' CHIROPRACTIC 3 was Wnber Chambers. mm, a , Kutchener. amine Gram Thea t m. Phone 344. Res meow M.0.i00tgtergtgrrttgtttggrtt Miss Muriel Jackson of )litrtu-H. is visiting her aunts. Mrs. FC. Piuyrmwl and Mrs. G, Glafster.-3lrs Jps. An, ticknnp is visiting at the home at hrr son. Mr. Fred Anticknap “our “MIRA ton-Mr. and Mrs. Stephen l-‘twl‘stm' or North Dakota are spending " in“ weeks with the latte-1's parents Mr. Hastings received ttte sad hows hm week that her mother Mrs, Mauser. of Sault Ste. Marie had dim}. lie-in; over 3'0 years of age Jinn " Livmiv has tinitshed n wry stttiosst'ul thrown- ing spasm) and nun-mi mm tho Choy ping mill where he wilt do dropping every Tuesday and Friday during thte \u'mtm' tnonthst Don't forum tl.tt school (omen to hrs hum in tho srhooi "0th on Friday. DP" LHst. London. Dec. 17.-Theré is nothing: of special interest to report. tars moi official aunnum-vmvm Md") 1mm 22w! War Otfiee. , The funeral of the late ('lmr'w> Buggies who passed away at his home In Clearview on Monday owning in his 77th year. was held Wodnusduy trom his late residence to the Hrr,prl or vometery tor onterment, noral tributes were numerous and very beautiful. testifying to the t-sltu'm in which the young soldier)!“ "M," The two young girls ad trom their9tyttes in Thursday morning, ate tlor the parental pooh The funeral of lhe law Pte. Vino! Lardner. who passed away after a Fn germ; illness at the London Convaleer can: "hospital, last Saturday. was held from the home or his parents n (‘ola 's Mills Pond to the local Whisks-y.- Tin FUNERAL HELD TODAY The death ot.Mr. Charles Barth‘s, " well known farmer in the vicinity ot" Clearview. took place at 10.303. m. WE mm. Deceased was in his run year. The funeral will he held from his late resident-e to the, Hospvh-r xv melery to-morrow afternoon. Girll Located lmst known young mvn now Inn-nuns The many friends of Mr, John Htt. her will be glad to know that his “null,- has been stticientiy improved to p -r~ Ink him to resume his duties with thr' R. Forbes t'o. under his brotht-r. Uapt. Hurry t'ort, way. He has been on arm-o run-xiv.- in France for over a year aud :\ likely In England now with the A INC, Driver Conway is one ot' III-sw-lor's Second Engineer George Kthell was qrtethe Niche.i‘hile Pte. James Rock. can ot Mr. and Mrs. William Rock. wu it a millury hospital at Halifax. tsaving been taken ill nu the "rolling of his departure» for hversous. No word has been received from uithrr ot the above men shun" the “Trill!" disaster. In England. Driver F'red. R. 1'ouwuy. hrmrv my listing. a valued elnphum: of the ('ur and Coach at' Preston. and who wont overseas with the RA',H.A., has been transferred to the Army Iyental Utrrps Mr. Albert Knelsel went F'riday in lllysvllla. Mm Tune Wyviu Strlrher is Indian 3 week in New Hamburg. Mr. Fred Kuelsel was a visitor in St. Clement: at Mr. Wut "'orestecP. (June . km front here attended the Iale ttt Mrs. John Heimpvl's. Mr. Coo. Porester spun lust Sunv III! In town. Now at Halifax i it. Fred. and Edward Kuefsnl Inn! Wednesday in Kitchener and Waterloo on business. Mr. Schneider Ins taken a poultlnu h 'Amlu In amines! in the chop- ping mm. , Mr. Albert Kueiul spent Saturday In Ruth-nor. Mr. William Backer _ Mama: III-Io on Sunday after spending Two look. In Wnezloo. Or '11; uudii7 -e.e 7’" "“ -.'"