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The Chronicle Telegraph (190101), 20 Dec 1917, p. 14

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".2 'm..-..- due to pig by the time te' , Hub. on (In to " In February. a F: _-' m. I month! old. " about: tour t. 4" m otd. " ducks“. _. N0it"tei-agatrsey Harris Bin, ', f Mr6dqtst (an. Hussy Hnrrln Mover tr, ,',- M '0'. In"! Horns‘sprhg tooth V; qsaWeator with seed box. Wigner med Cs. “I. Hid fuller. Frat 1 Wood Due. :4 Im’loodgr new. Bettetter. um walk- ,f; m” m. one nearly new, i-Jecuon i .iirHlW',f,'t'g,"t let woodeu narrows. fair 'ri" mill. root valve!" l slings with If pulleys and rope, block and tackle. f; _ It} Ite. my iron. . my Farm For Sale. -' . pad; a JilTi%, or m. t'A118't',iegt, DroDertv or t at'NNFvtitsmtde, property of the late John Captor. consisting of " acres. (in the farm is a good hank hum. “ammo Ind implement shed. 4'01! " Mrs. John Copley. 8r, New 5iiriierl. “ 48-3t . MIKE" In any conuttion. ".00 pm' m at swan cenlu nor mum. Cash by "In mall. R. A. ('opmnan. 2GP.m we.“ wanna. Montreal. liq. f FAnmERa AND STOCKMEN READ .. _" , THIS .Wcltern Flovida. Duhmhak Springs (to last area! west and best, West “ml-Ma Are you looking fur a home In the Saw Do you want to buy . Kingston City Council will continue its eiiittrtbtnion ot95,00tt a month to the Purim“? Fund until the war con- dudes. If interested. write for our booklet. It)! is what you want We own 48.- 0” terse or good high land. Sold on- Ir td " acres or more. " "Thu R. E. L. McCukill Co. {5-2 mos. DeFhtniak Springs, Fla We (tom o‘vnor and at; land wurlln like In I climate that Is unsurpaas 'rir"alre uttering to settlers unpar- alleled bargains. Our terms. reason- ttbte, We want substantial tarmers 'tnduitoss ralsers. those whc can raise kg, sheen-ml cattle corn, Irish no- but.» - cane. sweet potatoes. Ilium-he cane. velvet beans and Ott'- Ir longs crops. _ . . “Mu start'uharp on time. _ I'll-t t' SALE-- Hay. grain. tootm vault and all sums of $10.00 a! under. ash: over that amount " monthl‘credlt will be given on hpprov- “bill poles or 5 per cent per annum discount (or cash payment of credit amounts. MUOIHOLO EFFEGYS-. De Laval mam aviator. nearly new. sausage ttrthder, stutter. sculdlng trough. cider hurrah. quality vlnegnr, cooking We. small copper kettle. milk cam. churn Ind tot ot other artllces. too numerou- to mention. ttAY AND GnAtrG-ttt tons good My buy. 800 bushels outs. 70tr' Nikola Inked sum. 20 bushels seed pour " bushels barley, 150 bushels of Old False Tug MINI“ ETC.-'rwo sets double hut-tn. let plow harness uncle not laggypkeu homhklc robe. ‘yzman. "G-Two lumber wag- “. Vim box, pig rack. [my ruck. -eert planks. pair of bob slelglls. two out“ carriage. top buggy. open -, sir eedar posts. Including ttee lam comer posts. a quantity or good all! his". lulky. scythe. . min cra- dle. 10.3111: chains. crow bars, torn, church. etc. airWi.