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The Chronicle Telegraph (190101), 29 Nov 1917, p. 3

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NEW. , A new usslsunl wax aluminum! at u spacial meeting ot the Public Lilr rury Hand at Friday altermmn. when Miss Margaret Detweiler, ot this city. “as seletted to till the vamm-y caused by the resignation ot Miss Foreman owing to ill-health. Miss [handler is u xmunher ot the View“? School stat? and will assume her new duties as mum as she is relieved by the Public Su-luml Board. In the tneantiute the m-w upfrolmee will assist during her spare hours. The Inny friemis of Ho. Hurh w.' (“mum-on. lurmerly 0. [he Kilt-lu-n-i P. o. sun, will regret to learn [Ina I I lie tith itust., lzoa'urdlng to a will»! ved'by ill with he wan rrlmn‘vll [be 18th Held Hashim! in Fr-twr,) MIMI: from coaltttsioun all over hm, body. _ l :!.x- i., survival "atuely. Thnmnu ruloenmd by n u "" tt' Wallottr4toitt: "atuely. Thnmnu nt Elmira. Jain: ruloenmd by n um:- ' m~lo m n-ivml mar Wallonsln-m; Muir-Hum: “who“ at I-hlnmulon, and Julius-m nu 'ltr urn- nnm- Wittttu%ommt'. _ . EULER MEETING IN ELMIRA WAS WELL ATTENDED V. W. D. Euler was greeted by " well. iEIed house when h" uddrnssod u numb , in Elmira Thursday wrrirtt “:h presided over try vavv Frank Me.vtst' of that village, In mn-ning ttto rimming the Reeve smmd that snnu- math! think it funny thut.he Wits' w‘osvni inn he declared that sinm- the nun-ting “in: Cor the \w-Il'mv ot' Cauuda um] the Empiro ho had nu u'lwr choice hm In Irv [II‘HSBIIL Th" sprullwr of the (-vvning “as W. T. J, I.m- or Torottto. mhm' spa-allwrs Wr't"" John livid. Nick Asuttis, '.M'" and Impmy l:m-V(- lh'mlwuohro of u oolwich. . SUFFERING FROM CONTUSIONS l "a; 1r.W5t (tr:. 93 '. .tt',Wi'-,tt gram i1'iv)alitgt5ifi'iu)1il,ir) 'il (it T gos 'ar ‘ [)'i.tsitili, t i if? 53"," i',' Nt' " a 'dittl iiil , a k.k'iiiifr.F, Wiip 'ttsit'?, hr? rr:i " I itil “ “Ma _ ,x’!‘ Ori", t' i6 1 ' , r c! "' Ky: ‘13:?» _ tig 3'13, gl, Tr q Mbllt sh, F- 7r . ( / illii'l.Eti'iiN1, =iir.s,.ve'ftm =:ris=e,msasgi)U Tut., ulcnlh ot Miss H. A. Wiikinsou' ', Krug street. took plum: on Friday turning. Noe. 2."ml, all “In; Kilviwm-r- "511(11me Ifnsylml. after an iHIu-ss ttl' um! six wot-ks. Tittiwur,ort Mit-' , Int-r “Gill Yt'rtr um] hm: l'vsidul in ,i.s city ok"" suwm yecarvi. ruining: v-m trom ll“; Wilkinson Lorus.strsti) var Wioterhoutm" Sh» IN.iv, mam Kitchener News “The Flavour lasts p SS WILKINSON . PASSES AWAY Lee It is a Sweetmeat, a Stimulant and a 'il., 1/jrheip, all in one. It benefits tee:h, breath, appetite and diges- tion. it steadies stomach and nerves. It ics evcr'ready refresh- ment wlrcsr; you’re tagged. The Happenings at the County Seat Cue- ftt11retunrnarixed. Local and Personal. AT LIBRARY WAS APPOINTED Similar}! "'raght---Kcpt Right In El C.' 'uh.' in Canada In II 'PrE. "MANNY" PEQUEGNA'I" I KILLED IN ACTION I . The an! intelligence was method In 'Kiu‘hnuor on F'rid.y lhrouuh the ot- i tio, of the Din-clot of Records of the f death in union on Nov. 1th. ot Pte. KEIunmnukl (Manny) Pequegnut. wn ' Mr. tleortge Maegan u Krug ,ilrqqt. Pte. i'euuegnat wan 25 yearn of ( Me and enlisted with the 1181]: Bula- llun. Me wait overs-ms with the sec- .oml mutingent and 2sttortly. utter ur- irisintt in Minion he was sebum] to i K0110 France wilh an especially pig:- Imi unit. Pte. Pequognut served two 'yt'urt' in the trout lime in France and l Flanders before he was finally cutie-l w upon to pay the supreme punitive tor ! his country, He took part in