'. we """'rtt','hti1'ldteh't'It' “d ttave Trou _ we was: 'ili'ie'ee1 322:: m I Christrnas Gift Suggestions rx No. 194, Lavender Felt Boudoir Slipper, silk ribbon, inserted onedge,padded1eatttersole .tFwV M_r..-_ ....t ..... ...._ ... No. 197. Pink Vtci Kid Boudoir Slippers, leather soies, rosette vamp..... _......,.. ...rF Fr... I.... ...__ ..... ... ..'.,., No. 128. Taupe, Grey and Rose Suede Boudoir, rosette on vamp leathersole ....t__ . .. . PF._wt._ be-re.--.. V.....-. ,. ,, No.198. Light Blue Vici Kid Boudoir Slipper. rosette on vamp, leathersale........ ...r. P.... ..... Pm... .v... .._._ .. ___-, No. 222 denes' and Gemueman's Club Bags, 18 inches: in Walrus, Seal or Cat grain. leather lining: drop catches: sewed frame TrF. trt .. $11.00 No. 340, Genuine tttslit Cothde, leather lined. sewed frame; $10.00 doubttsharvdles;1ttincees, _...,.),,, e. 'er.t- '""""'".' No. 364. Dark Browns. genuine cowhide oat grain. It) or 20 $12.00 inches: double handles _ _ T . ., T ' _ No. 340, Genuine tttslit Cowhide, leather lined. sewed frame; $10.00 doubttshantnes;Ittincees, _...,.,',,, ‘. 'rr.t- '""""'".' No. 364. Dark Browns. genuine cowhide oat grain, 18 or 20 $1200 inches: double handles _ _ T . ., T ' _ WE HAVE CLUB BAG AND SUIT CASE FITTINGS RANGING FROM $5.00 to $10.00. . WOMEN's PURE WOOL JAEGER SLIPPERS COLORS RED, BROWN FAWN, GREEN, BLACK. ALSO ALL COLORS IN CHECK PLAIDS. No. 150. Brown Fidel! Juliet, turn sole, medium heel, Same styie CU! man's HIGH GRADE FOOTWEAR AT LOW T PRICES ' SEE OUR BETTER VALUES IN TRAVELLING ACCESSORIES 65:; Special No. M 259, Chocolaxe Vici Kid Opera, hand turn soie, leather lining No. M 123 Chocolate Kid Everett, McKay sewn sole No. M 112 Dongola Kid Everett, McKay sewn sole No. 124, Black Vici Kid Boudoir Sliqpers, leather soles, padéed No. 190. Red Firfeit Juliut, turn sole. low heel. same as cut No. l89. Black Fidel: Juliet, turn sole, medium heel. sum: as cut l. 187, Khaki Felt Juliet, turn sole. low heel, same style as Practical, useful and economic are these Christmias Giftivsiuggestions advertised below. In every item you will note our extremely low prices. In Istytifor every instance our prices are no higher than they were last year. Before making your purchases of Shoes, Slip PU'S, Hockey Bhoes and Skates, Club Bags, Buit Cues, and Trunks, it will pay you to visit our store. You will find our prices lower, our styles newer, and our service better. "T-"""'"-'"""""""""'"-"'"" WOMEN'S BOUDOIB SLIPPEIS MEN‘S LOW MIT E#OETT'8 No. 519 Gunmetal 3,2" Bal.. Icather sole, same style as s . cut ... ..... Mil No. M 623 Gunmetal Calf Bai., Neolin sole. same style cut ... _ . No. M. 585, Mahogany Brown Calf Skin Neolin win. same style $ . n cut _ .. 650 I)? bag leather lining; 18 Inches or plain grained leather lined bags; 18 or 20 inches Women’s Felt low heel. same style as an low heel, same style as cut No. 202, Black Walrus Graincd Chm No. 212 12. Black Walrus. seal. cat No. 186, Dark Grey Juan. turn sole, No. 189 Black Felt Juliet, turn sole, is $500 t Junets LOW PRICE. HIGH GIMME FUETWEAR .3600 $135 $150 Sly) $150 $200 $150 SM $175 WN $150 $150 $150 $175 $175 $150 ,JohnAgnew il ed stock M123x Chocolate Vici Kid Eycren, turn sole, le;.:hcr fining same styleascrut-- trmwrr"r tv... vm.-. m.... '_... ..... .r'.. _... 'T "MI"; "-"iycertrca,r.'