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The Chronicle Telegraph (190101), 20 Dec 1917, p. 4

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sillt.frhln BRITISH Bflllllli5 ' f_ KlElillflfil ill (0llll'lfllllll5, 'r'L"t"tsottt side- llnln' this ureemeu! if?! tuna-Ive- um December 30, w ['a1$' (W n, 1010), 1nd to carry on . unitary tnmmn on the 'l.,':?,!,',,,,',"),' m the Bum- to me mack Sn. 5‘ W mh'tnnsfers In were nlgning E, 33.9:- Income-n. _, "The armistice begins at noon. De, ' camber 17. and remains in fun-o unlii January 14. 1918. Unless seven days' .3 notice in given it continues in torn-hu- . mmtlcally. " extends to all the land a and air and naval town: or the min P nmn fronts. ii " Eran-ties “moment trptweon f” WIN Government in Runsin find the Tuemnlc allies was named at just-“tow“. Saturday. according to I. ttdnetnt eommurtiestiyt issuc-d try ' - today. Paris. Dee. 13.--Aetive artillery fighting is in progress along the whole from. the War on“ announces. (o. Petrograd, Friday, Dec. 1s.-ie cilia of ‘Rostov, Najhitchevan and Tagan- - in the Don Cossack territory, are in hand: of Boleheviki troop! accord- ing to a report issued by the official news bureau. General Kaledines, leader at the Don Cossack. has been arrested by the Bolsheviki, who have invited the Mayor of Rulov to no to Nova Teherknek, Cossack capitol, to discuss the wepension of military operations. London, Dee. 13, tofrieiaiy--Three attacks were'madp 91'3"! aprmiiits in Vpree today, the War ofriee reports to-day. The first two weieiurutui. At Mtg Mimttempt the - 'pendtrated’ the 'otsiier'trtettsti""iitt"rih.e'ttte apex of the angle in the British lines near Bullecourt.. .Local nghtirtg contin- ued until late in the evenihg without changing the situation. BOISHEVIKI TROOPS CONTROL THREE GOSSACK 43rmilir-eKALEDtNE A PR _ m taxi-o! the ttotgttgtttnieatlon tot. lows. “Au armistice agroemgnt was ruined at Brest-Litovsk ynstvnluy by plonipotonttnry representatives ot the Rattan Upper Army AtggtlnintrtMiott on the one hand. and those of the up- " my administration ot Germany. Austria-Hungary. Bulgaria and Turkey in the other land. _ . "According to. Planar 9, ot the treary - negotiatio'tts are to begin imme- M M. ".--A--t within iv the non-hum ome. t “I Ago-c! til _ and Ger. “9 w - the Imus of an m. R I. w tttatt treatir i “a In. (cranium). Ti. III-h. cologne: continuum I. Ali-Klee Con-“too It Brent-Ll. -. I". “vb-l the Bel-hulk! up “h It III Snowy lnultute that I -- w roach.“ with the 're on busy concerning the - ot troops. " win to [his cl. 'tirickeraiitiiinncoIt"il' is displayed liberally ihridighourthe store. COME, JOIN THE CROWD or GOOD NATURED BUYERS who do most of their shopping with us. built!“ to Initiator] '%mta-3hr- 1ltttete lichen: in Still a Prtittner-- Rout of the ”haiku“. . 'ytPmmtt-rommromr-crcau-tom'oorirmmrm_o'-qemo imm Cogteirmert try Berlin THREE ASSAULTS 1llllrif .YPHES THE GREAT BHRISTMAS I ===r======RlN1 IS Gll=========a= _ Christmas Gifts ARTILLERY FIGHTING IN PROGRESS. mum nut j.' A 't [ll nu {Ill-[m 'iiittttg Everything pertaining to WATERLQO The 'ff "tit,ti',. his lssuml ro- gululions r I' o,oistr' in murals .hut has 'i"x'r/,Ctl'.. oh " ind Shams, 'Oo sale arrival ih England of a numb” of “mg?" nM gelatin: 3)! ttrnops 'is onin,,r,u . ' _ t Charles Smith. ot St. Louis. p mem- ber of this' staff of John P. Stevens. head of the American Railway Cont. mission td Russia in reported to have lune" wronged. _ - In View or the Announcement that the Brltlsh dovornlnent ls pron-rod Mt runs-tine the question of the deten- tion or M. Tettiteheritt sud Petrotr Russian citizens, under arrest in Eng- lsnd. with a VINJO their return to Runis Leorr'rrotts9y, Bolshcvlkl For- eign Minister. has ordered that British