I number lot the most sew-re ('ngugemoms in [ which the Vanadium participated. a “More leaving the city tor the trout i i'iu Mantegna! was engaged as a tun- er at the local plano tuctorrThe noun: soldier. besides his bereaved i father. leaves to mourn his loss two itimthers Pte. Arthur and Pte. Trochu I l'eangnat. now on the fighting lino and Leon at Toronto University and Paul at home. Two sisters Emma and Florence al 5:) survive him. KITCHENER PUBLIC SCHOOLS CROWDED a umpurury price for their output was Cixrsd. _ . Mr. and Mrs. Prior Im-‘Im'r. Mr. and Mrs. Fordinaml b'elmeider, Mr. GPO. P,. Sl‘hlll'illt'l‘, urtd' Mrs. John K. "s'chmhitot Watt-rum, and Mr. lmnivl Itttlitsr oi" fiitcussuerimtteruled the fun- "pal of the late Henry It. F'ulk, near "ral u Lisbon Th" Ann-rival! n-u'spriut mun-r mu organza" ion w Small in cost-. 133:; In honem for HS ‘lissnlwd and their output I? ER. W. G. MICHEL WINS my FRIENDS mr H18 EARLY ATTITUDI Sir Robert Burden Prime Minister of t'ariatta. was howled down by an urganizmi mob of anti-conncriptlonistl Saturday nighe when he attempted to address the Union mass 'uetins It the Auditorium. The, rubble which mused the disturbance and which suc- ceeded in preventing the making of spree-hes consisted mostly of young turn elegible under the Military Ser- vice Act. At 8 o'clock. a half hour Iw.tore Premier Borden arrived at the auditorium. the mob rushed into the building and made tor the top galler- ies. From this position they started to hold for Laurier and Euler until the Premier' arrived, drowning out the al- tempts ot Daniel T. Betsey and his group of Unionist rootera in their er. torts to make their cheers tor Borden and Weichel heard. An Immense Crowd. The audience was on immense one. More than 6.000 peoplo were packed in- to the arena and the galleries before Mr Robe. t escorted by a guard ot Lon. or, consisting ot invalided War Vet. erans from the Freeport Military Hos- pital. uttered the auditorium. The vast _euititr't was decorated throughout with the national colors. Deplorable Conduct of Seven! Hittdred Opponents of Union Government Prevent Thousand- Prom Ion- ing Issues of Election Ompeign Discuued by the Prime Minister and Others. Th" platform was appropriately de. cormml with llags, banners and ttow. ers in u large picture ot Sir Robert Borden. Whilo the crowd was galli- "ring murmur songs WPt't' heartily sun: undvr tho direction ot DanieLT. liwisry and chtsprs werevailed for bo, tween th" songs for the boys over- seas. the King. the Premier and oth- nrs. Among those who occupied seats on the platform, in addition to the speakers of the evening. were Messrs. S, J. Williams. L MeBrine, J. A. Httr- nor, S. B. Bricker, M. Wunder, Mayor Gross, d. ll. Doerr, Capt. J. J..Walters, hr. J. ll. Webb. Homer Watson, E. F. Svagmm. Mayor Hilliard, J. H. Sch- narr. ll. Krug, L. J. Breithaupt, o. H. Vogt, and Goo. Klinck, of Elmira, H. L. Janzon, Rev. C. A. Sykes, R. W. Wil- son. Lt, Itoschmanu, Julius lions. C. K. llagmlorn. Goo. Wegenast, l. Master, W. J. Moody and others. . Previous to the entrance ot the hood. lum-4 who insulted Canada's Prime Minister. the arena was practically mr ed. "ireetly in front at the platform was grouped the Unionist rooters who under the direction of Daniel T. "Ci. sey. with cheers for the Premier and W. G. Weichel and the boys in the trenches were warming up for the INF oeption of the Prime Minister who was momentarily expected. The entrance of Sir Robert, preceded by the guard of honor was the signal for a great ovation