-au not] dairy con. two in. to eatre In January. ' (:on b - In February. one cow " a!" In April, I cow -grosasd " h " t ”or. due to cake in gm. t you-0M mm. , yeuroId than. 4 can. rising , years old. 6 mate-b- - WW teal: general'vur- ='ltf. W. rill“ , Ind I Atft. Chant-m um man; 5 'ft'leai; Bar “me mm 8 Uh! Mn ('49 Ht “MILK.“ Hogs WERE; At Baden no: “llama. nine-0 marks can his! gunmen! Woman» In J'. I a John Meirovakl. Proprietor, H. B. During. Auctioneer. Ed. Kaufma'n. Clerk. [ilk-Mb] Winth- B's... an!» an...“ no Manama-um. Gui l“ two nuc- when! ot law 'ttrests) lam ', DICIHUIR to, 1917 u " o'clock no. In". '.titdsvrm village no TAKE FURTHER. sorhcs that miter the In day ot January. 1918, the "it! executors will pruned to dis- tribute the ”new ot the said deceas- ed among the person: entitled thereto. having regard only to dalm- of which lhcy shall thon have irui notice. and tho said executors wit? not he iiahlo for the distribution at the, ttstate or any port thereof to any pot-nous ot whose claims myth-v has not hmn ru- rcivrd by thcm at tttv, Hum of Hurlt rurwrih-m-m _ _ hm! Halml M Wrronrhv,, ttttn toth VIAV "f '"ortrthrt, l?” LOU'G M. 3EIE. Watr..rtes. DAVID “EVIL tm, ttew Ftqrtt. GEORGE G. CLASS. Auctions". l Dec. fftttc-rhrT Stock and lmvlei [ mums of Ezra A. Ford. 5 mites I northeast f Elmira Jan. 24th, farm ‘ Mods and imolcnmma or Elias Urn bathe-r. I mil" wee" ot Mt. Jamlm Jan. 3rd.--F'urtt, t4lock or Imp. of El- m A. Fun]. 5 "tiles North Fins! nl’ Elmira. ’Jan. 22mt.--Faru, Shock and Imp: of Jolttt It. Shut-r. 5 miles "North tyt' Elmira on Arthur rmul. Jan. 26th.--0%rm Stuck und lull). ol' Elias Bruhuchcr. 1 mile west ot St. Jacobs. Fob. "th.--F'arm' Stock and Imp. or, the late Selh‘ Bauman, 2 mites, souttp of St. Jacobs, , miles North' of Waterloo. l Feb. amp-Farm Stock and Imp. or _ W, W. Slimmon. Con. 3.“Pecl. 1‘ mite south ot Glenallan. Feb. mks-Farm Stock and Imp. ofl mm K. Comer at Hawkcsvule. I Pre required on or before to thin" to the undersigned executors ,0! the will or the said deceased. their fumes and aduredtm, and hill particulars ot their claim and the nature of uemrity tif any). hey by them. duly treritled. IN THE MATTER OF the "tate of George Rdbling, late of the Towh. Jhip of Watertotr, in the County of Waterloo. Gentleman, demand. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN Fur. want to the Revised Statutes of on. tarlo. Chap. 121. Section 56. that ttlt pet-sum having clalma against the es- tate of Crone Relhlln‘. late of the Township of Waterloo. County of Watn v,rloo. Gentleman, deceased. who died on or about the 29th of October. 19t7.l NOTICE TO CREDITOR of (Mrs. Michael Rum, iy.iGtiG, northwest of Ayr, Pllkluston Town. ship. Jan. 1ttf--mytsstoctt and hturlomertts CHARLES M. CRAW- ~‘I’3 SALES, Jan. 9.-- iarm, stock and implements of Christian Leis, 4 miles west of Wellesley and 2 miles east of Klug- belonging ti, AdAGit" iiGCiiiiii half mile south of Kitchener poat.ot. l'lce on Mill street. January 16.