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The Chronicle Telegraph (190101), 20 Dec 1917, p. 3

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a Law S, tn TI _ 1;)!” received . “ac _ -.,M not munch-x T It!“ at. mlyp, 1:!“th of his son. La'to. s, P.- M. tttf INT?, The than: trt (“Not "gt M Chan-u factory were broken “In”! light b “all? mysterious t-r.qs6 Intellignu'on is new no- llll 0- IQgIn-min ovtto all! the danr uu. The ,mrkmtttort have been dun. betwee- lllduighc and six o’clock Thursday am. y The windows are nut smashed but have holes through them wkith were pal there try same small mimwl hurled with great rum, our small stone was found this morning in thquuer office after it had pussml "melt tl"' out": window and also through the glass ot the inner office. Ayah) in que o; tite, other outer win- dows of the office is so smull and than cut " to lock like the result or " revolver bullet passing through. V: ttr.teiirr ihuipe and mum); and Mr. C. It. Mlllt'r and family mun-1| to Toronto" Sapmlny whm-v Hwy will make theirCitiuliw ttotues. ll uh arc. well known nsldems orthis (-ilv. Me, Miller is well know-h through an the entire county in cont.ectton with his ne'tivltics as t'hiidreps' Aid Inspector and Mr. Shupo has lohg horn nonmem- ‘ml ‘Wilh the local Orphmmm- us urn-n tIra" of the tGaru. lie has um. ln- ".r prominent nu-mhur of llw lb huh. Monttontto t'hurc-lt "l‘lu- ll'.:l tr. trlottis of Imlh Illl'll zen-l Iucit' Izlmiliv: wilt rPgrt-l. to Imurn of, Ilnmr tlrpz'rulrv mun Hm city. _ IS .ASSISTING IN UNDERTAKING- .sb st' ."' IN HALIFAX Immediately ark-r homing ur the dis aster _tit Halifax and rx-ulizim: P" lit' orss.r,ti.v' ist tv,atsirrj.tuur in Hull "ity Hr Armmul géln'i‘ilvl', of Srinwinnk Limi orio.iituntort" from Htrli,".,x “Mum; to tsnare-."""','" lhlryiui: tif Ilu- than! Mimi were :m'oplml. hip. Simtrittu has _arr'ivoa'-itciatitux and Imnrlln-I Mill Mr. Slow“ of, Torotrto. Inn. charge ot thy uutiertukiug"m Hm! ciry COLONEL MITCHELL SENT TO ITALY WITH BRITISH ARMY Dump? MENNO _ M. SHANTZ IN . ms 68TH YEAR -.Mr, D. B. Dohwiler is in rut-vim m" a, 1mm from Mr. l‘vrvivul Mitchel! oi' Tptunto, Consulting lingmor-r. Mating mi“: his brother. Lian‘nl. v. n. Mi- "reiir. who has boon serving with the British a'rmy in France and F'landois during the past llwvo yours is new with B. E. F', in italy asihivi oi IntH, ligcnxro. Col. Mitchell won hié spurs in" Handel's as the enginm-r in ('hurgo ot the oirerations loading to the blow. ing up and manure of meinr‘s “My. m, will tio rommnhvrml iv :vn us: a STII'Hk- yr at the fir?! hydro tsow/tutr, held, in iju city m mun. mnn- yu later addrvssing " now" plum meeting, in Vivlnriu “MIL ("1”an will he proud to “war ot' ('ul, Mitrln lame! ggpllxyimmelu. . _ _ The drum of flu-mm If Sh 'itm't'tml THEM} rt‘sin‘wlml citl: plat-'0 at his "tttuno :5! Kin Kitchener 'oriiv.guar "ftt't' in an tttnent-vim,'; nu dorks, itt his 68111 ymn', "the tiniihtt 'tlt tnktr plum" Hum t résménce Sinnrday ttfterttoott ut :'v o'clock to In? FtrM Mvnnnniu- ohm- Rinn St. E.. for sorvirn, vlwuw ttrei1iitt Tor hurinl. tind, "oexieasert was {I mum 1isu,itv.'iit' which tte' In: rim-M" par! or his lit thi, rmcurtatioh ttl' a My may; ' 'Ahisut" mfi. yt-m's 'v., "a?" Hrmh'w “an?! t .vhi1ttitt"rtth't,ivirtiv, It LNRIW‘Y: _ , . _ Mr ttie, many ttoo" unul .llb ls survival by M, hmr (-MMrr'n. Vir: M. Mrs. A. lt. mm. mam- rnd Elm-n m homo: all the I'VV‘P synnunvny Home t tttr'etth Th" mn- r." win , 'pl‘r "rec,, thr' [why/1pm”. 