from the throng in the%rena. Practically every one inI the audience stood on chairs and hem. vhes to greet the Prime Minister with I chm-r after cheer. Mingled with the; tremendous applause could be heardi the attempts ot the anti-conscriptionlst mob in the galleries to dominate the! cheering with the shout: for Euler and l Laurier. As soon as the Premier weal seated on the platform. Dr. J. P. Hons- herger, following the playing ot the! National Anthem try the 108th Regi- ment Band, rode to call the meeting L, order. This was the signal for an: outburst from the disturbers and they: immediately broke forth with cheers,! tor Latlrier and Euler. Dr. iii/iii'.':') yainly tried to get order but his efforts. were greeted with insulting jeera trom! the gallery. Shouts ot "We want Ea. ler“ “Sit Down Honsberger" and 'We'll listen to Euler" were mingled with cat calls roars and the rumble ot stamp- ing feet from the upper gallery. This continued and forced Dr. Honsberger to give up. The 108th Regiment Band then struck up “Keep the Home Fires Burning." and gave an interval to the chaos. During tho band number, the mob directly nmmsite the platform' hung out tt banner on which was writ. ten "Von. for Huh-r. the people's can- didatu“ Tho, Premier looked grimly "mum-d at the boldness of the opposi- tion ”minted in his face. Women Were Excited Follow-1m: the hand number. Dr. HonsbergI-r again attempted to innit through the din ot mtmtemortlunt to introduce ii. Il Mowat. Unionist ("an- didaie for Park-thin, A number of excitable women m the audience. ont. raged It tho insulting insistence of the "ttiatnntu'riptior;ett mob. shook their flats: at the crow-l in the galleria»1 Hummus nu they did "suckers" "Yet. 'lm. PackR" and "White 'r vattt.vttr." l M war Grow Appeal. ‘ Mayor (New then came forward and rtppoaled in 1“" moh to give tin speak- lvra a chemo in M lwnrd and In "xtend fair treatment in tin- larger [tuition of ANTI - l-gEitlgrfltltti'f 5mm mun illllllll mm "llllllll0il jlHrf IlWlllllllll the audience who come to beer the Prime Iii-bier. The Mayor's one“ received no ooneidouiion whenever. When he rammed hie an H. M. lio- wet. K.C.. elm iorwerd ehd attempted to addreee the audience but hie efforts were in vein He humorously remark- ed that the people in Kitchener took their politics with more enthullam and my“ to enjoy them more ’fhan the_people ot his own city. Sir lobed Borden "l hope." continued Mr Robert, "that there is not an indisposition to hear them discussed. After they have been discussed and the people have pronoun- ced Judgment upon them there wut'tre ample opportunity tor the rest ot the year tor cheering either one way or the other." At this point the Premier was again interrupted. Continuing he said. “I res-l ize that a very small percentage of a great audience like this can render it impossible tor those who would hear "Further interruptions). “i hope." con- tinued Sir Robert,' “that this distrubing element will be tsutrieseutteortoier- ate to permit discussion or the vital questions before us today. I find my- self upon this platform tonight in oom- pany with men who hitherto have been ‘opposed to me. (Prolonged interrup- tion). After waiting for fully a minute iwhile the crowd hooted.and howled in- :sults from the galleries Sir RobeFt gave up his attempt to speak and be. 