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The Chronicle Telegraph (190101), 27 Dec 1917, p. 2

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Art is founded) that loads the State to talis- men by compulsion and. nu tin-m in thv lighting linc. also roquirrs that mcn shall he kept at home whe an) engaged in work vssential to enable the State to maintain the full otr, Money or the cmnhaiant forces. and whosr places cannot be taken by other; tot within the Hass callbd out. - in the other ruse a ruling exempting the third son of a family in whirl ‘Im mm. already serving overseas. one of thorn living hill, d, was sustainct by the appeal judrw, who said: . The judgincnts rciorrod to are plainly right. and for that reason lvav: to appeal wilt not be accorded. The ease falls within Section Eleven, Sub «Minn Ono (d), win m- the granting of a t'r'r.tifieate 6t exemption is 'tsuthor bed In cases in which "serious hardship would ensue." in the words of the Act “it tho man WttW placed on activi, service owing to his exceptional . l . l . ‘l domestic position." ' . _ Tht. rulings. which are final, will assist in 'ciearing tip numerous similar inst-s that "r" in doubt, ‘ It is [walnuts nnIu-rvssary to say that sum 1'xemptions ai" not granlv as concessions on :u-rounl or lwrsonal hardship, still loss as a ft-vom' In class. Tlrc Mm» ground of Ihmu is that thc national intvrvs! is [hr lullv sewn-d by Running. thcse mm at homv. The supmlma twcessi6 (upon Ih "s:itttttnce of which, as its preamble shows, the polity of lho Military Servir. In his ruling granting the exemption the appeal judge laid down tiles. two propositions as indisputable: (1) ln ordtir tliu the military power of the Allies may be adequ-ltel: sustained, it is essential that in this country-and under the present ennui rious there Should he no diminution in agricultural production. ('3) The supply of competent labour availtlblc for the purposes c agricultural production is not rcdundant but actually is tirtiicivnt. The proper ram-lush)" appears to be that the subject of the'application a competent person who has been habitually" and eireetivoly engaged i, labour essential to such production. ought not to he withdrawn from it. Now that (‘umulu has a Union Government why not a union guvcrnmvm in Kitchemtu:? . . " is important for Kitchener that the Council for 1915 should In! a truly representative body. What are the chances? ‘ Two docisinn§ rt'ccntIr.httnded down by the ventral aptteal judge in con nqction with exemption claims are or gonvral interest. The tir.st was in the case of a farmrr's son who applied for exemptio; on the ground ot being an experienced farm hand and who had been worl' ing on the farm continuously tor seven years. ,, '7 _ Th" City Council has raided the salary ot the Mayor from $700 In $1.000 In orrlvr that a workingman van In! the position. In Maror.Groros going to have opposition at the forthcoming municipal election? . ' "not, 17. 191t, will forever stand us our of tho moat trtemoratttp days In Canadian history. " now remains topttt irttoe,trectlve operation wlthlhepast poulhle delay, tho will of the Momma“: as oxpronsml at the polls." -Htttt. J, A. Ctglder. Minister ot Immigration and Uotottiztttiott. . The iris-ml: of Hon W I. Mackenzie King in North Waterloo will sympa mm with him in the loss lu- has sustainml hy We death of hill and mother. Mn. John King. who reiidtd in this city for many your». Mrs, King was a daughter ot William Lyon Mackenzie During bur rmlulwm'e bore she was immimm In social circles, and was tiny: cmdinlly welcomed on visits made since leaving this my. Her demise will be neatly regretted, - For the development at this and her other great resources after the war Russia must have foreign capital. and there is, theretme, little or no dange or repudiation now, or or default In payment of interest. The Union G'nvernmon.t's majority is large enough to ensure in vigorous .vinmhggpoliw until the enemy is defeated. _ Hon. Hugh Guthrie, Solicitor-General. was "lectcd by a majority of 4.166 “or his Social opponent. Thore will be no recount demanded in South Iver ington. The Russian people understand that alter the war the need ot lumber it he European market will open wonderful prawn-ts for Russian industry. B, mover development or this industry. Russia will be able to deliver the hull of the lumber necessary for the European countries.