matter of the Estate of Enoch Erb, late of the Township of Wat- erloo, Farmer, deceased. "" I?" tlmy shall mu TUESDAY, MARCH tith, tom G. G. CLASS, Auctioneer, ISAAC HILBORN. élerk. PAUL SNIDER. PROPRlETOR \nd mkr unlit-o that ttft, r yuvh itty' ~n|immd dam Hm said Pin-mum's it prrtotd in dis't'ih'uo tho nssvls 1hr sni'l alt-m-nw-nl amonkd Illust- â€Hm! Ihrrmn. lmvinz ru-gnr-I only tbo.co "luittt.o oi' \Hurh Hwy shall In haw hurl notirv. and Hwy “ill I lu- liahl" for thr said "~N‘IS or 3 par! Inn-mt so distributed In any rum or pm‘sn'ns of whos" Hahn» by shnll no! hm. had notico at tho "f "drilmtiun‘ FANS S. III ..lrt3f 4.11 ll ',Nit'isr'.tl r-'Ntettrttph. Waterloo, F'ehruary.N, 1918 MMi' SALE F09"? m at iiiis. it an} mun-n than " due no [arrow in otrc.,ed to In) in pig. 2 7 pigs about tour pigs 3 months old, 6 H No Ito, SF.“ IN “NV AI.1.MAN undorsiswsul in tuna lull partie and tho mum y. mm by tt.torrt I afle r suvh lus‘ said Emu-mar: [I tr, dot-(- Watcrtm yen r chickens :nvrs rising old til h l IMPi.r',hiEN'Wl. F'.TC cirar'scy Har iris 6 fr. binder with sin-:5! carrier and “rut-k. Deming: mews-r with pea har. |wsler attached, Massey Harris steel 'hay rake nearly new. Massey Harris " hoe avail drill rollililnml. Massey 'llnrris H-plale disc, [and roller, tur- Inip seeder nearly new, Oliver riding IMOW nearly new, 2~furrow plow, 4. [siction iron hurl-ow. scttirler, new po- 1taio plow. Massey Harris uniting box Int-ally new, horse poww. bevel jack. fanning mill with hugger nearly new. scales cap. 600 Urs., new 'el..',. inch tire lumber wagon. new wagon box with smNving, lumber wagon, Fret at bob sle-ighs. new top buggy. 2 seated oar- rin'ge. buggy pole, sulkey, cutter near. ly new, hay rack, gravel planks, smud- l ing. trough, 2 sets of Multletrees. neck- 'i'nkvs. 2 mm pulpors, t now: 2 when-l- bt.trrosxs, 150 Hts. or harbed wire, work [i:';":':',?:':',, lugging chains. lwrt I'm-k. scoop slimol. lurks. via. ll F015 li-um humans, It! sets ruMrer ta"?"""" single harness il now). . I GRAIN ETC.-- 2:10 hush. oats, a quantity of straw and TttttttRIN'. I HOUSEHOLD Er"r'Fac'TS- Massey Farm Stock. Implements and Household Elects, etc. Kin-heme. two when out or Centre will». an» and our half miles uurtltcat'st of Frown-wt. on There till he sold by public- auc- Lion on the premiu- m the warnin- Eat. muted tHe miles mutual ot J’HUISDAV, MARCH " "" Cltunrruatcing at t o'clock p. m. sham Iho [alluring valuable prom-Hy. viz: an in les. _ No Itcsvrve. TERMS or" SAL? A Slum. manuro. proin, ttips, poultry, and all sWus of $lmm and mull-r. cash; over that amount 9 mouths" rrvdil on approved so! may or 6 per cent. per annum dis. 1-0qu for rash paymotis of credit amounts. ' Farm Stock, Implements, etc Thope will In- sold' by public nun- 1ion, on 11m prrmisos at lhv undnr- siamsd, simian-d two miles west of Ihmlwxg. and uh) miips southeast of ('msshill. on Cot1tturncitut m 1 o'rlprk p.m. sharp. Hu- tollowinp, mluabln property. viz: NURSES â€any bay Tare team 8 and 'd “was old wvighl ahout Moo "as, "sirri/ss horse 8 yeant old wrigh- iuy 1hmu “nu Ills. chestnut mare 12 yl-nrs old. dark bay nmro 9 yours ohi (unml dcivor), riorrN horse R yun's “lap '(guml drnv r). Muck l‘vrvln-run roll 2 (roorl driver), .corrN horse R yrs-rs old (good tiris" tO. Mud; l‘vrvln-rnn roll p, \I‘m's cltl. C'ATTt.r: 2 rows Il'vsh by tim" of suln. POW dun In who March 2ys. vow dur. m crtlrts April .'9, row due to cttlTe April Huh. 