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The Chronicle Telegraph (190101), 20 Dec 1917, p. 5

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mut RECOVERED __ mom ACCIDENT I, -,' sun. In! Euler, ot the United ", .auto‘. Amy. son ot w. D, Euler ot , - L50]: city. In spendlng n few days at _ while. B. In on last leave preparatory , " in) going overseas with the Ameriean ' KEEN IN'IEREST IN ELECTIONS _r, A short mmh‘nl program proced- ‘M the Man whrett was held mm" who "9mm of tho Boy's Citth of l AWllm. IWM Wu 'rrt'tt'tr at _. pt. 'l'.1"',',e emu" AT zvmceu. ;. .' CAL CHURCH. WATERLOO Q A sacred Christmas cantata emin- ..;~ed "The Heart of the Bells" will be “given dmthe Evangelical ietturch, Wa. ' terloo on Tuesday evening Dec. 25111. .There will also ho several miscellane- "om, numbers to be given by the chil- T area. Program starts " 7 o‘clock slurp. 7 Keen interest was exhibited by Wa= moi-loo electors in the election returns 'ha Monday which were receive] " in» Committee rooms of each partr' Ind " the Princess Theatre. ‘Doth T titles vol-ted diligently to get out the .mo'which was a larger one, many YWomen voting for the tirst time. ; There was great jubilation among the Euler supporter: when}: majority or Mt was nnnounced which later was jinn vent to in the procrssinn ut-I-l aural; the evening. /. Airs. w.'rtoad,' " Joseph street. has {reached a letter {mm her son. Supper A, C. Read. with an: 25m. Ballallnn. On Wednesday evening Rev. D. w. Collins. rector of the Church of the [ism-iii. Windsor, deitvered a lec- ture on “Our Companions in Arms," in M. Saviour'u Parish Hall. Wrter. loo. The lecture was ot an instruc- tive char-Her. the speaker giving . brie! Iiiiory of the mutation who are the union ot Great Britain in tho world ett.ftirtt. STRONG SERMONS _ DELIVERED BY V REV. MR. MATHERS In the Methodist Church on Sunday Rev. P. M. Mather: B. D., the pastor, spoke earnestly and forcefully in re. ference to the vital issues before the Pun-dun people today. Friends ot- Mr. J. M. Ram: will he planted to we him about again ttttpe MI r0601". lcctdent. Rome days ago while - engaged on a root or thv Kuhn Dram-y the scaffolding gnvv w“ Ind‘lr. Rahb téll lo the ground " dint-Nt or about twenty-five ten. ttttt term; painful injuries to his head. a sprained wrist and whom-ism badly plank.- Ip. " T _ T tirvteiir"i cGreti, pruned In mm. In whirl: no thanks the 08an at ttte Emmm h-r um hm on manly 'peeiemt. Monitor. not Inst-m death, when his cutter It: struck by a Michigan Coma! Runway express. The body was (ma frozen in the snow with _", Wins drivh. td-dGotitieat moot- " Fruity night Solomon Gosnell, or 1113.910. proprietor or the may!» SOCIAL AND PERSONAL TNSTBUC‘TIVE j LECTURE AT PARISH HALL T ”A!” Christmas entertain;- ‘lwnt lit the Methodist Sunday School te he held on Thur-day ovonlng. Doc. all: . “nun! ot on Christian Kee AU" 'trevttrttMr ”Weed. At M "to! aid-mu price- nnlui the me u not week, hm ht WA! Mr. uul an: 1150aper Bo-r. Little fowl wan altered. mm mm . '-. an a m Ian-kn mmun. on. most as M T I by} iv" he.” _ 'aile,y,Lr" mi$tttroareet--e-t-stor. Arnold Jansen ”ATEFUL FOR BOXES. ON FINAL LEAVE. qBehtMrota' - murals-u Mr. "an Roy McKay In Aprndirstt up wit“ with "It: I ”a. Mrs. James J. MuCullum entertain ed to a few “Mo " bridge