'tore resuming his seat said:, "I dis. ‘tinctly see that there is an organized effort to prevent free speech here to- }night and I do not purpose to waste imy time trying to discuss these im. 1portant issues under such circumstan- When " Robert Borden arose to ipeak he even greeted by musing cheers from the immense erawd in the arena and by hoot: end More from the gallery. After twins the crowd tor several minutiae. the Prime Minis ter made an nttempt to he heel-ti. lie said: Mr. Chairmen. Ladies and Gem tlemen: (shouts ot "Sit down Borden and "We went Laurier." When these shouts subsided tor a moment Sir Robert stated: “When ever you get through. I am ready to begin." This was greeted with further insultn tin-l interruptions. " have come has to night.” continued the Prime Minister. in the face ot the uproar, "tor tho pur- pose of discussing, it opportunity is afforded. the public questions that pre- sent themnelves‘for consideration by the electors in the only future." trim thee interruption end $eerst [ Mayor's “and Appeal [When the Premier was compelled to Iresume his may. For Gross again appealed in Vail; order. E "I feel asham . he said, “and I I. shall certainly feel Kitchener’a reputa- Ition has been lowered it the new: "is flashed broadcast throughout the l Dominion, that you refused to give our [Premier tb hearing." Tore .Down Stream". A numbenof veterans trom the Freeport Military Hospital climbed into the gallery and tore down the Euler platform. Mr. Weichel was then called upon to address the crowd He was at first greeted with the same treatment accorded to the othur speakers but finally the pandemonl- um subsided and Mr. Weichel started Mr. Welchel. Unlonllt candldlte for 'the riding, begged for" a chlnce." "I ask you all to can your eyes down " this table, where you will we repro~ sentatlves ot all the Canadian newb- pepera" he went on, amid cries ot "What do we care'." “This will so from Atlantic to 'Paclllc-thnt you have In- ‘aulted the Prime Minister ot Cumin." ldoclared Mr. Welchel. _ Rut III was no use. When the dim lurlmrs In the galleries had yelled lhomsolvos hoarse. they touttd I new way of making a commotion by stamp- In: on the floors and klcklng boards ort the seats. More Interruption. Someone In me gallery -whr don't you prtlist? Mr. Welchal. ---t beg your pardon. No annwor. An Ettg1inhmpetthittg woman --Take no native. he's yellow. (chem-n). Mr. Ivelrher-r an! my duty and t did my duly: Ind [would do it - if I had an opportunity. It we low the war we my tor the next half- century. Prom thet ttttttri- Never mind. we‘ve got lots ot money. Anothor young man's voice-7 Who mum in this war? A woman-NM you, (Amman). Mr. Euler an Opportunlat. "I am out and out supportini the Union Government. which is campu- mt of the bent man at both political parties tor the single purpose ot see- lng to it that Canada does her abate to win the war." (Cheers and more interruptions.) it "Mr. Euler In an opportnnlst. and is tS, sitting on the tence---" (hoots and Manes. . Mr. ---te u. - 10 Ot. t-natdtt.rtnrsattmttntitttt. “:80ka to an the an) thumb-u? AWE-hum. Mt. idem- lt u- m an I.“ ttrTtmhtas Wham c any may tuthqmndqtagMtmtm,ttbat 'tthernia" than 'ret+lo um. Met Mr. Weiettet.-rt you want to know what ttte.peogrto " Canada think ot thin place. young follow: pack your grips and so to' Toronto, Winnipeg or Vancouver and you will find out. There in no city in Canada where you could act as you have acted hero to- fibula ot “bulk“ and “kill m" Mr. WdehqF- some of you idiom ill! I". “an" think caning wit- you " Into not]. “my A valued .otd%r--Watt all they begin doping unn- aad I'm Mn. (Lumbar). Illltuy lea-Vic. Act $ttght. Mr. Watchel an the ration! why he voted tor the Hillary Service Act. “all: with noun 0|!!th “There's no party on God'. can earth Ind Io Prime mum. who would mule no vote for matting I didn't think vu right." he declar- Premier sBor6sn-- Hear but. Mr. Wetehl-tt it hadn't been tor the con-crImlon bill you would have Been cheering for me tonight. “I did not intend to say anything about it here," Mr. Weinhol cum luck. “but In" city has received over $5,500.