-"'" n. M Kahlua um" an Ihr Old “I. . . It 1 , The body in rt0rmpbcontrrtitrn is a Perfect machine.. As long at each part maintains a pro- per relation to every other part. and in supplied with abund-mt Nerve pcwer. the fault of Its activbtlu cannot be other thrm that of health. But if there is a mochanical interferance with the transmit-ion of power from the Brain to the various ram-.5 ct tho body. there it dug-ate m the "can: so aHertett. Since the 'cnuse is of a mechamca! naturm it must be corrected by a me chanicnl method. Chcropmctnc adjustment us the envy method tttrt con-ct. the came of dug can. Investigate NOW. don‘t wait tor chance or fate. M “It! "auu some lime in mm. KiteBmser and Waterloo, " . CI“. "0.1, Albert Hun It llipn Lulu spent Sunday W. - -' 10h Fetus. d Linwood spam Chiropractic (Ki-rEPrakvtic) WHEN THE HUMAN MA. CHINE GOES WRONG a“ 00} 6h). _rrtirrr"sd home on A. HOLM ‘ Lisbon. Mr Busy N eigtthhts Crosshill. Reamer. INTERESTING NEWS who disapptwt town, early last again had: In»; , tr-rest" :KENACE 5 IS HELD BUT IS l :5 4701* MASTERED /Canadian Frau). Landon. Dec, " -0tCtctai.' Our troop: improved {Heir [kittens slight- lr east ot Bullecourt ‘aI result at the bomb fighhng jn that locality reported in last mghl': communication. Tue enemy ralded one of our you: last n-dht mum cl Pronvullg.-__ A law 0! our men are mining? ,On the remainder of the Iron! “are Gas nothing of upe- cial mien“ during the night, BRITISH 1730qu IMPROVE mm NEW Pnsnums TURKS OCCUPY TWO ISLANDS OFF , SIA MINOR COAST London. Dec. 17.--The occupation by the Turks of two istands off the coast of Asia Minor " announced in an af$iq, t (Wdian Press). London. tft'ei.'i1r--trvr. sri'omarine mmnca, in "irapinusm is held but not yet mastered." said Sir Eric Guides. Tir-ot Lord cf Admiralty in the House of CMtt'trrr.er.rtrrMar.r,-.e0ur ship-build- my tr, tTct yet replacing our losses." An, imm'ense crowd timed out on Tuv'day “or. HUI at tho Mg sale of I'mrmstprk run implmmms hel-mgim: In, tI/tstitg J, P. HesicuP."Fbtttte. The . _ . , TH mlih- -hreHt.--Htrrses-- with! 'nrottght-. spank! good pritw: while a uuantity of mus smug" but a lnmhel, About tG.00tr was rnalizml. i II. I}. bunting the well krt'rivlt, nan-rind . wr WiNmltur memmm‘ ru _ (Canadian Press). Lopcjnn. Ont" ' .. Dee, w.-T-ckerir'ec, vvuut"it-d. 'l', [fAhfal‘wmalL munivd fell under'the 'wiwe’els of his "rain at Tiilstxmmx'g: Ont., this morning: and lulu-4,," '. s' C. _ .. BRAkEMAN KILLED - UNDER ms TRAIN. g; _!,y2t.?)piyro5Bmr2 [1cy'test','Jt:i in town. Alluur‘ f has been: tn the army 25 mm iwhich time he was â€would: a I not notahli, battles. ( Mrs. Louis Lang of Gull V. 1',1tlteet if new Dunn which won m.