at her home on Monday “term-run In honor or Mrs. R. J. Kerr. tant people we are told m‘enntlnml. ly enlisting her help and ”mutiny ts the cenlral "ttrn at the Moore- mony ot any " hangar mk’lhitlon onginec-rod tor the cause. of‘charlly or pal riotisun. The ‘IWsufh {quail mansions has heen the 11!?!an at many Mammn m:m:.,hm no " emulation has tttspares) giv‘on' her morn pleasure than that which was mmln on the occasion of the opt-hing of the Arts and Cram exhlhuinn at \Vrshuinator Inst week, The Prin, was an this m-rnsinn did not receive a bouquet of Bowers. but instead she was made the roclpivnt ot a Mack cal mascot‘n Persian, to Judge by the appearance. Who knows but what this new dopamine mar fttamturate a new (union at opening communion. Parson: "But. my dear fellow. even then " wt" be your More." First Go'der {who Is heating the pinion hudly): "Never mind. doc. tor'. You wait till you are sartntg the, Inn-III tyPreiee over my gnu.” Friends in Waterloo, where he wag! a former pastor. will be pleased to hear that Capt. (item) Alfred Lave" will he invalided home shortly. Be. fore going overseas as Chaplain of the 12,9th Battalion he was pastor at the Brant Avenue Methodist Church.| Capt. Lave“ ion stricken with malaria I ‘during his work at Saloniki. ' I Her Royal Highness the Princess Patricia Is probably the most sought after lady In England tangy. Impor- i No sooner did the ntArWaiiit'rsatritr .tic band of one": and members ot [the Waterloo Red Cross Society get :their parcels containing soldier: com- Horls and real Christmas cheer oil to our brave Soldiers at the front. than“ they settled down to work for' their; annual Bazaar. in aid or this patribtit" branch ot their work. The spacious; rooms ot the Acadia]: Club were "on: lete" yesterday afternoon and evening} tor this Bazaar. when‘ the P""? stalls presented a very attractive up ( penance. and contained may pretty 1 novelties Suitable for Christmas gifts, " was a cheering sight to see the its. terest manifested by all patriotic citi~ zone. and a ttourishimt business was conducted in the sale of iancy work, Christmas wreaths, ttome-eoohiug, etc. etc. Tea was served at dalntily ar- ranged tables. and altogether the Ba. zaar was a most enjoyable and highly successful event. I Mr. and Mrs. Arthur B. Learn of London. Ont. have taken up their re. sidence in Waterloo. Mr. Learn having taken over the Drug Store and busi- ness formerly conducted an success~ fully by Mr. R. M. Devin. At the Deomnlwr business meeting " the Quorum Anne Chapter. i. 0. I). K. the 2mm of $1tttt was voted io the Navy Imam". ot Canada, which is "Wated with the Navy [Algae bf the Judas): Kutrtire, for the relief or tirntstt and Canadian Sailors. Mm. George Davidson and Miss "at. ue Roos were the guests of Mr. ttttd Mrs. Geo. D. Richmond. M "31111le. this week for a short us". The may friends at Mr. Richmond rm be glad to learn that he is now muting good progress towards rot-ovary from his recent lllm‘ss. Mr. Sam and daughter or Wittttr peg. were happy Visitors In Waterloo tor sworn! days this week, guests ot Mr. and Mrs. B. B. Bricker, tered ell over the world "tttiatt Gl That “a“ o! the Patriotic Commit. the not"! cause In the kreateast war l tee "° will; Irnuements tor the ot history. tug-l Christmas remembrance tor the _ who: and children at our soldiers Never were then so may "th1‘0""... Bttd wotud he Terr HIM!