'ow du." to valve in May. row {21-st I} wrr'"s. hoifrr dc: to rain Aux. 'sth. 12 hvad. of fat mmlv. t min-:- from I m 4 months old. :Ihuln Hts. "sirri/, in; ahoul yI-urs old. (roorl lll'iV '(guml urn [UPLHMENTS Massry Harris hin- (h r c, n. rm. l‘imnminn sprint Inmh cullimmr with svvd box. T FYost & rum?! Wood tii Arr plow plow. 2 n rslr-iehs, .", F't't; J' 1w"). loll: tov.utt8 mvny No RNrHF DITNER--tn Krtcherter, on Fm. 23nd in Firt man and Mrs, Alphous Jinn , a daughter. chit i1lllltlilSlilf ANI H. It TUESDAY, MARCH 12, 1918, that is r ISIS 0P lt 2 furrow c, pluw. whr m ttupzy. v. PUBLIE SALE It AHAM PIPING“ Propviotor “FERN“ 'r, All†ionvvr 1rllu'TIliCll. ('lork. of d'iEl5G an "CM. l'urks ‘S.\I.H FM cattbs, pies " sums ot $1.20" and un Itut ot her arlirlns. F'.voryrhinv, will rufflvrs loam harm HN tor" -- “FPS. ',bturrrrw 4mm: Ik', plow. nvw Oliver llmrrnw, turnip pm. you box. pair of huh Illl hurnvss (1 good tmounts N "A H'l WH 20“." amount Itt Su, Vim Mn Hf-[iill‘él “I Im‘ No 9 in h There um be sold by public auction. on the premises of the undvrslgm-d. t% mile. mulhwvsl of Uauuherx, ' mum, northwest ot Josephshurg. "d mil-1 “mun-2st ot Wrllestey, Cum-rs sum 3, tart to, 'ro-tstty ot Wilmot Parm Stock, Implements, Household Effects, Etc. on THURSDAY, MARCH PTH, "" Commencing al re o'rlock noun, sharp the following \aluuhlr prou‘rly, viz: HORSES-- Pure bred bay Clydes- dale mare rising 11 years, chestnut mare rising 13 year: old in {on}. grey mare rising 6 yr"! old. genrrul pur- pose chestnut mun- i'isiuig 12 years old sired by Dam king. 2 chestnut geld- ‘iugn rising 'd Mars old. rheslnul filly lining e )t-ars old. t'rt"tH.b', - " Good Dairy Cows .___ Cow Irrrh by liun- ol' ml», row fresh about 2 months. um duo Io who in April, row (Mir to raise in July, cow due to calve in Aug., cow supposed to he in calf. twin-r due to cttlee in Aug.. heifer dut- to valve in Nov.. 4 fat cattle, 3 good spring oalves, pure bred Holstein bull with pedigree. SHEEP-- 2 ewes and q last '.vear's lambs all supposed to be with lamb. mGS-- 2 good brood sows with lit- ters at side, 2 sows due to Pitt latter part. of Marvin. Chester while boar one ymr old, I' shouts about 150 "is iup,ts rising tors [in rt one oat-h lll PLEMK'.NTS- Maxwell binder 6 ft. cut, Maxwell mower 5 ft, cut, pea harvester, mower, hay rake, land rol. 1er, 2 spring tooth cu1tivators with seed ling. Noxon seed drill. hay loader. Copltshtttt riding plow, 2durrow gang plow, 2 walking plows, potato digger. TWO ,,b 00 TWO smirk-r. Rise, Ilrsnt’liun iron narrow, turnip stouler, turnip pulm-r, content mixer. TFHHCLh'.S--- 2 11mttrer wagons, wa- gon box. hay rack, 2 sots of hob slriglis, sloigh box, Sn-t single boh sloiglis. impaled carriage, top buggy, oyt'n buggy. cutter, cutting trox, cir- rular saw, fanning mill. wt of slings. platform scalo capacity 2,000 lbs, log- ging chains. crewman. aouttletrees. nun-Y‘yukvs. forks, rakes, shovels. and mvny (mu-1' mliolr‘s. HARNESS AN!) BLANKETS - 2 St‘l loam lizn'nvss. mm nearly new, sol sinzlv harness. 