3". yl' 'tt "-1tooWtrmrri, m svt.irmty L}. 9,! In" it'ttt'oetr, . ‘uimmn tt MOVED TO TORONTO im"Cra7- 'G.."tr Ja,:stitta'tet, ' -tttg-rtP,'.eac, etrhqtttrtt IMWE‘ W"! ',t;'d,rlQe4'it'ei','itlt1t"eC1"se tt DUI-D 3 who enlisted In 351 King R! ' d n-illzv'n tun! " m vr'nmu " ‘m‘r sun‘vw uzri'ttrs rvrir f tho WM irml in Kit In at 'the County Seat Care- ized. Local and Personal. "c " w th whom spout will Kit 1:“) fullnw MI! mm the u-Inn'wh II fiit :FORMER iyzAws V y,' DAUGHTER OLGA , l SERIOUSLY ILL in 'lt o "', 'tbrTmi'iV tTrue fo’tslm.‘ _ "11¢th ot the school pupils re- »Illltul in the sum of $55 helm; mall} (d. largely by the selling of shelled lbetmhnuu and the nmllng or many beautiful and useful articles, The Patriotic and Red Ihitna Baum hetd ht the AMhn "an In humu- Minoan and ‘0'qu My. to he a The Indie: desire to thank the pub lie tor its gent-mus response. The money will Ito devoted to sending cannons to the soldiers awn-was. and m "ml Prom work. WAS COMMITTED FOR TRIAL AT SPRING ASSIZES Herman Oderbertt. charged with having used seditious utterances in muecliun with tho sinking of the Lusitania, Was this morning commit; ted tor trial at the Spring 'Assizes hy Magistrate Weir in Poteet Cort Crown Allurlu-y Mummy granted tht' I'l-qlwsl of Fl. W. Cletuent for Imil nut! (MI-HIM"; was. ulluwml to Ko " tur prnds fur $1,000 worn- put up by odorhertCs fmhvrin-lmv. PRESEN PED WITH MASONIC RING FINED $50 FOR I DRIVING CAR WITH NO LICENSE r . News rnuH' h "rum-nit ic ring. l'l-ilip Novo." night oiiivii.'o. 'v,. hilmlwr on' Itis ', x'usavcusn-hfotui, rI-ply i, was V in Um vi!) Mun-lay, for the pur- 1pose of rvmm'ing prisoners from the '; Im-ul jail to llw navrwuzz‘h prison tarra lIc “Rik with him Htmry Smilh. .lm funny-Hm, Rulwrl King and Gonna 'Hykvs. , PREMIUM LIST Tho :zumlhly mort') of the Direc. m-u of the Kin-honor Ilnrticuiturnl Sovioty was hold Saturday evening. but 1'.le The I'I'Tising ot." ”1"an- ium lirt for the yvzn' 1918 was tho trvincitd" business of thr' M'vnilm. The i.‘irm-mr:. :miznmzm' lhul tho nit-w list of Prvm'nul.» is.oitt' of 1110 largest and lwsl 14%;: o'/Mrt ll touts ntmultors. TIto ll"-\ lists will 1w priniml and “ill ho ri.ady for Ilislrihminn curly in tltrt Inc-w yvur A stun": ('mmniIl-m was :lmwun-d In r-wirw the FTP/.0 List rm" tho IEIIS F'shiititiott. whivh will 1m hull! cm Angus; 2sth and math. i, I Inc-w y"ur A strum :xminimi-tl In rub-0 tho If!” I'Ixhihilion hull! cm Angus 2s'tr ALlotT - IAIIED AT RED 680.. IMAM Iv (“I pron ”um i, 'Inililr. .ith I “mini-I Petrov/d. Dec 14. -tthursdar) " n; rennrted from Trw,otosi. Siberia that Olen. eldest daughter at the for. vm-r emperor' Nrchohs i; severely ill. Prison"; Removed A [donning "tit Inf uln- 'tut-day wlu My!