“ chain tor the Christian my») aalP""tebeoirt this good work. Year there are - Sum.- can - be ty Tear the cause no" more unmi- fitted, but there Ire many that :tuzle,‘llla if!!! the ledtes erg eogtitdetst that ‘nt home my my be occupied next nun! will be glad to help. Contri- Christmas by the men now 'iisiiial buttons - stun to am. Sims. " Never were there " many hearueltihhnu 51.. w.. or to Mrs. Cram. 15 wishes sent out (rout million at but)», Weber Bt.. E., or an the Telegraph or-) es. Instead ot "A Happy Christmas." ' tree. 1 the wish nearest the heart and the "psi --"-------------w l is "God bless him and bring Mm are! home." ([lulul‘|ll II" I N. re Pr AI- chm-u "ytstt'tr'eemii." b finance!“ Joy at raglan; lo M "it. - tor the will“... the Christ-u gm- Ii" In at a atmrter and no" can: rune- "r than ml. The one! “unplug it bah; don tor the Inc. who are sent- tered nll over the world "ttttatt for the not“! can: In the honest war ot history. 1 minimally; 3“} am. aymnhh-‘ug‘ an; memwud‘ 1ttst-t_trsoett-t, n} mmwwam, In. . J. In. mind by “u-odmh,~fim.'M~MMIhmm- 'm-ta-i-tfs-it-lm-ttto- are“ m When-9,01.” _ ,s'S' [Tom-trot»: mung-due " Inch " Chum Social and Personal l The Roy-l Military College. Kill:- Ptott. has been offered for the am ot ' Inn) "do" ml tho Naval Foliage u ‘mum [ _ 't ' . . The recum- mommy meeting of the Wnterloo "moot was held Tawny tttterttoogt It the honplnl. The Fresh dam Mrs. J. B, weaver trreandeel Members 9mm were Mud-mes. (i: Ruhy. B. o. Henry. L. Butler. E. Brick-3 er, 0. Hype". P. Pearce. J. "blue and M. Chisholm. The minute. of the pro-i vim loam; ware fund and tunnel 31n- amountlnt to "”14 were pun-ed tor payment. It “I decided to Invest 3500 In Vlctory Bomb. In Ruby Ind Mrs. Henry Ire the Buying (‘olnnmlee for this month. We. McFadyen enlisted with the Huh Battalion “you "voyeur: 330 and has been in France about a rettt. "a took a prominent part In the au- Hum ptt um 70. and In “new the. Distinguished Fondue! Math! for his tttttttttttry. “may Auxnzunv l .mvns'rs $600 In i VIGDOBY nouns I The (ouowlng telegram was receiv- lest Thursday by Mayor mums; acknowledging grant of sumo by the iWntoI-loo Town Council to the Hall. Max Rttrrererrc-- l w, L. nuunm. , g Mayor ot Waterloo. ._... ...... I On behalf of bereaved Halifax and Illarlmoulh we wish to thank you tor {your prompt tinanttittt ttid wlyeh Is } our groan-m need at the present mom. sem. . The and Intelligence was received in the my by friends that Private Hen- ry Lorne McFadyen. a former teacher ot the Baden Pubnc uchoots. we: killed “faction. The news was receinedhy relatives ot Pte. Mehdyen. at Hdit, ley. Ont. FORMER BADEN ' TEACHER KILLED IN ACTION A resolution was passed In apprecia- tioscor'ttte efficiency and unlousness with which Mayor Hilliard had ditr charged the duties of his position ttur. in; the year. 0111:9113 or $1000 WILL me: SENT TO HALIFAX The council decided to send a che. que for 81.000 to the Halifax Relief committee Fund being the amount of the grant from the town ot Waterloo. It was suggested that the amount he expended by purchasing useml artic- les made by Waterloo manufacturers to be forwarded to Halifax. but the optn. ion prevailed that‘tbe more