2 Mania-1s. _ llOl'SlHlULlI EFhcECTS-- Kitchen ullllv. lml‘ lalnlo. llnl.aval â€palm separ- ator, t-hild's bod. luungu. chairs. bonrh, sum pun. PM sap pails and spouts, hul- Iu' "or'.ot and many otlut arliolvs. TERMS or" SALE _ r'at cattle. and all mus nr $1Mâ€: and under. cash: nv-r that amnunl 12 months' credit will be given on approved joint notes or c, pvr u m. on nu cash [mynwnls of rrmlit amounts. . tttor, child‘s bod sum pun. Gil sup lrl' warm-r. and Nrw York. PA», 2T-., Cruertt Von Henlmg. Impevlm Ccrmnn Chancelmr. win ad n95 We c, 7r "n Reir‘wstaq tr, may on Foreman [Him 3, prabnbly le 'h We .NJ Mt:"hon 5' the Russian F',rvsCrrtT,ort:itHe pum- tcrms new ot.) bred to Germahy. The Chancellor has not yet replied to the recent war mu c, rat'ntt'nt", of Fragment Wuhan tnd P'umnr Llwd Gwcr’lc. " he speaks he may “in this opportunity, to out. cam-aura can one. more. I 'lew York, F Hertuttg, Impenm win ndJu'J. "'9 tnday ttu Forum crrsdit "ttttttttttg 'I‘hvro win ho sold by public am» lion, on the farm of the ttndovsignod, siluntu-cl at New llnndw. on TUESDAY. MARCH 19, 1918 ..18 GOOD DAIRY cows-- llolstpin "ow fresh Feb. 6. Jersey row fresh by lime of snlv. lloblnin mm mm lo rstlvt' in Auuust. Durham row frvsh by tinto of stile. Jt-rsoy cow dun to mlvo in Nov,, 6 Holstoin rows from by time of salo, Holstein row fresh Hott. 16, llolslo-in cow (luv to rahv May M. Holstcitt (11w du" to rnlvo Opt. 1. I‘m-ham row due In ralw May 2". Grade raw 'lu" to (11le in Aucnst. Durham cow due to ralvn (lllnlwr 2, Hrmlv cow due lo who May 1: five full calves. 6 small ralvvs. TERMS or" sAr.Fr- S .uns of 825 and under mm. m‘v'r that amount 10 monihr' ' mm on "pprovrd joint ttotr.R or 5 pr? mm disrrumt [or rash .0" This is an mar:- good hum-h of dairy cows. PIG.R-r2. shoals wrighinz Hm lbs pac HORSRS~ mark horse “'l"‘?l1in2 who"! 1mm Ihr, My horses w-Ilvril! 1rurwrt 15: years old: good driver 3 )1'aln 'del, .xearlinu to“. No Ibsen». CHANCELLOR TO ADDRES§ GER. MAN REICHSTAG --OF'-- CIIOICE MILCH COWS No Reserve. . Jos. P. Lu'HTY, Prop. H. I), DI‘ERINC. Auctiouvor. En KAllMAN. (‘lrrln E, J. RHANTZ er'innnrr PUBLIB SALE A RT!†Mll.lll SALE " 3" ars an; old. TFNSI'HLA'H‘IR Proprietor. 9m Farm Stock, Implement. Household Effects, etc. The underruated In; reeriveU , alruumua trom HENRY DEDl-ZLS. srll by l‘uldir Auction, on the â€0.: isâ€. l milr sotHUcayt at lln-sluu. I. tho Toyotship ot' Watrtluo, nu WEDNESDAY. MARCH 13TH, At 123:0 u'clmk sharp. the following: ' HORN-28w Black Percheron In." no; yum. old. weight 1850 lbs, UN"- daie'horse 7 years old, weight "" lbs: Clydesdale matched team d mares 6 and tt years c?ld welghlng "" lbs, good arm-r (Bonnie Hall) 3 your. old. CATTLE -»- Jersey to" $resh t Inumh, Joscy row due to ulvu- in July, Jersey guide «out fresh t months, Holstein "rude cow due to calm“: In July, Hun-hum grads- cow [rash ' nmnlhs. Jersey grad" cow tresh 1 umnlh, Durham grudv lteifer rrestt 6 wen-ks. Jersey heifer fresh 2 months. 