“ M r Mina”! mmlml " Hu- and ch p,solirw in v.lir, ANOTHER CHARGE Jolrn who Iln ml an llu Novpli w." H' M;ty,i<fr' Mm“ ml {lu- I‘vgrv lulsim', "Tint'r," s,t.rcr him with u lu-qniil‘ul Mr. Philip Inn-iv " ', tut (Canadian Prrss) vul: Wit". :Iv'l-r-,\'r-d Sllilcluy Jo. Vim: funfl-‘Irfyd'lmwo a his mulur t..si..j/isoru.o, foutlay' [11; £3ng chart," Hr IT. ltl Littwtt.vrtt " hing his moior Imminin‘n S: I'VPIII It yam. pruvim'inI bailiff IS BEST EVER Gtr urn-d Il r "in mu "min nrrnignwl trut 1 'I‘nnwdny'murn- with having “him"- his 1111' undrr {aka h l'ui'ml guilty nu! hwmzrzhvr 2ir, ()1! {In him vunIIm-liau' lkulllnu. Supt-rin- [inn Cures Drphth ,lmv. ml ol mum” Muson ml Im- ”m and v " tth. llu-ir l‘ilu mi tlo JlllltmlOlt ‘_ m 'i" I m] 'l1ilfii'i!lliiflhii, Giulio may Board Hun Claim of Deon Twines, limited. ' CAR APPLY AGAIN Tho noon Twine. mint: . mule by , . I I .1 . , e, ', . lollcauon Ytieaais, 1lleetld 3.35 o'- u'rlork for a hearing nt' 'tle omeqts of the Light Communion, tis cc-t the Kitchener Light Communion to vurr,‘ out an alleged agreement Hilde by In. In to exlm. . lhe street nil‘my sum“ or to almnu running rights ov- er the G " ll Ry. to their memory on sin-uh Street in me eatgt end of the city I' IHSH‘HI‘P of Mm.5 feet from the car "arttts' The Light Commission resisted up- plieutiott on’the ground that the tttlem ed promise was conditional on their being able to obtain satisfactory run- uii g irghts ovt-r the G. P. 'and H. which tl " Grre unable to do and further t'utt the representation made at the time of the promise was not canted u: t, namely that the Doon Twines w uld employ tyt hands to be shortly lttrreasod to 100 hands Pnd that an A. tomobilo faytory would be erected em- piuy‘tng t50 hands, Tho, Board utter going into the mai- torronoludn-il Him thore was mihind, inn tlEl‘W‘nll'lll lu-lwm-n thr high! Porn- missiun and Ilw "ttplieants and furthor titat ir they wishi-il In Hrtr0rPe mtvlt all nun-ruin"! it would Ire "mammary to mid Ihc G: P. and H. as parties. . Accordingly they gave tho applicant the privllnge of renewing the applica- tion after' thcy luul ydriod tho G. P. and II. as partivs in tho application. K. W. 1'lerurttt acted fur the Donn Twines Limiln-il and J. A. Sm-llen for llil' Mum t'otmnissiou. The ()nlm‘iu Ilium] vl.uts. rrlu'usvnlr-nl by Mr. Mu lulyrv. ti.' l'. Ctv.rit'rtiut.' and Mr A ATTEMPT TO Inmhn ul ther Philip (lies l~‘t)ulnlt'y. At ll.I:U‘ (ft-lurk :u-runling' to iqionnatiuni fi') ruin-Al at police tteouhmtrtcrs, 't'mri',i, men hired n livery (unfit iiL.iiii,r Trnsriler lively and drove tp @915, Gies Funndry.’ At liG0 o'clock one ot the night constables in making his rounds notieed the two men at work shovelling coal into the x of the sleigh. He immediately _:':'::.)?,.;),?:),"::)': vestigate bat the men saw him' " ming and left the sleigh. succeeding in making a. quiek'get-away. When the policeman arrived on the scene he Found that the sleigh contained about" 500 ms. of coin. The sleigh wgs drie en baek to police headquarters and as soon as the livery renting the outfit was ascertained the horse and sleigh were returned." The liveryman was unable to give the police any informa- tion regarding the identity of the men I who" hired the outfit; The matter is being rigorously investigated by the _ unlim- authorities _ Sunuf‘idr-n of the gravity of the coal situation in this city may he glpunml from the' fact that Thursday night an gin-mm was "man by Iwo Int-n to steal n sit-iuh-Iuml of (-onl’l‘mm tho supply FUNERAL or' MR. M. SIMPSON . THIS MORNING pzwswl ctWit.h homo of his ohio, nl'tI-r on Monday Srhrviln-r ft! "l'lw tum-ml of Marlin Simpson. who Irassu'd mvuy on hm-omher .14; at tho homo ot' his daughter} in Hampden ohio, nl'lI-r a brief illness. was held on Monday at 10.30 ovoch from the. Srhra-iln-r Nam-ml parlors. (Mr. Simp- .