- 000 worth ot war orders which has made Kitchener prmoisrmm.' (Cheers). night!" "I want to tell you that it Quebec would have done its duty there would have been no nemlty tor conscrip- tion," Mr. Weichel declared and was again booted and yelled at. i A Sporty Town “This town has always been called a sporty town, and why don’t you give us a. chance? (“ore noise.) “l’m no quitter." shouted Mr. Weichel. try- ing to make. himself heard. “PM in this fight to stay to the finish, and ram going to win. (Min led cheers‘ and boots.) This sort of 'it',', is not‘ going to stop me from winning in North Waterloo. [Renewed cheers and hoots.) l hove stood up in the House of Commons for what] thought was right. I ttcg a coward to night. I om not a id to come here and tell you why I voted tor those three measures (the Military Service Act, the- War-Times Elections Act. and the Soldiers Voting Act.) Won't you give me a chance? 1 e Courtesy Refund l asked the Prime Minister to-night ito explain the Military Service Bill, [and you young men would have heard ,something that might have changed your minds-tshouts ot mrverl"--tmt l,',',',', absolutely refused to listen to him. in London and Btrattofrd, and St. ‘liary's the premier was given a courteous meeting. Why do you not extend the some courtesy here."' (A Boldier-"BeCtttgBe this is Berlin.") (More din.) A ,rotce-Tttat't, right, glve it to 'em. Billy. ' Mr. Welchrl Irontiauittg-t have now been your representative in Par. lament for the last SIX yearn. (Shouts ot "Yes but not the people." “You sold um") Whoa I entrirod the grortal ot the Home of Commsna I m land“ a little book, and I t wk on oath that] would be true to my country, and. God helping me I am going lobe true to my country, (Pro-[er Bordmt--"mtttt \helr," and Applauoc.) The Franchise Bill does not Inply here: it'tg ty the torelxncm in the West explained Mr. Welchel. He Ind been Instrumental in hula; the name: of 3,000 or 4,000. Germans in Wnterloo who had received ,tattttralixat!ott up era. put luck on then”. “If those young men were in my Mace they wotttitn't be doineo much shouting." commented the speaker taking notice of the noun. "They ought to be In the front trenches" ndded n Ioldler. wm Swap Ttte County "Whether you like It or not. Norm Waterloo is on” one conamuency, tMI I Unlon Government In going to cwc: p the country." Ihonkd Mr. Weirls.et, amid vigorous npplnuu from tho: . on the ground noor. "Mr. Euler, my omen! has been - Iona pretty rookie:- rum- moma at Elmira, He and no wlmld The Famine ttmghtinthmeTMrrstrnnt “not aloha!” Wa-ttAmt-tttttaft---)-' Wag Att 'Wbylmployu atriartt-mr.tidhF. ttaremtrttstirst.timrtkat-tuimd tmg.ot-marttesugsedtrtVattt- mils-Mdawhth - chhory. This and him to an: at! t-rntmtmortdto Inn-acne. Hedi-manila. body“ "hot." iapi1ogpte_trtttisgyoi..t,Ct,er.. Juli-mu. luck-t no. www.mcuth "autumnal-bind!”