- A This problem is solved in a very interesting manner by.the possibilities it the development ot Russia's timber industry. according to Mr. A. J. Slack, di rector. Russian Information Bureau. New York. The lumber export ever-t nowadays holds second place. iollowing grain. in Russia's export trade. The Limber to the European market means tor Russia the practical solution 0 most ot her financial tiittivaitier, that are bound to arise after the war. Th teveiopment of Russia’s lumber industries and the export of Russia: mee and will assist in. the payment of the national debt During the'yea. 1915 the debt balance of Russia's foreign trade amounted to $1285.000Jiiw. Dun In: 1916 it rose to over ti.o0ito00,ooo. This .waspartiaily produced by Wu vonditlons. _ . The threatened repudiation by Russia of her foreign loans is not causing any great alarm in business circles in view of the chaotic situation out ot which the Bolsheviki have failed to build a strong government. The tel-Ins ot peace. when the time comes. will provide tor the tu1tttment of internationa obligations. Great Britain. the United States and Japan will see to that. At to: the war Russia must pay the interest on her national debt. and. therefore the question ot turning the balance ot trade in [aver ot Russia is one ot tin "toot important problems of Russia's economic life at the present time. Bee "tist-tat. nib in. - that w. a an». nonunion d a. Cu ". "all. or Conn-nu. North Wuerioo. m: not he allowed to like hi: 'tet"; 11w. according to . London able in this moral-(n It" and Empire. that,“ annually largo overleaf soldier vote ha been designated toe this titling at a result at the insult dared to Premier Bartlett in Kitchener. during the -toet caught lunar an the midis:- vote in concerned. under tho Soldieru' Vote Act. the soldier lama I right to denigrate in the Illace tor that nut-pow " the ballot. (he riding in which he deuiren his vote to be counted. That in " right awarding to law. However, the placing of a large soldier vote in this ridlu not-w deuuuted try the soldier: themselveu. um . vote in excess ttt that knit-it other eousttttutggcies receive in the division ot this vote, would he equi- Valent to dumtgtchissemettt ot this riding. The leully qatstitied electors ot North Waterloo expresud their will at the will: on Hominy. and W. D. Euler represents the will or the majority. Whe. ilmr they have spoken like? and in the interest of the riding of North Wat t rioo in not the question. hey tave exercised their rights under democracy Mid one of these is the privtlege to make mistakqs. The mujority may not al. "Ttrt' be right but under the democratic system it rules. The best lessons are received in the school of experience'. ‘And so in North Waterloo. .To stiite the will of the legally qualified electors would be to commit an injustice that my“ certainly not improve the situation. Atty odiuin that may attach to this riding as the result of the elecQon of I Laurter supporter will not be removed by denying him his right to sit in Parliament. "As you make your bed so you must lie on it," Germany I. getting ready to deliver an offensive on the Western front, but he Allirs will he prepared to meet it with their usual llIFCQSS and determina- jon. . . A '"-FN. \ . .. . t wanna. ONT. s" ”Hanna. "4' sin '""u. In!» and German. In all brush... “mawmumumu autumn-mm» Iatwd- - In union ther THE SOLDIER VOTE A ND NORTH wnnawo. Gus, “I. Maehhe. new m main. . DAVID "Agt 'a 80“.. LOIITID WILL RUSSIA REPUDIATE HER LOANS? is Quength" whether NOTE AND COMMENT. FARMERS EXEMPT. it is m Canada or Kftr-hener. "Read about thr insult to Borden, I nvvwr thought the town was as bad " thin. No rtr?ryon I have eepokert to vet puts in a good word for the town and I hesitate to My I romo from the