J Our Big [ December Clothing Campaign ' triiiiiri'ii" It Men 's and "Boys," Chothig, Furnish- q ings, Boots and Slippers for woollcns lone onmbint-d with In thr tireeivr'i m-vur'fur mm Men's and Io'o.rs'NVur, Extraordinary 'l'rnlm-r viilut-, l'mlm-uu itvl' Couis, Mi/of and Cushmmw- Sen-ks. Arv.r, and Slippow right in thr lwuigminu of tin right in the fury of rammed smiling" price:. formim-d to deipolooliw n-vm'y 'ru',slup'fx of y Every day to Christmas will lw murIu-(l lrr giving; Februmzv lll'iwx right in IN middh- " lM-vunlwn The enterprise of our i'llttt1lttolts gum-Inning an ('HIIH'UM' I $4.00 and $4.50 Shoes [Prim Overcoats, Suits mu.» I BELOW ARE A raw CY I $3.00 and $6.50 ‘Srwcs. Sat-. 'Pricc T ..‘ _. _ . (2/112: ( $5.00 and $3.50 Shams Price .._.. .eVF . _-_. TOU 61. wo. 51. Nail; PHONE 671 This t by. I. must cc éll'!‘ UK thtnssriptiion Shae? Sale MW {Swing On pirsitio" ll) I) 1VESELOH'S a a new-w: sale (av-25d c- J. H. Weseloh. owner of " report .‘ar “mace Marct q foaturin; ALL WINTER GOODS AT OLD PRICES iv; SHOE STORE OPPOSITE THE tl mum 'PHERSUNS luisimus will ht: HmrIu-(l ln mums "ft,i ", HEEL"? ln-I'nn uh $443 3490 thz- his: tidal Wtth'v' hf " duy t5» purrhusv uvvlgvlhilng in tlu'. hi HG a.'S Have you been in to get your share of the Big Bargains now be- ing offered? If not you had better hurry they are going ah Extra Cut inning of tlu, rml “inn $1.63 and $1.85 Shoes. Bale S OF PRICES wing" price:. 11V arr d, "i'ttlitr'.'r of Winnr (hunt H Itusplucvdirsr )0 11-hzunlixv at uh mm n" sur Hockey Felt Sheen Wipers and Ltitht and y Rubbers arm Overshoes wrybydy whnle they last. w of Coucnphan where foaming m the m Draft for my Kma and Country E IN FOR BARGAINS, E SOLD Where the Good Clothes hITFHENER w d 1'4 'tttt Comefrom" 3.50 Shoes, Sate 5-3 Shoes. Sale this Crsvs,iv,tt. Prices ‘m'mll Ill opportuirit.1 Iuvich v,ulm holid in 1hr (-mi uch [Witt-s tml S“ 31-38 3168 $248 NV i Alp-s. Mum-n and 1:1!â€th ’73 I Mus.\r& J. 'Hrox. A, Nat ti'lItitI. lmen. J, H. Ruppul and [attended tye funeral ul S "l Monday: of the Into J. L: I tlt. Paul’s Lutheran 'lms so!" It ran to lie-r Paiillirtu, Iowa. tlt', In“! SUN. V‘rm! Sim" ‘Mlor from thoir sun. l"1 trtuiI,'rl,tul rufmnth‘. staring ‘-:! Auv‘rivun Hospital in a: awning tho hm! " on eryrtnli tren hichl'r' or tho ' l0):- rHrrtryrs itt.chnrurra. F “brawn-I wnrn lax-Mod. bark of his head and om We wish him a mnmlotv I “NW-in! 54' rvimr w." “~1de (-hnrrh rm Sun IF, .m mnnmrv of t .'? Into Wtr lwasx killed in ttctiott rCCPr, ! Presentation I rm F'ritlov ovenirte T ,/rvrrhrors a" Mr. ttttd Mrs, :zmlu rml ul th-ir home i in :q-vwl 2 â€mini 1-w-uiu hrfm‘v Hwy wmm‘rd io 1'. 2m: lhv vvvnx‘zzt Hwy Wt.' With " lu‘uu‘ilul hail srttrs ' 1hr: h, which “A t" ml by: i I Ur; Klint-k mun-smut am Hm " it rrtt pigs of Mr Jun hm run! Ina pmvlmsv-vl 1hr LINN ot Mr Hichmn Sunk-r "Par va .h-rns- alctr, "In xnn Fiphrurn null m‘rupy thrHarnt some timr in ttte inure. News Notes. Mr. Henry "our SWIM to haw hm" sttressfttl in muting tho record wt by Mr Wnt. Dalian as hog nted. nr. Itp. Hallo Hymns In have gainful L", pound on Ohmrm-nrv! of Mr. DnHon (in pigs of Hm savnv um- Hi' Huhmu Mull†“var Nvu .h-rus-l , pululiv ""1"th m the lawn-sh: of A‘I‘IU "r, an" Idplmun “I." m~rnpy'1.