A "artett. of Mm. . l Thr, only atrium" Lauri†anâ€, “criminals†elected to Pnrllaw - trom me Province ot Onurlui - to be Robert Atkln in Soulh| as". Edmund Prom: In Presoott ' "no. Chan Murphy In “mun-l. Thm, t ann In South Huron. William We? tn South Perth, and W. D, In!" in North Wnlerhm, Mr. I. Ped. ' who defeated Colonel 'Mamn In! th Ram“! in not mule Mn pm! I an the Issue very char, but it In! [km to he I CotttFtsttrtrttttt. f 'Two Ontario seats were carried by â€hernia who were not endorsed by Sir Wilfrid Laurier. in Kent Mr, Archie B. McCoig and in South Bruce Mr. Reubnn Tran: have Announced that they would lave nothing to do trtttt any proposed repeal ot the Mill- tary Service Act, and both voted in Pun-mom tor the passing of the act, Mr. Duncnn C. Ross of West Middle. "tr, who was endorsed by Sir Wilfrid harlot. nlao voted for the passing of tho Militia Sat-vice Act and publicly unnounced that this in Mill his posi- tion. In North use: Mr. William C. Kennedy has also announced his on with]: to nny interference with the net, Toronto, Dee. ML-Two great tea. dencies were shown by Canadian et. ectors in yesterday‘s historic ballot. .tste. The Province of Quebec. outside at the city of Montreal, gave nhsoltr 'tetr.no support to Union Government. In the city ot Montreal three rulings returned Unionists. but they were all constituencies in which there is a me Ertslitshspeahintt vole. Hon. C. J. Doherty. the Minister of Justice; Hon. C. C. Ballantyne. the Minister of Mil-line and Fiisheries, and Sir Herb. ert Amen were the three Englislw Imelda: Unionists to secure elem not: in Quebec. but everywhere else in the! Province the people voted _ mono majorities to the candidates; or Sir With-id Laurier, clearly oni the ground that these candidate-3| 41de tor the suspension of the Min-j tnry Service Act. I This pronounces: opposition to the set. which was well known before ironing. Introduced in Ontario n feel. ‘ing against Quebec dominion which absolutely swept the Province. At the time ot writing only nine candidates endorsed by Sir Wilfrid Laurier the“ to have been returned to Par. lhment from this Province. Six ot (hole are from constituencies having; a considerable French or Germani In North and South Essex there are long established Prettch.Ctmadinn colonies. which have grown steadily In numbers and innttenee.' In Pres- cott and Russel the majority of elec- tom no now F'rettctt-Ctutadians Ottawa, be: ".--sir Robert Bor. don In 1 summer» to ca)- haued res- today's election results as a great victory in a matte (at of demoq. my. Ne aid it was not a part“; vie. tory in any an“ and an leaner: ware ranch-u to the creature. ot npml. He predidej a final majority M 'lfty tor government. Majority (or Government M. A mu In tMottt-- 30-inch Columbia t; glued: I; deferred 4. Tm: In an". Bruce and McColgi n Ken; are counted in the ogteltion 00.01“". lath former Liberal members voted 'or the referendum amend- ment and when " we: defeated voted for the Mititary Service Act PREMIER PREDICTS " MAJORITV. TM ttee. ge.-- The "on!†noun: rectum! "ito 2 o'clock to-day tum that an Ointment will have I clear majority a 44 unto with 2 In doubt. which have boon previously credited to tho Government and four an. In which "action in deferred. The {allowing is the summary by 'ettrl-.