subjects shsll be tree to lenve Russia. Kafodinos Report“ Captured, The Petrogrsd otneitbl news agency says the Bolshevikl have captured three important cities in the Don (‘m- mark territory and that Ger-en! Kale- tlim-s leader ot the Don Cossacks has been nrretrtoti,'ttirparentty by hls own generals. With Kornllott reported do [salad and wounded near Blelgorud. the onlyonc “not the vottnterirevo"i- tionary triumvirate of military land! on is Generist Unto". hetmun ot the Ural Cossacks. who has been operat- ing in the Province of Orenhurg. Gannon. Getting Fat. The Germ-ms already have begun to obtnln fats and other sorely net-dell supplies from Russia. according to In- formation reaching Petrograd to-day. and! can may“: of n III-h nice." , _ ., ”which an: a Mr An omeiat denial I“ made at Smol- " lepdq'lii‘n'er'l" ttnd titoresoois uni Nichola- Romano“ Ind camped troie Tohouk. PRISONER BERLIN REPORTS ' QUIET FROM ALL BRITISH TROOPS “GAIN PART OF Berlin, via London, Dec. 14.--.Ther. is nothingmew to report from any of the fronts, the statement "on! General Headquarters In! night aaya. Italian Headquarters in Northern Italy. Dee. "th-Heavy fighting in in progress to-day on the mountaln "out, north east of the Brent: river. The enemy is attempting to advance his positions _.-u nemas than west at theViver, which would give him two lines of approach to the Brenna vat. ley and the open plain. The chief Aus- ttGere-effort is centering~ thou! Mont "Beretta. _ There the enemy suc- ceedecj In advancing only a shyrt _di_ tanee (in the hours: of're'pe'eted at. tacks-in which he suffered largo los- London, Dec. 15.-.The British have regained parts of ground worrtry Ger- man on the Ypree front yesterday. the war omce reports. The statement iollewe: "Lotta, lighting was commen- ced yesterday evening in the neighbor- hood of Folder-heel: Chateau, in which our troops regained a considerable part of trench into which the enemy had penetrated during the morning. The hoetiie artillery was active during night eat of Meeeine- and northeast of Ypree. I‘TALIANS HOLD ENEMY FORCES AT MONT BERETTA Hamilton. Doc. ".--Wiliiam Walsh ohsarnia. Grand Trunk ougincar. diod u a result of torrihlo injuriu and Percy Pamuy. of Sarnia anothor traimman is 'rltrhttutly acaldcd and dying an" a "nub-up near Stony Crock when the Chicago and New York Expresa1ravelling two hours lat. crashed into a freight crouln. the main line. about 5 o'clock “Ii. morning. All the pausing": and other traimnon although jolted about considerably, escaped Injury. ' 'Lom. ttoe., trr-r'" Imm- "is you?!» - and ... im. In: ”uni”: row: ' I _thgugh tho wan, - fute day I I'.'.'? 'erred '. te.. mm. Pei".- trlit. can.“ Ind "query work: an. I. ' mm. "are. haul. machine. In" driven down out " control. None of our. in mink-g." _ [INE KILLED Ill H. ll, SlllSlHI? 1illltlllllft IRE BEITEN ililllllll ITS WAR FRONTS - sum-x. tr. 3, Duo. uph- John-club n. man: an a. uni "a us. has... at _ no Nor-om BM "has. um I... a. “In!“ ship . Momm- "iii"iii"iiiiiiiiiii) 'N%_rtt.t-r, W no.» an» an: ttte than» "k “w. n. ... on, u... a. u. ot tant "Mi-WW” iG','dr2"=r2i'2'L'i","ct'a' 0m "r "Moet today. Ho w" l damn omn- to In" the lam:- tmod over to the milituy Authorities titte. Surgeon. ".orted that I. m by Much“ of the Kim-”(ll RA- - . - m u m mu he lid Hahn-l when he has be.- Indor on! u My Mat, . "VIM II. no treatment. nunnlhn hall-- that hm hm! I. -l-A " 'rthrtarnanttftuhrstr,Whieth Contact With I” thttr,MtnttBianexiatuid magnum. sQt-U---Wi1dtttetei" Anon. One of the human the Manual. 