.""a'"" . No. M 113, Chocolate Vjc spmestyleascut ..._. wt... Mer,'s Jagger Pure Wool Slippers. in plain red. gran, black, brown and fawn, also a†color: in plaid v.. ..... TtFP. m..-. P.. ... v... WE HAVE A FULL RANGE OF JAEGEP. MOTOR HUGS. Serviceable Walking Shoes No. 4539. Woman’: Gunmetal Tan Calf. Bat., high top, medium ' . heel. . . . _ _ " . _ _ 600 'Ntt. 454, Women round toe ..... .... NC. 669, Woman's Ha-amm Brcwn Bat. high top, mqdium heel _ $6.50 1 No. 671, Women's Vici Kid Ban. dull kid top, toe cap, high top, .. $600 1aiisaiiiit',/ jifc'-R"'.? Trriii7aiTEhrESiEEiCi I my? " ' _,,;,',',;;],;':":"'?) same as cu. 94; , If: as 1 No. 535, Vi No. M 239. Black Vici Kad Everett, tur'n sole, Lather lining, select- No. 103. Black Dongola Kid Romeo, same styte " cut No NC. 731 No 499, Women 8tt 730, {a No. 810 12. Edmun- dy Vic; Kid BM., Louis heel, scm: style as tut same as cut _ ttC2ttt No. .535, Vici Kid Bal. Louis or Cuban heel same style as 'fit, cut ..v.. .rrr _ 300 Ne. 293, Boston Kin. Pat. Louis heci. same ar,cut .. tel" $350 No. 826 1-2 Grey Vci Kid Bal., plain tee Lou- is. hce.', ,newrs: desittn, No. 300 12 Boston cm Bai., Louis heel, Women Women’s Gunmetal Calf Bal., Ntolin Sole. rubber heel Women lacing far, the new 'TW. 31:11:" ,3) A far: w/zrsner Y, Havanna Brown Bat, Neolin Sole, rubber heel s Gum 13 Guremtttal Bat.. Neolin sole, leather heel s C, :nmetal Bai.. leather sole. 8-inch top, medium "iii5 aa"rr=FEiriii%'rr5iEi'iiri" at? $7150 $600 i Kid Everett. turn scl $400 Calf Bal., medium hccl. Neolin sole QEWHS "way. more local. has 9.7%: we these 1km“ l-mf ,renzlh gym! â€and 71"]wv. Tr; c 2:41an No. M "128 Slack Visi ch Romeo turn sole, seicctcd teather1 Sli'5 semestylc " cut.....',. ' 't No. M 230, Dark Chocolate L :1 Kid, Romeo, hind turned sqle, SN0 same stytc' ascut __... 'ep' "r “if"fi‘i'_',°f"i°.’._"".‘.“?t $225 TT sole, le: thcr lining same $2.50 samestyte " cut "", VNPrWrP. $2.93 ur'n sole, I-ether lining, select $225 spljing beet; sizes C: to. 7'4, top; educator las': sizes 5 to 1-" , ,. No. 721. Patent Colt Button, kid top; plam Spring heel: r,iac:i5to?r.., ,. 've' .. . ' We. have many other kinds and colors, ranging fromrspto.....' 'm... .."r. _.... ..... f.' __. Children's Fawn'ortd Dark Brown Corduroy Lei. 'iingssiztsupto10, ""'": ....." mF"» .r. ..._ .. Misses' Esau}: Pearl Grey. Hark Brown Cordumy Leggings, sin: 11 to2 ..... c.... P.... A....... Women's Fawn Bauer Cloth Gpat, extra High top best, also Pearl grey. English make . '* t.met .. _ Women's Peart Grey, White and Fawn Baavsr Cloth Spat, made in England t ' . ,, ,, _ . .. ...., Children‘s Whitel Siik. cordirroy Leggings, Sizes upto 10 ..... .../. ..et. -.._. ..._. mm.... mV Leggings and Overgaiters No. 730 Choco‘ntc Brown Buunn No. 735. Cluizl's Patch: Human: plain t p: educator las’: sizes 5 to 2-" .3 ,. _ " Tube " Model of will interest you. i tht? gaging at glvg"dinar7 Light "v. zczazazrzgzaJaggrzgzgzéazyzfygz/zgszwzz1%,}; MEN'S ROMEOS '1rsiqn. Baden L, Gi t and " t Fin: CHI: [MEN’S SHOES LIMITED g1 $225 $750 $800 $750 $450 $375 only the beat maku: incl" price from 75: to $6.00~Mc 2s: Boy's 8otitt Kangaroo HOOK SKATES. . Our stbck of Hockey Ckaie turn sole at -t..-.-_r-.-, 8215. M301 No. 130, Blue, Red. 1nd Lavendér Kozy Slipperg. high back, paddad lather so!es and heels, trumm'ed with silk ribbon .,... ..... 