-- um: WILL SUPPO RT NEW comman- IN WAR “M11338 ' lath]. ‘rm ot Dornoeraer-- Predicts Final inâ€; _ it, of Fifty for Government. - than: wagiu‘muu " Great Victory in 91m uiï¬i‘fï¬mï¬ï¬ï¬ minim the eighty no Ontario members Ontaric.. b.... .r.... NM Mia..... ..... New Irumwkk .... .. Irwin Columbia. .._.. Hannah: ..... ...... Prince Edward “land . “auburnâ€... '-. I,,EWEIIIMENT HIS emu _ illllTf ilf (l, WITH M SEATS ll llllllllf, AMI fililll [IEFEHHHI liam f:l The results m Alberta and British his on Columbh were not known detirtitetp with the when this mption of The Globe went to prom. There [a three hours' dit. . Coroner in time between Toronto and r anâ€, the mum mast. Early and inrtom. ParthriNetr, rmurns, however, Indicate Omarluimm the \an-rn Unionist swoop ox- As", Laurier Wins Here. “n! In Nova Scoua and New Drum; , wick party politics have not been el- c.l iiiiinhleil to the same extent as in e; Quebec and Ontario. The returns at of this writing seem to indicate the eV W. action in Nova Scotia ot five Union. ' ists and nine Oppositionlsts. l The Ny New Brunskick results may beutlter. Be ed by the returns from polling sub~ 'll,te.tte,s, not yet heard from but the " probability is that the Province win :,',1iii,i,ii.i, seven Unionists and (our thte es s'posiuotsisur. In Prince‘ Edward Island li. one‘ Unionist and three Opposition- __iists are reported to have been elect. II can rrnsonnhh' the reruns at hand "min to tho Purine, and when the imala from the mar Western Provinv m ttrr' completed it will prohably ho round that only Mam or ninn ll'iFIII' bers ont of tho totat ot " will he re. turned to support Mr Wilfrid Lauri". Thin would give I Hrtionbt mummy in that mm ot the Dominion mm of the Great 1.3km ot M. II can rrnsonahly be magnum-d from the repuli: at hand early this morn- _ In Saskatchewan there were four Unionist ttechttstatiottB,. und of the sixteen Heats the Province it is un- likely that more thin three will re- turn Lumer candidates. I " was believed in Unionist circles that slm'ilmd Laurier might no cure a majority in that part of the Dominion east of the Great Lakes, and that the Unionist meiority would have to come entirely from the West. The indications are that the parties came to the Great Lakes almost a tie. {The "gures are: 87 Unionists. 87 manner Liberals, 2 independent Lib- 'Verale. The majority tar Union may the increased considerably in Eastern ‘Canada when the soldier's votes trom the front are counted. The Western Sweep. , l West of the Great Lakes the sweep of Union has been very-marked. Pop. ular majorities are unprecedented?, great. It appears that in Manitoba there are only two seats in doubt. All Manitoba. with the probable excep- tion at the FrmtctrCattadrart riding of Provettcher, may ultimately be count. ed in the Unionist column. I elected it would therefore appear that not more khan six as against the Military Service Act. That ls on. lurin's answer to Quekec'n almost unanimous vote against mmpulsory service. Lnurier Will Assist Government. I I London. on, Dee. ttL-As-might be; ‘expected. anneal the entire English: Streaking papers at Canada speaksi editorally to.day of yesterday “.04 tion results at a great vielory lor' justice and humanity. The London" Advertiser which was the. Only Ott. tario newspaper supporting Laurier. any: that while Sir Wilfrid has not achieved vietory, he will he found to strengthen the government in every act calculated to win the war. I East of the Lakes. Govern-mom. Opposition . . . . . . " " 131 " " " " 93 tN" Interest attaches to the changes iniPoiling Booth. lon- personnel ot the new Parliament. 