1 young woman from New York, whose name In not revealed! I: aid to have called the atomic: ot the hospital Matt to Johnson yesterdly. She Ind nouced that the mtlent wu noting quoerly. no that he did not seem to be wounded. Hen report on [he one led to I second eumlnntlon of the patent by the guy-lotus. and thc our LadiU' Fine Handkerchich In lawn and all linen, Mullen Cqtt, browned corner; and edges, duipure and Val. Luce edges, dainty all white and colored, at speck! prices, Sc, "e, 15c, 20c, 2Se. 35c,50cto ... ... .. $1.00 Ladiee Handkerchief. In fan- " but“, in 'tne lawn and linen, plain and embroidered con-non, 2 to 8 Handkerchief. In a box, at upecial prices Me, Soc, 60c, 75c, 85c, $1.00 to per box $2.00 Handkerchlofs Ladien' Silk Crepe Handker- chiefs, white and colored edges, figured degignt, alto pllln col- ors, with hem-(llama can“. very special at ... 15c and 25: " Bonn Silk tittttit Scarf: at Women throughout the county cannot do better than coming direct to this store for 0hristmss goods. Our immense stock embraces so many sensible and useful articles, of which Only a few can be enumerated and very many lines are being sold at special reduced prices. Come direct to LANG BROB. 6 co., LIMITED, 1,,lulltynlilttBr-l!lilurtLi' Kitehener'g popular store. ' ' OLE?“ 'inefirei,ti' Silk Neei scam, fun" we. and "good Imam, in} lights, light, medium and dark, woo-(Ir noular 't.26, ttiso and $1.75, on sale special at .... ...... .... ..... .......'Q1m Handsome Fancy Silka, in Check. and Strip”. and in good col- orinya, of sky, pink, rule, Burgundy, green, brown, Iawn, “a. all good qualities and worth regular 82.00, $2.25, $2.50 to $2.75, on Thursday at ... ...... ....r....... ..... ..... .... ....... $1.29 ed, Includlnn all good colon, ivory, maize, grey. mauve. bergundy, rose, sky, coperg. navy, purple, paddy and black, worth regular as: _artd tMo, lm sale at . . 500 yard. beautiful 36 igch width Silks, in plain . ”manna. Duchess and Taffeuotdark and light shades, uu'ul for Drum. Blouses and fancy articlu. worth from $1.50, 81.75 to $2.00 per yard. on sale to-morrow, Ttturwtay at per yard ..... .... ..... ..... gm Boautlful eoloml Sllko at About lolf Pvloo " dozen Ladies' and - Sith Neck Scar“, till: and silk mu. ”humming "In”. . in 7" "iiiiiiiiiirt mum Christrtias Goods 1;: Big Bargains in Black and Colored Silks 500. & $1.00 on". Nam-u. . J. c. w. an“ to: the In. - “I. 'etrhoAdaBtrlr_trotsreotBi; A watch-nut overtimtllw do. a vamIOIUu il:',? nmuulhtm'ullkllt 'umumgwmuum 4.3mm emf“ to [can the hunu- and Johaa-. 'u ninolulell “a; “on. Surgeon upon“ an be had mu m... Johnna. Mr. my. mom a “no $60 It do would bo c..." mu, - but. um; I- me Unit. outudlmy hiatt tut-m0.“ 'dtrtnt-t-..ada0-rt, manual "itre,t"t be m in I!“ II no" to m tt " on but tn u... may: to - In her "in“ . "y ho mg... a. a. I... " In “Pu AHOY that lIcMOIl I unitary MI ttureaatN than that 'tan-m. j” Altar that Incident . mum?! m was placed on duty try " bed. nnd lat. er, when the Incident III called to the nttentwn o! Cnpuln Henry G. Lulu-I ot the lunch-eu- suto Guard an". the pmvoot guard was an! tor and Jo Inn-on wan locked up. Rumor Run Down In connection will: the nmnt rt a "valiant lot ot any rumor- henrd here 5 Natural We" Sou, largo pil- Jer, mfs, l by“ and an trim. med nlnglc skin and. and am: 6 Nauru! Wok 80%., um "yte a. above. we" ”may“. I bargain at $22.00. on ale Than luck Siberian Wolf round and an mum, vert "new! value. per a! 8tt.00, 010.”. mm and tail triotrited, I dandy at lot girl}, regular 310.00 per m. u .., ... ... ... .. .. mm AT INTERESTING PRICES Lulu" PM" Linn Maetdtt.r. chiefs, with narrow and deep heme, all pun linen, It ”will [:ch "e, 20c. Mk, 30c and 3% Children’c Handkmhlcn, “no white lawn. mo silk Handhér- chic“. with colored deshgm in corner, special at toe and 12'de Childreh'a Kowpie and Picture Hamttorettiefe, ' In a box. all hummer-ed. and In fancy boxes Handkerchiefs Ladiu' Inltlal "artdhttrtehlefa, in all llnen, In varlous qualities, and a good choke cl lnltialo. very special at each 25: and Me RELIABLE FURS Best and Cheapo“: Come and see our Stock Before Buying Elsewhere beet. 1Pttitietttftert.rrGiiiri'" f 1"aeaefe8erye11t.eerioereotb an.