nlgcc. I know It's not as bad as it Ir- inado out to he. hm some of the mu rurrvnces haw been disgusting.” mo "I am very contented with my tot in Franco so far. and am ,sure’my good spirits will be able to hear quite a burden hoforo they collapse. Will he careful so don't worry aboui me." “Wt- are going to lu- giwn a chance D vote in the cumin): Canadian elm-- ions. 1 understand that LauricPs 'ttttform will mpan that Canada will tltimatNy drop out of this war. This (ruin: hack home sounds mighty mod to the soldiers over hen-v. but wt not on» out of a thousand of us will as! a vote for Laurier. Peace talk s all nonsense. We arr beating the 'mrmans on this wtssteprt front and xlth all their reserves they cannot stem the tide. The Americans will be a great help. too, Next Christmas s-ill see peace, I think. but it won't ho uirantaqeous tot. the Germans. This xiii be my ttrst vote and it sum will 'te for Bordim and conscription. which will mean thc :iuving of Canada's honor, I know you will agrw with Minn!" Resigns. At a nucvlal meeting of tho manure gallon railed m musician'- the! immun- tion of their paslpr. the Rev. E. We}:- le. who has been corinertcd with the lupus! chyrches of Nrw Hamburg and l‘hlllpslmrx for the past sts-years. hr roll!!! not Dru-Pp? the inrftgtiqn of hln church to remain," They 'teefdrrrt very unwillingly to aorépf his ruin nation, Mr. Welsh: dram-n to pursue I "nirr'rtrity murw hm! will Ink? a "tuirch In ttw (My of Buffalo. as It " fords him this opportunity Stops hare ‘u-vn Iikvn by the Food Controtlpy to ronsvrw hrvrdimt stock. l," par! of the rampaign tor menu“! pmducuou ttt food animals. }unner Harry Cries Writes Interesting Letter Prom France. - SUCCESS FOR THE COSSACKS. - Petrograd. Dec. 20.--orertburg Cossacks. opposing it. Bollheviki have )ccupied Tcheliabinsk Junction on the TrartB-8fherian railroad. PEACE mll] NEXT BHHISTMAS ? o R CONSCRIPTION ' Toronto. Doe. 't.-As - "on “my ”a! - (Multan com. in it in avian: that Hon. Frank 01W”, " Whit“ LIuM Chief western lieutenant nu had tho tight at M: w. in tsu~hrur'munwmy, whbh in tanner elections wu myriad u with“, M” '00 him. Pe'trograd, .Wednesdly. Dee. 20.--The Rada, governing body of Ukraine was sent a negative answer to the ultimatum of the Cguucil of People's Com- misaaries'ttf the Bolsheviki Government. This means "if! resistance to the Bolsheviki Government. 4 ' r STATE OF SIEGE PROCLAIMED. _ A “In of seine has Gen proclaimed m Petrograd and Ukrainian Rad: 1n refund to obey an ultimatum oresented by the Bolsheviki Government. Murders in the capltnl due it is said to the looting of wine cellar: and shop: made necetsary a proclamation of a state ttt siege. 45 (ll WITH SIX STll1ltttft'IEil,, . HM; V FRANK [IlWEH- IMAM] Brigadier - General Grieobach, 1mm $hutdidate in West Edmonton, is Leading With Equity of 900 - Alberta Rotufns Mine for Governmt. One Opposed Thin morning the Urtiorti.t candidate Debut-or 03M. Erwin is lead. in. try W majority with a few small on“: a Mar from. Buttle River, Sun. is a“. still incomplete though Blair the Unioniut it leading. Victoria. Alberta, in to-day conccdod to Opposition candidate White. Tho Alberta standing to-day is therein-c Government t, Oppoiition I, .n doubt. 2. Thi. makes the summary for the Dominion to date.' Gwen-mung IM, Opposition " Incomplclo 2, deferred 4, quernmcnt maiority 43. State of Siege Has Been Proclaimed in Petrogradr- I Disorders in Capital Due to Looting of Wine Cellars and rB1topts-- Rada at Odds With Bolsheviki. The Ukrainian Rada and the Boisheviki Government in Petrograd have men at odds since the successful revoiutton of the MaotimahU" early In No- Iember. Ultimatum referred to, is probably a demand made my Bolshevik' :hat Rad: permitt troops to'tro through Ukraine to ald inputting down Kal- :dines raven. . C Of 1m Included in the opposition Mean mom. rriox ind Duncan Rcu an of Ontario have heretofore §upportod the Military Service Act .lllhlllllll full HAS min . TU [IBEY ULTIMATHM f%il1l]1ll _ HY HDLSHEVIKI lMfllllilfllf M's Mr. and Mrs. Philip Girs. King St., Ccst, are in I'm-vim of, an iutvrvstin,ur ‘llc-r from thvit mu Harry, with lit, mmdian army in Frances. Itvl'c-rr‘mg In the (-lu'vliuns Hurry lit-tron. "ee. It).