3--Wm. “033’s c The When the news of the sweeping oil 1--Olettttie .... â€wanna victories of Hon. N. W. Rowen . b-Herbert .... "ttr- and Mr. Fred F. Pardee were natrtt. the ed upon the screen at The Globe they. win were greeted by prolonged cheers. Majority tor WI artiarr. Rowen has a majority ot almost Wm: and four thousand. while Mr. Peruse car- Polling gown. ion. ried his home town of Sal-Illa by the l-New German ect. gunprtwedemed majority or 2,100, and 2--Bioomtugdate 'roturns from the rural parts ot his 3~Bridseport ", iWest Lambton riding arm adding to, 4---RurtttrteItmrdt ales l his total. s_npmn-m. _ mums gig' I 1llllllllllilliil n MflllllMll I Among the new (aces in the Home tll be that of R, L. Richardson. the lWinnipeg editor and publicist. who {after a long absence from Pnrllament returns to the sphere from Partur ment returns to the when ot. [vellum m'ctlvity. All the English-speaking Ministers, Including several new Inert, were elected by subnuntial mn- Jormos.'8lr Wilfrid Laurier met de- tent in Ottawa. where he.nn with Mr. H. B. Mcoiverirt, but the Opposi- tion lead" carted his live cons“. tnency of East Quebec try I majority‘ of 9.000. Fons! unframed. ‘ At n spank“ mam!“ ot ttto Strut ford annual Training Board the up.“- ration of Miss Ada Neelnndn, of For 'mt. for the position of (lunatic science Nacho? at Romeo School. Vila arm-mod Ronmnl. will remain by†to the plum! cause. the armistice Mill 3 Ili- llurv and not u pamlcal move. All of tho, on“: or "no Brttirat unm- " Knight of the Thin-He were taadert safely. lug that the Union Government has ‘a-arriml the Dominion, entirely apart From the votes or the soldiers over- ,sr‘ns, Which have to be path-d to the howls polled at home yesterday, by a I majority in the vicinity of forty. t Many of the "orttmettetters in the blast Parliament will he missing. Hon. Col. P. E. Blondin, Postmaster-Gen- ?eml. and Hon. Albert Sevigny. Min- lister of inland Revenue, who ran in fwo Quebec seats. are defeated. Hon. ‘Frank Oliver is apparently beaten in Edmonton, while Hon. George P. Graham and Mr. E. M. Uncdonald re- tired."hnd were not renominated in the riding they previously 1N9trreseBt- ed. Hon. W. L. Mackenzie King, form a Minister of L'abor in the Laurier Government, made another attempt, to re-emer Parliament, but experienc- ed defeat in North York, f This is all the more unmlsukable iin the face ot lhe opposition ot gm: press and at certain ot the elements tn the city. t When Interviewed by the Telegraph tstr. Euler. the successful Lou-ter- [le'",,") candidate said: "I am natur- Iatty pleased with the local result. but imam that Mr Wilfrid was ‘not ,returned. Undtr ordinary mm ldulons. and with I fair ,franehise hill. the verdict would lave lheon still more pronounced. The vote aciearly shay/n the dltusattsrrtutttom ot {the people ot North Waterloo With; lino mum-vi or the govnrnment in (It! {franchising on many of our citizens I in also relteaed their objectiam ti ,tho Conscription Act. There can be ‘no doubt as to the will of the people ,'or the riding. I "I want to convey my thanks to those who gave me their support and to say further that tt In my Inten- tion to represent the people of this riding without ' respect class or party." "Moro over I have no tear what ever that harm will result to the in. dustries ot this riding. tre on Tawny and anion! tor a statement. Mr. Welt-Ml and: "l lee] lather hadly ou.