“ “ltd-“mob. Yul-nu mmmmzm» a a. I m an. r=t2tiiiyiiietj.ijefti:Eei'i W. mum-hum nan-lg .16an his. I. "iagttt 0m. “In " 8mm Price. a. to man a an Inquiry. um "itil " - dared no. the one“ ttt a. uplodoI| (can and in “In: 0mm to one.” (to. “run. on. the hoopla]. marine that he lulu! be the nun”. m on in _ ml beau-e M the 'eollmona... m ”.4 which mused the [on at to many lives. um loath " Amino Alum m bot it but. d “mun-y minorities announced to. mbs. the t night an Loni- Vo-Iurj. an. Hentymum My. mum-unnam- mute-numb“ an“ animus-WM} tumupmuummw muumwmd LADIES' COATS, In em». chill: and Tunas. In 09hr. oi grey, plum, brown, any and green. in all sizeu,'worth $20.00 to $22.50. on sale at ... 31m wide. heavy weight, war guar- anteed, worm 02.35 for . $1.69 LADtE& AND MISSES' COATS in alt Wool Twocdu, Check. and Valve“. and. with large col- lar. and um. worth 816.50 to mm. on an. " ..... mttait Black Pamme sun. " Inch wide, thte 'tnuts, worth 81.60, "or ..'. T.... '.... ...... m: Red Fox sun, $33.00. 850.00. moo, um to .’. te... £70.00 " Namral We" "ts, with shoulder nylon. a" mark“ mtdtt shoulder nylon. Mat and ml trimmed, all marked " special prlcn. too Ladles' and lisus’ Winter can. at Bargaln Prices 1: Nauru Coon Sou, no“ and melon mufO, tter at .. M64tt1 Large the "ttie. hlack wok, At. 312.50. “5.00. 320.”, $22.00 Ladiu' French Kid 6mm, wlth wide and narrow “Itching. pique new». 2 dome, In color. " black. white. (In. grey, navy, “at 5V, to 0, price. special 8150,".18 and ..... .... $2400 Ladiel' White Cap. Olav”. on. and two damn, cobr- of white. an, any. mantle perNet 'tttimg, "" 5V, " rn, much- Ladlu' PM. French Kid Glov- ca, pique town, 2 demon, whbte and black point. and white with back palms, aim 5y. u PA, ”will " 01.76 " . . . . .. 8MS Childrcp'n Woollen Glou- and mm. at 2Se, 3Se, 50c to . v.00 Stack Paint“: S’llk, 36 Inch, WW To a. “on. ""'t"rriiirr'TcttDr- [ KITcu EN Egg of he“ 3331.11! and if . Berlin. boa. ,',te2eid?tati the nan-n front ym- V an attack again“ the AM "no. touch " Ion. Roman! a but It broke down ”I." no 7“ human. the Gannon - an.“ $5.50, “.W, ".50 and ... .10.. Child'u Whit. “My to“, large Itat _ good the M" "at than, Nana! an. m 9.qu ... ... ... .... m cc a. but in and unbound“! vacuum“ tuae-ii-rio' mymuw‘ some“; luau-uni 3mm. 11.1.3: I! 3125, ttatt. $2.00,. an to “In mm; mm "ts, with v-qu.pcrutmand 'ta' Inch "rarate Mum. at and.“ all "tteMa' Anny-WWII“ a “mm“w and)! mar: - “Island, V“... autummanmud “has. He Myv silk and PM». Hand pe. a "" 32.00. 32.50. " ... an Lndlon' Envelope PM ant. “up on back, Mo'rocco and pit coal and crepe to“ mama. "eatty lined, colon.“ but. grey and tan, qreelat at Ne, " . many New"! Handbag. m, ': Morooco and pin coal. and c... g e d frames, lather MIMIC. .. n y and plain om: manila)?” ror ad change pum. a lyric 'T ettttie n 31.005 '"s. $1.304”: ‘1 u ..1.. .-.1 M Purses Round ane" halom‘ohi'pd mm. at $13.50. 'tNN), cap, wide, for Drau- IM wetetc.?, worth62.N hte .... .... Hm. Black Dachau 86m. 021chch dress silk. 36 inch wide, worth t $2.50 (or ..... ..w. .... 'rail LADIES' AND HQSIU OOATS. in all wool you". Tweed: and Chinchilla . can, . made ,in good nylu, with lam", coIIan, Ind hem. may. M; for ... ... ... ... ... m}- “was AND “at; COATS. in "no ttit ml VOU- oun, Broads-Juno and M; made in vory pretty “yin, with}? large couan and trett, “rung, button trimmed, modal " ... ". ... ... ... ... .. 3”»!de VM Ilium“?! Mum " ”5.00, $13.00. Black Ouch.“ Silk, " In.» (own-f;

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