-=nn was'in his Mind your and was horn 'iv 1hr vrllttge of SI. George. Fur many yunl‘s lit. lived on a tarm at l.HziII:;Iun, uhirh plan-"w left six weeks nu). ti'lton ht won! lo Ohio to v'vajllr “ilh Ins dauuhlor in Hamm Jen., lw-mm-tl is survived by vvo' sons“. Ralph ot' lysinglon and Thomas of Nnmzuu I,'; "s. two daurthtorss. Mrs. Huv-rv P. 'nurrtin,a. of Hampden. Ohio, and Mrs. Edward Cartrtatt. llrum~ ntond Wisqnn =in. Two sisters, Mrs. H. vdrot,, :mvl Mrs. J,. U. Hummus or Kitvhpntrr nix-n sotviviss'titrtr.. The do- u-:~'--~(l mus ml! known itt.this var. Inning c-nmlmlna a r,outtrat" more lui iii, All"! ttttmt Hm. Hum Simpson. 1! inn and J. ( trr l was cured ul :,'hottttatit. Gout by MINARD‘S Ll.NiM',ri'r. Halifax. {\‘(HREW KING, I was Pttrtsrl of Alm ' hrnnuhllh hy JIVARD‘S 1.tNtMRNT "" POI. I' Cttr'.WI'. KHAN Trim’l l hi (1mm, tr, i '.ahe.ttrld. " In tt1.ttiotrr,rt for 1dr a! pull lit ". " .my 5- Hrs. _ _. ois?rnhAii'rte'siv'rv won- c. A. s'y+ot:.'iursior of _ rttur1m. and inlm" _ an Motutt'Hope "tne, " 1to-nl'079'W'W \h-rwrs or Arms R'."Immisnl i NI‘IEN'I' STE AL COAL tttnts l‘c'urw rains, I Ort Pdt.My, Thom:" and. Rim;- " The In: noun. a to "Me School Bond van in! “in. on! mu o.". ."r%nr "Wu! ytler a. business up “15"” w. The sum .u an“ whim-nu by me srecre"arrreyr'tC.".',?" quantum! shovel tHt “a!" the accounts 1.14:1 “W‘w in a surplus or tsft tttdt'; be “magic in my me a,gt'il t bin otcunlvhlch'mo-m." 'i Be - MHZ.“ I“. ; viee4'ttairman B. D. Lung, yrho'pro aided in the ohm-co at mm Pt quaint. informed the ammo“? the special committee npholntod‘b 100i into the attention ot mum“ addition- al accommodation in the schools. was unanimous in opinion til! ohoie' ‘room will have to be t/rovllrhii:' ,' Hé had made enquiries mid found “it In ;u number of cities Mable Mingus hit two to {our rooms Ire being built until such time as the' conditions; for building are more avenue: This was worthy or seriowtsritswkitititt by the Board nail your. Mr.‘Asi'mla- sen stated that he had tidied t9'tieitc' ders for a twelveroom schooHnd tireh culled in Toronto tsmrttkhydegt'turtd'. er was $30,000 . tstrove'.the . mild-to. The'qnesticn ofmaerea'setr_ttur dution will be mien mr'euab'iteiit' you t' 'l‘rustm- Iihy ”row nun-auntmh of the ”nun! In Hm fart Ihnl-d‘wlng thts your very mm tsad 'ieeiaivismis i." , roei0intt nulsidn "ports,' for the 914mm and in View ot mental that “lb-Park Hoard tlid not have lllo-‘lnmls End: tie City Council, he niurerrstomr,ni+t' nbt so disposed. the School “at? oisitit prnvido normsary tunacth!-thVx, Park Lulu- (‘II-m' of tutkr'dsttit' "slire. The sad inlelligpnw “is 33”}?va ‘in Kitchener Fridaxhpy Ab.: and IMrs. K. P. clemtTtith9m the; ,Vygr or- "ico, London, Englhmi. informing: them that Ihoir youngest spll._Av§qji9£ Cun- nnr David Wng 1Pryy1tt9Pt.t,s . n ul _Ayiatiort (ortrs.)yiit 'ilii;ll)'iti'lrr; mum“ ml ”or. :trd. No Ingmar ttt loylars have as yr! come to hand. , fe -synu:nthy at n wide circle of mertt.lts will he oxlomlml to the bereaved may onts.atul ""un!rety.r tiyt, WWFME tttf [loss they have spswlnotL, " .H. t "tt GUNNE‘R wgknq, . " F", CLEMENT KILLED IN ACTION The proposal was rtw6'rtwtriytrbettt: ml and tho sum ot trotArtv.r'-rotAt, Ml" llu- Iumrfrs'". . .