‘l‘ueaday that till: rid- 'Pe la practically Isolated from all IEIIIIhI speaking Canada. I bear-no Ittt will. I am sorry that my attitude Ila the Home wan no 'rttntuttHrntood. l [eel my course In the Home and on "the haulage ha: been amply ratitted try the great majority of the voter. of Canada. My only regret to that this riding above all others abound ataml‘ alool when they had " much to gala‘ by taking a better “and, W. D. Euler Predict: That No Hum Will be Done to Industries. Mr. Wei-the! In: men try the Tate Missing Frohbttenchers. Ii " Caro" I Iqu'IrIHI‘IW. I'm I' I“I""'l ‘IWOV‘I‘ I'VI‘ I Polling Booth. Kl 1--wltttertrourtte ... .. '-'-Cottsstogo . . .. .. . 3~St.1ucobs ._. ... .. ‘¢--Upper Woolwich .. . G--Piorada1e ... .. .. FHeidelberg ... w... 7--West Montrose .. . Polling Booth. King. y t--Baattterg ..... ... .. 44 2---St. Clements '. . . . . . 60 3--Hawh-tttt, . . . . . . 86 t---Liuwood A... ... .. " 'tr-cream . . . . . . . . . 110 tr--Wethtaler . . . . . . . . . 132 7~Jausle'n School house " " e r hua trouble. her . Ina! dell. / no You tttmt, 'aho Mn ttett. "ttMa? No; trftq an" dwldqupon the Mild of new hut ctr. mums. How Is your um? I “WW I 'lncquI'ww‘0“.vam hmmvm:I-Ilwomnt Polling Booth. King. l-ASchmrr'a notary m.. 67 S--Wetttteuser'n grocery " 3--aututustsh's, grocery . " I 4--A. Knochiol'l house.. t I tr-Mettiedet'. house .. . 69 1 tr-trt. Ry. Ollie-0 ... . 79 T-James House '." Vic. 57 tr--'rowts "an .PPrp wp. " 9Ahrens' Grocery ..... " Mb-Seiten Shoo Shop .. " 11 -H. â€ohm-Va Home . " tS--watmees Shun; rink " 1'r-Pisrtiayr'r, Barber also]! " " ~>Miller’s Blacksmith . ‘89 1G~Fiddler's [louse .. .. 65 'r---tt John St. ... ....q. 63 t8--Brickeet, Livery .. . 60 MV-Orphanage ... .....106 MF-G. Dennison; house . 69 Polling Booth. King. Welchel. 't--Uotut Rulers storm. 23 " 2--Hartnonis, Hull ... .. " " S-Wm. Hosts coat once " " 4-OrrNsim Hall . . . . . . " 103 5 -J. B. Snider's once . " 129 G~Chns. TtttMes bomb . at. e. 7. BNutde'tr "muse .... 28 " 8---Town "all '.. .._... " " 3--Wm. Boss’s coal ofBms 37 Mujnrity forking 333. 'Urtotttelat, f Fat the Imam-non of Telegraph Vendor; the one!“ return at the "straight puny election on September Stst, 1911. an herewith given tot the purpose ot making companion In“ the returns (re made no" this even- ttte. The contest v“ Int-oe- W. G. Welchel. cd-ttvi, um .W. L. "Mae. keutle King. mural. the former win-c All; by a mummy or 315. There val 1 mm ot 1233 vote. polled. Mr. werrl chcl getting 3.71! and Mr. King 3,459. The "tsress are n touomc-- l l-New' Germany . . . . 2--Bioomite . . . . '--Brisigettort . f . . . . 4---Rurtttrteltmrdt . . . b-Centrerims ' . . . . . Majority for King tso. W. G. Wcichd Won by It joi-ity of 315 that W. L. Majority tor Wankel 42. Watqrhro Tp. Major“? tor Welchel ‘ Elmira. "in _ Try Dl'BLE. FIGURES M , ll, Elm MST [HEW Uilliil BY - . 1368 Majority tor Welchal 663. Daily Laugh Woolwich To. Walla-Icy Tp. rm: CHANGES W hurl on. K “eviction “a (Mice . " "a bomb . '.U, mac .... 28 366 'elchel 2&3. ... .. " ..... " King. Welchel. ... " " . .- " " .. 154 29 . . . " " . . . 97 " ... M .10 . . tro 42 589 256 King. Watchel. . . " " .. " 30 King. Weichel .. 63 .. 123 King. Welchel.i .. 67 tsei ry " H“ ' _ " 113. t.. " as! . as uni. 580 404 162 Weichel. L " i 122 'r 71 i " 29 " " .1» 42 256 1921 284 204 " 134 " 10 - D. Euler. the success“! Lattriqr-Liber. "9" nl candidate. He was “occur“! In Y. G. securing a majority In Kitchener, Wat. N-c- arm Elmira. and ttaett or the three Wil'l’l‘ovuhlpn. Out or the "rettty-tottr "adpolllnx divisions in Kitchener. Mr. WOMEN" secured a majority in slxteen. t,4tro. whllo In Wuerloo every polling divie. 