2 [arrow cows, tat cow, 2 Durham grade heifers supposed to he In call. yearling heiter. steer. (all 4 months old. call 3 ntonths old. three ht calves, Shorlhorn bull. PlCrS-- All pure-bred YarkMtireg - Two sows with liners or to and " 7 weeks old, sow with a liner of 11, , “mu-ks old, two cows tarrow hy time of sale, 5 shuns, tive young sows sup- posed to be him! by time of sale, lwd young Yorkshire hours 6 months old. two year old Yorkshire boar. PO u LTRS moul h Rocks: ( 10 CENT "tJASCAREmV' l FOR LIVER AND BO IMPLEMENTS - Massey Harris Self binder, 6 n. rut, “many Harris mower 6 n. cut, Cockshutt disc drill, MrCormick 1,'rtiisc drill, Massey Har- ris (-nlllmtor. McCormick hay ke, 12 ft., Nixon manure spreader, a l as now, [no-horse Corn mum-nu vollrw, .scuil'ler, barrow. toot utr. lvr. disc, four svmion iron 1 row. grain eralvr. t'ockshutt 24'nrrow plows. Verity piow.plivcr plow, Batt. on, truck wagon, two wagon boxes. hay Park. stock rack. Chatham tanning mill. straw miner. root pulp", scales 71000 ths., pig crates, chute wood rack, bohsleiph, hay rack, cutter, pleasure sl'vigh. two lop buggies. open baggy, rublwr Urn: surrey. nearly new. road cart. Melon? (-rl-um separator, sizp w. iron koltlo With stand; furnace law He. corn sholler. scalding trough, Pitt hevdies, sausagn grinder and stutter. hay fork. Ihroo logging chains. five _douhlt'irer's. two nockyokes, Scythe, ;;;I'uin vrtullv, shun ls, forks. hoes, axe, sh-dno hammer . crowhur. extension ‘lilddt'l', truss snedvr. 3 dozen grain [Imus and many mlwr articles. _ HARNESSw Two sets of team har- ness, 3 sets of buggy harness, set brass mount) harness. nvnrly new; two set curring» harness, nearly new. iIoI's'F",IroI.tt Fl'RNlTl'RE~ Two Daisy churns, Nos. 3 and 4, Butter worker. GRAIN, IcTC--- 29 bushels barley, Manchurian. No. 21, cleaned ready t.o sow, about 11:3 bushels oats, o. A. C. No. 72, (loaned ready to BOW; " bushels Ronnie's Spook-l oats, clean- rd Nady to BOW. a quantity of hay, " bushels Irish Cobbler seed potatoes" bags of Davis Warrior. TERMS-All sums of $15.00 and un- ths' credit on approved Joint notes, ths' crpdit on approved point. notes. 5 pvr Hut. " on cash payments of m-(m amounts. Hay, grain. pigs. fat cow, fat unhos. rhickr'ns, potatoes rash. London, Feb. 2N--Gert. Bruieviteh has be'en appointed dictator and suc- cessor to Ensign Krylenko " comman- der In chief of the Russian armies, according to a Berlin despatch. The General has ordered the Russian troops to fight to the Ian. Malt];- r! mm- and rngulmu- .hc JHND' nth. ro~mu\'v Hw- aonr. brim-min; food and {ml was: tako thes ext-ms bile [rum my IV. " and unry " the (ol- I‘lilnlv‘l v.13!" mum-r Ind potion from tho irsittrtimss and hon-eh. A lutri In from war arm“ At will My. crrur livrr and hon-pk clean; tstomach :n-vt and hllul ttlettr me month; They watt win). you ll... No odds how bad your liver. Imm- tteh or bowels: how much 'our head mime. how mism'ablo you art-1mm turttsti"tttiott. inrlicostion. h‘iiounwu and :Iu:::n.~h I‘m-via“ y'm uhmys we: t,itrrt' usâ€: (kht-mrh. They immo- MMI RUBIN!" RUSSIAN TROOPS WILL FIGHT Bilioutneu. Sour “much, in Breath-Candy Cathartig. CHAN. M. CRAWLEY, Auctioneer, R. R. No. 6. Guelph. " S. [(0113, Clerk. to lend on rarattt. rim. Sewn-l Mortglges. cm or write Ill. " one. and get your Ioan stunned by return an No adTntge. charges. J - B. R. REYNOLDS. 77 Victoria. Bt., Toronto. 00.000 ._oy.. Fort y Ban-0d Ply 9-2 t