\ll‘. Thor. "all. lndvnrndmu Lulu» th {arm some hm? In the lulure. litandldalv. was hrld in "to Library l Marry (‘hrlslmns to one and all "all Qa'atr ovonlng. ‘Thehsnelk’ The Chrlulmns mum in the Lnth- r",',",',,,"',';,")',".",,,", 'fa',',',',';'" " "rfng crait church wlll be held on the Men. The mum. w; a T', p in “a...“ Miss ftertha ' day at Waterlor Tlm third Lyceum Cottcort which was helrl last Tuesdav owning was a raw treat. for those- in tittondattrv. Jud-:9 Aldort, the snmkor dr'tiRhtod "tulionrp tho entire evening. His, ad- Arms was very instrttctivo, and 'tone firiul and was also humorous. Manv "mums of the Lyn-mm] rnnnw claim tho ("mu-rt “as the ttest of the tsrsrirss. “m are sorry in report Mr. Frrul ftuppef on tho sick list. Miss ftertha Christman spout Thurs- "ttjov "lids! I Miss Ballard sptmt lam Work al \Val-i lnnsloin. , Mr. and Vrs, E. G. Winn nlhmlndl Hm funeral a" tho Pate Mrs. Gordon PIP, torsnn m Hawhosvmo. I Tlm third Lyceum concur! which, was hr-Irl last Tuestlav m'oninz was a' Hu- Min and hm 11H Amnrivnn Hospital in France. and i,c wwlim: tho WM 01' core. and can't mm); rm) hicmv of mm hospital and tins. dam)": inmhnnzv. Fivo News: of w'lx'mxnpl Worr' Int-atoll. three in tho, "ack of his new! and one in onnh log trr. wish him a mmulpte rat-(won: A ytrrrritl sr-rvir-n WM hoht m the “~anth chtrrrh on Snudnv mornM.tt in mnnmrv or t An htt- trto TVlrito Mm was kitlud in {whore roomâ€): .Th', (loath oecurred on Sunday morn- ing of Mr. Joseph ancll at his home on Mill St. The decoased h'ul reachod his 75th year. The funeral will be hold on Thursday afternoon, the ser- vice‘aLtlumese to (‘cmmcnce at 1.30, Monday. ofthe In"; J. la, Wideman. St. Paul’s Lutheran congrogzwion has sent :3 run to Rm: Snmman. of I'arrllina, Iowa. nftt‘r which interment will take 91306 in the" ['nion cemetery. The sympa- I hy M rs recovery. _ Death of Joseph Rozell dqu-vvnin Mr. Chas (o Hr. Mar Mr. Wm Wmlne: tluv Bowmrn s! Bowmrn snout. Mrs. J, M. Ford had the misfortum- last woe}; to tall and break her ankle and in»: since been rumttmt'orturratc in having the same ankle badly scald- w-, "or friends wish her a complete Miss Ibrll W Mis. ' Srin'n Miss Ruhr l'orns . Mrs. Fred R i “Huh Thr rln~islmas ctstitrainmeut of the Mvtiuuiist church will he held on F'ri. dm‘J-wninz this mwk. . Mr. Chas. Human has soi,l his farm to Hi“. Martin ot w. J'wohs. ltr. Wnt. Klinck movpd to town on \lene-uim' and Mr ttsiding on I In.†M ‘Ihhll Inn lam-AMA “Auk I Ann, K ‘ Mr. I'll"!!! l‘nruu Ittttrtn M l': W Wrll TI) Jul-“NM“ “Ix h FUR“ Mr Mrs cdtt Mis; Mr. o-m-r A Mr K inns-u; Mrs. My ht r "i Mrs A0u.rt Urmlvr 3mm PAGES urn-231.00, Ola-mo, -- isiaaiiiiGii', 1917 mm mm Our Busy Neighbors hvm-r (If fho Roll-H ‘lll Hn- hm. last bbtt and in r Mk1" tumon t "urt"etti at tt atit Dorothy Gamma“ e Gatomun oi Kite In! I hultu mil Mrs, Hi) MN. Prev! Slrrr renoivm! w an thoip so“. carl, wlto “we: rocnnlly, stating that ho is in Mm Hospital in Franeo, anvi I tho hm' of core. and can? AI y 1m- ovoninz Doe, 7th â€mien ts' n" Mr. and Mrs, Wm. KHurk Tho ul HxI-ir home in Joullszclc-m is soli k' Hwial Inrottittur with ".y""icuniri y u-nmwd to Elmira. but. on" w w-um: tliey wuro, nrvsvnh-Il ' win k m Em! hall sr-ttvv. and 