- "a A; Gunner Dandy wa,rf,ctt,i.iAt/itit ed .when eighteen sietrajit. 85?, My]; the 11stit uattaNietulyh!ii.eyy.vtPyrisy mas holiday“ 1?1Fryt..nFpt1t1P,ttr: transferred i6, the .srolitrlit,'t,rrt)itaiMr era. going ov'ersias rirrr.ititVunit in November of 1916. mrhi'jo.)ii.ii1r/ttte"avi- ation corps jrarty thie yeti}; mulling taken part in a number of 'aerfaltcon» ftiets. His was twenty yearsl of age in September last. a _ . The brave aviator was'wemattd _ pit larly knmm in Kitchener. having cell educated in the Public Schools gum later attended the St. Andrew's Col- lege in Toronto. His brother. Gubper Edward Clement. enlisted "eetntu' with the 64th mttter'rrttt42tttrtttts 3w: POSITION FOUND: "'m', 2 FOR WAR VETERAN‘ . IN NEW HAMBURG I " “A” VETERAN ' l Bcantrord, Dee. 16.-Brtsd. here will IN NEW HAMBURG I be five .cents on Monday, local grocers - _ _ ." t have "been informed. This follows a Call. Dee. It.--), the nmintment I bitter, fine! MM! the Whitaker Baking recently -ot Joseph Ran as postmaster Co., titan! 'KNtted in London éapital, of New Hamburg the objection was K setting the lead in slashing. price; taken by citizens of that town t:fd: E’Qutu‘ seluigiat ten cents when Pte. Wilfrid Laschinger, ten of the m7 {the '; _ it her Company announced a postmaster and one ot the iiiai'iiriNi'l to emit. Then the ML‘Hutchion did not receive the appointment, al-' Battery advertised that " had been Ip- though he was in hospital in England (tgrit: try 'd local firm with outside at _ that time. The tutrtofrttyitatrt “thespian, and r3!;ed'to'mlne the price to made on the suggestion ortttgtNew I eleven cents, Thin- it refused to do, Hamburg executive whichMttMt Pte. l and it was foilowin': this, it is claimed Laschinger because" at 'tthyisloat de, thitthe cutting star od. The price on t'cts, was untitled for the position. iieliir/uiiiiy was 30'0". tents. with five returned home. on Detstat,Aur,! with trout: aitnoofeett pr' Her, price for Mon- his left leg amputated above momma; "tay. The Smaller hikers state that half or the right index /iaitaiitiiup, they'will'etay at ten "ms, hut if for. nnd other battle sears. He was inter l cod out. .will rinse ur, temporarily and viewed by Mr. Stewart Scott, M.ri.,us/ resume when the. hr-m I war y-., been to his future and Mr. Scott promisml'to tended. _ ' secure a position for him in a curtain: L--- ___ -. brunt-h of the publie service and “with Ity,y.te SAYS Mr. Scott annnum'ml that he had been - notified that a position awaits t) mg Is no IDEA mating". ' . T "' _ "; '.' or ovum-mo WAR Seduction can ram. ,,' ., ", ‘ , -.l The charp," mm. Aim-mtlywn. MVI‘IIlzmnhnrg. run-gm with mun-ml n :irl at Inndrryans. _,t0statt,tm't""; do"! fo Tillmmlmru, ‘mnn‘. ”a; - I'urv Judtw Wullarv in Wmtdstmli lm1 wc0nosdar, Tho ett:trrit ham: '."'**1 lwn wars "no. and this is ttto ththt Imxu- iI~wns called In mun. Ar, thes Hm hr-nrinv. the jury diagram}; , At. ttte Thom! thr rmwn was not really :0 prorrrrt. Tho r~aso orotpied ttro ulnar Ila); and tho hwy was om‘n'o ‘Imurv, rrvmrnin: n \v-n'ir' _ . - guilt: Tlt" ovidonrn"1n “47 gnu nirlinr' Tho adult!!!“ - itttB6 mo rim mother ”palm man I“ ms.) mm a hr ,emWsdtmi..9t'te Watt) um -tttvdt._tttqVarftti' and girl. ’1!!! moor BY 3mm My! 00mm nu lure! loops at Union ' than. "_"' Ton-m, one “.41: m E. Witt-Me: o1 man-ac»- neu‘af (not Unto-nu chum-u 1- North Toronto. 