- I-munin'ul swoute ’led got chame Mannâ€: by In Crosr:3tetppvti' Suviuxf. I by" trvitlupcu.iltut tlie rm Prvslon llmruughly :cpp'm-ia'e I fonts put Ior th by the it. ll rm: ’ors' Sudan; tite Immu- and lidJre hulh “MI "tltmtid. TI An, imm'ense Tuv'day “or. harm Stork In" to tIttvtiit6 J, P. l"aie't tMneatr'ettiHtriyf a ‘mnvirl ion against Ilte km-per of u disorderly hnuiu percmbmiw the reygq'.t that. nu appeal" (1 le'Jlje Mac"ts1rete'sZic'mm irr an Smnrdny, He was mum! guilty an i rim-d $10 and costs. (mulling-$15. Tilt woman who vprrearud tor running thr. Imusw: wascctir.ud, to corttriltu ; $5 and rust.“ muuumim. to 510. A I nm-nter WM tuynersmhortly, Big Crowd. At Site mom tlie aummna (“harm “mus in m an figures simuw, _ Locals and Pérténaln . . _ The general opinion or Itockey phy- r-rs in "roston, tag-cording co Sucrem'y Srhlugel. seems td favor senior hockey. ll is .tuouxht "teretore, thatstho low] Huh will 0mm the svmor serivs. Mrs. Fred l't’eiu'u' who waxyulietr l' the Victoria Memorial Muslim]! ist do- ing as well as can be oxptittiti. Two ".re.stttrtians Fined . clvartw of tlisttotiirt,tt hall:l§MnL ot tht. h Pte, William lie-hm. “in: Wt seam .yrith the 3m. Hanuliuu been . #typl.itlot home on Itt" wuumls in his elkou, is now t' The Prestott “our mills, 1min manly known as the Cherry u C"umitridtre street has bent sum t F. K, Morrow and Mr. John tie: of Toroiuo. Tlst. lunar gunluuu operate the hub-imam, Prior 1. sale it? mill was-the prawn-(v l s. J. t' erry far tite past thirty yt Pte. W. Home Back The weekly mum urduy morning. p cttw present, Paldtmm' in nu! Iruur1r {am ttt IS an 55% than): up 31)“ rural) tt as tow as ra. Cantu-Mg. Mi1irsottt neared 'beror» 'tit, local Si more in L‘utegory at not examined. Thus th altogether In categoriw At an “when Sunday evening the choir of St. Peter's church renderrd an chum-an- munical Vesper unit-u The rum Intel: consisted cities. M Patna In . tr'.e: ’ tty \tsll‘inwu at}: an 'iq? .7 t WI . u uoahe: " men slb, an. Ber let 's Uorneri, t wcll the bu tt" I In urlix Preston. if â€in numb Iwuulin'ul sweute, e Hunting by th murku AU: New Sat fl zany mlmbgr but“; Jsodutlt ctr tei" but. “nun-ML Tlustre i; Ilts Nada: Busy tim .mmuruus usvl'ul am .." nwdv by momhn' A, as "ow 11-anng wn. Altngrlhpl' m- army Sli' months. in {Dunn-:11 a number " men“ iAo an. a) 'rtbtnturhoard " and " were _ by momlu result of m l meals in l hey Galt was the u Hogan»; w I tht Hod] dun:- q um 'nne09' w will to this of Mr ‘c in ll lb ‘ulll' M HF j .9.? ewes opresont value) 133200" I 1 ram (present valuer., . fAfr0s, t _ I. m! lambs (present iahv,). â€â€™95st (i,','Cr'l'r."r"l".".'h/1"fl"l',r',,C-i,/ Je In thr- above .sitatersetit nothing is if» Join-d for lubnrt This is an important item but will vary with circumstances. On a farm fenved with wovoh wire " will he' reduced to a small amonn.. The destruction of wr'eds that will he accomplished by tho presence of tho shoep on a farm will no a long way In 1'ortuu'rtrsate for tho labour involved in their ('ill'f‘. "ii:.tiityTt'd' which, is this cream of cod liver oil, refined, purified and so skilfully prepared that it enriches the blood streams, creates reserve strength and fortifies the lungs and throat. Don't delay- it may mean much." ._ 'Every winter "lfeatirtt9parir: warn against this weakening disease which often strikes those who are Icazt prepaiitd to resist it. You should strengthen yourself