satisfacto- " any would be to send a cheque tor the amount direct-lo the Halifax Re. ilel Committee. R. T. MACILREITH . Chairman Relief Committee. It will be seen by the - In”- sago that (lunch! Bid In urgently needed. Any eoutrtttutiom, to the Hair tax Relief Fund may he made at any ot the Waterloo banks or, Waterloo County Loan and swig Co. It is hoped thug-public Ciirl'la with“: will make "born! ttabtreritttiorts to this very heed: cause. _ The final meeting or the Waterloé Council was held on Saturday evening flllllllllll, am l IS fli'illljlfln ; m mum! nun elm-mi ai,"Gum..- a conic d (by. with Mr. and Mn, J. A. "up! (“I _ ”LDIER’. FAMILII.’ CNIICTIAS In. “Ilse-winks”: It. pm In rub a ti. has. a In. W Lug. Mill-ed lo Tan- to o- hMu‘. ”can!“ by him Mprr but . _ :, orpt Rumba", pt Elmira, found gull- uty of rtolmst,atmsuit upon the pe'rson _ of n young girl at Bt. Jacobs m ll- _ lured to go on suspended neutence when arraibseii' before fudge Reade Tuesday snot-now In County Court. Suspended sent " ”a granted upon the undertaking . new“: Inn‘s “the: "that tlull',; Keep a close watch on It. inn: 'I'Iyyouth.’ who I: only " your: on“; in. not ruched a full mental developinent and this Val 41: extenuating point In at: (not His father mid nll the costs in connection with the one. ,, it}: /GrTitrdGitviuiiGa"/nviat Sch-"walker. Hr. P. Humor! an: ho ol- neod cumulus.» once.'nll March I, ma. mt Min. cm I000 . «out Br . - they, on or net naturally. or In iGG! B IT." “In” ttdttrtrrtted. uh. “catch mt. breath Md; Gil tte .r, Ed. E‘""'""m°" m throat. m. . ttttt o! to“. ate. I Museum». Marin. "ty-allowed. :1“de r,,ito'i?,iri,',ii'ii'iil'is1'f, ii) Krona. Chyton. (mm-“owed. /' III In I my our: a ' _ may.“ - nacoqtu tti _ :“m' Em" J. (a) “w“ “(I our in. may we. 4trttV ml “a" Otto, E, tE)-sBoArt. um. bowel. y“ m and ”I 5 wan-um. Walter, --dlullowod. hive tt '0". in.” "In. Alf Martin, Dunn. B. alum " srad',','ett, t gm: tat of gum, 66 I on g " Fe eon- . tatm inn Jt'g,lll'dll 13MB... au- Tttty tttcat -atttrttmt ”mm" "W “in“..m, not}! In”: Hun-u an J.. ko .- ' ,rtoiimiiir Among wm Fem-h. cross. “we“. dqeeq't do”. on or not mummy. or I: favor» uh. nomad: not". in"!!! tad; has not. throat. M,'PAg mu 0! cont". a tenmontnl‘of " mm. Syrup at Fur," and In . few hours all the tlt': may.” wait... “like“ and sour We may we. and In gnu. bowels no," pm... no you SUSPENDED i grammar: FOR. ' mum-A new rank at the Mun. mother! It could, your "me and. stomach. liver and he’d- neod clot-um: at once. the Board at " regain monthly. meeting on Tuesday: Mains decided to take steps to have the solariumel heated, provided the cut is not ex.! ceasive and unit “trident measure. in available trom the boiler}. During the last (ear months. the ,nohridmsl have been used by patients who were! unable to mare accommodation in: private and 'semtuirNut. unis. not! withstanding ihe"fuct that the no}! ariums were erected (or the benefit of the convalescent patterns. The. pm} pertrContmittait was authorized to take the necesury Item to, provide; heating includes for the tirtst end, second floor: 9% the warming. , I oimu;ir,m an...» can harm and" mu. “mach, NV" Owing to the e_rowdod conditions ot the private Ind 'retntbrrrirtsteurnrrts at the KitcheneeWrrterfoo. “capital Hospital Baird Making Provision' to