" fr" _ In fancy overcoming. shawl and u Coats in Canadian tweeds. well tuilogud regular price 812.00 to 814.00., . ... . ,t. Sale Price .,r....,,........,','...r.'.. ' kins "ts, a sweeping claim but we arc rr'cparcd ty b dupiieate our_ values. Compare these suits with prices. Keep an eye on the fit and tailoring. the advantage Long Ulster shawl and two way collar, shorter t'ltcsterfields with velvet collars. Hem's where you save a big clumk of winter omensâ€; all Azcs. 3t to 44, reguihl‘ 818.00 to 820.00,. _ .. . . ' . x , 314 so 'saleprice--,-s.-- w.,r."r' . 1H5 men'> wits, -ln'ukcn lim- ol men's hand tuilurcd suits iii line fancy tweeds and plain colors in the cm- scrvative style for both Inc" and young mcn. ’ng'ul lur S,1tf.0tt In $12.00. 7.. _ ' .. H _ s1 $5 Suerrice _.. __.__wt_.rrr""". . 200 men's suit,, in all Ihc very latest shades of all ssool Canadian ttsceds, made in accordance with. the hunt New York models Retailer: the country over are sellingal si.5.00,r.r,,.._.,,.r...,..... $1080 tiulct2ricc_e_,e,,..,.r,r.,,...r.,r,c.a'. , Men's suits, the same (In )uu'sctmpriced all over at $19.00. Magnificent worr,tcds and tweeds made in " young man's model. sizes 334 to 1?. rtrgitlat' AND SUITS. $1M)" Uvcrcoate,. D. B. No 'ray collars. splendid cloths medium irt'y cr/or,, tl arm snappy cout, , cry special thi, .mlv. _ _ H $9 till at . F F . Sale Price BOYS' SUITS the Worm mcr "you would have to pay at lensl S7.00, made from imported sniouth finished grey and brow" tweeds. large fitting h'n’Mner: sizes 26 to 30. regular 87.01) MSli tiakPrirc...... ,. . . Wc haw a big lot of Boys' Untr- coats, rims 20 to M. in tight and dark mixed (woods. also chinchillas " " Wt are selling Canada's beet cash, men -ox, rgular MK, this stale“ on apairfor _.N.._ . an: tsrict' The greatest boys snit‘valuc ev r produced. in very choice (weeds wit chcrks,/tteiet,strihes and neat Bing-n}. tyires 'dth 53%: Price MEN'S ($10.00 TO $l2.00 SUITS FOR $7295 $18.00 Tb 820.00 OVERCOATS $14.80 BOYS' OVERCOATS $4.95 - TO " 4.00 OVERCOATS ' FOR $8.00 MEN'S 819.00 SUITS FOR $14.90 MEN'S $15.00 SUITS FOR $10.80 to SOCKS! SOCKS! YOUTH’S OVERCOATS 38, The Biggest Spit Values in Canada j/Z tTiRi'a',"i:iiii'.Na,1ues Than Ever in the Wonderful Sale of Y@ A -eeH Clothing, Furnishings, Boots and Slippers Brmm tlun ight and dark "tM 95 Jl1'qt.tlrftuttttrttrtt' Samples Overstock: and Lines From Our Own Stock at Savlngs, Hardly credible The'wh'olesale price of merchandise has Advanced more than 50% this last twelve months yet we are able to offer the same values-and in some cases even less than we did twelve months ago.Keen buyin , keen merchan- dising and keen profits are the three reasons. Bring the family here to-morrow for Winter Elothing and we guarantee you will be dollars ahead. _ T__11_ev_S'ale' Opened With a “Rush We were prepared for a big business but we were certainly surprised at the enthusiastic crowd that thronged our store from early morn. We sold an immense amount of Clothing, Furnishing) and Boots and ' Shoes We could have sold a good deal more had we the sales people but we have extra sales people on hand for Saturday's rush and you will' receive every attention. Remember this is a sale of high- grade Clothing, Fut:nishit1tts and_Boots and Shoes. - A Not left-overs ttput-pirate merchandise but and o.onv.eryestreii ailorud, sizes , to' IC, 'f.r.r.r, 1llflti, Smart new clothes, Furnishings,, Boots and Shoes of highest quality. The following list gives but a ,ptaAidea of what we have itrstiare for you when 'you come. $7.80 TO . [0.00 QUALITY Made of. .1 doubk texturt. rubberized