115 struck by a abut- " locomotive " the Union Station last night. and unwind ' mm which “though not Aerials. will con- nno Mm tohh bed for several weeks. Sir Boom tn suturing fro- . fractu- ed collar-hone. I only would. thru- ion: on the lowland. And mee, but“ on the side Ind hip. all minty to I leg. He 1- new in the Toronto Gear at Howlul, mad at a late hour but night was reported resting coulomb- ty und to be limo-t recovered from the shock ot the moment. , At the hospital, Mator Charles Br 'ltattDworttt, and Dr. W. P. Coven were culled in consolation. no! after careful enmlmtion reported that Sir f'f?oyie's injuries. although painful. were not serious. He sustained no in- ternal hurts, they reported. Sir George Foster was to he the chief speaker at the final meetings of the Unionist candidate. Mr. Weichel. in Kit.ehoner and Waterloo to-night. The. aialient will pre t him from tre. in; present, to P. gm of. Linonsanus who re desirous ot hear- iihg‘lha Hmong tor. Arrangemonta [lure being In for a strong when Srlill'flrlillllil]lll, l RESIGNS (llllfllll] " lute. St. Marrk Dee. 16:7an S. Mae. W/P, ‘of , Kym! Presbyterian Church Rafi}?! his resignation to the con- seiét, t mitodu'. His ac‘Jon was the result of his receipt of a bitter letter itt .ltrttt.kim'tyitat to have been sign- al :on Haul! (if the Ether-sis of Knox Church, against the active part taken 'tr Rim m trt8urfo km the war daring ‘5! pfJitieti1 , fggtpté The letter was INTERNAL %ii" rertmttrjdttar, puter element of the congregation. ' BREAD SELLING d ' “AT FIVE CENTS humor corevpotutrmt: A "If n In my and fortune to form a L,'?,',,',',,,,",',,',", I will form a union!“ iuo, Human! of th" slmnumu Hun in ictttMauor the wimunu of tho war. ‘Ind " I am dofeatrd, as leader of PM IMnjrsIrr {0an (mponuion. I will st it support a wintihnvwar polir'y or any thrvrrrttmturtt. that is formvd. is l Ir w ' o ttvre+rtori,." North Mend, PO'. "numb!" mom-ludm.) hum-IN. WM Is now tho ruminant to tho tho mlluwing' "than I “Thorium no amnion of twining. III I 1mm. lam in this: war "I. 'ttutttt. hot-alm- "w musc‘ of Mr " "as " jun! " London, Dec: 16. -Two disas- tert in widely separated parts of Germany are reported in Zurich despatchee received here "o-day. An explosion occurred m the Zep- pelin works at Friedrichshaven, and reeulted in the death or m. Jury of many. The second explo- eienvoceureed near Kiel, deuroy- in} a “story where bombs were prepared for Zeppelin: and air- planes. Many of the employee: in this plant were killed. DISASTERS FOB ENEMY IN BRANTFORD ls Ttttw spoorli IR arrows to tho ('npild. nave "11'0va In a TWWW ifiiuNg lh G.- Hitt Wilfrid Mr. M nann- ol ”and. ova.i.qwtsee=wttNPtrlrt.B. 11.31- a Tm. be m I: on.“ chm of an Ciebucto Ion-(mu. than " at the bodies Ion-d toiionrtq the in outer were and 'or. Mr. sauna ham to the Tom an. "up; that tt In tumble to qtro any Ide- ot honor at the “muo- In the strick- eued city. Mr. Schrelter lelt Toronto on Friday morning with Prof. Stone end Jrrived in "elite: eeriy the [allowing morn- ing. After e enney at the city end the mention it wee ton-d an they could give the meet eel-vice et the mortuary end they were inter appoint- ed " supervisor- at the mortuary and trtstineharBertrrtHCtp_nttttherl Mortury Committee. " MMuHr.8chniterxotinto touch with the Committee there he put tumult on record u representing the city (I Kitchener ttttt the epiendkl services he rendered did more to been the neme of Kitchener in Hell": than Anything this city hasologte in many May». The point that touched me mi- (ci",', was that. the city at Kitchener not! sent one of its own men to tabs ttarmor-m Potm'utrftttriett-0itrAoteed 080' of I 1upretsenutirrtoAmiatintheiaingN Deraetatent-- Deeply In)!