-- Summing up for the Government in the ease a Albert 't'.' Kalt.schtttidt and tit" others being tried on conspiracv vharRr.s, was begun in the Federal court here this afternoon, Louis W. Home”, Assistant Uttitetl States District Attorney. addressed-oe jury tor moor then an hour, opening with tho statement .that the evidence show- ed Kaltschmidt and his crrderendants were ongaged In a conspiracy to do wholv.stph, and deliberate murder. r-al, Milan-d not only to blow up {admins and armories in Canada and the l'nltod States. but to lawman sleep. Eng in the armorial. Concerning Kallschmidt. he said the ovidetite so clearly showed his will that it would be lionessary to speak of him only to show the con- nection or the other defendants with lnm. Mr. McClear ridiculed the stories told yesterday by Carl Schmidt. Hit: A. Neet and Franz Raps. oo-delpndl ants. that tiny were unaware or their Connection with any ronspirttr.v. \‘rmidt. Npef and two others undvr indit'tment. but not on trial. were shut to Duluth by kttit.rrctttnldt. he (inland. to procure dynamite, tttter Knllsrhmidt had rot-awed monay from affirm German warns. These mon. he said. were guilty of trans- porting dynamite through tseverttl Stnios. in \iolmion of tho Pedrml law. . . Paris, Dec. 2t.-Arnitre artillery fttrhr o'ettt on the Verdun from east of th' Meuse is reported by the War Office The artillery is active also at point: on threaten! end of the line, espec iamy in monanity of Hartman Wei|~ crkopf and east of Than. NOTHING To REPORT. London, Dec. 21.--iBritish Otmtiatl -r-Nothimt to report on the western from; , _ Conspiracy Evidence at Detroit Summcd Up by the Prose- H IV. tettoontaker of this (my. white he was en route to his home. Mr, Thompson has In!" in Alumna! tor sown! months pnrphpslnx lily tor the l'. s. “In oodrutgni. hunt- gunn- tittme or which haw bun shipped an man the “the unlll thereon" embargo was ordered by the Pan-Mun govern- mt. Mr, Sam Thump-9.; of Kansas" V” W i /" -- -_7___~ City, spent a row 'ttrs wtth his Mom“ London. Tuesday. Doc. ”Puma. KA LTSCHMIDT‘S GUILT CLEAR. ARTILLERY IS ACTIVE ON VERDUN FRONT SAYS MT0ltN E Y tutor. Mops an being taken by the Food Controtter to 91mm ttte mpoly of bin. der twine tor non; you“. have“. ) Would Add To " . in (We ridimps both candidates were Unionistm,and in another a Unionist was elected, by acclamation, " the gross vote polled by all these candr dates were counted it would swell the total enofmously, but it is perhaps fair- er to treat these seats as Unionist my clnmations and assign a round figure of2Stn votes to each, in some of them) as a matter of fart. the winning Uniom ist had a majority as high as 1,5001 The seats in question are North Gray l West “outings. North Oxford, Wei-1 land South Toronto and Glcuttarry not.” at 2.500 votes opiate, they may he said Io add 10,000 to the popular malority ot the Government. 17,976 OFFICERS AND MEN KILLED AND WOUNDED Assuming that McCoig and This) will supporl Union Government, both having voted for conscription in the House and neither hnritttr.Latsrier in. dorsstion. their majorities would add l.977 to the total and the net result after subtracting the Laurlerile major- ities, works out as folows: Government Major-Mu 61 straight Laurier defeats. . 137.600 d mung; no Laturierites .... 16.000 4 mixed contests . . . . . . . . .. 31,447 McCoig ‘and Truax . . . . . . . . 1,977 cuualuu reported In vault ending to. any total 17,970 oHieers and man, an foIlom:-0"icerl kiUed or died of wound. Mt, men 31.1. ttmcerB wow"!- ed or mining tttse, men 13,425. over Laborite ...... ...... Brant Unionist. and Soldier over Lanrleme ...-.. ..._...._. Hamilton, w., Uatiottlttt and Bal. dierover Laborfte .v....t... 9 Laurierite wlns . . . . . . . . . . 10,889 Parkdue. I’nionist and Soldier ... .. over LIurierite .. . . . . . . . . 13.499 The Conan?" majority In Omar- io in 1911 was 6 1000. Four Special Cases There are four other seats in which then! were mixed contests and them: have been dealth with as follows: York. 5.. Unionist and Soldier Toronto. Dec. 19.