-Faratt ttto) and 1rmrttr menu ot Elm. Ernst at Strasburg. Jan. Wat-Phil? angel: and tmirtements Jan, IT-Farm stock ,nnd tauiie, menu of the late Enoch Erb, 2% lines we“ ot Wntorioo. Jan. 2,--hrm stud: Ind immune-u ot Wm. Kesselring. 2 miles west of Waterloo, on the John Kunkel farm near railroad. E. J. SHANTZ, Auction". Mink twirl"): stock. implements und‘ household elects of Jo‘s. RI Monti. 1% miles south ot Bamberg.‘ 2 miles southeast of Wellesley " lage. Lot No. 20. Coti. t (Wilma. t March t2.-.Piwits stock and male. menu ot Gina. Halibut. 2 lulled wen at Dumber: gm 2 mile: 20ml. , tttttttrot ammu- -_. V I 'r.._ tt.---rtrm stack Ind implements .e.r. It B. B. Shaun. 371 Kn}; iiCii. _ cl Michel haul. one mile when! _ tittert"uter, or 1't11' 236ew. 3Ftt of Welmley. 3 miles south olCmua-I MIN WAKTEtN-Etrer-r. 't ttttt ard " ml!“ was} qt Bumbag. show samples or mull circulars tut but ts. 2nd Eastern (“at . I urge Mull Order llou-ePermIneIu Fob. fir-hm _t'toeh. Implements and Position win '3ey "tr weekly. The t'out.ahoM, elm“ ot Noah Slein- 'Nnstutters' Association, Windsor. mu. 2 miles north ot St. Agatha. Ontario. 51 It. and 1 mile south of Jmeuhlbnrg. In R - ____ ttte 'rom-to of Wttmot." 'rA'1IErs-rdherai m Inna-lulu: Feb. #7001!» ma and autumnal nad bench mun an“; won and ot John Preonattgs, In the an." or - was. w»Waou Linwood, , Apply by letter or in pet-on to Do Fob. 'k-Farm aloe; and Implement-u I'll. Tit! NW. '. . I” [ ___._.... - ---. -r-- ---"r-- 2: ite/d, t"gi2,",le J'",': if: WAHYEO-A farmer a an... about m. . ' _ it . ton, on main road from Bresluu to in?“ od tr"' 1'1irto a Kiteh Jan. “at and. mum-um and household deat- ol Wm. Foetal". 2 mitea gut of Ore-shill. "I! s, all“ In: at St. CMII. _ ht. tW-Near Btock, Implonemr Mission of Engkbert “an: In the)!!!” of mun. adjoining the! MOI. 'HN-. mutant In ttl Ila-ou- " Jug. School. can: I I III- a-umu a new 'iiril j f a “>“J,M’Im. bet- r .qruirti-air' bum run." is an)“ Way-when a... h- I "-ta and Ion-ow Jim cl 1 ' "- Sehvnummher. i,iiiiiil 1 four»! rum-u t.Rif uae. H m 17.4%.. “at ad iii-puma; " nut. was. on m d4 hm} mrii, hit all. was: at the to“ hill at “mutton. on the Rand an St. H. . 001.0”. AW YMMIER Incuiorl. Mtat A aoodiy number attended the meeting ot the Sociolist caulking. Mervrn Smith. which won held in the {own hall, on Wednesday evening when the pinion-m on which he in seeking the support of the electors was outlined. Dated Mth November. t917, lr."" or ALBERT HAHN. lulu "r Un- 1'mvtmhip at \VI-Ht-sluy. in the (Immly [ir.' Waterloo, Parmor. Ilut'uzlsml. who I lit-ll an or nuoui tlm.ninll| day of July. _ if)”. are required to deliver. by. post. prvpuid or otherwise.. an "r before the Whirty-llrst day ot December. 