“ Good (have! Scam. . t The newly installed computing scales " tho Strum"! mnrket bulld- ing ,iantttlhid by the» (thy Council. wrro in use: on Shut-day. and tho cili- zonx made good “so of them lit may, ‘ing certain that they were genial 'ttttl weight: in poultry; ete. Prices were high and firm. Sample of Oleomargarlne The Telegraph is in reel-Int ot a sample or Swift's Premium Diaman- garina, "much is now gtrihnitted in ca. man. It is similar In annotation to butter. all but tor a slight difference in [lum- can tu"Py be distinguished from it. It Illlllt up by the Swift Ca- nadian Company. Tablet ta Panel”. The SL-‘ery's Collegiate Institute Board has deemed to Nace a memor- ial tablet In the whool In memory ot the late Principal W. f .Wright, M.A.. who was killed in action at the from. Mr. W. R. Booking, Acting Principal, was appointed Principal of the Insti- tute.' ‘ For a year past money has been missing from mail passing through Brantford. A search was made and a sharp watch was kept. and on Satur- Iday, W. B. Snider, carrier, was ettttrg- ed in Police coisrt with-the men or Jenna. He pleadedt guilty and WIS nmanded for sentence. Posuhan Admits Theft. H. S. Deals was arraigned in the Samia Police Conn on Friday on three charges, and was remanded to jail for a week pending further evi- dence. The moat serious. charge again- st him is that of beingv-an alleged German any. The omn- charges were intoxication and tttwinmiitttror in oth- .er than a private dwelling. Alleged German Spy. Ald. J. B. Bowling. ot Brantford, un- nounccd his candidature for this may- oralty ot that city at the coming municipal elections. Alerowllng has been for the mat two years chair man ot the finance cammittoe and was previously chainmn of tho, Manufacturer's Committee. Feed Garbage " Pi... Stamford Mayoral”. Conservation ot guppy! that. it. might he used as hoi feed. was up on upon the Hamilton Board of Con. trol by Bruce Carey and Russel T. Knlloy, of tho Hoard at Trad». Mr, Part-y asserted that mm pin: could he mind mummy In “mummy on unrhagr- that Is now wasted. _ Many Women Vanna. b The vNOrs' “at in On" In)!" used in Monday next. mains 4A"PA mum‘s cn mum-:4 hnv boon ndclod by the can" of appoul. Meh mnshlort'd 700 applimmmm ho haunt-t- wow tht. ptieatos m mmm tlwody on tho "at. The woman's voto, in "I'll ls wry largo, attrtut t.2M, dnd In "no ”ding 2.000. F Renews“ Returns. _Aftrr to III-0m of more may: thr firr H tttree your: gamma.» A. Lott, tm. "all! from mini Manner Corte, rec-1mm to Frisky, I (all on Thursday on two weeks" _mr-!trwnd in I laugh Whit: family. 'e Inc: bern Wonk tho I- with - "an nmllory ltr' Egyw‘v-mu-d the Satan!!! and Pram "a with a re 'lmttron, . County and District Notes m. a; an. l swam " M%lllEll. m an "qm"M"io0rmu"" nut In no not: M at.” and an" hr tho m . n.3chmwmmuc 'BPM" All min-Mn Inn-emb- M " oem-ee ir'etrareretereht-VtrttNeq Mr. Sermon-r m to to 1* iithat the Btet at $10.00. - . tity in "and m an! - Mon by th- “(can an “a! I The Hydro-Electric Ptertrit film: [an ordered the 1Aeht * Htommlssion to my to 03 Mt Guelph the sum ot 12,884. 