-The popular civil. ian majof'ity for I'nion Government and conscription in Onturio is at the very least. 175,000. In 61 of the " ridings. there were contests in which the lines were strictly drawn between Laurierites and Unionists. In "tese the Unionist majorities total 137.500 his is a conservative figure Bo far as conscription is concerned. for many Laurier candidates said they were conscriptionists and thus got a share of the conscriptionist vote. As a Gras mmnvm majority, however, it an “is. FOS'TER’S BIG VOTE Indication of the Great Unionist Sweep in Prov- ince on Monday. Allies Mtin um Superiority in numbers on French “rum. Doe. ".-Ha'ermany's Mons. on the PtttgtctrBrititttt trout I- placed in omens! de-tchess receiv- ed here trruay " 134 divlulolu. or with, in one division or the great torre um Hue-d there _ hut July, when the Gur- man military ettort “slim l-‘ranvc was " It: muimum. (lluflfl1 Ill [MARIO 1751"“ Withdrawals from Russia and drnits upon the younier classes oi re. serves have enabled the Kaiser not only to nuke up the enormous loo sea tuttfered in blood, Mules with the allies, but to reploce the men sent to aid the Austrians in their invasion of ltaly. Winter therefore. finds the Gen mans with “mien inch); the allies in France. very equal to the lei-seat ever before mustered. with adveriiaemcn. of a_ great offensive, which may pre- use another peace proposal. The allies, however. are understood to maintain a considerable superiority in numbers on the French from. Popular majority Total Total illlllullllS illl ' WEST nlllil Laurierite Mnjoritlu . 18li,954 175.065 31,477 8,649 2,495 CM: Acting on a complaint of Mr A E, Bil-hour. n citizen ot London. the Do. minion Railway Pomminlnn has ttiv. en an order tor the installation or gal- es at tho Hurwnll Adelaide and Rec. Your streets rrcsllnn ot the ir. T ii The mi in to tre divided hetweon lhe My Ind the railway. New York. Dee. 20.-The Associat- " Preu to-duy carries the following --"Ar, Atlantic 'tort.-ietesiat train left herd to-day for Canada carrying 1,200 lnvalided Canadian soldiers who arrived here yetterday on a British ship. With military promptneu they were transferred from the vessel to the railroad depot and their only com- Maint we: that they were not permit ted " visit the city before. London, Dec. 20.-iaking in the Howe " Common: to-day, David Lloyd George, ~Britiph Prime Minis- ter, said that the margin of losses at sea was narrowing. Sinking by sub- marines he declared we: decreasing while ship building was increasing. Gnu " Three Cronin”, MINAID'I LINIHENT CURE. D‘PHTHIRIA. _ London, Dec. 20.--British air squad- rons raided German establishments in Belgium the Inst two days inflicting severe damage in many quarters and setting shops at Bruce: on fire with bombs. Seven German airplanes were destroyed and three driven out of con- trot. Three British machines are mie- sing. No' Infantry Action- Parh, Dec. 20. "Wfitrial)--There was moderate activity along whole Front In“ night bot no infantry anions. London, Dee. 20.--Pertugese troops) wear Laventie. north of Arras. last, tight repulsed an attempted German raid, according to an official iiiiiil nent issued to-day from .British head. warters in France and Belgium. Ger. man artillery was active in Ypres :qctor. GERMANS WERE g _ REPULSED BY , I, PORTUGUESE ; London, Dec. rt.r-.-.qttry.'1y..)ra".ttl British War Office to-night iesued the', follow% statement on aviation activi- ' in France. Three hostile machines} were brought down in air mrhting Wednesday, and two others were driv-, en down out of control. One of our, machines itt missing. l Shepherdsville. Ky., Dec. 2t.--The death toll taken last night when the Louisville and Nashville passenger .rain No. 7 from Cincinnati to New Orleans crashed into the rear end of the Louiaviite-Bartutown and Spring- tieid aecommhdation train, a few hun. 1red feet south ot the ulquad union mere. reached Mi to-day. ENEMY PLANES BROUGHT DOWN Paris. Dec. t9.