1917, to ADAM HAHN, Heidelberg. P.O., 0th ’arlo. one ot the Executors ot the Ea, 1MB of the said deceased. their names ’n lull, with their addresses and de. icrlpthns. lull particulars os, their r‘nims or interests. and statements ot Vina security, if any. held by them; and , that. after the said thirtrttrst day of ttttt 1917. the Executors ofttte mi Estate will proceed to matrilmte‘ the assets or the said deceased among the parties entitled thereto. having #9.] Bard only to claims or interests of I which they shall then have screwed: notlce. and will not. be IlsMe tor the] said assets to any person or whose} claim or Interest they shall not meal have received notice. NOTICE IS "mm!” GIVEN. pur- suant to Chatttcr IM of the llnvisml mama»; or (mu-rm. ttut. that all cru- slitrrrs and ullwrs halving c'luims mainst, or entitlml to share in the m m the Estate of ALBERT MAME]; ceased: WANrE0--Farm hand, single man. one with tair knowledge of stock. steady employment. twinter and _ summer," Apply pos _47, Chronicle-_ Telegraph. ". 7 47-10:. EXECUTORS’ NOTICE A TO CREDITORS 1htANTRtF-4urteesiied ”august-mpg. l gm i Belgian winner at war In Holland and will be manual to any charitable petson who will send'me equalled pout“ stamps in ex- clunge at View cards of the camp or small remembrance. in order to Make - my ‘comxcuon. lost Qw- ' ing the w'ar. Address M. Lander . patty. Cnmp'of Zeist. Holland. 6ihtt. Sound delivery hone, extra good farm t,"g'.h eight years old. Chen). Abrams. run, Rosette. "tr. WAHYEO-A tanner to bring ihout " gallons od milk daily to a Kitch- ener grocery store. Will pay good price. Apply Box 99. Telegraph. [ ttetat. Phat" 1m. Lr.)f:-TEvery _Mondly and Tue-day Miami”. -. -, DREME0.'-on any any. Price: I'lel the Mount. MIN MfAKTE0-Et-rs Ihow sample: or mail clruularu , large Mail Order Hon-erermnnenl Position will my ". weekly. The t'onstuturrs' Association. Windsor. Ontario. ' CU-lt. son SALE--- pure had “my; Ap- ply It B. B. Shaun, 371 King St. E. Kitchener. or phone now. 31M! Hogs Wanted Ion "LE-m- Raymond man} machine. (and as new. reasonabb. _Argr_tCBtrttttrt Bron. Hume 339. r n'i1it,trltrj & Sons, Ltd. so; t .' Imam-nick "imi-tr,, mum-g, “dogma unfunny ' (pasty and “GM" clung to run w»; u sx'harre ttre matured farm property. Apply Box 'te, Chronick-Telcmnh. Wlterloo. a an “an 70 um Jr an no out and Pumas. (not band: has. and out. - tor III-yum! , PM at was. -_rc%atM. nut: " ”and ‘00.:- Km, 3 mummy-n.5- - at Mm not“. "an" to all. out. mm - one! “I". MmmmAy ply Km to... nun. Hut. an. em. . Kitchcnu. tt will my you " mm. JAMES G. H‘AIGHT. ,Soucwor for the Exocucou. Want-ho. Onario. FOR SALE. S4 AND OTHERS. ”aim-“u Mt-.tt 42-11. " may. Gian». has}, Reins; -fo1l, Jrusp. Sllvernllze oats. 159 bush. barley. M lbush mixed grain. GO tons hay, quan- tity ot Mantels. " high of potatoes. No ”some as the farm " sold. Tirtti--is-Tiii. gram. roots. tat cat. tle. young pm. and all sums ot Slit {and tuider,, gym" slums I'"' that athoum. " months' crer.tit w,ith ap- prayed security or.5 pa; _cent. per un- nun: discount for club on credit amounts. _ . l Iinplemcnu: - M.-u.' binder', N s n. cut with about carrier and truck. new. sN.aVmtswetw 5.1L. gut.» MAL, ltarhpad. er with fore carriage. new. Mitch!» delivery rake. new. M.-H. stéel tray l'ake.