'lon gave u majority (or Mr. Euler. 64 38 45} got w: " 129? 66' Mt'd ml " " " 102 Kitchener '.. . Wnk-rloo ... .. Wollulv-y Tp. ., Woolwioh Tp. . Waterloo " .. mm ... q.. lmclerk's Olive . 2- Mmrer'a Shop .. t--New Germany .. 2--Bioomtitue ... 3--Brfdtteport .. .. 4--Rinttrnettnrdt .. tr-ce-ttie .. .. WOOLWICH TOWNSHIP. '-Wintertrourne . . . . 70 (I 2--coateartmr'o... ..... Mi 4 3--43t. Jacobs .... . .. . 124 4 4-Upper Woolwich . . " 2 $~Floradale . . T . . .... M, 2 6-Heideroere _ ' . . . .. 5.0 6 7v-Wast Montrose . . . " 1 I S-Reinhardt'. Grocery m; i 4--Lates Grocery .... 135 f b--Rottitmon'n Home .. 54 , 6--answtck Hotel .. 136 l 2---Metary'r, Residence . 86 th--F'ord Stles' once . . " '---Rutdera Home . . . . . " 10-l-‘ive-Pt. Grocery ... 8t 3154. to L. City Hatt . . 103 I "--M to Z Latlmer's Shop 75 12--Dtttrneh's House ... 88 13~Kru\¢er's House . . . It? l4~Hinzi Grocery .... " 15~Wobel>s Shop .. .. as 16--Sehene's Grocery .. " W-Miner'. Shop ... . . 113 "---Ptd- Home ... rt?, 19---Bechteps Duke .. . " 20 -Dietrieto House .. 120 "dt -- Orphanage . . . . .r. . . " 22 -Lochhartm Otriee .. 194" 23 ~King Edw. School L. 115 Total ... ... ... MM Ttttat lawn for Ruler lTnamberg ..... S-Het. Clements .. '--Hawkeavim, .., 4--Crossttin .._.. tr---Limromt ..... . 6--wemster ... . 2-wemssuey Tp. . WATERLOO. I-tted Cross Rooms . . 2---Hnrmonie Hall ..q. 3-4nratts= Rink ... .. a--0rpt"ms Hall . .'. .. J g-r-Dietrich',, Garage .. I '--Lates Grocery..... 1 '?--Wettade'a House ... tr--Towp Hall ..... Tom ' . ' ... Total '."'r' ... ..... 57.1 Majority for Eulnr 469, WATERLOO TOWNSH The outstanding feature of the vote was my large vote polled In (“or ot the “dot-Ions candidate In the various “Hagen, particularly in New Germany. Bamberg. St. Jacobs. Bt. Clements. \Vellealey. Heidelberg. Ranumsthardt, Heidelberg and other centres. The vote. in detail in as totlowtr.--- ‘ Total ..... ..... .... Majority for Euler. 577. The complete returns for North Wuorloo at the election on' Monday give I total M10310 ot 3,393 tor W. Majority tor Ruler. 337. Complete Return- of Vote Polled in North Waterloo on Monday. l~Schnarrk Grocery 2--cWe'hetsser's Gro'y T'ot?t ..... ..... ... 2.431 Majority tor Euler, 590. Majority for Enter Mt. ELMIRA. WELLESLEY TOWKSHIP. MII ljllullllTf ""“‘"l .... to Shop.. .. as IGrocery .. " Shop ... .. It3 I Home ... rt?, s ontte .. . " 's House .. 120 so .... .r... " I’ll Otriee .. 104 w. School L. 115 .... 803 " 2M I!†.. I". et .. I36 mace . 86 ice .. " ..... " , ... 8t " .. 103 221 .. H7 ms g' tr? m. 6 ms JIM 0 4 " 1 " " " 20 118 2 " " 3 " SH IP. 113 189 69 " 133 842 M0 Mot. t7: tlit MS ttr, 135 " I36 86 330 " " 104 134’1841 ' 182 " 505 l7 " 10 2933 Is‘l 505 luau: people of Canada attests that: CII Mel lure that the defeat ot ' Mr. Weichel was not due to personal "l réuona. l am not disheartened. " a *i man is right in his conscience he does 104.not need to be disheartened. , » At the Euler Room- I At the Liberal rooms In Victor. 4 ria Hall the supporters at the Laurier " Liberal candidate were packed into ev- i) cry available space and throngs claim-3 13', ored for “mission in the lobby. The tglcheers that arose upon the receptl n - i ot Mr. Euler‘s victory were deatwninx.