--The old French cruiser. Chateau Renault employed u a transport was torpedoed and sunk in the Mediterranean, on Dec. 14, the lubmarine which attacked her was Iat- er deatroyed according to the War of- ficial announcement of the French min iBter of marine. Ten member. of crew were lost. OLD FRENCH CRUISER AND POE SUB. BONE London, Dec. t9.-One of the Suntan OW w M . ' ' I night's raid over England was brought down " m“ In!“ tl been destroyed. The War Ollie. announce. tron u to " PM T V ' Ill groups endeavored to roach London. but only iv. 0W Hi: , ' ' bombo on the city. All arm-h machlm roturnod. _ t? "Mi ii)' ONE PLANE unwrap "no cuAuuzL. _ JY 'g",ij: London, Dec. ".--There is reason to hollow another roldor (q' ' " the English channel say; a report. A British pilot "rod two ' u. . munition into a raider as It was droppln. bombs on London tron I _ 13.000 loot. After the maln attack: ol raiders trea-t a undo C ,1 L over London about 9 o'clock. The raider, known ”an.” to iiib). ‘ " otroyed, was hit by Bre. of antlcraft guns and ftmttty dropped i... 'M', , , Kent. Two ot the crew of three were captured try an If!!!“ "“1513“ TEN reasons KILLED m RAID. _ ', .3“ J" London, Dec. 19.--re" percent were killed and " hurt in I!!! ardiditoirc' raid (maid: London. Full report: pot yet resolved. GERMAN AIRPLANES RAID!!! tore 1 MACHINE BROUGHT DOWN; So', THE 1200 SOLDIERS RETURN SEA LOSSES ARE LESS, AIR SQUA‘DRON BUSY, 46 KILLED IN 0mm. and In!“ 'ew, I Mun h - ., f A GENERAL “may“ wan-u. . T cmcuuut 'i,',?.'?,?,,?!?' nun non" .. 85“.!” lull IIPAII’ Mona CHOU“ a - -, WATERLOO IIANCH. T ”7ch E. Haber". Mgr. a I. WRECK. Mrs. M. Smyhaon. " At l Windsor, Ont.,' writes: " ing from nervous bruk C was caused by a shock broke out in the ndjolnlnl nerves were in Inch a - going to bed I could not . uuieted down 'rumctenttr tt? sleep. I used to Bert up around the room. or to . Even when t would be to sleep my limbs would woken me. I used to luv. 7 (ms. night swoon, pom: s. become unconscious and " tor quite a Hula while. I cold and It loomed imp _ Io get warm or he“) ', o 1 the an" I would no I” objects at once. and did no! person to speak to me of Any mug not-e [muted at me very much. I In. ' uperlnllsul and tried mm during um time, but e a "not. At In: t Mod m. Nerve Food. 1nd Mort I." that this treatment wu- benollt. I III! now hull“ Miler that I an to out on: ,Ilthom any diMeuity, an » the river and an about , usual. I I‘M-p well at n _ "Mini? more like In"; Wit' I am pinned ttt ha hill” to I'll "nu how much I Frod hm: done mo. tt b cued and hull! up my MW I am rrrnmmonlllul " ttt I ymd sufforlnx from Int-n nnv Mnd." ,. A: _ Dr. t'hne'u Nor". Val box. . full (numeric 82.7.5, n m dealers. _ Rum-n A Ctr.. ”waned. not he naked "no a "no. 'muattottq only This it the kind tf, 'af, net Windsor people t ing about Dr. 'AUM a Tne. action of this food I radically different to the I mom: tor the nerves that wants to try it. (indium. tainly it nourinhea the I“! back to [zenith and vigor In: in; obtained an both tho lasting. _ -7 _ Send to this Mike rokr, for butter wrappers. Pl“ "Mu uml prompt scrim _' And Wtkcn Elk-UM or amp, I Walked an in Nervous tttate - , Specialists [tiled I m, The soldiers are Roi the City Hall and Knot other public buildup, I over Benson School not night or to-morrow. My Limbs“ A“ Would 'lihiaea, Ever since the allth ttrl the Winter Fair building haul lad to house lroopo. List 11‘ hundred soldiers were suertiit building when the slum win- They lost person“ attach In ment valued at many an. dollars. . .” /%eighty-tNe ham: Witt-“9‘3: all records and dwmnenh,m‘f ried to safety. _ T I' " The building was I 500. This Is the “up! the recent history of bition plants. cod reduce to mack! morning. swept through "a building and less thin on " cod to redume to wreck: structure “in cost the city ad $140,000 to build in 19t8. T Regina, Sash., Die. 18. ur-ttits. great Winter Pair bull _ it. of the finest in America. is shall} daring ruins to-dar. Fire MM- WINTEH FMHI Illl1lllllil If REGINA MI 0 0 0 o 0 u M 0 "

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