‘M.-,H. l3 dlski’drill. Climax mu. tieator. 10-tt, Mel - toilet? throis section iron hirrows.' Vai-ity single pton'. Vanity an; glow; flat My rack. 2-ma'lcd doinstii'rit, Jannjnx‘; mill root 'pulper. single lumen. hm owning box, amen .hgnd-plow, cedar. goats. and nmneronl other uncles. Hounqhold $htoi.--Kitetten cup- boara. ‘ rim tittrtritirti, _ lei! “tam. atom bed. hay. v. . _ Pins: Jim“! now mu- to tiig March 1st. ll shunts 31/5. months out. 7tooatt, :Llnunl‘hskgd, z,.- '."c_, "tit' _ _ it Thgramzpn by_qol(by pursue auction on the ttiw.6tttre '"ttttNttmettr, simu- mt.'.'. my“ {gut or Waterloo on the has): not; new-nitrallsoad on the Johnvculk'cl tprrtt,Vta I. wrmltEsttAv, JAN. 2m). ma, ' Commencing at 1 o'clock pm. sharp. rrisite.iyahttreratmre 9 years on. weight "ir. 39% In (on. bay_horse , yaara gm. bay have 9 years 0le bay 'utoiss'-d. 15m '11)“: (rm): i; wm-kx. p, mws dam to um Jatt. Gut. halter tlure to can In Apr“. r, hum! hull-hm cattle. I'm Io 5 motttitrCohl, ynarli'ug Hol- Mel" hull we" bred. , I (inimvl tom: at hay, 200 bush. ot oats, tro bush. mullin-l l, _ FelNbtr.riiPrtri, , 3"". a!” be sold at the same time unlplnce the l valuable tttrnt.rAegter known as the l “Model! F "ri'-" CNN“ ot 118 acres. ot whleh'ns new) In: in a good state or cultivation. “he balance In 'ooIce1WCst.nTut and pastura, 0n the premises Gard is" lut abundance ot, [0041111108 wefgr- 3 good sroomei, eemmtttaot- may you mind bully barn wltl: good Inkling. __ j I run. qtrc'4)HB-Aa.tt. _..l mare " yuan tpo'. Tel-ins a M lime will be nude known 0» dtr ot Sue. C'. MMI SALE '.' -eeircaaaasssiir-yarrs C (I. ‘hlndc‘r. 1Uuuierrtarris" 5 uf mower. nu rake new IV. and roller. nu:- ‘ip' 2,'tl,2'llAC,il cultivator. seed d , 3-tt9trt-'x.?ir narrow. trcutt%r, ' id k ti i tt may. Oxtord iiiiiiiiii'irii.ii.'t)'rii m. m. Winnings»; “WW-axon “was. us: at bat, new; gravel mania. net double hymns. rig. ’Mlé'nnd many oth. er indie!) numerous to mention. Wwwoadu “Lethe In Jun ' (9ttr At, calve In J“. 3 have" Attittt in can. ' yearling hell- 'q-ai-Bt- Iona rising] years ab.t. and Mack mm rising 9 your: old (won '-eitteo.,., Numbcw' MOI-'1'. hip-Heme as. AoettrrAerr-rr '" "gal hmw "My. " vain-u a! red came. "a. duck. Implement. etc. iiiart' . t&tt.Sr) Implements, Houséhold Meets, Etc. an?!“ 'kAtrti,auest1,irsGr. ilhresher. uni. etc, o. . K9LB, cam. ' I My. am». I letLLtAtt KEOBELRING. I. DUERING Auctioneer u,oiuiipsiettee, Proprietor R. a; DUERING. Auctioneer. L. F. IDIETR'CH, Clerk. Experienced ist Valuator “in Van PM». ttr, Want... And !'.roptuttrr. il-Zt S1.2t "mm“. Der. 17.--Dotmit tr, Kin-hi» m- o. Tho mum gamma unbelievable. and anyom‘ who haul nth-fad to "might! a was” rm rmwr side whlro the team“ m-ru‘ ream-1;; tre"rrot, unwind: Won‘t! haw Inn looked upon av Ina-1 Mona! ' at; centre lunar. (amass); "3!! yrttte. Purina: {an VI“. tRt-tat, ' Kitchener-Goo, llunswutn point heron: covet Kenn. rover. Truth!!- "rem“ at" "Le-can ,rih, of " and under. 