gal?» trdine Will “car the average man lot six or eight years, $11 Sale price . . Heavy double texture Auto and Driving Rain- coats. The most ser- viceable coat in Canada. Go men's waterproof coats that would usually sell for 87.00. The ma- terial is a single texture in grey tweed. sewn seams sizes 34 to 44., regular $15.00 RAINCUATS FOR $11.90 Sale Price $14.90 Interesting Raincoat Bargains i'cparcd m back it up Io prove it to yo.rr satioractiom Try to suits with thosc sold elsewhere at' the same or higher he advantage of buying here will he " revelation to you. _ r-The Gr‘eat Prosperitir"Siilt) Rum: There is no shortage of sunk 'lm-n. Ficc pun- wool blue or black worsted English cloth, old a)â€. wool serge lined. The greatest, vahus olfcrcd in Canada" quantity of selling is our slogan ofjrviit. wc. give jnu the benefit of our foresight in varly plunging in purchasing regular 327.00,. . _ . V l _ _ . l . '.' . tl 9 80 Sale Price .‘ _ V f, _ _ . l ,, ' . 300 suits-Young men's and men's suits. including 50 suits of our celebrated 20th century lzencil amoral suits, which are making Ernst clothing {amour- though out Women) Ontario. regular 321,0) to $183t 827.00, tiah. Prh'c _ _ _ . . . . . F _ . _ T _ . , Ihe greatest purse licklcr we have mtr offcrvd. "thc atrungesl combination ol quality and tccilurinp,. Tailored by Canada's best skilled sartorial artists from British woven pure “no! cloths. Chic (but: tor thr, Men's suits in fine hunk and [any ccrt:cd, in tiw new fall patterns and colorings two and three humon models, beautifully tailored. r'crucilyp'fijrirg, vhh Ben. tricq will linings, sizcs 35 lo 41, regular $l C as $22.00. tcalePricc .. (r» . ,. /. .. _rr" SO. o v bkLUA'I S. 4 GREAT DEMONSTRATlONS OF VALUE GIVING $10.80 ' young men who care and the mtrri “In; remains young Handsome you in Chcste..rficlds for tiv, mm of. mun" coww,crvative 195w. rcgular $22.00 to $25.00 I MI t'yalc.Pricr,r,,,..,.,....,_.,r, ttr_e..._t "t MEN'S FANCY WORSTED SUITS FOR 5515.9 t: MEN'S $22.00 SUITS FOR $16.50 MEN'S $27.00 BLUE OR BLACK ELITE . FOR $l9.80 Big full bloouters in vloth, ~v1cclcd from our men's lines, hand tailored roan. Norfolk, pleated tritit admired on belts or pinch back, tire, 30 lo 176, special priced this sale at Fr . _ . V $5.00; $6.50, $7.59, $8.50 To $14.00 Best 85y New? shirts .'-I drawers for _ T r . Men's hem y “ml shirts mi drawers. regular '1.2,5, Sale Hiri- HIGH SCHOOL STUDE " "(here the Good Clothes Come From†SHIRTS! SHIRTS! EXT su ITS ' g. -8 rhc;lish Menu" 1tvervouts. Everything réquirct' to mark: it a stylish grro:Mookinp garment has Irercu N." in tha- tna:tufarrnirc n! this gammyâ€. To have sum . can: nude to you: vrdcr would cost at least SQSJH). F Th- acme " high grade tailoring the creation of the hnghtml Ham.» on 1hcrAn:crictut cthulticnt, Huh-red m fine Hath is_cistit:ctfv, a young tnun's fanned modal 35" pair cloth tops. st regular. _ 32.30. Sale Price . _ . A splendid lint. of men’s 'gunmctol and hox kip her shoes. good cout'iortable lasts, sizes li to lo, legu- lur 3»1.00...,..,, "'-_l.rr.rr.r.rrr.rrrtfl.$8 Sale Price ...,,....tr...err.rr""""""' . MD pair uonu-n‘s patent kid and gunmctal “dim: and law in mat calf (it doth tops, regular $5.00 3 M Elicl‘rk‘v‘ _...,,.,.,.....,.....,', " . 300 pair thildren's show in a large and stylus and sir. s lo select from, sizes 3 to 7, $1.25 to '1..50,...............-..,......... salePr'tcc,.,.............-._..-..-....-. iwdics' lino high cut not hum», pointed the». semi Louis bed, " ywcll dress shoc, regular 80.00, _ M 49 !t'm'cPricv.,r,,. _.__rrr't"'r'N'"'t'-'-'. . 