‘ " Speechen were made by Nick Ali-i lmunen and others or Mr. Euler's imp-l porters and Mr, Asmusnen was eheer. tr? ed as "lighting Nick.“ l ms . m. than Adam- __ Amt. the mainriiy was alarm) uni 132 Euler was called on for a speech. As he none to address the proud tho, ova- tion that greeted him was tremendous. i8“ He said: "t (really 'opteNnto the 505 honor that has been paid to m» icy 226 night by the voters of North Weierlon.’ lot l attribute. the victory clmrly to nl " free expression ot the opinion at tho I 1313mm at North Waterloo. It in n my - cnllar victory because it is not very of- '" ten that a candidate run win with "ch strong imposition against Mn. 24 H " 2t 41 87 102 " 110 " " 116 69 " " " 70 " " " 65 m 31 " TO 7 At this Juncture Dr. H9mstrertrer re- turned to the rooms and hls entrance was the slgnal for a tumultuous de- monautiou. The crowd demanded a gheech from the staunch supporter of the defeated candidate and Dr. Hons. hefger mm lifted to the table. Union'n Cause Was Right Dr. Honsberger said: “I never felt so satisfied in my own mlnd during the entire campaign as l do to-night that, our cause was right. The verdict ot) Women Voters Arrive Shortly utter this the voices or tad. ies were heard in the front or the rooms and as soon as ft was learned that the lady Union supporters were present way was made for them to come to the front of the hull. The on all the platforms throughout thc riding and told the people that Canada would return the Union Government and I warned them ot the mistake they ,rouiit make. _ ' bears out just what lhave told the people ot this riding. I have stood " King street was the techno! unpro- . codented excitement on Monday night , while the return: of the b'ederal elm. , [ions were being received at the 'oral ' newspaper offices. the (Zommitm- moan and the vorioun thentros in the city. After six o'clock the majority or the people neglected goingto their homes tor their evening meals, and crowded around the windows or the newspaper offices to get the returns at the election in North Waterloo, When in“, Euleritns learned that they were . successful in electing their candidate I they Proceeded to parade King Street. and mun‘hod to' Waterloo. Later in tho evening their enthusiasm quieted down when it was learned that the _ 3 Union Government was sweeping the‘ muntry and that North Waterloo _ would he on the Opposition side at the l Home with a solid Quebec. Between! 10 and It "r'tthrck there wos’o slight‘ disturbance but outside ot a tew fights there was no damage done. I At Union Committee Room: When the returns begin pouring in- to the Union Committee rooms show. ing Euler running ahead ot Weichcl by outrun; mjority in almost every por tittg division in the city and Waterloo Ind when the returns from the rural di. stricts began to come in over the phone showing the farmers of North Water. 1 m. Welchel Speak. ‘ When sufficient returns were In to show that the country was sliding to Union with a force that mum not be stopped. W.'tg. Writ-he) stood on a table and addresrsml the crowd. The moment ttltr defeated candidate for North Waterloo wasspied on tho table he was greeted 'with an ovation. "They say Mr. Euler is elected by a majority of 2.000. I believe It to tw. true. So far the returns from the out. side show that not a single Laurier; candidate has been elected in any of l the Provinces outside‘ot Quebec. III loo almost unanimous In some places talus! the Union candidate tact-s bore and looks. isunctss ur illlllllllsf