9:11;,qu thiguimnt; IO, 'mmttttf,.credtt on you“ Joint not.- en; " -TNtr cent,. nor ”may! 11m cash; My. grain, mots "it to“ ure! WM., a. TAYLOR. Author: l "to” 113 r 2.1 Hay. arch. Ite.--gtierttitr hay, grajp. manage und turnips. 26. cedar Mm; . I, _ _ Pl... Etoc---ymrmr now and n num- Per of hens. _ ) 'mpt.mamtsr--r'toat'& Wood bind. (er; Deerhttratower. 6 n. cut: mower wlth_pe| harvester; sulky rake: cum- vator; seed drill; 2 lumber wagons: truck wagon. hum-own. acumen. Now. scales. democrat. buggy. 2 cutters; sully. Inlay poles. pulley. atoneboak whee’lbqrrow. crowharn. forks, hoes, chalm. M.tmer-H.rrta' crmttrt treMra- tor. set tmtm harness. 2 sets single} harness. callus. force pump , for) wtWb%cCa: "or-.-.--) tum. 6 years olds. bay horse 8 years ow, buy mare " ”my old; carriage mare 3 years old; spring colt. ' oatttc.---hed cdw. due buy 18th; ‘cow due May Mth; ' 'eovi. suppoaéq to tte In on"; grade Dun-hum cow; hei- ter, 2 your: old. . I THuitBDAv, one. 27, "tr. at 1.30 o'clock sharp. the following Clearing Audion Sale ot Farm Stock and Implements. ete., in tho Town- l “in " (Ralph. ’Havlng disposed of my (mm. I In- tend to sell by public auction. without. reaervsnon my premises. but 3. Com c'eulon tr, Guelph Towmhln.. 3% miles northwest ot Hénpeler. s miles soul»; wet ot Quelph, on 1 Fain] f, Retcrrc-rrattst. _ Houuhold 'ao.mte.'-rBed., kitchen mane. box stove. ' let! table. than}. ‘Uneeda créam Bt5ttemtor, lulu: cans. iron heme. cider barrels. and num- erous other articles. _ _ No mew/q " tturftrm us sold. . TERMS crane-awn, young. tttt ‘came and ,an sums or 319, and Aut- der. cash. over' that ammmt,)ii months' credit with?nd owners a “clarity. or 5 per cent. per ’annnm discount IT cash on cream ambumn. 1 CHRISTIAN LEIS. Proprietor” E. J. aHAuTl, Auctioneer. l, c. F. OTTMAN, Clem. i it, Wood, , home My mks. Frost E Wood emulator. Meal-“cl dink drill our” new. new“ disk In:- mm: McCormick steal but roller. b, section tron barrow. wooden narrow. 2 mingle plows. riding plow. mailer. Mormick haylmder. root pulp». no" thruster. running um. mks. 2.530 lbs.. can. truck whom: wagons. one nearly new, w'th shelves and mt, set man springs. grove! planks. lay tack, truck wheels tor hinder. atone boat. 2 sated carriage. bot le.‘ sleigh'hox. milk fuck. with audio. , cynic; cross cut new. logging chains. post hole auger. 3 agav'unm humus. One nearly_ new: set single harness, double trees. neck you... fol-h. nail Ulnar other articles too numerous go ‘memlon, _ Itratn:--t90 bush. oats; 20' bush clean seed barley. _ ’ 'me""":-'"'). tiinder 6- h. out. Maxwell [upwer 5 tt. cut, Front _ 'atti.-q not! all" co...- Hol- man cow due to autism-n at uh. minimum cow dug to etbtrq Jan. 30th. Hohatein cow due to eahe but at him. g Durham cows due to eaNet in Apt“. Durham cow due to “In In Mns. 3 haulers. thing 2 yeau' on]. 3 tat car no rum: 2 year: old. 5 mad sprin- calves. . 1 PF.---' “unwell to be “Jim: " chicken. . old. In (ml. In, lard lbw. I - old. good driverr, WWI-ah min; 4 "an: 016..th hone i9itrie t 1603 old. coll run. on no dd. 1hr- mil ,5- - by will?