against gripes by tam; A Grippe Epidemic: MINARD‘S L'mIMENT cured DISTEMPER. addition about six or seven d In} around gin" aiCiiiii'arl,iiii'.'i.oiAr,fi' an the canal hank. "r"hirsitTriTie% sur- l‘ivienl pasture until about the and ot August when the feed liecamefathcr mural. During the summer two twes died. and nine lambs were Iles,": (-nyotos and dogs, leaving at Grari' In; time Oct. Ist, M ewes and I03 lambs. Financial returns Tite follon‘ing statement gives the financial returns from t'hrrin'Cstht.e'ryy Total. romanâ€; ewes $1098.50 I Cost of 1 ram l...‘... 42.50 . 1'ort.rwo lb. trrtri.n,i;:-ri7sas ., Cost of we tons by? .’. 40:50 1'ost'orshoarins, ...C..tilro . Woof.,.............. 511.7% -Tiit-iwmssureltutraw4r.d Arr" "uateiout on grills-57 on May 1:eth having Ifeev. sham May with the average weight ot i’lN-ce being ti.5 lbs, They had the run of ‘aboln 18 acres of cultivated pasty" graéses on the irrigated land any in additibu about six or seven 'h':: around a small artificial reservoir mi thte-night in February the corral in whir'h’jhe ewes were Jnrined at night wivxwriai'mul by two shay dogs. Ttieir P".""""""' was not discovered until ira/r' 'ly daylight and they succeeded irikrb, ling twplve ewes. 3. '. Lambing and Summering _r-rt The ewes 'started to lamb on March :T-Ih\aml the l." ém left after the Irottlue from thealogs all had lambs there being 118 horn and It?. of them- were saved. . ff» Use glilff't 7 â€all. t!,!ti!!f!!,tttiit!y ' Dogs l The dangvr front "ogs, is very real whrn slump arr Imp! nmlw- farm fom lliliuns and usually the closer "oe is, In cated .ty a town the trr'eafeY becomes tho menace, Stringent' laws arrnn'L- mi: for the tlestruction of dogs wliivh art, kept 'umler the owtwt"s 1.lose'suu pr'rvision are most commendable Th: huhhridge station is only about three miles from th- city of Leth' bridge and conéequemly there Are. '".ore stray dogs wandvrzng alsopt than Iniglgt’ be the case in a farming rpm munity more remote trum a larg" town, really should I ti?t1Kt1 (I! M tr' necund run tu', the urvlce or one was from amellhbor who was pllnnlng to lamb around " wemks ur sqlalor than we were au-tet-tat In.) a tn my»; iit',s,i'c,R,!.b?.': at ' M one. in. pure!- ed a with: ant-(ion from the C, r. It. Deon-Incl! of Natural Rommel " mung Alta. so Shropshirv warn-q cud-Uh 811275 apiece and 51; Merub lhué war-um: at $9.50 apiece a . re hm. 'e',,"",?,"'..,"';, t '22 s",,f.i] old ewes a! ‘. _ are. o i really slumld t hitâ€! I $2855.76 $2853.76 " 11'p.U' " r?,,1ia8,tft2','f1ti,rt';t,,tr1':,t that Earl‘s“? e 7 httstthe ‘greatest value when :resh. timt.tttit-iittuitt nor tion is.rieheq than the solid material and that he f 2 "'s more readily RIBS} . 'tut (Eggs; and leaching. Hence it is that. every precaution is tated here 'to ensure a minimum loss, of plant footl constituelfts in the mad. uro arid is ghe chief reason for apply mg ttttttture to theAhdea-hhe practic- able as quickly as possihlo after it is produt-vd. _ f 'trmu1tpplor, rotations. ttte nmnum and ritnnency of 'uViatittnn'ttry ar- mrdlnx to the duration of the rottttiort, .hut without nxt-Pmlnn. in the regular and) 400mm" with†nor new of from. menu mahouvd ttt each yppr at, Jltr.