350' 1 and [LCO l II to 2 sale l‘rkc For “omen in red. brown, blue and black. re ula'r 81.35, yrale.Pritt--------. T is Ioloubtcdly the bent trouser values in (Knuth. \h tr 2.000 pairs to he cleamd. Men's Trouscrr, tworth 32.25,. . ' . . . . . _ _ ', Men's Trouscrv, wufth '2.'25., . . _ . . . . . . _ A S] SalePricc, .. _ __re_F.F' . Um Int of [punk Chhl 'I‘ruusers. made u I in all‘ p,-I’!"!“. “â€th 91'0" i1 $8 Haw Pm" I . I Men'; hm 'lrwmt-n. mode up m the newest highs?! El 303 pair men's shoes, “inter weight, box calf and gunmctal. tht- \cry lamat 1917, laced and button Fast-regular $6.50 and $6.00 _rr..r.FF.'"_ ttht . One lot of men's fine .Ne lot of men's fine 3ettrrna, sold evtrywherv Sale Prim T Sak- Price at less than present factory c M. 'Fclks think (f it, Y.u can make "One Dollar" do . the work of $2 (0, $3.00 and In many cases even $4.00. k, vi. .' a .90 tin’xhh ost' 1n C N UV L'RCOATS th [5.†MEN'S TROUSERS AT FACTORY PRICES Men’s. -ijiiaii'2/dhiia'reri's, Girls' and Boys’ High, Grade Shoes pair ttrirvc,i' gunmetal and sici kid button bout. McKay sewn soles and low hcpls, sizes trt regular $5.25, $515.69 "Tl; “$2100 32113 boxcalt' and gunmctal mat culf or f'li“:| comfortable boots, sizes tr', "ry8, FFLT COZY SLIPPERS MEN LOOK AT THIS. KLURRY! F1Rrh'. HURRY.' THE GOTHAM VJ. Trousers l Trousers at 35.11). $15.89 in stripe and plain in stripe {ml '?.l.aidt to 7, regular mg: $8, tf.ift $2.49 $3.79 $3.79 E??? jifiTTiiijiiikl I varied essular I For our)" monitor hf thc family at Hg (.9. in: prk Pr.. . I Men's rubbcrr. our tirual standard 'il.'20 qu:I 1itr.sulcPricv, "Nrrt ,rrrr..re" N.rrr .I_..llil_\'. sale prie , ‘..,‘.‘.........4..‘u.au Men's Mack homer Cloth. rubber interlined. fur (‘HHUI' (lvixnrvnt, sizc, 3-} to ~14, regular 318.00513 " Sale Price w.....,......,.....,..'......... . Men} British Molhul Cloth, fur collar, curl lined otvrr:oitl:c, rulrlscr intcrliniug, all sizes regular "too Yin!" - - prtee is THE WORK GOODS AND-OVERALL STORE or KITCHENER. . Mio pair yuxlill's shoes in Los vuli and gnxnltetal in a good ri_\li.~h shape, solid leather throughotii. {Ha-Kay 5cm: mic»; size, l to G. regular 8d.00. . . . . . . . $2 98 yalePritv._,.. rr__rrwrre. rrrr'r"""' . 3430 pair Boy,' sloc; in all sule,santiat solid Ii..riter, splendid wild!- u'viglm for achnol and rough mar as well as weight for Lnt and Hymn) Azc, il m 13, regular .S.'o'.2."r, ""rtr..q..rrr.tr..e"_ .. 1'2.48 Saicl’rits, 'r'_rrwrrt,_.er,, W!“ Trn, "i:coul, lulbl. all signs. The new Havana Inn-s... INN}. recedc toc, Scull" and Acme solass 95 ("um vssrl.vut .._,' .. __., w.....'... . In " AIL-hunk†solid leather splendid for fall and “mm- Mh'ilr, .47.": b 1:: ll, regular $4.50, . . .. 33 48 .culcrurv, ___ _-r,--'--..... . 21 rot', . _ . _ Stile Price Boys' Sale Price Sade for for 31.25 English heerr stripe shirts nun special _ -Child's Rubbers. our tiulc Price _P_.___ (rr Side Price Sale Men 's, $5.30 Sweater Coats, heavy shaker knit '""mter.crrats. shawl collars in plain colors $4 39 Sale Price . . . . . . l . . l Women', Rubbers. our rrgulur Mk- valuv. to7,SuhtPricc _ F... qerFF 'r.r' 825.oo Bl Canada best tl Pricc Girls or mixes. Rubbers in t,izc, ll to $2. 00 Youth Ruhlscr, sizes II In 13, regular "lit Prirr _ .. I Best "tttr shirts sold in Lanada . MEN'S FUR AND FUR COLLAR OVERCOATS Priro " ork shirts RUeBERS.' HEBBERS! RUBBEIS " l!(‘~l H325 chgalh â€Hugh“ tltl ~lri|w lvlur‘ and Mark ()xcrallc.._..SI 5o MEN'S TAN GRAIN WORK SHOES Rubbers. ï¬zz» l,.ln YOU CAN'T BEAT THEM. luck MEN'S 257.50 BOOTS. Dug Coats first select IT L-gular COC. sizm 4 lo lol “u: ' regular $20.90 NH I "'49. e9. "lit n '. ntey- "al, la, 'v3ular