Accommodate Morrr'PAtienttr. . Ila-ire Chic? Kan-go. Reports ' They Will Mot Exceed i Sum of $1,000. The "re loss itt Waterloo this year has been the‘bm slime Mr. Geo. Karges was appointed to the' not!!!” 1or fire chief about ugh! yum no. "rue' loss by ttre Mammy been thou: 181.000 tor the year a} compared With about 86.000 last year. The fire de- partment Is now In": equipped and moot efficient. -----c---c-----r- {M m TRIBUNAL flflllilHllal'l' 2 . _ (La,tiiijtd r,,) m,,olll:lllll,,lilllll! The Waterloo Ftee Department wlll shortly lose two of in men. who have resigned. their redundant to like enough end or the month. Two mem- bers ot the stall qtutttt%d as " men but will be exempt. u long a may remain with the Fire Department.‘ HHE HISSES AHE MI fllll YEAH new“ I Camisoles Novageotia a -- '"t iq “W n.8‘mboih'd. no nun who - no- - ll out at a?" i'ir'iii?St Ir. 'S(i','ir?,i'ii1rthti,1 an a and haul”. a Oust-"um.“ AGoodAlly Bhithe, Howrae, H, (BE-Invade“ quwn, Jacob, B.---u-0. Bitch, Jogeph,-;qlowed " Inger. Tucker. Aggwtit 43.5de . _ Schnldt, Wilfrid. a.--mttoarrsdd. Bun. Norm-I. disallowed. Brtsmt, Ettra,---+owmt. Brown. Mains-adjourned. Runner, Edward, ,. allowed " farmer, ' er. Rem, Oscar, L.-ttttotred u next, than. The tollowlng In the "It at can which were d‘lsnosed ot at the tstt was: or the Trlhunal op. Mommy and Tuesday. The nu man; at an Tri- bunal will be held Saturday. Mueller, Cm. i---aiuaar'iyU/ C ‘Dlobold. Emil, J. (Er-tttlowers. :Snyder, Israel. "k-anowe.d farm er. _ Grolt, Donia, C.-dhranttF. mtg. Almanac tBr-ttFeed. Scholar, Wm. A'. allowed ull Pet, Int. t9t8. ' ‘ [MIME ill9iltill ,Hummel, Arch, C.-Htrmtsr, allow- 30pm. In! Token“. cu Tucker, Edwin,--disauowed." - Hausa. mar-disallowed. _ . Anglia. 'tttur 1Et--aitiont6t.' . Good, Harold. F."-Mirsaitoyret, Km, Louis. disallowed. Reamer. Wm. A. --Mtowed as farm 3mm. Wm, H,--ditited. I y Reinhardt. Albeit C. Ict-tFred, ' Il? on Flynn“ Hithre-ntttrt-.vr' . f ipttedirUve M Mickus. Harvey. M, fEy---tsuoxrtd. Sam, Jon. M.--diterwett. Bach)". Pau'. 1A2r--aliowed q; SIneler. derman.‘ A.=atrNmttut. Miller. John, H. IE)--'"?'?'". Lena, Harold. C. "Jr-Wt-Weil." Them". S%strehrtt--tntttwed. Trench. Harrey, C. ' (Bmm‘nd. Hoeh, Lincoln, ~allowod as lum- McDougall. Eldonedmnowqd.‘ waist, Fred-allowed as tumor. Shack, John. Cu. 1By--anowed. Heinrich. Joseph ddiourned. Roipert, Geo. F'. tm---aaorred. F Rupert, Ivtfier, 1A2r--dHowed. Bowman, treratiutc---rAhmsr, allow- BECHTE L BROS. Neckwear ‘. For Father, Brother or Lover Why you pay him a use. (not. Dunk“). Iun 'ktm,--tam have Gloves Blankets Silks Another very cutout.“ an - be I “It 'tr-thte, hay-i vary “mu!“ BrrrtarmR-,aratea,.taettom, Mayntnrnd ..... ..... ..'.. ...t. ..... ..... ... ... .---. Collars and‘Jabats v, we an .m y.» In Whig... arer, y.. as: Maxim Glam: - ,,, -e _-.w -._-.. -- .‘--,,-.'.. "a Pere. .._.. ..'.. ..... ..'.. 'I"' But - " don‘t fall to no out amt out“! lath. mu you will 'had HundkmMon at 5: no». hr the Kiddie. to m: It... mm (La Jtoaqt, at “It. I '-T Q "tPretty-toe-ou-e-Oro-u-v---;: damnation-o“. ' 1te't1t.rto-rr-eout-ust-s..x-. (tasetreev-ttiri.-. _ wmwmmmumuummmmmmouwmm ""ra'o--t-n-,teo-, 'dSN'2"1t,,."ftrd"dratta'giiiitte, ii'1i'iiti,'itiib.".CirarsC.Cstt “MMMWMWW , W “In.“ 'fie--teeoriros-.att-e.air....s,'. g t""""'it"e"---uoa-doiiarCrrTCT.T. .......'