-P!8tiprr If"? mug-mpg in a tinny-year syslrm. of med. grain and hay croosr, outage†PP/s is-"zppliml for tho mood r’mp, th (our year mum 1iorttwrrtttyyftrur Inns is tho unantity 'iii?FtrtirrrrtilrTWerttirihrt f.hrsi-ttt'Qyso l iuu'r1ui,siiusau"iii 'iidif J in rough?!“ "rf' tho spar. aitiroGtrarAns, We owns-l inns! winter mason this system may vlw ttfkh'rtrasubtd Fr trtime due to the ', drum of snow or other canines. Tme, rumour of the land at ttmstrAtst l whirh viries trpm fairly lovol to Cent- P.'-,-' r . . xf".'it.'e, T' .pwen Ity,' ',,'-'i'tkiii?,,ritr'i,ii'l, 'i/ll,' a? JIM. i!lrey,1," 'er-mttM,tt.itt4Itiifterztrorr' man; t/viitkiir'erttt cliickens. Methods 2 sind ly 'det -. 1"]: “ram; Each Inc's ii" aa mlmirz. iy 7 G. trr 'lst, plan trj of {com} ing "p,tt::,t) tt ' sf : . irery m a n T max um . lw‘nyh iiptrNod â€+21; Ti _ I tn tt _ mit forrod. (hair with boiling water. and 3iair'lta,"at@tmisrs3f'eT ein bt sepiar- ated front the bones. a%srwttteuron, s-ttlt to mmh quart. mul'flll the jar Mth' "tee Just liquid. Alljuft tte.' rubber and., M). 'v,eatit,t?,t latte; snghug (ttee, :itqriliz ee I?) three and omyaftitti J/is. 'li,'i. 'ia1crtmth" runner. 'remove'; and tiiri?ten the tops immediately; The llquitlzremaming may he placed; in a jar. Merillzeq ?" minutes and kept E for mun or gray; " Twi, pounds of; dregsert fowl 'Shoufd Tmart-omrIittratr; solid “19113.1“?! 41 WW name}. I C Methode ", t /iA Aht raw: ehicken into Convenient sectionsyi Pack into glass jars. add one tea..', spoonful salt to'm Quart. fill the jar! With b.,9,iWyt, 99$!) At1!y"t the rubbers and nggifébqve. and sterilize Jn a svatorb.tlt-mtamtor “wetland (“behalf to rum- hours? _ C . Th! "me&r%' 1har1 71mm " rtortrte.tiea."y in drrin'rte "owning “we iij1ttttJaet,th,t'. tri,',',): "As, fi'old.,artrish4aa'rtre itinLth tand nithor by hand or by means of the manure liquid m re is a q rhmirim' "r, s of “new 'ul't'itQlGl'J) id tttl' load of mime l'nuid and solid manure anal from the 1.',nneidttt'l'ile'd,t/: as to tho liquid, and ‘L t' wwnmne- halt. Pack the meat-closely" Ni ' .!ass, jars. utld on" liter' teaspoom ihui"xi'iiss'" iisT- PM?» "iiiiisiert kl lwlmlq- In'vuk the neck and legs. rollI My} "ltiurmtworitrtr,o spuslt.rotl, He, with "rhursoaurtatrt4rtr, with- tooth- picks. .A quart Jar should hold two or‘ more small chickens. Peur.over, the': chicken the hot liquid from the frylngl plan: it n'ir'iesii4,a)tiatyft. but taiieri Hi Till The ii/c 'Miiho'tir'rf' Adjust the: rubbers and long. leaving the Iattorl slightly louse. Piaci in u waterbiith cunner and a“ 'Ne will .9» to 120' minutes. "ii1tt;'lt"ttt thé site ,"!!' the chicken: Remove and tighten au, "overr . immediately. . I [. Methiht'2.--Dress the chicken. and p, xvi-W1? ftcWrti%ierirtetiis' tt.ir'hre- whole as C.l'f,T-tt; b?rayotriuut try as for serving. t'tterr'sttte meat ‘is Ihrter “Nils 'iuett/y.tnove from the, “Quin,“ " teis ittlya clean. V M'eiluiil 175.1)réés'the chivkea, Kelp. arm-aw Mtstgmtu_ittqt,oe,Jmsvtiu, it tudtre m1 a -liuhtWriuar. an ass†to prudm‘crs. T Pyt plug" 'ttr tttom is 2n a run “.316“. mud}, mm]; for tane use. la, _ t the tbaaonrrt"m {Hid Chi-“keg '"'arsr and ME}! in ttricts, you y :tttus prepared I may tth, Mum-ad QIQ â€wed In many appe- riziuk"rarsl'; I ', ' The {allowing methods of canning poultry Ire being advocated by Gov- etuiiiwn't '. stty,tit1i)tirius 'Eln" ' the' Ttited jur1.tt.rsra.