31...! "tto Radix! Ram-y the s..eit, .6 005.43, being accidental mid through a new agreement. A _... About u lloun an: in Ind man! " Supervisor all. VII 'te. Stone Mr. Scanner llul tho m cranked. no w W N T soldiers um a. work at JiiriiOei dead m identifying an ha- y humanely begun. He 'tttto, j 700 bodies punt! than. . d days. momma-ninth”: y"-' ' _ x u George H.. Stevens. was 'ttta i amen! ot can for tho-nudity“! owner of the Gait House "r" N Royal Hotel. and-one of are” largest property men. Moi Thursday morning. Som‘ 70! ago he was widely known and out Canada and the Unwed Bun“ an owner and breeder at no! in _He owned (amourcleor' ovum _sons and two daughters 'aurvjve. F Mr. Bettrettetr Ind PM Ste-I." ed great run In. an M on for their “all.” m‘ prune of Mr. ”an"; ddWe also heaped upon Rrtett- O city tram which Mr. th.eetet I and which he named tMr' in in swung in his work. mu: If. g tto, was thet only outside [with all tho ground: outside of “in than provinces. . ,g smut all mustered as am August. 1914. '.‘_ i Mr. G. B. Vining or We shipped his usual our of not! week, the price paid beta; if; a pound.' which netted the tin some $3,500. Mr. John L Got holds the record tor, the yin for realizing the lament dinning}: :lhe number ot hops sold. vr.t reel Idisposed of six hogs. Inlet It him $371. 6 our “1.9:! itor htht::' Guelph City Gob Chock. Globe Sun for In connection ,iittt “on!“ campaign, a writ has tt-.Ni,.ii Osgoode Hal! by the' ON At Company, of Toronto, 'tttrt", Herbert Dickennon, Glut [L, ship, Wentworth County. '3 , the newamper china: ”5.000 a as tor "slander in relation tents, nous.” . _. . _ _ $6.1.93 For Hog. George Stevens Dead. Young Farmer: Suicide. Demented by more pain: 'toth':',': head, the result ot being strait ttc", lightning last laminar. Wimun 'het man. a young gweastnire' tatettsi shot himself in the head with d it] volver Wednesday morning "xd'attbr, edhimBelt inunntly. He war only} twenty you: of age. add have: t, young wire, to whom he had been; married only I tow monihn. Hip MI“) er and mother and a younger Mid : also survive him, ‘ Clyde Webb of Goblon mums“ tragic discovery \Vedntmlay "Inu- noon when he visited the home of Mr: and Mrs. Charles Blewltt. In the Ttra Inge. that Mrs. mewm ms and a.“ her hmu,knd unconscious. as I reach ot inhaling m which Ind -sttped from a Move In the rooms. Mr, B!!!” is still in n oremmoeta,?rAotm. me eonrtto, came from W m quin- ymmg. and had "vac Illa-or - Hahn‘s tor a um! many mm. _ Charged with Anon. Tho only ctt.Re up at Maximum, svssions m Watkvriort was that a an brown against Martin "in!“ 'ttfa) sum, On August I thr- hll'n on I. wito's farm near orirm wu Inc-9‘, Hanson. who had a few weeks W this quarleu-ul with his wit». wit-IV! ing at 4lt'sspoter, apart from - Alum tho only evidence the “M .ratlturitted mm tint. on the ted the hrr Hanson Mine up on t nrnin from "um!" um! not " It Ppisiey, hiring a - I.” A triond In the ronntrr.'"nuiu3dtit took Ibo "so from the lily “m Deadly Coal Gan. "we, tt, R, KIWI! M

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