1m all-f ths, 5; ~11 “LN 1-qu hy Mrs. J. Lane. mom!) k "surrrvitosd oppreciation “Luann " who ot' “Mr friendly mum, Tr, Inf-gjzlnmrs: wnivh Hwy “‘"lhhvir ' ', 1. nxzuxy .VF"r'.i. l vm‘v (10331] 4? Wm: was spent, Tlu. utsitelt- Dunn! I'l wry nun-h tho rlmuarlurn “.5 tsl ml Mrs, Klim-k from their: tirsoc Conestoga. News Notes Gathered by Industrious Correspondents in County std District Irt ll t'orrtrtitmity is cxtuutled to and family. ' 'Hrox. A, Nattusch, G. Au. Ruppel and PpmtcMtser in town x null lirs In Human It Snydvr of Htf Elmira. Dunkv Us vurnl clay: (iingrlrlu l .r's anu»: M I' k Ill Airt tt In! M Srtis tht Mr in ‘f, Jaiohs last pull Sulunl ituppvl m iii Maul “an. lt and Mrs, J. l Hammer 'te, Mrs. P ttttrt 1! at Mr 1 loo, and Vast \vvrk 'l'hurzdu) , Mr Hn tt 'nl u" Muster , ."ltcut and "arr't and ' of tho, will...“ 'oli0roimmaotoumwan. " Mrs. I-Idwnnl J, wRvhttrerot. and rum Rusxvl. of l'rvslon. “In" Monday hot-v a! tttc Imnu-_or ItCt' sistrtr. Mrs. Emma l’lelT . - . Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Pioom: and two aqua. of aroma. Man., are the most: of Mr. and Mrs. Firms: Franke this work. Ptr, o. H. Hiller, son of Mr. and Mrs John Hillvr. arrivod home last, Friday afternoon. He was ‘xperh-d ham». but th 1ownspoople did not know on what train he was coming. so there was no mm to mert him. liars-var. a public rv~coption was tnnden-d him on Monday vveninz in the Library Hall at .whirh a large audionro assembled to welcome thr' hero. Addresses were devnrrd and Pte. Miller was prosent- ed with Hm usual :10 mm pump. I Ptr?. I'lrnin Ilattua1l,crrott of Mr. and him. David Zinn. formerly of Nev: 'mambursr, has bren wounded in the “on thigh and right hand and was stout 'ite, tho Ilorldh war hospital, England. “imam [w is rowing comfortably. Mr. Isaac Lighthvarv has hwn vn menu as: cetTstakor of the seating, rmk and on \lenusdny night :10! a k001i foundation pm Oli. ll' tlrcr, wrnihrtr t-nntinuns it if (upwind Hun Hm rrnk will he (mo-um] for Shalinfl on Smur- rlay (-rvvmm. . Tho Women's Immune Hnysrme. is soliciting for a go-nnrous Christntas contribution for the. RNl Cross. Any on" animus ol’ homing in this way will kindly hand' in Muir dunalinn to ths, 'e'r'rr'i'i'"t'y, Mrs. 1. (insul. or any mraulrri or tho, Institutes brtotv, Jam uary. . Mr. and Mrs. John Ritz. of DPWOL Mam. arrived hero on Monday last to visit yr'I'Hivos‘and “fonds. T Mit Alvin Weivkor. of Ava. AL born]. :n'rivml hm'r on Thursday on a visit to his mums. Mr. and Mrs Jacoh Wreir-lorr. Rev. W. H. Bristol, o nrcupied the pulpit ot church last Sunday. The Ontario w. c, t U. is out» We are glad to report that Mrs. L. Klie Ills so Par recoverml that she can leave the hospital and we hope to see her around again, at her usual good health. _ "" ---r__, _" __ ___ --'--e- News Notes. We join with the Chronicle Tel:- graph in wishing all thy readers a Merry Christmas. ' ' . Mrs. M. Jacky or Sask., is visiting her mother, Mrs. H. Hurt tor a few weeks. Alisa, M. Shaun of Guerney, Sask.. has: returned for a short visit to her parents. Mr. and Mrs. A. M. Shantz. All»: Martha and Willard Snillvr ~pl'lll thes 1-3.4 "veh in Toronto. Tlttr l'uhlir Schunl "tMortnlnrtttmt '.