- t.og.tt-dtreette_sher.tlr. b that”. o'clock VIII to as mutt-:MM'mho you don't walk to have no In your number it in otttet cu: tor you to ttide. lnck no with your Milan. hut " hr " the Print Hunter I. concur-nod the [Futon Government I. going In by " lull " worm. and don't forget it." (Loud cheers from the ground flood) Tm wan}: Friend "Now “out the soldien' voting bill not utomcbloodotlum-uu " Bout. (CM oe “M.”) Mr. lulu In am can put In “nun; In the any at 1 puddle tic-outn- tlo- Ilnce the w tuned: It you In" any no blood in you: vamp you will “and by the Unit: GOT. ernment all no that our have boy- In the tmchfcs got nonhuman". tt A voice-h be your tNad'. Mr. WeieheF-Ym, my boy the sol- dier in my friend. sad it the soldiers in France were not your friend: you would not be up more long to any that. (ApplausoJ Cries ot "Rotten" "Boo" and “Stick; to it Billy,"- Ind “They've all trot yel' low strain!" Then more cheers tor “the boy’s overseen" “same time ego Mr Wilfrid heurist- ma an "if Germ-my wins nothing! else matters." observed Mr. Weiehel, "but he is not saying that today. A French-Canadian member at tttti ment asked no it the people of Water. loo county were lonl. I lonnd 37 men hsd joined the army tron: his cool stitnenoy so against we train North Waterloo; 1 found his riding hnd given nothing to the Red Cross while mine had given mach. That's the kind ot stuff I have been up against. and it :ou had given us a hearing to-nlglit the people of Canada would not take up their newspapers on Monday morn- ing end wk: "What in the matter will: Kitchener?" In. lmplemonu “Laurie:- wlms to put tam Imple. ments on the "free tut" proceeded Mr. Wolchol, "What in: that mean to Waterloo Marries?" Win the War "out"... Contlnulnx, Mr. Velchel explained his stand on all the win-the-war mew sum introduced during his term in otBeo at Ottawa, and clearly moved his support ot all the mmuremwu but the action of a true Canadian and Brlusher. Further, Mr. Wachel outed, hid Quebec. Sh- Wilfrid's own province, done In duty, mutilation would nev- er have been necessary. He .coucluded. amidst cheers, by stating he has only done his duty " Ottawa. and when returned on De. cember 17th, he'would continue to do it as a true Canadian. Quietness Restored Mr. Weichel stayed with the .5ame with a determination which was ad. mired-"by everybody in the auditorium even the disturbera, and when he con cluded his disjointed nddrese by re minding the large audienée that _ the situation over in Europe was black. Russia having quit, and holy having met with detent therewu quietness throughout the large building. Mr, Weichel concluded by declarlu with emphasis that the insult that had been given by the Euler supporters would result in many votes for the Union Government. and he proposed to begin This Ointment Possesses Cr- Power to Heal the Skin Two "Uses ' Which te the Burundi: Power of Dr. Chen's Ointment. The us ot Dr. Chan's Ointment " wonderfully .aatieNctory bean-e you ctn actually see the renun- net-om- pushed. " in lurprlllnx what churn can be brought nbom. In n ninth new by this great hullng ointment. ' r. Goons luv“. 1" Jamel lire“, Petertroro', Ont., writes: "A! I haunt ointment. I consider Dr. Chuc'l ll. be» opulnublo. I had I In" running Ion on my In, Ind although t bud tried all the prolcrlp- “on. of two doctor. t who nimble lo (a any mm {rpm the fun or to get - . __e, 2‘“; an an.” .Irhg. mm mm “STAIN Illt H llilllllltlilll sum BIL'S ll - In, In.