“ '0. met-mam q "Ptettr FiUiiiG ' ”is an a mung L..- -.. a V C _ J k _ I. 1cuiuiiciaiadi" mg} Commend»; " i it“ Niki Farm mock; hm“ new ”at. 'flttgttiatt a" ., i'iu' . It Stock, Implements, eh: MMI t'illf nlll.lt SALE -OF. 3t, , AND TAKE FURTHER NOTICE that alter the lat day ot January. 191mm. nu ,onguton willing-99¢ to nut-no All. use“ of the-hid dr. }ceaa'd= am It! person: only“ 1mm“. mung reg-rd only to €th ctFhtst'oe wtitctt they shall then have 'tdu ham. and the an enema” will not be Ihblo tor tht' dttrtrt%ttort otj the mute m. nny [an mm to anyi venous of whom chums mum: hasl not born revolved by them a! the "In"; 0! Inch ditstHtmtiotr. TN l _ Thick] in vmmm "m, an! day '0! Dem-mm. non . - mu. ANLLM HUMPLI. L29. on"... WeIluley. Wette.ter. IN‘THE MATTER ot the estate of ,eatate of John P. Ncimnei. late of Mn P. Heimpel. lace of the Town- ship of Wilmet. in the County of r Waterloo. Farmer, deceased. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN pur- lsnunt to the Revised statutes of On- Mario. Chap. 121. Section 56. that an ‘persong having claims against the es- tate of John P. Helmpci. late ot the Township of Wilmot, County of T": erioo, Farmer. deceased. who died uni or about the Nth day ot October, 1917. l are required on or before to deliver to the undersigned executors of the will ot the said deceased. their names and addresses and full particulars ot their chime and the nature ot the security iii any). held by them, duly verified. NOTICE TO CREDITORB F Wand " H. could. "Pts. it tte urn] I" ttte tluyx ot pl ""e would rod in. tt piraw hold and "WHIP .Rprertbsh cumin?" "Ot murxa- not. my ram." '9turttrse not." q-Ilimu-u! in Fr,: mull] wer., "TIw put't hf the "ht piratvx ite when rr ttre mmlI-rn trest "hummus. and yum w isu'l a trust um:n.m- by I Inn: war." "No. "rrnttme :0" do "m roan” what is tttout to happen to pm, t turn Man has") fur Hrs-my fauna and I dun" bttttw lml I “amid like a vammun. Yum ran hare tter." "WP". " mvululn'l pm It just that way." Wnuzd Trad: Places. "t Came to gnu you." said the timid FI'tyyrytytt, 1r'ms%iup. to ttu. I‘nnls ot Ma Emir and Inkling In”! Ibo hmmnx " his b " rest. ‘if I trio'rt marry .rtpttr danlumm'." 'vortnr. man, are yml hmkilv; tor I 'fGot any biscuits?" “No. Thin is n hurdwuro store." "t know it, met my wire told Im- to “ring Ttome Awe t-ln-nim. and I moi-21:11:31? tttttttet Ire unr More to much some also made yawn-day." No men,- man'cau understand why gunmen mm! so much “my lo an claim. " seem: to him that It Istt't mount: to know lbs dilerelm bo- tweed Conn and Rubens to lelect post- at“. Anyway. I wanna - Insists on telling you all about how " happened the any utter election. m It I who to... _attto new enough ullmony to ounce her next YEIIIII'O. It not... were “but! to 1m duty lawyers would and to employ dun- mkm u we" as mien to may men- In! witnesses. The as who argu- e. W! “INFI- l-r sue . dun 0mm " It. number “and m in a. world. ..After I It. has am! a night WM the hon hit an" to. will be Ilia to 'Ilk an chalk "no. " It» can't be W to n burgh - not clubbed any (to. d who Th "can ”to”? In of - whthlltbmmn- it“! «an downturn to din-cud hind at mml‘ home to dinner I. wanamm-uuuoun l ‘Vu'mdMI-umu d, a. koEHLER. No. l, " W; G HAOKIART. ' 100.1:- lamb"; " 0V“ " ”I" "an"! Mint-kc. 