\ill ltts “I‘ll. all Friday, “Na 2i. Th" (and "slw.tiug rink has again be?†rl-upmwd for tho mason. The Evangvliru) Sunday sumol will hold its annual Christmas unlurluilr Hymn 'i'ussda.v, Ho". 25. A most bonu- Hiv.1 cantata (mulled “The Song in .hr- Air" will be rendered. The cantata is unique in cotvMruetion and its mus- ie supberb. Door open. 7.30. my, ol Christmas 'tas. "summer 2.3m. There Mil be he“ in the Lutheran church u culnmuui-m Hervice next Sunday [orenuon while service on Christmas day will be cancelled. Miss rurrie h'hootuaker in spending a siiopt mm: in Toronto. News Notes, an N M r 1ir u u ho Angus au, Fluid . Mum†New Hamburg. h Mannheim. Florudule. among“. tun-u _ I an: I of New Ihindoe. rt the Baptist I "Ne. wan-id Laschinger went to Toronto on Wednesday. 1 Mr. l’zetsch spent a tew days minis ‘home in Kitchener this week. 2411'. James, C9rretipt1st_tle, Itek Ir/ at his home here. - Rev. Poster Hefner, of Grafton, has] lost fourteen relatives in the Halifax;' disaster; and two brothers were killed! in action recently. ' Mrs. Roy Hastings or Burnsfde spent a day this week at inc home of Mrs. J. Hastings here. Mr. Leslie Bowman at Kitchener ~pm.t tho week end at his home here. Mrs. James Tracey siienUiiaiiiUy' with !wr parents. Mr ahd Mrs. Wm. Woods. ' Mr. and MSS. George Bean retum. 61 home on Saturday from a weeks' visit with relatives in Bright and Prutceton. Miss Edith Alteman of Waterloo. spent the week end at the home of Mrs. Edward Merner, Mr. Harold Bingeman or Kitchen er spent the week end with his par ems, l The pub.lir meeting held in. the Library Hall on Wednesday evening in the interest of Mr. P. R. Scott. Unionist candidate, tor this riding. was attended by a large audienco Mr. ".8. Morphy ot Listowel address. ed the meeting and deait chiefly with the main issue. that of winning ttto war. and compulsory service, Mr. Scott and Mr. Z.A. Halt, ot‘ Hespelcr. also spoke. the latter making his atl- ilress Short on account ot the rate mess ot' the hour. All speakers ro- ceived a very allenuve hearing from the large audience, Mr. Wilfrid Hess is visiting at his home here. Mr. H. Deichmt has u-Mvtl a lintH of men's shoes. bouts, and rubbery-i io his stock and haw a now] Has- ttti reasottaip.e prim-.3. null and see them.) A vuzuntary suirseription was tank-i on up lu-ru on Wudnesday for the) Hulifm mlief Fund. and over tbro;, new ('ullcctod. which will likely be, supplemdnte0 by an additional gran“ tram the 1'ouucil. I The skating season is new on. Buy your season tieket tor the rink early and have the bettetit of the tatt sec- son's skating, Tickets, now on sale " Geiger's grocery store. Prices'ero the same as list year, but nun- is no extra war In! to pay, and the tickets are strictly rash in advanw. The regular momma: of Mm WA'ft'.- U. will he haul nu Wolittstisry "ttet' noon. December Itoh. ttt Hu- Imnu- uf Mrs. John Witwec at .i p m ttrttttrprs arqrequestod to be present. ortna to also a [and d “5.000 tor tree tea. coon. colon and lemonade. ("thaw-mm. Tomi-uls- ill this (and the W. C. T. U. of this (on will shortly hold a Silver Thin- Me uni Trinket Day, when they will nah every citizen to look through their tpmstseasionts tor Emmett. Melons, un- warranted hits of gold Ind silver trim kets. disrtmled jewelery or uble' silver These artichs will no melted down, and the proceeds used to pay for the harmless drinks our boys so need. Full particulars will be given later. Waterloo and Elmira THE BIG HARDWARE STORE Round and Oval Nickle Hated Trays in algori- cdsizes. .N... ._... ._._. .... 