'v.... ..-.'_rr . . $150 same style as cut No. M 792, Misses" Blue, Brown. Grey and Dark Red Katy. Mather soles. padded, silk rabbi": mserted,sirr.s11 to 2 ..P.. .._t. ...r. tFm No. 194, Lnv2nder and White Combination Katy. paddsd sole and luccl.silk trimmed ... .. .. "PPe ' ... m.'..9.mrt m.... .. .... No. his. Light awe and Wttitit Combination Katy. padded solo and hecl.si|k tsurnmed,same ascut .e_v. ..... . m...mr.V. ._.. _... No. M 790 Plain Navy Blue Kozy. Leather padded talc. trimmed with silk ribbon. sizes It to.? ...F. ..... .._.. .r... ..r.6 . ...... _ No. M 791. Red, Pink. and Dark Red Kerry, leather padded sole,_ trimmed with Silk ribbon. sizes 11 to 2 ..v.. vm... .N..r. .. .. ..... No. M 780, Misses' Dark Grey, Brown, Black and Red Koay, padded lather sole, trimmed with silk. sizes11to 2 ..... _.... ..... . . . . . .. as cut CHILOREN’S KGSY SLIPPEIIS 255. Boy's Kangaroo redtrimmed,trizes3to7 .. ,. .N_.. .._.. F.er. ..... -.. .. ._r'm.rtPr “V No. NEIL Navy thue prtd Red Kozy Supper, trimfned with siik rib- Tli" bon. teathecpc1dded scic.sizcs3to7 MV' .... -r-.. P.NtN 'VV... No. C 789. Navy Blue and White Combination Kozy, leather padded TS" sols. sizes 3 to 7, i r.,',, . ' .7 .rrr..ww.. -.r.r.tee.irt_ fePef G 790. Nag Blue, one strap, Kozy' Slippers, leather padded sole, 75c si:csSto 10 _ .. (.... _..-. ___ MVNrr ..Fr. M.'.. p.... ......r. No. C 789, Grey, Light Blue, Navy Blue, Combination Kory Slippers, leather soles.trimm:d with silk ribbon .._.. mtmm. ..r.. ..."......, m...... ... 85c No. (S 792, Maroon. Red, and Blue Kozy Padded soles. sizes 8 to Ith . . 85c No. M 790 Plain Navy Blue Kozy. Leather padded talc. trimmed 85c anâ€): cull rihknn r2333: 11 9,. 9 Women's Kozy Kumfy Slippers cut at to" same style as cut leather rosette " No. :05. Alice Blue and Dark Red, Kory. pidded leather soles, N o No No. 109, Navy Blue Kozy, leatheryadded sole and heel, style It No. 192, Navy Blue Kozy. padded Ieathcr soles and huts white victim-ll Boy's Reinforced Kangaroo Hockey Na. G 744 Bun Feit, one strap, Kozy Slipper. lather padded sols, HI Man's Kangaroo Hockey: ankle support on bump, tame a: cut 106, mack or Brown Kozy Shppu-s. trimmed with silk ribbon, 196, Flam Nnsy Blue Kozy. padded sole and heel, same styI: $1734 20 ' $12315! $12; $100 $125 $300 $2159 $200 same as cut Black, Grey and Red Kozy Slippers, padded, leather sole, ckey than: is elm-mam!“ Item and San YO!) the Middleman', Proiit. . " Hockey: nolid heel: wool lining No. 766 No. 601. Pat No. 633. . Black or Brown Kid. button or lace tales is the moat corrptette ‘in the riding. Automobile. Velox and 8t en's, boys. Gulf and Women's. No. Ct,71 Pearl Grey Button white kid top, sizes Hockey: ankle "isport inside: spring INFANTS SHOES MID BDQTIES Child‘s, Dnngnia Kid Blucher: Patent lent Three, Spring hee, Strap, Roman Sandal; No. 239. Womcn's Kangaroo Hockey Boi, wool lining; 1 ' . Inch heel ..,‘ 225 M268. Men's Kanga- roo Hockey; wool lin- ing; spring 3 . beer..,,,.,. 225/ noon" " " s and SKATE s No. 223. Womer,'s Box Calf Hockey; wool Hmng 'wr. _.. $300 le city. We carry 8tarr; rangmg in No. 669 White Kid Button Booties. soft . sole, sizes 0 ttt c $350 85° $175 $175 $125 d tlt' $100 $125 $100 $100 7, (il? 75° Ri" R? L i) fii, ISI fl . (ii {A} Fig 'f' a gii #91?