'td Trad: Places. ay'ti you." mid the Hunk! 1r,'trs%iup. to Hu- I‘nms ot IRISH“; In" the Ilemzx rest. ‘if I uni-.11: marry Execute" . , Demo Evening ic,' "Brew", II the DU‘ of 1m." f T "That any tti but I can we: wit nqr will In the brief m C 'Ploue remit: " . “Harare-men ”mums” ”Why?" M -..._ . "In." . s" ( 'r 'n, . "Thy. its the Mi " aren’t they?" o. ,3' '., r,.' . g him a War. ', ', ( “Don't expect too lunch." is. [ “I assure you I won't." , "t in) [Ind to see m an , title a View ot it." ', “Thanks. You an, I eim't ed -ot anything being no lick M expect." .,', "You don't know win! you I In; about." "Oh, dmft P." _ "No. Every other 'rtegtrtte family belongs to (tte book Sumo club. to the Don‘t Wail an to the Sweetness and " rt.tiott, and I an!" m an! con-latent memben, .w I “_ In necessary for none on. , about the place uni “with. der Ind “and the main and 3mm?"- by ' noun 1min ,/ ' - “my. III. I land {on mistakes this “will: I "rar, m." _ "I don't no that" much at wheel." “Don't you think”? “Can't. say I Ar." “Why. Ott. I hand 'M' to.aiuss.t.arttrieia:', whack-mullet. _ 3. The. u no .euetsir, i'it'5, - iuiid like - W! ulna fried chick”. . 3, A; The In." boy who thinly-3:l In " cont-go 3M. tmop. the an: an we: sun _ WWI-ID’Iu-ojhu‘ Jan-luau “can! the corn:- m. s' you. “would Jill; to" " no that to have a. gem - can“ no. you; ' _ " a. you at um. would magnum-nu nick who: in In cum-iii urn-u. (at. , an.» _ . fang: why do”; 11'5in "Me?" “ “In. Why don‘t you I“; ruttthride.s" _ mett§I~I gun-manila: AK! 'lt "i,i'i,t"iCtih1t,; - I "atts" l'. m. an a 'iai 7 " a?“ --- FiGFiu. u m h, t . y ”I C. _ .11 . triitiri yi Ju' you a. my 'hiikGirttcte, V " No I!“ not: that. p. Watt Que! We *" " yet Get an. a can" 5 t' " And see an loud you at!“ . hone ._ f.' . , Gtfrt ‘you can hon. lit tr ' now . harp. ' t ,'_i't,i/1t', on . am- “:‘3 ' Arte com " ir' Putnam can the and 409,5; C Onyour Mt,',','; 01$}, Tttta isn't ttmo _ VS: 't To " mum cum. 1% t.rMt' For a!!!“ . if\ h Comm ' .' z yuan an m “3552 “all up and am your M1; _ ff It " worse than “anon tp" ". r, At on Christin-luau. -. .- p, To go mung making a an“ C, T ( Youd ' o (brow t _ ', Itoehs at your -ttttqrit- . _ _ ', arm a. ., _'"- mm it“ V ..e 70mm Mlrttt,'r mu}. M I manna-1).. . 'i., "a Thaw that. damn _ E muon- Ind rm! tlt' ml:- can: an 0 rl you was born. m, there. t.w-t'. ' >‘ Furl! about PM that In" crunch _ In I pouch - . Last yours” will. Trim Down um roar dtqtosttha, Blunt“ your mum ‘ And let a in“. _ Freer ‘wieo in swirli- The Chttrfo _ " 3"“ . Learning “in...

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