25c.85cand50c pairs Five 3-piece Carving Sen put up in fancy lined $5.00 and $6.03. can. " first quality “eel at $3.50, $4.00, $4.50. TABLE CUTLERY. [ Steel Knives and Fork: in Black Ebony or .rtone. wood Handles, high grade nee! at per dozen NICKLE PLATED TRATS, CARVING SET Gillette Pattern Safety Baron in Case Auto Strap Safety Razor in Case . . . l Peerless Salary Razor in Case .. . . . . Auto Strep Razor in Case mPr ., .. ... Keen Kuner tbafety Razor in Case 'qt Gillette Safer Razor in Case ..rt. .. SAFETY RAZORS Large Triangle O-Cedar Mops. at .'eF. .. .. $1.50 Large Round O-Cedar Mop, at .._.. ... ... 1.50 Small Triangle Polishing Mops, at .F... .. 1.00 NICKLE PLATED COPPER TEA KETTLES. No. 9--Coptter Nickle Plated Tea Kettles, at $2.75 No. 9--mat Bttttortt Nickle mated, Tea Kettles at..... m.... ..... ..... ....- .., 2_9q O-CEDA R, MOPS. Let us help you do your Christmas Shopping. These are only a few of the many beautiful and useful articles we have to offer. SR ll, CHRISTMAS GIFTS Some Practical Suggestions for . WEICHEL & SON’Limited 8275. t32yao $400 One of the! most successful sales of the season was held on the premises of Mr. John Meirowski. near Bamberg, on Tuesday afternoon.. .Splendid pric- es were rcaliteu' for livestmrk. A team ot horses 7 and tt your»; old. sold for $350. while cows brought from $162.0 to $120. and’young cattle $75 to ' , SALE OF J. MEIROWSKI AMOUNT- ED TO ABOUT $5,000. Frei' 1tit?. 'ijitri; fl ji-l": C; r , V' (,lr.'l,',j'i'i'i', rr:,,_,_m_?:,;,:.la:,s!s,l-l ï¬ll; :9} its.“ wr':'t/"'iv":""-,: = Ct'; 41:â€;7 T la' [i.,'tl, ip. $3.50 3.25 A fun tirfe " Automobi'r Hockey an“. n p» pair ..... ..... .... .., '1.00,8t.60,b2atto8Mtt Hockey Stick: Bt.. _. ... ... ,15c, 2Sn and Mht Hockey Pucks at ..... ..... ..r., .. 10c and!“ cur GLASS WARE. â€V.“ . A more appropriate Xmas can couid not In chol- en. 'We have a full line of Ben Bonn Bowls, - and Cream Spoon and Celery Tran, cm. can, from $1.76 " to $10.00 per piece. . _ .... " SKATh‘AND HOCKEY STICKS Straight and Bent trimmers in assorted the: It prices per' pair. from . . . . . .. . .. mt, 80:, to $1.60 No, No, No, No, No, bPiece Sets. loaded bottoms, at ... ... ... Met SCISSORS AND SNEARS. NICKLE PLATED TEA AND COFFEE POT. Nickle Plated Copper Coffee Pot: . $2.25nnd $2.50 Nickle Plated Copper Tea Pots, .. $2.25 and $2.50 Alluminum Tea Potts ..... ..... ..... ..... "se NEVADA SILVER SPOONS. ALLUMINUM SALT AND PEPPER SETS. 9 Nevada Teasttoons, per doz. ..... .... 10 Nevada Teaspoon. per dot. ... ...., ll Nevada Teaspoom. per do: . . . ..... 12 Nevada Dessert Spoons, per dot. ..q 13 Nevada Table Spoons. per dot. ... " Canadians have a sense or insane}: and there will be no permanent we: Judice against a people who high exercised their rights as tree ttttW.', mm. .21 Other stock also fetched good prim Auctioneer Dueriug conducted the tale in his usual fine style. ".r ",. Phone 215 9tht 81.†2.25 o () I) 0 tl M 0 H