jiiiiiiiiiiiii I jifllllNiltEIHllWaitnri' mm mm or Human“ CANDIDATES DELIVER; 1110323828 IN THE comma Returns Prom Riding Were Quickiy Followed hr tii ing News Prom All Parts of Canada Indium Union Government Wat, Sweeping the Country. C I Mrs. P. Pussonn, “Morin an". #n, 3 “an". (gnu, wrung: "About 'tttt yarn and I. half Mo t val . I _ trom â€has. I ind tried mny’ H, In! remroi" for this am w troublr, hut nothing bowed m. ' 3 any I gm a bot of Dr. Chuc'l ' tttent, and an" using " found I ' If was rampielely cured and MN' .1. been homered in this way I... ,_' ran rhpnrluny "command Dr. , Ointment to anyone t'ttfrerhee I I did." . Dr, Chan‘s Ointment. " A : hot. at a" cloakr- or Edam " Bates ' In... Limited. Toronto. Mt-tir"?' urn rm rim)! to Dr, Chi-0'1 Dim" " a treatment for Pile: - _ Mrs. Wm, Shams. 155 Albert ,ttttiti1,ri,', Kitchener, on, write-z "For . years I was troubled with M . . piles. I tried different rem-din T relief without success. I read I. . rt Chase‘s Aim-nae of the bqnetttq 1'tr. , people were receiving from ' . ", Chase's Oiuim t, so I nut to your , orttce for A “$19 box. I f «it , gave me such relief that I I... ., drug mare and purChmd a fun box. I have med several box" ' and have derived more bertottt " its me than'nny remedy l rim/o . _ '5 unit" ', Mrs A. 0310.. 22 Gllklmon I Brantfnrd, ont., writes: "I. have Dr. Chase's Ointment u . howl remedy tor evee' no Ions, uni an ticularly Indcbted to it for n can] Piles. A had nutter“ from all. noyinx troublo tor ten yet“, all 1 nearly everythln; I hard ot. I orirur Dr. Chanda Ointment n g 'rttilrs I was completely; cured." There are reported mere that I of chronic cues ot piles. In “I a 1'ase.s many treatments Wire tri" turn it was discovered that Dr. CM Ointment 13 not: the only ml 1 tor this distressing 'siln?eltt. And Tried Nearly Everything I;- f cept a Surgical Operation m l out Obtaining Relief - W†Had Piles For Ten y The successful canal-jute My!!! Urge meetings its" Gan M Hospeler to-night. thanking the tors tor their support, partied“; women. who were almost I II hind him. Gall. Dee. 17.-Witt1 the W practically complete P. S. Scott. , innisl candidate. stands W! South Watertoo try a ntMority at“ and u plurality over both . DP}; Thomson, Opposition. and , "all. Labor, of 447, Mr. 11ulil7t city piled up a majority of tmt/it' he also polled a his vote in Pmtit,i1 llcapeler and Ayr. The north 'iit3, the riding, whele there is a mm man element went strong-tor _ son. The male are:-theott, 8 Thomson, 2.666; Hall. 1.425. _.' Pg MAJORITY IS L Unionist Candidate A, Plurality Over M '_' Opponents. _ P Thin ls evidenced by the m eeived. in Kitchener. It M ; been Inger but that the In _ F ‘ per: were against as and It In - Edam that a t-andltlnle can it. ‘surh strung oppoaitimt. m " News: to Ottawa l will do In _ {know how. I have bt'ltSt hope that l willnotbetl - a; ‘slave to party politics. " _ a' F; that I am going to tailor tte' , moat In so tar as I tun can't-“Yr , " sum: the [maple ot North W ‘ , If banner does not so In the -. E" that you have achleved to.“ . not be so sweet. but I â€are yet '. ll Borden is returned " Gov ftt' will be forced to come baton tttm ple again below at: months _ will receive a telllng and ttnat ‘ t and Canada will be called to M: and Chit-f In." . R' " uumuull‘ MW - ‘w;i Row Complete Onto Wu [ t u F, i." h JI I... l t W n...r "I- to's Olli- td that t let, In! I Laud“. . mm " I“. ttr In Di. I otBe. I 1) Dr. l