.. ‘,. H;Mbmwmm.“~Mw&blhm-u~ud~~ jAAaL"i7-"-"er. not... won. an" or um... Mac I mum tuck o! Pyjnmu. Shirts m! Undamar. Han 3nd Oscrcoau. Rum-Ibo: to have put up Inna-in. in human .m I. Men's clown. Foam“ We have Noam.» to suit an not“ in the Faculty. at A mum “at about» Gust M an. an an“... an. g... and an. I“. II can. and 3m: emu mm In. in WM“. Huh m Mala. at Menu than. you mid buy for “that (B) -lr"red. tE)--mBohd. yr, ~dlullowod. B. allow , kl]; h tum» make. In nude». “Vocal. Ttet “Id any. at up pun The following chins were disposal ot by Tribunal '38: unit! Otp mu Tye-day “lemma; cotpm. w.. minimal. mad, at. E, mum. _ EXEMPTION called. Hummel, yen-mud. (d) --0ttwod teem-dingy. _ ' Haidht concluded Ju work on Mon: day. dismal; irt eleven easel, on Satanic: and one yatcrdny. Moat at the chip» Were disallow“. The tribunal held sitting: for the past month. l ' _ AA. 'tttttiii/td In a nu of ”the culm- disposed or.---- . _ _ Tttsetrtttsrtt, Frank. J. disallowed. mag'wmm. A. G. (E) at land tmsordteurtr'. . _ What Edward, V. -dtsattttwed. Helntzmtnf Joseph, P.--duationred. mm, Waller --aistruowed,, Brown, Louis -<llul|owod. Brenner. Louis. -atmuttnred. Becker. Edward, E. --Wsttttttttriit. . Brpwn,‘ Jacob, Britannia). Tremh, Armand. M. --0ealiotreU. Heinrich. JttBeph, 1m--anowed m Inna-in. in_ 'tau.tmlt gm bout. may» woollen tittiiliit Queen sags! --‘- _ m--- -.. - um was, "Mr Stockings 1tjdf%e%iitaesrstrtiitLL' ‘: 2lttf Socks, regular 40, 50 and“); specially wind l, K iiirircisuL.esUsr, """'f' ...... mum; _ ..m. an»- aim-.1: 2...; -.-, - A ..a . . - -‘ - wetuiitgt omttiieil" -; "M “”f "T"" A - Call in and see these excellent values. you certainly need the help and relief of this world-fined remedy. to tte,etlit, y.1dy, in health. They qgickly .ettattiiatt pore mam. so the organs perform their functions a Nature intended. No other remedy will so surely when the system, stimulate the liver, regulate the bowels“ quickly We the general health as It you want health ‘ ', Steam and Books JY Intel Input " "Insoluble nri J. C., B, allowed ml clan 2r'T-T-- ”mum. """'f' ...... ”In” t.Ptt. grew}; that class quality, having splendid nun 'LG, INSPIRED or um“. Of Aunt-nu Wool I); Btaatttet, W’ in Pink, Nu. and Tam, at "* “I. u‘ f I' "uh-G‘s..." ', humming Arman. Ja7tUTi, oAUrd.. use. ”not”. " m and w munch. a, E, mutt l I Schllter, E. R, mien. f ‘ ( Gingrich, J., Allowed combat: objector. T m" _ ' ; Henry, Ft, A2, cit-uncured by Mm l Fischer. F.,' At, diullowgd in grunt. ‘ ", f rwnm 131::ng q gt iilGU' - iiieG'iiees We.“ "- mm. Dee. "latte",,',-.-,,',',, anilhry fightlng eotttitum. along . Main - Patrol. brought tet.) you! primers. F From the lat at February who” dealers In fresh hulls and when! must haw- “venues. Tho Unionist. In West may! June decided to got behind T. J. ' Inn lumen recognized candy-to. b The French mum at aim-twi- real progress Wttt, being We ind tuttrstttrtttBritte ettattr.tmt. - . i A large number Marni-haunt urged the anomaly-en! or (an In; art-(em. drum. . r ' Wilson, J. A.. " “$1."ch drum um: consent or trttothearr lanolin. A; A2. stt.atuweit," . palm"; R., K, mum. _ The uality Store. WASI‘ERLOO ' ---5o='75m°smo Phone 339 Fiij.i.e2, .rrr)ltt,;' t"ti

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