=,,.,--.,, ...A .. stermA,sti-G*iatt.ttrs There itr"verF lull-Bill 1‘3 'al., truMie"orcctsiceens and mu gt9set.e8sgtr'ststo, many; “up "mus hosuurmu deal to do with the voarirgtstty' hit,prive Jeturnt sd. w Wait) Voit'iti.et, (‘ull darkens, it held. Alrvoqurul'ly prove mine 0:1 a -liuhMty-:'I§nn an asst! to . _" epN -7 ' rerun the. votirirgtstty' htt.price Jetttrn- p sd, " mnikl irraiiteers.. ('Il†BREAD rhirkens, it held. [3:0unme prove ED >FL< _ . .. "tore m1 a -liuhMty:mn an ass†to Now, prndm‘vrs. T Ice' Mug“ tar them 3,1 llnm is in a van o jar 111ml}, ready for l'Plrlu'n ' ' " a T . tattk use. I in the “awn when 't't. tend 'yt1,"i""'- - c. m an? and- hht.t 'Ms' i, (an "trotWE!t1yiTwrr an]; ur!idA, 4:001:41)? fARyr minimize ' CA m it" 'ii0)'TAti.lt'Wri, MEATS. tyi' 9' fjrfiititc: 1h:{' 5 al iit'rliitrtt, .' -- _ grim “Piling: At Hug/Contra} Farm, Ottawa, the Wï¬umiï¬h‘ï¬ffm m; 1min Ind C Dine 5'tt td My Elev GrruUu “dint .r Pipe“: maponsin In noted for-its tf speed In remaining upset stomachs. If I: my aura“. quickest stmchrrem 'r My In tho whoie worth ttdit bald“ It P. ls.hn_rlnloss._ Paella end to mom-ch "I trouble torover by getting ‘1 Inge "g Mix-cont map 'ot Patre's Maryann“ from my drug Mom Yon mama in _ 'tre minim»: how noun-mt It Is to sul- y for from Indlgmnon. drspepath ot‘nny m.' "munch disorder. It‘s the Liking 'Pti'et"qtM"-ttmrtt-oiitrii-it 'ttomg ACID moment (mam on mmâ€! L" ' With the clear," a, 'wealhér comli , minis prevailing lads}, an ttteissuiaiir large you: was cast. At tt4vapitat their was a steady rttiO to the [falls since ' o‘rlock in the ioorrtiik a,.. l lug the [orenoon hours a héuvyiwv men's vote was polled. Reports' from sirrro"uiidi.rw constituencies also imll ) cite andtrnormat vote. "m _ _ T l New!" of Laet Election _ _ . T F At lheJasl general plum»), hr-fvf nu F September 21, 1911, 221' members weri: 'Helecterl, -N of whom IT.', were tw, rs‘r [wt-40pm" 'l'C'j'l'C.'ii"iig'e",it' m s The members Named as Indepeud‘i-ms l nritri. W? F'. MiitVtt.- “Smith York, /re.1,f. Xgrvmo, Maigoqnegye. A m f You~wiil enjoy your Christmas Day E infinitely more. knowing that yhu have' Fd'one something tor the sale of we LJlelgiim chiklrgriu 7 ,7 - ---t-- 7 7 7 I! BELG‘AN CHILDREN PLEAP FOR l _ .' fre"""" GIFT. _- i Tlfe orphan children of Belgium dn not ask fox-Joys this Christmas ther, do not ask tor luxuries, but what a Joy it' would tri, withem. trtriruugh your 'ziriterohity, they could have me full "meat ’0?! tmtirghitiiis'ittrl ' J, c. "" For ,long they have isutrsisted--yott ’o‘ould not call it 1iee---on ashowl of lréhup and a slice of broad peruray, ch' {can in such cases. when the kentsrosis .ty of their mvut..v.irryitrytit it [my tyJte"trettty ,,starsriitg childr'gn tor a 'i iowaito'rt ','3'td _ and take “114!) to plu- ices in Holland where they calf be gis- g ent proper food "and attention. _ Ottawa, Dee. 17c--Rir Robert nnraoti) Mrorty"trtnyrmetttttettnr ttteNIovernmen.t. ,rtitttro.t the election results at the Cu; mini tdyitht. Marhpite Province Min V "tst-other " 111311.81}; Rabat! Bogden._ Ire in the east. Hon. J. D. Reid, Minis “gm Rt,Pvtrt irdi yalimx;r""s p. E." margin,- ', is "on99â€. Sitatreargc "r'stW, 'tFiC8iuijiF2 hospitgl in To- ronto; Manor-Gen. Mewburu is/trt Ham- llton; Hon. T. W. (Tamers gm the up mtltttitt his home town of St. Thomas: 'sir Thomfaswhige at Brockviuv; Hon; N. W. nrwetferaot"hrronto. tn4trrdh? Hugh ‘Guthrle‘ at Guelph Sng‘rn districts, grime ft Wilfrid Higher who is en rpute Home {Amy Ninth) to the Pacific rugs! tairtyte,l, spit of my electibu in wintiper' , l Wpmui1 CABINET l ' MINISTERS HEARD THE RESULTS Gator with. world will I]: In My minutes 'Att surn- tteh Mass willâ€. No indigestion. hoartburn. soul-nus or belchlnl; of gas, acid. or OTIK‘QIHOIIB of undigested food, no dizziness. broulng, foul breath or headache. " is For difficult In) i.n:i::ilw nu vt'-i","riutr' ,ratiorfs ‘nro the your cth’uin or Irele,ittm liking -ute glam ren "f the _heroes why vuovkol llw Hun In In first and mad ruriyto con- any: Park-sf]! b'eiioi'iies duty ins'wm. as a urinilc‘ge for IL; tio ll" wrsnt we can Mr those who {mlyml 1ptvvef ttttutr-is our seviors. Thu Nsirit of Chrcstmas should 31‘0qu as h:- i." our mum-I tor the alludren "I' Bulgium. wlto “EL? not fancy gi!ts.:.lsui mod Pt', Hun-ugh tite CotrsttM'aetreral , fur 1:92;:1um in _0ttute.rr'Jpu'outcs that gtttar.ori1trcotileru is, sight as sud-ms 'ts' il cari9tse. {the ratiorP, ct lyrolrl as regain. hm isaitten My In to'eat, twin: .rreparod from reruumw-l ttoar, containing straw and hor.hre .mlr. us 'el a. i all mus of otheusV"u "s., Him Id "rom Huiland mum be aim]. bat be- 'iintr: a usheuvy. {II-31K!†unsiuatetse, avoutdy helm-e it can he diva-mined in Lieitie". An otteeettiMFfp6ttv"rvsant of r'coiis, kreat number of Markers Ens! Inti'srain I rhini'rriii) to 'ttre min- v'huf ri.utr cttttifoin or ren "f my Hun In In riu,Prl Park-9.4 m a'toi. shops " is POP 1 ‘V‘jhlevf manure is applied riot gunk; mm br hbed crops tho impoilnnnqe ot fat-Grooming . an; mane tqprotbhir in!) tho soil as unzip to is, satiny as practicable is etorNy observed. BREAD MADE Fab» FEitsuar, so FLOUR AND no“: Hun. tons in applied tor the hoed 'i,rrtuil the banana-e is comm in [W dies! inn tar New, from Liege. Belgium. rw'eiv lhluugh the CortsttMletrtrral f tut] In mini-pr mi: their yd; uriw -Luvok Taouly ' “in. axiom; tor a general lgru’cuu the cl'over and irai'féiry epsln" mum 0 My all no!“ va minuteg, can London, Dec. 17.---One Britishs'and five neutral mercttiirrottctt a British de. stroyer and four mine swccpcrs {have been sunk in the Norm Sea L/chr- man mixal forces. The rcsseci/rere shrmult‘of an attack on a c ‘noy bound from Scpztrnq to New“: (Sir EAttttrtuirgi'aAtitis% of Adm any announced t.teduy. The tutsl LU aée of the 'ostiierthaums, was 8,690. GERMAN NAVAL _ ; FORCES SINK 'C: BRITISH CONVOY iiiii', riiukiiiiiii " _ ..-, BEING MADE AGAINST GERMAN WBOATS (Ca'nadiari _ ' Paris. Dee. 15..