-. . .7... "2. ---_" v v IN core MOJ. 0n- Jay nir drug- cm landed an a sample box of Dr. Chuc‘u Ointment. and l mod tt km: ouch good result: that I decided to [No the nlulml‘n! I hit mu, Ano- "ther l med tour horn. um! am the! to be able to -y “at tho sore on my log In emu-017 halal up In. "It. “porn-co with Dr, (than mum-m. l have ”commanded u to nu William Simian. " Albert M t [2m maple north. committed suicide at his - st" “my! Mommy a. m. at 0 o'clock by on”; that mean to his throat with a rum. He up a!” ot about 40 years of use Ind M to, " " worrying ot into over some 't'mrte C,rhi,'fi,tfiiiiCfiii. He ions " have“! . Ire cheers for'wite and three (longtime when” ra-rrorn8to1h- m' v. Mn. Show mod to young hp ":12: 33:3. husband from man; u. m. m chil- , Mr. Weichel, ' ed for uni-moo to her 303th". I? not today. A man, after a struggle with than!” _ Br of Porno-l” meat the mm- from his head. up ote or watsrpy"td in his porno-e He lived. ltr l. I lound 37 about on hour followup; his pet. _ Dr. . _ from his “Annabel-get was immedhteiy on“ aim“ North ed but the man In: nonunion: whp ".- .-. 4...... he arrived. No inquest will be AM. The hunt struck up no 'at.eirt Anthem out choc-n m [In k Premier Borden M Mr. V,“ Crowds gathered on the Mattor. to um. hands with Pronto: Wm -tthrxriutusmr.9t..e' er_yoetityeesctrt_ets'tt Alii baregttetoetubeadrnruet- mum-co any - - er-dt-rs-cj",;, on loud-.1 with uncured “C“- mm to no to it um um: 71mg» 1. represented by a Unlock; Mat poua honing '-u'us £111de the riding during the next (hm ICU and hoped more would be If” disarm. _ . A William _sttrerGiRarret.itiiF Mr. Welchel. BUT THHMI ‘llr. Stuchnrt attended church -fhin- day morning with his wife and lnjthe evening accompanied her on n Vinnie neighboring Menus. Alter mttlreititr the night he became testicle end he- tore morning he threatened to and w, lilo. Shortly before nix o'clock In. stnchen heard him on the Itch-my and immediately followed him Mm min. She (and him with n mug in his hand. She " once mode on outer! tor help ind Joesph Fischer who it". next door heard her end minim come to her assistance. He striated with Btuchnrt in an endeavor to tote the rotor from the man but the handle ot the razor hooks in the on” leaving the hinde in the - or Etn- am. He immediately out his throat and lapsed into tsneonsetommem..' T SUDDABY MOTHERS’ .' CLUB mum _ "ss I“ Mme. Sarah iiidGt “KW made a short speech In support of lie Nietory Loan amt sold bond. at not theatre engagement. . Fe “ The Quad-by Mother'. club {told an ',lgu',"'l'llg', at the season on wee. , afternoon. Nov. sut, what the following ofneertg were 'trr-tMr-r- Pres., Mrs. Benson; V109 PM Mina A. Calark; Soon-Treat. 1111.48. C. Wollord; Programme Committqtt-r. Min Woods. Mrs. mum. lunged:- Illo And Mrs. Pogue: Work:ColnIIm Mrs. Newman. and In. “moth" Guided to do and Cm. It " “It!" Inseam. The Indies also am to give a Children's concert ”not” ll thorouly part ot January. m m iiorT""iirVirriit.v" can“ a but. dealers. or tam-mom - 5 “mind. Toronto. . "any people." T In, W. w. Oliver, Port m. Annapolis Co.. N. 5.. writes: " Im going to all you my experhnco with Dr. chuc- Ointment, Thor. w I spot came on my; face 1oJ.i11rfull.llh'l ...""" -.....- w. "'". _ -e . 1 mote. but Tt kept "tuna VP and levoral doctors whom I coma “(I am it “in skin cnncor, und ttqt It Would ham to he mm or burn“ out. I Intended hum; tttht done. mu M. " my mind when my broth" l.- mended Dr. (‘huo'u s'2Jd'kth',9lll'lli I ma f1ntahqd on. box of (to am- man! this skin trouble Md ”no. no Inn not bothered mo in“. I an” prune Dr (‘th- 0mm I. much, f/ET',.'.' Ire u “Deny In ppm Nth thim etler." _ - ., “Whig; II‘I;"c'-hover and Dr. - Ointment and A two-cam natural a tumble hogan! mogtlop “I. m eide " Home on Albert Bti, Kitchener. 1llllfll HIM to

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