--Reat progress , be. inn made against the German submar irtrcampaittn, Gerierat Laygue, Minis', ter or Marine, declared in an {Men View “In tht Petit Parisienne tafdnyx He. warns howeéec against too orrt!mis tie ,scnclusions being drawn from the rea"ut"i8ve!PptyerttB. The:, new "Hf-1mg ot the 1rki':var. lMénr â€will 'ho _iioruoxt Thug-mm Giirifng in the Library Tlull. r' M THE MacLEAN PutiLitimrttrgyo., LTO., isr0rd'iu"pditr" “I: tpst t Gwen “vie" MIMI“?! “5‘11"...“le " about feeding and breeding and n . â€In hearth "Barman: about W“ q.," w†. , T bumâ€. rate oCtarmitttt, we!» New" and} . " , operaljve methods, Jrpoqtmertu, ,, J: 1n“. 4?" ' and insurance. ‘ Gin-a Iggy: of aim , For an n provides starlet. apemal article. on timotr "tMr, by "tt'P.rtr--rtot amateurs or experimeesueai.oq6 aw“ . and must accurate information on eye In “90.6. to farmers. . . . v?, ' , , FARMERS MAdiziia Every Issue of FARMERS MAGAZINE is worthâ€: Sr _ cause it is downright helplul in practical wnyu. The in. " it information it supplies on request-c-by priva'f'e I',,",:-?."'-.', many donan'. Have the FARMER'S MAGAZINE" in jGir , . would a hammer or a saw-an eVEr-ready and imti-tttftht it for its friendship. ' y .. . Ci:)," The price is One Dollar per year. Bid ut,Htd it G"va'; temit for it when we send you the 'itt, Adam†1311 . ers:-- . . - barns hen new“. an“. “I! Him." ' . f .re- k Idbmaabom Intuit“... my. draulic rams. Wah- -suppty Ind lighting gym dat . guru» -36! 0, 1htf,ttltt TH' In ON-THE FARM Mrttt,','gegt i;r,utti't Vow‘ mun um I. -eo6. 1't'JttitNte', "u-e-tst-tth-tded. _ ' vii-d by and: to who. - pay real “I .. m if youhecom a utterihrv to RAW N magazine It for-- . " '// 1W? . Canadian. ' C ' Deaf: T __ te , 'rl"" ". _ . ; ’K, I) __ . ')ti'j" wmmï¬vs V =~ 't'. A?! ",'ii'. . ", " I' "H: 1.»... c)'), i, b C'"! . hi "" a“? 1 ts giviry utscaiNltgl,wmmt,,anti. . " F .71. 3985; Ths: Ewan/63:" Lasts'. J We from teeth, breath. tippeMd digestion and drliciurvc;ly south mouth and throat with this wel come swoctmcat. V. W05 us . " '" 2tl.e1g,ttggy; SL‘DtIC, tii'kli1t1f.i, ennléct 1 to. may} t Gian; -, “ ik' _ Ci'iiillis1),fi)ft'ii,,fa'". C'. 'Cr. " 't wrr_"taikt 'J gnaw it after. every meal â€1:2 Td Ir, 44/1 "i'("'tjfigisp.. 1/ % Hi, used 8PMQ keep his mem.ttc.ta, l,, iv. «(erï¬frw ,. T Ottawa", Tami. beak? 9-" 1 day "itrh'"""ttr81htW, "ii,)'i'i,':ceettit',ifQiti,,e, follows--, 1l,etC(it cl t J wounds tr, ',fk',d,'itu'i'l8-l Pwar 5. . This new wird, rid _ cor'nkwn introdude mu: thu "on“; q atick’y, it dries fungi " ply uh'rivell u w .. 'l'i4 fhuning or 'hl'/'iii'l'da 'tttbrit ing than or skin. If, . Ins b6KPqrqTT VI Ell“. Dont let - own 1.oefo,t.w [rpm wrangling; but any this "ouiu)iiiaii,"i A few dig:- 07 '55-'51 ound app ig ,directy upo- Eching corn should fella. nest; ins9uLUy,yym1 trttoti tho a root and m, dries up Ind on out with the futgerls. _ _ J You simply say to (In It, man, “Give me a. quaint!!! of freezone." This will con ' but is su.tbiient to; 19?. w or .trofttoryt traumas hob bo..- Ham, WE USE? YES! illfiil, /00ttM1 wrm Fl iii " , may.) rerv--the . ht mew“ um; ning and â€kin! .5, ' m thait aitatt-gttt* THC human can and! ii he m4 Ill)' i; ET Ti 0 0 0 o 0 0 H M